The House @fB/we leaves - Los Angeles City College
The House @fB/we leaves - Los Angeles City College
The HouseBy@fB/we leaves John Guare LOS ANGELES CITY COLLEGE THEATRE DEPARTMENT PRESENTS THE HOUSE OF S i U E LEAVES Book by John Guare-Musk and Lyric* by John Guam FORTY- FOURTH SEASON -MAJOR PRODUCTION NUMBER 51 4 February 15, 16, 17,20,21,22,23,24,25, 1973 CAST ................................ Bill Ewing Ronnie Shaughnessy ........................... Gary Stockdale Bmmy Flingus ............................... Maggie Roswell Artie Shaughnessy ........................... Marci Baxter Corrina Stroller ............................... Jackie McCalI Bananas Shaughnessy Head Nun ......................... Francesca Maria Piantadosi Second Nun .................................... Anna Raner Little Nun ................................... .Colleen Tabor Military Policeman Billy Einhorn The Attendant .......................... Ernest Taylor I11 ..............................Onofre Gutierrez ................................... Jack Jones SYNOPSIS OF SCâβ¬M PROLOGUE The stage of the El Dorado Bar and Grill. ACT I A cold apartment in Sunnyside, Queens, New York City. October 4, 1965; early morning. Intermission A C T II Scene 1 Scene 2 ................Later that day ............... Late that night PRODUCTION STAFF ............................Miss Alice Parichan Set and Light Deaign .....................Mr. Eric Warren Director ....................... Mr. Robert P. Ryan Publicity Director ....................Mr. Norman Memes Department Chairman ................. Mr. J. R. McCloskey Costume Design STUDCMT PRODUCTION STAFF ..........................Edward Paul Ymeahek Stage Manager ............................. Gary Jon& Director ....................Millie Gordon MasterCarpenter .......................... Jeff Hanky Assistant Stage Manager i ...........................Jeff Neiman Follow Spot Operator ..................... Ken Rappaport Property Master .......................Raymond Herndvn Assistant Props ...........................B r e t a i p Hart Clearers .................... EdwardBrenner,GreggBeytin Master Electrician ................................... Wardrobe Mirtnaa .......................Elizabeth Downs Wardrobe Aasigtant .........................Gail Thomas Wardrobe Master ..........................Sam Sanzonc Wardrobe Assistant ...................Virgil W. Woodfork Assistant to Miss Parichan ................Jeanine Marquart Lobby Display ...........................Roger Hampton House Manager ..........................Debbie Mendel Sound ! i Sydel Natalie Packer Narda Lesher NEXT: 1 THE WORLD PREMIER! OF A NEW PLAY BY MURIEL ROY BOLTON The intrigues of the French court and the rise of the young Louis XII, MARCH 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, I 1 AT 8:00 P.M.-CAMINO THEATRE COMING: 1 "DEATH OF A SALESMAN" Arthur Miller's classic study of a man living in half dreams, half hopes. MARCH 29,30,31, APRIL 5 . 6 , 7 , 8 AT 8 P M Ã β C A M I N THEATRE THEATRE DWARTMENT STAFF J . R. McClotkey Chairman FACULTY: Beverly Baker Winston Butter Dan Desmond Rmdill Edwards John Ingle Jo Jones Fred Martin Norman h n e s Douglas Nigh Alice Parichan Robert P. Ryan Donna Tol lafson Maria Turnrr Eric Warren STAFF : Barbara Burnett, Scene Shop Manager Pater Sevaly, Scene Shop Foreman Angela Huffman, Costume Assistant Phyllis Petersen, Costume Assistant Robert Crosby, Production Coordinatoi MAILING LIST-The Theatre Department miintate a list to iaform pdrons of coming preitocBros. I f yon wish to be inchded, ask an idnr fur acariLfiditout~idreturnIttotbeushermto thebuDffice. FOB TOUR INFORMATION Tickete-Tha box office is open from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. weekdays and from 6:30 to 8:30 amnings. The box office is located on the Theatre Building portico; or for informatton call 666-8962. To reqwt tickets by mail, .make check or mane order payable to the Theatre Department and endosc a self-addressed stamped envelope for your tickets. Be sure to .dude the number of t i i wanted and date you wish to attend. Mng-Parking available to theatre patrons in the faculty parking lot on New Hampshire between Melrose and Monroe without charge on wmk nights. A parking attendant will be on duty between 7:30 a i d 8:30 p.m. Street parting on week& is not a problem. An ~ M M - A f t e r each [wfonnance, members of the audience are invited to meet the cast and crew in the Green Rnorn. use of tape recorders or cameras in the auditorium during any performance h stiiy prohibited. No smoking or food in the auditorium. Your cooperation is appreciated. NoteÃβTh