www.labbs.org.uk IN THIS ISSUE:
www.labbs.org.uk IN THIS ISSUE:
The magazine of the Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers www.labbs.org.uk March 2008 IN THIS ISSUE: OUR FIRST BARBERSHOP YEAR with THE BARBERETTES LEARN TO SIN G SUCCESS FOR FASCINATING RHYTHM Gloucestershire is pleasantly overwhelmed Barbershop from the rookie perspective ALL THE WORLD LOVES A CLOWN QUARTET CORNER Havoc, Enigma & After Hours p. 16 p.5 CLUBS Find out what p.10 -Cheshire Chord Co., -Green Street Blues, -Signature, -White Rosettes, -Thameside, -Harton Harmonisers -Belles of 3 Spires and -A Touch of TLC HOW DO THEY DO IT? Costume tips from Kath Roodhouse p.9 have been up to since the turn of the year. Induction Programme from Gem Connection p.4 p.6 Dressing up with Renaissance SNAP TO IT p. 8 LABBS NEWS ROUND-UP Catch up with new appointments, resignations and retirem ents and find ou t how LABBS, BABS and Sweet Adelines are working together. p.2 AND THE REST All the usual Letters to the Editor, Notices, and Ads p.13 Excellent ad vice on taking great shots from EN IGMA s favourite photographer Louis Ramsey p.12 VOICE BOX MA RCH 2008 FROM PAGE 2 LABBS CHAIRMAN H i everyone Well, the New Year is well and truly moving on and here we are again, preparing for Prelims in April how quickly these things come round! I know that both the E&J Committee and the Prelims/Convention Team are working very hard to make these days both efficient and fun, as always, and I do hope you will enjoy the new concept. I will see some of you in Bristol and Hatfield and Kath Good will be representing the Executive in Leeds and Nottingham. Please come and talk to us! Jacqui Edwards My first (and very p leasu rable) d u ty in this letter is to say an enorm ou s thank you to Jean Lew is I am sure you will all agree with me that her first edition of Voice Box was a real success. She has given you all lots of ideas for items so please respond! Our in-house magazine can only be as good as you make it. We have had some changes on the Executive Team: Jennifer Nicol has had to resign due to ill health we all wish you much better health for the future Jennifer and thank you for being with us, albeit for a short time. Betty Townsend resigned in November as Prelims/Convention Team Liaison Officer (but is still involved on the Team) and Jane Wilkinson has kindly stepped into her shoes. Thank you Betty for an incredible job and welcome Jane we wish you good luck but know you will do a great job too. At Council on the 19th January it was agreed that we should honour our Founder Members by making them Honorary Members and Val Law rence is at p resent tracking them d ow n . We know that five of them are still m embers of LABBS, w hich is a p retty cool achievement by anyone s stand ard s. I hop e you agree that this is a m arvellou s id ea where would the Association be if they had not put their heads together thirty-one years ago? I have one sad, but not exactly unexpected, piece of news to report and that is that Crawley Harmony has decided to leave LABBS, although they plan to stay together as a singing group. It is always sad when a club leaves our Association but especially so when it is a Founder Club. Some ladies will become CAL Members but I know you will want to join with me in thanking them for being part of LABBS for an incredible thirty-one years and in wishing them all the very best for the future. Yours, in harmony, Jacqui 3. Young Singers Harmony Camp. Lincoln Barbershop H arm ony Choru s (BABS) is ru nning a sum m er cam p for you ng singers aged 13 18 in Au gust 2009 and educators from the three Associations will take part. Rep resentatives of LABBS, BABS and Sw eet Ad elines International (Region 31) have m et on fou r occasions since Ju ne 2007 to d iscu ss both w orking m ore closely together and find ing w ays of p rom oting barbershop to a w id er audience and, to date, there are five projects in hand: 1. A Best of British Barbershop CD . This w ill show case ou r hobby and w ill be u sed m ainly for p rom otional p u rp oses. This is p rogressing and it is hop ed that the CD will become available in the early summer. 2. Two one-day Workshops: a. Saturday 5th April 2008. BVSC Conference Centre, Birmingham. Marketing and PR. This is targeted at PROs and w ebm asters. The cost is £25.00 p er head and ind ivid u al clu bs w ill p ay for their d elegate(s) to attend ; BABS H arm ony Fou nd ation is fu nding the overheads. b. A Saturday in early June 2009. Venue to be decided. A Masterclass in Arranging. No details yet but watch this sp ace! 4. Barbershop Awareness Week and Show. It is envisaged that w e w ill all hold events p rom oting barbershop d u ring one w eek in the su m m er of 2009 and this w ill cu lm inate in a Best of British Barbershop Show at the Lond on Pallad ium in Sep tem ber 2009. The Show w ill featu re the top choruses and qu artets from each Association and w e p lan to do this in conjunction with a major British charity. I hop e you w ill agree w ith m e that these are exciting p rojects for LABBS and for barbershop generally and will support them wholeheartedly. Jacqui Edwards Chairman, LABBS MA RCH 2008 VOICE BOX PAGE 3 LABBS ROUND-UP LONG SERVICE We recognise and honour the tremendous service to LABBS given by the following members. Please take the time to congratulate them. 30 year members in 2006 Audrey Ackroyd (Avon); Margaret d e Wolf (CAL); Enid Fow ler and Sybil H u lm e (Craw ley); Ed na Dean, Mary Sm ith & Patsy Sm ith (Dorset); Margaret H obd ay (E Mid land s); Sand ra La n d e y (Le e d s ); En id Va u x (Liverp ool); Kay Derrig, Kim H and el, Wend y Povey, Dap h Pow ell, Mau reen Tott (Read ing); Barbara Mesu re & Beryl Richm an (Sevenoaks); Margaret Kersw ell, Brend a Roffe & Lee Westlake (Teignm ou th); Evelyn Asher, Bu nny Bainbrid ge, H ild a Cam p bell, Margaret Grant (Tynesid e); Di Crosfield (Winchester). 30 year members in 2007 C a t h M o r t o n & Ca r o l Sh e r r y (Brad ford ); H elen Row land s & H elen Ryley (CAL); Olive Clarke, Ed na Lawrence, Jean Stad nicki, Au d rey Syrett, & Joan Tam on (Craw ley); Karen Palmer & Marilyn Penketh (H avant); Dot H all (Leed s); Pau la McEw an & Jean Th om as (Lym m ); Cath erin e Grimes (South Shields); Helen Dawkes (Teignm ou th); Cathy Ball & Robena Hinwood (Wessex). C ONVENTION TEAM CHANGES Jane Wilkinson, longstand ng m em ber of the Convention Team has taken over from Betty Tow nsend and is you r new Convention Chairman. Jane says, We w ill keep you inform ed throu ghou t the year via the Website, Voice Box, Co n v en tion newsletters and Inform ation to clu bs . Please contact m e w ith any com m ents you w ou ld like to m ake abou t Conventions and Prelim s. For enquiries regard ing the contests, p lease contact Pau line Sp iller . Out-going Convention Chairman, Betty Townsend is presented with a thank-you gift on behalf of LABBS by Chairman, Jacqui Edwards See LABBS Directory or website for contact details. NEW REGIONAL REP Theresa Phillips has taken on the role of Regional Rep covering Erew ash and Coventry. She s pictu red here (on the right) receiving her bad ge from Kath Good (LABBS Vice-Chairman) at the LABBS Cou ncil m eeting in Lond on, in January 30 years continuous services in Contest & Judging Programme: Marilyn Penketh (Havant) 25 year members in 2007 Sylvia H emm ings (Avon); Mad eleine Br a n so n , W e n d y M ea d , P e n n y Mitchell, Dee Shu ckbu rgh (Bognor Regis); Mary Cru te, Valerie Davis, Janet H ill, Joyce Sm ith (Bristol); Pam Coke (Brom ley); H elen Woold rid ge (Card iff); Doris Baker, Anne Jones, Lynne Ow en (Chesham ); Valerie Fisher, Chris Moore, Lynn Preen, Jan R y d e r ( C A L ) ; G r a c e L e fe v r e (Crawley); Ann Garratt, Gloria Rogers, Rita Selw ay, Anita Slad e (Exeter); Aud rey Flem ing (G. Manchester), Glad Watkinson (H avant); Jane Ford , Sally McLean, Alison Sp encer (Leed s); Pam Keen (Read ing); Polly Witty (Sou th Dow n s) ; Lesley Rid d en (Tynesid e); Pau line Roshier & Su e Davies (Wessex) If I d know n you d take m y p h oto I d have had m y hair d one! said Theresa HAPPY 30TH, LEEDS The current LABBS chairman and no fewer than five previous Chairmen met up with Clive Landey and Sally MacLean (past and present MDs) in November to help The White Rosettes celebrate their 30th year. Pictured from left to right: Sue Livesey, Bunny Bainbridge, Clive Landey, Pauline Corrieri, Sally MacLean, Sandra Landey, Jacqui Edwards and Cath Morton. MARCH 2008 G EM POLISHING This article follows on from V al Lawrence s Talking Point piece on recruitment in the last issue of Voice Box. Gem Connection have a very structured w ay of bringing their new est members into the fold. It involves extra effort and commitment from Section Leaders and other club officers, a buddy system, and the preparation of extra training materials but they believe it is worth it. Firstly, I think it is im p ortant to say that no choru s is going to retain every new recru it, says Sing-ou t Secretary, Mary H u rt. Som e are not read y for the com m itm ent; others are not seriou s; the od d one, sad ly, cannot sing in tune. Each recru it is su p p orted to w ork at her ow n p ace and is p rovid ed w ith sm all, achievable goals w hich bu ild grad u ally as she is d evelop ing confid ence and d em onstrating com m itm ent. It is im p ortant to choose the right p eop le for each of the cru cial sup p ortive roles N ew Mem ber Rep , Section Lead ers and bu d d ies. This is vital if new com ers are not to feel isolated and overw helm ed . N o one is ever rejected . Op tions offered along the w ay inclu d e becom ing a non singing m em ber in a su p p ortive role to the chorus. Ou r ind u ction p rocess involves som e of the following: Initial meeting with Membership Secretary, w elcom e and inform ation giving. Then voice testing w ith the section lead ers in a qu iet p lace. This in- CONTRIBUTED BY MARY HURT volves singing to m atch a note, singing u p and d ow n a scale, singing a w arm up exercise w ith Section Leaders and a rou nd , hold ing her p art. A d ecision is m ad e w hether to continu e to the next step : hand ing over a CD of a short w arm up song in the p art allocated A N ew Mem bers H andbook and brief exp lanation of the au dition p rocess is given out and the recruit is introd u ced to a bu d d y, w ho is available by phone and supports at rehearsals. In her ow n tim e, the recru it d ecid es w hen she w ants to be au d itioned by singing her p art w ith bu d d y or section lead er and then alone in a qu artet. Feed back is given. She m ay try again the following week if necessary. I have a great section lead er and director who give endless energy and su p p ort, w hich encou rages m e to p erform better and hop efu lly I w ill keep imp roving. It s a thrill w hen you know you have hit the right notes! It is a lovely hobby and I am so glad I joined Gem . - new recru it Denise Healey When this is com p leted a CD of one song to learn is p rovid ed and she is introd u ced to the Presentation asp ect of performance. Visu al ind u ction is next, su p p orted by a vid eo to cop y sim p le choreograp hy to the song. She joins the choru s for w arm u p s and w e sing the song she is learning every w eek so that she can p ractise singing and choreograp hy. We then m ove on to visu al au d ition on this song w hen the recru it is ready for it. Early Bird sessions, 30 m inu tes before rehearsal, are offered by Section Lead ers on all asp ects of singing craft, ch oreograp h y, bod y language etc Gem Connections new est m em bers PAGE 4 VOICE BOX Meetings in Section Lead ers or bu d d ies I have been encou raged to join in as m u ch as p ossible, w ithou t being pressu red to d o m ore than I am comfortable w ith. As I have p assed each au d ition I have been overw helm ed by the su p p ort and congratulations from all choru s m em bers. I have fou nd the com bination of sheet m usic w ith teach CDs to be a brilliant w ay to learn and p ractise new songs at hom e. I also feel that the au d ition stages for new m em bers are w ell thou ght ou t to bu ild confid ence grad u ally and m ake the p rocess of joining m u ch less intim id ating and overwhelming than it cou ld be. new recruit, Sam Wallace homes are also used. When the new m em ber is accep ted she is given a CD and m usic for the current song and asked to learn five or six songs w ith a goal of a singou t or competition. All is done in conjunction w ith the Mu sic Team , as the p rogress and su p p ort strategies of all new mem bers are d iscu ssed at th eir monthly meetings. On com p letion of her first singou t the new recru it w ill be aw ard ed her sp arkly Gem brooch, to be w orn w ith pride! And only at this stage will a full folder of music be given. At no tim e is any p ressu re exerted. All step s are taken at the recru it s ow n time. Ou r choru s has a very enthu siastic, p ositive, and friend ly ethos w hich is rem arked on by new recru its. Singing ou t w ith the choru s, how ever, is an earned privilege and not a right. In p rep aration for this article I asked som e of ou r m ost recent m em bers for their com m ents on the ind u ction p rocess and I inclu d e excerp ts here. Money d id not change hand s for their comm ents! Gem Connection are happy to share details of their induction process w ith other choruses. Contact details are available in the LABBS Directory, or on the club website. MA RCH 2008 VOICE BOX SPECIAL FEATURE Just about a year ago, The Barberettes gave some free singing lessons, fulfilling one of the criteria they had to meet to get a Lottery grant for some new risers. Joy N eedham, Barberettes Chairman, asked those w ho attended then w ent on to become chorus members to chart their progress. She thought it w ould remind old hands w hat it s like to take those early steps, and also strike a chord w ith ladies w ho are starting out w ith other choruses. We thought the result w as worth sharing. sleep and m y family knew them off by h eart becau se I san g con stan tly around the house. PAGE 5 CONTRIBUTED BY THE BARBERETTES w eekend coaching sessions the hard w orking Barberettes Com m ittee takes the time to organise. I have had an extrem ely challenging The Barberettes had arranged for time in my personal life this year and som e sp ecial coaching for the choru s m y new p als at Barberettes have su pin read iness for convention. Again the p orted m e throu ghou t. My hu sband , choru s show ed their fantastic su p p ort who incidentally is not a fan of barberby inviting m e to attend even shop , is so p leased I thou gh at this stage I w as not have been able to going to convention. focu s on m y new I w anted to take up a hobby and that it has hobby that involved We w orked hard w ith the made me so happy. meeting people and coaches. There is so m u ch to learning a new skill. remem ber: your body posture, I w as p articu larly We start w ith Jacqueline Cowgill, you r facial exp ression, how to excited to take p art in w ho says: I had m ad e m yself a N ew hold you r arm s, the w ord s, to the Wellington CounYear s resolu tion that, having finished sing the right notes and w hilst try Park singou t in studying in 2006, I wanted to take up a d oing all of this to sm ile! I w as exaid of the MacMillan N u rsing Charity. hobby that involved m eeting p eop le hau sted bu t one of the coaches comTo be part of an event w hich raised and learning a new skill. I thou ght m ented on w hat good p rogress I had £7,500 in an evening is m ind blow ing. p ossibly Morris d ancing w hich, for made in such a short space of time and Those fabu lou s nu rses took su ch great som e reason, m y fam ily fou nd m ost these com m ents gave m e su ch a conficare of m y Mu m . It w as w ond erfu l for am u sing! Then w hilst ou t shop p ing at d ence boost that in a m om ent of sheer m e to be able to give som ething back. m y local su permarket I saw a p oster m ad ness I asked if I cou ld join the offering free singing lessons w ith The choru s in Bou rnem ou th. Chris Lupton also qu otes her first Barberettes. I have to confess I had sing-out as a m ajor highlight. I have never heard of them bu t I had alw ays For Caroline Tyler, those first step s alw ays w anted to learn to sing loved singing w hen I w as you nger w ere even m ore m eaningfu l. I have 'p rop erly', she says, and therefore and decided to give it a go. alw ays ad ored singing, ju m p ed at the chance to d o this at the she says, and in 2006, I free 'Learn to Sing' cou rse. At last, a I w as mad e to feel so I have had an extremely joined a short su m m er year, on I think I'm m astering the art w elcome by the choru s, challenging time in my cou rse on a cap p ella of breathing and learning to sing w ith everyone w as very su p- personal life this year and training. It w as held in som e confid ence, thanks to the p atient p ortive and encou raging my new pals at Barberettes Tw yford and ru n by a and friend ly su p p ort of m y fellow barand I w as d elighted , and have supported me retired cou p le w hose bershop singers. a little su rp rised , to be throughout. lives have been d ed iasked at the end of the cated to barbershop. Many tim es I had felt tired and a litfree lesson p eriod if I They introd u ced m e to tle 'd ow n' after a long d ay at w ork bu t w anted to au d ition for the choru s. AfThe Barberettes and from that evening com ing along to rehearsals certainly ter several w eeks p ractice it w as m y onw ard s I knew I w as lifted m y sp irit to the tu rn to show the lad ies w hat I cou ld hooked! extent that it often took d o. Thanks to the fantastic free lessons an hou r or so to w ind I lacked confidence and the su bsequ ent coaching and su pOn the night I w as d u e to and felt I had so much d ow n su fficiently to p ort of the choru s, I w as to officially au d ition w ith the Bar- to learn about barberallow me to go to sleep! become a Barberette. berettes, my Mum was in the shop singing. final stages of lu ng cancer The highlight for m e is The choru s w ere already w orking and w e w ere nu rsing her in the first tim e I d id a hard on their songs for the annu al ou r hom e. She insisted I w ent Singout - everybody LABBS convention and the Barberettes to m y au d ition and I shall never forget w as very encou raging and su p p ortive; being as w elcom ing as ever asked m e the thrilled exp ression on her face and follow ed by the w eekend Retreat to go w ith them . Bu t it w as still early the big hu g w hen I retu rned hom e w hen w e sp ent all w eekend singing d ays for m e, I lacked confid ence and w ith the good new s that I had been an exhau sting bu t rew ard ing exp erifelt I had so m u ch to learn abou t barsuccessful. ence; cu lm inating in the Convention bershop singing that I d eclined the w eeken d a t Bou rn em ou th . N ow offer. I benefited so m u ch from the singing TH AT w as a m ind -blow ing exp erilesson sessions and know that m y ence.... As the w eeks w ent by and w e p racbreathing techniqu e and singing abiltised m ore and m ore, the convention W e ll continue in the next issue, as our ity have so im p roved since I joined the songs becam e em bed d ed in m y su bConvention V irgins describe what choru s. I loved the coaching w eekend consciou s. I cou ld sing them in m y Bournemouth 2007 meant to them. in March and so enjoy attend ing the VOICE BOX MA RCH 2008 PAGE 6 ARO UN D T H E CLUBS T IMM TAKES OVER After a brilliant result at Convention bringing The Belles of 3 Spires to 6th p lace and seeing Qu antro reach 7th p lace in the Qu artet Com p etition Pau la William s, w ho brou ght the choru s on over her fou r year p eriod w ith The Belles, has m oved on to p astu res new. Timm Barkworth has taken over. Tim m has been singing barbershop since the age of 13, says Pam ela Clew es. H e has su ng in nu m erou s m ale choru ses and qu artets arou nd the cou ntry, inclu d ing the Gold m ed al w inning Quartet Pitch Invasion . H e also ru ns his ow n voice coaching bu siness. Both Tim m and the lad ies of the Belles are excited to be starting the N ew Year together, w orking tow ard s great things at the 2008 L.A.B.B.S. com petition. RADIO CAROLLING It w as w ith a great d eal of excitem ent that sixteen m em bers of Cheshire Chord Com p any left Warrington at 06:30 in the m orning of 21 Decem ber p rep ared to be transform ed d u ring the afternoon into the "Rad io 1 Christm as Carol Singers" at the annu al Radio 1 Christmas Party. Scott Mills, the Rad io 1 Drive-time DJ, had asked u s to send a d ozen p eop le to sing one song every hou r d u ring the p arty at the BBC Maid a Vale Stu d ios w ith the other live acts K.T. Tu nstall, The H oosiers, H ard Fi and Kate N ash. Other gu ests interview ed in the stu d io w ere Paul O'Grad y, Ricky Gervais (see p hoto) and five of CONTRIBUTED BY PAMELA CLEWES, P .R.O. the cast of Hollyoaks. The show w as d riven by Scott Mills and Ed ith Bow m an bu t nearly all the other Rad io 1 DJs d rop p ed into the stu d io at som e p oint d u ring the afternoon inclu d ing Chris Moyles, Sarah Cox, Jo Wiley, Zane Low , Ferne Cotton and Reggie, Vernon Kaye, and Dick and Dom. We sang six songs live on the rad io and three w ere show n on the su bsequ ent BBC3 TV p rogram m e of the event shown on 23 December. What an exp erience and w hat a show case for a cap p ella singing. The H arton H arm onisers (now 36 in nu m ber) w ere very bu sy p rior to Christm as w ith a variety of singou ts, inclu d ing an 80th birthd ay celebration for m em ber Cathy Grim es sister. tion at the H ap p y Circle Clu b for the d isabled w as m et w ith their u su al enthu siasm . These singou ts raised a good am ou nt for ou r three nom inated charities. We also entertained at ou r local child ren's' hosp ice and ou r regu lar invita- We had a great evening entertaining a large au d ience at ou r Christm as BLUE PETER CONNECTION On the Satu rd ay w e joined Read ing Salvation Arm y Band for tw o Christm as show s, com p red by Valerie Singleton, w here the p erform ances raised over £10,000 for variou s charities. On the Su nd ay w e p erform ed at a concert w ith ou r friend s from the Tham es Val- For further information see w w w .thebelles.org.u k CONTRIBUTED BY ERYL PRYTHERCH, P .R.O. H ARTON REPORT IN Christm as m ay be long gone bu t one week-end is su re to stay in the m em ories of Signature Singers. The Belles are alw ays looking for new m em bers. Com e along on a Wed nesd ay evening at 7.30p m to the Stoke U.R.C., H arefield Road , Stoke, Coventry. See and hear the Belles rehearse and hopefully join them. ley Choru s, w hich w as also a sell-out and a great success. We w ere then able to relax a bit at ou r m u lled w ine and m ince p ies social. Several other local barbershop grou p s cam e to "sing for their su p p er" and generally have a good tim e. This w as very p op u lar and looks as if it could become an annual event Who s that bloke w ith Cheshire Chord ? CONTRIBUTED BY BERYL COOKE, P .R.O. Concert and Op en N ight and ou r new m em bers enjoyed being 'on show ' and all did extremely well. We are now going to w ork very hard to p rep are for Prelim s and show ou r hard w orking d irector Jean Su tton ju st how good w e can be. CONTRIBUTED BY HILARY REID, P .R.O. At ou r first p erform ance this year w e entertained the d iners at the Bu rns N ight su p p er at a nearby restau rant. Betty's hu sband Frank w as d rafted in to "ad d ress the haggis" (has kilt w ill travel) - and no, w e d id n't p eep . N ow w e have to knu ckle d ow n to get read y for the second rou nd of the Choir of the Year Competition in Basingstoke. H ere s hop ing for lots of lu ck. MA RCH 2008 VOICE BOX PAGE 7 T HAMESIDE S TROPHY SURPRISE CONTRIBUTED BY JASMINE DYER, P .R.O. w helm ing. The sea of p ink that m et u s on arrival (w ell d one you fu nd raisers) and the cascades of sequins later on in p erformance. N ot least the scale of it all spectacu lar! At least one of u s had to have tim e ou t in the tranquillity of the Ru ssell Cotes Mu seu m , to calm down It w as ou r first ap pearance at Convention for three years and d u ring that tim e a new era has begu n. Ou r brand new MD Phillip Ward has got u s in hand . Phillip com es to u s from the Tham es Valley Choru s and is w orking hard on ou r singing style and our presentation. For u s first tim ers at Convention it w as very exciting and a tou ch over- Those eight m inu tes w e stood behind that black cu rtain seem ed the longest in history bu t w e m ad e it throu gh and w ere pleased to nearly reach the 900 mark watershed. The biggest su rp rise of all cam e at the end of the p roceed ings w hen m ost of u s had troop ed ou t to find the bu s. It w as annou nced that Tham esid e had actu ally w on som ething! We w ere G REEN STREET GET THE BLUES 2007 could w ell go dow n as the year GSB w ill never forget, but then 2008 could be even better read on! After w inning ou r Silver m ed als and the Sm all Choru s Trop hy w e qu ickly started w ork again teaching Bob ou r version of the festive jingles. Desp ite a lot of ill health and som e very imp rom p tu p art-changes, John Lew is at Blu ew ater w ere extrem ely p leased w ith ou r carol singing. How ever w e all w ent hom e very d ow n-hearted w hen w e heard that Bob Croft had resigned from being MD. Although (to qu ote Bob) his w ork w ith u s and the resu lting m ed als and trop hy had m ad e it a very sp ecial year for him , Tyneside have had a busy year with a couple of new and interesting venues. We had a requ est to sing at New castle Civic Centre to entertain at the p restigiou s Citizenship Aw ard Cerem ony . The civic d ignitaries w ere so im p ressed w ith the p erform ance last Ju ne that w e w ere invited back for rep eat p erformances in Au gu st and in Janu ary 2008, says Bu nny. Another new venu e w as the national gard en centre Dobbies . The attrac- Ou r long established m em bers w ere am azed to behold Zena Sm ith in top form cond u cting a Coast to Coast num ber. She w as ou r Fou nd er originally and it w as w ond erfu l to see her still going strong. We send her ou r very best w ishes and w e hold fond memories of her time at Thameside. We tru st you w ill see u s back at Convention, w e certainly intend to try. CONTRIBUTED BY CATHARINE FINCH, P .R.O. other com m itm ents, fu ll tim e w ork and the horrend ou s 100 m ile jou rney, throu gh three cou nties, to rehearsals, sing-ou ts, and m eetings has ju st p roved too m u ch for him . Sad ly this also m eans w e have lost his lovely w ife Jan w ho s a great bass. Ou r loss is Cam brid ge Chord Comp any s gain. Shortly after Bob s resignation their M.D., Pau l Davies left CCC and Bob w as natu rally the best m an for the job. We w ish him all the very best of lu ck and look forw ard to hearing of their next Gold m ed al w in at BABS convention in May. Desp ite reaching Silver m ed al stan- T LC RING IN THE CHANGES stu nned and d elighted of cou rse. Thank you Red Rosettes for presenting your cup, it boosts the confidence of the likes of us - bless you. Thanks too, to Gaynor Du gay w ho help ed u s after the last convention, and to Alison Zd zlow ski also of Green Street Blu es, to Richard Leathem and Peter Kenned y from Tham es Valley for their advice and help. d ard , other m em bers have also d ecid ed to m ove on to p u rsu e d ifferent things, both inside and outside barbershop. The rem aining m em bers have rallied th eir for ces, an aesth etiz ed th eir w ou nd s w ith several bottles of w ine and are u nbelievably d eterm ined and excited abou t ou r cu nning p lan to get a new M.D. and rebuild GSB. Tw o conventions ago, Green Street Blues were singing lyrics which told of the brave little choru s that cou ld . We have now evolved as the brave little choru s that bloom ing w ell WILL! Watch this sp ace. CONTRIBUTED BY BUNNY BAINBRIDGE, P .R.O. tive venu e p roved to be a favou rite p lace for fu nd -raising for TLC s ad op ted charities and the choru s sang at the centre three tim es d u ring the year. Of Convention, Bu nny says, We m ad e ou r w ay back to Tynesid e on a high bu t came back to earth w ith a bu m p w hen ou r chairman annou nced she had received the im m ed iate resignation of m u sic d irector George Porter....As w e had a p acked calend ar of Christm as events Lesley Rid d en took the situ ation in hand and offered her services as a temporary director. Thanks Lesley, you re a gem , bu t w e know you w ou ld rather be on the risers or at the ju d ges table. In this 35th year since ou r form ation w e w ish all L.A.B.B.S. m em bers a happy and harmonious year. See som e of you at Prelim s! VOICE BOX MA RCH 2008 PAGE 8 W EARING COSTUME ALL THE WORLD LOVES A CLOWN CONTRIBUTED BY KAY RICHARDS, P .R.O. stage they w ere cau sing som ething of a stir backstage as those w ho shared the changing hall w ith them w ill testify. Bu t Kay tells it from their p oint of view: Im agine the scene, all the other choru ses getting read y in their frocks and bling, carefully ap p lying m akeu p and setting hair, and then there s u s. Qu ietly in a corner frantically back com bing and ap p lying lacqu er u ntil a there s a m inor foggy w eather p attern setting in it s a w ond er w e m anaged to sing after inhaling that lot - and m ake u p being virtu ally app lied w ith a trow el. Of all the m om ents w e w ou ld have liked to film , w ere the p olite bu t bemu sed exp ressions on other p eop le s faces w hich clearly said What the d evil are they d oing? Of th e tw e n ty c h o ru s m e m be rs w h o to o k t o th e s ta g e i n B o u rn em o u t h , n i n e w e re c o n v e n ti o n v irg in s , fiv e h a d n t be e n in th e g a m e fo r y e a rs , a n d ju s t s i x w e re s e a s o n e d p ro s . Th e y d id n t come e x p e c tin g to w in bu t t h e y d id h a v e a g re a t d e s ire to e n te rta in a n d t h e ir c o s t u m e w a s a ll part of the fun. Costu m es w ere the next thing that Finally, the m om ent cam e and w e had to be tackled . The jackets w eren t m u ch of a p roblem ; believe it or not, w ere behind the cu rtains and all w e they w ere ou r su it jackets w ith the cou ld hear w as the good old West Cou ntry clap sid es p inned back, bu t the and stom p trou sers had to be m ad e. Ad m itte d ly , w e th o u g h t with Oggie, Bu ying the m aterial raised a Oggie, Oggies few eyebrow s; w and ering there might be a few wails about dresses and bling throw n in; it arou nd the shop w ith bolts w as exhilaratof lu rid black on w hite and bu t t h e re w a s n t a s qu e a k : e v e ry o n e w a s u p fo r i t. ing and w hen w hite on black sp otty m atethe cu rtain rial, mixed w ith a very w ent back, fetching p laid cau sed qu ite just fantastic. a stir. Pu tting Back in the old routine and W ill it be me together as a p ackage and d ressing the choru s as clow ns tu rned ou t to be a good vehicle. Admit t edly, we t h ou gh t t h er e m igh t be The shoes raised the biggest p roblem , a few wa ils a bou t dr esses bu t w e got over a n d blin g bu t t h er e wa sn t that by sp raying The shoes raised the biggest a squ ea k: ever yon e wa s old trainers w ith problem but we got over that u p for it . The girls learnt Ferrari Red car by spraying old trainers with their d ots very qu ickly and p aint, to give u s Ferrari Red car paint, to give everyone p ulled together, those extra revs. I us those extra revs. says Kay Richard s, Renaism u st ad m it hangsance PRO. ing tw enty od d p airs of shoes on The w eek after w e d ecid ed to d o this m y w ashing line to sp ray started a p ackage, w e had tw o new tw o m emsp ate of cu rtain tw itching in the bers arrive and boy d id they help . neighbou rhood bu t never m ind , w e Both had been in theatre, one w ith w ere on ou r w ay. Fu lly togged ou t exp erience w ith choreography and the and raring to go, ou r m u sical vehicle other m ake u p ; som ebod y w as d efihad now been fitted w ith a V8 and nitely looking after u s. With their help w as d oing w heelies around the car w e w ere rom p ing aw ay: the excitep ark. m ent and enthu siasm in the choru s was coming off the Richter Scale. Before they got on the Convention The au d ience gasp ed , lau ghed and clapp ed like m ad . N o novice choru s could have ever had su ch a brilliant reception and it made us feel so good. Ou r p erform an ce w en t th rou gh every range of heart-stopp ing em otion ranging from Oh, no, Pau line s fallen over (she d id assu re u s that she w as still singing albeit that her bottom w as facing the au d ience) to the rip p le that ap p eared in bar 17 of the second song w hen w e su d d enly realised that w e actually on the Convention stage. When you d escribe Convention to a com p lete novice there is alw ays that little flicker of scep ticism of it can t be that good bu t w hen w e cam e off that (Continued on page 9) MA RCH 2008 VOICE BOX PAGE 9 M AKING COSTUME (Continued from page 8) stage w e w ere flying and ou r Convention Virgins w ere d ying to go it again And w hat p u t the extra sticky icing on the cake w as the ap p lau se from the au d ience w hen w e w alked back into the au d itoriu m . Even after the m arks cam e ou t, it d id n t d im ou r enthu siasm : w e know w e have lots to learn and are p repared to p u t in the w ork. At the end of a rather boozy d inner, Maire ou r MD said she s never know n anything like it. We had com e nearly last and w e w ere still buzzing! Bu t one of ou r virgins p u t everyone s thou ghts into w ord s: It doesn t matter, w e did it and w e can do better next year. We w ould like to thank everyone w ho w as so su p p ortive at convention, bu t sp ecial thanks m u st go to the m em ber of M&J who e-mailed us saying how much she had enjoyed our performance and if there was a category for Entertainment, we would have won. All I can say to any choru s that has not d ip p ed its toe into Convention w ater, be like u s and take the p lu nge, it s w orth it. NEEDLES AND PINS CONTRIBUTED BY KATH ROODHOUSE Stage Costume is what got me into Barbershop 27 years ago. Back in those days of Crimplene®, we seamstresses were learning new skills: Sylko® (cotton) thread did not cope with the elasticity of the seams on these 'modern' nylon garments. Polyester thread it had to be and you had to use a special sewing machine needle too. It all started for m e w hen a fellow member of my babysitting group asked me for help hemming her royal blue nylon jersey 'singing' dress. I was invited to her next rehearsal to satisfy my curiosity about why such dresses were needed. All my previous choirs had 'made do' with school uniform or cassocks. Being instantly hooked on the Barbershop sound I knew I had found the ideal combination of my two hobbies: music and sewing. Well, w hat have I learnt throu gh the years, and w hat d o I ad vise? The styles have gone from kaftans, through gingham gowns and trouser suits to slinky sequined dresses. Once, hats or feathery headdresses were vital too. When I joined my present chorus, Guildford Harmony, our dark navy, long sleeved, belted dresses had been made using a maternity pattern. Not a bad idea as we women are prone to these little surprises. All our outfits since have had a 'preggy' version too [Speaking of which congratulations Gretl!] SO..... Wish w e hadn t : used short black gloves which made it look as though our hands were chopped off! Tip 1. The STYLE should be flattering, fluid and comfortable for all body shapes and sizes. Each chorus has its own personality: youthful, dynamic and glamorous, or mostly mature, staid and reticent, or a combination of all. Costume teams do need to spare a thought for those with generous builds, shall we say, when choosing close fitting gowns that look great on elegant slyphs. Care must also be taken to cater for the needs of ladies who've had breast surgery. Tip 2. The FABRIC. Unless you have a clairvoyant it is usually best to purchase fabric(s) and 'make your own' , adding further ou tfits as new m em bers join. "Off the p egs often need alteration anyw ay. Wish w e hadn t : made our black stage skirts out of tafetta. They rustle so noisily! Tip 3. COLOUR. My preference is for vibrant colours, alone or with black but you do need to test them from afar: many fabrics go 'grey' when viewed from the back of the hall. Here I would also warn that too many sequins can send the video cameras (and some eyes) crazy! This distracts the onlooker. Other fabrics need strong lighting to look their best so are less effective in daytime. Tip 4. Other DISTRACTIONS to avoid: If using velvet ensure the pile is all the same way up (or down) or different shades will result. If there is a bold design on the fabric this will be noticed if it doesn't occur at the same place, and the same way up, on everybody. All hems should be the same distance from the floor. Static 'cling' can be avoided by dipping the garments in fabric conditioner. Tip 5. JEWELLERY must compliment the outfit but not distract. Guildford Harmony now use local bead shops to design and supply items to match our outfits. The quality is good and it makes it easier to get replacements and extras. Tip 6. SHOES. Invest in professional makes which can be re-ordered in future. It's false economy to buy cheap fashion shoes every year. Basic 'character' shoes can be embellished. Bu t w e d on't w ant to look at feet, d o w e? It's FACES that w e shou ld be captivated by....but that brings us on to make-up and I leave this topic to the experts. Perhaps in the next issue? VOICE BOX MA RCH 2008 PAGE 10 GOLD RUSH III - GOLD AND YOUTH Get your Spring fix of great Barbershop Harmony on SATURDAY March 29th - An event not to be missed at the Leicester Y Centre. Please come & support your QC's chorus as we stage Gold Rush III Gold and Youth. A plethora of gold all in one evening for just £10 a ticket! It s an absolute bargain wouldn't you agree? Featuring the wonderful LABBS QC's chorus plus current champions HAVOC and also previous champions After Hours, Enigma and Finesse. The BABS BQC Chorus are also featured along with current champs QED, and previous champions Pitch Invasion and The Works. The evening will be the last performance for Pitch Invasion, lets give them a send off to remember! To keep the average age of the show down (tee hee!) we've also invited LABBS very own Youth Chorus, The Ivy League and also the BABS Youth Chorus the NBYC. These two dynamic groups will not only have their own spots but a joint one too, not to be missed it's like a West End performance, believe me. Tickets are available from the Y Centre Box Office on 0116 255 7066 or take a look at the website www.leicesterymca.co.uk Please support us. Our performance opportunities are few & far between due to the nature & geography of the QC's chorus and this show is also giving a donation from the profits to the local Leicester charity 'Coping With Cancer'. Thank you and hope to see you there! Jo Braham Q UARTET CORNER RED CARPET FOR AFTER HOURS We hop e you r Christm as w as fu ll of fu n & frolics like ou rs w as. The Bou rnem ou th w eekend ju st seem s like it w as ages ago, d oesn t time fly! We re keeping bu sy as ever w ith bookings. At the tim e of w riting this w e ve a film p rem iere to sing at. Yes, you d id read correctly: a film p remiere. Toy Story 3 in fact Well OK, so it s been m ad e by the Year 1 s at Jo s son Jam ie s school, and he w as a d irector of cou rse! We ve been asked to sing at the p rem iere and Oscar evening, which should be lots of fu n. We ll let you know how it w ent. By the tim e you read this w e ll have also been sp ringing som e u nexp ected Valentines su rp rises as w e retu rn to first direct to serenad e em p loyees and d eliver roses & m essages from their loved ones. Aah bless! In m id March w e rep resent LABBS at BinG! Convention in Dortm u nd , Germ any along w ith ou r choru s The White Rosettes and w ill also be singing on a cou p le of show s later in March at the Wakefield Op era H ou se and of cou rse at the Y Centre Leicester at the GOLD RUSH III show. The rest of the year p rom ises to be bu sy w ith the LABBS Qu artet Weekend , som e coaching p rop osals w ith a cou p le of LABBS choru ses to finalise and also a trip to Sligo to the IABS Convention later this year. So it s bu sy, bu sy, as alw ays! N ow , as you norm ally see u s in ou r finery, w e thou ght you d like to see the attire w e had to w ear for the Thursd ay nigh t sou n d ch eck at Bournemouth. Do these com e in p ink? In the w ord s of Bob The Bu ild er Can w e fix it? Yes w e can! Jo, Julie, Alison & Jane xxxx After Hours www.afterhoursquartet.co.uk MA RCH 2008 VOICE BOX PAGE 11 ENIGMA CURRY FAVOUR WITH THE LOCALS It w as an exhau sting, bu t very hap p y, ru n u p to Christm as for Enigma, w ith m any p erform ances both on our own and with Signature. Thank you to all w ho invited u s on to their show s w e p robably m anaged to sing the few carols w e know m ore tim es than the average chu rch choir. One w eekend consisted of p erformances on the Satu rd ay m atinee, Satu rd ay evening and Su nd ay evening at least it m eant w e w ere too bu sy to go shop p ing w hich, as you know , is ou r favourite hobby. Of cou rse, there are alw ays op p ortunities to sing, so the Enigma Christm as d inner consisted of u s and p art- ners p iling into the local Ind ian takeaw ay, ord ering a cu rry, then going arou nd the local hou ses carol singing (com p lete w ith cand lelit lantern) before going back to collect the takeaw ay. Despite nau ghty com m ents abou t collecting for ou r d inner, w e w ou ld like to assu re p eop le that w e actu ally collected nearly £60 for Breast Cancer charities! The year has alread y started in an interesting fashion for u s, w ith a p erform ance in a rather large hou se so large in fact that, d esp ite u s changing and w arm ing u p in one of the bedroom s, the host d id n t know w e had arrived and w as concerned w e had got lost! ing u p , and there are also som e p otentially very interesting p rojects in the pipeline for Enigma. We re also d elighted to have been asked to coach som e new , and not so new , qu artets, w hich is great, as w e have alw ays felt it im p ortant to p ass on the knowledge that we have gained. By the tim e you read this w e ll be w ell into 2008, bu t w e still w ish you all a H ap p y N ew Year and hop e you all achieve w hatever is in you r heart this year. Sue, Steph, Row & Sue ENIGMA www.enigma-cappella.org We have som e great sing-ou ts com- W HAT A WELCOME HOME FOR HAVOC N eed less to say w e had a fabulou s Convention and are still reeling from becom ing the 2007 Labbs Qu artet Champions (Waaah !) We w ou ld very m u ch like to thank every one w ho help ed and su p p orted u s and give a sp ecial m ention for After H ou rs for all their encou ragem ent and su p p ort they have given u s before, d u ring and since ou r w in. We hop e to follow in you r footstep s and be true ambassadors for LABBS. So w hat d o you d o after a w eekend like that ? Well the follow ing Wednesd ay w e visited the Great Western Choru s rehearsal night w here Lind a is the Mu sical Director and w hat a w elcom e w e got. Lind a s Boys w ere d elighted w ith ou r achievem ent and gave u s a real treat w ith gifts and bu bbly! The celebrations continu ed the follow ing n ig h t a t Fa scin a tin g Rhythm s rehearsal (Jo, Donna and Ali s choru s) w here w e received a real hero s w elcom e w ith m ore bu bbly and m ore p resents. Thanks girls for a fantastic p arty, it really w as the icing on the cake (literally see p ictu re) follow ing a fabulous weekend. We can see that w e are going to have a really bu sy year and the d iary is filling rapidly. Start . This is som ething very close to Jo's heart as she also m anages an area Home-Start scheme. Ou r first booking after Convention took u s d ow n to Minehead on a very w et and w ind y Frid ay night to sing at a social event for the charity H om e- It w as an extrem ely ap p reciative aud ience. One lad y w as so insp ired , she s d ecid ed to set u p a singing group in her area. So the Christm as show s have com e and gone and w e are now in the throes of learning new songs, p lanning fu nd raising and generally looking forw ard to the rest of ou r bu sy Gold year. See you at the Gold Ru sh Show ! Ali, Linda, Donna, Jo MA RCH 2008 VOICE BOX S NAP TO IT In the Contributions Wanted section of the last issue we asked for pointers on how to get the best from our riser and publicity shots. Louis A. Ramsey (professional photographer, married to Steph, from our medal winning quartet, Enigma) obliged. There s nothing qu ite like a good photo so how d o you get one? That s the m illion d ollar qu estion - the holy grail. CONTRIBUTED BY LOUIS A RAMSEY Althou gh this one is so obviou s, it is not alw ays that easy to achieve! Most p oint & shoot cam eras focu s u sing the central p art of the view finder (or screen) which is great for a su bject that is relatively one d im ensional and straight onto the cam era. H ow ever, w hen taking a photo of a choru s that is 3 row s d eep , you m ay find that not everyone is in focu s. This is w hat technically w ou ld be called d ep th of field (I w ou ld be hap p y to exp lain it fu rther if you want to contact me). We ve all got a cam era (or tw o), bu t then again there are cam eras and there are Cam eras and a lot d ep end s on w hat Camera shake happ ens w hen there you w ant the p hotos for - a snap shot, a is not enou gh light for the cam era to m em ory, p u blicity m aop erate at a high terial, or m aybe a CD en ou g h sp ee d . Action shots are great aren t they? Like ou t-of-focus cover. They bring such life to the subp ictu r es, th is This article concen- ject, but I bet you never realised show s u p as a blu r. just what tortured expressions trates on the u se of You m ay also see you pulled till you saw the photo! d igital cam eras, as that ju st p artial blu r on is w hat nearly everya p hoto that has one now u ses. H owm ovem ent in it, ever, the general com m ents are valid again this is d u e to the cam era shu teven for that strange p henom enon that ter sp eed not being high enou gh to we oldies once used to call film. freeze the m ovem ent. Cam era shake If you re at all technical, you w ill know all the w ond erfu l bu zz w ord s - the all im p ortant one in d igital p hotograp hy is of cou rse Mega Pixels, the m ore you have the better the ou tp u t. Tru e, u p to a p oint, bu t the real lim itation w ill alw ays be the qu ality of the lens, and the artistic ability of the p erson taking the p hoto. That d oes not m ean that a 3MP (m ega p ixel) p hone cam era can t be u sefu l, bu t d on t exp ect it to p rovid e you w ith the best qu ality for that p oster you w ant to advertise your next show. Althou gh you d on t need to be a p rofessional to take good p hotos, it s a bit like singing, there are certain qu alities you do need (like singing in tune - something I m constantly told I can t d o), and as you w ou ld n t exp ect to give a fantastic p erform ance w ithou t constant rehearsals, d on t exp ect som eone w ho d oesn t sp end hou rs w ith a cam era to produce stunning photographs. H aving said all that, here are som e basic p ointers that m ay help you to p rod u ce som e good qu ality p hotos for you r chorus or quartet. Make su re that you r p hoto is in focus. PAGE 12 hap p ens at d ifferent sp eed s for d ifferent p eop le (and m ore so w hen you ve had a few !!). Birds-eye view of The Barberettes Size does matter, w ell height actually. If you re trying to fit a large nu m ber of p eop le into a p hoto, being above them often help s (it can also hid e those d ou ble chins!). So throw cau tion to the w ind and stand on som eone or better still on som ething - bu t d o rem em ber health and safety and try not to fall off. If you are u sing a cam era that allow s you to control the quality of you r p hotos, alw ays u se the highest qu ality setting. I know this sou nd s obvious, but you would be surprised how m any p eop le p refer to get 2000 p hotos on the m em ory card rather than 200 and then w ond er w hy the Formal shot of Signature quality is bad. If you are trying to take som e formal photos, try and p lace the su bject against a neu tral backgrou nd bu t not too close to it. This w ill m ake a better p hoto. It is also m u ch easier to change the backgrou nd afterw ard s if you need to. Rem em ber, a p hoto is not always what it seems! If you have a w hizzy camera that allow s you to u se an external flash, d on t ju st p oint the flash straight at the su bject on fu ll p ow er - that s w hat gives those aw fu l heavy shad ow s behind the head s. Try d efu sing the light, bou nce it off the ceiling, p u t som ething op aqu e over the flash to soften the light, even a w hite hanky w ill help (ju st m ake su re you haven t u sed it). Remember, you do have choices - even a p oint and shoot norm ally has an off p osition for the flash, som e even have d ifferent p ow er settings. Don t forget that if you take a p hoto d u ring a p erformance, TURN THE FLASH OFF! Action shots are great aren t they? They bring su ch life to the su bject, bu t I bet you never realised ju st w hat tortu red exp ressions you p u lled till you saw the p hoto! They d o have their p lace, p u t m ost p eop le still like to have that sm iling, in focu s and no m ovem ent p hoto that they can fram e and have out on display. If you d o w ant to take p hotos of a p erform ance, you w ill need a reasonably good cam era w ith a fairly long lens. This is w here it has to get a little technical, I m afraid : 1) Use a high ISO setting 2) Use a reasonably high shu tter sp eed as this w ill allow for the freezing of m ov em en t. Rem em ber you r ey e ad ap ts to m ovem ent m u ch better than (Continued on page 13) MARCH 2008 VOICE BOX PAGE 13 (Continued from page 12) a camera (technically, your eye is much more advanced than even the most sophisticated camera in the world). 3) Use the sm allest p ossible ap ertu re to allow for the greatest d ep th of field as this w ill greatly enhance the p ossibility that the p hoto w ill be in focu s, rem em ber p eop le on stage may be constantly moving. 4) It s a fact of life that you have no control over stage-lighting. It w ill tu rn p eop le red , yellow or any other shad e that the lighting technician d ecid es he likes and there s nothing you can d o abou t it. If you re seriou sly into p hotograp hy you can correct it afterw ard s (u p to a p oint), p u t it can take end less hou rs of w ork, believe me - I know. 5) Choose a good vantage p oint and stick to it. Rem em ber, the rest of the au d ience have p aid and are only interested in w atching the show , not w atching you take you r p hotos. I norm ally ap ologise to the p eop le closest to m e in ad vance, ju st in case the noise of the shu tter annoys them . Try not to shoot d u ring those very qu iet, or, w orst still, absolutely silent moments. Enigma performance One last thing, the not everyone can keep their eyes open for a photo p henom enon. This is som ething that WILL hap p en w hen you have a group of m ore than one person - som eone w ill alw ays close their eyes. Fear not, alw ays take m ore than one shot, as there is a good chance that not alw ays the sam e p eop le w ill have their eyes closed . With a little bit of skill, som e p hoto enhancem ent softw are and a lot of patience, eyes from one p hoto can m agically ap p ear on another. Sing w ith the Cham ps - Lots of movement in this one! Finally a note abou t those CD covers. You d on t need a p hoto of the choru s on the front - no really you d on t. Som e good artw ork w ill sell ju st as w ell, if not better. Save the p eop le p hotos for insid e - on the ou tsid e p u t som ething a little d ifferent, be bold - rem em ber it is all abou t m arketing and im age. The m ore eye catching, the m ore likely you r CD w ill not be the one left on the shelf at the end of the weekend. For more of Louis w ork see www.photolouis.co.uk A DS, NOTICES & LETTERS THE CHORDETTES LADIES BARBERSHOP CHORUS (Based in Newton Abbot Devon) Is seeking a vibrant, enthusiastic and dedicated MUSICAL DIRECTOR To modernise, further develop and enhance an established competing chorus of sixty ladies. For more information on this challenging task, or to make an appointment to visit our club, please contact Chairman ChairmanLynn Lynnat [email protected] or Vice Vicechairman chairmanJoan Joanat [email protected] WANTED! MUSICAL DIRECTOR for TYNESIDE LADIES BARBERSHOP HARMONY CHORUS (TLC) Fifty ladies require a dynamic, enthusiastic musician to direct an established close-harmony Chorus. We meet weekly at West Moor Community Centre, West Moor, Tyne & Wear. MA RCH 2008 VOICE BOX PAGE 14 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Thank-you to all who have sent me feedback. Your comments and good wishes are really appreciated. Perhap s it s ju st being in that lovely honeym oon p eriod bu t I have to say I am having fantastic fun with the job. Sometimes, volu nteering p ays off (and no, I w asn t p aid to say that!) I m m u ch obliged to those w ho resp ond ed to m y requ est for sp ecial contributions too. Thanks for taking the time to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard. There are more ideas for future issues below so if you d like to w rite in bu t haven t yet, see if there s anything that interests you there. Or su ggest a top ic you rself. PS For those who were asking me about T-shirts at Bournemouth see the Barmybass advert on p.15. C ONTRIBUTIONS WANTED Musical D irectors, w e rarely hear from you in these p ages. Tell u s w hat d rives you m ad , w hat m akes you glad , you r m ost over-used p hrases, you r greatest w ishes, the good things and the bad things abou t d irecting. Do you have any insights you dare commit to paper on the Mars/Venus differences between directing the ladies and directing the men? Fundraisers, do you have any unusual fund-raising techniques that have worked well? Care to share them? Everyone else: Perhap s you ve bou ght a new Barbershop CD or are trying ou t a new m p3 player or keyboard . Maybe you ve been to a barbershop show. Why not send in a review? LABBS NEEDS YOU (YES, YOU!) LABBS needs help from someone exactly like you to take over the role of Secretary (vacant due to ill-health) There is a tremendous team spirit on the LABBS Executive Committee and it s a great way to get to know like-minded people from all over the country. If you are in a position to help, please let us know. For an informal discussion about what the job entails please contact Jacqui Edwards MA RCH 2008 VOICE BOX LETTERS TO THE EDITOR BONDING BBS STYLE EYE FUND THANKS If you w ant a good bond ing exercise then look after the LABBS Shop for a year! I am very p rou d of all the m embers of The Aru n Sou nd s w ho so w illingly shared in m aking this su ch a success. Thanks too to m em bers of Cheshire Chord Com p any, Colne H arm ony, Second City Sou nd and Finesse w ho help ed at Bou rnem ou th w hile w e w ere singing, and to Su e Livesey w hose constant su p p ort and relaxed style is so re-assu ring. To m eet su ch lovely p eop le, to have su ch fu n and to p ass £5,000 over to LABBS w as a great privilege and w e send ou r very best w ish es to Ch ilter n H a r m on y [Am ersham A Cap ella] for a hap p y and su ccessfu l year as the cu rrent 'shop-keepers'. And Finally: Thanks to all w ho m ad e the p u rchases, w ithou t whom this could not have happened! The sales of the calendars went very well at Convention and w e are p articu larly gratefu l to Anita Bolland , Pau line Fox and other friend s w ho step p ed in as 'salesm en' w hile I w as ju d ging. The IVY Leagu e also p layed their p art by taking m oney for u s on the Satu rd ay w hen there was nobody to man the stall. Dee Shuckburgh, Chairman of The Arun Sounds. The fu nd is going extrem ely w ell bu t as this is going to be an ongoing charity to p rovid e cou nselling for p eop le w ho are losing their eyesight, it has to go from strength to strength. We are to be LABBS designated charity next year so that shou ld raise a lot of aw areness and hopefully, money. Thanks again to everybod y w ho helped ; they'll know who they are. Carol Sherry On behalf of The Eye Fund BLAST FROM THE PAST Does anyone rem em ber or have any p hotos of Harry D anser w ay back in 1964 w hen he first introd u ced barbershop to England ? Anyone from Craw ley, Brighton or Newcastle might find this question ringing a few harmonic bells! Replies please to Pauline Beckford via Cat Finch (email) or to Voice Box R ISER S FOR SA LE Colne Harmony (Colchester) have for sale a full set of second hand chorus risers (NOT WENGERS). Hand crafted, 3 ranks, 8 sections (7 in photo). Back rails and trolley included in the price. Buyer to collect. £500 PAGE 15 BARMYBASS GIFT EMPORIUM Gifts with a Barbershop flavour. All profits earmarked for The IVY League. Please support them if you can. Fr id ge ts M agne N o tec ard s Bags T-shirts pad s M ouse www.barmybass.co.uk NVENTION CONVENTION EXEXPRESS PRESS EDITOR REQUIRED A new editor is required for the Convention Express newsletter that is produced over the LABBS Convention weekend (a different edition for each day). Although some of it can be prepared before the weekend, most of the work is done at the time including adding in messages, competition results and photos. The time involved is approx. four hours per day. The paper, printer and photocopier will be provided and there is help available throughout the weekend from the Convention Team but it would be useful if you have your own laptop using MS Word, Publisher, or anything else suitable. Contact Jane Wilkinson, Convention Team Chair H OW MANY? CONTRIBUTION FROM BRENDA ROBERTS, P.R.O This is the kind of flood they don t mind getting in Gloucestershire. N ot in their w ildest dreams did Fascinating Rhythm expect such an overw helming response to their first Learn to Sing course. We started ad vertising before Christm as , says Brend a Roberts, w ith p osters, flyers, ad verts in Parish m agazines and free local papers and on our web site. Our rehearsal venue is in a tiny village that no one s heard of and w e thou ght w e w ou ld stru ggle to get a hand fu l of p eop le coming along. An amazing 191, yes 191, w omen tried to register for our course. WOW! Ou r first night, 17th Janu ary, w as am azing and ou r sm all choru s of ju st 21 m em bers w as com pletely sw amp ed . We all w aited w ith baited breath w ond ering ju st how m any w ou ld actually turn up. At 10 to 7, the first p erson arrived follow ed by a constant stream of very ap p rehensive looking w omen com ing throu gh the d oor. Mem bers of Fascinating Rhythm w ere there to m eet and greet and soon the hall was bursting at the seams. After a w elcom e from ou r chair p erson and a short intro from ou r MD it w as tim e for a p hysical and vocal w arm u p and then on with the singing. It took ju st 10 m inu tes to organise everyone into p arts. We sp lit into sections to teach the first p age of ou r song and after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, w ith a few p eop le find ing their p art too high or too low , w e retu rned en m asse to sing it throu gh all together. Mu ch to everyone s am azement it sounded fantastic and the atmosphere was electric. It w as ju st brilliant to see the transform ation on all those faces from su ch ap p rehension at the start to eagerness and excitement by the end of the evening. Watch this space or visit our website: www.fascinating-rhythm.com to find out what happens next. DEADLINES 2008 25 April June issue 25 July September issue 9 November December issue Advertising rates: £50 for a full page £25 for a half page £15 for a quarter page £10 for a small ad. NB Payment to be sent with copy Send all copy to: Jean Lewis, Email: [email protected] We had som e great feed back on how w ell organised the w hole evening w as, how m u ch at ease everyone felt after the initial nerves had w orn off and how p eop le can t stop singing. We w ere only able to accep t 100 w om en on this cou rse so w ith 90 m ore on ou r w aiting list w e are alread y p lanning ou r next cou rse. Printed by Pixel Beach, Reading www.pixelbeach.co.uk The ed itor reserves the right to ed it any m aterial in th e interests of clarity, accuracy, suitability and to fit the space available. The decision of the editor as to the publication of any material is final. Contribu tors are resp onsible for th e opinions and facts contained in the m aterial they su bm it an d the view s so expressed are not necessarily those of the ed itor, or LABBS.