15 Newsletter 3rd May


15 Newsletter 3rd May
Sunday 3rd May
Fifth Sunday of
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
1:15 pm
7:00 pm
St Mary of the Angels
St Francis Xavier’s
St Anthony’s
St Francis Xavier’s
St Francis Xavier’s
St Francis Xavier’s
Mass (Polish)
Monday 4th May
10:00 am
7:00 pm
St Francis Xavier’s
St Francis Xavier’s
Tuesday 5th May
10:00 am
9:30 am
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
St Francis Xavier’s
St Mary of the Angels
St Francis Xavier’s
FX Church House
Bible Study
Wednesday 6th May
10:00 am
9:30 am
7:00 pm
St Francis Xavier’s
St Mary of the Angels Mass
St Francis Xavier’s
Thursday 7th May
7:00 am
8:50 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
7:00 pm
St Francis Xavier’s
St Mungo’s
St Mary of the Angels
Francis Xavier’s
St Francis Xavier’s
7:30 pm
St Francis Xavier’s
Funeral Mass
Friday 8th May
7:00 am
10:00 am
St Francis Xavier’s
St Francis Xavier’s
Saturday 9th May
10:00 am
9.30 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
St Francis Xavier’s
St Anthony’s
St Anthony’s
St Francis Xavier’s
The Parishes of
S t A n t h o n y’s , P o l mo n t
S t F r a n c i s X a v i e r ’s , F a l k ir k
S t M a r y o f T h e A n ge l s , C a m e l o n
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 3rd, 2015.
We find our Liturgy on page 264 of the teal book.
‘Whoever remains in me., with me in him, bears fruit in plenty.’
How do we ‘remain’ in the Lord, as Christ asks us
to do in today’s gospel? On our Christian journey
Scripture shows us the way to an ever deeper relationship with Him, helping us recognise Him today
in our experience. When the Lord says in so many
different ways, "I am", he is stressing His availability to us, His overflowing love for us always. He
wants us to partake of the same never-changing,
God-life He does.
Is some part of us afraid of the Lord who wants to
speak to us all the time? Do we really allow ourselves to listen at depth when Jesus speaks to us
through His Word? Or do we trust in other things?
We ask for the gift of a listening, trusting heart.
Rev. Jamie Boyle BD (Parish Priest)
Rev. Andrew Garden
Rev. John Peter Siluvappan
Morning Prayer is said at 9:30 am Monday to Saturday at St Francis Xavier’s
The rosary is said after 10:00 am mass Monday to Saturday (except Tuesday) at St Francis Xavier’s
The chaplet of Divine Mercy is said after 10:00am mass on a Tuesday at St Francis Xavier’s
Mrs Anne Buhrmann (Parish Secretary)
St Francis Xavier’s, Chapel House, Hope Street, Falkirk FK1 5AT
Telephone: 01324 623567
St Anthony’s, St Francis Xavier’s & St Mary of the Angels
are parishes of the Archdiocese of St Andrew & Edinburgh. A Charity registered in Scotland Number SC008540
Email: [email protected]
Please remember in your prayers those whose anniversaries occur at this time
Jean Gillespie, Peter Swords Snr, David Corrigan, Ian Henry, James Gow, Peter Sneddon, Joseph Nally,
Martin C Spain, Myra J. Spain, Hugh Fawcett, Hugh Fawcett Jnr, Jean Fawcett, Fr Herbert Herrity,
William Welsh, James Byrne, Annie Maguire, James Smith, James Buchanan, Bridget Brown, Michael
Martin, Bridget O’Donnell, Edward Gray, John Wood, Hannah Power Wood, Georgie Wood, Bernard
Joseph Shields, Mary Shields, Bridget Power, Thomas Power, George Wood, Mary Lamont Wood,
Mary McGlynn, Jean Gogan, Annie Kane, Thomas Monteith, James Lynn, Thomas Ferrier, Agnes
Cairns, Betty Struthers, Patrick Grogan, Nancy Timmins, Christine McAteer, Sean Byrne, John Marshall,
Ellen Dougan, Carmela Pozzo, Frances Harvey. May they rest in peace.
Of your charity, please pray for the recently deceased
George Wilson: Reception of Remains Wednesday at 6:30pm Funeral Thursday at 10:00am
‘We have found the Messiah’ Workshop. Jesus reveals himself as the true vine; we are his
branches. As an archdiocese we are facing a severe ‘pruning’, the Archbishop’s letter laying out in stark
terms the reality we face: only 33 active diocesan priests for 111 parishes by 2020, five short years
away. ‘Waiting and watching’ as lay people is no longer an option. We know how deeply you care
about the church. How will we cope with fewer material resources? Deepen our spiritual resources?
Support our priests? Each and every one is called by Christ to live out our gifts in lay ministry; each has
much needed gifts. If you’d like to be more involved, please, join us. If already active in ministry,
come and encourage others. Share the joy of what you do. There will be a workshop on Wednesday
27th May at 7:30pm in St Mary of the Angels Hall.
New Parishioners
If you are new to our community, welcome! Please introduce yourself to the clergy, and join us for coffee after Sunday mass. We’d ask you to fill out a parish registration form too, either online at
www.falkirkcatholics.org/wordpress or using a paper form which can be found in the porch.
If you wish to have your child baptised, please make an appointment with one of the priests.
Arrangements for weddings should be made with Fr. Jamie. Please note that at least six months notice is
required for marriage preparation.
Newsletter Notices
Please can all notices for the newsletter be submitted by 1 pm on Thursday at the latest.
St Anthony’s
St Francis Xavier
St Mary of the Angels
£ 458.10
£ 1711.26
£ 394.72
£ 284.62
£ 1012.24
£ 105.22
St Anthony’s—1st Confessions, Saturday 9th
May at 12 noon. 1st Confessions St FX 10.30
am and 5.30 pm. Please keep the children who
making the sacrament in your prayers.
St Mary of the Angels—Parish Hall
Please note that all bookings for the hall should be
arranged through Linda Hildreth on 671444
Hairspray – Carlisle, 11th July
The RCIC retreat for P4 will be on Sunday 17th Cost of coach is £19.00! Please advise Maria Carafrom 12.30 pm to 3pm at St Francis Xavier’s Hall mando if those intending to go are happy with this
cost (636031) as soon as possible. Tickets must be
No Youth Group on 7th of May as St FX hall paid now.
Gift Aid
is being used as a polling station.
If you pay Income Tax, and as yet have not set up
PVG Training
Gift Aid, please consider doing so. Remember the
If you work with vulnerable adults or children in parish can claim back 25p for every pound donated
the parish and still require a PVG training update, through the gift Aid Scheme. Please also rememplease be aware new training is required every two ber that you can give the parish your offering
years. Two sessions will be held locally, in the
directly by standing order. Please speak to Fr JaCamelon Sensory Centre on the next two
mie or request a form from the office. Gift Aiders
Wednesdays 13th and 20th of May, beginning at
are reminded of the importance of picking up their
7.15 pm. No need to book a place, please just
envelopes too.
come along.
Tots & Toddlers
The new “Tots & Toddlers” group began on
Wednesday. Our aim is provide a warm welcome
with a sense of family & belonging, to those within
our parish and the wider community. One of our
greatest needs is for volunteers who can support in
any way. Please see the posters, or for further
information please contact Angela on
07843731868 or Jacqueline on 07803703808
The Lunch Club meets at St FX this Wednesday
the 6th at 12 noon, in the hall. A chance to enjoy
fellowship with parishioners from all three parishes. Everyone will be made most welcome.
The Catenians are a group of like-minded Catholic men who actively take part of in the work of
their parishes and charities connected to the
church. They also meet socially once a month. If
you would like to strengthen your family life
through friendship and faith please join them at a
Walking Group
Membership Open Evening on Tuesday 12th May
Leaves early this Tuesday from St FX hall. 8.50 am at 7.30 pm in the Westlands Hotel in Dunblane.
cars to Carrongrange school, a walk round sunMore information on posters in the porches.
ny Stenhousemuir.
SCIAF –Emergency Appeal for Nepal
There will be a collection as you leave the church
next week to help the people of Nepal rebuild
We are looking for a pianist/organist to play occa- their lives.
sionally on Sunday evenings at St. Francis
Xavier’s. If you can help out please contact
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Mathew on 07899830321
For a trial period there will be exposition after
We are also looking for musicians for St Mary of
mass at St Francis Xavier’s on Friday Mornings
the Angels.
until 11:30am. Please consider spending some
time in prayer and adoration.