Saint John Paul II - Church of the Holy Family


Saint John Paul II - Church of the Holy Family
Saint John Paul II
Area Faith Community Bulletin
Church of the Holy Family
700 Main Street West
Silver Lake, MN 55381
320 • 327 • 2356
Rev. Anthony Stubeda
Rev. Paul Schumacher
Rev. Cornelius Ezeiloaku
Church of the Holy Trinity
110 Winsted Avenue West, PO Box 9
Winsted, MN 55395
320 • 485 • 2182
I Know what I Know
July 5, 2015
Fourteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Church of St. Pius X
1014 Knight Avenue North
Glencoe, MN 55336
320 • 864 • 5162
When I lived at the now demolished Catholic Pastoral Center in New Ulm, I noticed that the shower in
my room suddenly was taking a very long time to heat up. I could turn the water on, say my Office of
Readings and Morning Prayer, shave, brush my teeth and make my bed and the
water was barely getting warm. I commented on this fact to Bishop Lucker
who explained to me that this couldn’t be true, since even though I was at the
end of a very long hot water line, there was a pump that circulated the water
constantly. No matter what I said he assured me that it was not happening, so I
dropped the subject. Two weeks later Bishop Lucker and I were having a
conversation at dinner and he told me that the maintenance man had noticed
that the hot water pump was broken, and that the water now had to come from
the sub-basement, up two floors and down a very long hallway to my room. He
didn’t seem to remember our earlier conversation, so I did not mention to him
that I had told him about the problem two weeks earlier, but I did think to
myself, “I know what I know.” Since I am completely incapable of fixing anything, I am accustomed to
people disbelieving me when I tell them that something is not working correctly, sounds funny or seems
to be malfunctioning. At the same time I often remind myself that I know what I know whether people
believe me or not.
In our reading from Ezequiel God warns the prophet that the people to whom he will speak will resist and
ignore him. They will not be willing to hear his words and they will discount what he has to say, but God
promises that they will know that God has spoken through him. The prophet knows the truth that he
speaks for God, and he will have to find his consolation and strength in his certainty of knowing that God
has sent him. Jesus’ words in his native place attract attention and interest, but soon objections arise to his
message of salvation. They are so closed to him that he is unable to bring his healing power to them. It is
important to notice, however, that he continues to proclaim the truth.
It can seem at times that the society we live in is not interested in the message our faith brings to the
world. In a society that is preoccupied with earthly wealth and material possessions our message of
generous giving and concern for the poor can sometimes sound a sour note. In a culture that exalts the
power of the human person our proclamation that God is the center of all things is ridiculed and ignored.
By the standard of a society that exalts and admires power and strength our proclamation our own
weakness strengthened by God’s power can seem ridiculous. In our experience of seeing the power of
hatred, disease, death and war paraded before us in the nightly news, our message of reconciliation,
forgiveness and God’s power over even death can be hard to accept.
We know that God has transformed our lives and that we are surrounded by his goodness and power.
Whether heard or not we proclaim what we know is the truth. We have a loving God who has saved us
through the life, death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ, and who has destined us for life. We do
not become discouraged or down-hearted when no one seems to be listening. We know what we know.
Fr. Tony Stubeda
Holy Trinity, Winsted
Holy Family, Silver Lake
Pastoral Leaders
St. John Paul II Area Faith Community Directory
Rev. Anthony Stubeda [email protected]
Associate Pastors
Rev. Paul Schumacher [email protected]
Rev. Cornelius Ezeiloaku [email protected]
Call parish office for class
time and Baptism schedule
Liturgist and Director of Music
Kelly LeCrone: [email protected]
Parish Office: 320-327-2356
Business Administrator
Shirley Nowak [email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Lori Penas [email protected]
Homebound Ministries/Pastoral Care
Celia Knoll [email protected]
Mass Times
Saturday: 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m.
Sunday: 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: noon
Adoration: Tuesday
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Parish Office: 320-485-2182
Business Administrator 320-485-5651
Nancy Neumann [email protected]
Development/Marketing 320-485-5652
Andrew Meuleners [email protected]
Dean of Students 320-485-5650
Wesley Kapping [email protected]
Dean of Faculty/Elementary Principal 320-485-5630
Cathy Millerbernd [email protected]
Director of Religious Education 320-485-5633
Lori Penas [email protected]
Deacon Michael Thoennes
[email protected] 952-465-8293
Mass Times
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:30 a.m.
St. Pius X, Glencoe
Please talk to a priest
before setting a date
Saturday: 4:00 p.m.
Adoration: Tuesday
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Parish Office: 320-864-5162
Business Administrator
Shirley Nowak [email protected]
School Office: 320-864-3214
School Principal
Cathy Millerbernd [email protected]
Coordinator of Religious Education
Mark Simons [email protected]
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry
Elvia Peña [email protected]
Mass Times
Saturday: 6:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. English
11:30 a.m. Spanish
Saturday: noon
Adoration: First Friday
8:50 a.m. – Noon
Area Faith Community Week at a Glance
July 6, 2015
July 7, 2015
7:00 p.m. Area Word Committee meeting at Holy Family
July 8, 2015
July 9, 2015
July 10, 2015
July 11, 2015
July 12, 2015
Financial Stewardship: June 27 & 28, 2015
Adult: $5,064.00; Student: $13.00; Loose Plate: $660.25;
DUF: $10.00, Peter’s Pence: $120.00.
Adult: $6,191.00; Student: $17.50; Loose Plate: $226.01;
Budget: Total Contributed YTD: $390,409.11
Total Budgeted YTD: $434,152.62; Under Budget: $43,743.51.
Adult: $4,523.00; Student: $27.64; Loose Plate: $75.25;
Pius Connections to the Future: $435.00; DUF: $195.00;
Fuel: $66.00; Peter’s Pence: $30.00;
Spanish: $216.50; Peter’s Pence: $140.00.
Scripture Readings
Monday: Gn 28:10-22a; Mt 9:18-26
Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57, 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Mt 10:1-7
Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29, 45:1-5; Mt 10:7-15
Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10:16-23
Saturday: Gn 49:29-32, 50:15-26a; Mt 10:24-33
Sunday: Am 7:12-15; Eph 1:3-14; Mk 6:7-13
New Parishioners
If you would like to register as a parishioner of one of our Area Faith
Community Churches, please call the appropriate parish office:
Church of the Holy Family:
Church of the Holy Trinity:
Church of St. Pius X:
Priest Meetings/Vacations
Fr. Tony will be officiating at a wedding at the Church of the
Japanese Martyrs in Leavenworth on Saturday.
Church of the Holy Family
July 6, 2015
St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr
No Mass
7:00 p.m. Holy Family Bazaar meeting
July 7, 2015
8:00 a.m. Mass (+Craig Wanous and deceased Wanous family
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00 p.m. Area Word Committee meeting
July 8, 2015
Happy Birthday Celia!
8:00 a.m. Mass (+Betty Pulkrabek)
July 9, 2015
St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs
10:10 a.m. Cedar Crest Rosary
10:30 a.m. Cedar Crest Mass (+Donald & Christel Navratil)
July 10, 2015
8:00 a.m. Mass (+Frank & Dora Stifter, +Monica Stifter, +Frank &
Ann Shamla and deceased relatives)
July 11, 2015
St. Benedict, Abbot
Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:00 p.m. Mass (+Willard Dolezal)
July 12, 2015
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m. Mass (+Dominic & Lucy Mallak, +Roger Mallak and
deceased family members)
8:00 p.m. Area Faith Community Mass (+Edward & Beatrice
Tuesday, & Thursday: 7:00 – 3:30 p.m., Friday: 8:00 a.m. - noon
Celia & Lori are available to assist as schedules allow.
Please pray for…Gilbert Stifter, Cynthia (Dan) Entinger, Ray &
Rose Posusta, Marie Pilarski Butler, Beverly Stifter, Tara
Rose, Randy Klug, Jennifer Horstmann, Milan Nemec, Gale
Posusta, Scott Miska, Glenn Pilarski, Colleen Carlson, Larry
Pavlish, and 5 special intentions.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will have their Potluck Family Picnic
starting at noon on July 12 at the Silver Lake Pool Shelter. Widows
of Knight of Columbus members are invited to attend.
BAZAAR: There will be a Bazaar meeting on Monday, July 6 at
7:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Education Center. This meeting is
open to all parishioners – if you have any suggestions or would like
to be a part of the Bazaar committee, please plan to attend.
Get Involved! – Make A Difference! In just a couple of months we
will begin regular Wednesday evening Religious Education classes.
The success of our RE program relies greatly on many volunteers
who give an hour or two each week to pass along our faith to the
young people of our parish, listen to prayers, or simply watch the
office. Would you like to volunteer? This year we will need an
Early Class (5:15 – 6:45 p.m.) Office Aide, additional substitute
Catechists at all grade levels, classroom aides to assist our Catechists
and additional prayer listeners for both the early and late classes. If
you would like to volunteer for any of these ministries, please contact
Lori Penas at 320-327-2356 or sign up on the sheet on the table in the
back of Church.
will be at the home of
Jackie Konerza
Next week ~ July 12, 2015
Edmund Jr. & Wendy Nowak family
Please remember to return the chalice Saturday afternoon
HOMEBOUND If you or someone you know will be homebound at
home or in a care facility for any period of time, please contact Celia
Knoll so arrangements can be made for a visit. Office: 320-327-2356
or Cell: 320-583-1320.
ROSARY LEADERS NEEDED: A Rosary leader is needed before
the 4:00 p.m. Mass on the second Saturday of each month and also a
Saturday evening substitute. Please pray that we find volunteers. If
you are interested, please contact Celia Knoll at 320-583-1320 to be
placed on the schedule.
SUMMER FOOD ROCKS! Glencoe/Silver Lake Public Schools
sponsoring “Summer Food Rocks.” Summer meals are available to
all kids birth to 18 at no cost. To eat, just show up. Adults are
welcome to join their child for a meal. Breakfast price $2.10, lunch
price $3.70. Please see bulletin board for sites serving summer
Church of the Holy Trinity
July 6, 2015
St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr
No Mass
July 7, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration
10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s
6:00 p.m. Mass (+Bill Kaluza)
July 8, 2015
Happy Birthday Nancy!
8:15 a.m. Mass (+Albin & Leona Lewandowski)
July 9, 2015
St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs
8:15 a.m. Mass (+Chester, Luella, Ken & Mike Kaczmarek)
July 10, 2015
10:00 a.m. Mass (21 Coptic Martyrs & Worldwide Catholic Church)
Wedding Rehearsal
July 11, 2015
St. Benedict, Abbot
2:00 p.m. Krzmarzick/Hendry Wedding
4:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:00 p.m. Mass (+Delzetta Thomas)
July 12, 2015
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:30 a.m. Mass (+Barney & Margaret Bischoff)
Please, do not schedule any events before checking with Nancy in the
parish office. Thank you!
PRAYER NETWORK: To activate the Holy Trinity Prayer
Network or to become a member you may call either Mary Mahon at
320-485-2257 or JoAnn Fasching at 320-485-3773.
HOMEBOUND MINISTRY: If you are going to be homebound for
any period of time or know someone who is, please call the Parish
Office so we can make arrangements for someone to bring them
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Held every Tuesday, starting at
9:00 a.m. We have need of adorers for noon to one, 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
and 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., as well as substitutes. Holy Spirit, give us the
love, strength and willingness to respond to Jesus’ invitation to
Eucharistic Adoration. If interested, please contact Wanda Paumen
at 320-485-2138 for more information.
son of Jeremy & Jackie Mullery. May God bless him and his family.
THANK YOU to all involved in the Pies for Dad fundraiser. CCW
groups 10, 11 and 12, co-chairs for doing the calling, to all that
donated, ladies that did set up and helped with selling. Thank you,
Fr. Paul for having the Guatemala coffee available. Our appreciation
goes out to everyone for what you do for CCW and Holy Trinity
parish. We raised $800.00 that will be used for charities.
~Co-Presidents, Dorothy Karels and Irene Kutz
months we will begin regular Wednesday evening RE classes. The
success of our RE program relies greatly on many volunteers who
give an hour or two each week to pass along our faith to the young
people of our parish, listen to prayers, or simply watch the office.
Would you like to volunteer? This year we will need Catechists for
grades 7, 8 and 11. In addition, we are looking for substitute
Catechists at all grade levels, classroom aides to assist our Catechists,
and prayer listeners. If you would like to volunteer for any of these
ministries, please contact Lori Penas at 320-485-5633 or sign up on
the sheet on the table in the back of Church. Please remember that all
volunteers must be VIRTUS trained and current on their annual
lesson. If you would like to volunteer but are not VIRTUS trained,
there are several classes available over the summer months.
end of the fiscal year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank
the many MANY wonderful volunteers who share their time to make
Holy Trinity’s Bingo and Meat Raffle programs a huge success. This
past year we netted $18,000 in Bingo receipts and $5,250 for the
meat raffle. This would not be possible without the following
volunteers: Craig and Shari Remer, Mary Wessling, Cheryl & Laurie
Boogaard, Mike Guggemos, Bill, Carol & Dick Norman, Dawn
Rodin, Tony & Lavon Kielkucki, LouAnn Laxen, Patty Fleischacker,
Al & Deb Thompson, Paul Christensen, Diane Odenbrett, Pat & Lisa
Schommer, Rosie Rathmanner, LuAnn Ollig, Janet Koch, Jeff
Albers, Linda Sprengler, Judy Ide, Wes Kapping, Joe Neumann,
Luanne Wiemiller, Bev & Tom Hoffmann, Rosie Heimerl, Andrea
Dietrich, Kathy Rasset, Karen Guennigsman, Tim, Amy & Brian
Langenfeld, Jeff & Michelle Campbell. These volunteers help once a
month or more to keep our programs running smoothly. I am so
appreciative for all of you who helped with bingo and the meat raffle.
Bingo is held every Wednesday throughout the year beginning at
6:00 p.m. and meat raffles are held Friday nights at the Blue Note,
September - April, beginning at 5:15 p.m.
~Elaine Kahle, Gambling Manager
400 CLUB BEGINS NEW YEAR on July 1. All members that
currently have a 400 Club number are asked to mail their dues to
their captain or drop them in the collection box in an envelope clearly
marked “400 Club” and put to the attention of your captain. The 400
Club is a parish raffle that started in the 1980’s and has raised
thousands of dollars for our parish. Members pay $5.00 a month and
currently 9 prizes are awarded each month. If you would be
interested in a number, please call Betty Johnson at 320-543-3722 or
Elaine Kahle at 320-485-4495.
VOTIVE LIGHTS: In loving memory of Clarence & Gertrude
Ogitziak; In loving memory of Kenneth J. Zimmermann; Very
Special Intentions; Loving memory of Brian Baldwin, life will never
be the same; Loving memory of Paul & Sally Millerbernd; Loving
memory of Leonard, Gary & Bob Rozeske; Marcie Weibel; In
memory of Eugene Fiecke & improved health for Larry & Kim
Pogue & Janet Grimm; In memory of Schmitt and Heimerl families;
Intention of Allen Fiecke & Brad Swedberg; Special Intentions; For
Bridget Lessard, healing broken wrist; For Julie Hemmesch – safe
travels. If you would like a votive light burnt for a loved one or a
special intention please put $5.00 in an envelope marked with your
intention and drop it in the collection or at the Parish Office.
Church of St. Pius X
July 6, 2015
St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr
No Mass
July 7, 2015
5:00 – 8:00 p.m. CCW Rummage Sale Drop off
5:10 p.m. Evening Prayer
5:30 p.m. Mass (+John Popelka)
July 8, 2015
5:10 p.m. Evening Prayer
5:30 p.m. Mass (+Dorothy Hlavka)
July 9, 2015
St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs
10:30 a.m. GRHS-LTC Mass (+Mathilda & John Hettver)
July 10, 2015
8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
8:20 a.m. Mass (l. & d. HFCCW members)
No Spanish Mass
July 11, 2015
St. Benedict, Abbot
Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation
6:00 p.m. Mass (+Claire Murray)
July 12, 2015
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 a.m. – noon CCW Rummage Sale Drop off
10:00 a.m. Mass (+Joe Zajicek)
11:30 a.m. Spanish Mass (For the Parish)
This year’s annual Knights of Columbus Family Picnic is scheduled
for August 9 in Oscar Olson Memorial Park from 11:00 a.m. to
3:00 p.m. Please sign-up, by, July 15 on the form posted on the
bulletin board in the gathering area so we will know how much food
and beverage we need to provide. All Knights and their families,
widows of deceased Knights, and non-members who worked on a
Knights of Columbus project are invited to attend.
Change from the KC Newsletter: Next KC Paper Drive will be July
16, 17, 18, to coincide with the CCW Rummage Sale.
Our parish RE Program is currently seeking both 3/4 Grade and 5/6
Grade Catechists, as well as Prayer Listeners.
A SUMMER BOOK STUDY: the St. Pius X Mothers’ Group will
sponsor a book study every Friday from June 5 through to August 21
at the Plato City Park. We will be studying “Imitating Mary” by
Marge Fenelon supplemented with the writings of St. Louis de
Montfort on Mary’s virtues and Scripture passages. Children are
welcome and encouraged to attend. Please contact Sue Mielke at
320-395-2571 or [email protected] for more information.
SUMMER: We ask that each of our newly trained servers sign-up to
serve weekday Masses at least six times during the summer. The
Mass schedule for June is now on the bulletin board. Parents and new
servers should consult and choose a time to be here. Experienced
servers are also welcome to serve at daily Masses during the summer.
We are a third of the way through summer, make sure to sign up for
your times to practice.
RETAINING WALL PROJECT: As many of you have noticed
and reminded us, the retaining wall is in need of attention. In order to
proceed with needed work, we must have at least 75% of the money
on hand and the rest firmly pledged. We have a bid for the work on
the wall for $54,000.00. Through last year’s Diocesan Ministry
Appeal, we expect to have raised $11,080.00. If you are interested in
helping us reach our goal of raising $42,920.00 for the completion of
this project, please talk to Fr. Tony or Shirley Nowak, our parish
business administrator. In the interim we will be working on the
permissions and paperwork necessary for the project. Together let us
strive to preserve our parish’s physical resources.
The annual CCW rummage sale will soon be here! This event is one
of the best fund-raisers CCW has. If you have never helped, we want
to encourage you to donate time and talent to this project. If a few
more people help price items, sort clothing, and place items on tables,
it will be better for all! Remember, many hands make light work!
The money accumulated in this project is used in several areas to
support our Church and School. Please come and help! Your
donation of merchandise, time and talent is needed!
We will also need people to help with the sale, as well as people who
are willing to donate food and water for workers, whenever
volunteers are here working during the sorting times as well as the
sale times. We also need workers for clean up and packaging the
remaining items for donation and putting the equipment back into
storage. Please sign up on the sign-up sheets on the bulletin
If you have questions, please call Mary Ann Thalmann,
at 320-238 2331.
Below are the drop off dates and times:
Sunday, July 5
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 7
5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 12
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 14
5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 15
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Sale dates and times:
Thursday, July 16
8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Friday, July 17
8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
PICK UP YOUR PANS AND BOWLS: There are still a number of
pans and bowls from various events in the gathering area of the
church. Please check if you are missing bowls or pans.
GRADUATION PICTURES: If you would like your graduation
picture back from either this year or last year’s display, please check
the box near the St. Pius X statue in the gather area of the church.
This also includes Grade six graduation from this year.
Area Faith Community Schools News
Holy Trinity School News
REPORT CARDS may be picked up in the high school office.
Hours are 8am-3pm.
PAPER DRIVES: Please continue to save your paper and
cardboard. The next paper drive will be Saturday, August 1 from
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Thank you!
St. Pius X School News
SUMMER FOOD ROCKS! Glencoe/Silver Lake Public Schools
sponsoring “Summer Food Rocks.” Summer meals are available to
all kids birth to 18 at no cost. To eat, just show up. Adults are
welcome to join their child for a meal. Breakfast price $2.10, lunch
price $3.70. Please see bulletin board for sites serving summer
LOST AND FOUND: There are 3 pair of girls tennis shoes left in
the school. If you are missing your shoes please stop by and pick
them up.
BECOME A HOST FAMILY: International high school exchange students will be arriving in the U.S. in time to study in American high schools
for the 2015-2016 school year. These students would like to integrate themselves into a loving and caring family with the goal of experiencing
American culture as an American high school student does. In turn they will provide insight into their own culture and the STS Foundation would
like to help organize these relationships. The host family provides a separate bed, family meals and a loving and caring environment. The students
have their own spending money and health insurance. Please call Local Coordinator, Kari Becker, at 320-234-3475, to learn more about this
enriching opportunity. You may also email her at [email protected]. For additional information please visit:
MCLEOD COUNTY BACK TO SCHOOL DRIVE 2015-16: Common Cup Ministry and The Salvation Army are once again sponsoring the
McLeod County Back to School Drive. Salvation Army has purchased 400 backpacks. Our goal is to gather enough supplies to match or exceed the
number of donated backpacks so each child can fill their backpack with the basic supplies needed. Purchase any of the supplies listed and drop them
off at Common Cup ministry or your local church. Monetary donations are also accepted and will be used to purchase additional supplies.
Basic School Supplies Needed: #2 pencils, erasers, 4 oz bottles of glue, glue sticks, pencil boxes and bags, plastic pocket folders, spiral notebooks,
scissors (Fiskar), rulers, boxes of color markers, loose leaf paper, boxes of color pencils, highlighting markers, protractors, compasses, calculators,
3-ring binders, black fine line Sharpie markers, pencil sharpeners with covers, pens (black, red, blue), Prang water colors, 4-pack of dry erase
markers, dictionaries, thesaurus’ and backpacks.
The supply request forms are on the table in back of church at Holy Family or the parish office and in the kiosk at St. Pius X.
Common Cup Ministry and The Salvation Army appreciate your help in providing children with the school supplies they need to do well in school.
If you have any questions, please call Bev Bonte at 234-8344 or Jackie Olson at 583-3423.
Area Faith Community News
NEW WEEKLY FEATURE: We are preparing for a new
Evangelization process in our Area Faith Community. We have been
planning this new process for almost a year. This program is called
Christ Life, and our hope is that it will be a way for all of us to renew
and invigorate our enthusiasm for the faith and sharing the faith with
others. As part of our preparation we will have a new feature in our
bulletin each week. We are calling it the “Evangelization Corner.”
Each week there will be a short article about Evangelization and
Christ Life in the bulletin. We encourage you to read it and to begin
to think about how you might participate in the Christ Life process.
AFC MISSION GROUP is collecting plastic jars of peanut butter
and jelly, children’s aspirin and cold medications to take to San
Lucas. These items can be dropped off at your church. We are also
accepting monetary donations which you may drop in the weekend
collection in a clearly marked envelope to be used to purchase the
above items and for the shipment of extra suitcases and medical
supplies. Each extra suitcase costs $45.00 to ship the medical
supplies. We are taking down over $300,000.00 worth of supplies.
Your generosity will be greatly appreciated! This will be the last time
this group will be making this trip to San Lucas.
Offices of Religious Education and Adult Faith Formation invite you
and all adult Catholics to the many opportunities to be formed in the
faith. Foundations is a once a month formation for adults which
starts in September in New Ulm. There are online opportunities
through the University of Dayton’s Virtual Learning Community for
Faith Formation and NIKA Catholic Catechetical Institute. Llamados
a Servir is a once a month formation for those who serve our Latino
community. Llamados a Servir begins in September as well. There
are other opportunities and opportunities for scholarships to pay for
these programs. Please contact your parish office for a Lay Ministry
Formation booklet with further information and registration or
contact Paulette Kral at 507-233-5318 or e-mail her at
[email protected].
Pope Francis is coming to visit the United States from September 22 28, 2015. The Office of Family Life will be leading a pilgrimage to
Philadelphia to see him at the World Meeting of Families. This theme
of the World Meeting of Families is: “The Gospel of the Family,
Resource of Humanity,” and it will highlight the good news of the
family and its value to the good of society. The meeting will provide
the opportunity to attend Holy Mass with Pope Francis, to hear
internationally known speakers, and to participate in activities for all
ages. Go to to complete your
registration. The cost of the pilgrimage package is $1,875 per person,
double occupancy. The package includes roundtrip coach transfer
from New Ulm to the airport, roundtrip airfare from Minneapolis to
Philadelphia, hotel accommodations for six nights with breakfast,
coach transportation while in Philadelphia and for associated
pilgrimage trips, and two dinners. The pilgrimage package does not
include the registration for the World Meeting of Families, which
must be completed through the official World Meeting of Families
website. This site can be accessed from the diocesan website, , Office of Family Life page. There are various
registration packets available. If you have questions, please contact
Sr. Candace Fier at [email protected] or 507-233-5328.
flyers about World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland from July 20 –
August 1, 2016 on the table in the back of church at Holy Family, on
the table under the Sacred Heart Statue at Holy Trinity and in the
kiosk in the gathering area at St. Pius X. Visit to register (click on the
blue “July 20 – August 1” button). Keep in mind that a $500 deposit
will be necessary upon registration and $1,000 within 30 days of
registration. Also note that World Youth Day is specifically geared
towards young adults, so anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a
parent. If you have registered or have any questions, please contact
Kevin Losleben, director of the Diocese of New Ulm’s Office of
Youth Ministry at [email protected] or 507-233-5327. Seats are
limited to 30, so sign up soon!
Are you age 55 or older and unemployed? Do you want to work parttime? The Senior Community Service Employment Program
(SCSEP) helps seniors earn extra money, learn new skills, stay in the
workforce, and participate in the community. SCSEP is administered
by Central Minnesota Jobs and Training Service, Inc., a partner in the
Minnesota WorkForce Center System. SCSEP employment
opportunities are available in Aitkin, Carlton, Chisago, Isanti,
Kanabec, McLeod, Meeker, Mille Lacs, Pine, Serburne, and Wright
Counties. Income eligibility criteria apply. Call 320-241-1694 or 1800-284-7425 for more information and ask for Pennie Lee, Senior
Program Supervisor.
THANK YOU for your generous support of our Holy Father’s
charitable works in the Peter’s Pence Collection. Your contributions
will be combined with those of our brothers and sisters around the
world to help Pope Francis provide essential relief to people in need.
Your generosity is an act of solidarity with the universal Church,
answering the call to be a witness of charity. May God bless you..
WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT: Each week this box will feature
comments and reflections on the Church’s New
Evangelization…called forth from all the popes and now Pope
Francis! What is the New Evangelization? It is not a new gospel, nor
a new doctrine, nor new discipline or rules but rather, how to renew
ourselves so as to share the faith with God’s love, filled with the zeal
of the Gospel. Why do this? It’s because we, ourselves, will be
renewed and help others encounter Jesus Christ in a life-changing
way within the Church community!
Upcoming Community Events
please see bulletin board for more information
SUNDAY, JULY 5: Winsted American Legion Breakfast, 8:00 a.m.
– noon, at the Legion Club.
THURSDAY, JULY 9: Silver Lake Music in the Park hosted by
Grace Bible Church, 6:00 p.m.
July 17-19 in Buffalo, MN, October 9-11 in Buffalo MN, and
November 20-22 in Prior Lake, MN. For more information visit the
website at or contact John & Mary Beth at
[email protected] or 507-838-8178.
ATTENTION: If you have returned to McLeod County from Active
Military Service August 1, 2014 to present, please contact the
McLeod County Beyond the Yellow Ribbon! We are looking to
honor active military returnees at the McLeod County Fair by
providing a fun-filled day of free admission, entertainment and treats
on Sunday, August 23, 2015. Please contact us at 320-864-1454, or
[email protected] by July 31, 2015.
Contact the Parish office
to place your
K & K Storage
512 Lake Ave
Silver Lake, MN 55381
Serving others to help them grow in their faith
Debbie Huikko * Karrie Weber
25 Birch Avenue S., Maple Lake, MN
Ger ald Kasella ~ Frank Kaczmarek
Tuesday & Wednesday 10am-2pm;
Dobratz ~ Hantge
Funeral Chapel
899 Hwy. 15 South
Hutchinson, MN 55350
320-587-2128 (24 Hours)
Lynne Garbers, GRI,SFR
Broker Associate
23 Juniper St. N - Box 6
Lester Prairie, MN 55354
Cell: 320-224-1623
Fax: 952-829-1565
Email: [email protected]
First Catholic Slovak
Ladies Association
Life Ins. - Annuities - IRA’s
Milton A. Trnka___________
General Agent Phone: (507) 744-2655
Fax: (507) 744-2655
[email protected]
802 Arizona St., NW
Lonsdale,MN 55046
Each office independently Owned and Operated
Attorney at law
[email protected]
Citizen Bank Building, Suite 202
PO Box 98
Hutchinson, MN 55350
PO Box 129 * Cokato, MN 55321
Contact the Parish office
to place your
Silver Lake American Legion
2nd Sat. Total Country Band
3rd Sat. Jim Brewers
4th Fri. Detour Band
4th Sun. Breakfast Buffet 9-11 a.m.
Leisure Time Mowing
Mowing, Spraying, Fertilizing
Steve Weber
22102 Flower Road
Silver Lake, MN 55354
Contact the Parish office
to place your