Submission Guidelines - International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike


Submission Guidelines - International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike
Submit Your Project for an IBTTA Toll Excellence Award!
IBTTA’s Toll Excellence Awards recognize the very best the international tolling industry has to
offer. Each year, we celebrate IBTTA member toll agencies whose creative, innovative, positive
programs set a new standard of excellence. By providing wide recognition for a job well done,
the Toll Excellence Awards also speed up the transmission of new ideas and emerging practices
throughout the industry.
Award Categories—PUBLIC SECTOR (Agency) MEMBERS
 Administration & Finance: This category is for projects or programs related to
administration, finance, human resources, law, risk management, project procurement,
policy and government relations.
The winning submission in 2014 was awarded to the Central Nippon Expressway
Company Limited for their Shin Tomei Expressway Project.
Click here to see many past winners in this category.
 Customer Service & Marketing Outreach: This category is for projects or programs
related to communications, marketing, social media, public relations, public outreach,
business development and concessions.
The winning submission in 2014 was awarded to the North Texas Tollway
Authority for their project.
Click here to see many past winners in this category.
 Social Responsibility: This category is for projects or programs related to social
responsibility, community involvement, environmental mitigation and public education.
The winning submission in 2014 was awarded to the Oklahoma Turnpike
Authority for their Tornado Disaster Recovery and Clean-up.
Click here to see many past winners in this category.
 Technology: This category is for projects or programs related to electronic toll collection,
intelligent transportation systems, information technology, road technology, mobile
applications and communication systems.
The winning submission in 2014 was awarded to the Roads & Transport
Authority (RTA) for their Salik Toll System Expansion: A Model of Tolling
Excellence project.
Click here to see many past winners in this category
 Toll Operations, Engineering & Maintenance: This category is for projects or programs
related to toll operations, customer service centers, engineering, maintenance, incident
management and safety.
The winning submission in 2014 was awarded to Autostrade per l'Italia S.p.A for
their Effectiveness and Efficiency in Winter Operations Project.
Click here to see many past winners in this category.
 President’s Award: This award will be given to the best submission of the five category
Click here to see many past President’s Awards recipients.
To submit a noteworthy project or program for consideration, your organization must be a toll
agency active member of IBTTA.
Entry Requirements & Submission Deadline
Your application should be for a project or program that began no more than three years
before the submission date and has produced at least 12 months of proven experience.
Submitters much choose one category for each submission (new in 2015).
All entries must be submitted in English on the electronic entry form, by close of business
May 19, 2015.
 Private Sector Innovation Award: Up to three (3) awards will be given to private sector
members who highlight a project or program that has in some way furthered the mission of
IBTTA and the tolling industry.
The project/program must demonstrate relevance to the contemporary and future
needs of the industry.
The project/program must provide lessons, strategies, and techniques that can be
used or adapted in the industry.
The project/program can be a one-time event that reflects a significant contribution
to the industry.
To submit a noteworthy project or program for consideration, your organization must be an
associate or sustaining member of IBTTA.
Entry Requirements & Submission Deadline
Your application should be for a project or program that began no more than three years
before the submission date and has produced at least 12 months of proven experience.
Each member is allowed ONE (1) submission for this award. If a member submits more
than one project/program, the first one will be reviewed and the others discarded.
If a private sector member’s submission includes a project done for an IBTTA agency
member, IBTTA will assume that the member has given permission to the private sector
member to submit the entry.
Marketing material will not be accepted but a link to material can be added to the
All entries must be submitted in English on the electronic entry form, by close of business
May 19, 2015.
Submission Evaluation (for all awards)
Each application is evaluated according to four criteria:
Criterion 1: To what extent are there results to demonstrate that the project objective
was reached, and that it had a positive impact for the customer, the organization and/or
the community? 30%
Criterion 2: How is your project relevant to the tolling industry? 30%
Criterion 3: To what extent does the project clearly represent excellence, and an
extraordinary achievement for the toll agency that undertook it? 40%
Criterion 4: Innovation will be considered as a tie-breaker as needed.
Each year, the IBTTA President appoints 12 members from both the public and private sectors
to serve as Toll Excellence Awards Committee judges. Each judge receives a copy of each
applicant’s electronic entry form. One winning entry is selected for this award based on a set
scoring matrix using the submission evaluation criteria.
Awards Presentation
This year’s award presentation will take place during IBTTA's 2015 Annual Meeting and
Exhibition, August 30–September 2 in Dublin, Ireland. You will be notified if your submission
has been chosen as an award winner and details will follow at that time. After the meeting,
IBTTA will provide each winner with a photograph of the award presentation.
More Information