this week`s midweek journal
this week`s midweek journal
Hartville Mennonite Church 0MIDWEEK JOURNAL Phone: 330-877-2050 Website: E-mail address: [email protected] May 11, 2015 Volume 41, No. 19 “REMEMBER” “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is as great as our God?” Psalm 77:11-13 There are times in the Bible when we are told to remember what has happened in the past. The children of Israel were told to remember what God had done for them so that they didn’t forget God and go after other idols. As Jesus led the Lord’s Supper and gave the disciples the bread and the cup. He said “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me”. Why is remembering important? As stated above we remember so we keep God as the number one priority in our lives. We remember so we can learn more about God and draw closer to Him. We remember so we can learn from the past and not make the same mistakes. We remember so we can learn from those who have gone before by seeing how God worked in their lives. We remember to give God glory and honor. We remember to give a solid foundation to what God is calling us to in the future. A couple of weeks ago someone brought in an old book of our churches’ history. It was interesting to read how the church started in the summer of 1940 as some members from the First Mennonite Church in Canton, Ohio held meetings in the hall above the Acme store in Hartville. It was during the Second World War and many of the members could not get enough gas allowance to drive to Canton so they met in Hartville. They started a church fund for a building and in 1944 they had over 1000.00. The first official meeting was held on December 10, 1944 when the Bishop O. N. Johns, representing Conference, established the church. As Norm Mast said as he was worship leading, this last year (2014) we would have been in existence for 70 years. I began to ask how well we are remembering the history of our church. The joys and struggles. The ups and downs. We have a generation that was there in the beginning of the church that is slowly passing away. Are we documenting their story of God working in their midst so we can give glory and honor to Him? Wouldn’t it be great that in the year 2019 we would have a big 75th celebration? A new history book that would document the history of God’s faithfulness for many generations. Maybe that would be a good time to open the time capsule that is in the cornerstone. On May 4th, at Cabinet Council we decided to get the “ball rolling”. We are looking for people who would be interested in forming a historical committee that will begin to gather the stories of our church, as we remember how God has blessed the people here for over 70 years. As we begin this journey of remembering, may God be praised. -Ross Miller 2 OPPORTUNITIES OF THE WEEK Monday, May 11 · 6:00 p.m., Worship Committee meets in the Conference Room. · 7:00 p.m., Breaking Free Women’s Bible Study meets in the Fireside Room. Wednesday, May 13 · 9:45 a.m., Senior Bible Study meets in the Fellowship Hall. · 5:30 p.m., MYF Chicken BBQ prep at the church. · 7:30 p.m., College & Career Bible study at The Front Porch Loft. Thursday, May 14 · 9:00 a.m., Breaking Free Women’s Bible study meets in the Fireside Room. Friday, May 15 · 5:00-7:30 p.m., MYF Chicken BBQ in the fellowship hall. Saturday, May 16 · 7:00 a.m., Men’s Bible Study in the Conference Room. Sunday, May 17 · 8:30 – 10:00 a.m., Library will be open. · 8:30 a.m., Coffee and Fellowship time. · 8:30 a.m., Bible Memory Ministries meets in the upstairs S.S. wing. · 9:00 a.m., Sunday School for all ages. · 10:00 a.m., King’s Kids meets in the upstairs S.S. wing (3-5 year olds). · 10:00 a.m., Sharing Service with Ross Miller. UPCOMING EVENTS May 15 – MYF Chicken Barbeque May 17 – Sharing Sunday May 31 – Graduate Sunday June 7 – Children’s Sunday June 14 – Annual Church Picnic June 22-26 - VBS 3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · FOR YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS FOR OUR PEOPLE: Becky Mast who is having surgery on Wednesday, May 20th. John McGuckin who is recovering from reconstructive plastic surgery. Cindy Rasmussen for health concerns as she is fighting an infection from her knee surgery. Amos Otto who is at Pebblecreek for rehab. Norma Erb who is now home recovering. Noah Miller who is now home recovering. Enos Kurtz who is now home recovering. Delilah Hershberger who is at Pebblecreek for rehab. Cameron Dasher with health concerns. Kathryn Slabaugh for health concerns. Rick Franick as he continues chemo. Georganne Reeves & family who are going through a difficult time. PRAY FOR THE BROADER CHURCH & THE WORLD The extended ministry of our church: Janette King in China; Tyler Miller with Send Ministries in Columbus; Trey Sommers with REACH in Himalayas; Isaiah with REACH in North Africa; Heather Anderson with Adventures in Missions in Georgia; Preston Hostetler with Operation Mobilization in Argentina; Ethan Marana with YWAM Perth; Michael Campanale in Bangkok, Thailand; Ron Embleton and Alliance Church Plant; Jason Rissler and Strasburg Church Plant; Galen & Bonnie Stutzman serving with Wycliffe. ADDITIONAL PRAYER REQUESTS Ray Dickerson (father to Marti Briggs) who is done with radiation but is struggling with side effects. Jerry Miller (son-in-law to Duane & Esther Mishler) with health issues. Mike Dietrich (neighbor to Earl & Becky Mast) who is battling leukemia. Ernest Alwine (brother to Esther Mishler, uncle to Greg Mishler, LaDonna Schrock & Cindi Markovich) who’s cancer is remission. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. Janet Malson (mother to Katy Yoder) who is dealing with cancer. 4 FOR THE RECORD - FIRST FRUIT TITHES & OFFERINGS Sunday, May 10, 2015 Ministry (General) Fund Partnership MYF Property Principal Fund Special Designations $10,907.73 3,720.00 .00 35.00 2,260.00 _________ $16,922.73 Attendance: Worship Service 462 Sunday School 259 GRADUATION RECOGNITION: We will be recognizing our high school and college graduates on Sunday, May 31st. If you are graduating from high school or college this year, please let us know so we can honor you! Contact Harold or Sue in the Church Office at 330-877-2050 ATTENTION BIBLE MEMORY PARENTS: Please fill out the camp forms that you should have received and place them in Debi Troyer’s mailbox. Please return them as soon as possible. CONGRATULATIONS to Joe & Kelsey Wood upon the birth of a son, Eleazar Joseph on Tuesday, May 5th. He weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 19” long. May God Bless your family! Proud grandparents are Brad & Bev Beachy! ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC will be held on Sunday, June 14th at Clearwater Park. More details to follow. RUBBERDUCKS GAME –JULY 11 for Men and children. Tailgating before the game. Mark your calendars. More details to follow. 5 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: This year’s VBS’s theme is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. It will be held at HMC on June 22-26 (Monday-Friday) from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Maple Grove Mennonite will be joining us this year. VBS is for ages 4 years to 5th grade. Friday night will be family night. Please pre-register you children after church the next few Sunday’s. We also need volunteers to help with VBS. Sign up at the VBS table. Any questions contact Kellie Shuman, Alyssa Scheck or Megan Schlabach. CHURCH TABLES: There are only wooden tables available for personal use. They can be found in the barn next to the church. We no longer have chairs available for personal use. Tables and chairs are also available to rent from Hartville Hardware and the Mennonite Relief Sale (Roy Steiner 330-4641134). Please do not remove the white tables and white chairs from the Fellowship Hall. OFFERING ENVELOPE NUMBER: If you wish to have your offerings recorded for IRS purposes, call the Church Office (330-877-2050) to be assigned an offering envelope number and receive an itemized list of your offerings at the end of each year GENTLEBROOK HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR & OPEN HOUSE on Saturday 16th from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at GentleBrook Corporate Office & Community Complex 880 Sunnyside St., Hartville. There will be a live auction to auction off local celebrities to throw a pie at them….our very own Pastor Ross will be auctioned off. More details on the flyer in your church mailbox. 6 HARTVILLE THRIFT SHOPPE is looking to hire a full or part time Material Handler. This individual would be responsible for organizing the warehouse, keeping donation areas safe and efficient, and performing other duties as assigned by the Manager. This individual must be a good problem solver, have the ability to lift 50 pounds, and have the ability to operate material handling equipment including a fork lift. If interested in this position, contact Maria Marana at 330-877-2769 or [email protected]. HOST FAMILY NEEDED: Hartville Thrift Shoppe will be providing work placement for a participant of MCC's International Volunteer Exchange program. The participant is a 18-year-old female from Vietnam. The program participant (IVEPer) is in need of a host family from August 26, 2015 through July 31, 2016. The IVEPer will be working 40 hours per week at Hartville Thrift Shoppe and will work a total of 5 days per week. The host family will need to assist with transportation to and from work as much as they are able to. MCC seeks host families who can offer IVEPers a wide variety of experiences and who are open to learning and growing themselves, through their participation as a host for IVEP. Hosts broaden their view of other cultures and gain a better understanding of their own country as they see it through the eyes of someone experiencing it for the first time. They also see that the language of love is global and that "In Christ there is no east or west, in Him no south or north." Please contact Dan Dutcher at 330-388-0439 or Maria Marana at 330-472-1560 if you are interested in filling this rewarding role as a host family. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Hartville Thrift Shoppe is looking to hire a part time Assistant Manager. This individual would be responsible for assisting the Manager with coordinating the work of volunteers, monitoring sales, and managing the daily operations of the shoppe. This person must have a commitment to the mission of Hartville Thrift Shoppe in supporting the work of Mennonite Central Committee. If interested in this position, contact Maria Marana at 330-877-2769 or [email protected]. 7 FISH 5K RUN/WALK: The Lake Township FISH, in collaboration with the Lake Township clergy and the Lake Local School District, will be sponsoring the Fourth Annual FISH 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, June 13, 2015. The 5K Run/Walk will be a fund-raiser for Lake Township FISH. This race is an official “Subway Series Event” and the course is USATF-certified. The day will start with an 8:00 a.m. “Kids Fun Run” and be followed immediately by the 5K Run/Walk at 8:30. Entry fee for the 5K is only $20 for pre-registered participants ($25 on race day). There is no charge for the “Kids Fun Run”. Online registration is at and then scroll down to “Lake Township FISH 5K Run/Walk”. All pre-registered entrants are guaranteed a t-shirt if registered by Friday, June 5th. The beneficiary of the event will be the Lake Township F.I.S.H., an organization which is a source of temporary emergency assistance for people in need in the Lake Township area. F.I.S.H. is supported solely by community donations. The food cupboard is supplied by food donations from area churches and schools, and the financial support is raised by local interests such as churches, individuals, local businesses and proceeds from F.I.S.H.-sponsored events. F.I.S.H. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Fortress of Hope Orphanage Annual Golf Fundraiser – June 20 The Fortress of Hope Annual Golf Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, June 20, at 1:30 p.m. at Sable Creek Golf Course. Dinner will follow at Maple Grove Mennonite Church. The entry fee is $60.00 per player and $250.00 hole sponsorships are also available. You may register online at or mail your entry form and check payable to Fortress of Hope to P O Box 200, Hartville, OH 44632. For more information, contact Perry Miller at (330)815-5700 or Dan Dutcher at (330)388-0439. Come join us in a fun day in support of the children of Nicaragua! 8 COMING EVENTS BIBLE MEMORY CAMP DATES June 8-12, 2015 – Bible Memory Camp for grades 5-8 at Camp Buckeye June 15-18, 2015 –Bible Memory Camp for grades 2-4 at Camp Buckeye June 22-26, 2015 – Bible Memory Camp for grades 9-12 at Syracuse, Indiana June 22-26, 2015 – VBS at Hartville Mennonite with Maple Grove NURSERY VOLUNTEERS SUNDAY, MAY 17 Infant Nursery (10:00 service): Esther Castello & Debi Troyer Toddler Nursery (S.S.): Josh & Janelle McCutcheon Toddler Nursery (10:00 service): Shanice Slabaugh, Ava Parker & Paige Sommers SUNDAY, MAY 24 Infant Nursery (10:00 service): Tara Bowers & Mary Kooker Toddler Nursery (S.S.): Scott & Dawn Hyland Toddler Nursery (10:00 service): Heidi Mansfield & Briana Coblentz Note: If you cannot serve in the nursery when you are scheduled, please switch with someone then contact Janelle McCutcheon at 330-933-1356. Library Hours: Sunday - 8:30 - 10:00 A.M. Note: If you cannot serve in the library on the day you are scheduled, contact Marilyn Miller 330-877-3832. May 17 – Ginny Beachy May 24 – Marilyn Wittmer 9 10 11 12 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Hartville Mennonite Church 1470 Smith Kramer St. NE P.O. Box 727 Hartville, OH 44632