14 May 2015 - Tauranga City Council


14 May 2015 - Tauranga City Council
ISSUE 558 14 MAY 2015
Tauranga Moana Our Place
Tauranga Tangata Our People
Don’t forget – apply for funding for
your community project today!
Down Wharf Street and across
The Strand, came Hairy Maclary
to play with his gang
The Community Development Match Fund medium
grants round is now open until 31 May – apply for
funding for your community project today!
projects including a summer wildlife ambassador
programme and a new wellness activity trial to
support parents of children with disabilities.
The Hairy Maclary & Friends Tauranga Waterfront
Sculptures project is all go, thanks to a major contribution
from TECT that got the project across the line.
The Match Fund helps groups deliver community
initiatives by contributing 50 per cent of the project
costs up to $10,000.
Find out more at our new Match Fund page
www.tauranga.govt.nz/matchfund or at the
TCC Facebook page.
The bronze sculptures are of Hairy Maclary and eight of
his friends (see who on www.hairymaclarysculptures.
org.nz) and will be located on the waterfront next to the
playground. The installation will start on Tuesday, 2 June,
and the sculptures will be unveiled in July.
The Match Fund has already funded some fantastic
Creative Tauranga Chairman Grant Sowter said that
TECT have been involved with the project from the very
beginning as the Foundation Partner. “It’s wonderful they
have come through again for us at the end”, he added.
Community Development
Match Fund
A strong community voice at
the Long Term Plan hearings
We’re looking for arts, youth and community reps
to join our new Public Art Advisory Group, formed
as part of the recently adopted Public Art Policy.
We are currently seeking expressions of interest for:
Three members with expertise in visual arts,
public art, cultural arts, curation of galleries or art
exhibitions, or urban design (including architecture
and landscape architecture);
One youth representative (under 24) with
expertise/experience in the arts; and
One community representative of known and
respected standing in the community, who does
not need to be an artist.
If you or someone you know is interested, please apply
online at www.tauranga.govt.nz by Friday, 22 May.
Last week, 140 people or groups came to
speak to Council on the proposed Long Term
Plan 2015-2025. Speakers were residents and
ratepayers speaking in their individual capacity,
or represented businesses and business
associations, iwi groups, community and sporting
associations, and public service organisations.
Many thanks to all speakers for their
The most recurrent themes were: transport
(including parking, cycleways, walkways and
public transport), art and heritage (Historic Village,
the Elms, museum), stormwater, sustainability
and climate change, growth infrastructure (roads
and sportsfields) and investing in our city (events,
CBD, economic development). Councillors also
received a number of requests for funding from
community groups and sports clubs.
Decision-making will happen during the
deliberations first week of June (2, 3 and 5).
See you there!
meetings next week...
TECT Chairman Bill Holland said he was pleased the
project is nearing completion. “From the outset TECT
recognised the potential benefit to Tauranga of the
Hairy Maclary sculptures and we came on board as
the Foundation Partner. I am delighted that with the
help of TCC we have been able to help make this
dream a reality.”
Funding was also received from residents, businesses,
community associations and clubs. City Care, the
government’s Tourism Facilities Grant and local Rotary
Clubs featured among the other major contributors.
Greerton Library is on
the move (temporarily!)
Greerton Library will be closed from 5pm Thursday, 21
May while the service moves to a temporary location
- to make way for construction of the new library.
The library will re-open
in a temporary location
at 1334 Cameron Road
on Tuesday, 2 June.
1:00pm Council – Te Awanui Harbour Room
Visit www.tauranga.govt.nz and click on
‘Council Documents & Reports’ for a full list
of Council meetings and agendas.
We look forward to seeing
you soon at our new
(temporary) premises.
577 7000
Phone 985 6171 or email [email protected]
to contact the Mayor and Councillors. Individual contact details
are available on the Council website.
OR EMAIL: [email protected]