Eurota070515 - Rotary Club of Euroa


Eurota070515 - Rotary Club of Euroa
Number 42
May 7th 2015
The Rotary Club of Euroa meets every Thursday at the Euroa Golf Club
Golf Course Rd Euroa
Meeting Time 6.00pm for 6.30pm Start.
Apologies Noel O’Meara 57952783
The Program for this week: Use of equipment at The Rotary Shed
Chairperson : Rob Morphet
Stewards: People on the table nearest the kitchen
Sarg : Bernie O’Dea
I’ve got the job of composing this week’s Eurota due to Richard going up north but all complaints are to
be directed to Richard!
The program this week starts at the Rotary Shed where Rob Morphet and his team will educate us about
the equipment in storage. We then adjourn to the Golf Club for the meal and a discussion about “Ride
The Ranges”.
So what’s happening?
Neville Harris & Beryl are still touring Italy.
Richard McGeehan (Sue), Richard Nettleton (Yvonne) and Denis Nolan (Wendy) are still in
Turkey. The sad news (for them) is that they have to return shortly.
Simon Box is in Queensland and will be taking extended leave.
David Cerini (Marg) are heading up north by caravan.
Tony Kellock is on leave due to a crook back. Good news is that Tony is on the mend.
John King (Heather) are making their way northward.
Eric Lund (Margot) are on the move heading west in the caravan.
Mandy is undergoing some scheduled treatment.
Gerard Maher remains on leave and it is great to see him around.
So we will be down on numbers for the next few weeks.
We are fast approaching the sunset for the 2014/15 Rotary year and the events listed in the Club plan are
being finalised. Neil Tubb reported that last week’s Ride The Ranges was very successful financially and
the event received numerous positive comments re organization, supervision and enjoyment. The Club
acknowledges the excellent organizational skills and effort made by Kerrie and Neil Tubb. Club
members also enjoyed playing their role as supervisors, caterers, equipment transporters and safety
I am aware that Richard Byrnes (RBA Financial Services) and Dennis Rebbeck (DPR Insurance Brokers)
sponsored the event. David & Gayle Mawson (Euroa Hot Bread) provided goods. Alan and Mathew
Tubb provided signage and cartage of equipment. Amy Dainton used her social media skills on Facebook
to advertise the event. Des Ryan, Peter Woodhouse, James Dunn, Laurie O’Brien, John and Colleen
Furlanetto, Ros Maher, Heather Bamford and Wendy Heal are others who volunteered their time and
skills to assist. Jimmy Davidson and his team set up their equipment and provided excellent
entertainment. I may well have missed other non Rotary members who volunteered their time and skills.
Although some accounts are yet to be presented, Neil estimated a positive outcome around $9000. That’s
excellent. Well done to all.
Last meeting:
Neil gave a summary of Ride The Ranges and thanked all volunteers. Two participants were injured; one
having a punctured lung due to a broken rib and the other sustaining a more serious injury and still in
Peter Morley returned from the RAWCS team venture in the Solomon Islands where refrigeration
equipment was installed in a hospital. Peter will present a program shortly.
Michael B said that Rotary International is requesting support for people in Nepal and the matter will go
to Board for consideration.
John said the handover dinner will take place on Saturday, June 20, and the likely venue is the
Conference Centre at the Euroa Recreational Reserve. The likely cost is $35. All details are to be
confirmed by Board at next week’s meeting.
Bill outlined the upcoming program schedule.
Ronnie extended the truth a bit extracting $19 from guilty parties. We had 2 visiting rotarians from Yea
(David Anderson and Peter Tull) along with our guest speaker Mamiko Shimizu, Jade McNamara,
Bethany Nolan and one parent (Ruth Nolan) from Euroa Secondary College. Mamiko (teacher of
Japanese at the school) is leading a tour of Japan by Euroa Secondary College students and some parents
in September, 2015.
Plane matters
A man had just boarded and settled into his seat next to the window on the plane when another man sat
down in the aisle seat and put his Black Labrador in the middle seat next to the man.
The first man looked very quizzically at the dog and asked why the dog was allowed on the plane.
The second man explained that he was from the Police Drugs Enforcement Agency and that the dog was a
'sniffing dog'.
'His name is Sniffer and he's the best there is.
I'll show you once we get airborne, when I put him to work.'
The plane took off, and once it has levelled out, the Policeman said, 'Watch this.'
He told Sniffer to 'Search'.
Sniffer jumped down, walked along the aisle, and finally sat very purposefully next to a woman for
several seconds.
Sniffer then returned to his seat and put one paw on the policeman's arm.
The Policeman said, 'Good boy', and he turned to the man
And said, 'That woman is in possession of marijuana, I'm making a note of her
Seat number and the authorities will apprehend her when we land.
'Gee, that's pretty good,' replied the first man.
Once again, the Policeman sent Sniffer to search the aisles.
The Lab sniffed about, sat down beside a man for a few seconds, returned to its seat, and this time he
placed two paws on the agent's arm.
The Policeman said, 'Two paws mean that man is carrying cocaine, so again, I'm making a note of his seat
number for the police.'
'I like it!' said his seat mate.
The Policeman then told Sniffer to 'Search' again.
Sniffer walked up and down the aisles for a little while, sat down for a moment, and then came racing
back to the agent, jumped into the middle seat and proceeded to crap all over the place.
The first man was really disgusted by this behaviour and couldn't figure out how or why a well-trained
dog would behave like that.
So he asked the Policeman, 'What's going on?'
The Policeman nervously replied, 'He's just found a bomb.'
May 7
May 11
May 14
May 21
May 28
May 31
Club meeting
Board meeting
Club meeting
Club meeting
Club meeting
Rotary Leadership Institute (Euroa)
June Rotary Fellowship Month
June 4
Club meeting
June 9
Combined Board Meeting
June 11
Club meeting
June 19
Club meeting
June 20
Handover dinner
Rotary Leadership Institute dates 2015/16
2nd August 2015 – Parts 1 & 3
27th September 2015 – Parts 1 & 2
6th December 2015 – Parts 2 & 3
21st February 2016 – Parts 1 & 3
17th April 2016 – Parts 1 & 2
5th June 2016 – Parts 2 & 3
That’s it for this week.