City of Toronto Customized Global Template


City of Toronto Customized Global Template
Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East
3 Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
Phone 416-338-0681
*Fax 416 392 1772
Plaques and Markers
For nearly half a century, key people, places and events of Toronto's past have been remembered
through plaques and markers placed on buildings and in public spaces. By commemorating
subjects such as the Cathedral Church of St. James, the site of an ancient aboriginal village,
outstanding Torontonians like Glenn Gould, or the now vanished Scarboro’ Beach Amusement
Park, plaques and markers help remind us of our past – of the people who lived in our homes and
once walked our streets, of the communities, events and streetscapes they shaped, and of the
world they faced and changed. From historic natural landscapes through the full history of human
habitation, the range of possible plaque subjects has been as rich as Toronto’s history itself.
The Plaques and Markers Program is managed by Heritage Toronto. Heritage Toronto is a
charitable arms-length agency of the City of Toronto established in 1949 to promote a greater
appreciation for the city’s rich architectural, cultural, archaeological and natural heritage. The
Plaques and Markers Program encourages and facilitates community involvement in the
commemoration of Toronto’s past, and fosters collective memory and a shared sense of ownership
of the City’s history in its neighbourhoods and communities.
The program looks to Torontonians to apply for plaque projects, and encourages them to find in
their communities the support to make those projects happen. Heritage Toronto provides expertise
in historical research and the drafting of text, and coordinates plaque design, fabrication and
installation. Heritage Toronto works to ensure that, together we present the stories and peoples and
places of our city in a manner that does justice to our past and that enriches our present.
Plaques are available in bronze and enamel, in various sizes. Plaque project applications will be
assessed according to set criteria and will follow set procedures in accordance with the Plaques
and Markers Program Policy. Plaque projects are reviewed by Heritage Toronto's Plaques and
Markers Committee, a group of individuals with expertise in Toronto's diverse heritage.
All properties on the City of Toronto’s Inventory of Heritage Properties, including those within
Heritage Conservation Districts, qualify for a plaque or marker, and applications will be reviewed by
the Plaques and Markers Committee bimonthly.
Applications for proposed Commemorative Plaque projects are reviewed bimonthly at the
Committee level and then are approved by Heritage Toronto's Board.
Upon completion, markers become a part of the property, with ownership and maintenance the
responsibility of the applicant. Plaques (14”x9” and larger) are the property and maintenance
responsibility of Heritage Toronto.
Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East
3 Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
Phone 416-338-0681
*Fax 416 392 1772
Plaques and Markers
Application Form
A. Contact Information
Name of Applicant (individual or organization)
Name of Primary Contact Person for Plaque Project (if
different from Applicant)
Mailing Address of Contact Person including Postal Code
Telephone (Daytime)
B. Proposed Plaque Project Information
Type of Plaque (Before completing this section, please read, “Types of Plaques” attached.)
City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties Plaque
*Do NOT complete section C.
Commemorative Plaque
* Do NOT complete section D, or the attached Property Owner/Manager Consent Form, unless you are the
property owner
Proposed Plaque Location (Street Name and Number)
If there is an anniversary, opening, or celebration connected to this plaque project, please describe with
C. For Commemorative Plaque Applications
Plaque Subject
Please confirm the following:
The proposed location for this plaque is outside, and easily accessible to the public
The subject of this plaque has not already been commemorated at or near the proposed location. (If not
true, please include an additional page briefly describing the existing commemoration, and the reasons for
Please ensure that the following have been included with this application:
A 750-word typed paper explaining the subject matter of the plaque and its particular significance to the
history of the City of Toronto. Please include a detailed list of all of the sources from which you gathered your
historical information so that each can be easily found (include location and page numbers).
A draft (150 words) of a proposed plaque text, in either point form or full sentence structure.
D. For City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties Plaque Applications
Please confirm the following:
The proposed location for this plaque is outside, and easily accessible to the public
The owner of the site property has consented to the placement of a plaque or marker at the proposed
location. Please return a completed copy of the attached “Property Owner/Manager Consent Form” with this
E. Funding
(Before completing this section, please see, “Approximate Costs and Timelines”, attached.)
I confirm that funds are available to cover the cost of plaque fabrication and plaque installation.
No Amount__________________
If full funding is not immediately available, please describe plans to finance the proposed plaque project.
Signature of Contact Person
For the benefit of the Plaques and Markers Program, please provide the following information:
How did you learn about Heritage Toronto’s Plaques and Markers Program?
Existing Plaques
Heritage Toronto publications
Heritage Toronto website (
Local heritage organization ______________________________________________________
Other (please specify)
It is Heritage Toronto’s policy that the names and addresses of members and donors will not be sold or traded.
Please check here if you would like to be included on the Heritage Toronto mailing list.
The personal information on this form is collected
under the authority of Chapter 103, Article II of
the Municipal Code. The information is used to
process your application for a plaque or marker.
Questions about this collection can be directed to
the Coordinator, Plaques and Markers Program,
Heritage Toronto, Historic St. Lawrence Hall, 157
King Street East, 3 Flr., Toronto, Ontario M5C
1G9 or by telephone at 416-338-0681.
Please submit your completed application, with supporting
materials, to:
Plaques and Markers Program
Heritage Toronto, Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
[email protected]
Michelle Ridout
Plaques and Markers Program Coordinator
*Fax Alert: Sending personal information by fax is not a secure
means of transmission. It is recommended you complete and
return the form by regular mail.
Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East
3 Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
Phone 416-338-0681
*Fax 416 392 1772
Site Property Own
Plaques and Markers
Property Owner/Manager
Consent Form
Contact Information
Name of Site Property Owner
Name of Authorized Representative of Owner (if different)
Contact Mailing Address including Postal Code
Telephone (Daytime)
Proposed Plaque Site Information
Address of Site Property
Description of location where plaque or marker will be placed on property. Attach rough map if needed.
(Plaques should be outside and easily accessible. (For example, at entry way; on corner of building)
I hereby consent to the placement of a Heritage Toronto plaque or marker in the location noted above.
Signature of owner or authorized representative
The personal information on this form is collected
under the authority of Chapter 103, Article II of
the Municipal Code. The information is used to
process your application for a plaque or marker.
Questions about this collection can be directed to
the Coordinator, Plaques and Markers Program,
Heritage Toronto, Historic St. Lawrence Hall, 157
King Street East, 3 Flr., Toronto, Ontario M5C
1G9 or by telephone at 416-338-0679.
Please submit your completed application, with
supporting materials, to:
Plaques and Markers Program
Heritage Toronto
Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
*Fax Alert: Sending personal information by fax is not a
secure means of transmission. It is recommended you
complete and return the form by regular mail.
33 Floor
Plaques and Markers
Types of Plaques
Heritage Toronto’s Plaques and Markers Program offers the following types of plaques. City of Toronto
Inventory of Heritage Properties Plaques are used to identify properties on the City of Toronto’s
Inventory of Heritage Properties. Commemorative Plaques are used for plaque subjects of a more
general nature.
Types of Plaques
Subject Matter
Form and Materials
City of Toronto
Inventory of Heritage
Properties Plaque
eg. 83 Roxborough
All properties on the City of Toronto’s
Inventory of Heritage Properties, including
those in Heritage Conservation Districts,
may be considered for an individualized
Heritage Toronto plaque containing such
details as date of construction, first owner,
architect (if known), etc.
Bronze oval (10”x6.5”,
14”x9”, 18”x12”, and
24”x15” in size).
eg. Babe Ruth’s First
Professional Homerun
Plaques commemorating people, places and
events of significance to the history of
Bronze oval (24”x15”)
Text: Max. 140 words
Images: None
Examples: Site of first moving picture show
in Toronto, Chinatown, Scarboro’ Beach
Amusement Park, Withrow Archaeological
Text: Max. 140 words
Images: None
Enamel panel
(Approx. 25”x16”)
Text: Max. 140 words
Images: 2-4
Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East
3 Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
Phone 416-338-0681
Fax 416 392 1772
Plaques and Markers
Approximate Costs and
Fees payable by the client or a sponsor offset program overhead, cover the cost of research, plaque
production and installation, and, where appropriate, contribute to a maintenance fund.
The cost to the applicant and timeline of an individual plaque project are dependent on the type of
plaque, the overall size and the amount of text, and the complexity of the text and layout creation
process. Final costs will be amended annually as part of Heritage Toronto’s operating budget
Type of Plaque
Due Dates
Approximate Total Cost of
(subject to change)
City of Toronto
Inventory of Heritage
Properties Plaque
Any time.
approved bimonthly.
Any time.
approved bimonthly.
time from
approval to
3-4 months
$550 – 10" x 6.5"
$1050 – 14" x 9" – 40 word
$1650 – 18" x 12" – 70 word
$2500 – 24 " x 15" – 140 word
$2500 – 24" x 15"
6-10 months
- Bronze with 140 word
$6500 – 24" x 15"
- Enamel interpretive panel
- Ability to include 2-4
- 140 word max.
Historic St. Lawrence Hall
157 King Street East
3 Floor
Toronto, ON, M5C 1G9
Phone 416-338-0681
Fax 416 392 1772
Plaques and Markers
Plaque Project
Selection Criteria
Heritage Toronto will review plaque proposals using the following criteria:
City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties plaque
1 All properties listed on the City of Toronto’s Inventory of Heritage Properties, including those
within a Heritage Conservation District, may be considered for a Heritage Toronto plaque
providing, at a minimum, the name of the building, date of construction, and architect (if known).
2 Projects must have full funding available.
Commemorative Plaques
1 Plaque subjects must be based in Toronto and must have made a significant contribution to the
heritage of this City.
2 Plaque subjects must be suitable for interpretation by means of a plaque
3 Proposed plaques must demonstrate an understanding of the subject that acknowledges all
voices and interpretations, and that includes the availability and reliability of academic support.
4 Proposed plaques that inform on topics not otherwise well presented to the public will be
5 Plaque applications from communities of interest that are seen to be under-represented in the
presentation of Toronto’s heritage will be encouraged.
6 Plaque applications should have broad community support.
7 Proposed plaques should create opportunities for related programming.
8 Proposed plaques that create new partnerships for Heritage Toronto are encouraged.
9 Proposed plaques must have full funding available from the applicant or another source. It
should be noted, however, that full funding, alone, will not ensure automatic project approval.
10 Plaque subjects that are already commemorated in Toronto will not be considered unless there
are compelling circumstances to the proposal.
11 Plaque subjects that have occurred at least 40 years in the past will be considered. The
Committee may approve plaque subjects that have occurred more recently under compelling