57 Annual Dauphin Island Race 2015
57 Annual Dauphin Island Race 2015
Please Print Legibly th 57 Annual Dauphin Island Race 2015 Hosted by Fairhope Yacht Club Sponsored By Exxon Mobil, Evonik, Optera, & Core Industries Skipper Name _____________________________________ Phone Day _______________ Address __________________________________________ Phone Night ______________ City_______________________ST_____ Zip ____________ Phone Cell _______________ Yacht Club (One) ______________ Email ________________________________________ Boat Name _________________________________________ Mainsail #_______________ Manufacturer ________________________________________ L.O.A.__________________ Will you need to park a trailer (choose one) YES / NO What length _____________________ Select Fleet All PHRF registrants must submit a valid PHRF Certificate Number or the boat will be registered as PORTSMOUTH. Unless otherwise specified, all boats will be registered NON-SPINNAKER. The Race Committee will confirm all ratings. Circle one of the following choices and provide the requested information. PHRF: Rating _______ Certificate # _____________ Spinnaker? YES / NO (circle one) PORTSMOUTH: Rating _______ Largest Head sail(%)_________ Spinnaker? YES / NO (circle one) MULTIHULL: Rating _______ Spinnaker? YES / NO (circle one) ONE DESIGN: Requested Class __________________________ We will attempt to construct “one design” for three or more requests for ONE DESIGN by boats of a single type for the DI Race only. SKIPPER OVER 60? (Y/N) ___________ ALL FEMALE CREW (Y/N)_____________ By virtue of my signature above or below, and in consideration of my being able to participate in this Regatta, I do hereby recognize and agree that the decision to enter, start, continue to race, or withdraw from the race is mine and that of the skipper and/or crew alone, and I therefore, on behalf of myself, the owner and crew, release and discharge the Fairhope Yacht Club, its agents, servants, officers and committees from any and all liability for any and all injuries and damages, resulting from, caused by or which is alleged to have resulted from my yacht's participation in this regatta whether caused or alleged to have been caused by the negligence or wantonness of the parties released hereby. Skipper's Signature _____________________________________________Date ______________ Race Committee Use Only Division___________________Class__________________Rating __________________D.I.N_______________ 2015 DAUPHIN ISLAND RACE ORDER FORM Skipper Name: ________________________________________________________ USSA Member Number: ____________________(USSA numbers will be verified) RACE REGISTRATION USSA NON-USSA WARM UP RACE $35.00 $40.00 DAUPHIN ISLAND RACE $45.00 $50.00 WARM UP & DAUPHIN ISLAND RACE $75.00 $85.00 $75.00 $75.00 TOTAL DAUPHIN ISLAND RACE, After 5pm April 22 All boats registering at this time will be placed in a single Portsmouth non spinnaker class. No registrations accepted after 5 pm on April 24. Eastern Return Race, Back to FYC April 26 There is no fee but please mark YES or NO in the total column so we know you are planning to participate. YES / NO Western Return Race, Back to MYC April 26 There is no fee but please mark YES or NO in the total column so we know you are planning to participate. YES / NO TOTAL Completed this forms and return with payment to Fairhope Yacht Club P.O. Box 1327 Fairhope, AL 36533 Checks payable to 'Fairhope Yacht Club' Master Card / Visa (Circle one) Credit Card # _______________________________________ Exp. Date _______________ Name as it appears on card ____________________________________________________ If you have any questions contact John Hirsh at [email protected] or (251) 6354458. Shirts and other Dauphin Island merchandise is available at Coral Reef Sailing Apparel, CRSA.com. CRSA will have a store at the skippers meeting Friday night and at Dauphin Island.