G11 Diorama Project for The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee
G11 Diorama Project for The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee
G11 Diorama Project for The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams This project is designed to assess your ability to understand the concept of "plastic theatre" in drama. How does lighting, music, costumes, scenery and setting, etc., affect the story? (See PowerPoint presentation on plastic theatre in Power School handouts folder.) This project contains three parts. The first is a diorama. It is the 3D representation of a scene in a box. Choose the scene you want to represent. Set it up as the scene directions say and add your own vision of the scene by using the elements of plastic theatre. (50 points) The second is a short essay (1 page) explaining the scene and how the playwright used particular elements to express what he wants the audience to feel or learn. This essay needs to introduce the scene you are doing, the time and place, the characters, and the elements of plastic theatre you have chosen to focus on. (25 points) The third is your presentation to the class of your project in which your explain your diorama of a scene and the elements of plastic theatre you chose to use. (25 points)
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