2A`l 5 - West Middle School
2A`l 5 - West Middle School
2A'l 5 future planning, here is information about our 8th Grade Trip. We will be collecting permission slips and payment starting in April. Please be sure to note the behavioral -expectations (on the back) start Znd Marking Period, November 3. For o When o o Thursday, June l.l" Timeline: I 6:40 a.m, students and chaperones arrive r I I r t I I I . front of West Middle School 7:00 a.m, buses leave-if you are on it or not 10:00 arrive and students use "buddy system" to explore Cedar Point 2:30 pm. required check in with chaperone at Millennium Force continue to use "buddy system" in park 6:30 p.m. report to Carousel at front of park 7:00 p.m. leave Cedar Point 10:00 p.m. buses arrive at front of West Middle School Cost o S75 check or money order payable to Grand Blanc Schools r Il o Give payment to: I I I fto o cost covers admission to park and chartered bus additional cost for food at the park Team 5: Mrs.Schunot Team 6: Mrs. Lemerond Team 7: Mrs. KJ Friday, May 15 (SlLS/l,q is the final day to turn in permission slip and payment )p Refunds I I two weeks to process will be mailed to your home Scholarships are available for students who can not afford the $75. I We are asking that families contribute what they can in order to help many students as possible. 1I Scholarships are not available to cover drinks and meals -* Keep *l-his 'ira5e at h$n1€' *. &e\*,rn rJri_a&e as n * lte<.i.# Chaperones o o o o o o o we prefer to have a ratio of 1 adult to 15 students please let your student's Team Leader know if you are interested cost: $75 no scholarships are available to cover adult costs we will conduct a lottery if we have more chaperones sign up then space allows Volunteer Background Check will need to be completed Behavior o Teachers are excited to take our students on a trip out-of-state, but we need to be assured that students will take responsibility for their behavior. For this reason, we have developed a disciplinary points system. Any student who o o o accumulates more than FiVE points will be referred to a Field Trip Committee' Point counts start 2nd Marking Period' Disciplinary point values: I Detention (lunch, before school, after school)= 1 point per day t suspension (in-school,out-of-school' bus)= 2 points per day The Field Trip Committee will be composed of teachers from each team, counselor{s), and administrator(s). ln April, the committee will review the student's behavior to determine trip participation. The decision will be based on individual needs and expectations of the child. Possible outcomes include: I Student can attend field trip without any restrictions' I Student can attend field trip with a parent. I Student can attend field trip with a staff chaperone. r Student is not allowed to attend field trip. The Committee's decision is final and will be communicated through the I student's counselor. K Please hgep this sheet for future reference. ,& Grand Blanc Comrnunity Schools De*r Ruent: In orcler for'students in the crand Blarc conuttunity sclruols ro participille iu planned ficld trips. ir is necessilrl, that lvE ie(:ei)'s a sig:red -ttitttnrertr of pernf-qsiort fr$m rlre chilcl's p**nr.rr' guirnli*n. Tlre tbnrr b*low nrust be cort:p)errd. sigr*l. irnrl rerurned ro your clrilcl'x teacher $mrnptty. Should rhe lle-lcl uip rrquire dmt pan:nt{s} .\ecurs rfltlq)orrsd*n fot lHejr rhe districr rvill pruvide altenratile ilcriviries !i:r rt:e .sr;dcrrl if ctril( sfld ille pareut is uniibte to do so. tlle fefJ uip i-s during Uie r"froof auy. SirrcereJy. Crarrd Blurc Corrunurfty Sch*otr .F-gdg.f ,Fgtnli,S-aJ*.*uqlc-si_ghlb; Lac'atiut T.[qs,p*da.y;, Jufi*,, -'l,lL, *$!,fi; Due fts'O;g]nDcpunurt Tintr ,'l.s;S,Ul&e RuutnTinw'* t<---.-.'<-,--}{-------5{--_-r}<_.._*}<_.*.*x_-*_x*-_x----_--*-,-.}{ {"fiirdr.rrr'.v ,\fcr n..e) .. , ,- . . fr_"*r rlre tield uip sclredul*d ro_t has rtry pelrnissiot to p:rrticipate in w &otatirnt) I underumrrd the follorr,ing trtrlsporrariotr *ill be used: {dwtk *trcrc rypuryriutt} Ar parcrrr or . tegll guardiur of the Privilre Yehicle n''d child, I hrrrbl'rrlers* crnnd Blanc conrrnunity srtrouts. its agenls lr$dior:s.rl*rrrqses.trlctairr:s roranperso,iai;,,J-;;;;,,i,trililiff; :y_.,:i::Itlr.::''-ll.]"Tii"l)tc;Lirusef ward, narned abore. *r:r3, incur by ptrricipating in rlris liihl rip. I under$d$d Crmd Blu:tc cor::tttuttity Schools carm()t uctept finurirrl ti&biliry ornspDnsibiliry for volunreer tlrivers transporring childrurr on-dtis liekl trip becaus* the clisrricr's insurirnce lrmy rloa u.oler dre dri*er or plls$cngers" Tl:edistrictdtxsllotscreenvolutttee-rrlriversortlnir,vehic-tesaxlihevolur,,oor.lrinorliir,sur.r',o*isttre 'olunteer pri*nry ca\,€l'irge irr case rrf *r: ircridenl Si glr.tt t urt at F u rm tlG uanli Lcpla:6 flTrn dnhl nlril TR,OI :l'. li$fi *t Date () )/J o uneuK ur rnuiley oruer rTlaoe I oul [o Llrana trtgncJcnoo6 covers bus and admission to park; additional cost for food at the park Chaperones q $zs Parentslcaregivers, please (not older siblings or cousins) Volunteer Background Checks completed for all chaperones Contact lnformation Student Name (first and last): Cell#: r o o mergehiy,€ohtact # tr2 Adult Contact mergency Contact # mergency,Crntact # ergy to Drugs: ::: it.,il1:::p :: r:: Medications given at school will be transported to the Cedar Point First Aid Center. To keep 'f€.;tt & W' ffi "\U, medicines where they may be needed, inhalers and EPI pens should be carried by the student this day. ln case of accident or serious illness, if school is unable to contact me, my spouse, or designated legal guardian, I hereby authorize the school to determine what is in the best interest for my child's health and welfare and my permission is given to use an ambulance. I hereby agree to pay all expenses incurred in the emergency care. arent/Guardian Signature:_ Date:
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