LABORATORY IQ What percentage of Medical Decisions are based on Laboratory Testing? More than 70% of all medical diagnoses are based upon laboratory testing. LABORATORY IQ Q. Why so many tubes drawn for different blood test? A. Well, you’ll find that each one has a different color of cap. The tubes are designed for different blood tests. Some have anticoagulant agents inside the tube so the blood doesn’t clot. Others have special preservatives. Some tubes get centrifuged so that the blood can be separated into plasma cells. Some are kept at room temperature, some are Stopper Color Do you know your Blood Cells? A → → → B A. Neutrophils – a type of White Blood Cells; The body’s natural antibiotics. Contain B. Lymphocyte – a type of White Blood Cells; responsible for Immune Response antimicrobial protein that kills microbes. Increased during infection/ inflammation. produces antibodies against foreign objects in the body. Symbol Contents Uses/Comments Royal Blue No additive (serum); special glass and stopper material Most drug levels, toxicology screens, and trace elements Red No additive Cryoglobulins and CH50. Some Chemistry, Toxicology, and Drug levels. Light Blue 3.2% Sodium Citrate PT, PTT, TCT, CMV buffy coat, Factor Activity. D-Dimer Tube MUST be filled 100% - No exceptions! Gold Top (Serum Separator, “SST”) Contains separating gel and clot activator Most chemistry, endocrine and serology tests, including Hepatitis and HIV Light Blue Yellow Label on Tube Thrombin For FDP test ONLY; Obtain tube from Core Lab Coag; Allow to Clot Green Sodium heparin(100 USP Units) Ammonia, Lactate, HLA Typing Tan K2 EDTA Lead levels Grey Potassium Oxalate and Sodium Fluoride Glucose Levels Yellow ACD Solution A consists of trisodium citrate, citric acid and dextrose DNA Studies, HIV Cultures Pink (K2)EDTA Blood type & Screen, Compatibility Study, Direct Coombs HIV Viral Load Pearl Top (Plasma Preparation, “PPT”) Light Green Separating gel and (K2)EDTA Adenovirus PCR Toxoplasma PCR HHV-6 PCR Lithium Heparin Plasma determinations in the chemistry department Lavender (“Purple”) (K2)EDTA CBC/Diff/Retic/Sed Rate, FK506, Cyclosporin, Platelet Ab, Coombs, Flow Cytometry D → → C C. Eosinophil – a type of White blood Cells; implicated in allergic reaction; provides defense against infections. D. Atypical or Reactive Lymphocyte – Increased in parasitic patient with Infectious Mononucleosis. → F E J → → → G E. Thrombocytes (Platelets) - Responsible for hemostasis; form a plug to prevent bleeding after injury F. Normal Red Blood Cell - the most abundant cell type in the human body; allows oxygen to be transported around the body to the tissues and organs (and carbon dioxide to be taken away). G. Sickle Cell (Abnormal red blood cell) - seen in people with Sickle Cell disease. J. Monocytes - A type of white blood cells that consume bacteria, and viruses, and fungi through phagocytosis. K → → → H I K. Basophils participate in immediate hypersensitivity allergic reactions H. Budding Yeast in blood from patient with Yeast infection. I. Malaria Parasite in Blood (Rings of P. falciparum)
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