Read or the mission report


Read or the mission report
I.S. Deenadayal
sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the people of India
An Introduction to I.S. Deenadayal
Brother I.S. Deenadayal is a 59 year-old minister who works from Jadcherla, India and has been a full-time
minister for over 35 years.
He has established over 80 congregations in the central Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka...each
congregation numbering from 30 to 130 members.
Brother “D” holds a masters degree in Financial Management and gave up a very lucrative position to minister
full-time at an early age. He was convinced to pursue full-time ministry because he lost a dear friend to
Hinduism before he could convince him to convert to Christianity.
He is a tireless worker for the LORD as I have had the privilege of experiencing first hand.
He currently gets primary support from Evergreen with a monthly stipend from Robinson Ave.
He is trying to establish a monthly newsletter in the native language of Telugu, bring young preachers to Jadcherla
for instruction in New Testament Scripture and help with meager travel expenses of the outlying congregations.
He tries to travel to all 80+ congregations at least annually and tries to facilitate an Annual Conference for all
the current and future preachers.
Brother “D: has been directly responsible for over 4,000 baptisms during his ministry.
Lonnie Billington
Evergreen Church of Christ
My dear loving brethren,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am enclosing few pictures of baptisms.
Kindly pray for new souls.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope this mail finds you all in good
health. I am always praying for you all because of your sacrificial and mighty helps, the people of India are
hearing the soul saving Gospel. Thank you all very much. I convey my thanks to all the saints there. I always
thank God for you all. Because of you, many are hearing the Gospel and are being saved by obeying it. Thank
you very much. God’s work is growing by your valuable prayers and helps. I am also utilizing every opportunity to preach the
Gospel. Our congregation is made up of members, some who are converted from Mennonite denomination
and some from Methodist and some Hinduism.
A young boy of 19 years old attending services from some months. His aunt and uncle are converted from
Hinduism. His parents are still in Hinduism. This young man is coming along with his aunt and uncle. His
name is Rajesh. last Sunday I preached on creation and real God. After the services he came forward and
requested for baptism. I gladly baptized him. I encouraged him to invite me to his house so that I can speak to
his parents also. I am planning to reach his parents through this young man. Please pray for this young man so
that he can become strong in faith and help his parents to know the real God. I have taken few pictures at the
time of baptism. I send them soon. Please pray for our efforts.
I once again thank you all with folded hands for your love for perishing souls. You all are in our prayers. Kindly
pray for us and for the work here.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am prayerfully hoping that you all are
doing well. I once again thank you all for your sacrificial helps. Because of you many Indians are hearing the
Truth and some are blessed by obeying it. Thank you very much.
We are second largest in the world in population with millions of gods. Because of your encouragement and
support I am preaching the Truth in many places. We have 29 states in our country. I am preaching in 6 states
by the grace of God. All the northern states speak Hindi language. I learnt Hindi in school and college also. I
used to participate in the debates in college in Hindi. I can read, write and speak Hindi. So iI am preaching in
Uttar Pradesh state, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh also. I am working with 70 preachers in our state and
with 50 preachers in Karnataka state.
Bro. Lonnie arranged and preached Bible classes to the preachers of our state and for Karnataka state. Our
Government is trying to replace English as official language by implementing Hindi more and more. Since I
know Hindi now I am concentrating on Northern states. I got opportunity to go to Chattisgarh state at the end
of this month. I got contact with one preacher, Emmanuel, in that state. He invited me to visit his place at the
end of this month. I am planning. Please pray for my trip. Your valuable helps are making me to able to visit
other states also. Thank you very much.
I sincerely thank the anonymous donor for 500 dollars.
I helped the preacher of Kamareddy 100 dollars for his motor bicycle repair. We had classes there on 5th.
I thank you very much for helping for the paper. I started a monthly magazine with 24 pages. the name of the
magazine is Words of Life. I am writing some messages about real God, and some about Church Worship, old
and new testaments, etc. Some of the preachers are also writing articles in it. It is very useful to reach many
people. Thank you very much. I am getting 1000 copies now and distributing. Thank you very much. I am
reaching many non-Christians and Christians through this magazine. Thank you very much.
You all are in our daily prayers. kindly pray for us and for our efforts.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
Deenadayal 5-21-14
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope this mail finds you all in good
health. I once again thank you all for your valuable prayers and mighty, sacrificial helps.
I am writing this mail with heavy heart. You might have noticed on TV that the hard core Hindu party BJP
came into power 10 years back. It ruled India for 5 years but it was a coalition Government. This time this
party came into power on its own majority. The RSS is a hindu organization is running this BJP party. They
are against Christianity. The leader of BJP party, the prime minister of India, now is Narendra Modi. He was
the chief minister of Gujarat state, where thousands of Muslims were killed in 2004. He was the chief minister
of that state in 2004 also and by his encouragement many Muslims in that state were killed. The US
government denied visa to this man, till this time. Now he is our new prime minister. All the Christians are
worrying that attacks on Christians specially on preachers may increase. Please pray for our safety. They may
pass a non-conversion bill also; they are planning to make some changes to the constitution.
This is the situation, kindly remember all the preachers in your valuable prayers please. You all are in our daily
prayers. Kindly pray for us please.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
I am enclosing few pictures of baptism. Please pray for Mahesh.
with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hope this letter finds you all in good
health. I once again thank you all for your great love for perishing souls in India. I am always thankful to you
all for your encouragement. You are standing by my side in my every effort to expand and develop God's work
here. Because of your mighty and sacrificial helps only, I am able to visit many places and other states in India
and preaching the Truth. Thank you all very much. I had been to Chattisgarh state in the last week. I started here on August 27th and reached there in the
midnight. I boarded the train at 8 AM on 27th and reached Durg at midnight at 11-45. It is a 16 hours
journey. On 29th we had a preachers meeting. Some preachers and their wives attended the class. We had class
from 10 AM to 5PM. We broke for lunch at 1 PM and started at 2PM. I got printed a Hindi paper on
experimental basis. I wrote about church, Instrumental music, and about salvation. I elaborately discussed
these topics in the paper. I gave them to the preachers and asked them to distribute in their areas. Some
preachers came from a long distance about 300 miles. They came from Bilaspur, Shivakumar Sidar, Nawal
Prakash Kusur, Naresh kumar, Lalit Nayak. They appreciated and asked me to convey their hearty thanks for
the Magazine. They said it is very useful. Thank you very much for helping to publish a paper in Hindi also as
an experimental basis. The situation in northern states is difficult and hard. I got printed my mobile number
and address on the paper, so if any body wants to contact me to know more they can do that.
I am going to Varanasi next week. Preachers meeting is there on 13th. Please pray for the success of the
meeting. This place is in Uttar Pradesh state. Hard core Hindus are here also. Please pray for my safety.
I once again thank you all for your loving helps. If possible any one of you please visit us and strengthen us
please. No doubt by your visit the work will be edified sure. Bro. Lonnie visited me and by his visit the work is
strengthened. So if any one of you visit us, no doubt the work will be developed very much.
closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Whenever, I think of you all, my heart
becomes heavy with gratitude. I am praying for every one. Though I do not know most of you, but I am
begging God to bless each and everybody who are behind this work. Really I do not have proper words to
express my love and gratitude. With tears in my eyes, I can say thank you. I know just saying thank you is not
sufficient but I can only thank you all; kindly accept my thanks.
Because of your love, the work is growing. I thank you for lessening my burden in taking care of orphans. I am
visiting north India. Since my son Sam is helping me lot in God's work, I am able to visit other states. Next
month, I am planning to visit Bihar state. This place is 2 and half days journey from my place. Christianity is
very less in north India; moreover hard core Hindus are there. Please pray for my trip and safety please.
The work here in our state is also growing. Government has started an industrial belt close to Jadcherla.
Gollapally is a small village 6 miles away from Jadcherla. There the government started an industrial belt.
Many industries are running there now. So many new people from different places came here to work there.
Most of them are staying in Jadcherla and going to their factories from here. One young man, named Prashant
has taken a room for rent near to our church building and is working in that place. He is a denominational
Christian. One Sunday he attended the worship services with us, since his accommodation is near to our
church building. I have the habit of taking the address and mobile phone number of the new comers (Now a
days mobile phones are very common in India. Even the scavengers who sweep the roads have mobile
phones.). Later I visited his house and read the Bible and prayed for him. After some weeks, he asked me,
“Uncle, why don't you use instrumental music?” I told him it is un-scriptural. He said David used and danced
also. I explained to him that David was under Old Testament. I explained to him the differences between New
and Old Testament. Gradually i taught about church and Baptism. he agreed and began attending regularly.
Then I asked him to take baptism. He said “I have already taken baptism.” I said it is not correct baptism and
we had a big discussion.
After few weeks, he said “Yes i did not take right baptism.” Last week he is baptized. This young man, hails
from Prakasham district of Andhra state. I asked him to take me to his parents so that I can teach to them. He
gladly accepted and promised me to take to his place in November. Dear brothers and sisters please pray for
his parents so that they can hear the word of God with good hearts. I send few pictures of baptisms soon.
I once again thank you all for your love for us. We are daily remembering you all in our daily prayers. Kindly
remember us and this work in your prayers.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters,
Please pray for the spiritual growth of this young man.
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How are you all my dear big hearts? I and
the preachers here are remembering you all in our daily prayers. We always sincerely thank God for your love
and encouragement. We know you are doing what ever you can for the development of God's work in India.
Thank you very much. Because of your love, many perishing souls are hearing the good news Gospel, thank
you very much.
We sincerely thank God for the big hearts always. Your hearts are big and are filled with great love for God and
with compassion for brethren. Thank you all very much.
I had been to Chattisgarh state last week. On October 20th and 21st I arranged two days Bible classes for
preachers. Around 30 people attended. A few preachers attended with their families also. On the request of the
preachers, I preached on Universal Church and local Church, differences between New and Old Testaments,
and now how the Old Testament is useful etc. By your kind helps, I purchased and gave the Hindi Bibles to the
preachers. I purchased 50 Bibles for 200 dollars and distributed the Bibles. Everybody enjoyed the classes. One
young lady, Rajita has been baptized. She is doing her master's degree in physical sciences. I am able to visit
north India more because of my son Sam. He is taking care and helping me in preaching in south India.
Please pray for him also. Please pray for the growth of the work in North India and for the lady for her
spiritual growth. I send a few pictures of classes, baptism, Bibles etc.
Dear big hearts, I am very glad because the work in North India also growing. Please pray for my efforts. I am
planning to visit Bihar state in the first week of next month. Kindly pray for my health and safety please.
I once again thank all the big hearts for your love. You are in our daily prayers. Kindly pray for us and for the
work here.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
Deenadayal 11-13-14
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I once again thank you all for your big
hearts. dear big hearts, your hearts are big which are filled with great compassion for people.
Thank you for your help for flood victims. I am going to Vishakapattanam on 3rd of next month to give them
your valuable help. Thank you very much.
I write you full details in the second week of next month. Thank you very much.
I had been to Bihar state and came back today. Tomorrow we have preachers meet and I planned two Gospel
meetings this month. Please pray for my efforts. I will send my Bihar report in couple of days.
I convey my hearty thanks once again for your big hearts.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving big hearts,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am prayerfully confident that you all
are doing good by the grace of God. I once again thank you with my whole heart for your valuable prayers
and support. You are behind me in every work. Thank you very much. Because of your sacrificial helps, I am
able to visit other states also and preaching the Truth. I and my family and sons are daily praying for you. We
have preachers meet on every second Saturday. On that day also, we all the preachers are thanking God for
you all. I know some of you, but I do not know most of you. But we are praying for all. I request you to kindly send the
names of the brothers and sisters please. So that we can pray by each name/family please.
Kindly do the needful. You are behind me and strengthening the work. We are praying that God will
strengthen the hands of big hearers so that many can hear the good news Gospel. Thank you very much. The
work is growing constantly by your valuable prayers and mighty, sacrificial helps.
Lazarus lives in Nizamabad district. First he use to live close to Jadcherla and at that time he was converted
from Hinduism and became a faithful Christian. After that he became a preacher also. I trained him. Now he
is living in his native place in Nizamabad district. He invited me to hold Gospel meetings in his place, Gurajala
of Nizamabad district. We are living in Mahabubnagar district. After our district, Rangareddy district is there
and this Niazamabad is a neighboring district to Rangareddy district. This is 250 miles away from my place.
Last week I had been there and arranged 3 days Gospel meetings. People will be out of work in the nights, so I
arranged the meeting in the night only. Lazarus was in Koya community of Hindu religion. Most of the people
in this village belong to this community. They are against Lazarus. But a good number of these people
attended and heard the Gospel. In these meetings 4 women are baptized. A good thing is that these ladies
belong to Lazarus community, who were dead against the Gospel. God opened their hearts and they obeyed
Gospel. I have taken a few pictures of meetings and baptisms. I send them soon. I am planning to arrange
Gospel meetings here again after 3 months. Please pray for new souls. Through these women, I am planning to
teach the Truth to their families also. Brothers, I sincerely say that all this is possible because of you only. Because
of your helps and the Sedan which you gave me I am able to visit many places and preach the Truth.
I once again thank you with my heart. Dear loving brothers and sisters, my heart is heavy with gratitude. I can
say only Thank you very much. Kindly accept my thanks please.
You all are in our daily prayers. Kindly continue to pray for us and for the work here.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in Jesus name. I am sending few pictures of meeting and baptisms. Please pray for new souls.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope this mail finds you all in good
health. I once again gladly remember you all and thank God for you all. Your love and concern for God and
His work is very great. Thank you very much.
I wish you all warm seasons greetings. Wish you all Happy Christmas season and New Year!
I request you to kindly remember the poor widows here. In the past also, you helped poor widows one pair of
clothes. I request you this time also kindly help 20 poor widows one pair of Indian dress please. Indian women
wear sari and blouse, please, one pair of sari and blouse costs 10 dollars. So for 20 widows it costs 200 dollars.
This is only a one time gift please. If it is possible then help please; otherwise kindly forget this
You all are in our daily prayers. Kindly continue to pray for us and for the work here.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,
My dear loving brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How are you all? I hope you all are doing
good by the grace of our almighty God. I once again thank you all for your loving and sacrificial help. Because
of you many perishing souls in India are hearing the good news Gospel and are being saved. Thank you very
much for your love.
Brothers, I am a little sick. Suffering from cold and fever. So I could not send you the pictures of Gospel
meeting of Gurujala and the pictures of baptisms. I send them next week.
Please pray for my health. I am daily remembering you in my prayers. Please pray for us and for the work here.
Closing with love,
yours in His service,