bulletin - Garden Heights Baptist Church


bulletin - Garden Heights Baptist Church
Garden Heights
Baptist Church
May 17, 2015
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
and the flame shall not consume you. (Isaiah 43:2)
The Congregation
Pastoral Team
Brian Helm; Dwight Wagner; Mark Warnshuis
Meeting Times
Sunday School
Sunday Worship Celebration
Sunday Evening Service/FOCUS
Wednesday Family Ministries
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
“Discipling passionate worshippers of God by living
God’s Word and proclaiming His Truth to everyone we can”
MAY 17, 2015
"Yet I dare say that, for Americans, greed is to sin
what North Dakota is to U.S. states – it’s easy to
forget that it exists. We confess lust, anger, maybe
pride, maybe self-righteousness. But greed? It’s
whitewashed. It’s camouflaged. We use words like
“lifestyle” or “ambition” or “the American dream.”
--Jonathan Leeman.
Praise To the Lord the Almighty
10.000 Reasons
Prayer of Adoration
Joyce Fenton
Scripture Reading
Luke 16:19-31
Pastoral Prayer
Linda Neenan
Special Music
He Is Jesus
My Worth Is Not In What I Own
Prayer of Confession/Thanksgiving
“Misusing Money”
Pastor Dwight Wagner
6:00 PM
Dispatches from the Front
Sunday School
Abby Sheldon
Sylvia Jones & Iris Tresler
Susan Holtgrefe & Danielle Lofgren
Terry & Amy Delfft
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Mid-Week Family Ministries
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in
daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in
peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them
the things needed for the body, what good is that?
So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is
dead. (James 2:15-17 ESV)
The next Dispatches from the
Front: TONIGHT @ 6 PM!
Join us and invite others to view the latest
"Dispatches from the Front" (#8). “No Regrets, No
Return” features God's work of building His church in
China! You don't want to miss it! It will inform your
prayer life and increase your prayer life!
Election Day Ministry!
It is time to start baking those
cookies! Once again we need
cookies to pass out during the
voting here at our church this
Tuesday, May 19th! If you
are willing to help minister to our community this way
please sign up on the MRT! We will also need willing
servants to help provide lunch and dinner for the
election workers.
Important Election Day Information!
Tuesday, May 19th is Election Day! Please check
out the MRT TODAY to pick up some important
information to look over about the candidates before
you cast your vote on Tuesday! There are some very
important judicial races and the Pennsylvania Family
Institute has provided good background material to
help you make informed choices.
Annual Church Picnic & Softball Game
Once again we will be having our annual Memorial Day
Church Picnic following our Morning Worship, next
Sunday, May 24th! Everyone is asked to bring
sandwiches to share AND a large helping of picnic
food OR dessert to share. Following the picnic we will
go to Walczak Park (just 1 minute southwest of the
church) and have a church softball game. Please plan on
joining us for this time of food, fellowship and fun!
FOCUS this Summer!
Please take note! Our FOCUS groups will meet June
14th! FOCUS groups will not meet in July or
Welcoming Ministry Servants Needed!
If you might be willing to serve our church by
welcoming on Sunday Mornings (making sure
everyone gets a bulletin, and welcoming any guest
warmly, etc.) please contact Iris Tresler at the church
office or home. We are in need of some more people
to help serve in this very important way! It would
truly be appreciated.
Lawn mowing help still needed!
Could you help us one or two weeks this summer
mowing the church lawn? We provide a riding
lawnmower but we need volunteers. Please see the
sign-up sheet on the MRI for more information on
how you can serve in this way.
Save the Dates!
Please save the following dates as your busy summer
schedules begin to fill up!
July 6th-10th
Vacation Bible School
August 5th-9th
Missions Conference
Be sure to watch the bulletin for more information in
the coming weeks!
May 17th
May 20th
May 24th
May 31st
July 6th -10th
August 5th-9th
Dispatches from the Front
Mid-Week Family Ministries
Church Picnic/Softball Game
Evening Service
Vacation Bible School
Missions Conference
4224 McClelland Ave.
Erie, PA 16510
Phone: (814) 825-5342
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.gardenheights.org