150412 – Bulletin - Ipswich Lutheran Church


150412 – Bulletin - Ipswich Lutheran Church
86 Raceview Street, Raceview QLD 4305
19 Ipswich Street, Riverview QLD 4303
St Johns
8:00am & 9:30am
32 Roderick Street, Ipswich QLD 4305
12th April, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter
Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in
their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly
gives us all we need for our enjoyment. 1 Timothy 6:17 (NLT)
Ipswich Lutheran House
32 Roderick Street, Ipswich Qld 4305
Telephone: 07 3202 4035
Facsimile: 07 3281 9762
Email: [email protected]
Internet: www.ilp.org.au
A Message From Pastor Ben
Today we begin a brand new series in this Easter season, and
it is called “Being Rich in what matters most”
A bigger house, a nicer car, better and faraway vacations –
wanting more isn’t always bad, but are we looking for
satisfaction in all the wrong places?
As we look at “Being Rich” we are going to see how rich we all
are and how God wants us to respond to His blessings.
While we don’t always realise it, each one of us is far richer than I think we say we
are, and probably far richer than we thought we would ever be in our own lifetimes
(I remember working at Woolworths in Year 10 earning $6.62 an hour!)
One of the problems with being rich – we have responsibilities with what we do
with our riches.
Over the next 6 weeks, I believe we can learn to be a church full of rich people
that are good at “Being Rich in what matters most”. Why? Because God has
indeed blessed us with more than we need.
Worship This Week
St Johns
St Marks
Service with Holy Communion
Children’s Ministry
Service without Holy Communion
Hymns LH 113, LH 131 tune 225, AT 150, LH 844
Service without Holy Communion – LHS page 23
Hymns 465 LH, 208 LH, 881 LHS, 793 LHS
Contemporary Service without Holy Communion
Sunday School
Service without Holy Communion
Sunday School
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
This Week
Mon 13/4 7.00pm
Tue 14/4
Wed 15/4 6.40pm
Thu 16/4
Coming Up
Mon 20/4 6.45pm
Tue 21/4
Wed 22/4 9am – 11am
Faith Chest Ministry
Parish Office Staff Meeting
St John’s Teams Meeting
Bethany Ministry Team & Church Council Meeting
St John’s Friendship Club
Bethany School Council Meeting
Faith Chest Ministry (Bethany Shed)
Parish Office Staff Meeting
Bethany Worship Team Meeting
Open Arms Parish Playgroup (St John’s House)
Happenings in our Parish
At Bethany today, we welcome into God’s family through Holy
Baptism, Isla Milly BERRY (born 2/04/2014 daughter of Marc
and Katie BERRY. Godparents are Matthew Smith, Paige Davis
and Helen Grove.
Thank You
Thank you to Martin Oldfield and Rob Suthers for leading worship services at St
John’s this morning. We also thank Trevor Samson for leading worship at Grace
Young Adults Dinner – Tonight!
This scrumptious Italian Feast we've been talking about is happening tonight at
6.30pm at St John's Hall. Cost is $5 each (pay at the door).
This dinner will kick start our new young adults small group. Starting on
Wednesday April 15th, we will be meeting in the downstairs room of St. Johns
House (34 Roderick Street, Ipswich). Come along at 6.30pm for coffee, cake and
Any questions, please contact Steph Huf - 0450 750 026 or [email protected]
Bible Holiday Adventure Planning Meeting – Saturday 2nd May
The Bible Holiday Adventure (BHA) is having a planning meeting on Saturday, the
2nd of May at Parish House at 10am to start preparing for our Parish Program in
the September holidays. New faces, fresh ideas, Prayers would be greatly
appreciated for and at this, so we can make these periodical experiences faith
changing for Ipswich Children. Contact Leah Bricknell @ Parish House on 3202
4035 or email [email protected]
Call for LEADERS for RAGE, Ignition & St. John’s Sunday School
The need for Leaders across our Child & Youth Ministries is becoming more
apparent as we get into 2015. St. John’s Sunday School, Rage High School Youth
and Ignition Primary School Youth are all in need of volunteers to either go on
regular rosters or just intermittently throughout each Term. God will equip you if
you feel he is directing you to answer this call! Contact Leah Bricknell @ Parish
House on 3202 4035 or email [email protected]
Bible Holiday Adventure Planning Meeting – Saturday 2nd May
The Bible Holiday Adventure (BHA) is having a planning meeting on Saturday, the
2nd of May at Parish House at 10am to start preparing for our Parish Program in
the September holidays. New faces, fresh ideas, Prayers would be greatly
appreciated for and at this, so we can make these periodical experiences faith
changing for Ipswich Children. Contact Leah Bricknell @ Parish House on 3202
4035 or email [email protected]
Call for LEADERS for RAGE, Ignition & St. John’s Sunday School
The need for Leaders across our Child & Youth Ministries is becoming more
apparent as we get into 2015. St. John’s Sunday School, Rage High School Youth
and Ignition Primary School Youth are all in need of volunteers to either go on
regular rosters or just intermittently throughout each Term. God will equip you if
you feel he is directing you to answer this call! Contact Leah Bricknell @ Parish
House on 3202 4035 or email [email protected]
Mother’s Day Cards and Gifts
Don't forget to make your mum feel special this mothers day. Take advantage of
the great prices and convenience of shopping at St John's card/gift cupboard.
Open every Sunday.
Bethany Midweek Service Change of Date for May
Wednesday 20th May
St Johns Volunteering Opportunity
We have a need for Ushers and Sound Desk Operators for our 9.30am services.
You would be rostered approximately once per month. Please contact Wayne
What Do Cakes and Couches Have in Common?
They are both great to help us relax and feel good. Our parish youth are
fundraising to pay for new couches in St John's Hall. They are selling decadent,
delicious, desirable cake slices for $5. This will be ongoing through April and
May, so bring your $5 to St John's or pre-order (Jo- 0422 244 216 or Margaret
0417 564 990) and we will deliver a selection to choose from, to Bethany or Grace
services. Any cash donations also accepted.
Thank You
Thank you to the Pastors and members of the Church who have
visited Ivy. Edwin & Ivy Buhse
Upcoming Events
Parish Children & Youth Ministries
Term 2
RAGE (High School) – Friday 24th April - St John’s Hall 6.30pm
ANZAC Day Activities
H2H (11-13 yrs)– Friday 1st May - St John’s House 6.30pm
Ten Commandaments No Murder
Ignition (Grades 4 – 7) –Friday 1st May - Bethany Worship Centre 6pm
Men’s Shed – Thursday 23rd April, 6.30pm
Guest Speaker: Jonathan Yarrow “My Passion for Music & Drums”
Bethany Lutheran Primary School Open Morning
Saturday 2nd May from 10.00am to 12 noon. Prospective parents
and families are welcome to join us. To register or for further
information visit www.bethany.qld.edu.au t: 3288 8799 126
Cascade Street, Raceview
LADIES RETREAT May 16-17, 2015 Register now
(see brochure with enclosed registration form)
Westside Christian College Open Night – Friday 1st May 5 - 8pm
Co-educational Kindy to Year 12, Primary Campus, 110 Stuart Street, Goodna
and Secondary Campus, 65 Stuart Street, Goodna. Guided tours and open
classrooms. Enquiries Phone 3437 9000 or visit www.wcc.qld.edu.au
Upcoming Pentecost Revival Day: “Holy Spirit and the Mission of
the Church” with Rev. Dr. Noel Due
MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!!! On Saturday the 23rd May we will
be blessed with Rev. Dr. Noel Due coming to talk to us about the work
of the Holy Spirit and its fullness for the church. This will be followed by
our Church-wide Pentecost Worship Experience on Sunday the 24th
May. (Both events to be held at Bethany, Raceview) So mark the date
in your calendars, and look for more information on what this exciting
day will hold very soon.
Available from your local Church foyer
• Current Bethany School Newsletter
• Current LCAQD Newsletter
• LCC Community Connect – Issue 18, March 2015
• LYQ CLW Camps – How to Register Cards
• LCAQD Disaster Relief Appeal Envelopes
• LCC 2015 Easter Appeal envelopes
Financial Support for the Mission & Vision of the Church
Your attitude towards giving!
“In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an
offering to the Lord. But Abel also brought an offering – fat portions from
some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favour on Abel
and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favour.
So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.” (Genesis 4:3-5)
It’s interesting to note that the Bible does not say why God rejected
Cain’s sacrifice. Perhaps Cain’s attitude was improper, or perhaps his
offering was not up to God’s standards. Proverbs says: “The sacrifice of
the wicked is detestable – how much more so when brought with evil
intent!” (Proverbs 21:27) God evaluates both our motives and the
quality of what we offer to him.
When we give to God and others, we should have a joyful heart
because of what we are able to give. We should not worry about how
much we are giving up, for all things are God’s in the first place.
Instead, we should joyfully give to God our best in time, money,
possessions, and talents.
How is our giving going?
See below our NEW chart of how we went with our giving goal in
Beyond our Door
Gala Dinner – Tabeel Lutheran Home 60th Anniversary
To celebrate this special occasion a gala dinner is being held on the 18th April
commencing 6pm at Laidley Cultural Centre. Guest speaker is Rugby League
legend Wayne Bennett. The night consists of a three course dinner, lucky door
prizes and silent auction whilst being accompanied by live entertainment. Tickets
are $65 pp or table of 10 $600. If you wish to join a table contact Ron Schultz
32815496 by Friday 3rd April. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please
contact Debbie on 0458 920 808.
Festival of Male Voice Praise
Enjoy an exciting afternoon of Sacred Choral Music, presented by the voices of
the Male Voice Choir to be held at the Warwick Town Hall, Palmerin Street
Saturday 18th April at 3.00pm. Free Admission more info contact Malcolm
Arnold Ph 5453 7189 email [email protected]
Friends of Lutheran Archives Queensland
Speaker: Robin Kleinschmidt OAM KSJ BA (Hons) BEd MACE MACEL
Topic: Fifty years to make a church: nineteenth century German migration to
The paper traces the history of German Lutheran arrivals in Queensland from
1838 to the formation of the first Lutheran Synod in 1885 and examines some of
the reasons why it took almost fifty years to establish a Queensland Lutheran
Date/Time: 3.00 pm on Sunday 26 April 2015
Nazareth Lutheran Church, 12 Hawthorne Street, Woolloongabba
LYQ Camps & Functions
CLW Camps – Registrations Open
Christian Life Week camps are here again! Pick up your ‘How to Register’ card at
the back of the church today.
Week 1 – 29th June to 3rd July 2015
Week 2 – 6th July to 10th July 2015
Week 3 – 21st Sept to 25th Sept 2015
Register today www.lyq.org.au/clw
LYQ Brisbane Appeal Dinner
When: Saturday 16th May at 6.00pm Where: Hillstone, St Lucia
Cost: $89 per person or $800 full table of 10
Guest Speaker: Bishop John Henderson
RSVP & Payment by 9th May www.lyq.org.au/appealdinner or contact
Aaron Glover at [email protected] or 07 3511 4080
LCAQD Cyclone Appeal
Today at the back of the church Appeal Envelopes are available to use as a form
of making your donation to the Queensland Cyclone Appeal. Envelopes
containing cash may be left at the Parish Office or placed on the offering plate to
be forwarded to District Office. Electronic Funds Transfers to LCAQD Disaster
& Relief Fund, BSB 704942 Account No 122304.
LCC 2015 Annual Easter Appeal
This year’s appeal enables LCC to raise much needed funds for clients and
residents of Lutheran Community Care services across Queensland. The appeal
this year will focus on providing extra support for the women and children who
have experienced domestic violence and have found refuge at Mary and Martha’s.
Donation envelopes are in pigeon holes today. Online donations can be made
Prayer Corner
Church Prayer Time
A time of prayer is held at Bethany every Sunday at 8.30am. Any and all are
welcome to join in with these prayer times.
Prayer Points
• that Christ may always be present among his people
• for all pastors, that they may exercise the ministry of forgiveness with
• for those in mental anguish and racked by doubt in themselves or God
• for all Christians, who must give account of their faith
• for those who find no purpose in life
• for those are wounded in body or soul
• for those newly baptised or confirmed at Easter
Care Slip & General Parish Prayer Requests
• Lord, if we share in the cross with you - then we too have a cross to bear in
this life. Give us your strength to deal with that cross every day.
• Praise the Lord has risen. He has indeed.
• Thank you for bringing us to another blessed Easter. Thank you Jesus for
giving up your life for our sins.
• Our children's faith.
• Thank you that Jesus Christ, Son of God, come to die on the cross for us to
forgive our sins.
• Praise God for recent rain.
• The many ill and infirm in our Parish - for comfort and / or healing as God
sees fit.
General Prayers
• Please continue praying for
o the pastors, office staff and leaders of the Parish and congregations.
o the upcoming meetings of the parish and congregations (refer to the
‘Coming Up’ section at the back of this bulletin).
o the church services beforehand and as they take place
o specific events as they arise i.e. funerals, weddings, baptisms, synod,
studies undertaken across the parish
Next Week
Bible Readings
Altar Colour
Service Time &
Sun 19-Apr-15
3rd Sunday of
Ecc 5:8-15
White or Gold
Sun 19-Apr-15
Psalm 4
White or Gold
Jenny / Gayle
HC Assist.
Prayer Leader
Glenys P / Eunice S
Neil / Val /Eunice S /
Eunice D
Organist / Musicians
Children’s Ministry /
Children's Activity
PP Operator
Sound Desk
Video Operator
Children’s Talk/
Offering Counters
PP Designer
Morning Tea
St John’s Monthly
1 Tim 6:17-19
Mt 6:19-24
White or Gold
White or Gold
LHS page 6 HC
9.30am w/o HC
B Hobson
J Brown
St Johns
Sun 19-Apr-15
3rd Sunday of Easter 3rd Sunday of Easter 3rd Sunday of Easter
Service Order
Bible Readings
Support Lay Leader
St Johns
Sun 19-Apr-15
G & E Banks
E Banks
D Cobbin
S Wood
D Kreis
R Nuske
Jillene Wayne Emma
J Bailey
C Barnett
D Mibus
S Grieger
P Mibus
H Mibus
B Weier
B Weier
N Behrendorff,
T Dean
Damm / Dickson
D Milligan
S Grieger
Ruth / Tracey
Kitzelmann, Zahnow Kitzelmann, Zahnow
Des / Graame
D Kreis
D Kreis
Altar linen: G Steinhardt / Brass clean: Gehrke, Sippel, Smith /
Care slips/pencils: C Muggeridge / Activity bags: L Stiller / Cards: M Toft /
Funeral clean: S Piotrowski / Ushers: C Hoffmann, (emerg - M Oldfield) /
Organist: L Holzheimer / Caterers: G Borchert, L Riggs, M Smith, G Steinhardt /
Wedding usher: C Hoffmann
Any changes or corrections with the rosters please contact the congregation’s
roster coordinator – Bethany – Ann Little, Grace – Errol Freiberg,
St John’s - 8am Claire Barnett, 9.30am Wayne Kreis
Want to know more about Jesus? Head to ‘Next Steps’ on our website:
nextsteps.ilp.org.au Or alternatively, speak to one of our pastors. We would love
to hear from you and help you if you want to continue in your faith walk, learning
more about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Guests – we trust that you have drawn closer to God in worship today. Our
church is blessed by your presence today. Please stay and enjoy a ‘cuppa’ with
us after worship and make yourself known to us. We’d love to answer any queries
you may have.
Help Us To Care - if you know of someone who has fallen ill or who is suffering in
any way, please let the Pastoral Care Coordinator or one of the Pastors know by
contacting the parish office so that appropriate care and follow up can occur.
Thinking Of Joining This Church? – We would love for you to make that
commitment with us, as you make a conscious decision to be part of something
bigger than simply yourself. If you have been worshipping here regularly and are
not yet a member, the pastors would be happy to talk to you about ‘making our
Church home - your Church home.
Ipswich Lutheran Parish Contact Details:
Parish Office
32 Roderick Street, Ipswich, QLD, 4305
Open│Mon - Fri, 9am - 4pm,
Phone│07 3202 4035
Fax│07 3281 9762
Email│[email protected]
Parish Staff
Lead Pastor│Milton Fritsch
Associate Pastor│Ben Hentschke
Crisis Care Co-ordinator│Betty Taylor
Children & Youth Co-ordinator | Leah Bricknell
Ministry Support│Karen Cotter & Michelle Yarrow
Pastoral Care Support│Vicki Park
Professional Standards│Michelle Yarrow
Parish Worship Centres & Sunday Worship Times
86 Raceview Street
19 Ipswich Street
St Johns
32 Roderick Street
Bulletin notices and inserts deadline: Thursdays 2pm