April-26-Traditional.. - Edenton Street United Methodist Church


April-26-Traditional.. - Edenton Street United Methodist Church
Edenton Street
United Methodist Church
The Worship of God
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2015
Welcome to all guests
worshipping with us this morning!
We are grateful that you chose
to worship at Edenton Street.
Please let us know who you are
by signing the Fellowship Pad in
the pew. For information about
ministries or membership, contact
Joy Owen, Director of Welcoming
Ministries, at 919-832-7535, ext.
350, or [email protected].
Children in worship
We welcome children to worship
and have a basket of quiet
sanctuary activities available
in the entryway. As you leave,
please return them to the basket.
Special assistance
Hearing aids and large print
hymnals are available from the
ushers. Our Sanctuary is fitted
with an induction loop system for
those with hearing aids. Please
switch your device to “T.” Your
Hearing Aid provider can upgrade
your device with the T-Coil option.
The Gathering of God’s People
As we gather, may the sanctuary be filled with the
voices of God’s people meeting and greeting
one another with the love of Christ.
Rev. Ned Hill
Praise God, from Whom
All Blessings Flow (8:40 a.m.)
Bell Song (10:55 a.m.)
Old 100th
The Great Commandment Round
The Cherub Choir
Love, love the Lord with all your heart, strength, soul,
and mind! (Matthew 22:37)
+ Call to Worship
Leader: Deep inside us all – old and young alike People: There is a place of faith.
Leader: A place of trust and hope and love,
People: Without which there is no peace.
Leader: Jesus said, “Let the children come unto me, and
do not hinder them,
People: For to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Leader: Hear, then, O people of God: approach this hour
as children of the Almighty,
People: With innocence of heart and unlimited hope,
Leader: With trust that makes you vulnerable,
People: And with faith with makes us whole.
+ Presentation of the Cross and the Light of Christ
+ Processional I Sing a Song of the Saints of God
UMH 712
Grand Isle
1. I sing a song of the saints of God,
patient and brave and true,
who toiled and fought and lived and died
for the Lord they loved and knew.
And one was a doctor, and one was a queen,
and one was a shepherdess on the green;
they were all of them saints of God, and I mean,
God helping, to be one too.
2. They loved their Lord so dear,
so dear, and his love made them strong;
and they followed the right for Jesus’ sake
the whole of their good lives long.
And one was a soldier, and one was a priest,
and one was slain by a fierce wild beast;
and there’s not any reason, no, not the least,
why I shouldn’t be one too.
3. They lived not only in ages past;
there are hundreds of thousands still.
The world is bright with the joyous saints
who love to do Jesus’ will.
You can meet them in school, on the street, in the
in church, by the sea, in the house next door;
they are saints of God, whether rich or poor,
and I mean to be one too.
This is the Day
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and
be glad in it. This is the day for worship, this is a day for
song, A day to praise our gracious Lord who loves us all
lifelong. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us
rejoice and be glad in it. This is a day for sharing, this is a
day for prayer, A day to talk with one who listens, the
one who’s always there.This is the day that the Lord has
made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
Celebration of Our Life Together
+ Passing of the Peace
Baptismal Covenant I
Pg. 33, UMH
Rev. Hill
Eleanor Rollins Brown, daughter of Jason and Jenny Brown (10:55)
Bulletin Notes:
Items marked in bold print are
spoken by the congregation.
+ Indicates the congregation is
invited to stand as able.
Hymns and prayers listed with a
UMH designation may be found
in The United Methodist Hymnal
located in the pews.
Bulletins may be recycled in the
boxes located in the narthex.
Today we celebrate
and give thanks for
the Children’s Music
and Worship Arts
Ministries at Edenton
Street. Today concludes our
choir year together as we have
learned about praising God with
our hands, feet, voices, and lives.
The children involved in the music
ministry program are shown
God’s love in a fun, supportive,
and creative environment as we
encourage the children to praise
God in all of the many arts of the
church. We are thankful to each
group and to their leaders who
have given so freely of their time,
talents, and energy to teach these
young musicians about God’s love
demonstrated to us through music
and the arts.
David Webster White, son of David and Katherine White (10:55)
Audrey Grace Horton, daughter of Brent and Katherine Horton (10:55)
Darden Langley O’Dea, daughter of Thomas and Sara O’Dea (10:55)
Thanksgiving Over the Water
Leader: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Leader: Let us pray.
Eternal Father: When nothing existed but chaos,
you swept across the dark waters and brought forth
light. In the days of Noah, you saved those on the ark
through water. After the flood, you set in the clouds
a rainbow. When you saw your people as slaves in
Egypt, you led them to freedom through the sea. Their
children you brought through the Jordan to the land
which you promised.
People: Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Tell of God’s mercy each day.
Leader: In the fullness of time you sent Jesus, nurtured in
the water of a womb. He was baptized by John and
anointed by your spirit. He called his disciples to share
in the baptism of his death and resurrection and to
make disciples of all nations.
People: Declare his works to the nations,
His glory among all the people.
Leader: Pour out your Holy Spirit, to bless this gift of water
and those who receive it, to wash away their sins and
clothe them in righteousness throughout their life,
that, dying and being raised with Christ, they may
share in His final victory.
People: All praise to you, Eternal Father,
through your Son Jesus Christ,
who with you and the Holy Spirit lives
and reigns for ever. Amen.
Congregational Pledge
Leader: Members of the household of faith, I commend to
your love and care these children, whom we this day
recognize as members of the family of God. Will you
endeavor so to live that these children may grow in the
knowledge and love of God, through our Savior Jesus
People: With God’s help, we will so order our lives
after the example of Christ, that (this child)
these children, surrounded by steadfast love,
may be established in the faith, and confirmed
and strengthened in the way that leads to life
Reception into the Church Rev. Hill and Mrs. Owen
Minister: As a member of this congregation will you seek to
grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ through the offering
of your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness?
New Members: We will.
Church Representative:
Believing that the word of God is a lamp to our feet
and a light to our path, we present to you this Bible.
Learn its stories and study its words. Its stories belong
to us all and these words speak to us all.
New Members:
We receive this Bible with our hands, our hearts, and
our minds. We will read and study the Bible together.
And, we offer this our commitment of gifts and
service to God’s glory.
(Place commitment cards on the communion rail.)
Commendation and Welcome
Brothers and sisters, I commend to your love and care
these persons whom we, this day, receive into the
membership of this congregation. Do all in your power to
increase their faith, confirm their hope, and perfect them
in love.
Welcome Our
Newest Members
Glenn Dion, Becky Dion, Nick
Parker, Megan Parker, Jan Poff,
Catherine Poff, Justin Starks,
Christina Starks, Linda Grimes,
Gwen Jones, Seth Williford, Dorsey
Manning, Anne Coln, Jean Stacks,
Mike Freeze, Megan Freeze, Mark
Holt, Bruce Blankenhorn, Lee
Blankenhorn, Mike Christos,
Casey Abbott, Caitlyn West,
Robert Spruill, Claudia Saavedra,
Bob Matthews, Barb Matthews,
Will Bostic, Emily Bostic, Tim
Ashby, Derek Van Berkel, Carrie
Myers, Lindsey Blankenhorn, Tom
Richardson, Ward Warren, Emily
Warren, Kyle Parker, Lindsey
Parker, Candyce Rumley, Jamie
We rejoice to recognize you as members of
Christ’s holy church and bid you welcome to this
congregation of The United Methodist Church.
With you, we renew our vows to uphold it by our
prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and
our witness.
With God’s help, we will so order our lives after
the example of Christ that, surrounded by
steadfast love, you may be established in the faith
and confirmed and strengthened in the way that
leads to life eternal.
Offering of Our Gifts to God
Offertory Sing for Joy, Sing TogetherPatterson
Sing for joy, sing together as we learn to live a life of
praise. Sing for joy, sing together as we grow in
knowledge and grow in faith. Come sing the words of
David, the psalms of worship and prayer. Come learn the
faith of Elijah, who believed when all despaired. Come
follow the pathway of Peter, of James, and Luke, and
John. Come sing the stories of Jesus, whose miracles
have just begun. Sing for joy, sing together as we learn to
live a life of praise. Sing for joy, sing together as we grow
Your Gifts…
provide for the ministry of music
which not only includes our
children, youth and adult choirs
but music in other worship venues
and beyond our Sunday morning
worship services. Thank you for
your generosity.
We encourage online and
automated giving!
Visit www.esumc.org/give.
The flowers on the
altar are given to the glory of
God and in loving memory of Dr.
Bert W. Westbrook by Es’Dorn,
Whitley and James Westbrook and
their families.
Children’s Lesson
There is no Lesson for the Children
this morning. During the singing
of the doxology, threes, fours and
fives may leave for Wiggler Worship
in room 206.
in knowledge and grow in faith. Sing for joy, sing
together. With one voice we’ll glorify God’s name!
+ Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
UMH 95
+ Hymn
Jesus Loves Me
UMH 191
Jesus Loves Me
1. Jesus loves me! This I know,
for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to him belong;
they are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
2. Jesus loves me! This I know,
as he loved so long ago,
taking children on his knee,
saying “Let them come to me.”
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
3. Jesus loves me still today,
walking with me on my way,
wanting as a friend to give
light and love to all who live.
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so
+ Scripture Lesson Matthew 17:14-21
When they came to the crowd, a man came to him, knelt
before him, and said, ‘Lord, have mercy on my son, for he
is an epileptic and he suffers terribly; he often falls into the
fire and often into the water. And I brought him to your
disciples, but they could not cure him.’ Jesus answered,
‘You faithless and perverse generation, how much longer
must I be with you? How much longer must I put up with
you? Bring him here to me.’ And Jesus rebuked the demon,
and it came out of him, and the boy was cured instantly.
Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, ‘Why
could we not cast it out?’ He said to them, ‘Because of your
little faith. For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size
of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move
from here to there”, and it will move; and nothing will be
impossible for you.’
Rebuked, and Better For It
+ Hymn
We Walk by Faith
Rev. Hill
Need prayer? You can
now submit prayer requests to
[email protected], or you can fill out
the prayer card in the pews. We are
honored to lift you up before our
loving God, and we keep all
requests confidential.
+ Affirmation of Faith Apostles’ Creed UMH 881
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord:
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
dead, and buried;
the third day he rose from the dead;
he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right
hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and
the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
+ Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father
and to the Son
and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen. Amen.
UMH 70
+ Blessing
Altar flower memorials
and dedications are
available for May 31, June 7 and
June 21. If you are interested,
Contact Chris at (919) 676-5465 or
[email protected].
We celebrate birth
with a rosebud on the altar in
honor of
ɳɳ To Sarah McGuire on the birth of
her son, Rylin Andrew Winters,
on April 13.
ɳɳ To the family of Betty O. Tyson
who died on April 11.
ɳɳ To the family of Alice Rogers
Barbour Wilson who died on
April 12.
We encourage you
to recycle this bulletin
(unless you choose to save it,
of course!) in one of our paper
recycling containers conveniently
located in the narthex and in the
church office area.
Printed Music: All rights reserved.
Reprinted under OneLicense.net
+ Choral response May Sunshine Light Your Way
May sunshine light your way as you move on toward
tomorrow. May laughter fill your days with joy instead of
sorrow. May you have the strength to soar as on eagles’
wing. And may your heart be filled with joyous songs to
sing. May your days be filled with love. May your dreams
be never ending. If you find a lucky stay may it always be
ascending. May you have the strength to soar as on
eagles’ wing. And may your heart be filled with joyous
songs to sing. Go in peace, go in love, go in song.
+ Chimes – In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
+ Postlude Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
Serving in Worship Today
arr. Bock
The Hallelujah Handchime Choir (Michael and Alison
Clinkscales - leaders); The Joyful Ringers
Handbell Choir (Lara Siffer - director and
AnnVirginia Gilbert - assistant)
The Cherub Choir (Sarah Winslow - director;
Ellen Powell - assistant; and Michael Clinkscales - accompanist)
The Celtic Choir (Lou Wells - director; Tammy Fox - accompanist)
The Crusader Choir (Josh Dumbleton - director;
Eleanor Winegardner - accompanist)
Dancing for Him Dance Ensemble (Brook Gunter - director) Greeters:
8:40 Sean Threewitts, Frank and Lynda Bridger
10:55 Jerry Batchelor, Sandy Peele,
Frances Norris, Patsy Paris
8:40 Howard Cummings, Mike Ellis, Keith Lee, Jody Lockhart, Benjamin Lockhart
10:55 Grayson Hodge, James Brantley, Doug Cowan, Nikki Ellerbe, Carol Griffin, George Hearn, Willis Smith, Perry Dunstan, Finch Monson, Henry Barnette, Everette Knight, Tom West, Martha Hodge
Gathering Team:
Team G
Nursery Coordinators:
Abbie Lee Roehm, Jason and Susanne Brown, Damon and Kelly Race, Kevin and Cara Bugg
Wiggler Worship:
Megan and Matt Gardner, Abbie Lee and Tom Roehm, Ryan and Amy Warren-Kimbro
Parking Group:
Prayer Team:
Donna Hamre, Kris Wilcox, Rita Blackmon
ESUMC is a community of faith: Inviting all to encounter Jesus,
Construction Update Celebration Planned - Sunday,
May 10
On Sunday, May 10, we will celebrate the
opening of the newly renovated Brown Chapel,
Poindexter lobby and portions of the new
Commons area. You are invited to a reception
following each of our five worship services. In
addition, the Chapel will be open for scripture
reading and prayer on Friday evening, May
8 between 5 and 8 p.m., as we prepare for
all the ways this new space will be used for
worship, education and fellowship. To sign up
in advance for the prayer vigil, please go online.
In January, 2014, following several years of
prayer and discernment, our congregation
embarked on three new “Opening Doors”
initiatives. With completion of the first phase
of this renovation and construction project, we
are opening a new door to hospitality, providing
additional space for welcoming visitors and for
building and strengthening community among
our members. In September, we opened a new
door of discipleship with renovations to the
Bulla Youth Building providing additional space
to engage more young people into our rapidly
growing youth ministry. And a few months
ago we opened a new door to evangelism in
launching Church on Morgan, the first of our two
new faith communities.
While there is excitement about the new space,
we are reminded that the most important thing
is how we will use this space to bring others
to Christ. It’s not about the color of the carpet,
the new furnishings or even the wonderful light
shining through the windows - all of which will
be enjoyed - it’s about the feet that will walk on
the carpet, the people who will sit in the chairs
and the people we will invite to enter our doors
and experience the love of Jesus Christ. As we
complete this phase of the project, each of us
has an opportunity to reaffirm our mission of
bringing others to Christ and to consider how
we might strengthen our own relationships with
Christ and with each other.
Thanks be to God and to all of those who have
helped this dream become a reality. Numerous
committees have been involved in the planning
and execution of this effort. A special word of
thanks to the leadership team of the Opening
Doors Committee, members of the Hospitality
Building Committee and the Sub-Committee on
Interiors, chaired by Lynn Wilkerson.
While we will begin enjoying the space
immediately, like us, this is still a “work in
progress”. Construction of the new covered
ramp and Garden Gallery is underway, so you
will continue to see signs of construction for
the next several months. Some interruptions
in the ways we navigate our church space will
continue, so I ask for your help as we make
people feel welcome.
Please join us Friday night, May 8, and Sunday
morning, May 10, as we celebrate what has
been completed and anticipate what is yet to
To God be the glory,
Leslie Bevacqua Coman
Chair, Hospitality Building Committee
Preparing believers to deepen their dependence on God,
eStreet Prayers: April
Meet Dr. Mickey Efird
Please join with us as we lift up prayers and petitions to
our loving God. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thes 5:16-18).
May 6, 10:30 a.m., Room 321
1. Congregational: praise for new life in families, new
life in the springtime of God’s creation, and new life
through the resurrection of Christ.
2. Local: for all of us who are invested in our downtown
community, that we might see and love others as
Jesus does.
3. Global: for the friends and families of all affected
by the recent Germanwings plane crash in France,
including the pilot and his loved ones.
Daughters of the King
April 28
Edenton Street women and middle and high school girls
are invited to join The King’s Princesses and Girls of Grace
for our 14th annual Daughters of the King Banquet. We are
honored to have our own Amanda Hasley, guest speaker,
share her uplifting message, “Stepping into the Presence”,
based on Psalm 16:11. Tickets for this special evening are
$12. Make your reservation by Monday, April 20 by calling
the church office (919-832-7535) OR online at esumc.
org. Invite the ladies in your life to celebrate our Christian
sisterhood through this joyous evening of fellowship,
worship, music, and dining!
Sacred Worth
April 29
Sacred Worth is a support group for LGBT persons,
their families, and allies where stories are shared in a
confidential setting. The group meets the last Wednesday
of each month, at 7 p.m. in the church parlor. Future
meeting dates are 4/29, 5/27, 6/24, 7/29, and 8/26. For
more information, please contact Will Hasley at ext 256 /
[email protected] or Sam Isley at 919/834-6042 / sam_
[email protected].
The Wednesday Morning Bible Study has for a number
of years studied the Efird Bible Study Series, using
videotapes of numerous books of the Bible led by Dr.
James “Mickey” Efird, Professor Emeritus of Biblical
Languages and Interpretation at Duke Divinity School. Dr.
Efird is a popular teacher and well-known biblical scholar.
Members of the class have enjoyed him on video and
have often said they wish they could meet him in person.
Their wish is coming true!
Dr. Efird will visit the class for a social on May 6, and
anyone who wishes to meet him and join the visit is
invited to be present on that date. Dorathy Chance is the
leader of the group and a student of Dr. Efird’s for more
than 50 years. The class will challenge Dr. Efird to check
up on Dorathy and correct anything she has said that is
misleading or just plain wrong! Join the class and join the
fun! You will be glad you did!
Mothers of Preschoolers:
May 7
MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, a ministry
designed to nurture mothers with children from infancy
through kindergarten. The women are of many ages and
backgrounds, but share the same desire – to be the best
mothers they can be.
We will meet the first Thursday of each month from 9:45
am – 11:15 am through May. Register for each month
online today. While moms enjoy adult time focused
on areas of common interest offering inspiration and
information relevant to motherhood, the children will be
well cared for by nursery caregivers. Lifelong friendships
are formed through MOPS as moms realize they are not
in this mothering thing alone. MOPS is a community
outreach and members are encouraged to invite their
friends. May 7 is the Courage to Cook Healthy.
Parent Fellowship Hour
May 17
The Nursery Preschool Council looks forward to hosting
new parents, parents-to-be, and church members who
would like to celebrate these new families on May 17
for those who are hurting,
from 9:45–10:45 a.m. in the new church commons area.
We hope church members of all ages will join us to
celebrate the special people who have recently become
parents. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us
for tea, pastries, fellowship, and fun!
*If you are a new parent (with a baby 1 year or younger),
please RSVP to Cameron Graham at
[email protected].
9th Annual Children and
Youth Music and Arts Camp
August 3-August 7
For rising 1st through 12th graders
Children and Youth Music and Arts Camp is an exciting
opportunity for children and youth to grow in their
By Our Gifts - April 12
General Budget Received this Week: Received Year-to-Date: Opening Doors Pledge total: Opening Doors received: $44,413.00
By Our Presence - April 19
Worship 8:40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
9:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
10:55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
11:11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Church on Morgan . . . . . . 108
Worship Total . . . . . . . . . 1,515
Broadcast Ministry
10:55 a.m. Traditional Worship Service
TV: Radio (live):
Internet (live): (One week delay) 12 p.m. on
Raleigh RTN Chan 22/ 97.6 TWC
4/19/15 WPTF
4/26/15 off air
Sermon recordings also available. Visit
Sending ordinary
faith through music, drama, and art. The children and
youth are shown God’s love in a loving, supportive,
Christian environment by a caring group of individuals
who give freely of their time. Activities include: worship,
storytelling, choir, bell ringing, art, drama, rhythm
and percussion, and creative movement. (Set design
and costuming are offered to middle and high school
Visit esumc.org for more details about this amazing
eStreet Eats
April Nutrition & Wellness Tip: Protecting
and Enhancing the Health of your BONES
They help us move, protect our organs and store vital
minerals. Focusing on bone health is important across
the lifespan. Sufficient dietary calcium consumption plays
a fundamental role in this. It is easy, tasty and preferred
that we consume calcium from natural, dietary sources
versus a supplement. The recommended total is around
1,200 mg/day, depending on age. Your body can only
absorb approximately 500 milligrams of calcium at a
time. Therefore, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Natalie
Taft suggests aiming for servings of calcium-rich foods
or beverages at least 3x/day versus all at once. Excellent
sources of calcium are listed as having more than 20%
Daily Value (DV) on the nutrition label. There are also
good non-dairy sources of calcium like kale, sardines and
chia seeds. Consider a calcium supplement, as needed,
in 500 mg doses and not to exceed 2,000 mg per day if
you feel you don’t get enough naturally. Vitamin D helps
our bodies absorb calcium; however, there are not many
naturally occurring Vitamin D-rich foods. Most people can
meet at least some of their needs through brief exposure
to sunlight and many dairy products are fortified with
Vitamin D. Milk, including skim, is fortified with the same
amount of Vitamin D and contains the same amount of
calcium per serving, regardless of fat content. Consider
getting your Vitamin D levels checked to determine if
a supplement is needed. Nutrition question? Contact
Wendy Pedraza, [email protected]
9:30 a.m. The Gathering Worship Service
Internet: Sermon recordings at
into the world
Equipped to do extraordinary things.
Sunday, April 26
Need to reserve childcare for an event?
4 p.m.Dancing 4 Him (357); Exsultate Dance Ensemble
(318); Exsultate Ringers Handbell Choir (Annex); Women’s Bible Study (163)
4:40 p.m. Celtic Choir (314); Cherub Choir (306); Crusader Choir (316A)
5 p.m.Exsultate Youth Choir; Spirit Led Dancers (357)
5:20 p.m. Hallelujah Handchime Choir (351); Joyful Ringers
Handbell Choir (Annex)
5:30 p.m. Sunday Dinner (Kerr)
6:30 p.m. Wesley Handbell Choir (Annex); Faith Girlz (164); God’s Guyz (167); Youth Group (Bulla Hub)
Monday, April 27
9:30 a.m. Boylan Brass Rehearsal
9:45 a.m. Fitness Class (357)
11 a.m.UMW Daytime Book Study (163)
6:30 p.m. New Testament History (163)
7 p.m.Cub Scout Meeting (Bulla Gym)
Tuesday, April 28
9:45 a.m. Zumba (Bulla Gym)
12:15 p.m. Moms in Prayer (Bulla 215)
6 p.m.Daughters of the King Banquet (Kerr)
7 p.m.Young Adult Basketball (Bulla)
Contact Robin Ellison at [email protected] or
(919) 832-7535 ext. 212.
Sermon Information:
May 3
Traditional SorryNotSorry
Rev. Will Hasley
Rev. Ned Hill
May 10 Traditional SorryNotSorry
Rev. Ned Hill
Rev. Lisa Yebuah
Sunday Mornings
8:40 a.m. Traditional Worship
9:30 a.m. The Gathering Contemporary Worship (Kerr)
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
10:55 a.m.Traditional Worship
11 a.m. Church on Morgan Worship (Bulla)
11:11 a.m.The Gathering Contemporary Worship (Kerr)
Wednesday, April 29
Contacting ESUMC
9:15 a.m. DWELL Bible Study (163)
9:30 a.m. Boylan Brass Rehearsal
9:45 a.m. Fitness Class (357)
10:30 a.m. Wed. A.M. Bible Study (321)
12 p.m.Intercessory Prayer (356)
6:30 p.m. Worship Committee (Library)
7 p.m.Boy Scouts (Bulla); Sacred Worth Care Group (Parlor)
Sunday Servants-May 3
Thursday, April 30
8 a.m.Manna and Mercy Weekend (Bulla)
10 a.m.Construction Meeting (251)
6 p.m.The Gathering Rehearsal
7 p.m.Chancel Choir Rehearsal; VBS Station Leaders
Meeting (251)
Friday, May 1
7:30 a.m. Lakins Study Group (166)
5 p.m.Hillman/Glenn Wedding Rehearsal (Kerr)
Saturday, May 2
11 4:30 p.m.
Hillman/Glenn Wedding
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday
Office: (919) 832-7535; Fax (919) 829-5780
Inclement Weather: Main number, option 2
Emergency on-call: (919) 345-8435
Doorstep Ministry: (919) 832-9530 (Mon. 10-12)
8:40 Sophie Grady, Bill Cross
10:55 Peter and Lisa Pace, Beth Williams,
Dee Ann Edwards, Alton and Allison Smith
8:40 Nita Lawrence, Richard Chandler, Albert Wade, Cameron Seely, Mark Langdon
10:55 Johnny Neese, Bryant Paris, Roger Earnhardt, Jon Sasser, Jim Stewart, Louis Wilkerson, Ed Upchurch, David Greenlee, Bryan Everett, Jerry Stoltz, John Draz, Fletcher Salmon
Emily Funderburk, Tyler and Tina Bryant, Chris and Allison Tonelli, Mike and Nicole Campany, John and Ashley Denton
Wiggler Worship:
Julia and Brian Kirkpatrick
Parking Group:
More Caring Ministers!
We are a church rich with trained care ministers! This past
weekend, nine of our church members joined the Rev.
Diane Amidon to be trained as CCMs, Congregational Care
CCMs make our Caring Ministries flourish alongside the
work of the staff and clergy. They are trained in listening,
in praying, and in grace. Their desire is to be the hands and
feet of Christ and to share Christ’s love with you.
In just one calendar year, our CCMs are now 18 in number
and awesome in character. With such a strong team, we at
Edenton Street will continue to see the way in which our
Caring Ministries team will engage with new aspects of our
church’s life. You will notice them by their navy blue name
tags they wear around these parts!
As a visionary, I encourage you to anticipate something
grand. In two more years, Edenton Street’s ministry will be
standing on a new foundation thanks to our CCMs. Please
talk to Diane and/or me if you have questions for how you
can bless or be a part of this new chapter in our church’s
In Christ,
Rev. Will Hasley
Children’s Ministry Volunteer Spotlight
Teresa Camp has been involved with Children’s Ministry
at Edenton Street for nine years. She started as a fill-in
doorkeeper when Hunter was four years old. She got
involved because she grew up at ESUMC and knew the
help was needed. As Teresa grew up attending Emma
Crawford’s Sunday School class all the way up through
Senior High UMYF, she knew first-hand how her life had
been affected by the Children’s Ministry. Teresa said it set
the course for her love of Christ and her church family gave
her the training she needed. One thing she has learned is
that the children have a lot to share about Christ and what
He means to them. “Some of them have quite a bit to share
when we take the time to listen.”
When I asked Teresa what advice she’d give someone
who might be considering getting involved in Children’s
Ministry, she said, “If you share your faith and love of Jesus
from your heart, the children will “get it” – they don’t need
anything fancy – they just need someone to love them and
be excited to see them in Sunday School so they know they
are cared for by us!”
We are grateful for Teresa and blessed by her years of
service in our Children’s Ministry!
Traditional Worship Service
8:40 and 10:55 a.m. in the Sanctuary
The Gathering Contemporary Worship Service
9:30 and 11:11 a.m. in Kerr Hall
Church on Morgan Worship Service
11 a.m. in the Bulla Youth Building
Sermon recordings are available at www.esumc.org
228 West Edenton Street, Raleigh NC 27603
www.esumc.org | 919-832-7535
8:30am-5pm Mon.-Fri.