Completion of Summative Assessments and Extension of Training


Completion of Summative Assessments and Extension of Training
Completion of Summative Assessments and Extension of
Training Time
Registrar Administration
Related documents:
NCGPT Withdrawal from Training Policy; GPET Withdrawal
Policy; NCGPT Grievance Policy
Registrars are expected to successfully complete the relevant College-administered summative
assessments required for Vocational Registration (VR) during their time on NCGPT’s training
Registrars seeking RACGP Fellowship
The RACGP assessment consists of three exam components:
1) Acquired Knowledge Test (AKT),
2) Key Feature Paper (KFP);and
3) Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).
These are usually undertaken in the registrar’s GPT3 or Extended Skills (ES) terms.
The RACGP expects that NCGPT will advise registrars on their readiness to sit for the
assessments during training.
Registrars seeking ACCRM Fellowship
The ACRRM assessment consists of five components:
1) Multiple Choice Question exam;
2) Mini Clinical Evaluation exercise (miniCEX);
3) Structured Assessment using Multiple Patient Scenarios (StAMPS);
4) Multi-source feedback (MSF); and
5) Procedural Skills logbook. (Appendix 1 contains additional detail about summative
assessment requirements).
ACRRM expects that NCGPT will advise registrars on their readiness to sit for the assessments
during training.
Training overview
The training time on the AGPT program is time limited with clear mandatory terms and some
possible extensions of time in the event of exam failure. Refer to the AGPT Extension of Training
Time Policy on the AGPT website for full details.
All registrars will be given regular training progress updates, and advice concerning preparation for,
and the best timing for undertaking assessments including exams.
It is NCGPT’s expectation that registrars will appropriately engage in help offered, heed advice
when given (re: readiness to sit exams, RPL applications re: applying for time credit) and show
diligence regarding self-directed study.
Most registrars will satisfactorily pass their College assessments on their first attempt and within
the appropriate prescribed training time. For the RACGP examinations, most registrars will be
advised to sit during their GPT3 or ES terms. For registrars who are required to undertake
mandatory terms (see Recognition of Prior Learning), exam eligibility will be delayed for six or
twelve months.
Remediation terms will also cause a delay in sitting the exams.
ACRRM registrars will be advised when to undertake the various components based on their
Medical Educator’s view of readiness.
This policy relates to those registrars who are unsuccessful in one or more exam components
and/or do not sit all components of their assessment within standard GP training timeframes.
First exam failure:
In the case of an exam failure, either RACGP or ACRRM, the Director of Training (DoT), Associate
Director of Training or Senior Medical Educator will review the registrar’s exam results and training
portfolio. After discussion with the registrar about their training needs, an individualised learning
plan will be formulated. A focused intervention or remediation term may be recommended.
At a minimum the plan will include:
Individualised learning plan for self-directed study;
Additional training appraisal meeting/s; and
Each plan will include measurable outcomes/expectations.
Depending on individual circumstances, and available funding, the plan may also include:
an additional FACT visit;
extra in-practice teaching (through a Focused Intervention), and/or
a formal application to Department of Health for a Remediation term.
Extension of training time
If, in order to prepare to re-sit the exam, additional training time is required, an initial 6 month
extension of training will be granted by NCGPT if appropriate.
Second or repeated exam failures:
In the case of a second or repeated exam failure, or any failure during the first extension term, the
registrar will be required to outline, in writing to NCGPT’s DoT, the reasons why additional support
from NCGPT should be provided, including any request for a second extension term.
A second extension term may be granted by NCGPT if the registrar is able to demonstrate they
a) Heeded NCGPT advice given regarding RPL recommendations and, in particular,
application for time credit;
b) Heeded NCGPT advice regarding readiness to sit exams/ exam timing;
Engaged actively in NCGPT’s educational program;
Engaged actively in NCGPT’s exam preparation activities;
Demonstrate willingness to act on feedback;
Demonstrate an organised and diligent approach to self-directed learning (which would
usually include being part of a study group).
If a second extension term is granted, the process will be similar to that outlined above after the
first exam failure (i.e. formulation of individualised learning plan).
Department of Health approval of a third extension of training time
If a registrar does not successfully complete the exams within the first two extensions they may
apply to the Department of Health for a third and final six month extension. The Department of
Health will only consider a third extension where the extension is supported by NCGPT.
It should be noted that a third extension of training time will generally only be granted in exceptional
circumstances and cannot be guaranteed.
Exhaustion of training time:
If a registrar fails to satisfactorily complete their respective College assessment requirements
a) by the completion of a second extension term; or,
b) a second extension term is not granted; or,
c) the Department of Health does not grant a third extension.
Then NCGPT will not be able to continue to support their training as a registrar.
In the situation where NCGPT is not able to continue to support a registrar’s training, NCGPT will
be required to withdraw the registrar from the AGPT program. Please refer to NCGPT’s
“Withdrawal from training “Policy.
Eligibility to sit exams following withdrawal from the AGPT Program
It is important to note that RACGP registrars will remain eligible to sit their Fellowship exams via
the registrar pathway for three years after completing their training time with NCGPT, provided all
mandatory training activities have been completed satisfactorily. They will, however, be
responsible for sourcing their own Provider Number, should they choose to work in General
Practice during this time. (Appendix 2 gives information about the RACGP policy on expiry of
ACCRM registrars have 10 years to complete their assessment after enrolment, see (Appendix 1
and 3)
Assessment Handbook Appendix 1 – ACCRM Summative Assessment
Appendix 2- – RACGP maximum time for completion of training
RACGP Registrar Handbook 2014
Appendix 3 – ACCRM maximum time for completion of training
ACRRM Assessment Handbook
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