here - Ferrybank Parish


here - Ferrybank Parish
Fr. Jim Crotty
051-832787 / 086-8317711
[email protected]
Let us remember
in our prayers
those who died
recently …
Michael O’Re-
St. Joseph’s Home, Little
Sisters of the Poor and
formerly of Morgan Street.
And those whose
Anniversaries occur around
this time …
John Hoban and deceased
members of the Hoban
Andrew Quealy
Fonsie Doyle
Pat O’Leary
Peter Hennessy
Eva Walsh
May they rest in peace …
We welcome into the Christian Community … Oisín
Grant who was baptised
recently in the parish.
Mass Times
Sat. Vigil 7.30 pm
Sun. 10am, 11am and 12 noon
Daily 10am
The Sacrament of Confession is
available each Saturday evening
before the 7.30pm Mass.
The Sacrament of Baptism is
celebrated each Saturday at 5pm.
Cemetery Mass
The Annual Cemetery
Mass takes place on
Thursday 25th June
at 7.30pm.
Open Monday Friday 10am to 1pm
Tel. 051- 830813
Religious items,
Candles, Cards,
Pictures, Holy Water Fonts
Ferrybank Parish Bulletin
Parish Office 051-830813 Email: [email protected]
Fr. Raymond Dempsey
[email protected]
Sixth Sunday of Easter 10th May 2015
First Holy Communion 2015
49 Girls & Boys made their First Holy
Communion here on Saturday morning. It
was a wonderful day. Thanks to all those
who through their hard work have helped
the children prepare for this special weekend. Special thanks to the Teachers, Parents,
Choirs and the Family Mass Group for their
work and support of the children throughout
the year.
Emily Atkins
Orláith Bailey
Alexa Batrincea
Brianna Byrne
Shannon Collins
Aoife Daly
Amy Downey
Olivia Doyle
Sophie Heafey
Bláthnaid Healy-Teggart
Marie Kate Keating
Oliwa Majka
Grace Malumba
Caitlyn McDonagh
Rheeannah Neville
Stephanie Olaleye
Sophie Phelan
Sarah Searson
Alex Swift
Julia Szaniawska
Dzesika Vaicekauskaite
Evie Walsh
Ruby Walsh
Richard Miklos
Cian Flynn
Luke Sutton
Sean Ennis
Sean Byrne
Alex Nolan
Dean Noblett
Joshua O'Mara Kavanagh
Sean Adeyemi
Luigi Dambra
Callum Kennedy
Anthony Raher O'Dea
Michel Karankov
Aidan Murray
Kyle Daly
Ider Boldbaatar
Billy Ahearne
Cody Noonan
Hunor Balint
Conor Daly
Darragh McGuire
Fionn McGarrity
John Costello
Jay Bagge
Unathi S. Msibi
Lukas Baikauskas
God’s blessings be with you on your
First Holy Communion and always ...
New Church Envelopes
Last weekend (2nd & 3rd May) was the first
week in the new Church Envelope Year.
Parishioners should have received a new box
of envelopes. (Please tear up any remaining
envelopes from last years box). If you have
not received a box of Church Envelopes
and would like to please contact the Parish
Office on 051-830813.
Parish Contributions by Direct Debit
Anyone who wishes to make their contribution to the Church by direct debit are welcome
to do so. Forms are now available in the Parish Office and you can either collect one there
or contact Parish Office on 051-830813 and a
form will be forwarded to you.
St Mary’s Cathedral Restoration Fund
Second Draw
The second Draw of the St Mary’s Cathedral
Restoration Fund took place on Wednesday,
April 29th, in the Cathedral’s Chapter Room at
8.00 p.m. The Draw Results are as follows:1st Prize €2000.00
2nd. Prize €1000.00
3rd. Prize €500.00
4th. Prize €300.00
5th. Prize €300.00
6th. Prize €200.00
7th. Prize €200.00
8th. Prize €100.00
9th. Prize €100.00
10th Prize €100.00
295 John Clement, St. John’s
3403 K& L Hanrahan, St. Mary’s
2108 Fr. Dan Cavanagh, Rosbercon
599 Kevin Hennessy, St. Patrick’s
1002 Rev. James Nolan, Castlecomer
1635 Gertie Kenna, Ballyragget
34 Richard Dore, St. Mary’s
190 Gowran Parish Fund
1242 Claire McEvoy, Durrow
0004 Mary Egan, St. Patrick’s Parish
If you wish to accept the invitation to be a member/subscriber in the fundraiser, you’re most welcome to join at the Ferrybank Parish Office.
Ossory Lourdes Pilgrimage 2014
On Friday May 22nd our Ossory Pilgrimage
leaves for Lourdes. All will be included in our
prayers, Masses and the lighting of the Diocesan
candle while in Lourdes. If you would like to
have a petition brought please place it in a sealed
envelope, marked “Petitions for Lourdes” and
leave it in to the Parish Office before Thursday
May 21st. The petitions will be brought and left
at Our Lady’s Shrine in Lourdes. Please do not
put any money in the envelope!
The Marriage Referendum
Adult Faith Development
What are the consequences of its passing
that we can now foresee?
St. Patrick’s Parish Centre,
Loughboy, Kilkenny.
Speaker: Mr. Patrick Treacy S.C.
Monday 11th May, 2015 at 7.30pm
“Care of the Older Person”
The Carers Association,
Springhill Clinic, Waterford Road, Kilkenny
Training QQ1 Fetac Level 5
“Care of the Older Person”
Commencing Friday 5th June and each Friday
until 10th July from 9.30am - 4pm
If interested please contact us at The Carers
Association at 056 7721424 or email us at [email protected]
Ferrybank G.A.A.
Our Junior Hurlers play away to St Molleran’s
on Friday May 15th at 7pm.
Our Intermediate hurlers play De La Salle on
Saturday May 16th in Walsh Park at 2:30pm.