FY 1979 - University of Illinois Archives


FY 1979 - University of Illinois Archives
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……1
Box 218
Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice President for (GUA)
Peter E Yankwich advises Morton W Weir that the requirement for submission by UIUC of copy to his office
for approval to publication is lifted
Academic Calendar
Draft for the proposed 1978-79 academic calendar w/cover letter from Edward W Ernst, Chairman of the
Academic Calendar Comm. Harold Hake advises the committee that the calendar draft looks
Copy of the UIUC Calendar for Second Semester 1978-79
REM forwards to William M Griffith a letter from C Kay Schade to Steven P Hill, Chairman of the Senate
Comm on Academic Calendar. There is some concern about dates as they related to the initiation of
registration by mail. She suggests Jan 25, 1979 as the target date for submission of a draft 1980-81
Paul S Riegel request for comments from the Administrative Conference on the proposed 1980-91 calendar
Carolyn G Burrell request to remind the faculty of the change in the class schedule for Dec 12 & 13, 1978, on
which classes will be conducted as if they were Thursday & Friday
Paul S Riegel request to the Administrative Conference for any comments on the proposed 1980-81 academic
Morton W Weir forwards a copy of a letter from William Fierke concerning making provision for a 3-week
Intercession period between spring semester & summer session, about which he would the Senate
Comm on the Academic Calendar’s advice
Correspondence concerning the resolution of issues raised in a Dec 13, 1978 memo from Steven P Hill for the
proposed 1980-91 academic calendar. Specifically, these issues include the starting date for summer
session, the date of commencement, final exams on Sunday, Veterans Day observance, altering the date
of the start of registration to Aug 20
Loren E Decker letter advising of publishing deadlines for the 1979-80 academic year
Jane W Loeb letter advising that she does not see a need to reconsider changing the first day of registration to
Aug 20 from Aug 21 to accommodate the time every seven years when Aug 21 falls on a Thursday,
shortening the registration period
Academic Council, University
Morton W Weir report on the mtg he attended on President John E Corbally’s behalf in Washington, D C on
Aug 24, 1978. This mtg was hosted jointly by the National Academy of Sciences & the National
Science Foundation, through the Committee for Scholarly Communication w/the People’s Republic of
China. He attaches a list of those who attended & an agenda. The topic of the mtg was student
exchanges w/PRC, though some time was spent discussing the exchange of scientists on more than a
“quasi-tourist” basis
Copy of SIBHE program review schedules, 1978-79 & 19890-81
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……2
Copy of document, Community College-Senior College Articulation in Illinois-Summary of A Report &
Recommendations by the Illinois Community College-Senior College Articulation Task Force, August
Cover letter of Sep 15, 1978 & copy of a description of the report of the Illinois Board of Higher Education
staff of its preliminary analysis of data related to allied health programs which were submitted in 1976.
Also enclosed is a copy of a computer printout for each program which shows the data elements for
each program which are included in the study
File memo of comments by Earl Neal at the September Board of Trustees mtg on the need for attention to the
situation of low-paid (presumably junior) faculty
Ernest F Anderson Sep 21, 1978 response w/comments on the Articulation Task Force Report in regard to UI
Letter requesting that Peter E Yankwich, Edwin L Goldwasser, William J Grove, Richard Johnson, & Morton
W Weir serve as members of UAC for 1978-79 or until successors are appointed
Information relating to the University Planning Council & the University Academic Council mtgs on Sep 25,
1978. These include a summary of the mtg, & a copy of Study of Adult Learners, Presented to the Joint
Education Committee by the staffs of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, State Board of Education,
& State Advisory Committee on Adult, Vocational & Technical Education, Sep 26, 1978
E E Oliver sends a copy of legislation SB238 on competency testing to Admissions & Records Director James
W Graham, which has been signed into law
Copy of an item on planning for the Nov 2, 1978 mtg w/IBHE staff members concerning the FY1980 budget
List of the Planning Comm for the Interdisciplinary Faculty Research Workshop/Symposium on
Population/Population Control
Revised Planning Statement Calendar
Agenda & materials & summary of the Sep 25, 1978 UAC mtg
Copy of a revised draft of a Statement of Findings, which represents the general agreement which came out of
discussions at the President’s Assembly on State Policy Research at UI held on Oct 4-6, 1978 at
Balmoral Woods Inn in Crete, Illinois
Peter E Yankwich memo on his understanding of how most searches for dept heads are organized & conducted
& details some assumptions he makes in reflection of recent problems that have come to his attention
Copy of Statement on Intercampus Relations Adopted by the UAC, Nov 21, 1975
Copy of Document/Agenda Item Identifier System (Oct 18, 1978)
Agenda & Summary of the Oct 23, 1978 UAC mtg
Agenda & Summary of the Nov 27, 1978 UAC mtg
Copy of the Amendment to RAMP Program Review Procedures from IBHE, & a copy of FY1981 Budget &
Planning Guidelines
Copy of the Nov 27, 1978 UAC mtg & copies of correspondence pertinent to the discussions
Calendar of UAC mtg for 1979
Agenda for the Dec 18, 1978 UAC mtg
Cancellation of the Dec 18, 1978 UAC mtg, in part because the mtg of the Planning Council on the same day
has been cancelled
Information on graduate fellowships at UICC, UIMC & UIUC for FY1978
Agenda & materials for the Jan 22, 1979 UAC mtg
Agenda & materials for the Feb 26, 1979 UAC mtg
Summary of the Feb 26, 1979 UAC mtg
Handwritten notes on “Coverage of A-21 changes”
Copy of University Academic Council Major Responsibilities list, List of UAC Items Discussed and/or
Pending, 1978-79, List of UAC Items Discussed and/or Pending 1977-78
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……3
Handwritten notes on Feb 26 mtg
Peter E Yankwich letter advising the Chancellors that President Corbally does not agree w/many of the
presumptions in the attached IBHE item, “Student Access & Choice,” & does not feel that the
University should dignify it w/a detailed response. He will draft a limited response & discuss it w/the
Chancellors before transmittal
Agenda for the Mar 26, 1979 UAC mtg
Summary of the Mar 26 mtg
Invitation to Vice Presidents Peter Czajkowski & Robert Winter to join the UAC at all future meetings in which
they are interested
Copy of the Planning Statement: Chapter 1, Scope & Mission
Handwritten notes & Summary of the Apr 23, 1979 UAC mtg
Agenda for the May 21, 1979 UAC mtg
Summary of the May 21 mtg
Summary of the Jun 25, 1979 mtg
Academic Staff
Copy of The Academic Personnel System – An Interim Report, Jan 31, 1979
Copy of a Proposal for an Academic Staff Services & Records Office at UIUC, prepared by Carolyn G Burrell
at the request of Morton W Weir. Correspondence w/comments on this proposal. Paul S Riegel memo to
Chancellor Gerberding of Mar 20, 1979, which notes that Roger E Martin says this proposal, the
“Burrell report” has died. It received such mixed reactions that Morton Weir decided to do nothing with
it. The Chancellor might want to raise this question w/Morton Weir, as Roger Martin & Paul Riegel
both feel that something such as was proposed will eventually have to be done. Paul Riegel also
suggests that Roger Martin be the person to whom the Academic Professionals report
Academic Staff Handbook
Feb 13, 1979 letter to Chancellor Gerberding w/suggested revisions (not attached) to the Academic Staff
Handbook from the Faculty Advisory Committee. Carolyn G Burrell letter advising the FAC that she is
requesting that these revisions be made in the next issuance of the Handbook
Accountancy, Comm on
Copy of Item 2 approved at the Jul 19, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg, Appointment to Board of Examiners in
President Corbally letter of congratulation to Larry D Blust on his appointment as a member of the Board of
Examiners in Accountancy
President Corbally letter of appreciation for the service of James G Archer on the Board of Examiners in
Correspondence w/David Ratner of Penn General Agencies of New York, Inc, who raises a question about the
amount of coverage of the Lease Agreement, Certified Public Accountants Examination. Reply from
James R Gallivan
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……4
Copy of Item 18 approved at the Nov 17, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg, Lease of Space in McCormick Place,
Chicago. Cover letter for copies of the proposed lease, which are not attached, from Earl L Palmberg,
sent to Legal Counsel
Copy of Item 3 for the Jun 20, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg, Appointment to Board of Examiners in
Accountancy, A Clayton Ostlund
President Corbally letter of appreciation for the service of R Neal Fulk on the Board of Examiners for the CPA
President Corbally letter of congratulation on the appointment of A Clayton Ostlund
President Corbally letter of congratulation on the appointment of Warren D Sumers
President Corbally letter of appreciation for the service of Ronald H Bates
Letter from the Council on Social Work Education advising that it has renewed the accredited status of the
School of Social Work until Jun 1980
Correspondence concerning a proposal from the American Society of Landscape Architects, “Proposed Policy
for Multiple Program Accreditation’s.” In Aug 1978, Chancellor Gerberding advises ASLA that UIUC
does not favor the proposed changes
Letter from the American Psychological Assoc advising that it has voted to continue the doctoral training
programs in the clinical Ph D, Psy D, & counseling psychology on full approval status. Chancellor
Gerberding acknowledgement letter
Roger E Martin signs a letter as acting VC for Academic Affairs, requesting a peer review of the Master of Arts
in Public Administration program by the National Assoc of Schools of Public Affairs & Administration
Correspondence concerning accreditation of the master’s degree program in speech pathology & audiology.
Copy of the Application for Accreditation Evaluation. Report of the site visit, May 8-9, 1978. Letter
from the American Boards of Examiners in Speech Pathology & Audiology information of the granting
of accreditation for the program for a five-year period beginning Oct 1, 1978 to Oct 1, 1983
Correspondence concerning the document, Criteria for Accreditation of Doctoral Training programs &
internships in Professional Psychology, Draft VI. Copies of letters of comment from the UIUC faculty.
Chancellor Gerberding’s letter to the APA transmitting the campus response to this document
Report of the site visit team on May 10-12, 1978 for the accreditation review of the Dept of Leisure Studies by
the National Recreation & Park Assoc. Letter form David E Gray, Chair of the Accreditation Council,
advising that initial accreditation has been granted for a period of five years beginning Oct 13, 1978
Letter from the American Library Assoc in Nov 3, 1978 advising that the GSLIS Annual Report was accepted
& accreditation status is continued
Feb 5, 1979 letter from the ALS Committee on Accreditation granting the request for postponement of the
reaccreditation visit scheduled for spring of 1980 until 1981 or 1982 based on the fact that the school
has a new dean & on planned revision of the program currently underway
Site visit report & accreditation for the Veterinary Diagnostic Lab from the American Assoc of Veterinary Lab
Correspondence concerning scheduling of a mtg for Jun 25, 1979 to be convened by the Council on
Postsecondary Accreditation w/representatives of the American Bar Assoc & the Assoc of American
Law Schools to discuss problems in the accreditation of law schools. John E Corbally will attend for
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……5
Copy of a Council on Postsecondary Accreditation Survey – Opinions About Accreditation & Interagency
Cooperation, Apr 1979, & associated correspondence
Administrative Calendar
Copy of the 1978-79 Administrative Calendar. Correction of the campus observance of Memorial Day to May
28, 1979
Copy of the 1979-80 Administrative Calendar
Administrative Information Systems & Services, UI Office of (Formerly Administrative Data Processing)
Copy of the U-C AISS information to assist in preparing the Annual Report
Donald Wendel memo thanking R C Anderson & N T Walters for their efforts during the finalizatoin of
FY1978 transactions
Copy of agenda & materials for the Aug 1, 1978 mg of the AISS Council at the Chicago Circle campus,
w/attached handwritten notes on LCS
Memo from John McManus to Donald F Wendel about the performance of ACC
Letter from Carolyn G Burrell advising Roger E Martin that Marie Miller will be scheduling a mtg to discuss a
new academic personnel data system. Copy of Marie Miller’s notes on that mtg & Roger Martin’s
suggestions for changes in those notes
Marie Miller memo on the Scheduled Maintenance for the Academic Personnel Compliance Reporting
Agenda & materials for the Jul 2, 1979 annual AISS Council mtg at the Chicago Circle campus
Status Report AISS Jun 1979
Copy of the UI University Office of Administrative Information Systems & Services FY1979 Annual Report,
Jul 1978-Jun 1979
Administrative Manual
Memo from Robert W Evans to Morton W Weir w/three items from his area from the Administrative Manual
that need revisions: Section I-10 – Procedures for Review of Alleged Capricious Grading, Section IX/A6 – The Advisability of Purchasing Part B of Medicare, & Section IX/C-1/h – Appointment of
Academic/Professional Staff
Memo from Robert W Evans w/list of items from Donald F Wendel’s area of responsibility that need some
revisions: Identification Cards, First Aid Boxes, Reemployment of Retired Academic Staff Members,
Carpeting & Drapery Policy, Affirmative Action Program-Funding Procedures for Learner & Trainee
Positions, Pool Unit Policies & Procedures, UIUC Bldg Signs, & Advertising Space in the Daily Illini
Correspondence concerning a proposed new policy on reemployment of retired academic staff
Copy of a revised statement on Retention & Confiscation of Permanent Student Identification
Copy of changes recommended for Section IX/D-5 – Affirmative Action Program – Funding Procedures for
Learner & Trainee Positions
Proposed revision to Section III/B-4 – Use of Space in the Daily Illini
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……6
Correspondence concerning proposed revision of Section XI-7 – First Aid Supplies. Copy of the revised policy
issued Mar 13, 1979
List of item to be deleted from the Administrative Manual:
III/A-2--Guidelines for Reimbursement of Moving Expenses for New Staff Members
III/A-5 – Guidelines for Fees: Speakers, Chaplains, Honorary Degree Recipients
III-B-2 – Purchase of Christmas Trees, Ornaments, & Decorations
III/A-2 – Guidelines for Reimbursement of Moving Expenses IX/A-6 – The Advisability of Purchasing Part B
of Medicare
IX/C-1/o – Review of the Progress of Members of the Faculty in the Second or Third Year of Their
Probationary Period
Also noted that in replacing Directive IX/C-1h, Appointment of Academic/Professional Staff, attached, the
form “Principal Administrative Position Exemption” is not to be discarded
Draft copy & final issued copy of revision of Section V-9.2 – Certified Housing Food Operations, Mar 13, 1979
Final draft of revision of Section IX/D-8 – Layoff Policy for Nonacademic Employees at the U-C Campus
Final draft of the revision of Section V-10.3 – Fire Safety Regulations for Scenery & Set Decorations
Administrative Organization – Campus
Correspondence concerning preparation of an updated list of professional staff members for the Chancellor’s
Office. Copy of the updated list, w/Chancellor Gerberding’s notes for additions for the next revision
Copy of the U-C Campus Organization chart
Administrative Organization – General
Copy of the organization chart & description of responsibilities for the Office of Planning & Budgeting, which
was recently established in anticipation of a change in responsibilities of Associate VP Harlan D
Administrative Services
Robert W Evans memo on Overhead Charges for Postal Stores
Donald Wendel memo to PSR
1. At an appropriate time selected by Evans/Hardman, he would like a site visit & update of the activities
associated w/the new mini-computer
2. What are the computer problems experienced by Photographic Services?
3. He would like to see the Assembly Hall financial statement for Nov or Dec. How are they doing?
Donald Wendel memo advising Paul Doebel & Robert Evans that the Board of Trustees approved the contract
for installation of the Bell Telephone dedicated line system at their Dec 1978 mtg
Paul J Doebel memo on recent activities in the are of efforts to effect economies in the telephone system
Copy of the fully executed agreement between UI & Illinois Bell Telephone Company for the construction of
supporting structures to accommodate service “Between Different Buildings” on continuous property,
Mar 22, 1979
Draft of a suggested set of characteristics & operational guidelines for Dispensing Stations
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……7
Deans, Directors memo from Robert Evans on Purchases From Photographic Stores, new procedures effective
Jul 11, 1979
Administrative Studies, Office of
John Terwilliger to meet w/Chancellor Gerberding to acquaint him w/some of the management information &
tools at the U-C campus. Copy of a report on employee counts which he prepared for the Chancellor
Request from Peter Czajkowski that the completion of the spring semester T & NT data be completed in a
timely manner so that the Cost Study & Faculty Load Study for IBHE can be submitted on time
John Terwilliger memo on the new system for machine produced mailing labels for University employees.
Toby Kahr advises that there is concern about the confidentiality of data. Requests for subcategory data
will be routed to the Director of Personnel services
Copy of chart – Comparison of HEGIS Discipline Credit-Hour Mix, FY1970 & FY1977, U-C Campus
John A Muffo memo about National Science Foundation Survey Data
Copy of the UI Clock Hour Study – 1978. Copies of the survey data (printouts)
John Muffo’s summary of the results growing out of the recent faculty mobility study, which provides
information on salary & its relationship to sex & marital status. Copy of data printouts
Cover memo for a special report on salary rate history of academic employees for each campus unit. The report
attached is for the Office of Administrative Studies
Memo on John Terwilliger’s absence from the office for May 7-17, 1979
Roger E Martin forwards a letter from John Terwilliger concerning the problems of completing the T & NT
files by a Jul 1 deadline for the IBHE Cost Study Walter C Tousey advises about the seriousness of this
John Terwilliger memo advising that the summer 1978 & fall 1978 T & NT files have been completed, & the
spring 1979 files should be completed by Aug 31. In future years, he believes they will be able to meet a
mid-June completion date for summer & fall term files & mid-July completion date for spring will be a
realistic possibility
Admissions & Records (2 folders)
Copy of a draft, Trends in Beginning Freshman Characteristics at Selected Universities, 1970-77
Copy of a mailing from the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, w/information on four
new publications
Copy of Item 14 approved at the Jul 19, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg, Revision, Admission Requirements,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Urbana
Copy of a brochure, Undergraduate Education, UIUC
Copy of the Articulation Calendar 1978-79
Gary Engelgau memo on Admissions & Records publications for Jim Collier, Director of the Office of Public
Cover memo & copies of the college copy & one advisor copy of the UIUC course transferability lists, & a
copy of the guidelines used in developing the lists
Ernest R Morris provides Chancellor Gerberding w/information on the degree-granting process
Copy of the revised Undergraduate Education brochure
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……8
Paul S Riegel’s & Jim Collier’s suggested revisions for the draft letter to accompany an admissions mailing to
state legislators. Copy of the letter as sent. Copies of brochures
Copy of the publication, Facts to Aid Student Consideration of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
which was distributed to Illinois high school & community college counseling offices
Copy of Item 8, approved at the Nov 17, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg, University Admissions Requirements:
English Competency
Minutes & attachments from the Nov 29, 1978 mtg of the University Committee on Admissions at the Chicago
Circle Campus
Copies of U-C Campus Registration Instructions for 1979 Spring Semester
Jane W Loeb responds to a question from Hugh Satterlee about policy on mailing grades for students whose
home address is outside the U S
Correspondence & materials related to proposed limitations to Chemical Engineering undergraduate
enrollment. This includes a copy of Jane W Loeb’s Feb 5, 1979 report & supporting data
Messages between Morton Weir & William Gerberding about the reconsideration of policy on EOP admissions.
Attached is a copy of The Proposed Undergraduate Admission Policy for the UIUC
Chancellor William Gerberding note advising that UIUC has no out-of-state quotas for undergraduate
Jane Loeb’s proposed letter & data submission in response to a request from Representative Woods Bowman
about graduate admission of female applicants
Correspondence concerning Paul Riegel’s request to have E Eugene Oliver do a quiet survey of Big Ten
institutions on their response to ACT & SAT score reports. Copy of Oliver’s report
Morton Weir advises Jane Loeb that a plan is being worked on which will allow students who are registered in
Allied Health curricula at U-C to register on a semester system rather than a quarter system
Copy of Veterinary Medicine Application & Admission Statistics 1979 report
Minutes & materials from the Apr 27, 1979 mtg of the University Comm on Admissions
Morton Weir sends Chancellor Gerberding a copy of Gary Engelgau’s report on HSPR/ACT Indices for Fall
1979 Admissions, in response to the Chancellor’s comment that Commerce & BA freshman next year
had average ACT’s of 29
James Hashbarger will serve as the Illinois Assoc of College Admissions Counselors (IACAC) Executive Board
liaison to the Education Information Center Advising Comm & on the Public Relations Comm
Copy of Graduate Application Statistic Comparison for 1978 & 1979
Memo for the record that one of the first things to discuss when Edwin Goldwasser takes office full-time is
development of a continuous registration system which will accommodate all of the new course formats
that are being suggested for the summer session & for throughout the year. A consultant has been
identified that can provide a package that will do what is needed for about $120K. John Chaney is one
of the firm representatives, & he has been to campus to present a proposal to OAR & AISS
Admissions & Records – Advanced Enrollment of New Students, Comm on
Copy of Advance Enrollment Bulletin, Fall Semester 1978
Jim Collier advises Chancellor Gerberding that Yuki Llewellyn & Stan Rahn expressed concern that he had not
attended the summer orientation sessions for parents
Copy of the Admission Acceptance/Precollege Program Request Form, Precollege Program brochure
Copy of the Advance Enrollment brochure & Advance Enrollment/Orientation Request Form
Invitation to Deans, Directors & Heads to attend the Parents Information Meetings during the summer
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……9
Scheduling & information for those who will be Chancellor’s representative at the Summer Advance
Enrollment Parent Information mtgs
Admissions & Records – Enrollment
Copy of chart of Pre-Empted Spaces for Fall 1978
Copy of article, “Enrollment Dip Indicated,” & two charts: Opening Enrollments in 1976, 1977, & 1978, &
1978 Fall Enrollments, by State, from the Chronicle of Higher Education Jan 8, 1979
Roger Martin report to Morton Weir on Roger Clark’s impressions of the current situation on graduate
enrollment in Engineering
Admissions & Records – Enrollment Projections (RAMP)
Enrollment projects from the University Office of Long Range Planning & Analysis for Fall Term
Jane Loeb’s suggestions for procedures for Spring 1979 undergraduate admission
Enrollment Projections for FY1984
Letter & memo for the record from Roger Martin about the decision to first close enrollment for Spring 1978, &
then to allow LAS & a few smaller colleges to remain open
Update of enrollment projections from Walter Tousey, Oct 13, 1978
Edwin Goldwasser’s response to Walter Tousey’s Sep 18, 1978 inquiry about projected enrollments of graduate
Jane Loeb responds to a request for 275 new junior students for Fall 1979 from C E Larson in Engineering
Walter Tousey’s “Some Thoughts on Long-Range Enrollment Projections” Jan 19, 1979
Admissions & Records – EOP
EOP Retention Tables, Fall 1968-Spring 1978
Chancellor Gerberding responds to Arthur Velasquez’s questions about the letter used by OAR in judging
eligibility of Chicago suburban students for consideration under EOP
Admissions & Records – First Semester
Copy of ACT data for beginning freshman for Fall 1978
Fall 1978 Preliminary Enrollment Statistics as of Close of Regular Registration
Fall 1978 Preliminary Enrollment Statistics as of Fifth Day of Instruction
Fall 1978 Final Enrollment Statistical Abstract
Instructions for conducting fall semester 1978-79 final examinations & for recording & reporting grades
Copy of the 1977-78 Grey Book of Enrollment Tables, First Semester or Fall Quarter, 1977-78, Nov 1978.
Copy of Extramural Enrollment Tables. Copy of Distribution of Students by Self-Reported
Racial/Ethnic Classifications
Copy of Fall 1979 Summary of Applications Received & Eligible
Copy of Grey Book, Enrollment Tables, First Semester or Fall Quarter, 1978-79, Feb 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……10
Admissions & Records – Foreign Students
Michelle Thompson asks Chancellor Gerberding for help in obtaining Don Henss’ research on the status of
aliens vis-à-vis affirmative action/eop. Both Jane Loeb & Hugh Petrie had asked her advice on the
admission & possible limitation on admission of aliens & she had directed them to him. She is having
difficulty getting his completed research formally communicated from the Legal Counsel’s office
Jane Loeb responds on behalf of the President’s Office to an inquiry about possible admission for staff from the
Bank of Korea
Gary Engelgau sends Roger Clark a copy of Fredi Daubard’s memo concerning the admission of Iranian
Deans, Directors mailing w/information on the campus intensive English program
Trend data on numbers of foreign students. Four tables:
1. Total number of foreign students by college of enrollment
2. Foreign graduate students by undergraduate college in which their major is associated
3. The country of citizenship for all foreign students
4. The country of citizenship for graduate foreign students
Copy of a Report on International Educational Exchange
Morton Weir responds to a question about the enrollment of foreign students from Professor Guenther
Letter advertisement for the placement services of International Educational Services, Ltd
Admissions & Records – Grades, Grade Inflation (separate folder)
College, Dept & Course Grade Distributions for Spring Semester, 1974, from Eileen Kohen, Oct 1974
College, Dept, & Course Grade Distributions for Fall Semester, 1974, from Eileen Kohen, Feb 1975
Morton Weir’s comments sent to Deans on the two Grade Distributions reports, w/attached lists of the
percentage of A’s & B’s assigned in 100 & 200 level work for each college. Responses from the Deans
Copy of editorial, “Grade Inflation” from the Oct 1975 issue of Science
Copy of article, “’A’ for effort? – Dr Park’s new diet for a bloated GPA,” from the Mar 1976 issue of California
Chancellor Peltason would like to know whether a discussion of the subject of grade inflation might fit into a
part of the agenda of his upcoming mtg w/Morton Weir
Letter from Professor Armine Kotin on the issue of grade inflation, which is referred to the Senate Educational
Policy Comm subcomm on Grading
Packet of materials from the Senate subcomm on grading. Exhibit A – 1977-78 summary, Attachment B –
summarizes comm action & discussion during 1978-79, supporting materials, Attachment C – previous
grading proposal considered by the Senate, Attachment D – other clippings & reprints gathered after the
comm’s last mtg, Attachment E – student poll, Attachment F – LAS comm on Academic Standards
chair Robert Coates letter
Packet of grading subcommittee materials sent to Bruno Nettl, new chair
Attachment A-Summary of Last Year’s deliberations
Attachment B-Nettle proposal (EP.77.10)
Attachment C-Agriculture proposal (EP.78.16). Attachment D-Ghent proposal
Bruno Nettle report in lieu of minutes of the Sep 28, 1978 mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……11
Admissions & Records – Grading & Pass-Fail System
Copy of material from the President’s Report at the Sep 20, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg, on the Senate’s
approval of a clarification of the use of the grade Ab
Grade point averages for fall semesters 1976-77, 1977-78, & 1978-79, by categories of Combined sorority,
combined fraternity, women independent & town, men independent & town, women’s resident halls,
men’s residence halls, men’s averages, women’s averages, & all university average. The historic fact
continues that women’s grades are higher than men’s. The general tendency is downward in all
Correspondence concerning the discussion of a proposal from Edwin Goldwasser for a change in the graduate
grading system (attached) to allow plus & minus for registering of distinctions
Correspondence & documents relating to the regulations & procedures in cases of alleged capricious grading
Report of the Senate’s completed action & the revised language of Regulation 71 from the Code on Campus
Affairs & Regulations Applying to All Students on the composition of departmental committees
Copy of Senate document EP.79.34, Modification of the UIUC Grading System (Final Action) from the May 9,
1979 mtg, which was defeated by the U/C Senate. The Senate Comm on Educational Policy had
proposed that the grading system be changed from its current specifications to include plus & minus
Admissions & Records – Latino & Other Minority
Note from Morton Weir to Jane Loeb, (not dated, note says Fall 1978?). The “new” black enrollment has
dropped form 329 to 305 this fall, & he wonders if this is a minor fluctuation, or does the importance of
the program need stressing once again
EOP Articulation Calendar 1978-79
Report of recent minority articulation/recruitment efforts from Walter Washington
Copy of table, Spanish Surname beginning freshman applications, admits, & denials for Fall 1979 as of Jan 4,
Admissions & Records – New Students
Information on Engineering new freshman enrollment for Fall 1978
Gary Engelgau report on Fall 1978 beginning freshman admissions
U-C Campus Freshman Class Profile, Fall 1977
Data on regularly admitted student retention comparable to that previously provided for EOP
Precollege Programs Request Form & Brochure
Admissions & Records – Probation & Drop
Probation & drop statistics for Spring 1978
Probation & drop statistics for Fall 1978
Data pertaining to the revised actions related to the probation/drop statistics of Fall 1978 new freshmen
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……12
Admissions & Records – Registration by Mail
Roger Martin memo for the record concerning Jane Loeb’s suggestion that the responsibility for the forms &
mailing be transferred to OAR, instead of giving funds for these costs to the Business Office
William Griffith memo to Morton Weir, asking his help in taking appropriate actions to avoid the problem of
increased refund appropriations in connection w/the Registration by Mail program. Morton Weir writes
to Vice President Brady w/two suggested methods of handling this problem. VP Brady instructs Robert
Parker to propose wording necessary to the University’s section of the Finance Act to the Legislative
Review Comm at the Feb 12 mtg. Roger Martin advises Robert Winter that if this is not successful, the
first alternative proposed by Morton Weir would be required to avert a major problem
Correspondence & documents related to the budget for the Registration by Mail program. Copies of Roger
Martin’s handwritten notes on mtgs to discuss various aspects of the program. The issue of drop boxes,
provisions for their security, occupy many letters, notes. Letters concerning the costs fort he various
units involved in the program. Roger Martin letter of Apr 25, 1979 listing the allocations to units for
Revised Registration Orientation mtgs – Mar 5-8, 1979. Revised Registration Overview
Memo on use of Room 449 Administration Bldg for student registration purposes
Harold G Poindexter responds to Roger Martin’s request to Ray Sanden related to reporting of the collection of
service fees associated w/the deferment of receivables for registration by mail, advising of the reporting
schedule that Sanden will use
Request for use of Room 441 Administration Bldg for the Registration by Mail information center
Admissions & Records – Second Semester
Spring 1978 Final Enrollment Statistical Abstract
Copy of Extramural Enrollment Tables, Second Semester or Winter Quarter 1977-78
Copy of Extramural Enrollment Tables, Spring Quarter, 1977-78
Grey Book, Enrollment Tables, Second Semester or Winter Quarter, 1977-78, Nov 1978
Spring 1979 Preliminary Enrollment Statistics as of close of regular registration
Spring 1979 Preliminary Enrollment Statistics as of Fifth Day of Instruction
Instructions for conducting spring semester 1979 final examinations & for recording & reporting grades
Spring 1979 Final Enrollment Statistical Abstract
Grey Book, Enrollment Tables, Second Semester or Winter Quarter, 1978-79, Jun 1979
Admissions & Records – Students
Proposal for a $1 charge for replacing lost or stolen ID validation labels, approved by Morton Weir Mar 18,
Admissions & Records – Summer Session
Summer 1978 Final Enrollment Statistical Abstract
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……13
Grey Book, Enrollment Tables Summer Session or Quarter, 1978, Nov 1978
Extramural Enrollment Tables, Summer Session or Quarter, 1978, Oct 1978
Summer 1979 Preliminary Enrollment Statistics as of the Close of Regular Registration
Instructions for conducting summer session final examinations & for recording & reporting grades
Summer 1979 Preliminary Enrollment Statistics as of the Fifth Day of Instruction
Admissions & Records – Testing
Information about the administration of ACT & SAT test on the U/C campus
Educational Testing Services information on test dates, score users leaflet, fee waiver policy & reporting old
Admissions & Records – Transfer Students
Information on intercollegiate transfers, reminding that students are admitted to a curriculum, not the institution
& it is not always possible to transfer to another curriculum once they are accepted
UIUC Course Transferability Lists (not attached) for Parkland College, William Rainey Harper College,
College of DuPage, Black Hawk Quad, Black Hawk East, & Illinois Central College. Also a coding
explanation key
Data on undergraduate transfer students enrolled at UIUC for 1977 & 1978 Fall semesters
Materials related to Transfer Student Visitation Day, Feb 16, 1979
Jane Loeb replies to Harold Wakeland in request to provide an Illinois resident preference for Fall 1979 transfer
admission in Engineering
Research Summary – University Office of School & College Relations, Characteristics of U-C Transfer
Box 219
Afro-American Cultural Program
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to the Black Mom’s Day Program Apr 21, 1979
Allerton Park (includes Oakley Dam)
Cover letter & documents (not attached): Letter of Feb 22, 1978 from J B Claar to Timothy Madigan w/attached
set of Allerton Trust Complex Guidelines for Forward Planning, & the Proposal for the Development of
a Master Plan for Robert Allerton Park, Jan 16, 1978. The guidelines are being reviewed by Legal
Counsel. These two documents will initiate the long-range, intermediate, & short-range planning that
will involve both advisory committees, the Allerton Trust Mgmt Board, & the mgmt & administration of
the Allerton Trust Properties
Donald Wendel approves the request to remove a section of concrete wall near the Allerton Park greenhouses.
Copies of documents supporting the request
Postcard of the brickgarden & greenhouse area
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……14
Copies of various articles about Allerton Park & response to allegations of mismanagement in some of the
articles, by Jack Claar, Director of the Allerton Trust Mgmt Board, Dennis A Dahl, Almut G Jones. It is
noted in several articles that visitation has fallen off in the late 70’s. Earlier high visitation in the early
70’s was due in part to the controversy over the Oakley-Springer Dam project, which threatened to flood
the park
Article, “Looking a Gift House In The Mouth,” by Dick Richmond, from the St Louis Post-Dispatch, Jun 8,
Champaign-Urbana Guide Sep 1977, w/an article “Allerton Park, Revisited…and Revisited…and Revisited!”
Article, “Allerton Park: Man & nature in harmony,” from the Normal-Bloomington Daily Vidette Weekend Sep
16, 1977
Article, “Allerton Park: Revival or swan song – Allerton Park: Mismanaged & misused,” by Jeff Katz from the
Oct 22, 1977 Daily Illini
Editorial, “Allerton Park should be revived,” from the Daily Illini, Nov 1, 1977
Article, “A prairie surprise,” by Joanna R Cook, from the Chicago Tribune, Dec 4, 1977
Article, “Museum in the Cornfield,” from the 1978 Illio
Article, “Monumental Mismanagement,” by Bob DalSanto, also from the 1978 Illio
Jack Claar’s response to Ralph Hahn
Article, “Prefer a relaxed, change-of-pace family outing? Try Allerton Park”
Jack Claar’s letter to Illio Editor Mark Stevens
Donald Wendel advises that Jim Collier is very interested in the park, & could be helpful in advising about how
to project a more positive image in the media
Jim Collier letter of thanks to Walter Keith for the escorted tour of Allerton Park
Copy of the booklet, Spring Flowers of Robert Allerton Park & Adjacent Areas, by Almut G Jones
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to attend the concert at Allerton Park of the University large Symphonic
Band Sep 20, 1978. He cannot attend
Copies of correspondence between Chancellor Gerberding & John Gregg Allerton about the park in early 1978
Mr Allerton is pleased w/the oversight by J B Claar & Joseph Diana
Letter from John Gregg Allerton to Chancellor Gerberding of Feb 3, 1978. He will be in Piatt County in May
1978 & will meet w/Chancellor Gerberding on May 17, 1978
Copy of Chancellor’s follow up letter to Mr Allerton, advising him of actions to be taken on matters Allerton
had raised at that mtg. These concern the use of farm income for the park, use of park resources for the
4-H camp, & removal of the picnic tables from the formal garden area
Copy of background documents, which include Allerton Trust Mgmt Board mtg minutes for the Jun 22 & Jan
17, 1978 & Dec 7, 1977 mtgs, w/attachments & budget materials, documents relating to the removal of
a section of greenhouse wall
Minutes of the Oct 12, 1978 mtg of the Improvements Advisory Comm, Robert Allerton Park
Correspondence & documents concerning the nomination of Allerton Park to be placed on the National Register
of Historic Places. Copy of the Jun 1974 nomination form that was presented to the Illinois Historic
Sites Advisory Council. The Council unanimously advised nomination but the Director of the Dept of
Conservation, the only person empowered to nominate a place, rejected the Council’s advice & did not
nominate the park to the National Register. The possibility of submitting a new proposal is raised in
early 1978. The campus Historic Sites Coordinating Comm voted at its Nov 20, 1978 mtg to concur
w/the recommendation to resubmit nominations forms. William G Farrar of the Division of Historic
Sites, Illinois Dept of Conservation, feels that the papers should be updated & submitted on new forms
consistent w/current requirements of the Dept of the Interior
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……15
Memo advising that the designation “National Natural Landmark” means that Allerton is registered w/the Dept
of Interior & is worth preserving
Copy of an Oct 11, 1978 report prepared by the Allerton Trust Mgmt Board for UI Trustees prior to their Oct
mtg, which was held at the Park. Also a copy of the new brochure for park visitors. Copies of these are
sent by Chancellor Gerberding to John Gregg Allerton w/a cover letter of Nov 6, 1978, & to James R
Collier, Director of Public Affairs
Request to schedule two mtgs at Allerton House. One is an LAS weekday mtg, sometime during Oct 1-Nov 19.
The other is an Aug 25 Agriculture mtg
Chancellor Gerberding letter to John Gregg Allerton of Mar 8, 1979, thanking him for sending a copy of The
Robert Allerton Story, & looking forward to Allerton’s annual visit to Illinois. John Gregg Allerton
letter of Mar 17, 1979 to James Claar about sending more copies of the book for sale at the Park
Copy of article, “Allerton Park to sparkle this spring,” from Illini Week Mar 9, 1979
J B Claar letter of Mar 9, 1979 to James Collier, thanking him for the TV sport during half-time of the MSU-UI
game, & also advising of plans for a possible open house for persons known to be interested in the Park,
probably in late May
J B Claar Mar 15, 1979 memo on movement of the picnic tables in the Park
Copy of the Allerton Park Mgmt Board Report, Feb 1, 1978-Jan 31, 1979, Apr 5, 1979. Acknowledgement
letters from President Corbally & Chancellor Gerberding
Correspondence concerning James Claar’s retirement as Director of CES around Dec 20, 1979, & arrangements
for his appointment after this time. It is decided to ask him to remain w/the Allerton Trust Mgmt Board
until construction projects under consideration have been completed
John Gregg Allerton letter of May 2, 1979 expressing his approval of the planned improvements to the
greenhouse area to construct a visitor/information center. Letter from Chancellor Gerberding
commenting on this project, & also requesting that Claar continue as Chair of the Allerton Trust Mgmt
Board through completion of this project
Copy of article, “Wild flowers at their best in Allerton Park,” from Illini Week
Copy of article, “Allerton’s country estate now a major asset for UI,” from Illini Week
Invitation to a joint the Allerton Trust Mgmt Board on Jul 24, 1979 for a slide presentation by Jennifer Eickman
about Allerton House, the Park, & the artwork in the Park. This presentation is one that has been made
from time to various community groups as an overview & is one of the means used to improve the Park
image in the last year or two
Allerton – Allerton Trust Mgmt Board Meetings
Minutes of the Jun 22, 1978 mtg
Agenda & minutes of the Jul 24, 1978 mtg
Agenda & minutes of the Sep 18, 1978 mtg
Agenda & minutes of the Oct 11, 1978 mtg
Agenda & minutes of the Nov 6, 1978 mtg
Agenda & minutes of the Jan 29, 1979 mtg
Agenda & minutes of the Mar 8, 1979 mtg
Agenda & minutes of the Apr 9, 1979 mtg
Agenda, materials & minutes on the special May 7, 1979 mtg
Minutes of the May 14, 1979 mtg
Agenda & minutes of the Jun 18, 1979 mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……16
Alumni Assoc
Announcement for the Dec 3-4, 1976 Board of Directors mtg in Chicago
Letters & documents concerning Medicare 7, 8 or 9 concerts in Aurora, Illinois at the renovated Paramount Arts
Theatre on Jun 25, 1978
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the U-C Alumni Council for the year ending Jun 30, 1979
Request for nominations for the reconstitution of the Alumni Career Center Advisory Board
Alumni Service Program Job & Economic Status Contacts List, Sep 1978
Information materials on the reunion groups for fall 1978. Chancellor Gerberding will attend the events on Sep
9, 23 & Oct 20, 1978. The Alumni Assoc is trying to move to one weekend for all group reunions
Donald Dodds advises that both Stanley W Weaver & Mary Weaver attended UI, but neither has received a
Correspondence concerning Robert Lumsden’s completion of the CASE Summer Institute in Alumni
Correspondence concerning alumnus Wilson Chong as recipient of the Commander of the Order of Distinction
from the country of Jamaica for his contributions to architecture & social services
Request for Chancellor to speak sometime at a gathering of the Belleville alumni club
Chancellor Gerberding letters to new & reappointed members of the Alumni Council
Announcement of the Dec 1-2, 1978 Board of Directors mtg in Chicago, w/attached list of Comm & Council
Assignments 1978-79
Invitation to the Vermettes Homecoming party Nov 4, 1978, Chancellor Gerberding regrets
Announcement that the U-C Alumni Council mtg on Oct 21, 1978 is moved up to 9 am due to regional
televising of the football game at 11:50
James E Crawford, faculty member at Hastings College of Law, is named Alumnus of the Month for Sep by the
College of Law. Harold A Baker is named Alumnus of the Month for Oct. Chancellor Gerberding’s
letter to Baker
Schedule of events for the 1978 Alumni Leaders Conference on Nov 4, 1978. Chancellor Gerberding may
attend at some point in the day
Note of thanks to Chancellor Gerberding for his attendance at the Class of ’33 reunion on Oct 20, 1978
Correspondence & documents related to the Bloomington Alumni Party, Nov 2, 1978, at which Chancellor
Gerberding gave remarks
Copy of a letter to the editor by Executive Director James Vermette on alumni contributions to athletics, from
the Oct 31, 1978 News-Gazette, sent by Robert Spitze to the Chancellor
Stanley R Levy advises James Collier that both the Moms & Dads Associations have a history of giving $300
each for the support of the Medicare group & its travels
Information & application for the Alumni Assoc trip to the People’s Republic of China Jul 22-Aug 8, 1979
Agenda & minutes from the Dec 2, 1978 Board of Directors mtg in Chicago
Alumni Service Program list of Job & Economic Status Contacts, Sep 1978
List of spring national alumni club mtgs & invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to attend if he is in those cities
& has time
Correspondence between William Hugill of Pasadena & Chancellor Gerberding, who met at a recent alumni
Nomination form for Kenney Ernest Williamson for the Distinguished Service Award
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……17
Copy of article dated Jul 1972, “By Three Honored Alumni-Teachers, Programs Praised,” quoting Achievement
Award winners Barton A Cummings, Philip Handler, & George H Lesch
Copy of news release announcing the selection of Rowine Hayes Brown, Everette B Harris, & J Robert
Schrieffer as the 1979 Achievement Award winners. Copies of James Vermette letters to them
announcing their selection
Chancellor Gerberding approves the presentation of the Distinguished Service Award at the May
Correspondence concerning the naming of alumnus Stephen R Davis as winner of the Gold Award from the
Engineering Society of Detroit
Announcement of the Ma 19, 1979 Board of Directors mtg at UIUC
Follow up letters to the Illinois Alumni Club of Southern California mtg, featuring Chancellor Gerberding as
speaker, Jan 11, 1979
Announcement for the Apr 18, 1979 mtg of the U-C Campus Alumni Council, Chancellor Gerberding regrets
James Collier suggestions to Edwin Goldwasser for the presentation to the May 19, 1979 Board of Directors
mtg. Chancellor Gerberding will also be giving remarks
Copy of the brochure or the Fourth Annual Alumni College, Jul 8-13, 1979 at UIUC
Another announcement for the May 19 Alumni Assoc mtgs
Schedule of Alumni Assoc events for Commencement weekend, May 19-20, 1979
Chancellor is unable to attend the reception for May graduates on Apr 29, 1979. Stanley Levy will attend
Invitation to May 19 & 20, 1979 (commencement?) Alumni Assoc events, Chancellor Gerberding regrets
Donald Dodds advises Chancellor Gerberding of two advisory motions passed by the U-C Campus Alumni
Council at their Apr 18, 1979 mtg pertaining to the length of terms of service of alumni members on the
Athletic Assoc Board of Directors. The first motion recommends that the terms of service be limited to
four years, & the second that the terms be more evenly staggered than they now are. Chancellor
Gerberding advises that these will be sent on to the Board for their review & comment
Information from James Vermette on the alumni associations of the four state universities cited as being in the
top ten in a recent faculty survey. The four universities are Berkeley, UI, U of Michigan & U of
Agenda & Minutes of the May 19, 1979 Board of Directors mtg at UIUC
Letters to Honorary Degree recipients Hamilton O Smith, Philip Handler, & Eudora Welty that they will
receive a paid-in-full life membership
James Vermette letter of thanks to Chancellor Gerberding, Charles Barels, Edwin Goldwasser & James Collier
for the success of the May 19 Board mtg
Daniel Perrino letter to Ray Eliot & Gary Moeller on their participation in a event on the Plaza of the 1st
National Bank in Chicago
Animal Care, Lab of
Copies of animal care unit reports for the Annual Report of Research Facility, VS Form 18-23, which is due
Dec 1, 1978
Archives, University
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……18
Memo from Maynard Brichford on a possible oral history program for the Archives, suggesting employment of
a person full-time. Morton Weir’s comments. Chancellor Gerberding’s reply
Archives Annual Report, Jul 1, 1977 to Jun 30, 1978
Assembly Hall
Letter from Director Thomas Parkinson & Donald Wendel certifying that the Assembly Hall’s 1977-78
operations were completed within the parameters established by the budget
Letter discussing the need to change from volunteers at Assembly Hall events due to insurance coverage
Copy of the Oct 24, 1974 Charge to the Director of the Assembly Hall sent to Thomas Parkinson for his
Paul Doebel letter to Pekin resident John Davis, explaining why there would be no refund of the ticket price for
the USSRS Gymnastics exhibition due to adverse travel conditions which prevented Mr Davis from
attending the event
Donald Wendel letter advising Bruce McCormick that he has been nominated by the Undergraduate Student
Assoc for appointment to the Assembly Hall Advisory Comm
Correspondence concerning appointment of the Assembly Hall Advisory Comm for 1979-80, requesting service
for the terms indicated
Paul Doebel provides Jim Van Arsdel w/requested information on the complimentary ticket policy. Requested
information on the latest student interest survey concerning the Assembly will provided in the very near
Association w/Other Colleges & Universities
Inauguration of Lisle C Carter Jr as first President of the U of the District of Columbia. George H Bargh will
represent UI
Inauguration of Kaspar C Marking as president of Plymouth State College
Commencement Convocation of Alabama State U
Letter of thanks to Barlow Chu for assistance he provided to Thomas Riley & his students who participated in
the archaeological field school on Kauai
Inauguration of Philip Pumerantz as the first president of the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
Inauguration of Marvin L Goldberger as president of the California Institute of Technology
Cover for a copy of the 1977-78 annual report of the U of Tennessee (not attached), issued in response to
requests for information on their public service programs
Information on the Council for Interinstitutional Leadership (CIL) 1977 National Fall Conference, & CIL’s
central office move to the U of Alabama
Appointment of Rodney H Brady as president of Weber State College
Inauguration of Hanna Holborn Gray as president of the U of Chicago
Inauguration of Thomas Bowman Brewer as chancellor of East Carolina U
Information on the doctoral program at the Center for the Study of Higher Education at the U of Michigan
Summary of discussions at AAU meetings, Oct 23-25, 1978
Inauguration of John H Keiser as president of Boise State U
Description of the salary review process used at the U of Wisconsin-Madison last year
Brochure for the Institute for Educational Management at Harvard U
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……19
Inauguration of Harry Edmund Smith as president of Austin College
Announcement for a National Conference to be hosted by Madonna College May 14-15, 1979 on their project
funded by the U S Dept of Education, “Career Development Model for Liberal Arts Colleges”
Seminar announcement, Organizational Development for College Administrators, Apr 9-10, 1979 at the U of
Invitation, centennial celebration in honor of Albert Einstein from Maharishi International U
UIUC will not participate in the U of Pennsylvania’s information dissemination program for faculty in the areas
of Engineering, Business, Law, & Arts & Sciences
Inauguration of Miles Tommeraasen as president of Morningside College
Announcement that William L Atchley has been appointed president of Clemson U
John C Masters is appointed Henry Luce Professor of Public Policy & the Family & Professor of Psychology at
Vanderbilt U
Workshop announcement, “The 1890 Land-Grant Institutions – A Unique Resource for Development” at SMU
Jul 9-10, 1979
Commencement Convocation, Alabama State U
Athletic Association (3 folders)
FILED IN WRONG FY: Document, Application of Club Sports for Varsitiy Status, May 2, 1976
FILED IN WRONG FY: Cover letter & copy of Bette Adelman’s memo on her discussion w/several
daministrators in regard to women’s athletic facilities
FILED IN WRONG FY: Copy of the Illinois House Higher Education Subcommittee report on Women’s
Athletics, Apr 1976, w/cover letter from Cecil Coleman w/his & Karol Kahrs’ comments
Correspondence concerning complimentary tickets for the 1978-79 football season. List of individuals receiving
football ticket invitations from President’s Office
Response to a request for information on the score & year in which Illinois broke the San Francisco Dons 60
game winner streak. Score was 62-33, & the date was Dec 17, 1956
Farewell note from Chancellor Gerberding to Richard Tamburo
Bids submitted for housing the 1979 Athletic Assoc’s Summer Sports Camps
Complimentary Illinois-Purdue game tickets for participants in the Visiting Minority Faculty Seminar
Materials from Doug Maran, who is hoping for a sports promotion position on campus, & his Orange Club
Information on the College Football Association
New portrait of Chancellor Gerberding for the football program. Request for access to the press box for Office
of Public Information
Sports Information release on 1978 football sports information events
Donald Wendel letter to Lynn J Snyder, reminding of policy on need for approval from the Vice Chancellor for
Administrative Affairs for any alterations to buildings or grounds. The current driveway project should
have gone through this review
News release announcing that Edith Borg has been named Illini Academic Counselor
Fourth Annual Women’s Golf Outing Aug 21, 1978, Chancellor Gerberding regrets
News Release on UI Baseball Recruits
Invitation, 1978 Varsity-Alumni Golf Outing, Sep 8, 1978
Big Ten Skywriters’ event Aug 31, 1978
Varsity I Assoc Banquet, Sep 8, 1978 – invitation, program
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……20
Cover letter for a copy of the 1978 football press guide (not attached)
Thank you letter for Chancellor Gerberding’s attendance at the C-U Grants/In/Aid Golf Outing
Paul Doebel cover letter on security during the football season (security plans not attached)
Itinerary for the Illinois-Michigan game in Ann Arbor
Requesting those listed to serve as faculty members of the Athletic Council for 1978-79
Dike Eddleman sends Chancellor Gerberding a copy of a newspaper article (not attached), & letter on the
Grant/In/Aid receipts for Aug 1978
Gold “Excursion” announcement, Sep 25, 1978
Chancellor Gerberding advises Cecil Coleman about angry complaints received about the new Grants/In/Aid
Grants/In/Aid comm mtg announcement, Oct 20, 1978
Pictures of Athletic Assoc Board of Directors & Board of Trustees
Ernest R Morris advises Chancellor Gerberding of components of the academic support program for studentathletes
Data on degree completion rates comparison between black students & black student-athletes for Trustee Hahn
Coach Gary Moeller thanks Chancellor Gerberding for support
Donald Wendel requests decision on complimentary tickets list. Chancellor Gerberding advises to proceed as in
prior years, however, he would to review this process for 1979-80
Correspondence forwarded by Trustee Lenz from a Grants/In/Aid contributor who is unhappy w/the recent
request for an increase in payment or he will lose his traditional seats. Chancellor Gerberding letter
commenting on the situation w/Cecil Coleman
Order form for Faculty-Staff basketball season tickets
Copy of the proposed revised Grants/In/Aid program
Lewis Barron summary of the Apr 20, 1978
Cecil Coleman letter & flyer about the new Grants/In/Aid program. Copies of correspondence about the
development of this program
Copy of a doctoral thesis, Academic Performance of Male College Athletes & Nonathletes: A Comparative
Study, by Lynn J Snyder, UIUC
Ticket request handling complaint from Jack Watson of Springfield, Donald Wendel response
Copy of Illini Items for Nov 6, 1978, & news release announcing that Cecil Coleman has been appointed as
chairman of the NCAA Television Comm
Alumni Richard Moody complaint about the removal of the Dike Eddleman picture from the Varsity Room,
Donald Wendel response
Copy of article, “Board Awaits Gerberding,” from the Nov 15, 1978 News-Gazette
Correspondence between Chancellor Gerberding & Donald Wendel about Doug Maran’s efforts w/Orange
Crush company
Chancellor Gerberding sends Michele Thompson a copy of a document from the Chancellor of the U of
Wisconsin in response to a request from HEW for information about the conduct of its athletic program
Copy of the 1978-79 UI Winter Composite Sports Schedule
Copy of article, “Coleman Guest on ‘Illinois Press’” from the News-Gazette Nov 16, 1978
Copy of a football information/ticket order brochure, sent to Chancellor Gerberding w/some handwritten
Lapel pin & press guide sent to Chancellor Gerberding from Tab Bennett
Chancellor Gerberding replies to David E Rosenfeld about ticket request
SRL reports on his raising of the issue of a fee for support of intercollegiate athletics w/the Student Leader
group on Nov 28, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……21
Donald Wendel letter to Lonnie E Clark about the election of members of the Athletic Council
Copy of article, “Meeting cancellation takes pressure off AA,” from the Morning Courier, Dec 15, 1978
Athletic Assoc departmental Christmas Luncheon invitation, Dec 20, 1978, Chancellor regrets
Donald Wendel letter responding to a faculty letter complaint about Lou Henson’s appearing in Chevrolet car
Memo on the media support for the men’s basketball team
Letter thanking UIUC for Coach Gary Wieneke’s contribution as a member of the National Track & Field
Development Comm
Item from Illini Items for Jan 8, 1979 on the ranking of the UI track team in the top ten in a recent issue of
Track & Field News
Itinerary for Illini Weekend
Donald Wendel replies to Lynn Snyder requests for approval of a dinner at the golf course in conjunction w/the
upcoming NCAA Track meet (beer cannot be approved), & for permission for a permanent sign giving
directions to the Savoy Golf Course at U S Route 45 & Airport Road (granted)
Correspondence concerning proposed changes in the complimentary ticket list, pros & cons for making changes
Letter complimenting the services of Skip Pickering, head trainer, who gave assistance when an Augustana
College runner was injured at a recent meet
Correspondence concerning whether Assembly Hall should pay a higher percentage on its concessions to the
Ernest Morris reply to Roland W Holmes & Myles D Berman, thanking them for sharing their thoughts on ways
to better address the academic needs of student-athletes
Copy of editorial, “Coleman roulette,” from the Daily Illini, Mar 8, 1979
Correspondence related to Trustee Ralph Hahn’s suggestion of a basketball game at the new Springfield
Convention Center
Chancellor Gerberding letters to potential recruits Isaiah Thomas & Kevin Bontemps
Copy of an analysis of joint appointments that have existed between the AA & the Dept of Physical Education
(w/one exception in the Dept of Political Science) for the years 1974-75 through 1978-79
Report on the Mar 14, 1979 mtg to discuss the academic needs of student-athletes
Copy of article, “Coleman in familiar role—on the hot seat at Illinois,” by David Condon, Chicago Tribune,
Mar 23, 1979
Correspondence related to the C-U Kiwanis Club Basketball Banquet Apr 2, 1979
Request for Chancellor Gerberding to chat w/basketball recruits coming to town
Faculty-Staff season ticket applications for 1979
Anonymous letter complimenting Tennis Coach Jack Groppel on his handling of one of his players who threw a
tantrum during a match against Northwestern in Danville
Thanks for complimentary golf pass for James Collier
Invitation to the first hospitality tent event for the 1979 season
Stanley Levy asks about the Financial Aids Review Comm
Complaint from faculty member James Heath about ticket pricing
Copy of article, “Athlete decides to discuss Illini,” from the Daily Illini May 1, 1979
Schedule for the Grants/In/Aid-Illini Golf Outings for 1979
Stanley Levy letter about students sleeping outside Assembly Hall waiting for football ticket sales
Chancellor Gerberding reply letters to several alumni letters about the athletic program: Jay C Hill, William F
Bent, Wayne A Vandenburg, & Milton R Schachtman
Copy of article, “Schools seen as not being sole exploiters of athletes,” from the Daily Illini May 9, 1979
Copy of article, “Recent years’ memories not too memorable,” Daily Illini May 9, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……22
Invitation for the Fifth Annual Awards Banquet to honor women athletes May 8, 1979
Copy of article, “Corporate Cash & the Grass-Roots Athlete”
Cover letter & copies of proposals from the ad hoc comm to review the academic problems of student-athletes.
“An Overview of a Proposed Academic Assistance Program for Student-Athletes.” Job description for
an Academic Coordinator for Student-Athletes
Flyer for the NCAA Outdoor Track & Field Championships at UIUC May 30-Jun 2, 1979
Agenda for the Grants/In/Aid Comm Fall (Spring?) mtg, Jun 2, 1979
Memo advising that additional preempt spaces will be provided for student-athletes for fall 1979, w/attached
are 1979 estimated admission requirements for the various colleges
Letter of support from three alumni for any action taken to return the major sports program to competitive
levels, Chancellor Gerberding’s reply
Stanley Levy recommends that the study group on student-athletes academics be expanded to include someone
from his staff
Chancellor Cribbet asks to meet w/Donald Wendel to discuss his views on the issues in the attached letter from
Chancellor Gerberding to VP Ronald Brady about the status of the AA
Athletic Assoc – Big Ten Intercollegiate Conference
Report on Sources of Funds & Expenditures for Financial Assistance for 1976-1977 & Report of Tenders &
Expenditures by Sport for 1976-77, Exhibits A-D
Cover letter for a copy (not attached) of the Conference Handbook
Cover letter & copy of the Big Ten Sportsmanship Survey Responses
Cecile Coleman cover letter & information on salaries for different coaches in the Big Ten, including the 197778 survey conducted by the Big Ten, & copy of the total combined Athletic Assoc & University salary
for coaches of minor sports. Attached notes indicate the Chancellor wishes to discuss this
Ernest R Morris memo for Chancellor Gerberding about the process of appointment of the faculty
representative to the Big Ten. Attached copy of the document, “Role of the Faculty Representatives in
Relation to the Presidents & Athletic Directors, Prepared by Ad Hoc Comm of Faculty Representatives
(Revised Jul 7, 1976)
Minutes of the Intercollegiate Conference Directors of Athletics Oct 25-26, 1978 in Rolling Meadows
Wayne Duke letter to James Collier about an article about Collier in the Jan 25, 1979 edition of the Daily Illini
James Collier to Wayne Duke, thanking him for sharing a copy of Duke’s Jan 29 letter to Ed Crawford at Ohio
State, & advising that UIUC is supportive of the new Big Ten basketball television series
Copy of Criteria to be Used in Determining the Big 10 Conference Representative to the Annual NCAA
Basketball Tournament. Also a copy of News from the Service Bureau, w/more news on the standings &
games left before the tournament
Minutes of the Intercollegiate Conference Joint Group mtg Mar 12-13, 1979 in Chicago
Copy of an article, “Last Monday: A Few Beads About Athletics”
Minutes of the Intercollegiate Conference Directors of Athletics mtg Apr 18, 1979 in Rolling Meadows
Copy of the Commissioner’s report for the Apr 30, 1979 Council of Ten mtg
Correspondence between Chancellor Gerberding & Wayne Duke concerning comments by Duke in the media
which appeared to link the issue of the influence of outside financial sources to the firing of Cecil
Coleman. Duke sees such influence as an increasing problem in collegiate athletics. He denies that his
comments on that issue were meant to be connected to the UI/Coleman situation
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……23
Minutes of the Intercollegiate Conference Directors of Athletics mtg May 14-15, 1979 in Champaign. Ernest
Morris note that aside from the resolution of support for Coleman, there is nothing new regarding the
Duke affair, just “routine” conference business
Copy of the Report on Sources of Funds & Expenditures for Financial Assistance for 1977-78, & Report of
Tenders & Expenditures by Sport for 1977-78
Athletic Assoc – Board of Directors (2 folders)
Copy of Dec 28, 1977 letter from Alfred H Greening, General Counsel in the State of Illinois Office of the
Auditor General, reporting on his analysis of the by-laws & charter of the AA, & his conclusion that AA
is an administrative unit of the UI conducting auxiliary enterprises in the area of athletics & recreation
on behalf of UI Board of Trustees. This conclusion is based on the fact that, since its inception, the
Articles of Incorporation have provided that the AA Board of Directors be elected annually by the Board
of Trustees
List of members of the AA Board of Directors for 1978-79
Copy of a Board of Trustees item for the Mar 15, 1978 mtg, Appointments & Reappointments to the Board of
Directors of the Athletic Assoc of UIUC
Donald Wendel provides general information on other Big Ten athletic units relation to university
administrations, in an Apr 10, 1978 letter to Chancellor Gerberding
Request to meet w/Chancellor Gerberding sometime in Apr 1978
Announcement, information on location, & agenda & materials for the Jul 8, 1978 Athletic Board mtg in
Robinson, Illinois
Letter advising Chancellor Gerberding that the Athletic Board approved the AA 1978-79 budget at the Jul 8
Chancellor Gerberding request that he & Cecil Coleman get together to develop a list of potential nominees for
the Athletic Board that has the informed approval of all concerned
Correspondence concerning two initiatives of Jack Chamblin
One is the creation of an ad hoc comm to analyze the administrative & financial conditions of the AA under its
present corporate structure as compared to becoming a dept of the University. Attached to his letter
advising Chancellor Gerberding of this comm is a copy of a 1975 report on the AA by Chuck Flynn
prepared at the request of Chancellor Peltason
The other initiative involves asking Chuck Flynn to review these same issues. A copy of his report is attached,
“Position Paper, Prepared for Board of Directors, UI Athletic Assoc by Charles E Flynn, Sep 15, 1978”
List of dates when alumni members of AA began serving on the AA Board. List of qualifications for AA
Ernest Morris report for Chancellor Gerberding of his attendance at the Alumni Assoc comm mtg of Oct 11,
1978, to share the Chancellor’s thoughts w/respect to the selection of AA Directors & to respond to any
Chancellor Gerberding gives Donald Wendel his thoughts for the Oct 20 AA Board mtg, since he will not be
attending & Wendel will be
Chancellor Gerberding’s reply to Clark Root about the new ticket policy’
Invitation to & agenda for the Oct 20, 1978 AA Board of Directors mtg
Minutes of the Oct 20, 1978 AA Board of Directors mtg
Emily Watts letter providing information on the history of the AA Board of Directors selection process
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……24
Memo verifying Chancellor Gerberding’s earlier observations w/respect to the expiration date of Elisabeth
Lyman’s term on the Board of Trustees
Recommendations for AA Board of Directors (final from Chancellor?)
Recommendations of the Alumni Assoc U-C Council for AA Board of Directors. Chancellor Gerberding letters
to the nominees
Minutes of the Jan 19, 1979 mtg of the Executive Comm of the AA Board of Directors
Glyn Roberts letter expressing concerns of the Senate Comm on Athletics & Recreation’s concerns over the
proposed AA Board nominations. Chancellor Gerberding’s reply
Joseph Diana requests the recommendation of the Senate Comm on Athletics & Recreation on potential
nominees to replace Jo Mancuso
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks to members of the AA Board for their service the past year
Agenda & materials for the Mar 2, 1997 AA Board mtg
Chancellor Gerberding letters advising William B Hopper & Frederick S Gerrard that he has decided not to
submit their names to the Board of Trustees
Copy of Mar 9, 1979 letter & materials sent by the Chancellor to all incoming AA Board members
Copy of the Board of Trustees item approved at the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Appointments & Reappointments to the
Board of Directors of the Athletic Assoc of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Copies of
letters from Board of Trustees secretary Earl Porter announcing the Board action to the AA Board
Copy of the cover letter & questionnaire sent by new AA Board member Maria Keen to the women’s athletic
News release announcing that the AA Board of Directors held a special mtg on Apr 19, 1979 to consider the
implications of the resignation of Chancellor Gerberding
Minutes & materials from the Apr 27, 1979 AA Board mtg
Illini Items release announcing the officer election results from the reorganizational mtg
List of the 1978-79 Board officers & members
Memo on the action of the Board on the radio/tv exclusivity bids
Copy of the Board of Trustees item from the Jun 20, 1979 mtg approving the appointment of Robert D Heath,
as newly installed President of the Alumni Assoc succeeding Henry Blackwell, as new member of the
AA Board
Athletic Assoc – NCAA
Copy of Executive Director’s Report, prepared for the Pac-8 mtg May 10-16, 1977, NCAA Reorganization &
the College Football Assoc. Attached position paper on the College Football Assoc
Copy of the completed 1978-79 Institutional Certification of Compliance Form
Cecil Twardock sends Chancellor Gerberding a copy of the article, “Deep in Hot Water in Stillwater,” from
Sports Illustrated
Ernest Morris memo for Chancellor Gerberding on the process of appointment of a faculty representative to the
Big Ten, w/attached background documents
Draft statement from Chancellor Gerberding about an Oct 31, 1978 mtg w/representatives of a group of alumni
who are dissatisfied w/the athletic program
Copy of News from the Service Bureau for Nov 20, 1978
Copy of proposed NCAA legislation, several items of which related to recent campus discussions of the
academic needs of student-athletes
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……25
Copy of the UIUC’s completed questionnaire which gathers information on expenditures for mens’ & womens’
intercollegiate athletics, & was distributed at a recent Council of Presidents mtg
NCAA President J Neils Thompson’s report on the recently completed investigation of NCAA enforcement
procedures by the House Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigation. Copy of the Subcommittee
Report, Dec 1978. Ernest Morris summary for the Chancellor
Copy of the completed 1979-80 Institutional Certification of Compliance Form
Copy of article, “NCAA, ESPN reach major cablevision agreement,” from NCAA News, Apr 3, 1979
Correspondence advising of an NCAA Council & Television Comm decision about messages for higher
education during televised events
Copy of a proposal for a Division IA Football Playoff
Correspondence related to UIUC’s hosting of the 1979 NCAA Outdoor Track Championships
Athletic Assoc – Football Schedule
Stanley Levy letter of Nov 15, 1978, advising of concerns about the scheduling of Dad’s Day & Mom’s Day
weekends so that they do not fall during mid-semester exams. Copy of the back file of special football
days scheduling materials, from 1969 to present. Paul Riegel & Donald Wendel replies to Levy, noting
how the scheduling process works, & that there is no problem w/Mom’s Day weekend as scheduled for
Athletic Assoc – Ticket Sales & Inventories
Cover letters & copy of the audit report for UIUC Athletic Assoc, Ticket Sales & Inventories for the Year
Ended Jun 30, 1978
Donald Wendel letter of Mar 29, 1979 concerning the Coopers & Lybrand report on their audit for the Athletic
Assoc. Apparently this report will indicate that AA is an administrative unit of the UI & therefore
subject to all of the policies related to excess funds that other departments are. Discussion of possible
responses to this report
Athletic Assoc – Women’s Athletics
Copy of booklet, Women’s Fall Sports, 1978 Volleyball, Tennis, Golf & Cross Country
Cecil Coleman memo of Oct 25, 1978 in response to Chancellor Gerberding’s Oct 18 memo regarding the
women’s basketball team schedule to play a number of games prior to the men’s games on the same
day. One game, on Jan 13, 1979, will be played after the men’s game
Assoc for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) requests member institutions to fill out a questionnaire
on the National Assoc of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) proposal to sponsor a program of women’s
championship events. Chancellor Gerberding requests & receives comment on this from Karol Kahrs,
Cecil Coleman & William Ferguson. Copy of the questionnaire completed by the Chancellor, which
notes that he thinks this is a matter between AIAW & NAIA. UIUC is a member of AIAW & NCAA
James Collier’s comment on several women’s athletic program publications sent to the Chancellor as “a sorry
looking bunch of publications.” These include the Fall Sports booklet, 1978-79 Women’s Athletics
brochure, & Women’s Sports foldout schedule
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……26
Correspondence concerning the invitation & Chancellor Gerberding’s acceptance of membership on the AIAW
Chief Executive Council. Announcement of the Jan 6, 1979 mtg & the AIAW Delegate Assembly Jan 710, 1979 in Los Angeles
Letters from Karol Kahrs to Larry Nelson of the campustown MacDonalds & Terry Nichols at Busey Bank
about their expressed interest in sponsorship of events of the women’s athletic program
Copy of the Official Minutes of the AIAW Jan 7-10 Delegate Assembly. Various other reports on actions taken
at the recent AIAW Delegate Assembly. Copies of recommended motions booklets sent out before the
Copies of completed questionnaires from a survey of women’s athletic coaches at UIUC conducted by
Professor Maria Keen & a summary by Ernest Morris for Chancellor Gerberding
Norman C Crawford of Salisbury State College sends fellow AIAW Chief Executive Council member
Chancellor Gerberding materials from the Jan 6 Council mtg, including his own remarks, & copies of
materials on the Jan 7-10 Delegate Assembly as well. Chancellor Gerberding’s comments in reply
Benefits, Employee (Includes Vacation, Sick Leave, etc)
Harold Poindexter letter of Jul 31, 1978 concerning the payment for accumulated vacation
Copy of 1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 21 – Clarification of Policy on Accumulation of
Disability Leave by Academic Staff Members
Copy of Employee Benefits Center proposal & request for comments
Copy of report, Analysis of Issues Related to Compensation at the University of Illinois, prepared by the
University Office for Planning Nov 1978
Copy of policy on Accrued Value of Deferred Vacation Days as approved by the Applied Life Studies
Administrative Comm & Executive Comm
Harold Poindexter answers Edwin Goldwasser’s question about the policy for charging accumulated annual
leave for academic research people against the contract or grant in effect at the time the leave was
earned. Edwin Goldwasser still has concerns
Announcement memo for the establishment of the Benefits Center, located at 127 Administration Bldg
Copy of the TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance & Annuity Assoc-College Retirement Equities Fund) Employee
Benefits Costs Survey report
Copy of an Illinois State Senate resolution that IBHE complete a study concerning the amount of general
revenue funds that have been used for fringe benefits for employees whose salaries are not paid from
appropriated funds, & that they make recommendations for funding these benefits that do no include
using the general revenue funds for the payment of auxiliary enterprise employees’ salaries & fringe
benefits. The report is to be filed by Sep 14, 1979
Board of Trustees
Materials for the Jul 18-19, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg: Schedule, Information on social events, List of
Business to be Presented by the President
Copy of agenda item 30, approved at the Jul 19 mtg, Designation of University Officers for Facility Security
Correspondence concerning James Colliers’ attendance at Board of Trustees mtgs
Copies of several lists of Board of Trustees members, Sep 1978 & Jan 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……27
Materials for the Sep 19-20, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg at Chicago Circle Campus: Parity bond sale
background correspondence, schedule, List of Business to be Presented by the President, “late”
appointments background correspondence, Questions, Mr Forsyth-Sep Board Agenda
Chancellor Gerberding memo about the preparation of Board items
Copy of campaign postcard for re-election of Ralph Hahn as Trustee
Correspondence between Kenneth E Anderson, President of the C-U AAUP chapter, & Trustee Robert Lenz
concerning Trustee Lenz’s recent statement about the role of the Board
Materials for the Oct 19-20, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg at Allerton Park: Questions, Mr Forsyth-Oct Board
Agenda, schedule, List of Business to be Presented by the President
Copy of article, “Order of Constantine inducts Russell W Steger,” for Chancellor’s information, since Steger
was a Trustee
Materials for the Nov 16-17, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg at the Medical Center campus: schedule, list of
Business to be Presented by the President
Materials for the Dec 12-13, 1978 at Chicago Circle Campus: schedule & list of Business to be Presented by the
Copy of agenda item approved at the Dec 13, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg, Revision of Dollar Limits on
Purchases, Leases, & Contracts Requiring Specific Board of Trustees’ Authorization, Deletion from the
General Rules
Schedule of conferences for agenda review for the 1979 calendar year
Edith Terwilliger advises that the presentation on academic salary management will be made at the Feb rather
than the Jan mtg
Copy of the recommendation to the Board of Trustees from the Dec 13 mtg that Charles E “Chilly” Bowen
receive the 1979 Board of Trustees Distinguished Service Medallion. Thank you letter from Bowen
Materials for the annual mtg on Jan 17, 1979 at UIUC. Schedule. Special Order of Business. List of Business to
be Presented by the President. Changes in the Agenda. Notice that this mtg was canceled because of
inclement weather
Copy of the Annual Report of the Treasurer of the UI for the Period Feb 1, 1978 to Jan 31, 1979
Materials for the Feb 21, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg at the Medical Center Campus. Schedule. List of Business
to be Presented by the President
Copy of the Report of Observers on Meetings of Board of Trustees & Board Committees Feb 20-21, 1979 at
Medical Center Campus
Copy of two lists of Board of Trustees members, both Mar 1979
Materials for the Mar 21, 1979 Board of Trustees at Chicago Circle Campus. Reminder about the hearing on
tuition increases by the Student Welfare Comm. Schedule. List of Business to be Presented by the
President. Questions, Mr Forsyth-Mar Board Agenda
Copy of an agenda from the Mar 21 mtg, Report of Finance Comm on Treasurer’s Bond
Materials for the Apr 20, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg at UIUC. Schedule. List of Business to be Presented by
the President
Stanley Levy sends Trustee Ralph Hahn materials for a speech on student activism & its aftermath
President Corbally sends the Board copies of two reports: Cribett to Gerberding Apr 16, 1979, & Levy to
Gerberding Apr 16, 1979 (neither is attached), in response to requests at previous Board meetings
Stanley Levy letters of thanks for presentations at the Apr Board mtg to Nancy McMurray, Mike Pierce, &
Mike Zielinski
Earl Porter letter advising that Trustee Nina Shepherd is in University Hospital in Chicago. Chancellor
Gerberding note to Trustee Shepherd
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……28
Materials for the May 16, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg at the Medical Center Campus. Schedule. List of
Business to be Presented by the President
Materials for the Jun 19-20, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg at Chicago Circle Campus. Schedule. List of Business
to be Presented by the President. Report on the mtg by the Senate Council observer
List of Standing Committees 1979-80
Copy of item approved at the Jun 20 mtg, Amendment to the By-Laws of the Board of Trustees (Change in day
of Annual & Monthly Meetings). The day of regular meetings will be changed from the third
Wednesday to the third Thursday of the month. The day of the annual meeting will be changed from the
third Wednesday in Jan to the third Thursday in Jan
Board of Trustees – Non-Voting Students
Student Election results, Apr 25-26, 1979
Correspondence concerning the election of Graham Grady as a nonvoting student trustee for the term Jul 1,
1979-Jun 30, 1980
Report to the Secretary: Selection of Student Nonvoting Members of the UI Board of Trustees, 1979-80,
Chicago Circle (April Wyncott), Medical Center Campus (Paul Alan Sobotka), & U-C Campus
(Graham Grady)
Box 220
Business Office
Minutes of the Jun 23, 1978 mtg of State Universities Assoc of Vice-Presidents for Business at Sangamon State
U. Attached is a revised copy of the Interpretations of Guidelines in Implementing University
Guidelines from the Financial Practices & Standards Comm
Donald Wendel letter to Stanley Levy requesting his thoughts about Harold Poindexter’s suggested increase in
the permanent cash amount of imprest funds & the check cashing service at Illini Union. Levy’s reply
Copy of the Surplus Equipment List Sep 1978
Harold Poindexter Sep 25, 1978 memo requesting information from units on any employees for whom official
headquarters have been designated which are at a location other than where their official duties required
them to spend most of their working time
Correspondence concerning the User Group Comm & University Financial/Accounting System (UF/AS)
Project Planning & Facility Mgmt
Recirculation of a memo on cash advances & cashing of travel vouchers
C Peter Flynn letter of thanks to Harold Poindexter for the assistance of the Purchasing Division provided to
MRL in preparation of requisitions for the HB 50 A & Cameca instruments prior to their consideration
by the Board of Trustees
Correspondence concerning the possibility of selling of unwanted objects acquired from bequests, gifts, or
contract from museums & the Library
Correspondence concerning information about equipment inventory records associated w/individual auxiliary
enterprises or activities
Surplus Equipment list
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……29
Announcement of the Jan 26, 1979 mtg of the State Universities Assoc of Vice Presidents for Business Affairs
at ISU in Bloomington. This mtg is later canceled & rescheduled for Feb 27, 1979
Memo announcing the upcoming mailing of the new W-4 forms which will allow designation of both federal &
state withholding allowances
Copy of Board of Trustees agenda item for the Feb 21, 1979 mtg, Change of Power of Attorney for Freight
Forwarder. The name of D C Andrews International, Inc of Chicago has been changed to Emery
Distribution Systems, Inc. This item recommends execution of a power of attorney for the firm under its
new name. This firm represents the University in processing standard import or export shipments
through U S Customs at any designated port in the U S
Reminder of the Apr 28-May 4, 1979 annual mtg of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business
in New Orleans
Harold Poindexter letter about the use of credit cards at the Assembly Hall, Krannert Center & University Press
Request for Chancellor Gerberding’s signature on the letter authorizing the special appropriations authorized by
the Board of Directors of the Athletic Assoc at their Mar 2, 1979. The appropriations are for General
Liability Insurance ($11,550) & Replacement of the Hot Water Reclaimer at Memorial Stadium,
Northwest Tower ($10,313.87)
Harold Poindexter Mar 5, 1979 memo requesting information from units on any employees for whom official
headquarters have been designated which are at a location other than where their official duties required
them to spend most of their working time
Roger Martin asks Jack Kamerer to gather information on campus units policies on funding for technical &
support staff from grants & contracts
Memo of Apr 9, 1979 on Temporary & Permanent Cash Advances for Travel & Petty Cash
Memo on Jun 30, 1979 Closing Procedures. Walter Tousey asks to be kept informed concerning the possible
necessity of removing any excess balances from certain accounts
Announcement for Budget Preparation Workshops on Apr 30 & May 2, 1979 in the Illini Union
Surplus Equipment List May 1979
Joel Hercik comments on the May 14 draft of the Institutional Policies & Practices Applicable to International
Lists of Entity Income & Expense Classifications to be used in preparation of various Entity Financial Reports
for current & future fiscal years
Business Office – Audit Reports
Copy of document, Universities & Federal Standards for Accountability, Max A Binkley, presentation at the
Annual Meeting of the National Council of University Research Administrators Nov 10, 1978
Business Office - Audit Reports, Compliance Audit Report – Coopers & Lybrand (Separate folder)
Documents & correspondence related to the Compliance Audit of UI for the two years ended Mar 31, 1978,
conducted by Coopers & Lybrand for the State of Illinois Office of the Auditor General
Draft copies of the Coopers & Lybrand report are received Sep 21, 1978
Copies of various unit responses to the findings. Harold Poindexter cover letter & package of the complete set
of the Coopers & Lybrand findings which includes the original University responses & the Dec 12, 1978
letter & official responses from the University
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……30
Copy of the Report on Compliance, Compliance Audit of the University of Illinois for the Two Years Ended
Mar 31, 1978 – Findings, Conclusions & Recommendations, issued by Auditor General Robert Cronson
Apr 19, 1979
Business Office – Payroll
Harold Poindexter letter of response to Sep 22, 1978 memo from Donald Wendel concerning the issuance of
annual appointment notices for employees
Payroll Bulletin – Changes to Payroll Schedule & Procedures, 1978 Holiday Period
Announcement of the new W-4 forms which will allow designation of both federal & state withholding
Payroll Bulletin – Retroactive Salary Transfers
Payroll Bulletin – Staff Appointments w/”A” Service, “46” or “47” Fund Source
Donald Wendel letter for the U S Savings Bond campaign
Payroll Bulletin – Change to Payroll account Distribution Voucher Report Sequence
Payroll Bulletin – Change of Paydate for Nonacademic Pay Period F2
Business Office – University Financial/Accounting System (UF/AS) (2 folders)
Copy of document, Information Associates, Inc – IAI Financial Accounting System, Jan 31, 1975
Copy of document, University Financial/Accounting System (UF/AS), Project Proposal & Preliminary Plan,
Sep 19, 1978
Donald Wendel summarizing agreements from a recent mtg in regard to user group organization & procedures
for input to the UF/AS project. There will be a steering comm mtg on Oct 12. Attached list of U-C
campus user groups
Copies of Major Task Sequence Network flow chart & User Group description, w/handwritten notes
Undated memo (draft?) from Donald Wendel describing the UF/AS project & requesting service as campus
Harold Poindexter advises Richard Margison of the four representatives from UIUC on the User Group Comm:
Paul Doebel, James Pence, Walter Tousey, & James Van Arsdel
Cover letter from Richard Margison & final version of the UF/AS Project Proposal, Oct 17, 1978
List of user representatives within Campus Affairs
Two sets of undated handwritten notes, “Users sub-groups,” & “Colleges/Departments”
Copy of UF/AS User Group lists, Oct 31, 1978
Materials related to the Nov 15, 1978 User Group mtg, including agenda & minutes
Copies of Attachment #2 – Functional Areas & Suggested Report Format, Nov 9, 1978, & Attachment #3 – UC Campus – Financial Related Systems, Nov 20, 1978
Copy of “Types of Accounting” list, Dec 1, 1978
Copies of materials related to the Dec 4, 1978 U-C Campus UF/AS Campus Group mtg. Agenda &
attachments: 1-Copy of Oct 17, 1978 version of project proposal, 2-Campus Comm member list & list
of Campus User Representatives by Functional Area, 3 & 4 - drafts of UF/AS description. Handwritten
Schedule for user sub-group meetings in Dec 1978
Cover letter from Walter Tousey to George Badger, for materials which are not attached
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……31
Copy of Dec 6, 1978 handwritten notes, “O&M – Accounting System Revision”
Copy of Dec 7, 1978 handwritten notes
Copy of Dec 11, 1978 handwritten notes – Accounting System – Stores & Services
Announcement that the User Group mtg scheduled for Dec 14, 1978 has been canceled
Cover letter from Walter Tousey to Grace Gifford for items that are not attached. There will be a mtg of the
college/department sub-user group on Dec 18, 1978
Cover letters & article , “Distributed Data Processing,” from the Data Processor publication, Nov 1978, from
Campus Auditor Robert Franks
Mtg announcement, UF/AS User Group, Jan 10, 1979, tentative agenda
Copy of Dec 21, 1978 handwritten notes
Copy of cover letter & materials sent by Walter Tousey to John Terwilliger, Director of Administrative Studies,
on the UF/AS Project Planning & Facility Mgmt
Cover letter & copy of 1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 44, the draft campus response for the
project, which includes a background statement, description of campus needs, & an informal table
noting detailed needs, sent to Deans, Directors in Jan 1979. A copy of the final version is sent to
Richard Margison in May 1979
Cover letters & draft of the UF/AS University-Wide Consolidated User Group Report, Jun 1979. Copy of the
final version as approved by the User Group on Jun 28, 1979
Campus Programs & Services
Stanley Levy letter to confirm mutual understanding of the Nov 28, 1978 discussion on student political
Flyer/announcement for a Holiday Party at Student Services on Dec 6, 1978
Announcement of the Interfraternity Council Statesman-Student Program to be held Apr 30, 1979
Campus Roundtable
Announcement for the Sep 8, 1978 mtg & membership application form
Correspondence concerning nomination of new members James Collier & Ernest Morris, who will be
introduced at the Oct 13, 1978 mtg
Copy of the reminder postcard for the Oct 13, 1978 mtg
Campus Security, Division of
Two handwritten “pending” items” dated Aug 9, 1978
Cover letter & drafts of job description for the Cooperative Law Enforcement Services Administrator & the
Operations Board
List of dates for events on campus held by the Society for Creative Anachronism. Attached is correspondence
dated from 1973 related to this groups’ activities in connection w/the campus
Copy of a draft Agreement for Police Services, Champaign-UI-Urbana
Paul Doebel memo confirming understanding reached at an Aug 24 mtg concerning security arrangements for
major campus-wide events
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……32
Stanley Levy memo about inundation of his office w/complaints about both cities doing major road work on
Copy of Whistle Stop brochure
Copy of Operation Identification brochure, & Bicycle Safety & Security brochure, both from UI Police
Paul Doebel memo on need for consultation w/Paul Dollins on program statements for new buildings w/areas
likely to need special security
Correspondence concerning an incident of a report of seeing a man in the women’s locker rooms at Kenney
Copy of a description of the Campus Service Officers program
Report of finding open office doors in the Dept of Sociology in the mornings, which has been reported to O &
M who will remind staff about classroom security
Stanley Levy memo concerning University High School students’ presence on the campus during political
demonstrations & other volatile activities
Career Development & Placement
David Bechtel letter in response to inquiry from Profess H Bradley Sagen about programs for the career
preparation of liberal arts undergraduates
Report of 1974 survey on differences in the employment of recent male & female graduates of UI
David Bechtel letter to Paul Riegel w/update on the Coordinating comm in regards to membership & potential
meeting dates
Letter requesting service of those listed on the Coordinating Comm on Career Planning & Placement for 197879
Cover letter & copy of the Senior Plans Report, May 1978
David Bechtel letter advising Coordinating Comm members of 1978-79 activities
Cover letter & publications materials to review for the Oct 6, 1978 Coordinating Comm mtg
Copy of the Recruiting Schedule Oct 2-20, 1978
Minutes of the Oct 6 Coordinating Comm mtg
Invitation/announcement for the second annual UI Career Day for women Nov 2, 1978
Request for approval to provide the U S Marine Corps w/mailing labels for junior & senior males & females
Memo for posting about the available of job opportunities for graduates of the Dept of Aeronautical &
astronautical Engineering
Copy of booklet, You Can Do It-A Guide for Effective Job Search Strategy
Packet of information on the Summer Employment Opportunities Fair, Nov 30, 1978
Stanley Levy request that James Van Arsdel research the definition of the responsibility for Career
Development & Placement on campus
Reminder of the Nov 30, 1978 Coordinating Comm mtg
Notice of cancellation of the Feb 2, 1979 Coordinating Comm mtg. Copy of the minutes of the Nov 30, 1978
Announcement letter & flyer for the Government Career Fair, Mar 7, 1979
Letter from General Motors Corporation about their Manufacturing Cooperative Education Program
Clay Barnard letter to William Plater to confirming their recent conversation about procedures to be utilized for
the career counseling internship program for advanced level humanities students
Reminder notice & materials for the Apr 13, 1979 mtg of the Coordinating Comm
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……33
Chancellor’s Office – Chancellor
Flyer for the 6th Annual Faculty-Staff Summer Golf Classic Jul 14, 1978, in which Chancellor Gerberding will
Flyer & invitation for the 11th Annual Urbana Chamber of Commerce Military/University/Parkland Golf Outing
on Jul 24, 1978, in which Chancellor Gerberding will participate
Residence Hall Staff Meal Pass for fall semester 1978
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Professor Alfred Senn for sending him a copy of his article, “On Speaking
Hockey & Other Languages”
Notice for two Star Course concerts, John Prine & Les McCann
Correspondence related to Chancellor Gerberding’s joining the Board of the Robert Wood Johnson Health
Policy Fellowships program
Correspondence w/Richard Martin of WGFA radio in Watseka about a golf outing at Butler National
James Collier note regarding an interview on Oct 21 w/Tom Trent of WLRW radio
Information on the Walk for Mankind & its major beneficiary, Project Concern, which wanted Chancellor
Gerberding to serve on its advisory Board of Trustees
Letter of congratulation to Iva F Matthews on the dedication of the meeting room of the Douglass Branch
Library to her
Guest list & invitation for the Chancellor’s 1978 holiday reception
Letter of thanks to Alan Hallene for the gift of a tie
Joan Hood note of thanks for Chancellor’s speech to the University Women’s Club in Dec
Request from the Women’s Forum to meet w/the Chancellor
Correspondence concerning a possible Daily Illini article, which would allege that Chancellor Gerberding had
said that local legislators were not doing the proper job of defending the interests of UI in Springfield
Follow up correspondence between the Chancellor & Alan M Hallene concerning a basketball game the
Hallene’s had to miss due to weather
Information on the American Comm on East-West Accord
Letter of thanks to James Weir, son of Morton Weir, for the refurbished tray presented to the Chancellor
Charles M Hardin sends a copy of his paper, “Conflicting Views of the World Food Problem”
Copy of an Opinions-Analysis item, “Gerberding Moves Nearer To The Top,” from the News-Gazette, Apr 17,
1979, about Gerberding’s appointment as President of the U of Washington
Chancellor Gerberding replies to note from Harold Hake, thanking him for his note
Chancellor Gerberding letter to Alan M Hallene, regretting that the baseketball evening cannot be resecheduled
Cover letter for budget materials (not attached) forwarded to Chancellor’s successor, John Cribbet
Farewell letter to Chancellor Gerberding from Professor William J Hall
Chancellor’s Office – VC for Academic Affairs
Invitation to attend the UCOWR annual banquet, Morton Weir regrets
Memo/request for departmental orders for textbooks & teaching supplies for Spring Semester 1978-79
Letter declining consideration for the deanship of the college of arts & sciences at the U of Washington
Morton Weir’s scheduled absences from campus Jan-Apr 1979
Invitation to the Alpha Epsilon Delta Spring Banquet, Morton Weir regrets
Copy of the National Academy of Sciences nomination proposal for Jesse C Rabinowitz
Letter from Helen Farlow about people at the U of Nebraska
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……34
Update of Materials for Aug Mailing to Deans, Directors
Melvin Hall writes to ask if Morton Weir would like a copy of his dissertation, for which Weir had provided
input during the data collection phase of the dissertation
Chancellor’s Office – VC for Administrative Affairs
Copy of an Administrative Affairs directory, “Functions, Responsibilities, & Services, Office of the Vice
Chancellor for Administrative Affairs,” w/question noted as to its date, Jul 1978?
Request for reports of monthly highlights from departments reporting to the VC for Administrative Affairs
Donald Wendel Jul 18, 1978 memo to the Chancellor re: the architectural selection procedure
Report on the findings of the comm that reviewed the pool unit system for distribution of nonacademic
employee turnover savings
Notice of a change in the day of the week for monthly staff mtgs from Tuesday to Friday
Correspondence concerning Donald Wendel’s attendance at an orientation for the new file & reporting system
of Affirmative Action plans
Program & other materials from the Oct 8-10, 1978 66th Annual Mtg of the Central Assoc of College &
University Business Officers (CACUBO) in Kalamazoo, which Donald Wendel attended
Brochure for the CACUBO Professional Development Workshop, Feb 11-13, 1979 in St Louis
Donald Wendel memo advising about the gender composition ratio on advisiory committees appointed by his
Chancellor’s Office – VC for Campus Affairs (Students)
Request for those listed to serve as a special task force to work on a new policy for involuntary withdrawal
Request for an on-campus sales representative for Black Enterprise Magazine
Announcement of Campus Affairs general staff mtg Aug 15, 1978
Memo on Emergency Dean Service
Unit by unit report for the Chancellor on Campus Affairs activities
Campus Affairs Staff Directory Aug 21, 1978
Announcement for a luncheon mtg w/student leaders Aug 31, 1978
Campus Affairs declines to participate in the proposal for Julian Frankenberg to assume the responsibilities for
Allied Health advising
Request for those listed to serve as the Equal Employment Opportunity Comm for 1978-79
Announcement of a values clarification workshop Sep 20, 1978
Stanley Levy’s planned absences from the office for Oct & Nov 1978
Summary for the Chancellor of activity & developments in Campus Affairs during the past month
Apologies to Chancellor Gerberding & James Collier for lack of notice about the second student leaders
luncheon on Sep 26, 1978. Announcement of the third luncheon on Oct 24, 1978
List of dates that Stanley Levy will be out of the office in Oct & Nov
Stanley Levy will substitute for the Chancellor as keynote speaker for the Regional Conference of the National
Assoc of College & University Food Services (NACUFS) to be hosted by campus Mar 6-9, 1979
Stanley Levy responds to a request from Sammy Rebecca to purchase an NCR 499 accounting computer. He
would like more information & asks Rebecca to work w/AISS to generate the information necessary to
make a decision
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……35
Copy of a questionnaire to ascertain Campus Affairs staff professional development needs
Letter advising Stanley Levy that he is nominated for president of the National Assoc of Student Personnel
Administrators (NASPA). His note to the Chancellor, advising that he feels he must decline, but they
can discuss it at his Dec 6, 1978 appointment
Official Notice on snowball fights on campus
Stanley Levy letter advising the Chancellor of his upcoming absence to attend the mid-winter mtg of the
Executive Comm of the National Assoc of Student Personnel Administers Jan 12-17, 1979
Invitation to those listed to attend a mtg w/the Campus Affairs Dept Heads to discuss plans & programs for the
spring semester
Summary for the Chancellor of activity & developments in Campus Affairs for the past two months, Dec 18,
Paul Riegel returns corrections for the UIUC Resources Directory
Correspondence concerning the withdrawal of Vet Reps from campus by the Veterans Administration due to
reductions in personnel
Invitation to Morton Weir to act as an advisor for the new Illini Comeback comm
Copy of remarks given by Stanley Levy on Mar 4, 1979 in Houston, “A Realistic Look at Student Services –
The Profession & the Professional”
Stanley Levy advises the Chancellor of his Mar 1979 absences from the office
Letter of appreciation for Stanley Levy’s work w/the National Assoc of Student Personnel Administrators
Letter to confirm the willingness of those listed to serve on the Women’s Concerns comm
Letter requesting departments to consider participating in the 1979 Student Affairs Undergraduate Internship
Stanley Levy advises the Chancellor of his absence to attend the annual mtg of NASPA Apr 6-12, 1979 in
Washington, D C
Announcement of a luncheon w/student leaders Apr 19, 1979
Correspondence concerning a letter from Carolyn Palmer about the ratio of women to men appointed to campus
Notes from the Campus Affairs staff mtg of Jun 8, 1979
Notes from the Campus Affairs staff mtg of Jun 15, 1979
Notes from the campus Affairs staff mtg of Jun 22, 1979
Chancellor’s Office – VC for Research
Comments by David Dodds Henry & Chancellor Gerberding on Edwin Goldwasser’s speech, “The Role of
Fundamental Research in Society”
Chancellor’s Office – Administrative Conference
Notes from the Administrative Conferences: (located in date order throughout this file)
Jun 29, 1978
Jul 13, 1978
Jul 28, 1978
Aug 23, 1978
Aug 31, 1978 (w/Paul Riegel handwritten notes)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……36
Sep 7, 1978
Sep 14, 1978
Sep 21, 1978
Sep 28, 1978
Oct 16, 1978
Nov 10, 1978
Nov 22, 1978
Nov 30, 1978
Dec 7, 1978
Dec 14, 1978 (w/attached materials: “Additional Application Instructions & Information Requirements –
Civil Rights Information Requirements,” & “Possible Uses of CATV at the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign in the Period 1973-1980,” by Donald Mullally)
Jan 4, 1979 (w/attached materials on the FY1980 Operating Budget-IBHE Recommendations Jan 1979)
Jan 18, 1979
Jan 26, 1979
Feb 2, 1979
Feb 8, 1979 (w/attached documents: draft Statement on “Hash Wednesday”, Memo from the Service Fee
Advisory Comm w/recommendations on the 1979-80 Service Fee, & IBHE agenda item “Student
Access & Choice”)
Feb 15, 1979
Feb 22, 1979 (w/attached documents: draft reminder about use of University property for personal use,
Schedule C – A Five Year Summary of Service Fee Amounts, & Fee Proposals 1979-80)
Mar 1, 1979
Mar 8, 1979
Mar 15, 1979
Mar 22, 1979
Mar 29, 1979 (w/attached documents: chart-All Space-Temperature Compensated Energy Use UIUC, chartAll Space-Cost of Energy UIUC, chart-Fuel Oil Costs UIUC, revised draft Statement on “Hash
Wednesday”, table-Preliminary Allocation of IBHE ‘2’ Recommendations, Assumptions Used For
Preliminary Allocation of IBHE ‘2’ Recommendations)
Apr 5, 1979
Apr 19, 1979
Apr 26, 1979
May 3, 1979
May 10, 1979
May 17, 1979
May 24, 1979 (w/attached document: X. Board Action “Flow-Chart”)
May 31, 1979
Jun 7, 1979
Jun 14, 1979
Jun 21, 1979
Jun 28, 1979
Copy of “Guidelines for Administrative Procedures for University- Campus Relationships” for discussion at the
Aug 31, 1978 administrative conference
Copy of the 1977-78 ombudsman’s report for discussion at the Sep 7, 1978 administrative conference
Copy of “UIUC Catalogs” for discussion at the Aug 31, 1978 administrative conference
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……37
Hugh Satterlee letter advising the Chancellor of Professor Frank Hinds’ concern about campus support for the
racquetball team
Request for the renaming of the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services as the Division of Rehabilitation
Michele M Thompson advises the Chancellor that she will not attend the administrative conference on Oct 16,
1978 as she will be attending an ACE briefing in Chicago
Notice of cancellation of the Nov 2, 1978 administrative conference
President Corbally’s comments on Chancellor Gerberding’s response to the latest draft of “Guidelines for
Administrative Procedures…”
Donald Wendel advises of his conversation w/Ronald Brady about two issues discussed at the Nov 10, 1978
administrative conference; ACE newsletter article on wage & price voluntary controls, & the issue of
the State Dept of Personnel wishing to turn over health insurance & life insurance premium budgets to
the universities
Schedule of dates for administrative conferences for Jan-Aug 1979
Copy of “An Approach to Transferring Service Fee Waiver Costs From the Campus to Students,” for discussion
at the Feb 2, 1979 administrative conference
The discussion of the fee waiver problem is rescheduled for the Feb 8, 1979 mtg. Also a copy of a letter inviting
nominations for special recognition by the Saturday Evening Post which will be discussed at this mtg
Copy of memo & charts from Stanley Levy on student fee waivers
Notice list for Mar 8, 1979 administrative conference
Copy of a memo on Collective Bargaining for discussion at a forthcoming administrative conference
Stanley Levy asks if there is any reason why he cannot share minutes of the administrative conference w/the
two Assistant VC’s & Dean of Students. Paul Riegel note that this was discussed w/Levy on Jun 21,
1979-advised that no copies are sent & the practice of other VC’s is not clear to him
Chancellor’s Office – Allerton Conference 1979
Correspondence & documents related to the 1979 Chancellor’s Conference at Allerton, Mar 2-4, 1979.
Background materials from Allerton 1978, also 1976 & 1971. Appointment of the Steering Comm.
Development of the program. The theme will be undergraduate education. Charles Wegener of the U of
Chicago will be keynote speaker. Invitation lists. Conference materials packet sent Feb 20, 1979. Copy
of Charles Wegener’s speech. Follow up letters. Copy of the Summary of the Proceedings
Chancellor’s Office – Football Luncheons
Letters from Chancellor William Gerberding to Deans, requesting names for football pre-game luncheon guest
lists for fall 1978
Governor & Mrs Thompson will be unable to attend the Sep 9, 1978 Illinois-Northwestern game
Proposed guest list for the Sep 9, 1978 Illinois-Northwestern pre-game luncheon
Jim Collier memo about pre-game luncheon invitations & new faculty receptions
Athletic Cecil Coleman 1978 Football Season Varsity Room luncheon letter & reservation form
Invitations to the three 1978 group luncheons in the Assembly Hall will be prepared as joint invitations
Stanley B & Mary Weaver will be box guests for the Northwestern game
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……38
The Chancellor would like to invite the Wayne Dukes to the pre-game luncheon if they are not invited to the
Varsity Room event
Chancellor’s invitation to the Dukes
Note about getting a parking lot renamed as the Special Guest Lot
Jeffrey Markland thank you for the invitation to the Northwestern game pre-game luncheon
Sam Erwin thank you for the invitation to the Northwestern game pre-game luncheon
Note advising the Chancellor that he will want to consider dropping lines to Gary Smith & the “spirit squad”
sometime during the football season
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks to Matthew Gawne (Chief Illiniwek) for appearing at a recent pre-game
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks to Wayne Hecht for assistance w/preparations for a recent pre-game
luncheon at the Assembly Hall
Thank you note from Dean E Madden
Thank you note from Mrs Orville Bentley
Thank you note form Henry B Blackwell
Thank you note from Edward E Ruther
Follow up letter to Robert Stuart
Invitation to the Temple Buell’s to be box guests for the Illinois-Stanford game
Follow up letter to Harold Shapiro
Guest list for the Oct 14, 1978 luncheon
Thank you note from Robert Stuart
Harold B Steele regrets for the Oct 14 luncheon
Invitation to Lowell & Fran Hager for the Oct 14 luncheon
Invitation to Maurice & Barbara Freidberg for the Oct 14 luncheon
Regrets note from Maurice Freidberg
Follow up letters to Robert A Cummings attendance at the football game during the weekend of the UIF Annual
Frederic B Hoppin cover letter & promotion sheet for the Pork Day sale of pork cuts from the State Fair Grand
Champion Barrow on Oct 21, 1978
Notes for the Oct 14 luncheon & guest lists by group
Notes for the Oct 21 luncheon & guest lists by group
Thank you note from the Chancellor to Robert Todd for his assistance on Oct 31
Correspondence w/James Collier about Chancellor Gerberding’s exit from a luncheon via the back door & the
media remarks about this
Guest lists by groups for the Nov 4 luncheon
Chancellor’s Office – Invitations (2 folders)
Chinese Culture in Focus Exhibition, Jul 6, 1978 in Chicago, regrets
Carl Sandburg Centennial & Exhibit, Jul 16, 1978, regrets
Retirement Recognition for W D Buddemeier, Sep 8, 1978, regrets
Chanc Gerberding to visit the Albin farm Jul 23, 1978
Chanc Gerberding will attend the Women’s Club on Oct 16, 1978
Faculty/Staff Social Comm dinner & program for campus retirees Sep 14, 1978
Busey First National Bank’s semi-annual Breakfast Seminar Aug 8, 1978, regrets
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……39
Bob & Harriet Crawford informal buffet dinner w/students from Konan U, Aug 13, 1978, regrets
Kick Off the Season party at the Heins’, Aug 27, 1978
Chancellor Gerberding will give welcoming remarks at the Illinois Assoc for Institutional Research Eighth
Annual Conference at Allerton Sep 23, 197
UI Press reception honoring Moidrag Muntyan, Aug 30, 1978
University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School’s North Chicago Campus groundbreaking
ceremonies Sep 17, 1978, regrets
UI Faculty Exhibition, Sheldon Swope Art Gallery Sep 8, 1978, regrets
At the Merritts’, regrets
Special ceremony for Clark C Spence to present copies of his new book, Montana: A History, to Governor
Thomas L Judge in Helena Sep 25, 1978, regrets
Levis Center Open House Sep 18 or 19, 1978, regrets
Paul Riegel will represent the Chanc at the surprise reception in honor of Ernest R Morris
Thank you for Chanc’s attendance at the retiree dinner
Chanc will not be attending the Missouri-Illinois game in Columbia Oct 7
Splashy Supper Party by Marajen Stevick Chinigo Oct 12, 1978, regrets
Dinner party in honor of Thomas F Staley Oct 20, 1978, regrets
Reception in on the occasion of the sixty-year anniversary of the Republic of China Oct 10, 1978 in Chicago,
A Party at Bob & Harriet Crawford’s, Oct 28, 1978, regrets
Reception for Faculty/Students/Friends of the Dept of French, Oct 23, 1978, regrets
Chanc will not attend the Ohio State U-Illinois game on Nov 11
PAR’s Happy Haunting Days Halloween Banquet Oct 31, 1978, regrets
Complimentary tickets for Star Course concerts by Leo Kotkte on Nov 8, & Egberto Gizmonte on Nov 14,
Complimentary tickets for Star Course concert by Bruce Springsteen Nov 20, regrets
Philosophy Dept cocktails Nov 4, 1978, regrets
Thank you note to Indiana U President George Pinnell for hospitality at the Illinois-Indiana game on Oct 28
Champaign Rotary Club Sixtieth Annual Rotary-Illinois Football Banquet on Nov 20, Chanc attended cocktails
Open House for Lewis B Mayhew Nov 16, regrets
Offer of complimentary tickets for Symphonic Bands Winter Concerts Nov 18 & 19, regrets
Star Course concert by UFO Dec 5, regrets
Chanc note w/regrets for the Symphonic Bands Winter Concerts
Chanc will cocktails & dinner honoring General & John W Roberts Dec 15 at Chanute
Fourth Street Formal Dec 2, regrets
Chanc attended the Latin American community Copacabana show at Illini Union Nov 18
Lecture by C Clyde Ferguson Nov 29, regrets
Rotary Club’s Charter Presentation Banquet Dec 6, regrets
Lunch for Nikolai V Sivachev Dec 11, regrets
Chanc attends the Illini Union Foodservice Elizabethan Feast & the Triumphs of Oriana Dec 1
Chanc attends the News-Gazette annual All-State banquet Dec 2
“Unit One Exposed” Open House Dec 8
Paul Riegel stands in for Chanc at the Early Admit Program on Dec 2
Gay Illini Christmas Dinner Dec 9, regrets
Center for Asian Studies Christmas party Dec 16, regrets
Christmas Open House, Student Services Dec 15
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……40
Kiwanis Club of Pasadena 49th Annual Rose Bowl Kick-Off Luncheon Dec 29, regrets
Cooperative Extension Agronomy Day Jan 24, 1979, Chanc note of thanks for hospitality & tour
Invitation to Chanc to become a member of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, declined
Big Ten Club & Michigan Club of Los Angeles 1978 Dinner for Champions Dec 29, regrets
American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business Annual Mtg Apr 28-May 4, 1979
1982 pledge class of Sigma Alpha Mu “Rhowan & Martin’s Laugh In” Jan 27, regrets
Circle Theatre Company of UIC production of “The Rover,” Feb 22, regrets
Reception honoring new U of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School president Joseph M White Jan 28,
Bazaar in support of the Republic of China Feb 3 at Northwestern U
Feb 11 recital by Alexander Toradze at EIU as a Special Patron, regrets
Chanc will attend the Busey First National Bank’s semi-annual Breakfast Seminar Feb 14
Eighth Annual Minority Career Conference Feb 7, regrets
Inquiry from Dean Bentley’s office about Chanc availability for a mtg w/Harold Steele at the IAA offices Apr
Annual All-State basketball banquet Apr 14. Chanc agrees to attend, event is later cancelled
Star Course banquet Feb 25, regrets
Chanc would like to attend the Mar 14 MillerComm79 lecture by Alfonso Ortiz
Eleventh Annual Quad-Cities World Affairs Conference,” The Middle East: Camp David & Beyond,” Mar 3031, regrets
Reception in honor of Vladimir Borisovich Katsev of Moscow U Feb 22
Students for Environmental Concerns Wildlife Com Animal of the Month display
Reception honoring Joseph A Diana Feb 28
Illinois Delta Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta International Premedical Honor Society annual banquet Apr 29,
John E Rielly will host a private dinner for Ralf Dahrendorf Mar 27, regrets
Tribe of Illini Semi-Formal Spring Dance Mar 31, regrets
Dept of French reception for Noureddine Aba & Madeleine Aba Mar 26, regrets
Talk by Big Ten Commissioner Wayne Duke Mar 19, regrets
Alpha Gamma Rho Faculty Bar-b-que Apr 8, regrets
Eighth Annual Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities by Edward Shills at UIC Apr 10, regrets
Reception & preview of CBS’s “The Chisholms” at the Governor’s Mansion Mar 28, regrets
Dance-a-thon to Benefit Retarded Citizens Apr 6-8 in Huff Gym, regrets
Opening reception of the UI Health Fair Mar 29, regrets
Women’s Glee Club annual Mom’s Day concert Apr 21, regrets
Atius-Sachem annual Mom’s Day Sing Apr 20, regrets
Lincoln Academy of Illinois Convocation & Investiture of Laureates May 5
Reception honoring William P McClure May 4, regrets
Tri-Sigma sorority banquet Apr 28, regrets
Kick-off buffet for the First Annual March of Dimes Tennis Tournament Apr 22, regrets
Possible lunch w/Dave Lawrence, Executive Director of United Way
Chanc will attend the reception honoring the Corbally’s May 15 at Chicago Circle
Annual Biochemistry picnic & golf tournament May 18, regrets
Foreign Policy Conference for Leaders in Higher Education Jun 13-14 in Washington, D C, regrets
Preservation Party at the Champaign County Historical Museum May 12, regrets
Petrie’s Salmon Barbecue May 19, regrets
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……41
Dept of English & UI Press reception for Eudora Welty May 20, regrets
Golf outing in Decatur w/Roger Pogue Jun 7
Dedication of the Anita Purves Nature Center Jun 3, regrets
Party for the Weirs at the Tingley’s Jun 10, regrets
Julian Frankenberg & Al Saldeen would like to take Chanc Gerberding to lunch before he leaves campus
Reception honoring the George Bargh’s Jun 30, regrets
Dinner invitation from Gil Haight, regrets
Ravinia concert by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra/Charles Marshall of Illinois Bell, regrets
Chanc Gerberding will be the guest of Richard A Martin at the Western Open Pro-Am Jul 4
Chancellor’s Office - Miscellaneous
Paul Riegel memos on Congratulatory letters & official letters of condolence
Michele Thompson attends the American Sociological Assoc mtg Sep 4-8 in San Francisco
Walter Tousey is named “Men’s Faculty-Staff Sports” representative for the office
Chanc Gerberding memo on organization & distribution of Chancellor’s office responsibilities
Summaries Feb 1977 & Oct 1978 of academic staff assigned to the Chancellor’s office
James Collier letter to Tab Bennett about securing additional passes for the Chancellor’s Guest Box for Oct 21
& Nov 4, & activation of audio hookups
James Collier advising that he has asked Dan McClelland to involve himself on behalf of campus
administration in all official bldg ground breakings & dedication ceremonies
Chanc gives Michele Thompson approval for a speaking engagement at a U of Iowa faculty seminar on
affirmative action in higher education on Feb 22
Chancellor’s Office – Receptions
Lists of those invited for each of the three receptions for new faculty held on Aug 29, 30, & 31
1978 Holiday Reception Guest List
Invitation lists for the reception for President-elect Stanley Ikenberry Jun 6, 1978
Paul Riegel memo for the record of Jun 26, 1979 reporting on a review of social events for the coming
academic year: reception for new faculty & staff, football luncheons, reception to welcome the
Ikenberry’s, & opportunities for President Ikenberry to meet selected campus leaders
Chancellor’s Office – Speeches
Sep 25, 1976 Presentation Ceremony – Japan Grove, Chanc Peltason’s remarks
Chanc will do a half-time interview w/Richard Martin of the Bromar Radio Network at one of the Sep 1978
Letter of thanks to the Chanc for speaking to the Illinois Assoc for Institutional Research Conference
Dan Perrino’s comments on Chancellor Gerberding’s remarks at a mtg w/Bloomington-Normal alumni Nov 2,
1978, & a copy of an article about the interview, “Pay ceiling may hinder U of I—chancellor,” form the
Nov 3, 1978 Bloomington Pantagraph
Chancellor Gerberding’s remarks at the Jan 22, 1979 U/C Senate mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……42
Chancellor Gerberding accepts an invitation to speak to the C-U Kiwanis Club Feb 8, 1979
Letters of thanks to Chancellor Gerberding for speaking to the Champaign West Rotary
Comments from James M Furman of IBHE & President Emeritus Henry about Chancellor Gerberding’s Mar 3
TV interview on Channel 3
S R Aldrich’s comments on Chancellor Gerberding’s remarks to the U/C Senate as reprinted in the Alumni
News (copy attached)
Chancellor’s Office – Statements
Chanc Gerberding gives the Mothers Assoc approval to use his spring letter for the Fall Solicitation package
Text of a taped welcome to new students to be aired on WPGU the week of Aug 20-25, 1978
Welcome letter for the annual UI High School Debate Tournament program
Welcome letter for the 1979 Illini Jazz Festival program
Letter for the Commerce & BA Alumni Newsletter Annual Report
Welcome letter for the Sons of the American Legion 16th Annual State Convention program
Chanute Air Force Base
Chancellor Gerberding & other staff participate in the Chanute Invitational golf outing on Sep 13, 1978
Chancellor Gerberding will speak at the Chanute Distinguished Speaker Luncheon series on Oct 25, 1978
Officers’ Wives’ Club Art Exhibition & Auction Oct 28, 1978
Two events honoring Major General & Mrs Edwin Robertson II: Rantoul Area Chamber of Commerce
community appreciation party Mar 15, 1979, & Mar 29 Air Force Assoc dinner mtg, regrets
Change of command ceremonies, from Major General Robertson to Major General Norma E Brown, Apr 7,
1979, regrets
Letter of welcome to Major General Norma E Brown, her reply
Chanute annual Open House May 12, 1979
Chicago Circle
News release about Chicago Circle fall quarter enrollment
Data comparing the number of new, readmitted, & continuing transfer students at Chicago Circle for the 1977
& 1978 fall quarters
Copy of planning paper, UICC Planning & Development for the 1980’s, Apr 6, 1979
Chicago Medical Center (2 folders)
Tenth Day Statistical Report for Summer Quarter 1978
Second edition of the Catalog of Lessons for the PLATO Health Sciences Network
Tenth Day Statistical Report for Fall Quarter, 1978
Board of Trustees item approved at the Nov 17, 1978 mtg, Reorganization of the Faculty of the Rockford
School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Medical Center
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……43
Proposed revision to the admissions policy of the School of Public Health, UI Medical Center Chicago
Tenth Day Statistical Report, Winter Quarter, 1979
Copy of the results of a freshman survey administered in Dec 1978, w/a one-page cover summary for the Chanc
by Ernest Morris
Cover letter & Mid-Year Progress Report, Feb 1979 for the Urban Health Program
Copy of a Board of Trustees item from the Feb 21, 1979 mtg, Litigation Initiated by Certain Construction
Laborers. This concerns a complaint filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No 79L 2073, by
four individuals employed as construction laborers at the Medical Center campus. The complaint is in
four counts & seeks certain declaratory judgments & injunctive relief, & has to do w/a wage
classification dispute. This item asks that University Counsel be authorized to take such steps as are
necessary or appropriate
Organization charts for the Medical Center Campus
Proposed requirements for admission for the College of Associated Health Professions
Recommendation for a change in the admissions requirements for the College of Dentistry for non-resident
Cover letter & list of buildings on the Medical Center campus for which new or different names are proposed.
Also a copy of a list of buildings for which renaming is recommended to be delayed until their functions
are more clearly identified
Materials related to the Paulina St dispute involving Rush-Presbyterian & St Luke’s Medical Center against
Cook County Hospital & the UI Medical Center on Chicago’s west side. Correspondence. Editorial,
“The Paulina Street controversy,” from the Feb 23, 1979 Chicago Tribune. Article, “U of I threatens
lawsuit to block Paulina closing,” from the Mar 22, 1979 Chicago Tribune. Article, “Suit hits Paulina
closing, from the Apr 28, 1979 Chicago Sun-Times” Copy of the complaint filed by UI against RushPresbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center, the City of Chicago, Jane C Byrne, Mayor, the Illinois Medical
Center Commission, the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, & the Chicago Health Systems
Agency, case no 79L 8874. Copy of article, “West Side saga: war over a street,” from the May 9, 1979
Chicago Sun-Times
Copy of the seventh group of additions or changes to the material in the Business Policy and/or Procedure
Box 221
Citizens Committee
Letter inviting Chanc Gerberding to the Nov 28, 1978 mtg of the East Central Regional mtg of the Citizens
Committee. Letter announcing that this mtg has been postponed
Letter w/information on the Mar 14 & 15, 1979 mtgs. President Corbally will attend both. Chanc Gerberding
will attend the Mar 15 session
List of those who attended the Mar 15, 1979 mtg, including comm members, special guests & University
Thank you letter to Chanc Gerberding for attending the Mar 15 mtg
Civil Service
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……44
H L Wakeland Aug 1, 1978 letter, clarifying his concerns w/the state civil service audit, not w/the internal
university classification audit
Letter of invitation to Chanc Gerberding to attend the presentation of the Kathryn G Hansen Award to Bess G
Matteson on her retirement from the State Universities Civil Service Advisory Comm at a dinner mtg on
Aug 23, 1978. Information on Bess G Matteson’s work history & committee memberships. Thank you
note to Chanc Gerberding for attending the presentation
Merit Board Newsletter Number 11, Aug 1978
Notice of Election – special election on Oct 17, 1978 to select one representative to the Civil Service Advisory
Comm for a four-year term beginning Jan 1, 1979
Letter invitation to Chanc Gerberding to attend the State Universities Civil Service System pre-game buffet &
social hour preceding the Stanford game Sep 23, 1978
Cover memo of Sep 7, 1978 from Don Ward for information regarding the relationship of Personnel Services to
the Merit Board (not attached). Thank you from Donald Wendel
Copy of Board of Trustees item approved at the Sep 20, 1978 mtg, Changes in Policy & Rules – Nonacademic.
This amends the Uniform Plan Relating to Employee Benefits to increase the number of relatives for
whom paid (funeral) leave will be granted
Merit Board Newsletter Number 13, Oct 1978
Official List & Statement of Qualifications of Candidates for election to membership on the University Civil
Service Advisory Comm
Cover letter & cop of the Annual Report of the State Universities Civil Service System for FY1978
Merit Board Newsletter Number 14, Nov 1978
Copy of brochure for the Twenty-Five Year Service & Retirement Awards Program, Nov 6, 1978
Copy of the Personnel Program Evaluation & Management Information Program, Statistical Indicators Report
Cover letter of copy of the Administrative Review of the Merit Board proposal for a Uniform State-wide Step
Merit Board Newsletter Number 15, Feb 1979
System’s Audit Schedule through Aug 1979
Merit Board Newsletter Number 16, Mar 1979
Revised System’s Audit Schedule through Jun 1980 (Apr 23, 1979)
Revised System’s Audit Schedule through Jun 1908 (May 11, 1979)
Letters on behalf of the Chanc requesting service on the Commencement Comm for 1978-79
Mar 15, 1979 memo from Stanley R Levy about issues related to having enough seating for Commencement, &
requesting that the Commencement Comm consider possible solutions, which Chanc Gerberding
Procedure Script for the Platform Party for the May 20, 1979 Commencement
Notes on the Commencement Brunch
Copy of the program for the One Hundred & Eighth Commencement May 20, 1979 at Assembly Hall
Letters to two students whose names were listed as Bronze Tablet, but not read at Commencement
Committees, Council, Boards
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……45
Request for recommendations from the Graduate Student Assoc for membership on VC for Academic Affairs
Campus Administrative Committees
Request for recommendations from the Graduate Student Assoc for membership on VC for Administrative
Affairs Campus Administrative Committees
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Coordinating Comm on Entertainment Events 1978-79
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Historic Sites Coordinating Comm 1978-79
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Campus Transportation & Traffic Comm 1977-78
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Radiation Hazards Comm 1978-79
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Environmental Health & Safety Comm 1978-79
Stanley R Levy advises that he is electing not to appoint a Veterans Affairs Advisory Comm for 1978-79
Request from the President that Edwin Goldwasser & Richard Wentworth serve as ex officio members of the
University Press Board for 1978-79 or until successors are appointed
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Coordinating Comm on Career Planning & Placement 1978-79
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Intramural Recreation Advisory Comm 1978-79
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Nonacademic Personnel Advisory Comm 1978-79
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the U S ACERL Liaison Comm 1978-79. Donald Wendel suggests
that it might be more appropriate for this comm to report to another VC. Roger Martin advises him that
in future, the VC for Academic Affairs will appoint this comm
Letters requesting those listed to serve on the Comm on Edmund James Lectures on Government for 1978-79
Suggestions from Alan Lander of the Undergraduate Student Assoc for ways to improve student interest in
serving on campus committees. Stanley Levy reply
List of 1978-79 U-C boards & committees as printed in IlliniWeek Mar 9, 1979
Letter appointing Dale H Vanderholm & Robert Frazee to the Steering Comm as stipulated in the Wastewater
Land Treatment Site Regulation Act & as pertains to a wastewater land treatment site operation in
Putnam County by ESK Corporation
Letter appointing Robert Lahne & Robert Walker to the Steering Comm as stipulated in the Wastewater Land
Treatment Site Regulation Act & as pertains to a sludge utilization site operation in Stephenson County
by the Dean Foods Company
Letter requesting those listed to serve on an ad hoc comm to render advice concerning the present & possible
future structure at UIUC of the fields of study encompassed by the general term “child development.”
Ross D Parke will chair the group. Bernard Spodek suggests an update of a brochure developed by a
similar comm which met some years ago
Letters requesting those listed to serve on the Comm on Advanced Enrollment for New Students 1978-79
Correspondence concerning the Ad Hoc Comm on UI Urban Health Program, U-C. Minutes of the Jan 23, 1979
mtg. Copy of the abstract, The Preparation of Educationally Disadvantaged Students for the Health
Professions: an Intervention Model
Sonia Carringer advises that it appears that the letter appointing the Comm on Art Objects for 1978-79 was
never sent out
Letter requesting nominations from the Graduate Student Assoc & the Undergraduate Student Assoc for 197980 membership on the VC for Academic Affairs Campus Administrative Committees on the list
Joseph H Smith asks why his & James Ransom’s names were omitted as ex officio members of the Affirmative
Action Advisory Comm as published in IlliniWeek. Michele Thompson’s reply
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Student Election Commission 1978-79. Letter of Apr 12, 1979
requesting Paul Berglund to serve for the rest of the year on this comm
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……46
Computer Coordination - Proposed Computer Equipment Acquisition
Report of UCCO Actions Under Computer Acquisition Policy for FY1978
Discussion of an attached approval for a computer upgrade for academic programs on campus, given in Mar
1976, as to whether the funding should be recurring or not
Report of UCCO Actions Under Computer Acquisition Policy for first half of FY1979
Correspondence related to the development of a revision of policy for purchase of administrative computers.
Copy of a proposal submitted in Jul 1978 by Jack McManus. Donald Wendel suggested that perhaps the
policies for administrative & academic purchases could be combined. Copy of a revised proposal from
Jack McManus in Oct 1978. Discussion of UCCO’s role. Copy of the policy in final form as approved
for the Campus Administrative Manual, Jan 24, 1979
Computing Services, Office of
Cover letter & proposal from George Badger for changes in the CSO committee governance structure
CSO Short Courses for the CDC Cyber 175
Concert & Entertainment Board
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Concert & Entertainment Board 1978-79
Letter announcing the Junior & Senior Managers of Star Course for 1979-80
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Concert & Entertainment Board 1980-80
Letters of condolence to relatives of UI faculty, staff & students
Arkin, Deborah
Bailey, John Arthur
Bailey, Lawrence E
Baldwin, Mrs Thomas
Barth, David
Benner, Robert E
Bentz, Michael K
Blakely, Louise B
Cieslewicz, Jeffrey
Cooper, James Everett
Crawford, Chalmers W “Chet”
Crawford, Everett Wayne
Danison, Vern W
Deiss, William C
Dendy, Ladyne K
Eiskamp, Arnold
Ellington, Charles V
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……47
Ellis Samuel
Ewing, Jessie J
Finch, Frank H
Flexman, Mr & Mrs Ralph (child?)
Foertsch, William
Funk, Stanley L
Hague, Jeffrey
Hardesty, Jenny L
Harris, Warren Skinner
Haugaard, Harold I
Hohenstein, Kirk W
Hood, Clifford F
Hubbard, Annabelle Mary
Johnson, Arl
Johnson, Hjalmar W
Jones, Richard J
King, Ray E
Koch, Colleen L
Kruger, P Gerald
Kurlokowsky, Wasyl
Ladwig, Vaylord Dale
Lange, David F
Lumsden, Robert K
McCoppin, Ione E
McKinney, David H
Mitchell, Larry Gale
Moore, Harlan E
Moorehead, Russell
Mowrer, Molly
Neiswanger, William A
Neither, Harriet E
Nugent, Sarah
Peters, J William
Potts, Alva
Price, David L
Raushenberger, John W
Roberts, Clyde B
Rolland, Paul
Roux, Mark
Rudder, David
Rymer, Earl H
Sallee, Ora Dean
Schwab, George J
Schwarzlose, Muriel
Shipley, Glen W
Siebert, Eleanor L
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……48
Smith, Charles W
Southard, Margaret A
Spitze, Thomas
Stippes, Marvin
Strike, Clifford S
Timmons, Ray H
Walsh, Floyd E (sister)
Warmbier, Edmund A
Washington, Margueritte N
Watts, Lillian Jean
Weitzmann, Mitchell B
Weitzmann, Sheldon
White, Stanley Hart
Witt, Clarence D
Yeazel, Joseph S
Congratulations – Faculty/Staff
Academic Honors & Awards
Harry Begian, Edwin Franko Goldman Award of the American School Band Directors Assoc
Jesse Delia, Golden Anniversary Monograph Prize of the Speech Communication Assoc
Harry G Drickamer, member of the National Academy of Engineering
Richard S Engelbrecht, honorary member of the Abwassertechnische Vereinigung of West Germany, &
selection to deliver the Ernest Victor Balsom Commemoration Lecture at University College, London
Gurfinkel, German, Lincoln Arc Welding Award
Gary R Engelgau, compleetion of the Executive MBA program
Duane Gubler, selection to give the Third Lloyd E Rozeboom Memorial Lecture in Medical Entomology
Thomas J Hanratty, honorary degree from Villanova
M Stanley Helm, Edison Electric Institute’s Distinguished Power Education Citation
Alan Knox, Imogene Okes Research Award of the Adult Education Assoc of the USA
H Krier, nomination by the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics to be a member of its national
task group on standards assessment
William L McMillan, Fritz London Award
Frederick Meins, selection as a Sigma Xi lecturer
Nathan M Newmark, the John Fritz Medal, & also the gold medal of the Institution of Structural Engineers of
Paul E Parker, Professional Science Educator Award
Allen V Sapora, National Distinguished Professional Award of the National Recreation & Park Assoc
Charles E Taylor, member of the National Academy of Engineering
Philip Teitelbaum, American Psychological Assoc Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award
Linda Wilson, named one of “100 most respected emerging leaders in higher education” by Change magazine
Gene Giles, Vice President, American Assoc of Physical Anthropologists
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……49
Betty Glad, election as Treasurer of the American Political Science Assoc
Daniel Hang, member of the Illinois Commission on Atomic Energy
T John Kim, principal planner for the new capital of South Korea
Ralph O Simmons, Chairman of the National Research Council’s Office of Physical Sciences
Marianna Trekell, co-president of the National Assoc for Physical Education in Higher Education
Kenneth R Sivier & students, winning design in the AIAA/Bendix National Design Competition
Edwin, M Banks, two of his students, Ronald Weigel & U William Huck, awarded National Science
Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
John C Chato, Fogarty Senior International Fellowship, National Institutes of Health
Kenneth S Clarke, Fellow, American Academy of Physical Education
Clifford E Dykstra, Alfred P Sloan Fellowship
Hans Emil Frauenfelder, Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Kenneth C Land, Fellow, American Statistical Assoc
Kenneth R Sivier, Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Lydia Salonga, American Assoc of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers & National Assoc for Foreign
Student Affairs joint committee
National Science Foundation Grants
Ronald J Adrian
Robert Bohl
C Peter Flynn
Jeffrey F Gardner
Joan Huber
F W Lancaster
Jack M Mochel
Derek J S Robinson
Alvin E Roth
Shao L Soo
Christopher D Wickens
Robert A Wijsman
Van Te Chow, honorary, Mexican Hydraulics Assoc
Rainer Martens, Sportsline
Congratulations – Students
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……50
Walter E Miller, Lloyd Warren Fellowship from the National Institute for Architectural Education
Carlos F Donaldson, completion of his degree in urban planning
Ronald Weigel & U William Huck, NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships (same adviser
Copyrights & Recordings
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jul 19, 1978 mtg, Recommendation of the University Committee on
Copyrightable Works, that 50 percent of any net income received from the sale of the books by
Professors Albert & Triandis
Request that Edwin L Goldwasser serve on the Committee on Copyrightable Works for 1978-79 or until a
successor is appointed
Board of Trustees item approved at the Nov 17, 1978 mtg, Recommendations, University Comm on
Copyrightable Works, royalty distribution on books by Robert E Nelson, & by co-authors Henry T
Trueba & Carol B Barnett-Mizrahi
Correspondence about the need for clarification for the Work for Hire provisions of the latest revision of Article
II, Section 9, Copyrights, in the General Rules. Copy of a clarification that Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs Morton W Weir would like to be issued either by the University administration or by
Letter from Grant G Olson at Colorado State U to NSF about his proposal for an institutional grant system for
universities based on a recognition of invention royalty income
Board of Trustees item from the May 16, 1979 mtg, Recommendations of Committee on Copyrightable Works.
The first recommendation is the recission of the May 21, 1969 policy on division of royalties from sale
of video tapes & other instructional materials. The second is about the distribution of royalty income
from Aldine Publishing Company between the University & the developers
Courses & Curricula
Guidelines for Undergraduate Education. 1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 16. Request from the
Senate Educational Policy Comm that all proposals for change to existing undergraduate curriculum or
for new undergraduate curriculum be submitted in accordance w/the attached format, which includes an
item asking for how the proposal meets the guidelines from the 1972 Academic Plan
Roger Martin sends Communications Dean Theodore B Peterson copies of the material on procedures for
getting new instructional programs approved. These include:
copy of the appropriate section of the Campus Administrative Manual-Section I-2
the Format for Proposals Requiring State Board of Higher Education Approval
the Format for Proposals to be Submitted to the Senate Comm on Educational Policy
a flow chart of the approval process
the State of Illinois Board of Higher Education Staff & Commission of Scholars’ Responsibilities in the
Review of Proposals for New Doctoral Programs
excerpt from the Faculty Letter of Oct 25, 1974 on programmatic priorities
Copy of a Board of Trustees item from the Sep 20, 1978 mtg, President’s Report on Actions of the Senates.
Several areas are x-ed out. The sections are:
General Requirement for a Second Bachelor’s Degree, Chicago Circle (x-ed out)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……51
Increase in the Minimum Grade Point Average Required for Admission to the Graduate college Chicago Circle
(x-ed out)
Revision of the Bioengineering Curriculum, Chicago Circle,
Revision of the Curriculum in the Teaching of English, Chicago Circle
Establishment of the New Rubric: Archaeological Studies, Chicago Circle
Revision in the Curriculum in Geology, Urbana
General Curriculum in the College of Education, Urbana
Discontinuance of the LAS Field of Concentration in Social Welfare, Urbana
Discontinuance of Doctor of Library Science, Urbana
Use of the Ab Grade, Urbana (x-ed out)
Change of Name, Dept of Veterinary Anatomy, Physiology & Pharmacology, Urbana (x-ed out)
Report of Course Changes for the Period Jul 1, 1978-Sep 30, 1978, 1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication
No 22
Copy of brochure, Undergraduate Programs of Cooperative Education in the U S & Canada, Sixth Edition,
1978, which lists UIUC & Chicago Circle
Poster for People, Land & Environment – L.A.213 Spring 1979-A Non-Technical Course for Non-Majors, no
Survey on the usefulness of the new course listing in the Daily Illini
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 32, Report of Course Changes for the Period Oct 1, 1978-Dec
Roger Martin advises VP Peter Yankwich that campus has been unable to locate any responses that may have
been made earlier regarding his question of para-legal courses offered at UIUC. Also, the campus will
not send anyone to the Eighth Worldwide Armed Services Education Conference mentioned in the
enclosed letter
Report of Course Changes for the Period Jan 1, 1979-Mar 31, 1979, 1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication
No 45
Announcement of Oct 19, 1979 deadline for Course Changes to Appear in the 1980-82 Courses Catalog
File Memo Jun 18, 1979, UIUC proposed MA in Liberal Studies (an external degree)
Dad’s Association
Information on Dad’s Weekend for Chancellor Gerberding
Paul Riegel’s late response to the invitation to attend the Dad’s Day Coffee Hour & Dad’s Assoc mtg on Oct
14, 1978, which he could not attend as he was out of town
Spring 1979 membership solicitation letter from the Chancellor
Daily Illini
Memo confirming of the Sep 18, 1978 lunch mtg of Chancellor Gerberding & James Collier w/the Daily Illini
Memos confirming the Oct 23, 1978 lunch mtg of Chancellor, James Collier, & Stanley Levy w/the Daily Illini
Survey of the usefulness of the new courses listing in the Daily Illini
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……52
Memo confirming the Dec 5, 1978 lunch mtg of the Chancellor & James Collier w/the Daily Illini staff. Seating
chart, & note about Lee Brdicka being the person that the Chancellor & James Collier walked w/to
Wright Street
Correspondence concerning an article in the Dec 13, 1978 issue of the Daily Illini about classroom teaching,
which contained a misleading photograph of a teaching assistant, who was not in fact lecturing, but
conducting a review session
Memo confirming the Feb 2, 1979 lunch mtg of the Chancellor & James Collier w/the Daily Illini staff
James Collier congratulatory letter on the Daily Illini being selected for the first place award in the College &
University Makeup & Design Contest sponsored by the Inland Daily Press Assoc
Copy of an article, “Maintaining Independence,” by Marilyn Upah-Bant about the overall business &
production operation of the Daily Illini
Morton Weir chides the Daily Illini for having only one article about the excellence in undergraduate teaching
awards vs two articles about Hash Wednesday
Chancellor Gerberding’s greeting to new students for the New Student special edition that is mailed in the
Day Care
Correspondence concerning the application for license by the Institute for Child Behavior & Development.
They applied to the State without clearance from the college or campus, & are asked to submit a new
application in the name of the Board of Trustees. Copies of letters from Marjorie C Hall advising that a
license will be issued for the Infant-Toddler Program & for the Children’s Learning Center
Request for SORF funding to support the development of child care for student parents on campus by the
Students for Child Care Service. This group proposes the creation of a drop-off child care program.
Morton Weir, Chancellor Gerberding & Stanley Levy all reply, noting that w/tight resources at this
time, such a program cannot be funded by campus
Dean of Students
Stanley Levy letter of thanks for assistance of Gary & Jennifer Eickman w/the 31st Fred H Turner Conference
of Midwest Deans at Allerton House Oct 1-3, 1978
Copy of the agenda from the Illinois State Deans mtg of Oct 31, 1978
Deans/Directors Meeting/Council of Academic Deans-Directors
DOCUMENT IN WRONG FY: Agenda & materials for the Sep 24, 1976 mtg
Handwritten agenda & materials from a Jul 14, 1978 Deans/VC mtg
Aug 2, 1978 memo from Morton Weir, proposing to cut down on the number of Deans/Directors memos sent to
any one unit to save on costs. Responses from some units
Handwritten notes & materials from the Oct 13, 1978 Deans/VC mtg
Memo canceling the Nov 2 Deans/VC mtg & rescheduling it to Nov 8, 1978
Background information on recent legislation on limitations on the rate of pay for investigators under NSF
grants, which will be an agenda item for the Dec 1, 1978 Deans/VC mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……53
Feedback from Orville Bentley on the proposal of a policy of giving bonuses in connection w/promotions for
academic, academic professional, & where appropriate, non-academic personnel
Announcement that the Jun 8, 1979 academic deans & directors mtg will be at the home of Theodore Peterson
rather than Levis Faculty Center
Deans, Committee of Assistant & Associates
Roster for 1978-79
Request that the committee review the question of whether & how to list majors or areas of specialization on
Energy Conservation & Research (Energy Resources Center)
News release on a new federal energy program, & a two-day conference, Symposium for Energy Saving, to be
held at Jordan College in Detroit. Cover letter concerning the implications for Illinois if the legislation
Report on a mtg of the Illinois Energy Resources Commission Oct 27, 1978 in Springfield
Invitation to attend a briefing in Chicago on Nov 16, 1978 on the new U S Dept of Energy initiative on early
commercialization of energy technologies
Memo reporting on the Nov 28, 1978 mtg of the Interagency Task Force of the Illinois Energy Resources
Commission in Springfield
UI is encouraged to participate in the activities of the Illinois Energy Resources Commission, & to attend the
Nov 28, 1978 mtg of the Commission’s Interagency Task Force to discuss the Federal Energy Act & the
impact on Illinois agencies. Copy of the mtg announcement letter & a Summary of the National Energy
Bill. Notes on that mtg from V L Kretschmer & J J Desmond, who attended along w/F W Houck
Edwin Goldwasser provides answers for the Illinois Energy Forum questionnaire sent to President Corbally
Correspondence related to UIUC’s analysis of its energy management/conservation program, particularly in
comparison to Ohio State U, the first Big Ten to develop a program that has shown impressive numbers.
Copy of G P Porter’s Energy Management report of Dec 15, & his Energy Conservation-Cost
Avoidance report of Dec 19, 1978
Donald Wendel reply to Professor Folke Dovring’s suggestion of a fee-drive motivation for staff to consider
using public transportation
Memo from James J Stukel, Director of the Office of Energy Research, requesting proposals for the campus
allocation of discretionary research funds from the Dept of Energy
Invitation to submit a proposal in the area of solar energy research for funding consideration by the Dept of
Energy (copy of the Notice of Program Interest is not attached)
Invitation to attend the Third Annual Electric & Hybrid Vehicle (EHV) Program Contractors’ mtg Jun 25-27,
1979 in Arlington, Virginia
Preliminary list of possible energy conservation projects as a separate entity in addition to the FY1981 capital
budget request
Donald Wendel’s proposals for a reorganized effort to manage energy consumption on campus
Preliminary Energy Audit Survey of Campuses as required by the National Energy Act. The Act provides for an
allocation for grants to schools & hospitals to facilitate energy conservation. Copy of the survey form &
instructions. Copy of the completed Urbana campus survey. This information is collected to be used in
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……54
the early planning of the grant program in Illinois, which will be administered by the Illinois Institute of
Natural Resources in cooperation w/IBHE
Environmental Health & Safety, Division of (2 folders)
Correspondence from Bruce Hannon about the envinromental impact of aluminum pop cans & the need to
replace can machines w/refillable dispensing machines, & the issue of university control over car or bus
use & gasoline consumption. Morton Weir reply of Feb 27, 1975
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Subcommittee on Biohazards & Carcinogens
Letter from Deborah K Dillon about chemical safety in the Metallurgy & Mining Building, which is forwarded
to appropriate administrators. Professor Charles Wert does not agree w/her account
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Environmental Health & Safety Comm for the terms indicated
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Radiation Hazards Comm for 1978-79 or until successors are
Invitation from HEW to Subcommittee on Biohazards & Carcinogens chair Wayne Tompkins to attend a
Workshop for Chairman of Institutional Biosafety Committees in Reston, Virginia Nov 19-21, 1978.
Tompkins suggests sending David Shapiro or Dick Gumport. Roger Martin passes this information on to
Henry Koertge
Notice of new procedures for campus-wide pickup of waste chemicals for Oct 19, 1978
Minutes of the Sep 7, 1978 mtg of the Subcommittee on Biohazards & Carcinogens. Roger Martin suggests that
William Stallman should receive copies of minutes on a regular. Stallman advises that he already does
Information materials on the procedures used to minimize risk of using materials irradiated in the nuclear
Walter Tousey advises Henry Koertge that campus cannot fund a new health physicist position for FY1979.
Koertge will submit the request for FY1980
Minutes from the Oct 9, 1978 Subcommittee on Biohazards & Carcinogens, & Roger Martin’s concerns about
carcinogen feeding studies taking place on the fourth floor BMSB which was discussed at this mtg
Report on a radioactive materials program review & evaluation of Oct 25 & 26, 1978 by the Illinois Dept of
Public Health at the Urbana campus. Henry Koertge’s response to the recommendations
Copy of Rules & Regulations for Mass Gatherings Law, 1977 from the Illinois Dept of Public Health
Minutes of the Dec 14, 1978 mtg of the Subcommittee on Biohazards & Carcinogens
Correspondence & other materials related to a proposed incinerator project. This grew out of the work of the
Chemical Waste Disposal Study Group chaired by Roger Martin. Copy of his report on the work of this
group to Chancellor Gerberding of Sep 7, 1978. The group was looking at the possible construction of a
facility as part of the new Veterinary Medicine Basic Sciences Building. They were interested in a
facility that would dispose of campus wastes & provide steam for heating & cooling on campus.
Chancellor Gerberding forwards this update to President Corbally w/a cover letter of Sep 28, 1978.
President Corbally letter of Oct 2, 1978 expressing support for an incinerator project. Copy of the Final
Report of the Chemical Waste Disposal Study Group, w/cover letter from Roger Martin of Oct 20, 1978.
Roger Martin letter of Dec 18, 1978, w/update on the incinerator project, which has been discussed
w/Larry Moore of the Institute for Natural Resources. Larry Moore will be sending a report w/his
recommendations at the end of Dec, & has been talking up the project for funding support in Springfield
Schedule for water sampling periods for the rest of 1979 for all water supplies from the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……55
Contact list for the Division of EHS for Accidents, Health Problems & Food Sanitation, Toxic Materials & the
Poison Control Program
Mercury Usage Survey, required by the Illinois EPA, w/list of unit heads who received it
Copy of the Division of EHS Report for 1978
Minutes of the Jan 17, 1979 mtg of the EHS Committee
Copy of the OSHA Form 200 which reports injury & illness for the calendar year 1978 for the Urbana campus
Minutes of the Jan 25, 1979 mtg of the Subcommittee on Biohazards & Carcinogens
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Subcommittee for Recombinant DNA Review, Jan 21-Aug 21,
New schedule for swimming pool licenses from the Illinois Dept of Public Health
Appointment letter to Calvin Locker to serve on the Subcommittee on Recombinant DNA Review
Henry Koertge’s comments on HB 333, which is apparently enabling legislation to allow the State takeover of
the Federal occupational safety & health program. This would allow the State to keep Federal funding
for its own program & bring in the public sector, which includes UI
Professor Stanley Friedman letter about the problems w/the St Louis encephalitis control on campus & in the
community. Henry Koertge letter confirming topics of conversation at a Feb 19, 1979 mtg in Friedman’s
office about this issue
Minutes of the Feb 21, 1979 mtg of the EHS Committee
Minutes of the Feb 22, 1979 mtg of the Subcommittee for Recombinant DNA Review
List of House Bills recently sent to the DEHS office, noting their correspondence to some reviewed last year.
Attached is Henry Koertge’s comments on last year’s bills for reference
Henry Koertge advises the President’s Office about responding to a deadline concerning Federal legislation on
hazardous wastes
Correspondence concerning the Illinois Dept of Public Health inspections of the x-ray equipment at UIUC –
non-medical on Nov 13-15, 1978 & medical & veterinary on Dec 20-21, 1978. Letters from IDPH
relating findings & recommendations from both inspections. Campus response to the non-medical
findings by Donald Wendel of Jan 15, 1979. Campus response concerning the State Geological Survey
recommendations on Jan 18, 1979. IDPH comments on the Jan 15, 1979 campus response, Feb 22,
1979. Mar 16, 1979 letter acknowledge Henry Koertge’s Feb 28, 1979 letter outlining actions taken to
comply w/recommendations for the medical & veterinary x-ray programs, & also receipt of the
Radiation Protection Survey report prepared by Theodore Fields on his inspection of the veterinary
therapy x-ray unit
Minutes of the Mar 22, 1979 mtg of the Subcommittee on Biohazards & Carcinogens
Minutes of the Mar 22, 1979 mtg of the Subcommittee for Recombinant DNA Review
Henry Koertge’s comments on House Bills 801 & 812
Minutes of the Mar 28, 1979 mtg of the EHS Committee
Copies of the Health & Safety Guide 6-A, & the Waste Chemical Pickup sheet for Apr 19, 1979
Henry Koertge’s comments on proposed State legislation
Henry Koertge’s comments on the Proposed Amendment – Hazardous Waste Subcommittee
Henry Koertge replies for the campus to a letter from the Illinois Dept of Public Health about laser light shows,
outlining actions to be taken for protection of the public
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Ad Hoc Comm to Study Assurance of Safety of Equipment Used
in Conjunction w/Human Subjects/Patients, study to be completed by Dec 1, 1979
Minutes of the May 8, 1979 mtg of the Subcommittee for Recombinant DNA Review
Minutes of the May 9, 1979 mtg of the EHS Committee
Henry Koertge’s comments on proposed legislation
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……56
Copies of the Urbana campus mercury use reports covering the period of Jan 1, 1977 to Dec 31, 1977,
w/transmittal letter from Donald Wendel. These reports were collected & sent to the President’s Office,
which collected them from all three campuses & sent one report to the EPA. On May 24, 1979, the
requirement to provide these reports was rescinded by Acton of the Pollution Control Board
Environmental Studies, Institute of
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the University Council on Environmental Studies for the terms
indicated, or until successors are appointed
Information sheet on the Division of Environmental Impact Studies (EIS)
Environmental Studies, Water Resources Center
Letters of thanks to Morton Weir & Glenn Stout for their contributions to the recent UCOWR mtgs, the annual
mtg on Jul 31, 1978 & the Instream Flow Methodologies workshop in mid-Aug
List of technical reports received & available at UCOWR
Raymond Cragle will serve on the Executive Comm of UCOWR to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of
Glenn Salisbury
Evaluations – Administrators & Faculty
Morton Weir memo of Jan 20, 1978 w/proposed procedure & timetable for complying w/recent statutory
changes relating to the evaluation & reappointment of administrators. He reports to Chancellor
Gerberding in Aug 1978 concerning a system & tentative schedule of evaluations of the deans &
directors that he intends to pursue
Morton Weir approves the schedule for the evaluation of dept heads, the Director of the School of Human
Resources & Family Studies, & the Dean of Agriculture submitted by Orville Bentley
Rolland Stevens letter responding to Hugh G Petrie about a draft of guidelines for the evaluation of the Dean of
the Graduate School of Library Science. The sentence “Where a wide divergence…” will be dropped
Letters requesting the initiation of dept head evaluations process for Engineering, for Mechanical Engineering,
Physics, & General Engineering
Copy of the Oct 9, 1978 Instructor & Course Evaluation System (ICES) letter about the procedures for ordering
Legal Counsel Timothy O Madigan’s opinion for Robert B Crawford about access to letters of evaluation which
have been secured under a pledge of confidentiality
Morton Weir contacts Daniel C Drucker about his evaluation as Dean this year. He notes that the procedures
developed by the College are satisfactory & he does not intend to supplement them
Memo for the Record about the administering of ICES forms by graduate assistant Keith Sandiford
Morton Weir answers questions from Louise A Clark about the evaluation of Hugh Atkinson as University
Librarian. He notes that the new statutory changes do not apply to the Librarian. He also responds to her
question about referring complaints back to administrators
Morton Weir responds to a request from Jill Kehlenbach at ISU for information about student evaluations of
teaching at UIUC
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……57
Copy of Morton Weir letter acknowledging receipt of the FAA Executive Comm’s recommendation of
reappointment for Dean Jack McKenzie
Spring semester letter announcing availability of the Instructor & Course Evaluation System (ICES)
Copy of the Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students – Spring 1979
Request from an anonymous mother of a student that Psychology 250 examinations not be scheduled on Jewish
Holy Days
Roger Martin approves two requests from Psychology 238 instructors for changes in final examination times
Request for change in examination schedules for Political Science 305 & 420
Approval of requests to reschedule the fall final examination times for:
Russian 222
Social Work 100
English 116
Health Education 150
LA/UP 441
CE 221
CE 214
Instructions for conducting fall 1978-79 final examinations & for recording & reporting grades
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 27 – Scheduling for Final Examinations
Denial of request to change the final examination time for Sociology 185 to the last day of class
Approval of requests to change the spring final examination times for:
IE 385
ME 206
EE 373
Relst 202
Philosophy 102 Section M
CE 364
William Stallman memo on the Office of Space Utilization’s scheduling of space for conflict examinations
Instructions for conducting summer session final examinations & for recording & reporting grades
Executive Vice President, Office of
Donald Wendel memo of changes he suggests for a final version of the Memo Concerning Responsibilities of
the University Office for Capital Programs
Facilities, Use of
Requesting those listed to serve as members of the Comm on the Use of Facilities for the term of one year
Approval for Stanley Levy’s request to reissue the general policy statement concerning the presence on campus
of individuals under the age of 18 who have no formal business w/the University
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……58
Donald Wendel responds Alan Lander’s request on behalf of the Undergraduate Student Assoc for information
on state legislation cited by the University that prohibits certain use of campus facilities. This request
appears to have grown out of the issue of the closing of Wright Street. Donald Wendel advises that he
does not recall any administrator asserting that position. He has asked & is waiting for legal counsel’s
opinion on any such legislation, but in his opinion there isn’t any
Correspondence concerning the Subcommittee III-Conference of Conduct Governance’s work on Revision of
Section XII-9, Use of University Premises in the Campus Administrative Manual. William Stallman
notes that the copy of the policy sent to the subcommittee was a draft, & he believes they should
examine the final current policy, & attaches a copy to forward to them. John Scouffas explains that at
the time the policy was assigned to the subcommittee, a final version did not exist. The Office of Space
Utilization has no recommendations for changes, since this policy was only recently rewritten &
approved, in Aug 1978
Correspondence about the use of Willard Airport by the C-U Jaycees for their annual air show, & the issue this
raises of a need for a review of campus policy about facilities use by external groups, particularly
w/relation to Title IX
Facilities Planning Comm (2 folders)
Donald Wendel memo of Jul 18, 1978 to Chancellor Gerberding about his discussion w/William Stallman about
the method by which architects are selected for design of campus buildings
Stanley Levy requests that someone from his staff be appointed to this comm
Letter requesting those listed to serve or continue to serve on this comm for 1978-79. Copy of Chancellor
Peltason’s memo of Jun 27, 1974 on open meetings law
Minutes & materials from FPC mtgs:
Sep 28, 1978
Oct 25, 1978
Jan 31, 1979
Feb 15, 1979
Mar 15, 1979
Apr 5, 1979
Apr 19, 1979
May 10, 1979
Subcommittee preference form
Subcommittee appointments 1978-79 list
Roger Martin suggests that David of Clark Dietz & Associates present the plan of the Boneyard Commission to
the comm, perhaps at the Nov 29 mtg
Donald Wendel reports to Chancellor Gerberding on responses on how facilities planning committees function
at the two Chicago campuses
Copy of document, Rationale for the Construction of a Recreation Building Behind Freer Gym. Attached memo
for a mtg on this subject on Nov 7, 1978
Memo canceling the Nov 29, 1978 mtg
Memo announcing the Dec 4, 1978 mtg of the New Building Subcommittee
Handout Packet for the New Building Subcommittee mtg of Dec 4, 1978. Includes sections on FY1980 Capital
Budget Requests, Planning, & Capital Projects Eligible for Private Funding
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……59
Cover letters for requests for FY1981 State Appropriated Capital Funds prepared by O&M Division for Safety
and/or Security Remodeling Improvements (requests are not attached)
Paul Riegel letter confirming a conversation w/William Stallman that the plan developed in 1976 for the use of
Coble Hall by the Chancellor & Vice Chancellors should be withdrawn from any consideration for
implementation at this time
Memo advising of a walking tour planned for the New Building Subcommittee for the Police & Fire Station,
Life Sciences & Chemistry facilities
Cover letter for copies of a request for the Abbott Power Plan Fuel Conversion project (request copies not
attached), which should be assigned to the category “Utility Projects Not Related to Specific Buildings
Memo announcing two tours for the New Building Subcommittee: Jan 15, 1979 to review Willard Airport, &
Jan 22, 1979 to review the TV Bldg at 1110 W Main, Urbana
Cover letter from Paul Riegel & materials related to a request from Chancellor Gerberding that the FPC be
involved in the consideration of proposals for the naming or renaming of campus buildings, streets,
drives, & other major campus facilities. Copy of Section 4, Article IV of the General Rules, & a copy of
an Apr 4, 1978 letter from President Corbally
Memo announcing that the New Building Subcommittee will tour the WILL-TV facilities on Jan 22, 1979
Announcement for the Jan 31, 1979 mtg of the Land, Site Improvements, Utilities, Cooperative Improvements
& Siting of Major Construction Subcommittee
Announcement of the Jan 23, 1979 mtg of the Major Remodeling Subcommittee, w/attached materials
Announcement that the Jan 24, 1979 FPC mg has been canceled & rescheduled for Jan 31, 1979
Copies of three PB-III requests, from Physics, LAS-Botany, & the University Library
Announcement that the Jan 31, 1979 FPC mtg will be held in Room 449 Administration Bldg instead of at
Veterinary Medicine, w/copies of the tables that will be discussed on FY1981 Capital Budget Request
for Land
Copies of tables:
State of Illinois Board of Higher Education-Staff Recommendation for BHE Priority Listing for FY1980 Higher
Education Budget: Capital Improvements Funded by Capital Development Bonds
Historical Record of Capital Budget Actions Relating to FY1980 Request
Historical Record of Capital Budget Actions Relating to FY1980 Request-UI Food Production & Research
Complex (Food for Century III)
Projects under consideration for inclusion in the FY1981 capital budget request by the New Building
Confirmation of the Feb 13, 1979 mtg of the Major Remodeling Subcommittee
Memo summary of the Jan 31, 1979 mtg of the Land, Site Improvements, Utilities, Cooperative Improvements,
& Siting of Major Construction Subcommittee
Summary Forecast for New Buildings & Building Additions (PB-III) for the Institute for Environmental Studies
Memo announcing the Feb 15, 1979 mtg of the Land, Site Improvements, Utilities, Cooperative Improvements,
& Siting of Major Construction Subcommittee, which will review the design of the Illini Union
Bookstore Addition
Memo announcing the Feb 13, 1979 mtg of the Minor Remodeling Subcommittee
Timetable for Completing the FY1981 Capital Budget Request Recommendations
Paul Riegel asks William Stallman to chair the Apr 20, 1979 FPC mtg in his absence
Memo announcing two mtgs of the New Building Subcommittee on Feb 20, 1979 & Mar 6, 1979
Notes from the Feb 20, 1979 New Building Subcommittee mtg
Reminder of the Feb 23, 1979 Minor Remodeling Subcommittee mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……60
Reminder of the May 3, 1979 FPC mtg, w/copy of the Revised Timetable for Completing the FY1981 Capital
Budget Request Recommendations
Paul Riegel letter advising that the May 10, 1979 FPC mtg will be at Levis Faculty Center
Memo announcing the Mar 16, 1979 mtg of the New Building Subcommittee
Copy of chart – Minor Building Projects (less than $5M), Under Consideration for Inclusion in the FY1981
Capital Budget Request by the New Building Subcommittee
Copy of chart – Major Building Projects ($5M & above) Under Consideration for Inclusion in the FY1981
Capital Budget Request by the New Building Subcommittee
Memo announcing the Mar 16, 1979 mtg of the Minor Remodeling Subcommittee
FY1981 tables as revised based no decisions made at the Land, Site Improvements… Subcommittee of Jan 31,
Chancellor Gerberding letter advising that he would like to involve the campus more directly at a number of
points in the siting & planning of capital projects. He proposed that responsibility for the appointment of
the FPC be assigned to VC Wendel effective w/the 1979-80 year & that Wendel become the FPC chair
as of the second semester of the current year (FY1979). Paul Riegel note that this is on hold for this
year. Wendel will be appointed chair next year
Copy of charts of FY1981 Capital Budget Requests from the Land, Site Improvements… Subcommittee
Materials packet for the Mar 16, 1979 mtg of the New Building Subcommittee
New Building Subcommittee Recommendations for FY1981 Capital Budget Request for Positions Elsewhere
Summary of Minor Remodeling Requests for FY1981
Minor Remodeling Subcommittee Recommendations for the FY1981 Capital Budget Request
Memo requesting members of the Major Remodeling Subcommittee to complete & return their recommended
priority order of projects so the final report can be presented at the Apr 19 FPC mtg
Copy of the final major remodeling FY1981 request package for vote of the Major Remodeling Comm
Copy of the final report & recommendations of the Major Remodeling Subcommittee for FY891 Major
Remodeling Request for Positions Elsewhere
Correspondence concerning the siting of the proposed Equine Research Unit
FY1981 Capital Budget Recommendations of the FPC
Copies of the FPC membership list & subcommittee assignments is sent to Dean John Cribbet May 17, 1979
Mar 13, 1978 letter from President Corbally to Nathan M Newmark, Chairman of the President’s Comm on the
National Medal of Science, thanking him for the annual letter inviting UI to submit nominations
Permission is granted to renew the Visiting Staff Members Agreements at Los Alamos Lab for several UI staff:
Shau-Jin Chang, Russell Drage, Hans Frauenfelder, K L Rinehart, James Snyder, Vincent Yuan
Cover letter & copy of the Instruction (1978-79) booklet, A Handbook on Instructional Awards, Services, &
Invitation to propose candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize. Morton Weir suggests nominating Gutowsky &
Rogers as joint recipients
Sep 26, 1978 letter from D L Nanney, expressing his concern that deserving scholars in areas other than the
physical sciences are not receiving appropriate recognition
Cover letter & resume for UIUC’s nominee for the C-U Jaycees Outstanding Young College Educator,
Professor Alvin E Roth
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……61
News release about UIUC’s ranking as fourth among state universities & eighth among all public & private
universities in the nation in a new survey of faculties’ reputations. The survey was conducted in 1977 by
Everett C Ladd Jr of the U of Connecticut & Seymour Martin Lipset of Stanford U’s Hoover Institution,
& published in the Jan 15, 1979 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education
Letter inviting nominations for the Freedom Foundation’s award for faculty who excel in teaching the private
enterprise system
Correspondence w/Professor Blaine Edelfsen concerning his questions about whether there is a University
policy on terminal degree requirements for tenure-track faculty
Correspondence & documents related to the proposal for the establishment of a new faculty position entitled
“Departmental Affiliate” or “Affiliate.” Copy of the proposal sent by George Judge to Morton Weir in
May 1973. Correspondence related to the review of this proposal by the deans, U-C Senate Comm on
General University Policy, & the University Academic Council. It was written as a Board of Trustees
item for the Sep 1977 mtg, but was withdrawn pending further review by all three campuses. Use of this
title was finally approved by the Board of Trustees at the Jun 21, 1978 mtg. A copy of that agenda item
is attached. Copy of the 1977-78 Academic Affairs Communication No 67 of Jul 31, 1978 from Morton
Weir announcing this approval to the campus & explaining the attendant policies & procedures for such
appointments. In Sep 1978, Professor Jim Snyder, Head of the Dept of Computer Science, raises the
issue of membership in the Graduate Faculty for someone holding this title. Morton Weir issues 197879 Academic Affairs Communication No 36 of Feb 13, 1979 to clarify the Jul 1978 Communication on
this point
Chancellor Gerberding’s letter of thanks & comments on a copy of Charles E Osgood’s paper, “Psycho-Social
Dynamics & the Prospects for Mankind”
Stanley G Smith is not selected for a 1979 Manufacaturing Chemists Assoc Catalyst Award
Letter advising Morton Weir that Los Alamos Lab intends to enter into Visiting Staff Member Agreements w/
Jim Lattimer & Ken Van Riper
Invitations from the Texas Instruments Foundation to nominate someone for the Founders’ Prize in Sep 1976,
Sep 1977 & 1978. UIUC nominates Nicholas Holonyak in 1977
Letter advising Morton Weir that Los Alamos Lab intends to renew existing Consultant Agreements w/Felix
Adler, Roy Axford, John C Bailar, John Bardeen, Gordon Baym, David Kuck, David Pines, & Charles
K Rhodes for the period Oct 1, 1979 9through Sep 30, 1980
Faculty – Advisory Comm
Correspondence concerning membership on the Comm. Jun 7, 1978 advising of the election of three new
members for Aug 1978-Ayg 1981 & listing the continuing members & terms. Jul 19, 1978 letter
advising of the election of Marianne Ferber as chair for the coming year. Letters concerning the
resignation of James R Shipley & the election of Dwayne C Savage to serve out his term. Also a revised
list of Comm members w/their terms
Announcement of an “irregular” mtg of the FAC for cocktails w/Chancellor Gerberding & VC Weir Feb 7,
Letters concerning the election of three new members to FAC for Aug 1979-Aug 1982, list of continuing
members & their terms
Faculty – Center
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……62
Material from 1969, ten years out of time, is included in this file. It includes correspondence about the fund
raising for the new Levis Faculty Center, progress reports on the project & correspondence between
President Henry & donor Mrs William E Levis of Toledo, Ohio (formerly Margaret Harris of
Agendas for Levis Faculty Center Sponsors, Inc Board mtgs in this file:
Jul 12, 1978
Jul 28, 1978
Sep 20, 1978
Oct 18, 1978
Jan 11, 1979
Feb 21, 1979
Feb 28, 1979
Mar 21, 1979
Apr 18, 1979
May 16, 1979
Jun 20, 1979
Jul 18, 1979
Minutes of mtgs in this file:
Sep 20, 1978
Oct 12, 1978
Dec 20, 1978
Jan 17, 1979
Feb 21, 1979
The University Club agrees to relocate events scheduled in room 407 of Levis Faculty Center for the dates
Invitation to the Gerberdings to attend the Levis Center Open House Sep 18 or 19, 1978
Margaret Levis letter acknowledging receipt of the booklet of activities planned for the coming year at the
Levis Center
Membership letter for fall 1978 to Faculty-Staff
Cover letter & booklet about Levis Center, w/information about services available, new management
Board of Directors list
Invitation to the Gerberdings to attend the Annual Christmas dinner, Chancellor Gerberding will attend for
cocktails, no dinner
Dance classes flyer
Donald Wendel report to Chancellor Gerberding on his mtg w/the Executive Comm of Sponsors, Inc about the
financial situation
News release announcing planned suspension of operations at Levis Center during the summer months of 1979
Membership/fundraising letter of Mar 1979
Thanks to Mailing Supervisor Larry Bowden for help w/a recent mailing
Paul Doebel’s comments about the reception for the new President held at Levis, & the limited budget
resources available to put on such events
Faculty – (Procedures Relating to Approval of Non-University Employment)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……63
Walter C Tousey memo of Jul 13, 1978 advising Sidney M Stafford, Director of the Office of University
Audits, that in future, he will need to send a written request for A & B forms to Walter Tousey
Dillon Mapother drafts a reply to questions raised by Bob Markgraf, resident Federal auditor, in a Jul 5, 1978
letter to Jack Kamerer, regarding policies & practices w/respect to external consulting by University
staff members
Faculty – Teaching Awards
Announcement memo for the U-C Campus Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching w/reminder of
critical dates in the nomination process. The awards will be announced May 1, 1979, w/the Teaching
Excellence Recognition Banquet to be held May 2, 1979
Cover letter & resumés (not attached) for the Amoco Outstanding Teaching Award Program winners requested
by Peter Yankwich
Faculty – Teaching/Research Assistants
Memo on Financial Aid for Graduate Assistance w/Late Appointments
Chancellor Gerberding letters in response to questions about the extent to which instruction is provided by
teaching assistants on campus from Robert Hartley of the Decatur Herald & Review. He also advises
that campus is reviewing this subject at this time
John A Muffo responds to Morton Weir’s inquiry about comparisons which are being made between the
number of instructional units taught by UIUC graduate assistants, as opposed to those taught by
graduate assistants at other selected institutions. Morton Weir has doubts about the comparability of the
Cover letter & revised Table II-Instructional Units Taught by Academic Staff, Selected AAU Data Exchange
Universities, Fall 1977, to replace one in material on teaching assistants distributed earlier
Reminder memo of May 16, 1979 for submission of graduate assistant appointment papers for 1979-80
Correspondence & documents related to the development of the policy Discontinuance of Appointment of
Nonstudents in the Assistantship Category, Use of the Title Technical Assistant for Hourly Nonstudent
Employees. A recommendation to abolish the nonstudent assistant category was first made by the
Graduate College Appointee’s Salary & Services Comm in a Feb 2, 1976 letter to Morton Weir, who
then requested reactions from deans & directors & various committee chairs in a Mar 3, 1976 letter.
There is nothing further on this topic until a Feb 8, 1978 letter from Carolyn Burrell to Morton Weir
listing her concerns about the appointment of 100 percent nonstudent assistants. Copy of a cover letter
of Aug 21, 1978 from Morton Weir to Deans, Directors for lists of nonstudent assistants employed in
each unit by name & departmental code number as of Jun 29, 1978. In this letter he also outlines the
problems w/the current classification & practice. Letters from various unit heads expressing their views
on this issue. A copy of the first draft of a new policy is sent by Morton Weir to Deans, Directors on Feb
19, 1979. Letters from unit heads responding to this draft. From other letters, it appears that a second
draft was circulated. Copy of 1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 53 of May 22, 1979, which
circulates the new policy in its final form to Deans, Directors, effective as of the date of the letter
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……64
Jul 27, 1978 Deans, Directors memo on a new policy University Honoraries & their Access to Student Records.
A student’s eligibility for membership in honoraries is an item of directory information, & names of
those potentially eligible will be released to academic & other honoraries unless specifically restricted
by the individual student
Roger Martin responds to a request by Marianne Ferber for access to data files on graduate student enrollments.
She received a grant to study the causes of graduate school drop-outs. Jane Loeb, Director of
Admissions & Records, refers this request to Roger Martin citing a potential conflict of interest for her
to act on it. He advises Marianne Ferber that he has asked Joseph Smith to follow up on this request.
She should contact him to answer his concerns & receive approval
Joseph Smith advises Charles H Smith, Director of the Ph D program in the Dept of Accountancy, of the result
of his review of the question of graduate students access to information on how individual professors
graded their preliminary examinations, not just the composite score. He believes that they have a right to
this information under FERPA regulations
Correspondence & documents related to the establishment of an Arthur Andersen & Co Fellowship at UIUC in
the Dept of Accountancy. Philip E Fess is chosen as the first Arthur Andersen & Co Fellow
Correspondence & documents related to the Gulf Oil Graduate Fellowship in the Dept of Chemical Engineering
for the 1976-77 academic year, & the Dept of Life Sciences for the 1978-79 academic year
Letter advising tat $4133,734 is awarded to UI for support of the NSF Graduate Fellows on the attached list for
1978-79 fellowship year
The Danforth Graduate Fellowship Program requests current undergraduate & graduate catalogs
Cover for a press release (not attached) announcing the CIC Minorities Fellowships Programs in the social
sciences & the humanities
Letter from RCA w/check of $3,500 for the RCA Fellowship in Electrical Engineering for 1978-79, thank you
letter from George H Bargh
Letters advising that there will be two NSF Minority Graduate Fellows on campus for 1978-79, Diane Priest in
Biology & Hosea R Harris in Physics
Announcement from the National Research Council for the NSF Graduate Fellowships & National Needs
Postdoctoral Fellowships for 1979-1980
Announcement for the NTAO Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science 1978-79 Program
Announcement for the City of New York Urban Fellows Program
Supplement to the Universiyt Fellowship Fund Allocation Review (Dean’s Memo #7), a clarification of
Attachment A, Instructions for the University Fellowship Fund Allocation Review
Information for the Whit House Fellowships
Correspondence concerning the yearly extensions of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Humanities Fellowship for
Walter L Creese. Copy of the letter announcing the original grant. Extensions were given for May 31,
1997 to Aug 31, 1997, Aug 31, 1997 to Aug 31, 1978, & to May 31, 1979
Announcement of the National Endowment of Humanities 1980 Summer Seminars for College Teachers
Correspondence concerning the allocation of the bequest to the scholarship fund from the estate of alumnus
Edwin A Horner. FAA Dean Jack McKenzie would like a review of the practice of assigning 20 percent
of these funds to UIC. Lewis Barron advises that the will does not mention UIC. It is determined that the
total amount of funds shall be assigned to UIUC. The Dept of Architecture proposes to use the funds to
establish an Edwin A Horner Graduate Fellowship in Architecture
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……65
Letter of thanks for a GE Foundation award of a Graduate Grant in the Dept of Electrical Engineering for 197980
Letter accepting the renewal of the RCA Fellowship in Electrical Engineering for 1979-80
Letter w/check for final installment of the C Edward Ware Fellowship. Thank you letter from the Dept of
Architecture, & thanks for support of Walt Lewis’ Professional Practice Resource Group concept
Correspondence & news releases concerning the awarding of Guggenheim Fellowships to seven UI faculty:
Theodore L Brown, Robert M Coates, John B Friedman, Richard I Gumport, Jeffrey O’Connel, Thomas
A O’Halloran, & James W Truran
Correspondence & documents relating to the Edward L Ryerson Traveling Fellowships in Architecture &
Landscape Architecture. Copy of the regulations governing these awards accept by the Board of
Trustees in 1951. Copy of a Board of Trustees item from the Apr 20, 1979 mtg, which approved the
creation of two additional fellowships for summer study abroad, & modified the original regulations on
the issues of creation of fellowships & setting of the amount of stipends
Correspondence & information about the 1979-80 Danforth Fellows competition. UIUC will keep Robert E
Underwood & Richard K Barksdale as Liaison Officers. Cover letter for the list of Danforth Fellows,
Class of 1979, which is not attached
Letter announcing that Clifford D Dykstra has been selected as a Sloan Research Fellow, & acknowledgement
letter from Jack Kamerer
Letters of recommendation & approval for the awarding of the forty-eighth Kate Neal Kinley Memorial
Fellowship to Daniel P Coffey, w/Patrick S Hays as alternate
Letter of acceptance of the placement of a Gulf Oil Foundation Graduate Fellowship in the Dept of Chemical
Engineering for 1979-80
Listing of minority graduate fellowship stipends at CIC institutions in support of a recent stipend increase
Fire Department
Suspicious Origin Fire & False Alarm Analysis for the period Jul 1, 1977 through Jun 30, 1978
Copy of the Fire Protection Mutual Aid Agreement, Champaign, UI, & Urbana of Apr 14, 1976
Letter confirming discussion of initiating a procedure within the Purchasing Division which would refer all
requisitions for household fire detectors to the Supervisor of Fire Protection for approval prior to
Jon Liebman suggests that fires of suspicous origin be reported to unit heads so that appropriate security
measures & alerting of building personnel can be initiated to guard against recurrence
Don Wendel suggests warning students in Chemical Sciences at the beginning of each semester about unsafe
practices, in response to a recent incident of a chemical explosion at Noyes Lab
Films (includes Centers)
Conference schedule, Sixty Years of Soviet Film, 1919-1979, May 21-24, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……66
Information on the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars program
Copies of proposals for Joyce Foundation funds
Invitation from the Illinois 2000 Foundation to nominate students to participate in the Statewide Conference on
Goals for Illinois’ Economic Future Feb 27-28, 1979 at the Peoria Hilton
Extension of the Rockefeller Foundation grant for resesarch by Veterinary Medicine o control of bovine
anaplasmosis & babesiosis by immunoprophylaxis until Jun 30, 1979
Information on the Luce Scholars Program of the Henry Luce Foundation
Announcement from the Rockefeller Foundation of A Program for International Conferences to be held at the
Bellagio Study & Conference Center at Lake Como, Italy
Carter H Manny sends Chancellor Gerberding a pocket guide of Chicago’s buildings & information on the
Graham Foundation
Ford Foundation sends a brief report on the minority fellowship programs currently supported by them. These
programs will soon be drawing to a close, & they thought it would be helpful for UI to assess its total
enrollment of minority graduate students & determine what impact, if any, the winding down of these
programs may have on affirmative action efforts
Correspondence & information on the nomination of John B Hanson, Ralph S Wolfe, & Orville G Bentley as
candidates for the W K Kellogg Foundation 50th Anniversary Lectureship for Fall 1980
Letter accompanying check from the Presser Foundation for the 1979 Presser Scholar, & acknowledgement
from George Bargh
Correspondence & documents related to the submission of a proposal to the Max C Fleischmann Foundation for
a termination grant to fund a building to house middle-atmosphere research. UIUC was not invited to
make a formal application
Information on the Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation’s Educational Grants Program
Request from the Danforth Foundation for current catalogs
Copy of the cover only of the Alfred P Sloan Foundation Report for 1978
Letter advising that the Alfred P Sloan Foundation has authorized a grant to UIUC for support of a series of
conferences on event-related potentials as tools in the study of cognitive function
Fund Drives
Correspondence & documents related to the 1978 UI United Way Campaign. Selection of chair, who will again
be Stanley Levy. Letter appointing the Campaign Comm for 1978 & 1979. Section leaders.
Solicitation/promotional materials. Reports to section leaders on results. Cover letter for the 1978 final
report, report itself not attached
Campus Chest solicitation letter
Two critical faculty responses to the U S Savings Bond Campaign, from Hans Brems & Harold Diamond
Paul Riegel advises that Richard F Wilson has agreed to chair Section 33 & Robert Baker has agreed to chair
Section 3 for the 1979 United Way Campaign
General University Administration (Urbana/Champaign, Chicago Circle & Chicago Medical Center)
IBHE announces that two workshops have been scheduled to discuss the Federal HEGIS surveys & State
enrollment surveys, Jun 2, 1979 in Springfield & Jun 28, 1979 in Chicago. Susan M Mitchell is
appointed HEGIS Coordinator for UI
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……67
Box 222
Gerontology, Committee on
The members of the All-University Gerontology Comm request that the committee be dissolved, now that the
Board of Trustees has approved the establishment of a Gerontology Center. List of the comm members
Chancellor Gerberding letters of thanks to those who served on the All-University Gerontology Committee
Gerontology – All-University Gerontology Center
Correspondence & documents related to the establishment of the All-University Gerontology Center
An Oct 7, 1974 letter from President Corbally to VP Barry Munitz indicates that a University Comm on
Gerontology had made recommendations for such a Center in 1974
Correspondence concerning the preparation of a proposal for the University Senates throughout 1975, w/a
proposal finally submitted to Chicago Circle Associate VC for Academic Affairs Robert L Hess to be
placed on the agenda of the campus senates for review & action in Dec 1975 (Dec 29, 1975 cover letter
& proposal from Ethel Shanus, chair of the University Comm on Gerontology). Letters of comment on
the proposal
Morton Weir charge letter to an ad hoc comm to review the proposal for the Urbana campus. He notes that this
proposal has been approved by both the Medical Center & Chicago Circle campuses
Sep 21, 1976 cover & report from the ad hoc comm. Oct 22, 1976 letter from George Russel reporting on the
review of the proposal by the Executive Comm & the Research Board of the Graduate College
Harold Hake letter of Nov 9, 1976 which includes a summary of the progress to date
Morton Weir Feb 3, 1977 letter w/submission of the proposal to the U/C Senate Comm on Educational Policy
(background materials mentioned as attachments are not attached)
Letters of Mar 23, 30 & 31, 1977 which seem to indicate that a structure has been agreed upon, at least in
general terms, & that an All-University Comm on Gerontology has been appointed, & consideration is
being given to appointment of an interim Board, w/three members from each campus, & Thomas Byerts
is appointeed as Director
Articles & correspondence concerning the U/C Senate’s rejection of the proposal at its Nov 14, 1977 mtg
Dec 6, 1977 Morton Weir charge letter to an ad hoc comm which will work on organizational structure &
presenting a case for an organized campus effort. Copy of the ad hoc comm’s report of Mar 28, 1978,
which recommends the formation of a special unit within the Graduate College. The ad hoc comm
report is sent to the Senate Comm on Educational Policy on May 1, 1978. Morton Weir notes in his
cover letter that there are two separate issues: UIUC participation in the All-University Center, & the
organizational structure for the U/C campus
The University Senates Conference gives its unanimous approval to a proposed Board of Trustees item for the
establishment of the All-University Gerontology Center, so that it can be placed on the Jun 1978
agenda, even though the U/C Senate has not yet acted finally on this matter, which it is expected to do in
the fall
Copy of the approved Board of Trustees item from the Jun 21, 1978 mtg
Copy of a Jul 1978 proposal to HEW for funding for the Center
Morton Weir’s Sep 5, 1978 chronology of this matter for Chancellor Gerberding, w/attached background
documents for the Sep 18, 1978 Senate mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……68
Copy of the Senate agenda item EP.77.4 approved at the Sep 18, 1978 mtg, Proposal to Particiapte in an AllUniversity Gerontology Center by the UIUC Campus
Correspondence concerning the selection of an advisory comm for the Center. UIUC representatives will be
Marilyn Flynn, Howard Ducoff & Carl Patton
Submission for IBHE approval of the Center as an administrative unit
Edwin L Goldwasser appoints Robert Katz as Director of the Urbana Office of Gerontology & Aging Studies
Summary of a proposal to HEW for funding for the Center, May 1979
IBHE approval letter for the Gerontology Center as an administrative unit for UI, Jun 7, 1979
Graduate Education Research, University Council on
Agendas & Summaries for mtgs: Jan 12, 1979 (w/attached materials), Mar 14, 1979 & May 9, 1979
Grants (2 folders)
Exxon Education Foundation – Toby Y Kahr, Organizational Improvement demonstration Project for State
J R Dennis, instructional applications of computers
Robert Stake, CIRCE, evaluation design for MedRep, Peter Taylor Memorial Fund
J Richard Dennis, A Professional Specializatoin Program in Instructional Applications of Computers (IAC) for
Undergraduate Teachers in Training
General Electric Foundation – graduate grants: Electrical Engineering, Physics, Chemical Engineering
Joanna H Clancy, graduate research
Gulf Oil – Richard C Alkire, bibliographic project in the field of electroorganic synthesis
NACUBO/Exxon Administrative Leave Program- David Opperman
The Nutrition Foundation, Inc – J A Milner, Effect of Dietary Arginine on the Control of Cellular Growth
Research Corporation – Roberto Cuevas, Asceptic Bulk Storage Systems for Low Acid Foods
Kenneth S Suslick, Infrared Photodesorption, Cottrell Research Grant
Michael B Weissman, Quasi-Elastic Light-Scattering Study of Liquid-Like Structure of Macroion Solutions,
Cottrell Research Grant
Thomas B Rauchfuss, Transition Metal Catalyzed Organic Synthesis w/Cyanogen, Cottrell Research Grant
Enrico Gratton, Enzyme Dynamics: Rotational Correlation Time of Tryptophans, Cottrell Research Grant
Sigma Xi – Porter P Lowry, Grant-in-Aid Research
Spencer Foundation – Alan Peshkin, study of religious ideology & educational practice of the Good Shepherd
Church’s school & community
Alfred P Sloan Foundaiton – Manny Donchin, workshop on event-related brain potentials in cognitive sciences
Allied Chemical Foundation – Scholarships-Women in Engineering, Grant-Agronomy
Atlantic Richfield Foundation – Engineering: Chemical, Electrical, Engineering Science Lab, Minority
Engineering Program, Women’s Engineering Program, LAS: Chemistry, Geology
Central Illinois Public Serivce Company – Electrical Engineering Power Affiliates Program
Continental Illinois National Bank – Assistantship in Economic Geography, renewals 1976-1979
Dow Chemical USA – Black Engineering Program, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……69
Eastman Kodak Company – Electrical Engineering, graduate fellowships in Nick Holonyak’s area of research
Kodak/Employe Alumni undergraduate scholarships
Exxon Education Foundation – Dept of Chemical Engineering & Dept of Civil Engineering
Exxon USA Foundation – Mechanical Engineering, Geology, Law
Ford Foundation – study of trends in expenditures for education
Ford Motor Company – Engineering, enrollment of minorities & women
General Electric Foundation – Physics, Chemical & Electrical Engineering
Graduate Grants for Chemical Engineering
General Mills Foundation – Dept of Food Science
Illinois Power Company – Electrical Engineering Power Affiliates Program
International Business Machines Corporation – Engineering affirmative action programs
Engineering – Industrial Affiliates Program in Physical Electronics
Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Company – Engineering Power Affiliates Program
Lois & Samuel Silberman Fund – support for study Social Work Records: An Exploratory Study of Recordkeeping in Representative Agencies
Lubrizol Foundation – Lubrizol Foundation Fellowship in the School of Chemical Sciences
McGraw-Edison Company – Dept of Ceramic Engineering, ceramic & glassy dielectrics for transformer
National Foundation March of Dimes – final payment grant 5-109
Final payment grant 1-620
Price Waterhouse & Co – Dept of Accountancy, 5-years, $100,000
Sargent & Lundy – Electrical Engineering Power Affiliates Program
Schlumberger Foundation – Engineering, undergraduate merit scholarship, Schlumberger Collegiate Award
Shell Companies Foundation – Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, graduate teaching & research
Engineering, faculty development
Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, graduate student grant
Shell Unit renewal, general faculty development & student aid
Sybron Corporation – alumni contribution, Marshall L Hyman
Underwriters Laboratories Inc – Unrestricted, appreciation for assistance during recruitment
UOP Foundation – undergraduate scholarships, Chemical Engineering, U-C & Chicago Circle
Western Electric – Engineering, Community College Articulation Program
Wisconsin Power & Light Company – Electrical Engineering Power Affiliates Program
Other materials
Request for copies of gift letters
Report on the 1978-79 DuPont University Science & Engineering Grant in Mechanical Engineering, a
continuing grant over nearly a decade
Report on the Shell Aids program funds
Cover letter for the report (not attached) on the usage of the 1978-79 Union Carbide Unrestricted Grant to the
Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. This year’s recipients of Union Carbide Industrial
Fellowships are Thomas E Rogers & Kim M Tingley
Grants – NSF
$27,500-acquisition of 4-Helium Recovery System, Ansel C Anderson
$25,800-acquisition of Data Acquisition Systems for Experimental Studies in Nucleonics, Bernard W Wehring
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……70
$12,980-Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, Antineoplastic Substances in Marine Sponges & Algae, Kenneth
L Rinehart
$12,000-acquisition of Specialized Research Equipment for Composite Materials Research, S S Wang
$48,800-Establishment of a combined energy-dispersive—wavelength-dispersive electron microprobe, David E
Anderson, Philip A Sandberg, PI’s
$41,090-Studies in computer induction & plausible inference, RS Michalski PI
$11,005-acquisition of a Computer System, Robert P Futrelle
$41,642-Two-phase reactive fluid mechanics w/radioactive transport, Herman Krier, Richard O Buckius PI’s
$20,000-acquisition of instructional scientific equipment, Charles A Cain
Additional $33,993-Research in combinatorial algorithms, Chung L Liu, E M Reingold & David A Plaisted PI’s
$6,995-Language universals & relational grammar, Peter Cole PI
$16,200-Relative equilibria of the N-body problem, Julian I Palmore PI
Additional $24,500-Interactions of microbial cohabitants & their ecosystems, Robert B Hespell PI
$14,242-Theoretical issues in natural language processing: an interdisciplinary conference, David L Waltz PI
$97,700-Evaluation of liquefaction potential of saturated granulate soils, Jamshid Ghaboussi PI
$24,615-acquisition of a spectrometer, Lloyd Barr PI
$11,400-Plato lesson modules for biomedical instrumentation, Joseph M Crowley PI
$168,800-Low level convergence & the prediction of convective precipitation, Bernice Ackerman, Stanley A
Changnon PI’s
$144,000-Theoretical studies in chemical kinetics & related problems, Rudolph A Marcus PI
Letter of congratulations to:
Richard C Alkire for additional funding-Electrochemical engineering studies on high-rate processes
C Ladd Prosser for additional funding-Comparative physiology of temperature adaptation
Paul Handler for additional funding-DEMO-graphics teaching population dynamics in a multidisciplinary
framework w/interactive visual graphics
Edward W Voss for additional funding-Psychomimetic drugs: immunological aspects & mode of actim
Larry N Vanderhoef for additional funding-Hormonal regulation of growth
Sherman D Brown funding-Delayed failure & aging of melt-sprayed ceramic-metal bonds in physiological
Geoffrey J D Hewings funding-Space-time employment modeling
Michael B Pursley funding-Theory of informational transmission & processing
James H Davis for additional funding-Group decision making & problems solving
Jack M Widholm funding-Control of amino acid biosynthesis in mutant plant cell cultures
Robert Ferber funding-Consumer financial behavior
John B Hanson for additional funding-Structural organization of chloroplast membranes
Arthur L Friedberg for additional funding-Application of materials science of refractory metal carbides to
wear in cemented carbides cutting tools
Charles J Arntzen for additional funding-Structural organization of chloroplast membranes
Thomas A DeTemple for additional funding-Excitation & relaxation studies of molecular lasers
Paul D Coleman for additional funding-Excitation & relaxation studies of molecular lasers
Su-Tzai Soong funding-Interaction between cumulus clouds & the large-scale fields
Yoshimitsu Ogura funding-Interaction between cumulus clouds & the large-scale fields
Tuan-hua David Ho funding-Action of hormones in plant development
Frederick Meins fund-Heritable, epigenetic changes in cultured tobacco cells
Hamish L Fraser & Charles A Wert funding-Precipitation processes in refractory metal-interstitial systems
using analytical electron microscopy
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……71
$1,095-dissertation research in Anthropology, Frederick K Lehman advisor, Romy Borooah student
Letters of congratulations to:
Michael B Pursley funding-Design & analysis of periodic sequences
Dilip V Sarwate funding-Design & analysis of periodic sequences
Richard P Wool funding-Molecular mechanics of polymers by dynamic infrared methods
Russell S Drago funding-Quantitative investigations of chemical reactivity
Gregory S Whitt additional funding-Differential expression of homologous genes during development
$131,200-Hydrometeorologic studies of urban water resources problems, Stanley A Changnon, Floyd A Huff,
William C Ackerman
Letter of congratulations-Dennis Eberl additional funding-Synthesis & metamorphism of clays: hydrothermal
kinetic studies
$11,250-Spermamtogenesis in putatively primitive bryophytes, Zane B Carothers
$62,600-The role of airborne alkaline materials in determining precipitation acidity, Donald F Gatz, Gary J
$7,900-acquisition of specified equipment
$20,000-acquisition of specified equipment
$20,000-acquisition of specified equipment
$67,281-Effect of contrail cirrus on surface weather conditions in the Midwest, Stanley A Changnon, Richard G
Semonin, Wayne M Wendland
Letters of congratulations:
Yoshimitsu Ogura additional funding
Robert B Wilhelmson funding-A numerical investigation of local convective storms
George H Miley funding-Mechanisms for nuclear-pumped lasers
Roger A Schmitz funding-Oscillatory catalytic reactions & their kinetic models
$77,400-Increased ion absorption rates induced by washing of root tissue, J B Hanson
$97,400-Biogenesis of plant cell walls, David B Dickinson
$8,803-dissertation research in Anthropology, Charles M Keller advisor, Sally McBrearty student
$11,700-Theoretical studies of the structure & evolution of close binary systems, Ronald F Webbink
Letter of congratulations-John E Walsh funding-Quantification of short-term climatic fluctuations & large-scale
climate-crop relationships
$9,400-dissertation research in Anthropology, F K Lehman, advisor
Letter of congratulations-Charles E Kozoll funding-Planning a citizens scientists information exchange system
$50,000-Biochemical systematics & allelic distributioning hypera complex, Douglas K Sell
$45,000-Origin & evolutionary history of aconitum noveboracense, David A Young
$3,962-dissertation research in Anthropology, Harold M Ross advisor, Susan D Russell student
Letter of congratulations-Peter G Debrunner additional funding$100,200-Assessment of effect & predictability of climate fluctuations as related to agricultural production,
Floyd A Hurr, James C Neill
Letters of congratulations:
Hans Frauenfelder additional funding, project unspecified
Takashi Sasamori funding-An investigation of the stationary trough over the U S continent during winter
$95,607-Application of materials science of refractory metal carbides to wear in cemented carbide cutting tools,
Arthur L Friedberg
Letters of congratulations:
Frederick V Lawrence funding-Evaluation of the fracture behavior of concretes w/the J-integral
Clyde E Kesler funding-Evaluation of the fracture behavior of concretes w/the J-integral
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……72
$143,700-Economic model selection & estimation procedures, George G Judge, Takamitsu Sawa, Thomas A
Letters of congratulations:
R Rango Rao funding-Representations of semi-simple lie groups
Haskell P Rosenthal funding-Functional analysis: structure theory of linear spaces
Clifford E Dykstra funding-Self-consistent electron pair theory
$41,900-Improvements & maintenance of the chill radar, Eugene A Mueller
Letters of congratulations:
Tommy Phillips funding-The quantitative analysis of Pennsylvanian coal vegetation in relation to coal
J F Young funding-Creep & drying shrinkage of Portland cement pastes
Kevin E Trenbreth funding-Predictability of short-term climate fluctuations
James W Truran funding-Research in nuclear astrophysics
Timothy N Trick funding-An investigation of new structure for integrated sampled-data filters
Kenneth Kaufmann funding-Excited state dynamics of chlorophyll
Icko Iben funding-Studies in stellar structure & evolution
Harald G Niederreiter funding-Statistical tests for pseudo-random numbers
Daniel S Watanabe funding-1979 Signum meeting-numerical ordinary differential equations, UI, Apr 3-5, 1979
J D McDonald funding-Experimental investigation of internal energy distributions of reaction products
David G Ravenhall funding-Theoretical particle physics
Steven B Banks funding-Differential equations in the complex domain & Nevanlinna theory
Gordon A Baym funding-Properties of solid & many particle systems
Timothy N Trick additional funding
Michael M Chen funding-The influence of microconvection on heat & mass transfer in non-dilute dispersed
two phase flows
$82,034-Computational methods for nonlinear programming & optimal control, Dimitri Bertsekas
Letters of congratulations:
Man-Kin Mak funding-Dynamics of monsoonal circulation
Peter W Price funding-Interactions of plants, herbivores & enemies of herbivores
Kung C Yeh funding-Propagation & excitation of gravity waves & their interaction w/the ionosphere
Nelson J Leonard funding-Cross-linking reactions & rearrangements of nucleic acid bases
Irving Reiner funding-Representation theory, algebraic number theory, ring theory, commutative algebra, &
algebraic groups
Leroy T Boyer funding-Undergraduate research participation
James W Westwater funding-The quenching method for boiling measurements
Richard J Gaylord funding-Studies of the strain-induced crystallization of crosslinked polymers
Carl J Alstetter funding-Hydrogen embrittlement in the iron-nickel-chromium system
John E Walsh funding-A data-based study of the atmospheric response to large-scale sea ice fluctuations
Thomas J Hanratty funding-Two-phase flow
Jiri Jonas funding-Wide-bore superconducting magnet for NMR studies at high pressure
William T Greenough funding-A unified anatomical approach to memory
William L McMillan funding-Structural phase transitions & high temperature superconductors
David S Seigler funding-Biosynthesis of cyanolipids & related glycosides
Samuel Kaplan funding-Regulation of bacterial chromatophore formation
Galen D Stucky funding-Structure & chemistry of main group & early transition metal organometallic
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……73
Chalmers F Sechrist funding-Theoretical & lidar studies of dynamical influences in the atmospheric sodium
$239,800-Study of reactions & transport in thin solid films by the combined application of complementary
analytical techniques, Charles A Evans
Letters of congratulations:
Sidney A Bowhill funding-Studies of ionospheric dynamics by incoherent scatter
James B Kaler funding-The composition & evolution of planetary nebulae
Thomas O Baldwin funding-Structure of bacterial luciferase
Massimo Altarelli funding-Theory of the response of solids & solid surfaces to electromagnetic radiation
Arthur L Friedberg funding-Acquisition of ceramic research equipment: Plasma arc spraying facility &
mechanical tester
$34,000-Synthesis & secretion of insulin in altered beta cells, William B Rhoten
$131,400-Interaction between squall lines & the larger-scale circulations, John M Lewis
$41,600-Structure of the planetary boundary layer over a complex meso-region, Bernice Ackerman
Letters of congratulations:
Gert Ehrlich funding-Reaction & diffusion on metal surfaces
Mete A Sozen funding-Effects of earthquake motions on reinforced concrete buildings
Edward C Olson funding-A search for eruptive mags transfer in algol-like eclipsing binary systems
C J Pethick funding-Quantum liquids
Victoro D Ramirez funding-Neuroendocrine control of Lh-Rh secretion during development
James P Wolfe additional funding-Infrared imaging & spectroscopy of the electron-hole liquid in germanium
Peter G Debrunner funding-Photosynthetic reaction centers: A Mossbauer study of the ferroquinone complex
William D Watson funding-Theory of the interstellar medium
Eric Oldfield funding-Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the model & biological membranes
Don C Devault funding-Biological reactions of less than microsecond halftimes
Amount unclear-Ninth international congress of carboniferous stratigraphy & geology, Urbana may 21-25,
1979, Jack A Simon
$86,700-Luminescence & laser studies in III-V semiconductors, Nick Holonyak
Letters of congratulations:
Peter Axel funding-Superconducting electron accelerators & nuclear physics research
Michael Salmon funding-Developmental & genetic studies of crustacean displays
Larry R Faulkner funding-The creation & destruction of excited states by electron transfer
Ralph S Wolfe funding-Methyl-transfer reactions in methanogens & acetogens
Willis H Flygare funding-High resolution microwave spectroscopy
Saul Blumenthal funding-Statistical methods for incomplete & truncated data
Donald Q Lamb funding-Astrophysical applications of microscopic & many-body physics
$60,000-A spectral domain approach for solving electromagnetic radiation & scattering problems, Raj Mittra
Letters of congratulations:
William W Boone funding-Logic & group theory
David G Ravenhall funding-Theoretical particle & nuclear physics
Robert J Turnbull funding-Generation of charged drops of insulating liquids by electrostatic spraying
Constantin A Rebeiz funding-Chlorophyll biosynthesis: the reactions between MG-protoporphyrin monoester
& protochlorophyllide
Franco P Preparata funding-Complexity of computer computations
Fakhri A Bazzaz funding-Collaborative studies on genetic polymorphism & niche width in phlox
William Lee Johnson funding-Prospects for development of day care for the aged: Champaign County, Illinois
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……74
V R Pandharipande funding-Microscopic theory of nuclei, nuclear, & neutron star matter
Gregorio Weber funding-Acquisition of updating in-line computing facilities
Equipment for the project Low level convergence & the prediction of convective precipitation, Bernice
Ackerman, Stanley A Changnon
$28,000-Low level convergence & the prediction of convective precipitation, Stanley A Changnon, Bernice
Letters of congratulations:
Gert Ehrlich funding-Atomic exploration of crystal surfaces
Linda E R Maxson funding-Evolutionary & systematic studies in amphibians using molecular probes
$21,900-for support of the NSF Minority Graduate Fellows for 1978-79
Letters of congratulations:
Gholampreza Mesri funding-Consolidation, swelling, creep & deterioration of clays & shales
Olke Uhlenbeck funding-Structure & function of T4 polynucleotide kinase
J D McDonald funding-Experimental investigation of internal energy distributions of reaction products
H S Gutowsky funding-Acquisition of Mossbauer instrumentation
Gary B Schuster funding-Investigation of chemical light formation
Thomas B Rauchfuss funding-Reactions of coordinated sulfur ligands
Marvin P Bryant funding-Fatty & aromatic acid catabolizingi bacteria in methanogenic ecosystems
Irwin C Gunsalus funding-Metabolic plasmids: structure, transfer & expression
Miles V Klein funding-Light scattering studies in semiconductors & disordered solids
David Chandler funding-Theory of solvent effects on chemical equilibria & the conformational structures of
small chain molecules
$72,000-Plant response to low water potentials, John S Boyer
Letters of congratulations:
John S Walker funding-Industry/university cooperative program (IUC) – theoretical studies of
magnetohydrodynamic flows
Earl R Berkson funding-Functional analysis & operator theory
Kuo Tsai Chen funding-Algebraic topology & differential forms
Henry Merkelo funding-Low-intensity, picosecond probing of the photosynthetic apparatus
Chung L Liu funding-Acquisition of computer science & computer engineering research equipment
David W Plath funding-Doctoral dissertation research in Anthropology
Robert A Wijsman funding-Statistics: Inference, invariance, & Martingales
$24,640-Planning a citizens/scientific information exchange system, Charles E Kozoll
$55,000-Acquisition of ceramic research equipment: plasma arc spraying facility & mechanical tester
Letters of congratulations:
Jahangir Rastegar funding-Research initiation – structural characteristics of the human ankle joint
Joseph Shaeiwitz funding-Research initiation – diffusion coefficients & electrophoretic mobilities of charged
surfactant aggregates
Stephen J Randtke funding-Research initiation – formation & control of total organic chlorine in water
$42,138-Interactions of plants, herbivores & enemies of herbivores, Peter W Price
$2,571,457 Master Grant for projects on attached list
$31,192-Mathematical programming decomposition models for the resource-allocating organization, Wayne J
$122,700 Master Grant for projects listed on reverse side
$42,100-The phoretic scavenging of aerosol particles in clouds, Kenneth V Beard
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……75
Letters of congratulations:
Elias C Aifantis funding-Continuum theory of material damage
Douglas P Looze funding-Research initiation-aggregated hierarchical control
Fred A Leckie funding-Computer-aided graphics for mechanical design
Telemachos Mouschovias funding-Theoretical studies of interstellar gas dynamics & star formation in the
presence of magnetic fields
Antony R Crofts funding-The mechanism of photosystem II
Haydn H Chen funding-Research initiation – the extended x-ray absorption fine structure (exafs) study of
point defect arrangements in wustite & magnesio-wustite
Ronald D Matthews funding-Research initiation – experimental & theoretical investigation of synthetic
polymer ignition
John H Walter funding-Group theory
David J Kuck funding-Optimization of virtual memory & multiprocessor performance
Lee A Hollaar funding-Continued analysis & development of specialized backend processors for very large
text database
David W Plath funding-Doctoral dissertation research in Anthropology
William T Petuskey funding-Research initiation – electrochemical corrosion of silicon carbide in molten lead
Lynn McLinden funding-Applications of convex analysis to topic in optimization
Donald M Ginsberg funding-Magnetic impurities in superconductors
Hans Frauenfelder funding-Parity nonconservation in the strong interaction
Richard M Crutcher funding-Radio & optical studies of interstellar clouds
David E Anderson funding-Transport phenomena in subsurface pore fluids
James W Westwater funding-Fins for boiling heat transfer
Jonathan Arazy funding-Functional analysis: operator theory, Banach space structure theory, & integration
Leonard J Mirman funding-Strategic behavior & fixed costs in dynamic economic models
Floyd Dunn funding-Interaction of ultrasound & biological media
Yukweng Lin funding-Structural response under random wind loading
Philip Smith funding-Acquisition of fiber optic illuminators for systematic biology
Samuel Kaplan funding-Bacterial chromatophore formation
Richard C Alkire funding-Initiation & transient development of crevice corrosion: experimental studies &
transport analysis
Dwayne C Savage funding-Acquisition of a scintillation counter
Cameron B Satterthwaite funding-Superconductivity in metal-hydrogen systems
Bruce C Berndt funding-Conjectures based upon Ramanujan’s Notebooks on number theory
$15,000-Physical properties & evolution of galactic nebular complexes, Helene M Dickel
$92,200-Techniques to evaluate operational weather modification projects: Part II, Stanley A Changnon
Letters of congratulations:
Lee A Rubel funding-Rings & spaces of analytic & continuous functions
Kenneth M Yoss funding-Radial velocities of G & E giants lying more than 500 PC above the galactic plane
J P Young funding-Improvement of strength development of Portland cement
Ansel C Anderson funding-A low temperature investigation of amorphous materials
Frederick A Leckie funding-Continuum damage mechanics, fracture mechanics, & constitutive equations at
elevated temperatures
$275,580 for additional support of the amendments for projects on the attached Master Grant Project list
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……76
Letters of congratulations:
Walter V Philipp funding-Probability theory & related parts of analysis
Robert J Lambert funding-Genetic & chromosomal testers stocks of maize
Myron B Salamon funding-Comparative multicritical point measurements on ordered & disordered materials
George W Swenson funding-Research in radio astronomy
Rajni Govindjee funding-Maganese of oxygen evolution during photosynthesis: use of NMR & ESR
Wilson H Tang funding-Risk methodologies in getechnical design of offshore structures
Colin P Flynn funding-Interdisciplinary program of materials research
$305,820-Low level convergence & the prediction of convective precipitation, Bernice Ackerman & Stanley A
Letters of congratulations:
Wolfgang Haken funding-Three-dimensional topology & combinatorial group theory
Elias C Aifantis funding-Thermomechanical response of fluid-infiltrated fissured rock
Harold G Diamond funding-Number theory & related parts of analysis
$35,000-Analysis of conditioned fear states, Robert W Hendersen
Letters of congratulations:
Andrew V Granato funding-Defect interactions in crystals
Paul E Saylor funding-Analysis of approximate factorizations: the Iterative solution of nonsymmetric &
symmetric indefinite linear algebraic systems
Richard C Alkire additional funding-Electrochemical engineering studies on high-rate processes
Lewis E Snyder funding-Radio observations of interstellar clouds, circumstellar shells, & comets
Grants – Proposals
IBHE Request for Proposal – Sanitation Training Program, & announcement of a bidders conference Jul 10,
1978 in Springfield
Letters advising that the Assoc of American Medical Colleges Women in Medicine proposal has not been
approved for funding by FIPSE
Copy of grant application to HEW for the Child Welfare Research & Demonstration Grant – Collaborative
Research Project
Memo on indirect costs for projects as of Jul 1, 1979 or later
Information on the Metropolitan Life Educational Grant program
Memo on lead time for processing proposals to external sponsors
Announcement letter from the NRC Commission on Human Resources for the 1979 NRC Research
Associateship Programs
Copy of a proposal to the Metropolitan Life Educational Grant program for a grant of $12,000 to establish the
Gilbert W Fitzhugh Lectureship in the Dept of Computer Science
Information on the American Gas Assoc undergraduate financial aid program
W E Stallman comments on his review of the School of Music grant proposal to the National Institute of
Education Resources Information Center for Arts & Aesthetic Education as it relates to a need for space
Chancellor Gerberding letter of support for a proposal to FIPSE for UIUC’s participation as a site for one of the
workshops for the program Women in Medicine: A Focus on an Educational Planning & Career
Decision Making (this is a resubmission of an earlier proposal which was not funded)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……77
Letter from HEW Bureau of Education for the Handicapped advising that an application for assistance was not
selected for support
Copy of a draft of the proposal for the Advanced Control Technology Research Lab, proposed by Engineering
to the U S Environmental Protection Agency
Grievance Procedures
Joseph H Smith proposed revision of Section C. Formal Grievance Review Procedures, of Administrative
Procedures for Grievances & Complaints Alleging Discrimination – All Students. The revision attempts
to clarify the time limit for informal procedures. This is approved by Chancellor Gerberding & President
Health Professions Information
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Advisory Comm to the Health Professions Information
Office 1978-79
Information on acceptance of UIUC students to American medical schools & a copy of the November 1978
edition of Advisor Information Service from the Assoc of American Medical Schools w/data on the
1978-79 entering class
Julian Frankenberg sends information on the 1978-79 entering class to admissions committees of medical
schools. Copy of a reply letter from Gerald S Gotterer of Rush Medical College which shows that UIUC
is first in a ranking of a sum of MCAT scores. This letter is shared w/Chancellor Gerberding, his reply.
Acknowledgement of receipt of the entering class information from UCLA
Copy of the Mar 1979 CAAHP News, (for members of the Central Assoc of Advisors for the Health
Professions, Inc), which includes a letter from Julian Frankenberg
Letter announcing the opening of the U of Dominica School of Medicine in Dominica, West Indies
Agenda for the 10th Annual Meeting of the Central Assoc of Advisors for the Health Professions, May 3-5,
1979 in Rochester, Minnesota
Health Service – Fees
Correspondence concerning the issue of the $1 increase in student health fees for 1979-80, & the issue of
second trimester abortion as one of the coverages. Copy of the Board of Trustees item approved at the
Apr 20, 1979 mtg, Student Health Insurance Fee, which approved the $1 increase
Health Service – McKinley Health Center
Stanley R Levy letter which responds to a recent Daily Illini Opinions letter which noted a one day lag between
the beginning of New Student Week & the opening of McKinley. Steps will be taken to insure that in
future McKinley will be open at the same time New Student Week begins
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the McKinley Health Center Advisory Board 1978-79
Christmas Holiday schedule for McKinley
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……78
Laura Rubinson is asked to serve on the Advisory Board of Trustees
A Travel Summary – Health Hints & Medications
Staff Procedures for Students in Need of Emergency Mental Treatment
Health Service – Physical Exams
Minutes of a Meeting to Discuss Physical Examinations Required for Employment at UIUC Mar 1, 1979
Draft of Form Letter to be Used by Health Service advising of results of physical exams
Schedule of holidays for FY1979, & memo on Memorial Day from the President’s Office
Donald F Wendel reply to a question from Professor Michael Grossman about exchanging the Friday of Spring
Vacation for the single work now scheduled between Christmas & New Year’s
Hugh Satterlee advises about a call from a faculty member who has had to postpone an exam due the Jewish
Correspondence related to the Christmas holiday period 1978, which will have to include one work day due to
the number of holidays available. Poll taken of alternatives by means of Communication No 44 of Feb
16, 1978. Chancellor Gerberding May 1, 1978 Deans, Directors memo advising that there will be one
work day, which may be taken as vacation or without pay
Christmas Holiday schedule for McKinley Health Center
Deans, Directors memo on a correction in the 1978-79 Administrative Calendar of the day the campus will
observe Memorial Day, which will be May 28, not May 30
Correspondence concerning activity on campus during the 1978 Christmas holiday period, to & from Donald F
Wendel’s office, mainly re: housing, the Wesleyan Church Conference, services, building hours
Correspondence concerning the Christmas-New Year schedule for 1979-80. Copy of President John Corbally’s
letter stating approval
Holidays for FY1980
Copy of item AC.79.9 approved by the U-C Senate, Status of Nonacademic Holidays in Relation to
Instructional Days
Honorary Degrees
Chancellor Gerberding expresses a concern about language in the recent Request for Recommendations for
Honorary Degrees, which mentions contributions in scholarly research. He wonders about this in
relation to politicians or artists. Attached statement of criteria from 1973. He notes that its first
paragraph seems a better statement of criteria that the recent Request
Correspondence & documents related to the selection of the honorary degree recipients for awarding at the May
1979 Commencement: Philip Handler, Hamilton O Smith, & Eudora Welty. Copies of the approved
Senate & Board of Trustees items
Honors Programs
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……79
The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs once again delegates the authority for appointing the Campus
Honors Council & the Committee on Off-Campus Awards to the Director of Campus Honors Programs
Letters of thanks to those who assisted w/the Fulbright-Hays competition
Correspondence concerning enforcement of the housing regulation for students & the current crisis in certified
housing for Fall 1978
Copy of Stanley R Levy’s remarks to the Resident Director Workshop, Aug 7, 1978
Correspondence concerning the problem of Housing admitting individuals to student-staff housing before they
are either students or staff members, without guarantees of payment. Morton Weir’s suggested solution
Paul J Doebel sends Chancellor Gerberding documents to brief him on University owned housing for faculty &
staff, including the Erlanger house
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Housing Appeals Committee for 1978-79
Copy of brochure, Welcome to Food & Residential Services
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Housing Discrimination Comm for the terms listed
Approval of a request to by the Student Chapter of ASCE build a wheelchair ramp at the north entrance to
Weston Hall
Housing statistics for the first semester 1978-79 & a copy of the first semester enrollment analysis
Stanley Levy provides information on the National Information Center of the National Assoc of College &
University Residence Halls (NACURH), Inc, which is housed at UIUC as part of its rotation at member
Correspondence concerning the operation of a convenience outlet at the Orchard Downs housing complex. It
will operate for 12 months, after which a review will be made
Correspondence concerning a complaint from student Bruce A Gebhart about the lack of storm windows at
Orchard Apartments. He sent his letter to Senator Charles Percy, who sent it on the President Corbally.
Review by Housing & O & M of energy costs for Joseph F Green at the Office of Capital Programs.
Discussion of the need for a major remodeling program to resolve this problem
Memo on changes related to certified housing inspections
Information on Europa House & the European Tour in response to a request from Mabel Goehring of
Westmoreland, Kansas
Memo on procedures for provision of emergency housing for persons referred from local community service
Correspondence & documents related to a proposed increase in rates for University-operated housing for
FY1980. Copy of the Board of Trustees item approved at the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Rate Increases for
University-Operated Housing Facilities, Medical Center & Urbana
Housing Statistics Second Semester 1978-79
Stanley R Levy letter assuring Clay Barnard, David Bechtel & John Scouffas the resignation of Chancellor
Gerberding does not affect the work of their Task Force groups studying University housing
Response to Trustee Lenz’s request to recapitulate the experience w/the assignment of students to residence
halls & other certified housing for Fall 1978
Draft of a Policy Statement-Housing Division Cost Accounting, Jun 22, 1979
Correspondence & documents related to the Stanley Levy’s appointment of three housing task forces in Sep
1978 & their findings. Letters requesting those listed to serve on the Special Task Force on the Resident
Director & the Special Task Force on the Student Affairs Organization in the Housing Division. A third
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……80
task force studied the scope & mission of the Housing Division. Report of May 23, 1979 on Housing
space used by administrative units. Copy of the report of the Task Force on the Scope & Mission of the
Housing Division, May 1979. Copy of a news release announcing changes in the structure & operation
of the Housing Division being contemplated as a result of the findings of these Task Forces &
summarizing the recommendations of each one
Housing – Married Student Housing
Letter requesting those listed to accept appointments to the Married Students Advisory Committee for 1977-78
academic year
Human Relations & Equal Opportunity (HREO)
Copy of document, Sexual Harassment: Fact of Life or Violation of Law? University Liability Under Title IX,
prepared by Alexandra Polyzoides Buek for the National Advisory Council on Women’s Educational
Programs, Jul 1, 1978
Michele M Thompson provides information in response to a request from Dean Barringer in the President’s
Office for a summary of Urbana campus affirmative action accomplishments since 1975
Craig Bazzani is appointed to serve as a member of the University Council on Equal Opportunity for 1978-79
or until a successor is appointed, replacing Dean Barringer
Announcement from the American Council on Education of regional meetings to assist institutions w/their
response to new affirmative action plan requirements from the Dept of Labor
Information on a State bill to establish an Illinois Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (3202), to be
signed by Governor Thompson Sep 16, 1978. It is uncertain whether this will cover universities
Copy of Federal Register, Sep 22, 1978 Part V, Dept of Labor, Wage & Hour Division, Age Discrimination in
Employment Act, Employee Benefit Plans
Request for a clarification of policy for “resident aliens” concerning counting them toward meeting the
University’s minority or female goals & timetables during their first year on campus
Revised & corrected version of the campus statement regarding nondiscrimination
Copy of tables, Faculty Count 1975 & 1977, & Tenured & Tenure Track Ranks 1967-1977 by College
HEW document, [45 CFR Part 86], Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs & Activities
Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance. HEW proposes to revoke a subparagraph of
its Title IX Regulation which lists codes of personal appearance as an example of sex discrimination
Copies of report tables on trend data on minority & female academic staff, provided in response to a request
from Joseph H Smith
Joseph H Smith response to a letter from Kathleen Block apparently concerning defamatory remarks by a Mr
U S Dept of Agriculture regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as
amended, which prohibits (w/certain exceptions) sex discrimination in federally-assisted education
programs & activities, effective Apr 11, 1979
Information on the University Council on Equal Opportunity (copy of 1970 charge letter-not attached) & the
Board of Trustees Committee on Affirmative Action, from Michele M Thompson to Professor Amassa
C Fauntleroy
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……81
Copies of information from the Federal Register Apr 20, 1979, Final Guidelines on Discrimination Because of
Sex, & Addition of Questions & Answers Concerning the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Public Law
95-555, 92 Stat. 2076 (1978)
Copy of proposed regulations, Federally Assisted Education Programs, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex,
Veterans Administration, Federal Register Apr 25, 1979
Copy of a poster issued by the U S Dept of Labor, describing the change to age 70 for those protected by the
Age Discrimination in Employment Act & information on the procedure for complaints
HREO – Affirmative Action (2 folders)
Information in response to a request from Michele M Thompson, Summary List of Nonacademic Affirmative
Action Highlights Since 1975
Copy of the Monthly Report, June 1978, Affirmative Action Nonacademic Office, w/attached handwritten notes
Cover letter & copy of Illinois House Bill 3202, which proposes creation of a Dept of Equal Employment
Opportunity. Michele Thompson asks Craig Bazzani what, if anything, is planned to counter the
proposals of this bill
Raymond Leuthold is designated to serve as academic affirmative action officer for the College of Agriculture
Michele Thompson thanks James Collier for a copy of the letter & questionnaire devised by Bonnie Ritter at the
U of Kansas for employee exit interviews
University Counsel James J Costello advises on the proposed Board of Trustees resolution w/regard to the
Bakke case, which will be considered at the September 1978 meeting
Michele Thompson responds to a memo from Robert W Ethridge, Region V Director of the American Assoc for
Affirmative Action, & his request for suggestions concerning a Regional Conference
1977-78 Nonacademic Affirmative Action Compliance Program Progress Report
Update on Ongoing Work & Projects in Affirmative Action from the Director of Affirmative Action
Michele Thompson replies to a memo from Edwin L Goldwasser w/his thoughts about the increasing
bureaucracy of affirmative action
Michele Thompson briefing memo for Chancellor Gerberding on the Memorandum for: College & University
Presidents issued by Richard J Devine, Dept of Labor. This memo sets out the format for development
of affirmative action plans for institutions of higher education. A copy of the Devine memo, which is
sent to Donald Wendel for his information
Cover memo & announcement of the campus Academic Affirmative Action Workshop to be held Nov 9-10,
Correspondence concerning the implementation of the Information Science system (InSci) for the University.
Michele Thompson’s objections & list of problems, Oct 5, 1978. Charles F McGee of Personnel
Services memo on data elements for InSci, Oct 25, 1978. James Ransom memo on the InSci package –
Continuous Employment History (CEH) Files, responding to a question from Craig Bazzani, on
elements which must be captured for affirmative action reporting purposes which are not now on the
InSci CEH tapes. Attached are what appear to be a review of the codes & adjustments that need to be
made in them
Workforce Analysis – Academic Employees, Nov 20, 1978, from the VC for Administrative Affairs. Utilization
Analysis – Academic Employees by Department, Nov 20, 1978. Appendix C: Tenure Codes &
Calculations. Appendix D: Salary Codes & Calculation. Appendix F: Job Groups. Appendix G:
Discipline Groups. Appendix I: Race-Ethnic & Sex Codes
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……82
Document, specific pages copied which include a section II. The Office for Civil Rights regulates National
Public Radio & public Telecommunications
Affirmative Action Guidelines & Procedures for Academic Positions, Nov 1978?
University Counsel Donald A Henss comments on his review of Executive Orders of Governor Thomas J
Meskill of Connecticut, which apparently have to do w/affirmative action & are being questioned as part
of some contract between UI & the U of Connecticut. He recommends that the contracts officer at the U
of Connecticut be informed that the contract is not acceptable if these orders are included
Notice that the Dept of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is rescinding the portion of the
Richard Devine memo of Aug 1978 which specified the time periods for which supporting information
& data should be retained
Michele Thompson provides reports on trend data on minority & female academic staff for Joseph H Smith,
Feb 5, 1979
Notice of a meeting of the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee scheduled for Feb 28, 1979
Mobay Chemical Corporation request for a signature as assurance for their recruiting that the University
complies w/affirmative action policies
Donald Wendel counsel Joseph H Smith against general distribution of the attached article from the February
1979 EEO Report about the recently implemented Federal EEOC Guidelines on Affirmative Action
Correspondence concerning the appointment of the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, which will advise
the Director of Affirmative Action & the Chancellor on policies & practices for the campus.
Suggestions, letters to those requested to serve, acceptances. Incorrect reporting on the committee in
IlliniWeek. Joseph H Smith & James Ransom will be ex officio members
Correspondence concerning a request from Anchor Hocking for signing of certificate of compliance w/EEO
practices & similar requests for assurances from other recruiters. David Bechtel provides samples of
such letters. He notes that in future he will forward such letters to Michele Thompson. Donald A Henss
of the Office of University Counsel provides advice. After consideration, it is decided not to respond to
Anchor Hocking
Michele Thompson comments on proposed rules for 41CFR Parts 60-1, 60-2, 60-30 (Compliance
Responsibility for EEO) as published in the Federal Register Mar 20, 1979
Copy of Joseph H Smith’s summary & history of affirmative action activities at UIUC for 1963 to the present,
sent to Craig Bazzani. A copy was also sent to Robert Winter for use in preparation of the role & scope
Notice of a meeting of the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee on May 11, 1979
Vincent I West is designated Affirmative Action Officer for OIPS as of Jun 1, 1979
Report on a meeting of the Vice Chancellors’ EEO Committee w/Michele Thompson & Joseph H Smith to
discuss the responsibilities & authority of that comm related to their offices. Copies of the background
correspondence which raised this issue
Agenda & materials for the 1978 Nonacademic Affirmative Action Instructional Meeting. The date of this
meeting is not given, but the latest date on the attached materials is Sep 18, 1978. Attached documents
1 – Nonacademic Affirmative Action Office UIUC, 1978-79, Civil Service Job Classification within EEO
Code & Occupational Groupings
2 - Civilian Labor Force Study, Sep 18, 1978
3 – UU-C Nonacademic Affirmative Action Office Salary Codes
4 – Chart, Nonacademic Workforce Utilization Analysis, Goals & Timetables – UIUC
5 – UIUC Affirmative Action-Nonacademic Office, Occupational Classification, Sep 18, 1978
6 – 1978-79 Nonacademic Goals
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……83
10 – Glossary, Sep 18, 1978
HREO – Affirmative Action (Contract Compliance)
Correspondence & documents related to the Compliance Review of UIUC by the Dept of Labor Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs & the resulting Conciliation Agreement. Michele Thompson’s
Jul 14, 1978 summary of all contacts between UIUC & OFCCP which preceded the Conciliation
Agreement. She attaches a summary, correspondence, a chronology of events in the review, a copy of
the Conciliation Agreement which includes both the draft & final versions showing the points of
negotiation, the copy of the original draft sent by OFCCP, & a copy of the final version as signed on Jun
28, 1978. Morton Weir’s Communication No 68 of Aug 3, 1978 which accompanies distribution of the
Conciliation Agreement to units
Request from D M Harms for curriculum vitae for the Schools of Medical Sciences & Clinical Medicine-UC
that comply w/the requirements of the Conciliation Agreement
Donald A Henss report on his review of the Richard J Devine Memorandum for College & University
Presidents of Aug 1978, which provides the Format for the Development of an Affirmative Action
Compliance Program by Institutions of Higher Education
Applied Life Studies submits a curriculum vitae outline to comply w/the Conciliation Agreement, which
Michele Thompson would like to use as a model for other units
Cynthia Holm memo on her conversation w/Andy Neukranz regarding the nonacademic & academic reporting
Edwin L Goldwasser’s comments on the salary review procedures being developed as a response to the
Conciliation Agreement
Joseph H Smith cover letter to Morton Weir for a copy (not attached) of the most recently revised summary
form approved in accordance w/the Conciliation Agreement, which replaces Attachment III of Section
IX/B-3/a, Personnel Policies, issued Oct 28, 1977. Suggestions for additional changes
Michele Thompson cover letter for sending a copy of the Conciliation Agreement to Lenore Harmon at the U of
Copies of materials summarizing UIUC’s compliance review process are sent to Bill McCabe at the U of
Oklahoma-Health Sciences. He had read about this in a NASULGC bulletin as being a plan that could
be used as a model by other institutions
Correspondence concerning the Dept of Labor’s issuance in Nov 1978 of a listing of twenty-eight items needed
from institutions as part of a compliance review
Correspondence & documents related to the development of a system for providing the affirmative action
personnel data requirements for compliance reports & other data needs. Document, Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Automated Data Program, w/information on Information Science Inc (InSci).
Someone’s handwritten notes on data needs. Sep 6, 1978 proposal from Marie Miller of AISS for
Academic Personnel Compliance Reporting Application. Michele Thompson asks John McManus to
implement this plan. Plan to address a new directive to count minorities & female aliens who are part of
the work force. Request for funds for a portable computer terminal for Cynthia Holm. Outline of
affirmative action data needs, Jan 19, 1979
Correspondence concerning completion of the forms for the contract from Education Commission of the States
Correspondence concerning compliance w/reporting requirements for Title VI. This issue was raised in
connection w/two proposals submitted by Professors Boyce & Provenzano to the Urban Mass
Transportation Administration, University Research & Training Program, DOT. Title VI requires
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……84
submission of compliance information, including any outstanding cases alleging racial discrimination.
Correspondence between Michele Thompson & Linda Wilson on further investigating this issue.
Chancellor Gerberding writes to Secretary of Transportation Brock Adams to register concern about the
requirement to submit information on allegations of racial discrimination. Copy of the Dept of Justice
regulations, Title 28, Chapter 1, Part 42 – Nondiscrimination: EEO Policies & Procedures, Coordination
of Enforcement of Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs. Letters of May 5, 1979 from
Richard S Page & of May 31, 1979 from Gary D Gayton, both of the DOT, advise that an Interagency
Agreement recently signed between DOT & HEW regarding compliance responsibilities for institutions
of higher education, which does away w/the compliance information requirement beyond the standard
Title VI Assurance.
HREO – Affirmative Action, HEW Problems
Correspondence concerning planning for Chancellor Gerberding to meet w/Chris Cohen, Principal Regional
Officer, HEW, Region V, during his Oct 19 visit to campus. This mtg must be rescheduled when it is
learned that Chris Cohen needs to be in Washington on Oct 19. Oct 20 or 21 are possible alternatives
Copy of a letter & two appendices which constitute UIUC’s response to HEW’s Proposed Policy Interpretation
of Title IX. Appendix A – Summary Analysis of Title IX Compliance, UIUC. Appendix B – responses
to the eight questions posed in the Proposed Policy Interpretation (PPI)
HREO – Employment
Request for Positions Elsewhere to Michele Thompson from the Housing Division Dept of Staff Development
& Programming for Residence Halls for input for a Programming Resource Guide for students & staff.
She suggests a program on interviewing
Federal Register, Jul 25, 1978, part VII, EEO Commission, Recordkeeping Regulations, Proposed Revision &
Notice of Public Hearing
President John Corbally letter to Governor Thompson expressing UI’s opposition to House Bill 3202, the
Illinois EEO Act
Federal Register, Aug 25, 1978, Part IV, EEO Commission, Civil Service Commission, Dept of Labor, Dept of
Justice, Adoption by Four Agencies of Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978)
Notice that Governor Thompson is to sign HB 3202 on Sep 16, 1978. It is unclear at this time whether this will
cover universities
Joseph H Smith comments on the IBHE Statistical Report of Minority & Female Employment in Higher
Information requested by Jack Harroun at the Apr 2, 1979 EEO Awareness meeting. The attached chart
compares the representation of women & minorities in the Building Operations Dept of Operations &
Maintenance Division w/their representation in the external labor market, & w/the distribution of these
groups within pertinent job classes on campus
Request that Michele Thompson complete the evaluation form for the EEO Public Policy Symposium which
she attended
HREO – Handicapped
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……85
Copy of the proposed regulations, Veterans Administration - Nondiscrimination on Basis of Handicap in
Programs & Activities Receiving or Benefiting From Federal Financial Assistance, 38 CFR Part 18d,
from the Federal Register of May 3, 1978. Copies also of earlier legislation in this area. Dept of Labor,
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs – Affirmative Action Obligations of Contractors &
Subcontractors for Disabled Veterans & Veterans of the Vietnam Era, Title 41, Chapter 60, Part 60-250,
Federal Register June 25, 1976. Dept of Labor, Chapter 50, Part 50-250 – Veteran’s Employment
Emphasis Under Federal Contracts, Federal Register Jan 31, 1973. Document, Statutory Authority for
Veterans’ Affirmative Action Program. Summary of Affirmative Action Obligations of Contractors &
Subcontractors for Disabled Veterans & Veterans of the Vietnam Era Under the Proposed Regulations,
from the Employment Standards Administration
Copy of the form that will be used by the General University Office for applicants for academic positions,
Identification of Disabled Veterans & Veterans of the Vietnam Era
Chancellor Gerberding & Hugh G Petrie letters of support for Applied Life Studies Dean Kenneth S Clark’s
proposal (attached) for a HEW Dean’s Grant: Mainstreaming the Generalist Curricula in Health
Education, Physical Education & Recreation
Notification that a proposal to the HEW media grant program was not recommended for support
Correspondence & documents concerning a proposed change in Veterinary Medicine admission policy to
include reference to applicants w/a handicap. Legal Counsel opinion on the proposed statement Aug 29,
1978 (both Timothy Madigan & Donald Henss). Copy of the proposed statements submitted to the
College Admissions Committee Oct 27, 1978. Robert A Henderson reports on Dec 1, 1978 that the
Rehabilitation Advisory Committee reviewed this draft at its Nov 22, 1978 mtg & found no reason to
object to it
Michele Thompson responds to a query from Chancellor Gerberding about whether there is any requirement to
provide intercollegiate athletics for handicapped students. The Education Act of 1973 does not require
that opportunities be provided, but the University is required to let anyone try out to participate in
existing programs
Michele Thompson advises Paul J Doebel about her inquiries about placement of the Dispatching Center in the
location currently planned
Paul J Doebel advises Michele Thompson that he believes that the group he mentioned earlier should be called
together to advise him on safety for handicapped persons, without a draft from him at this time
Correspondence & documents related to a complaint from Alan Larson & Jim Diderich about being removed
from their seats a courtside during a basketball game & being advised that wheelchairs were not
permitted in that area. Alan Larson noticed at a later game that an honorary assistant coach in a
wheelchair was allowed in this area. Assembly Hall Director Thomas Parkinson sends Paul Doebel
background documents about this matter, including a copy of the letter written by Larlson & Diderich in
the Feb 13, 1979 Daily Illini, correspondence from Wayne Hecht & Hugh Satterlee. Parkinson provides
a defense of Assembly Hall policy, which is based mainly on safety concerns.
Correspondence & materials related to a Feb 19 & 20, 1979 campus visit by Richard Rettig & Evelyn Davila of
the Rand Corporation in connection w/a preliminary study they are conducting under contract w/HEW
on compliance procedures for Title IX. Letter from Rand to Chancellor Gerberding explaining the study.
Schedule for the visit
Correspondence & documents related to a discussion of the 1974 policy on the location of nonambulatory
students & staff in housing & other campus space. Paul Doebel called for a review of this policy in
January of 1978. Copy of the policy dated Nov 8, 1974. Copy of a draft of a proposed addition to the
Administrative Manual on this issue from J W Briscoe, which was apparently never issued. Comments
from Paul Doebel, Michele Thompson & others, who find the 1974 policy reasonable & defensible.
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……86
Michele Thompson suggests drafting a statement & then convening a group for comment. Copies of
mark-ups of the 1974 policy, & handwritten notes
Copy of Tim Nugent’s position statement for consideration by the Special Committee of the NCAA on
Athletics for the Handicapped, “NCAA Recommendations for the Implementation of Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Apr 14, 1979.” Comments from Michele Thompson & Chancellor
Warren H Glockner advises Timothy Madigan of two interpretations of the Assistant Secretary of Labor Donald
Elisburg in the E E Black, Ltd hiring discrimination case
HREO – Goals
Harold Poindexter advises James Ransom of corrections to the approved hiring goals for 1978-79 for Payroll,
Audio-Visual Aids, & General University Administration for an Administrative Assistant I
HREO – Learner/Training Program
Donald F Wendel status reports to units on their participation in the Permanent Training Program. Copy of such
reports for Communications & the Illini Union
The Storekeeper I Learner position in Central Stores is now credited as one of Administrative Services
designated Permanent Training Program slots
James Ransom reply to Lonnie Clark, confirming flexibility necessary & available for redesignating alternate
classifications for use in their Permanent Training Programs
Ernest F Clark sends attached EEO-2E report, which lists those trades w/which the University has Training
HREO – Status of Women (2 folders)
Documents noted as “1978?.” Organization & Functions – Women’s Bureau. Summary of Proposed Uniform
Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. HEW – Office of Education
A Summary of present status & recommendations for future needs of the Office for Women’s Resources &
Services. Morton Weir’s reply. Stanley Levy’s comments
Jean Somers sends those listed a copy of an article about the Geraldine Gentle Cannon law suit, “A woman’s
dream may be landmark in civil rights,” from the Jul31, 1978 Chicago Tribune. The suit was filed
against the University of Chicago & Northwestern charging sex discrimination for refusing her
admittance to medical school
Michele Thompson suggestion to Chancellor Gerberding that the Affirmative Action Office sponsor a reception
for new women faculty & administrators, & that the Academic & the Nonacademic Affirmative Action
Offices jointly sponsor a gathering of minority faculty & administrators, more organized & later in the
semester than the current annual gathering
Michele Thompson advises Chancellor Gerberding that rather than replace the Committee on the Status of
Women w/her proposed advisory, that it instead be advisory to the Affirmative Action Office. List of
her suggestions for members for this group. She will also solicit recommendations
Letter from the National Organization for Women on ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……87
Invitation to attend the second annual UI Career Day for women Nov 2, 1978
Materials related to the Feminist Scholarship 1978 interdisciplinary conference held at UIUC Feb 27-Mar 4,
1979. Brochure, announcement letters & program. Letters of appreciation from attendees, Chancellor
Gerberding reply letters. Copy of the Final Report on the conference, Nov 2, 1978
Cynthia D Holm memos on inconsistencies in the EEO-6 reports of 1975 & 1977
Draft response to the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women from Jean Somers
Dec 5, 1978 letter from Betty Forkins w/her thoughts about the future of the Committee on the Status of
Women at UIUC, Michele Thompson’s reply
Request to Chancellor Gerberding from the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women to present testimony
at their Higher Education Hearings on Nov 13 & 14, 1978 in Chicago on the progress UIUC has made in
expanding equal opportunities for women, as well the problems. They plan to have the report on the
third biennial survey of Illinois Institutions of Higher Education available at the hearings. Jean Somers
advises that Vice President R W Brady & Craig Bazzani will represent UI at the request of the
President. Michele Thompson will be present to speak to the Dept of Labor’s recent review of the UIUC
campus. Copy of the statement of Ellen Handler presented at the hearing, based on her experience w/the
grievance process for her own grievance. Copy of a summary report of the testimony provided by R W
Brady, Craig Bazzani & Michele Thompson at the hearing, “Public Hearing, Illinois Commission on the
Status of Women, Education Committee, Nov 13, 1978,” which will be published as a part of the public
record of the hearings
Marjorie A Souder is requested to serve as chair of CSW for the balance of the 1978-79 academic year. He
would like the committee to prepare recommendations on: 1) what types of issues should occupy the
concerns of the committee, 2) are these issues currently being addressed by other bodies at UIUC, &
should they be, 3) what should be the future role & function of CSW
Jean L Perry advises Rollin Wright, Head of the Dept of Physical Education, of Michele Thompson’s concern
about the sparseness of applications from women for the positions available in the dept
Jan 22, 1979 memo from Jean Somers concerning Pregnancy Benefits & Discrimination – the New 1978 Rules,
which explains the provisions of H.R. 6057, which became effective on Oct 31, 1978, the date President
Carter signed the bill. Also a discussion of Illinois law on this topic. Handwritten notes
Letters to those requested to serve on a Campus Affairs Committee on Women’s Concerns
Cynthia Holm provides reports in response to Joseph H Smith’s request for trend data on minority & female
academic staff, Feb 5, 1979
Announcement letter & brochure for the Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration Jul
1-26, 1979. Michele Thompson comments on this program for the Chancellor
Michele Thompson thanks Stanley Levy for his comments on UIUC’s attendance at the International Assoc for
Women Students annual mtg. He suggests skipping it this year, but he will bring the issue up again in
fall semester 1979-80
Michele Thompson thanks Chancellor Gerberding & Paul Riegel for sharing an unspecified report w/her. The
report described a selected number of topics dealing w/women today very well, but there was little on
women in higher education, either as faculty members or as administrators. She would like to refer it to
the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women, as many of the topics are currently on their agenda for
this year
Announcement by Glazer & Vance that Susan Margaret Vance has been appointed by President Carter to serve
as a member of the National Advisory Council on Women’s Educational Programs, Apr 1979
Michele Thompson sends her resume for consideration by the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……88
Michele Thompson is appointed to the Ruth Strang Research Committee of the National Assoc of Women
Deans, Administrators & Counselors. She advises Chancellor Gerberding that she will attend the annual
mtg of the National Assoc Apr 4-6, 1979 in Washington, D C
Copy of NASULGC publication, Women in Administration, 1978, which reports on the results of a survey
completed in 1978 by the Office of Communications Services
Jean Somers report on the activity of the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women’s Education Committee
for March & April. The Commission is in the process of distributing its Report & Recommendations to
the Governor & to the General Assembly. She encloses a copy of the section on the Education Comm
Correspondence concerning a hearing of the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women’s Committee on
Older Women & Widows to be held at UIUC on Feb 16, 1979 in the Illini Union. Mildred Barksdale,
Barbara Hundley, Boyd Jackson, & Jane W Loeb will participate for UIUC. The concern of the
committee is directed toward re-entry opportunities for women of any age, particularly homemakers,
who are re-entering formal education. Jane W Loeb sends information requested by Committee chair
Woods Bowman on graduate admissions of female applicants (table mentioned is not attached). Copy of
the preliminary report of the hearings. Betty L Hembrough plans to attend at May 15, 1979 mtg of the
Commission to which ISSC & IBHE have been invited for a discussion of this report. Jane W Loeb
writes of her concern w/the item in the report about providing credit hours for life experience
Rita Aherin is requested to serve on the CSW for the 1979-80 academic year
Correspondence related to follow up to a mtg of the Chancellor & a group of women on Apr 11, 1979 to discuss
concerns of women on campus. Joan Huber sends Chancellor Gerberding a copy of an article on the
sociology of tokenism, along w/a concern not expressed at the mtg about the lack of counseling for
women returning to study after age 25. Chancellor Gerberding replies, noting that his office will look at
this situation. Michele Thompson’s mtg follow up letter, noting concerns about the need for reminders
to administrators & supervisors of affirmative action issues & her hope that a woman will soon be
appointed to a major administrative position at UIUC. Stanley Levy advises the Chancellor that it has
been suggested that Betty Hembrough’s position be redefined to include the kind of role mentioned by
Joan Huber for counseling older women students. He later confirms that Clarence Shelley is adjusting
her job description to accommodate this role
HREO – Status of Women, Illinois Commission on the Status of Women 1977-78 Survey
Copy of the questionnaire for the Education Committee survey to determine the status of women in higher
education, Jul 1972
Report of the Education Comm of the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women, Oct 5, 1976, which
includes a preliminary report on the results of the biennial survey (Jul 1976)
Mar 3, 1977 Update to the 1976 UIUC Response to the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women Survey of
Illinois Colleges & Universities
Copy of the Jul 1978 questionnaire for the third biennial survey
Copies of data from various depts for portions of the questionnaire
The completed questionnaire is returned Aug 9, 1978. Several items were incomplete, & some of these were
mailed later that month as the data was furnished. An Aug 21, 1978 memo from Jean Somers indicates
that some information will not be available until fall, & will be forwarded to the Commission as soon as
it is available
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……89
Box 223
HREO – Title IX, HEW Interpretation (2 folders)
Correspondence about the Athletic Dept’s stand on Title IX, now the NCAA & AIAW have met & voted
Copy of article, “ISHA Tries To Comply With Title IX,” from the Jul 17, 1977 News-Gazette
Letter of Jul 24, 1978 from HEW Secretary Joseph Califano advising that Jul 21, 1978 marked the end of the
adjustment period provided for in Title IX regulations for colleges & universities to come into full
compliance w/the requirements of equal athletic opportunity for men & women students, & advising
that the Office for Civil Rights will be responding to remaining questions through policy interpretations
& a technical assistance program
Correspondence between Chancellor Gerberding & Harold Poindexter regarding the Athletic Assoc Budget
Harold Poindexter forwards information on the salaries of coaches in non-revenue sports for FY1979, which is
presented in a comparative format between men’s & women’s sports coaches, & notes if this is a
problem the format can be adjusted. Morton Weir asks Michele Thompson for her comments on his
draft letter to Cecil Coleman which contains his comments on the men’s & women’s salary disparities &
his request for a report on coaches’ salaries
Athletic Assoc of UIUC, Funding 1978-79 (Women’s Athletics)
Article, “HEW Secretary warns Title IX to be enforced,” from the Morning Courier Jul 20, 1978
Copy of the Oct 9, 1978 issue of Equal Opportunity in higher education, the bi-weekly newsletter on Title IX &
Civil Rights Compliance
Copy of document, Title IX – Mission Impossible, an analysis from William E Davis, President of the
University of New Mexico, Nov 8, 1978 of the draft outlining guidelines & interpretations for
implementation of Title IX as it applies to intercollegiate athletics which will be issued on or about Nov
13, 1978 by HEW’s Office for Civil Rights
Copy of article, “UW says non-income sports are near equity,” from the Wisconsin State Journal, Nov 17,
1978. Attached are the letter & documents referred to in the article that were submitted by UW to HEW
as a result of a request from HEW following the filing of complaints by UW women’s varsity basketball
coach Edwina Qualls
Dec 2, 1978 cover letter for Indiana University’s response to a proposed statement from the Council of
Presidents of Land Grant Colleges pertaining to Title IX. Attached are an agenda from a Dec 2, 1978
mtg of their Athletics Committee & the final consensus of that committee on the proposed statement
Michele Thompson letter of Dec 4, 14978, sharing her thoughts on possible next developments in the Title IX
Copy of HEW Secretary Joseph Califano’s statement of Dec 6, 1978 at the release of the proposed Policy
Interpretation to clarify how Title IX & its regulations apply to college athletic program
Copy of the HEW document, A Proposed Policy Interpretation on Title IX & Intercollegiate Athletics, Dec 6,
Copy of article, “HEW Orders Equal Funds For Women,” from the Washington Star, Dec 6, 1978
Dec 6, 1978 memo from OCR Director David Tatel to the AIAW Executive Committee advising about the Dec
6, 1978 HEW policy interpretation implementing Title IX regulations in the areas of athletics
Copy of article, “Football Expenses ‘Exempt’ From Title IX,” from the News-Gazette Dec 6, 1978
Copy of DeHart Associates Status Report #1, which includes a transcript of the Califano press conference (not
attached) & some press stories. “Title IX Guidelines Are Issued For Equal Sports Expenditures,” from
the New York Times, Dec 7, 1978. “Title 9 Financing Blueprint Proposed,” from the Washington Post
Dec 7, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……90
Article, “UI AD says AA in line,” from the Morning Courier, Dec 7, 1978
Articles: “Title IX hits all sports,” & “Gerberding finds new HEW regulations acceptable,” from the Morning
Courier, Dec 7, 1978
Article, “Equal sport funding required by HEW,” from the Daily Illini, Dec 7, 1978
Copy of the Higher Education & National Affairs newsletter from the American Council on Education, Dec 8,
1978, devoted to the HEW Proposed Interpretation
Article from the Chronicle of Higher Education Dec 11, 1978: “Sex-Bias Rules Would Protect Bigtime
Football,” “Proposed Rules on How Colleges Can Comply w/Title IX,” “2 Groups Battle for Control of
Women’s’ Sports”
Copy of the Dec 11, 1978 Report to the Council of Ten from Wayne Duke, Big Ten Commissioner, which
includes discussion of Title IX
Copy of a handout from IAWDAC, Abstract: Title IX – 1979
Copy of DeHart Associates Status Report #12 of Dec 12, 1978, which includes materials for a mtg on Dec 18,
1978 in Chicago. Attached are a copy of the Federal Register copy of HEW’s Proposed Policy
Interpretation, an editorial from the Washington Star, Dec 11, 1978, “Headway on Title IX.” A third
article from the New York Times by President Fred C Davison of the University of Georgia is not
NCAA memo of Dec 13, 1978, Proposed Interpretation of the Athletics Requirements of the Title IX
DeHart Associates Status Report #14 of Dec 14, 1978, which presents an analysis of the legal opinion of
HEW’s general counsel, F Peter Libassi, issued Apr 18, 1978 on the question of whether an institution
of higher education which is receiving Federal financial assistance must comply w/Title IX in
administering its revenue-producing intercollegiate athletic activities
Copy of article, “Carrying Title IX Too Far,” from the New York Times, Dec 3, 1978
Michele Thompson proposes a process for creating a UIUC response to the Proposed Policy Interpretation in a
Dec 18, 1978 letter to Chancellor Gerberding
DeHart Associates Status Report #10 of Dec 6, 1978. This packet includes a copy of the Proposed Policy
Interpretation, a copy of the proposed revocation of Part 86 concerning dress code & hair style, a copy
of Secretary Califano’s statement at the Dec 6 press conference, a copy of the entire press briefing, &
copies of the F Peter Libassi legal opinion of Apr 18, 1978 & the news release announcing that it was
being made public
Michele Thompson advises W J Chamblin, President of the Athletic Assoc at UIUC, that she has been asked by
Chancellor Gerberding to coordinate the campus response to the HEW Proposed Policy Interpretation,
& she is seeking comment from Cecil Coleman, Karol Kahrs, William Ferguson, Harold Poindexter & a
few others. She would also like comments from Chamblin & those members of the Athletic Assoc he
chooses to involve. She plans to meet w/them on Jan 19, 1979
Copies of letters exchanged between U S Representative Trent Lott & Secretary Califano concerning the effect
of Title IX on Jaycees’ activities on college campuses
Announcement for the Jan 19, 1979 mtg of Michele Thompson & Athletic Assoc representatives to discuss
AA’s status in light of the HEW document
Copy of a letter to members of the Pacific-10 Conference summarizing that conference’s discussions of the
policy interpretation draft. Copy of Proposed Comments on Draft Title IX Regulations
Michele Thompson reports on Jan 4, 1979 on her progress on the campus Title IX response
Copy of the Project on the Status & Education of Women of the Assoc of American Colleges Update on Title
IX & Sports #2
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……91
Copy of a document from the National Coalition for Women & Girls in Education, Discussion & Suggested
Areas for Comment
Mailgram of Jan 2, 1979 from NCAA announcing a mtg of college presidents Jan 8, 1979 in San Francisco to
discuss the impact of the HEW Proposed Interpretation, as well as the NCAA Convention General
Found Table
Michele Thompson letters of thanks to David O Matthews & Karol Kahrs for their time discussing the HEW
Proposed Interpretation
Michele Thompson advises Chancellor Gerberding of the members of the Title IX Task Force who authored the
Guidelines for next week’s meetings
Michele Thompson responds to Chancellor Gerberding’s request for her comments on the mailgram from J
Neils Thompson
Copy of a document from Squire, Sanders & Dempsey of Washington, D C, Analysis of Proposed HEW Title
IX Athletics Policy Interpretation, Jan 8, 1979
Michele Thompson letter of thanks to Josephine Schuda of the HEW Office of Public Affairs for sending
materials concerning the new guidelines on Title IX & the document of the Guidelines
Article, “NCAA delegates upset w/Title IX ruling,” from the Morning Courier Jan 9, 1979
Article, “NCAA adopts resolution opposing HEW Title IX,” from the Morning Courier Jan 11, 1979
Article, “AIAW approves reserve funding,” from the Morning Courier Jan 11, 1979
Articles: “NCAA Has ‘Don’t Wants’” & AIAW To Build Fund From TV Revenue,” from the News-Gazette
Jan 11, 1979
Transcription of an interview (by Michele Thompson?) w/William Ferguson
Article, “Both Sides Criticize Government on Enforcement of Anti-Sex-Bias Law,” from the Chronicle of
Higher Education Jan 15, 1979
Article, “NCAA Rejects Sweeping Rules Changes: Women’s Group Limits Aid to Athletes,” from the
Chronicle of Higher Education Jan 15, 1979
Article, “Concern for Athletes’ Welfare & Interest of Universities Leads AIAW to Revise Rules,” from the
Chronicle of Higher Education Jan 22, 1979
Forwarded copy of a letter from HEW to Northwestern announcing a Title IX compliance review
Letter from Rand Corporation confirming the willingness of UIUC to cooperate in a preliminary study which
Rand is conducting under contract w/HEW. The study will consider mechanism required by Title IX &
by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The purpose of this study is to obtain data for an
initial assessment of the utility of such self-administered mechanism of compliance relative to the more
direct federal enforcement efforts of compliance review & complaint resolution, Eight institutions of
higher education will be visited. The UIUC visit will be Fe 19-21, 1979. List of questions to be
Cecil Coleman sends the Athletic Assoc Board of Directors a copy of the NCAA resolution on Title IX passed
at the NCAA convention
Copy of the Guidelines Regarding Athletics, prepared for the AA Board Meeting (Executive Comm) Jan 19,
Notice of a meeting on Jan 31, 1979 to review the draft of UIUC response to the HEW Title IX Proposed Policy
Cover memo & copy of a report, NCAA Takes Stand Against Proposed Title IX Policy, which appeared in the
Jan 15, 1979 issue of Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
Copy of Karol Kahrs response to the HEW proposed policy interpretation as requested by Joseph Califano in a
Dec 12, 1978 letter
Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Athletic Assoc Board of Directors Jan 19, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……92
Copy of a transcript of the 73rd NCAA Convention Jan 8, 1979, which was devoted to the new policy
developments relative to Title IX & a legal overview of Title IX issues
List of the varsity sports at UI & the number of participants
Copies of charts of sports budgeting information for FY1979. Women’s Sports – Budgeted for FY1979. Men’s
Other Sports. Men’s Basketball – Football. Financial Aid – Men’s Sports. Financial Aid – Women’s
Copy of blank form, Format for Cost of Compliance Estimate-Intercollegiate Sports Programs
Copy of the University of George Comments on the HEW proposed policy interpretation
Copy of comments sent by the Southeastern Legal Foundation, Inc of Atlanta
Copy of the University of Missouri-Columbia comments
Chancellor Gerberding letter advising Professor William A Ferguson that the unedited version of the NCAA
discussion of Jan 8, 1979 on Title IX attributes the Chancellor’s remarks to Professor Ferguson, noting
that the transcription is full of errors, & asking if they should complain. William Ferguson & the
Chancellor write to NCAA President William J Flynn to request a correction
Michele Thompson thanks HEW State Liaison Officer Hiroshi Kanno for sending a copy of the proposed policy
interpretation & the information that the program officer in the Region V Office for Civil Rights who
handles Title IX is Madonna Lechner
Article, “Title IX confusion worthy of public comment,” from the Daily Illini Jan 31, 1979
Packet of materials on the HEW proposed policy interpretation from the Assoc of American Colleges
Copy of In the Running, Feb 1979, a newsletter from the Women’s Equity Action League Educational & Legal
Defense Fund
Comments on the HEW proposed interpretation from two UIUC staff members, S L Fordham & William
Copy of a draft of the UIUC response to the HEW proposed policy interpretation from Michele Thompson Feb
1, 1979
Draft copy of the budgetary analysis of the impact of the proposed policy interpretation
Statement prepared by Harold Poindexter that attempts to describe the process used in interpreting certain items
excluded from the comparative analysis of financially measurable benefits used for deterring
compliance w/Title IX regulations
Harold Poindexter Title IX Compliance Summary w/supporting information
Report by Ernest R Morris to Chancellor Gerberding of the Big Ten Title IX mtg of Jan 31, 1979
University of Washington comments on the proposed policy interpretation
Article, “UI Replies To Title IX Guidelines,” from the News-Gazette Feb 9, 1979
Article, “U of I expects Title IX guides to cost $14,000 extra,” from the Morning Courier Feb 9, 1979. Also
article, “’Time to get practical matters’,” on the same page
Article, “Gerberding hopes to pacify HEW w/Title IX report,” from the Daily Illini Feb 10, 1979
Copy of the UIUC response to the HEW proposed policy interpretation, sent to David Tatel at the Office for
Civil Rights Feb 8, 1979
Copy of a memo from AIAW which discusses the HEW proposed policy interpretation
Cover letter for sending a copy of the UIUC response to George W Howard, President of the UI Board of
Copy of UCLA comments on HEW proposed policy interpretation
Chancellor Gerberding question about whether there is any requirement under Title IX to provide
intercollegiate sports for handicapped students. Michele Thompson advises in reply that there is no such
specific requirement, but they must let anyone try out, & if they qualify, to participate
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……93
Cover letters for sending copies of the UIUC response to W J Chamblin, President of the AA Board of
Directors & Susan Fratkin at NASULGC
Copy of pages 7 & 8 from the Equal Opportunity in Higher Education newsletter of Feb 12, 1979, w/article
“Judge orders Michigan State to give women players equal travel expenses”
Cover letter for sending a requested copy of the UIUC response to Glyn Robert, chair of the Senate Comm on
Athletics & Recreation
Chancellor Gerberding cover letter for sending a copy of the UIUC response to President Corbally
A copy of the UIUC response is sent to the Coalition for Women & Girls in Sports
Cover letters for sending copies of the UIUC response to UCLA (2), Wayne Duke, William Flynn at NCAA,
Assoc for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women, & SIU
Letter from Vivian M Barfield, Director of Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Minnesota
Charlotte West of the Assoc for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women thanks UCLA for sending her a copy of
their comments
Copy of article, “HEW has not excluded football,” from the Morning Courier Feb 20, 1979
Chancellor Gerberding advises that he & other presidents & chancellors will be meeting w/David Tatel &
others in Washington on Mar 12, 1979
Copy of the Assoc for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women’s comments on the HEW proposed policy
interpretation, Feb 12, 1979
Copy of Indiana University’s comments, Feb 20, 1979
Copy of the joint statement by the presidents of Indiana U, Purdue, & Notre Dame on the need for an
exemption for revenue-producing sports
Copies of background documents for the Mar 12, 1979 presidents/chancellors mtg w/David Tatel in
Washington, D C
Copy of the University of Minnesota’s comments on the HEW PPI
Copy of article, “Title IX’s cost: a lot of money,” from the Stanford Observer
Article, “Key Moment in UI Sports,” News-Gazette Mar 11, 1979
Article, “Gerberding Visits HEW on Monday,” News-Gazette Mar 11, 1979
Copy of Equal Opportunity in Higher Education newsletter of Mar 12, 1979, article “Men’s, Women’s Athletic
Associations Blast Title IX Policy”
Article, “Gerberding: Title IX threat near,” the Morning Courier, Mar 14, 1979
Article, “Title IX meeting ‘inconclusive’,” Daily Illini Mar 14, 1979
Copies of materials from Memphis State U President Billy M Jones, follow-up from a Mar 23, 1978 mtg
w/David Tatel, Cindy Brown & Frank Till to discuss Title IX. He notes that there will be further such
meetings to obtain input from constituencies prior to a recommendation to Secretary Califano (this
appears to be activity prior to the Dec 6, 1978 HEW IPP release). This material is sent to the NCAA ad
hoc comm on Intercollegiate Athletics & Title IX. It includes correspondence from Karol Kahrs, who
was apparently a member of a delegation that met w/David Tatel also. The stamp date is Mar 14, 1979,
perhaps indicating that these materials were provided for information at this later date
Article, “Gerberding to continue Title IX shuttle diplomacy,” Morning Courier Mar 17, 1979
Michele Thompson shares information on an explanation provided by the U of Washington for some of the
budgetary items in their HEW response
Copy of the NCAA comments on the HEW PPI, Mar 9, 1979
Article, “Gerberding won’t join national Title IX fight,” Morning Courier Mar 20, 1979
Copy of Equal Opportunity in Higher Education newsletter Mar 26, 1979, article “HEW to tighten up Title IX
Copy of a rough outline for a follow-up study of the Spring 1978 settlement between AA & Calabrese et al
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……94
News release from the National Federal of State High School Associations Mar 15, 1979, “HEW Ignores Facts”
Michele Thompson advises Chancellor Gerberding in a Mar 27, 1979 letter that the Office of Civil Rights will
be conducting Title IX reviews of UIUC & the UI Medical Center during summer 1979
Packet of documents sent to UCLA Chancellor Charles Young, in follow-up to the discussion prompted by
Grace Mastalli during the St Louis mtg of Mar 19, 1979
Mar 26 & 28, 1979 memos on the interpretation of Section 84.41c
U of Missouri Chancellor Barbara S Uehling shares her thoughts in a follow-up letter to a recent mtg
w/Secretary Califano
NCAA Mar 30, 1979 memo on a new policy interpretation to be issued by HEW concerning coaching salaries.
A copy of the HEW working draft is attached
Article, “University asks how much sports equality it can take,” Daily Illini Apr 5, 1979
Article, “Gerberding Criticizes Califano Stand on Title IX,” News-Gazette Apr 6, 1979
Article, “Money may not cure women’s sports woes,” Daily Illini Apr 6, 1979
Article, “Obstacles clutter road to equality in sports funding,” Daily Illini Apr 7, 1979
Article, “Conflict goes on over men, women’s sports funding,” Daily Illini Apr 7, 1979
Article, “UI Can’t Live With Califano’s Title IX Interpretation,” News-Gazette Apr 7, 1979
Jean Somers advises of a letter writing campaign by the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women Education
Committee to oppose efforts to exempt revenue-producing sports
Copy of the Indiana University Hoosier Scene, Mar 3, 1979, w/article, “Exempting revenue sports crucial to
athletic program”
Copy of article, “Gerberding to continue Title IX shuttle diplomacy,” from the Courier Mar 17, 1979
Jean Somers forwards to James Costello a copy of a letter from Mary Helen Gasser & Donna Werner calling for
a letter writing campaign to oppose efforts to exempt revenue producing sports from Title IX coverage,
& to oppose any amendment that would delay or modify HEW’s ability to enforce Title IX athletic
Human Subjects for Research
Notice of a new HEW interim final regulation amending the definition of informed consent to include advice to
human subjects of biomedical & behavioral research regarding compensation & medical treatment for
physical injury resulting from such research. A copy of the full text in the Federal Register is attached,
Protection of Human Subject – Informed Consent, Definition Amended to Include Advice on
Compensation, effective Jan 2, 1979
Correspondence concerning proposed regulations on research involving the institutionalized mentally disabled.
Letter from Robert Sprague to Rosalyn Carter on this subject Jan 5, 1979. He contends that some of the
proposed regulations will limit necessary research. Letter from Gordon L Paul, Director of the Clinical
Research Unit at Adolf Meyer Mental Health Center, to the Office for Protection from Research Risks,
NIH, expressing his opposition to these regulations
Identification Cards
Ernest R Morris requests that Upward Bound students continue to be provided w/ID cards. Jane W Loeb
replies, noting that this is a problem w/payment of the service fee, without which ID cards cannot be
issued. Handwritten notes on this reply letter by Rose Newman
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……95
Morton Weir approves a statement on Retention & Confiscation of Permanent Student Identification to be
published in the Administrative Manual
Illini Union
Stanley Levy asks if Chancellor Gerberding has any objections to Ernest Morris remaining as a member of the
Illini Union Board, & the Chancellor indicates that he does not
Letter to those listed requesting that they serve as members of the Illini Union Board for 1978-79
Tom Bearrows letter providing the structure & purpose of Star Course to Chancellor Gerberding
Illini Union building hours for the period between the end of Summer Session & the beginning of New Student
week, Aug 6-19, 1978
Illini Union regular building hours for 1978-79
Illini Union building hours for the Labor Day weekend, 1978
Illini Union building hours for Thanksgiving vacation 1978
Confirmation of a mtg to discuss Illini Union Travel Service on Mar 14, 1979
Invitation for UIUC to participate in the Morris Harvey Invitational College Bowl Tournament Nov 3, 1978
Illini Union building hours for the Christmas vacation period 1978-79
Illini Union building hours for the Spring vacation period of Mar 17-26, 1979
Complimentary tickets for the Chancellor to attend the Illini Union Board Spring Musical, “Sugar” Apr 20 or
21, 1979
Illini Union building hours for the period between Commencement & Summer Session May 20-Jun 10, 1979
Illini Union building hours for Memorial Day weekend 1979
Illini Union building hours for the 1979 Summer Session
Brochure the Alumni Day at the Illini Union Jul 13, 1979
Letter from Henry Koertge confirming comments made during a mtg of Jun 14, 1979 concerning the health &
safety report on the Illini Union sent to Director Robert Todd on Sep 30, 1976. Request for a report on
any plan of attack for remaining items of non-compliance
Illini Union building hours for the Fourth of July holiday period 1979
Illinois Colleges, Relations w/
Correspondence concerning the possible development of a doctoral program in Life Sciences at NIU
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to attend a mtg on Sep 12, 1978 to discuss the possibility of a Council of
Presidents & Chancellors of Illinois senior public institutions to meet regularly to discuss issues of
mutual concern. Both Chancellor Gerberding & President Corbally letters of regret that they cannot
attend the mtg. Note on a phone call from George Bargh indicating that President Corbally hopes there
is no response. This is an issue between the Board of Governors & SIU
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks for the copy of the ISU fall sports schedule & the performing arts series
Letter from Paul Riegel advising that Chancellor Gerberding is unable to attend the dedication of the new
library at WIU. Chancellor Gerberding thanks President Leslie Malpass for sending him a copy of the
dedication brochure
Request from IBHE for comments on EIU’s proposed B.S. in Education, major in Special Education at Olney
Central College. Dennis Dahl advises that Olney presents no problems for UIUC’s off-campus programs
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……96
Copy of chart, Institutional Destination of Undergraduate Student Transfer From UI Campuses to Other
Schools in Illinois, Fall of 1978
Walter Tousey provides Morton Weir w/requested general information concerning operating budget &
enrollment changes at four-year public institutions in Illinois. Table I-Operational Budget Changes.
Table II-FY1971-1979 Trends in Higher Education Funding in the State of Illinois Board of Higher
Illinois, State of
Announcement of a training & licensing session for pesticide applicators on Jun 22, 1979
Invitation to attend one of a series of public hearing on Dept of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities
programs for children & adolescents, both state-operated & stated-aided, in the Metropolitan Chicago
Area (Region 2), Aug 8, 9 or 10, 1978
Roger Martin sends R N Parker letters from Robert Rogers & William Creswell regarding funding related to
drug abuse functions, requested in response to an inquiry from the State Dangerous Drugs Commission
Peter Yankwich sends three project proposals to Robert P Goss in the Governor’s Office of Manpower &
Human Development, in response to a Dec 27, 1978 request. It is hoped that these could provide
program ideas & perhaps programs that could be funded under the model CETA program guidelines
Governor James Thompson appoints Donald F Hoffmeister to the Board of the Illinois State Museum
Request for Governor Thompson’s phone number & the name of the person on his staff to call to invite him to
welcome those attending the Apr 20, 1979 Illinois Community Development Society program in
Announcements for a public meeting on the Louisville Lake, Illinois Multiple-Purpose Project, first scheduled
for Feb 27, 1979, then rescheduled for Mar 6, 1979 in Flora, Illinois
Announcement & invitation to the Governor’s Conference on Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention at
McCormick Inn Jun 25-26, 1979, w/the theme Impact Illinois-Make 1979 a Year that Matters.
Informational brochure
Illinois, University of
Letter requesting those listed to serve as the Historic Sites Coordinating Committee for the U-C campus, 197879
Document, Indicators of Quality at the U-C Campus of the UI, Oct 30, 1978
Inquiry from Comtec-McWalters Ltd about the use of UI name & logo on belt buckles. George Bargh letter to
Chancellor Gerberding, advising that he is turning over to the campus the handling of this type of
request. He believes the only item the General University should retain for control is use of the seal,
which is protected by State Statute. James Collier is nominated as the campus person to handle these
Correspondence & documents related to the question of whether there is any campus policy on involvement of
CIA-FBI involvement. This question arose because of Daily Illini articles on this topic. A search of
policy documents turns up only pages 2 & 5 of Section X-4 of the Administrative Manual, which have
to do w/access to student records. Edwin L Goldwasser letter which provides information on his
experience in this area at FermiLab
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……97
President Corbally sends copies of two posters for lectures by UI professors Samuel Goldberg & M George
Huppert at the Collège de France in Paris in January 1979
Article, “UI officials’ feelings mixed on controlling spy activity”
Letter & supporting materials for nominations of persons to be included in the Saturday Evening Post’s life of
America’s outstanding young people
News release announcing UI’s fourth place ranking in results of a survey of faculty at four-year colleges &
universities published in the Feb 13, 1979 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education
Letter from the Defense Logistics Agency advising that a security inspection conducted on Mar 8, 1979
indicates that UIUC’s security program remains in compliance w/the Industrial Security Manual
requirements & that no deficiencies were observed
Institutional Gifts (2 folders)
Correspondence concerning the service & cooperation received by Professor Leonard H Price & his students in
Industrial Design received during the recent Spring semester from Flex-N-Gate Division of Scott &
Fetzer Company
Charles J Merriam. Funds for Political Science. Copy of the May 20, 1977 report on students who have
benefited from Merriam fellowship & scholarship funds. Guidelines for the Merriam Professorship in
Political Science. Guidelines for the Merriam Lecture Fund. Guidelines for the Merriam Political
Science Research Fund. Guidelines for the Charles E Merriam Scholarships & Fellowships in Political
Science. Reports on the financial status of each account. Apr 20, 1978 request for disposition of funds in
these accounts from Marvin Weinbaum, Political Science Acting Dept Head, which Charles Merriam
approves. Jul 14, 1978 full report on faculty & students who have benefited from Merriam funds
Estate of Leeds Taylor, $1000 & books, Dept of Horticulture
Donald Wendel memo to the Chancellor, explaining the tax exempt status of gifts to UIF & the Athletic Assoc
Kurt & Barbara Schmidt, Investors in Business Education fund
Copy of article, “The Corporation in the Classroom,” from Saturday Review, Sep 16, 1978
Shell Companies Foundation, Inc, Shell Matching Gifts program
Caterpillar Tractor Company, four-cylinder diesel engine, Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Aileen S Andrew Foundation, $1200 for equipment, Synton Amateur Radio Club
Gifts to Krannert Art Museum:
Mr & Mrs Huegy-American covered compote
George S Trees-watercolor, oil painting & pair of Chinese Phoenixes
Thomas F Hart-pair of Chinese porcelain plates from the estate of Katherine Trees Livenzey
Agustin Cano-Spanish books, Dept of Romance Languages
Koyoshi Okada, Dept of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan-steel fiber scattering machine which he
invented, Dept of Civil Engineering
Estate of Grace V Campbell-farm in Barnett Township, DeWitt County, residue of the personal estate, &
proceeds from the sale of decedent’s residence. Copy of Board of Trustees item approving acceptance
the Sep 21, 1977 mtg. Copy of Board of Trustees approving an agreement w/D M Davison for an oil
lease on this property, for which the University will receive a royalty of one-eight of the value of oil &
gas produced
S H Strehl-$15 for the Tau Delta Tau short term loan fund
Mr & Mrs Edward A Stahlke, $1080.15 for the Short Term Loan Fund in memory of their daughter, Julianne
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……98
Correspondence concerning a suggestion from Amory Houghton, Chairman of the Board of Corning, to involve
Mil Batten (Chair of the NYSE) & Arthur M Wood (retired Chairman & CEO of Sears) in UI programs.
President Corbally ask Peter Yankwich to pursue w/appropriate people
Gifts to Krannert Art Museum:
Seichi Konzo-ten lithographs & one etching
William S Kinkead-Toulouse-Lautrec lithograph
General Motors Corporation, gifts of equipment, Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Control Data Corporation, $134,800, CERL research on the applicability of PLATO to the teaching of high
school students
“Ellen Crockett,” $50, restitution for pilfered items. Check was made out to the Honors Program, but was
placed in the general revenue fund
Chrysler Corporation, $2500, remodeling of interview rooms
Mrs Jamison Vawter, Speech & Hearing, to furnish a room for graduate assistants
Bartol Research Foundation of the Franklin Institute, germanium crystal detector, Dept of Physics
Ford Motor Company Fund, $2000 for the minority & women’s student program
Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation, $6000 for support of the minority group student award program in
Ceramic Engineering
Caterpillar Tractor Company, $7750, to be distributed among ten Engineering faculty
General Electric Company employee match, $490
Estate of Lilian Hughes Neiswanger, Krannert Art Museum, North American & South American Indian
artifacts & items
Michael A Chisek, six African sculptures to the Krannert Art Museum
Krannert Art Museum:
Stanford I Lack-painting
Lott Thomas-several American Indian ceramics, painting, & Navajo rungs from the estate of W A Neiswanger
American Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters-oil painting
Report of the Comptroller, Gifts, Grants & Contracts FY1978, Prepared for presentation to the Board of
Trustees Mar 21, 1979
Intel Corporation, $1000, Dept of Electrical Engineering
Correspondence concerning an inconsistency in the General Rules affecting the Graduate College involvement
in the handling of gifts
J Earl Frazier, Dept of Ceramic Engineering
Renee Gross, Chaim Gross drawings to Krannert Art Museum
Caterpillar Tractor Company, three computer disk drives & controllers & spare parts, Dept of Physics
Hewlett-Packard, 23 calculators, security cradles & EE Pac I, Electrical Engineering
Booklet from Brakeley, John Prices Jones Inc, Voluntary Support for Public Higher Education 1976-77
3M Company, $5000, Ceramic Engineering
Estate of Ora Gertrude Dimond, Board of Trustees item from the May 16, 1979 mtg. University counsel has
recommended that he be authorized to take such steps as are necessary or appropriate, including the
employment of special counsel, to protect the interests of the University in this matter
Western Electric Company, 1977-Rockwell Hardness Tester & Elgin Milling Machine, ultrascaler,
spectrometer, & a recorder, Nuclear Engineering, Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, 1979ultrascaler, spectrometer & recorder, Nuclear Engineering
Schlumberger Well Services, five memory boards for PDP-11 computer systems, Electrical Engineering
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……99
Note concerning a request to James Collier from B A Jones, Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment
Station, for advice about the handling of an announcement about an unspecified gift from an unspecified
Leo Pfeiffer & Sons, Raincat Irrigation System for use initially at the Mason County Sand Field
Karalyn Wilmeth, $5000 for undergraduate aid
Estate of Charles Chacey Kuehn, Board of Trustees item from the Jun 20, 1979 mtg, Acceptance of Bequest,
$500,000 endowment for undergraduate scholarships in Engineering, in memory & in the names of
Olive Chacey Kuehn & Alfred L Kuehn
Correspondence concerning a minor inconsistency between the General Rules & the General Policy &
Guidelines on the subject of acceptance of gifts, grants & contracts. University Counsel James Costello
points out that the General Rules take precedence. No clear resolution of this issue is directly stated.
However, Edwin Goldwasser’s comments in a Jun 26, 1979 letter seem to indicate that it was decided
that the General Rules take precedence, & the Chancellors are designated by the President to approved
& accept gifts
Correspondence concerning the donation of the Kendeigh Addition to Hart Woods by the Nature Conservancy
Institutional Gifts – Temple Buell & Buell Mullen
Correspondence & documents related to two gifts
Gift of Tree of Life mural by artist Buell Mullen by International minerals & Chemical Corporation of
Libertyville, Illinois, for whom it was commissioned in 1965-66. Buell Mullen is the sister of alumnus
Temple Buell. The mural is stainless steel & symbolizes the growth sciences. Copy of Acting
Chancellor Morton Weir’s acceptance letter of Jan 10, 1974. It was installed in Turner Hall on Jun 15 &
16, 1976 & dedicated on Jun 17, 1976. Buell Mullen came to campus to complete the restoration work.
The file includes photos of the mural. Copy of the appraisal done by Art Resource Services dated Aug 7,
1976. Also attached is correspondence related to a problem w/the paints used in the restoration process,
which did not dry properly. Buell Mullen returned in Aug 1976 to repaint the problem areas
Gift of $50,000 from Temple Buell in 1974, which is first assigned to be used to remodel space to provide a
lecture hall & conference facility for the Advanced Environmental Design Lab in the Dept of
Architecture. The funds are later reassigned for remodeling of the architecture gallery, which will be
renamed the Temple Buell Architecture Gallery, which is dedicated on Sep 23, 1978. A copy of the
blueprints for the gallery are attached
Instructional Resources, Office of
Charles McIntyre advises Morton Weir on distribution of the monograph, “Improving Your Lecturing”
Cover memo & copy of the monograph, “Improving Your Test Questions”
Cover letter & forms for the fall semester collection of data for the Instructor & Course Evaluation System
Charles McIntyre request for reports from Ernest R Morris on his studies of the utilization of graduate
(teaching) assistants in the instructional program
Roger E Martin forwards to Walter Tousey a letter he received from James Gentry concerning the program
which OIR has been running to attempt to improve instruction by assistants & assorted faculty
members, to add to the file as support for the request from OIR for permanent funding for this program
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……100
Roger Martin thanks Charles A Wert for his comments on the OIR program for faculty on improvement of
teaching skills
Copy of the report on College, Department, & Course Grade Distributions for Fall Semester 1978
Edwin Jahiel letter congratulating Jack Everly for his choice of new 16mm Eiki projectors for Lincoln Hall
Copies of two report tables, Hospital Medical Professional Liability Reserve Fund FY1977-1978, & Public
Contract Liability Reserve Fund, FY1977-1978
Paul S Riegel forwards to Donald Wendel a letter from Yuki Llewellyn of the Mothers Association regarding
the suggestion of a life insurance program for parents that would guarantee tuition & fees, & possibly
room & board, for students whose parent(s) die while they are attending UI
Correspondence concerning the separation of fees for the McKinley Health Service & the Student Health
Request for a nonrecurring transfer from the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to meet Public Liability Insurance costs
for the Urbana campus. This payment completes the campus commitment (exclusive of Veterinary
Medicine & auxiliary enterprises)
Correspondence between Harold Poindexter & Walter Tousey about the liability insurance status for FY1979
Copy of the Personnel Services Newsletter Number 68, Sep 13, 1978, w/information on obtaining answers to
claims questions through the Blue Cross-Blue Shield claim counselors
Copy of brochure, University Risk Management & Self-Insurance Program
Walter Tousey sends a typed copy of the table, Insurance Payments, FY1978 & FY1979
Packet of materials to be discussed in the upcoming Faculty Benefits Committee meeting. Document-State
Contribution, Dependent Health Insurance Report Dec 9, 1978. Copy of HB 3390-amends the State
Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971. Table, Comparison of Tax Deferred Annuities Under Section
403 (b) & Public Employee Deferred Compensation Programs
Copy of table, Contributions to Self Insurance Program Excluding Workmen’s Compensation FY1977 &
FY1978. Copy of chart, Public Professional Liability Program Funding & Distribution for FY1977 &
78, Urbana-Champaign. Chart-Public Contract Liability Reserve Fund (Including Nonmedical
Professional Liability) FY1977-1978. Copies of transfer vouchers Apr 19, 1977 & Jun 30, 1978
Materials Chancellor Gerberding wants filed: handwritten notes on meeting of May 5, 1978 w/Gary Adelman,
Report on Health Insurance Hearing Apr 24, 1978, Copy of A Union of Professional Employees
bulletin-UPE Criticisms Stimulate Improvements in Health Insurance Contract!!, Chancellor
Gerberding to a letter from Professor R Baird Shuman on disability insurance for faculty. Letter of
invitation to the Apr 24, 1978 insurance hearing
Copy of a Board of Trustees item from the Feb 21, 1979 meeting, approving the General & Professional SelfInsurance Plan
Letter from members of L.I.F.E. to members of the Board of Trustees concerning a proposed increase in the
insurance coverage & fee for students at the Urbana campus. They encourage voting against this
increase, which they believe would support second trimester abortions
Cover letter & letter from the State Department of Personnel announcing the renewal rates for the Illinois State
Employees Group Health Insurance Program for the year beginning Jul 1, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……101
Announcement of an additional informational meeting on May 24, 1979 for faculty & staff to explain the option
of an HMO plan to be available Jul 1, 1979 through Christie Clinic in lieu of the State Blue Cross-Blue
Shield program
Copy of synopsis of Senate Bill 1171, & copy of the bill itself. This bill amends the State Employees Group
Insurance Act. The synopsis also explains the amendments to this bill
Intercampus Programs
Board of Trustees item from the Jul 20, 1979 meeting, Master of Arts in French, Chicago Circle. An
intercampus master’s program in French has been in effect since Fall 1974. A program better adjusted to
the special needs of Chicago Circle students is now needed
Interdisciplinary Teaching & Research
Announcement letter for the 1979 Summer Grants for Interdisciplinary Planning
Walter Tousey provides information about the cost of the Second Discipline Study Program. Attached is a brief
description of the various programs
Morton Weir replies to a request from Robert W Rogers to bring the question of continuation of several
interdisciplinary programs under the auspices of the Council of Academic Deans & Directors to the
attention of the deans at their next meeting. Attached is background material from Walter Tousey
concerning campus support for these programs
International Programs (2 folders)
Cover letters & copy of Report: Committee for Public Service in International Affairs/Continuing Education in
International Affairs, Office of Continuing Education & Public Service, Jun 29, 1978. The Jul 7, 1978
memo includes a list of prior reports in this series
Copy of an American Universities Field Staff Report, “In the Name of Democracy: Brazil’s Presidential
Succession” by Norman Gall. Carolyn Higgs notes that she has asked George Brinegar to remove the
Chancellor’s Office from his circulation list
Correspondence apparently concerning possible UIUC involvement w/the American School in Tegucigalpa,
Cover memo for the Institute of International Education’s preliminary survey: Curriculum: U S Educational
Institutions’ Capacities to Meet Developing Countries Needs. International Programs & Studies has
agreed to work w/IIE to gather information for their Feb 1979 Conference on International Education by
conducting a survey of NASULGC institutions concerning specific programs & curricular innovations
directed to the needs of foreign students from developing nations
Copies of response letters to Eldon Johnson’s Jul 25, 1978 letter & the prospectus for the Program of Overseas
University Collaboration
Copy of a letter from Ramiro Valdivia Cano at Catholic University of Santa Maria, Peru, advising that they will
receive Morton Weir in Arequipa between Sep 12 & 15, 1978 for further discussions on the interuniversity agreement between the two schools
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……102
Correspondence appointing the ad hoc Area Centers Committee. Copy of the letter announcing the appointment
of the committee & its charge Aug 14, 1978. Announcement & agenda memos for the first meeting on
Sep 5, 1978
Cover letter & brochure (not attached) sent to Ramiro Valdivia Cano at the Catholic University of Santa Maria
in response to a May 26, 1978 letter. He advises that UIUC does not have a law clinic similar to the one
established at Catholic University, & encloses the brochure which describes the kinds of Latin American
focussed programs conducted at the UIUC College of Law
Handwritten notes & copies of materials as background for the meetings w/Ann Schneider, Senior Program
Specialist in the Centers & Programs Section of the International Studies Branch of the U S Office of
Education. These include a biographical sketch, a list of center grants, showing UIUC’s four, & a copy
of the handbook, International Programs & Studies, 1977-80 (not attached)
Cover letter & a draft of things that might be included in each center report
Announcements of two programs of research support to be offered by the Center for International Comparative
Studies during 1978-79: Support for Exploratory Studies, & Grants for Collaborative Faculty-Graduate
Student Comparative Research
Cover letter & copy of the document By the Comptroller, General Report to the Congress of the U S—Study of
Foreign Languages & Related Areas: Federal Support, Administration, Need, Sep 13, 1978
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the campus Committee of Deans on International Programs & Studies
for 1978-79
George Brinegar’s proposed travel plans for October 1978
Request for Chancellor’s approval on an academic interchange agreement w/the Centro Paraguayo de Estudios
Sociologicos. Roger Martin asks if the Chancellor would like the VCAA to be part of the reivew process
Copy of UIUC’s response to the preliminary survey on Curriculum: U S Educational Institutions’ Capacities to
Meet Developing Countries’ Needs
George Brinegar letter of thanks to Chancellor Gerberding for the publication “Nontenure-Track Science
Personnel: Opportunities for Independent Research.” He encloses a copy of the brochure, Program of
Overseas University Collaboration
Request to President Corbally for circulation of information on the Operations Crossroads Africa, Inc Summer
1979 program. Informational material & articles mentioned are not attached
The Study Abroad office provides Professor Alex Notaras w/the names, addresses & telephone numbers of the
three UI programs besides his own (Architecture in France), which send resident directors overseas for
the academic year
Ad Hoc Area Centers Committee request for help to faculty associated w/area centers
Copies of cross-sections of evaluations & suggestions made by students participating in Study Abroad’s
London Orientation program
Russian & East European Center newsetter, Center News, Oct 27, 1978
Cover letter & copy of document, Rationale for U S University Involvement in International Education,
Research, & Development, by K L Turk, Darl E Snyder & J T Scott, Assoc of U S University Directors
of International Agricultural Programs
George Brinegar advises that he has tentatively agreed to go to Nepal for MUCIA, schedule
Harry Triandis sends Amy Gottlieb copies of the meeting minutes of the planning committee of OIPS, in
response to her request for information on possible new directions
Announcement of the Nov 28, 1978 meeting of the Committee of Deans on International Programs & Studies
Information from the Institute of International Education (IIE) on the status of its South African Program
Brian MacDonald fills Morton Weir in on the recruiting for the Year-in-Japan Program at the Konan-Illinois
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……103
Copy of brochure, The American University in Cairo, 1979-80 Study Opportunities
Robert Crawford would like Chancellor Gerberding to represent campus at the Dec 12, 1978 President’s
Commission on Foreign Language & International Studies hearings in Chicago. Chancellor Gerberding
V K Zimmerman advises that Janusz Gorski has been officially elected Secretary of State for the Ministry of
Science, Higher Education & Technology (Poland)
Announcement of the 1978-79 Grants for Exploratory Research & Faculty-Graduate Student Collaborative
Copy of drafts of the document, Institutional Policies & Practices Applicable to International Activities for
OIPS, which is a revision of the Policy & Procedures Manual developed in 1971
Signed copy of the Academic Interchange Agreement between UIUC & the Centro Paraguayo De Estudios
Sociologicos in Paraguay
Copy of document, Special Report: Bridges of Scholars-East & West, from the Ford Foundation Letter of Dec 1
Copy of announcement from the Federal Register of the invitation for new applications under the Graduate &
Undergraduate International Studies Programs
Copy of correspondence from the Rockefeller Foundation announcing A Program for International Conferences
to be held at the Bellagio Study & Conference Center at Lake Como, Italy
Cover letter & comprehensive list (not attached) of the publications of the Nigerian Institute of International
Correspondence & draft Letter of Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of the UI & the Federal University
of Santa Maria in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
Cover letter for distribution of attached NASULGC documents, Statement of Principles for Effective
Participation of Colleges & Universities in International Development Activities, & Some Suggested
Guidelines for Colleges & Universities Involved in International Development Research & Education
Copy of a report, Visit to Universities in Egypt, Sudan, & Saudi Arabia, by Eldon Johnson
V K Zimmerman writes to Haline Mortimer-Szymczek, Deputy Rector of the University of Lodz, Poland, to
report on the campus visit of Professors Jerzy Dietl to initiate an exchange agreement w/UIUC
Report No 39, The University of Illinois-Haifa University Agreement, by Robert L Sprague. Copy of
background correspondence & the Academic Interchange Agreement signed in Oct 1978
Agenda & materials for the Apr 2, 1979 mtg on How Contracts (& contacts) w/Foreign Universities are
Developed & Handled on this Campus
Harry Triandis asks Chancellor Gerberding to send a letter to Congressman Paul Simon as a follow up to the
President’s Commission on Foreign Languages & International Studies hearing in Chicago in Dec 1978.
Triandis provides a draft letter & five appendices prepared by the faculty members who attended the
hearing. Copy of the final letter sent by Chancellor Gerberding w/two appendices. Letters of thanks for
these materials from Paul Simon & J F Otero, member of the commission
Professor Harold A Gould, Director of the Center for Asian Studies, sends Chancellor Gerberding copies of his
various testimony before U S Congressional committees
Correspondence & update materials from NASULGC on the Institute for Scientific & Technological
Cooperation (ISTC), originally proposed by President Carter, & supported by NASULGC
Letters announcing the campus visit of Roger Paget, President’s Commission on Foreign Languages &
International Studies, May 22, 1979
Copy of the Academic Interchange Agreement between UI & the Instituto Torcuato Di Tella
Announcement of the National Foreign Policy Conference for Leaders in Higher Education at the Dept of State
in Washington, D C Jun 13-14, 1979
Copy of OIPS brochure, Program of Overseas University Collaboration
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……104
George E Miller, Coordinator of International Activities at the UI Medical Center, advises that he will be
leaving UI & submits his resignation from the ITRU Executive Committee & Advisory Committee
effective Aug 31, 1979. Nicholas Cotsonas will take over his responsibilities
Box 224
International Programs – Morton W Weir trip to England, Vienna, Paris, Japan, Iran, & Peru
General Information & Report – Copy of the report, Overseas Visits, Morton W Weir, September-October,
1978. Follow up memos on items from the visits
England – Schedule & information on the London Orientation program Sep 25-20, 1978. Background materials
on pending agreement w/the London School of Economics, & copies of agreements w/University
College Cardiff, University College London, U of Sussex at Brighton
Vienna – Oct 1-5, 1978. Background materials on the UI-Austria exchange program. Schedule. Nina Baym’s
comments on the visit report
Paris/Versailles – Sep 27-30, 1978. Brochure on the Architecture Versailles program. Schedule. Cover letter for
the Versailles portion of Morton Weir’s report sent to J H McKenzie. Jane W Loeb replies to a request
for information on the timing of admission decisions for the architecture program
Japan – Correspondence, background materials. Correspondence concerning the agreement w/Nihon
University, Tokyo. Background materials on Konan University in Osaka & UI’s agreement w/them.
Follow up letters
Iran – Correspondence & background materials, including the Annual Report 1977-1978 of the Illinois Tehran
Research Unit & UI Program in Iran, Jul 1978, by Robert E Brown, Director. Copy of the IllinoisTehran TEFL Internship Program Project Report, FY1977. Report of Visit to the Gholam Reza Pahlavi
Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Iran, Sep 1978, by Robert L Hess, Ross J Martin, & Edward E
Sullivan. Visit schedule, Oct 9-11, 1978. Oct 31, 1978 report on the situation in Iran. Correspondence
concerning possible shut down of Iran programs & removal of staff, students
Peru – Visits to the Catholic University of Santa Maria (UCSM), Universidad Nacional de San Agustin
(UNSA) to review efforts of cooperation. Background materials on programs in Peru, including the
INTSOY project. Robert Winter’s Oct 10, 1978 report of his trip to Peru & Brazil. Copies of agreements
signed w/UNSA & UCSM during the visit (both in Spanish & English). Copy of a transcription of the
agreement negotiations session on Sep 14, 1978. Follow up correspondence. List of assigned follow up
tasks. Correspondence w/Ramiro Valdivia-Cano, Coordinator of the Law Clinic at UCSM, who would
like to attend the College of Law at UIUC. Correspondence concerning Robert Winter’s work in Peru in
Dec 1978 setting up programs
IP – China, Peoples Republic of (2 folders)
Correspondence & documents related to the Aug 24, 1978 planning meeting of academic leaders at the National
Academy of Sciences to discuss establishment of a U S-People’s Republic of China student exchange
program. The mtg is hosted by the Committee on Scholarly Communication w/the People’s Republic of
China (CSCPRC) at the request of Frank Press, Science Adviser to the President, & Richard C
Atkinson, Director of NSF. Letter of invitation to President Corbally. Morton Weir attended on
President Corbally’s behalf. Copies of booklets on the National Academy of Sciences National
Research Council. Aug 16, 1978 CSCPRC mailing w/questionnaire for participants (included, in
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……105
completed form, in Morton Weir’s report on this mtg), draft agenda & list of participants. Aug 17
CSCPRC mailing of background reading materials. Copy of Morton Weir’s report on the mtg, sent to
President Corbally. Copy of the CSCPRC report on the mtg, Aug 31, 1978. This mtg provided
information for the government personnel who will be involved w/negotiations w/the Chinese
Roger Martin asks for a copy of Morton Weir’s report to send to Robert Rogers
Copy of article, “US, China Agree On New Education Exchange Program,” from Higher Education & National
Edwin L Goldwasser sends Peter Yankwich copies of correspondence he has initiated to Frank Press & two
Chinese acquaintances. One of these acquaintances, Chou Pei-yuan, is head of the Chinese delegation
that is in the U S to arrange the exchange programs. The correspondence concerns an invitation to Chou
Pei-yuan & the deputy head of the delegation, Chang Wen-yu, to visit UIUC while they are in the U S
Excerpt from NASULGC International Letter No 157 Oct 17, 1978, Chinese Delegation Tour U S Campuses
Correspondence concerning the campus visit of the Youth Goodwill Mission of the People’s Republic of China
on Oct 18, 1978
Handwritten note concerning the mtg of the Chinese delegation w/personnel at the U of Minnesota & U of
Ohio, where they seemed to have already decided where they planned to send students but did not reveal
the names of the institutions
President Corbally advises Peter Yankwich that he believes it is crucial for Yankwich to remain in a strong role
in any discussions related to the involvement of UI w/PRC. He notes that the fear of AAU & the
government is that PRC will pick off universities one at a time & that concepts of greed & status will
overcome academic & national concerns. He attaches a copy, w/his editings, of the AAU
Recommendations Regarding the Projected PRC-US Student Exchange, from the Committee on
International Education, Oct 24, 41978
Copy of a NASULGC resolution on the PRC exchange. Attached to the resolution is a copy of a letter signed by
representatives of NASULGC & sister associations, offering their assistance to the government for the
planning & implementation of this exchange program. Also attached is a copy of the AAU Comm on
International Education recommendations of Oct 24, 1978
Copy of article, “Coordination Urged Among Institutions Enrolling Chinese”
Copy of a Memorandum of Record, which reports on the points of agreement reached by the official Chinese &
U S delegations which discussed the proposed exchange between Oct 7 & 22, 1978. The China
delegation of educators & scientists was headed by Chou Pei-yuan, Acting Chairman of the Science &
Technology Assoc of the PRC. The U S delegation was headed by Richard C Atkinson, Director of
NSF. The exchange of students & scholars is to begin in 1979
Forwarded letter from Intensive English Institute chair Rebecca G Dixon, expressing her hope that the IEI is
still being considered as a location for some of the exchange students
Announcement from the Committee on Scholarly Communication w/the People’s Republic of China that they
have been asked to manage a national program for selecting & sending American students & scholars
for study & research to China & application procedures. Information on fellowships for study in the
Copy of a resolution, scholarly Exchange With the Peoples Republic of China, noted as NASULGC Senate, St
Louis, Nov 15, 1978
Copy of a AAU update letter of Nov 17, 1978, w/a section on the Chinese Student Exchange
Robert L Hess of UI Circle Campus inquires whether UI is taking any steps or making any plans w/regard to the
China exchange. George Brinegar replies w/a list of those having knowledge & interest in possible
China programs
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……106
V T Chow forwards a copy of the English translation of a message he has received about the exchange program.
It contains information about the Chinese general ideas for the program, & a request to fill out a form
listing potential advisers corresponding to the attached list of Special Interests
Note confirming the Dec 7, 1978 pre-meeting to discuss UIUC participation in the student & scholar exchange
Copy of article, Chinese/American Détente, from the Government R&D Report, Dec 1, 1978
Edwin L Goldwasser provides background for Chancellor Gerberding about his ideas for University
participation in the student/scholar exchange
Copy of article, “Exchange Scholars From China Arrive,” from the New York Times, Dec 10, 1978
Mary Brown Bullock of the Comm on Scholarly Communication w/the PRC sends Morton Weir information on
the development of the student exchanges in response to an inquiry, which Morton Weir notes in his
reply, did not come from him. Attached is a copy of the Memorandum of Record & Information on
Chinese Students Arriving in the U S
Harold Gould, Director of the Center for Asian Studies, advises Edwin Goldwasser of a recent mtg of his China
group & their recommendations for UIUC participation in the exchange program
Copy of a report by Harold Gould of a breakfast mtg at DuPont Plaza Hotel on Dec 19, 1978 w/Professor
Thomas Fingar, Research Associate of the U S-Chinese Relations Program at Stanford U. Professor
Fingar related the experience of Stanford w/Chinese exchange students, noting the problems in
academic preparation & language skills
Edwin Goldwasser follow up letter to the Dec 7, 1978 China exchange mtg, describing the steps he will take for
UIUC participation
Copy of an announcement from the Comm on Scholarly Communication w/the People’s Republic of China of
Training Research Opportunities for Natural Scientists, Social Scientists, & humanists in the PRC
D C Drucker’s comments about the China exchange
Copy of poster for Discovering the Real China, Global Awareness Seminars to be held throughout Feb 1979 at
the Illinois Disciples Foundation
Update on the agreement to participate in the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) China
Study Tour in Jun 1979. Copy of the Agreement for Nomination of Students to the China Study
Program Administered by the Council on International Educational Exchange
Edwin Goldwasser letter appointing those listed to serve as a Steering Committee to discuss UIUC’s
involvement in the U S-China Student-Scholar exchange
Letter advising Chancellor Gerberding of those who will be attending the luncheon on Feb 15, 1979 at Levis
Faculty Center, which will include Hsieh, Hsi-the & Wang, Hsun of Futan U, & Yu, Li-sheng, Peking U
Edwin Goldwasser sends Chancellor Gerberding a copy of his letter in reply to Jon Liebman’s letter to D C
Drucker about the quality of institutions from which Chinese scholars might come
Edwin Goldwasser’s Steering Comm will meet w/Professor Chia-Wei Woo of Northwestern U on April 9, 1979
to discuss his experiences in making arrangements for visiting scholars
Copy of the CSCPRC newsletter, Notes on Student Exchanges w/China, Issue 2, Feb 1979
Richard Hageman advises of the May 19-22, 1979 campus visit of a Chinese botany delegation. Biographical
information. Itinerary for the visit
IP – India
Correspondence concerning the campus visit on Aug 29, 1978 of Professor G Ram Reddy, Vice-Chancellor of
Osmania U, Hyderabad
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……107
Correspondence concerning possible program development w/Haryana Agricultural U
Orville G Bentley’s report on his recent trip to India. While there he visited Haryana Agricultural U, met
informally w/Dr Gautam of ICAR, met w/Fletcher Riggs of USAID, attended an informal mtg initiated
by Modipon Limited
Letter from M V Ramana Murty, a traditional leather puppeteer, who would like to submit his thesis on the
Indian Traditional Coloured Shadow-Play w/Leather Puppets to UIUC
Materials concerning a Jul 26, 1979 mtg between Chancellor Cribbet & Sarup Singh, Member of Parliament of
India (Upper House). Biographical information on Dr Singh. Copy of article, “India’s Power Struggles
Are Distinctly Indian,” from the New York Times, Jul 22, 1979
IP – Iran & Tehran Research Unit
Article, “Education bill seeks to shatter outdated monolith,” from the Kayhan International, Jun 15, 1978
Articles from the Kayhan International Jun 10, 1978: “Why the Shahanshah has endorsed liberalisation-New
frame for a new picture,” “’Will of people shall rule’,” & “Bill to decentralise provincial education”
Correspondence concerning the campus visit during summer 1978 of Fereidoun Malekzadeh, head of the Dept
of Biology at the U of Tehran. He will be interviewing three professors to cooperate in the new joint Ph
D program in Biology
Letter of complaint addressed to the President of the Board of Trustees from a number of students in the
Illinois-Tehran T.E.S.L. program about the recent administration of the M.A. comprehensive exam in
Teaching English as a Second Language, & other perceived problems w/the program. Morton Weir asks
Robert Crawford to look into this & report. Copy of J Ronayne Cowan’s response to the students’ letter
to Lyle F Bachman, Director of the TELF Internship Program. Robert Crawford’s report to Morton
Weir, who sends it to BOT President George W Howard. Howard’s letter of reply to the students
Orville Bentley letter expressing his position on collaborative programs w/Iran. He notes that there has been no
significant follow through from Iran & they should wait & see
Copy of messages from Robert Brown Sep 19, 1978, tasks that need doing
Copy of Robert L Sprague’s account of the Tehran portion of his around the world trip & report on the climate
for collaborative projects, particularly in Education
Copy of George Brinegar’s cover letter & a copy of the Report of Visit to the Gholam Reza Pahlavi Institute of
Higher Education Isfahan, Iran, by Robert L Hess, Ross J Martin, & Edward E Sullivan, Sep 1978
Henry Kahane advises that the Division of English as a Second Language has asked Strick, w/concurrence of
the Dean, to inform Arya Mehr that UIUC is not willing to renew the contract. Morton Weir urges him
to look for a site favorable both academically & economically
A A Kavoosy Baroomand offers his services to be UIUC’s representative in Tehran, to complete Iranian
students documents there to avoid the long delays occurring now due to the unrest in Iran
Chancellor Gerberding invites U of Tehran Chancellor Ghassem Motamedi to UIUC. Chancellor Motamedi
advises that he is leaving the post of Chancellor & perhaps the invitation should be made to his
successor. Chancellor Gerberding’s reply is returned unopened
Correspondence concerning the deteriorating situation in Tehran & decisions of staff on whether to leave &
whether to close down programs, evacuation of students & staff, moving of files & other materials. It
appears that UI programs will be suspended w/most personnel returning to the U S
Requests from the INS for information on UI’s association w/Arya-Mehr U of Technology in Isfahan, Iran in
relation to an application for naturalization of the spouse of an employee. Chancellor Gerberding’s reply
to both letters, w/attached copies of the Memoranda of Agreement for the TESL program there
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……108
Memo requesting a nonrecurring transfer from the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to the Graduate School of Library
Science to compensate for costs resulting from the recent shutdown of programs based in Iran
Series of phone calls from Robert Brown about details of closing out the programs in Iran
IP – Japan
Poster for A Year in Japan, Sep 1, 1979-May 15, 1979
George Brinegar request to Shozo Sato for two copies of a section of a tape he made featuring Shozo Sato,
Japan House & Morton Weir
Henry Kahane thank you for Morton Weir’s report on his recent overseas visit, & his thoughts about the DESL
program in Iran, which they intend not to renew. He hopes to find a new outlet in Japan. Morton Weir
advises that costs in Japan would be too expensive, & urges finding another favorable site
Robert Crawford replies to Hiroshi Tsujino on the selection of son K Tsujino’s selection by the Japan Illini
Club as the third recipient of the scholarship established by Morton Weir during his first visit to Japan
Two letters from Hachiro Koyama about the Japan Illini Club’s interest in raising funds for Japan House
V T Chow letter of congratulations to Itiro Tani at Nihon U on his election as a Foreign Associate of the U S
National Academy of Engineering
Robert Crawford memo advising that it now appears that the Konan program will continue next year
Correspondence concerning the summer 1979 campus visit of three professors from Nihon U
Harold Gould advises that the Center for Asian Studies will make available to the Konan student visiting the
campus this summer recreation space in their facility
Robert Brown advises that another three professors from Nihon U will visit Jun 25-29, 1979. This is a return
visit for the visit of Weir, Rogers & Sato in Oct 1978, to continue discussions on academic interchange
IP – Personnel Exchange
Chancellor Gerberding letter for Iria d’Aquino for a specific anthropological research project in Bahia
Chancellor Gerberding letter for Jorge G Marcos attesting to the successful submission of his doctoral thesis.
Marcos has returned to Ecuador to take a position as an archaeologist. The letter is for the employer,
Banco Central
Letter from IREX (International Research & Exchanges Board) advising of the 1977-78 participants in
programs in the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe
Cover letter & copies of an Academic Interchange Agreement w/the U of Haifa (not attached)
Announcement sheet for Study & Research in the USSR & Eastern Europe 1979-80
Request from IREX for placement of Henryk Bartczak, professor at the U of Lodz, at UIUC for a ten-month
Information from the Franco-American Commission for Educational Exchange’s project on faculty exchanges
Information on Operation Crossroads Africa Summer Work/Travel/Study program
Copy of the cover of the IREXB 1977-78 Annual Report
IP – Russia
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……109
Correspondence concerning a request for an invitation to George Brinegar & Ralph T Fisher to visit Moscow as
MUCIA representatives to discuss w/Moscow State U Prorector Tropin MUCIA’s scholar exchange
IP – Western European Studies Program
Office of West European Studies Newsletter October 1978
Office of West European Studies Newsletter Oct 17, 1978
International Student Staff Affairs (formerly Foreign Student Staff)
Stanley Levy advises UNS Commissioner Leonel J Castillo of his observations about the proposed change in
Federal regulations transferring to colleges & universities the responsibility for maintaining valid
passport status for foreign students
Letter of thanks for volunteer efforts in orienting & settling in the new international students for Fall 1978
Cover memo & copy of a letter to INS from the American Council on Education, joined by NASULGC & other
associations, in response to recent operating instructions to INS regional offices containing questions to
be asked in personal interviews w/foreign students seeking an extension of stay in the U S, & supporting
the efforts of the National Assoc for Foreign Student Affairs to seek clarification of this new procedure
Correspondence concerning financial difficulties faced by students from Iran due to problems getting money
out of their country, both government-sponsored & privately sponsored students, due to the political
situation in Iran. Discussion of what the campus offices can do to assist these students
Notice of Change in Policy Concerning Number of Hours a Non-Immigrant Student May Work On-Campus,
1979-80 Budgets for Married Students
Intramural Building
Copy of Board of Trustees item for the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Contract for Indoor Pool Restoration, IntramuralPhysical Education Building, Urbana
Job Registry
Two Academic Affairs Communications, Nos 35 & 27, concerning the availability of the UIUC Job Registry. It
was to be available in Illiniweek & on Dial-A-Tape, but this was changed to having it available in
Illiniweek, the Daily Illini, on the Dial-A-Tape service & on the PLATO Hotline. The listing will
include both academic & nonacademic openings. Chancellor Gerberding questions the nonacademic
listings, as the list is long. James Collier advises that this is the result of a compromise & will be
reviewed at the end of the semester
Joint Community-University Relations (3 folders)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……110
Correspondence setting up a mtg of Chancellor Gerberding w/Bruce L Larson & Susan Stone of the Urbana
Park District, Roger Martin & Donald Wendel to discuss concerns about parks & recreation in the
community. This mtg is first scheduled for Sep 7, 1978, then rescheduled for Sep 11, 1978
Notice of an Interagency Administrative Committee luncheon on Aug 9, 1978
James Collier asks Bob Evans to provide a written summary of the various community relations programs he
has conducted over the past few years. He would also like to know about appearances made by the
Chancellor (& President) at, say, civic club events in the communities which fall outside of the above.
Also, requests information about the campus membership history w/the two Chambers of Commerce
Norman Barnett of the Downtown Development Committee requests a mtg w/Chancellor Gerberding. Donald
Wendel provides background on the group & Barnett
Chancellor Gerberding letter advising that James Collier will represent the campus in Urbana Chamber affairs
Roger Martin suggests that faculty interested in an arboretum to talk to Bruce Larson & Susan Stone at the
Urbana Park District about their plans for an arboretum at Meadowbrook Park
James Collier memo to Chancellor Gerberding on efforts on the community relations front, & containing
proposals for future programming. Donald Wendel’s comments on this report
Notice of the Sep 28, 1978 mtg of the Interagency Administrative Committee
Stanley Levy advises Chancellor Gerberding that the City of Champaign will soon be discussing officially the
notion of holding bars open to until 3 am, his position on this, whether he should say anything publicly
General letter of invitation to be University representatives at the annual informal dinner at the Champaign
Country Club Oct 24, 1978
Notice of the Oct 11, 1978 mtg of the Interagency Administrative Committee
Comments from James M Friedlander, Executive Director of the Champaign County Regional Planning
Commission, on the recent Cooperative Extension publication, “Community Problems: The Citizens’
Perspective,” which he found valuable for their planning effort, & he encourages continuation of this
work & expansion of the report. Chancellor Gerberding indicates that he does not want to get involved
w/this & will not respond. Paul Riegel asks whether he should send “FYI” to Morton Weir, James
Collier & Donald Wendel or simply file
Correspondence concerning the Champaign Chamber of Commerce Business-University “Get-Together” on
Oct 24, 1978 at the Champaign Country Club. Chancellor Gerberding will attend. President Corbally
Notice of the Nov 8, 1978 Interagency Administrative Committee mtg
Notice of a regular mtg of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission Nov 15, 1978
Chuck Flynn advises that the News-Gazette will not provide funding for the continued publication of Planning
& Public Policy
Correspondence concerning the Dec 7, 1978 Community-University Council luncheon mtg in the Illini Union,
hosted by the University, w/Chancellor Gerberding presiding. Agenda
Bruce Michelson asks the University to form a delegation to join the Citizens Advisory Committee on Bicycle
Programs in helping to developing a area-wide system of bicycle registration & law enforcement,
working w/the city governments, Paul Dollins & others in the University administration. This could take
advantage of the new Transportation Act which earmarks funds for the development of programs &
capital improvements for bicycles. The University representatives are Paul Dollins, William Wiese,
James Trail & Will J Worley
Notice of the Jan 30, 1979 mtg of the Interagency Administrative Committee
Correspondence concerning the proposed new zoning designations pending in the City of Urbana. Howard S
Diamond advises that his review showed no reason for the campus to take a stand at this time as
concerns expressed by campus previously appear to be taken into consideration
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……111
Notice of the Feb 28, 1979 Interagency Administrative Committee mtg
Announcement for the Eighth Annual Town & Country Together sponsored by the Agriculture Comm of the
Champaign Chamber of Commerce, Mar 22, 1979 at the Champaign Country Club, w/speaker W David
Downey of Purdue U
Correspondence & documents related to a possible amusement tax as an alternative revenue source for the City
of Champaign & the effect on the University, particularly Krannert Center, Assembly Hall & the
Athletic Assoc. Copies of letters w/information on similar taxes from other institutions. Draft brief from
Timothy Madigan on this matter
Stanley Levy replies to Roger Martin’s letter advising of discussion of establishing a corps of volunteers from
the community to help on various campus projects
Correspondence concerning the Economic Development Steering Committee. Summary of the Mar 16, 1979
mtg. Chancellor Gerberding will attend the Mar 30, 1979 mtg. Letters of comment & suggestion on the
work of this group from various committee members. Document, Staff Suggestions for the 1979 “Town
Meeting.” Document, Trends in the Champaign County Region
Notice of the May 9, 1979 mtg of the Community-University Council
Drafts of the Land Use Element of the Champaign Comprehensive Plan. Initial draft Aug 1977, w/William
Stallman’s comments. Second draft of Mar 1978 & Summary Report – a Supplementary report of the
Comprehensive Planning Process for the City of Champaign, Apr 1978, w/cover letter from James M
Friedlander. In this letter, he advises that there will be a hearing on the report on Apr 25, 1978. He also
responds to points in Paul Doebel’s Oct 24, 1977 letter commenting on the first draft. Third draft, Mar
1979, w/a map, Proposed Land Use Plan – Year 2000. Cover letter from Bette McKown advising of a
hearing on this draft on Apr 4, 1979. Donald Wendel’s comments on this draft, noting that both he &
Donald Molnar conclude there are no unusual or threatening elements of the plan which might
unfavorably affect the University or land acquisitions it might desire to make during the period covered
by the plan. He does not believe that the University needs to be represented at the Apr 4 hearing or any
written communication prepared
Copy of brochure, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, Facts & Figures About a Dynamic Twin-City Community
Notice that May 9, 1979 is the date of the next mtg of the Community-University Council
Donald Wendel requests a brief from Paul Doebel by Apr 9, 1979 regarding the formal or informal responses
the campus has made to invitations to participate in the Regional Plan Commission
Notice for the Apr 25, 1979 mtg of the Interagency Administrative Committee
Notice of the mtg dates for the remainder of 1979 for the Interagency Administrative Committee
Correspondence & documents related to the question of the University’s participation in the Champaign County
Regional Planning Commission & the Steering Committee for Economic Development. Copy of the
Resolution No 913 creating the CCRPC, signed Sep 12, 1972. Copy of the Resolution No 106,
Amended By-Laws of the CCRPC. Copy of Paul Doebel’s brief, CCRPC – Why We Haven’t
Participated, Apr 5, 1979. Summary of the Economic Development Steering Committee Mar 30, 1979
mtg, which Chancellor Gerberding attended. Memo on major issues from that mtg. Donald Wendel’s
summary of where the thinking is on participation in either group, Apr 30, 1979
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to attend a program introducing Britt Airways to C-U May 23, 1979, as
guest of the Dual Transportation Committee of the Champaign & Urbana Chambers of Commerce,
Chancellor regrets
Notice confirming the May 22, 1979 mtg of the Economic Development Steering Committee. This mtg was
rescheduled from May 9, 1979
Notice for the Jun 13, 1979 mtg of the Interagency Administrative Committee
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……112
Copy of a letter sent to officers of cities, county & related organizations in Champaign County inviting them to
participate in a study to determine essential air service needs in the community & others throughout the
state. Stanley Balbach & Ralph Flexman have agreed to chair a local group to assist the consultant. This
group will meet w/the consultant, Systems Analysis & Research Corporation on Jun 15, 1979
Schedule of Interagency Administrative Committee meetings for the remainder of 1979 (revised)
Request for Donald Wendel to review the information for the proposed project application for federal assistance
for the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission Unified Work Program. Cover letter for a
copy (not attached) of the Unified Work Program sent to Donald Wendel Jun 26, 1979
Leaves of Absence
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 21, Clarification of Policy on Accumulation of Disability Leave
by Academic Staff Members
Leaves – Administrative
Copies of applications for administrative leaves for 1977-78 for Daniel Alpert, Daniel C Drucker, Patrick L
Miller, & John Scouffas
Correspondence concerning the administrative leave of Daniel Drucker. Direct request to Chancellor Peltason,
who replies noting the process which must be followed. Chancellor Peltason advises Dean Drucker of
Board of Trustees approval. Reports from Dean Drucker on the first & second portions of his leave
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 13, Aug 30, 1978, Administrative Leaves for 1979-80. The Vice
Chancellors will meet w/Carolyn Burrell on Mar 6, 1979 to review the applications (not attached)
Leaves – Sabbatical
Request from the President’s Office that the Chancellor’s distribute the enclosed statement (not attached)
concerning sabbatical leaves of absence
Approvals for three additional sabbatical leaves for 1978-79 for Martin N Fishbein, Evelyn Satinoff, & Philip
Teitelbaum. Transmittal letter from Chancellor Gerberding to President Corbally. Peter Yankwich letter
advising Morton Weir that he is submitting his recommendation for these leaves to the President. Copy
of Board of Trustees item from the Jul 19, 1978 mtg approving these leaves
Copy of the complete list of 1978-79 UIUC sabbatical leaves for Chancellor Gerberding’s information Jul 24,
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 29, Reminder of Due Dates for Sabbatical Leaves of Absence &
recommendations for Promotion & Tenure
Approvals for sabbatical leave for 1978-79 for Rocco Montano. Transmittal from Chancellor Gerberding to
President Corbally. Peter Yankwich advises Morton Weir of his submission recommending this leave to
the President. Board of Trustees item from the Dec 13, 1978 mtg for approval (not noted) of this leave
Edwin Goldwasser approves changes in sabbatical plan for Arthur Chilton
Approvals for 1979-80 sabbatical leaves. Transmittal letters & Board of Trustees item for the Mar 21, 1979
mtg, Sabbatical Leaves of Absence, 1979-80, for the Medical Center & UIUC (approval not noted on
the item)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……113
Approvals for 1979-80 sabbatical leaves. Transmittal letters & Board of Trustees item for the Apr 20, 1979
mtg, Sabbatical Leaves of Absence, 1979-80, for Chicago Circle & additional at UIUC (approval not
noted on item)
Board of Trustees item for the May 16, 1979 mtg, Sabbatical Leaves of Absence, 1979-80, additional for
Chicago Circle & UIUC
D E Koeppe requests permission to delay his sabbatical leave until such time as present lab leadership problems
are corrected
Request from the President’s Office for Chancellors distribution of the statement (not attached) concerning
sabbatical leaves of absence
Board of Trustees item for the Jun 20, 1979 mtg, Sabbatical Leaves of Absence, 1979-80, additional for
Chicago Circle
Legal Counsel
Correspondence concerning Payment for Services Rendered Property of UI Located in Piatt County, IL, during
Calendar Year 1977 Payable in 1978. Earl Palmberg cover letter explaining the proposed agreement (not
attached) between the Board of Trustees & State’s Attorney Hugh Finson for providing for this
payment. He notes that payment will not be made until the Court Order removing the tax lien is entered
by the Circuit Judge this fall. Cover letter & copy of the Order (not attached) of Nov 6, 1978 issued by
Circuit Judge John P Shonkwiler
Information on the case Anderson v. Board of Trustees of Community College District No 526, decided by the
Fourth District Appellate Court on Feb 7, 1978. James Costello sends this as it is relevant to faculty
recruitment practices & the issue of late appointments
Cover letter & copy of the Order (not attached) entered on Oct 20, 1978 by Circuit Court of DeKalb County
Judge Carl A Swanson removing the tax lien so that payment may be made for services rendered for
property in DeKalb County for the year 1977 payable in 1978
George Bargh sends a copy of an article for distribution to persons who validate employment status. The article
concerns a libel action brought by William Q Wolfson against Wayne State, who denied he was ever on
their faculty, when in fact he had been. Dr Wolfson won the suit & a monetary settlement, which the
IRS decided was taxable
Copy of an excerpt on negligence - University liability under Workmen’s Compensation Act - from the Feb 2,
1950 letter from William F Britton, University Legal Counsel
Timothy Madigan sends a copy of the judgement in the Anderson v. Board of Trustees of Community College
No 526 & a copy of the appropriate section of the Administrative Manual to Nina Baym, in response to
her question about the binding power of letters of offer to faculty. He notes that only the contract from
the Board of Trustees is binding
Earl Palmberg answers Robert D Franks Apr 23, 1979 letter concerning the payment of retail sales tax on meals
where individuals remit conference or registration fees which include charges for meals
Lectures – George A Miller & Others
Copy of the MillerComm brochure
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……114
Daniel Alpert report on recent actitivities of the Miller Committee, w/attached documents. A summary of
MillerComm78. MillerComm policy & procedures. Summary of CAS activities for 1977-78 & plans for
Paul Riegel report on an anonymous call from a faculty member complaining about the funds spent by the
Miller Lecture Committee for “expensive brochures & posters.” Responses from James Collier &
Morton Weir
Letters requesting those listed to serve on the George A Miller Endowment Committee & the George A Miller
Lecture Committee for 1978-79
Flyer & invitation to attend the fourth Joseph T Tykociner Memorial Lecture Oct 26, 1978 by Sol Spiegelman,
“The ‘I’ & ‘We” of Art & Science”
Information on the Oct 26, 1978 lecture by Linwood Dunn, veteran Hollywood special effects cameraman,
sponsored by the Illini Union Board Lecture Committee
Brochure for the 1978-79 David C Baum Memorial Lectures on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights. Lecturers this
year are William T Coleman & Vern Countryman
Memo on deadlines for nominations for the George A Miller Visiting Professors for 1979-80
C Brooks Peters, New York Times correspondence in Hitler’s German, sends background information &
information on his availability as a lecturer
Flyer announcing for the reception for & MillerComm79 lecture by Roxane Witke, Mar 7, 1979, “China &
America: A New Partnership?”
Copy of the Sixth David D Henry Lecture, “Quality & Equality in Health Professions Education & Service,” by
Lloyd C Elam Apr 11-12, 1979
Correspondence concerning a lecture by U S Senator Alan Cranston at the Center for Advanced Study, Apr 27,
1979, “National Child & Family Policy: Issues & Directions”
Undated document, Notes on MillerComm Symposium. Tentative title: Risk & Responsibility: Rebuilding the
American Dream. List of topics w/possible speakers
Legislation – Federal
Complimentary copy of an Editorial Projects for Education 1979 Special Report to Alumni, “The Entangling
Web.” Invitation to the University to participate in this effort to keep institutions informed about
improtant issues affecting higher education
Larry Matejka’s comments on the Basic Grant Quality Control Project, relative to the Federal Register Call for
Comment. He notes that he does not feel campus can afford to bid on this project
NASULGC memo on Highlights in the Administration’s FY1980 Budget Requests
Copy of letter from James T McIntyre to U S Senator Adlai E Stevenson concerning the proposed revision of
Circular A-21
Copy of Summary/Analysis of the President’s Budget FY1980, produced by staff of Washington-based higher
education associations & institutions, list on the cover
Copies of three tables from a preliminary analysis of the R&D budgets & policies included in the President’s
FY1980 budget, produced by AAAS & eleven other educational & professional associations
Copy of memo of Mar 9, 1979 from Thomas A Bartlett of AAU on the upcoming appropriations fights & other
Copy of a cover letter & statement on basic research from NASULGC, Basic Research, 1980 Investments in the
Future-A Joint Statement to the Congress, Apr 17, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……115
Edwin Goldwasser comments on a memo from NASULGC which Chancellor Gerberding sent him on
Commingling of Public & Private Funds, particularly as it relates to legislative activities
Legislation – State
Copy of list, Members of the Illinois State Legislature, 1979-81, 81st General Assembly
Information on Title II – Small Business Development Centers, possible grant possibilities
Flyer for a Legislative Breakfast featuring State Senator Stanley B Weaver & Representatives Virgil C Wikoff,
Timothy V Johnson, & Helen Satterthwaite, Oct 4, 1978 at the Ramada Inn
Copy of a booklet, Issues for 1979-An Assessment of Potential Legislative Issues From Interviews
w/Registered Lobbyists & Agency Liaisons, prepared by R Samuel Baker, Urbana, Prepared for &
w/the assistance of the House Democratic staff. Chancellor Gerberding questions the propriety of a
faculty member doing this kind of work. Paul Riegel reports on Sam Gove’s assessment
Copy of a WGN Editorial “Illinois Universities” from Feb 26, 1979 about a proposed restructuring of the
system governing various state universities
Legislative Report No 1, Mar 1, 1979
Legislative Report No 2, Mar 12, 1979
Legislative Report No 3, Apr 3, 1979
Copy of House Bill 1541 – amends Act providing for organization & maintenance of UI. Copy of Amendment
No 1 to this bill
Copy of title page of House Bill 1522 – amends the Illinois Purchasing Act
List of 81st General Assembly Bills Affecting the UI, Apr 5, 1979
Copy of House Bill 2071 – amends the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois & the Act recreating the Board of
Higher Education
Copy of Senate Bill 1171 – amends the State Employees Group Insurance Act
Notice that a sub-committee of the Senate Appropriations II Committee will hear testimony on Senate Bill 380,
the FY1980 operating appropriation request for UI on Apr 18, 1979. Biographical information on comm
members. Cover of Amendment No 3 to this bill
Copy of Amendment No 1 to Senate Bill 168
Legislative Report No 4, May 22, 1979
Notice of the hearing on the FY1980 UI operating appropriation request by the House Appropriations II
Committee on Jun 14, 1979. Biographical information on comm members
List of 81st General Assembly Bills Affecting the UI, May 29, 1979
Legislative Report No 5, Jun 5, 1979
Legislators, Correspondence with
Stanley Weaver comments on a Nov 8, 1978 Daily Illini picture caption, which shows him w/young children
awaiting election results & mentions them as his, while his own children are in fact grown & have
children of their own. Chancellor Gerberding’s reply
Paul Riegel sends copies of the three campus 1978-79 Student-Staff Directories to Tim Kelly in Congressman
Edward Madigan’s office
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……116
Mail, Use of
Copies of sabbatical rental housing available sent through campus mail, which is against University policy.
Letters of Jul 12, 13, 14 & 20, 1978
U S Postal Regulations for distribution of U S mail on campus
Notice of a new overhead charge on all purchases from Postal Stores, effective Jul 1, 1978
Notice that the Office of Administrative Studies has developed a flexible system which combines the payroll
retrieval program w/the University Mailing Center programs & hardware, making it possible to select
categories for machine produced labels lists
Donald Wendel sends Joseph Diana a copy of the In Brief section from the Oct 10, 1978 issue of the Chronicle
of Higher Education. One of the items deals w/a ruling by a federal district court judge that the
unwritten rule at the U of Missouri denying the use of the campus mail system to union organizations
was unconstitutional
Memo from the Illinois Dept of Administrative Services regarding the discontinuance of the messenger service
between Springfield & UIUC
Professor A James Heins writes to Chancellor Gerberding to complain about a mailing from the Union of
Professional Employees
Stanley Levy’s comments on possibly restriction of access to mail service for registered organizations, Donald
Wendel’s reply
Correspondence concerning the use of the Mail Transportation Center for delivery of LCS materials
Bob Evans advises about the benefits of the U S Postal Service First Class Pre-Sort program
Correspondence concerning alternatives for improving campus mail delivery service. Alternatives & request for
suggestions Oct 2, 1978. James Collier comments Oct 4, 1978. Memo advising of changes made, May
17, 1979
Request from Merck Sharp & Dohme for an update of information for University personnel on their mailing list
Donald Wendel’s suggestions for come controls on use off campus mail service related to bulk mailings
Correspondence concerning the development of University guidelines for the use of campus mail. President
Corbally Apr 3, 1979 letter asking the Chancellors to designate one person to work w/James Costello as
an ad hoc committee to develop & recommend guidelines. Paul Doebel will be UIUC’s representative.
Jun 27, 1979 draft Guidelines for the Use of Campus Mail Delivery Service, which Paul Doebel would
like to discuss at the Chancellor’s Administrative Conference Jun 28, 1979
Medicare Dixieland Cooperative
Letter of thanks for a performance in Chicago Jun 28, 1978
Invitation & acceptance for Medicare to be part of the Governor’s Week celebrating the arts w/a performance
Sep 27, 1978 at Daley Plaza in Chicago
The Star Course Medicare concert is rescheduled from Jan 28, 1979 to Feb 25, 1979
Letter of thanks for another successful alumni club tour
Correspondence concerning appreciation for the Apr 27, 1979 Medicare performance in Paris, Illinois Board of
Higher Education
Memberships in Organizations
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……117
Invoice-voucher, Dept of Anthropology, American Anthropological Assoc, Departmental Services Program, Jul
1, 1978-Jun 30, 1979
Invoice-voucher, Dept of Entomology, Society of Neuroscience, dues through Jan 1980
Approval, Dept of Journalism membership in Suburban Newspapers of America
Invoice-voucher, Commerce Administration, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, dues beginning Jul 1, 1978
Invoice-voucher, Commerce Administration, American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, dues
Approval, William Wiese, Institutional & Municipal Parking Congress, renewal for one year
Approval, L J Mirman, American Economic Assoc 1979 dues reimbursement, copy of invoice-voucher
Approval, McKinley Health Service, Ohio Medical Education Network (OMEN)
Approval, Coordinated Science Lab, Assoc for Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems
(ADCIS), Jul 1978-Jun 1979
Approval, Natural History Survey, sponsoring membership, Institute of Ecology, five years, copy of invoicevoucher
Approval, College of Education, affiliate membership, American Educational Research Assoc
Approval, Physical Education Dept, Committee on Institutional Cooperation (Big Ten Symposium)
Approval, Career Development & Placement, Governmental College Relations Council, Sep 1978-Aug 1979,
copy of invoice-voucher
Invoice-voucher, John Lars Johnson, College Placement Council, Inc, Sep 1978-Aug 1979
Approval, Coordinated Science Lab, Population Reference Bureau, Inc
Approval, Krannert Art Museum, American Federation of Arts annual participation fee, copy of invoicevoucher
Approval, Dept of Forestry, International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, 1978, copy of invoicevoucher
Approval, University High School, Illinois Mathematics League 1978-79, copy of invoice-voucher
Approval, Fine & Applied Arts, American Academy in Rome, 1978-79, copy of invoice-voucher
Approval, Institute of Aviation, Illinois Aviation Trades Assoc, affiliate member
Invoice-voucher, LAS Administration, annual dues, National Council of University Research Administrators
Approval, Computing Services, SPSS ISSUE User’s Group, one year starting Nov 1, 1978
Invoice-voucher, AISS, annual membership from Sep 1978 to Sep 1979, International Word Processing Assoc
Approval, Dept of Speech & Hearing Science, Council of Graduate Programs in Speech &Language Pathology
& Audiology
Approval, University High School, Kickapoo Conference
Approval, Veterinary Medicine, National Society for Medical Research
Approval, Natural History Survey, annual membership, American Assoc for the Advancement of Science
Approval, campus, Assoc of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs (AGLSP), membership fee to be paid by LAS
Correspondence & documents dating from Dec 1975 related to the University’s membership in the East Central
Illinois Criminal Justice Commission (ECICJC). This is background material for a request that the
University endorse the Resolution Endorsing the Creation of a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
for Champaign & Vermilion Counties. It has become necessary that ECICJC be designated as a
“Coordinating Council” by its member in order to satisfy federal & state eligibility requirements for
increased grant funding potential. Chancellor Gerberding submits this request to President Corbally on
Dec 21, 1978
Approval, Graduate College, annual membership, Conference of Deans of Black Graduate Schools. Copy of
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……118
Dept of Vocational & Technical Education, Associated Institutions for Graduate Program Development in
Vocational Education. Copy of invoice
Approval, Krannert Art Museum, institutional membership, American Assoc of Museums
Approval, School of Social Work, Assoc of Baccalaureate Program Directors. Copy of invoice-voucher
Approval, Dept of Vocational & Technical Education, American Industrial Arts Assoc (AIAA) 1978-79. Copy
of invoice-voucher
Approval, Russian & East European Center, American Society for the Study of Peoples of Eastern Europe &
Northern & Central Asia (ASSEENCA)
Approval, AISS, 204 User Group, Informatics Incorporated, for one year. Copy of invoice-voucher
Invitation to join or renew membership in the American Education Research Assoc, Special Interest Group for
Community/Junior College Research for 1979
Approval, WILL-AM-FM-TV, Broadcast Promotion Assoc
Approval, Division of Campus Recreation, Big Ten Recreation Sports Directors Assoc
Approval, Illini Union, Professional Travel Film Directors Assoc, 1979. Copy of invoice-voucher
Approval, institutional membership, International Council of Fine Arts Deans for 1979. Copy of invoicevoucher
Approval, Cooperative Extension, International Society of IPM Practitioners
Approval, Computing Services Office, EDUNET, FY1980
Approval, LAS, Language Learning Lab, fee, Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Apr 19-22,
Approval, Division of Broadcasting, Illinois-Indiana Cable Television Assoc
List of memberships for 1978-79 paid from University funds, w/a chart showing comparison between FY1978
& FY1979. Also attached is a schedule analyzing the membership for the year for all campuses
Approval, University High School, College Entrance Examination Board
Request for payment of dues for the CIC Cooperative Film Library for the Unit of Cinema Studies. The billing
covers two academic years, 1977-78 & 1978-79. Edwin Jahiel does not recommend continuation of the
membership through 1978-79, so the request is for payment of the 1977-78 dues, which somehow did
not get paid
Approval, Krannert Center, International Society of Performing Arts Administrators
Information on the Society for College Science Teachers, copy of their newsletter
Approval, News Bureau, Illinois College Relations Conference. Copy of invoice-voucher
Invoice-voucher, Institute of Aviation, Airborne-Law Enforcement Assoc, Inc for 1979
Invoice-voucher, Illini Union, National Entertainment & Campus Activities Assoc, through Apr 30, 1980
Approval, University High School, Kickapoo Conference dues for 1978-79. Copy of invoice-voucher
Approval, Schools of Basic Medical Sciences & Clinical Medicine at UIUC, subscriber dues for Jul 1, 1979-Jun
30, 1980, Assoc of American Medical Colleges
Approval, Illini Union, Amusement & Music Operators Assoc Inc,, May 1, 1979-Apr 30, 1980. Copy of
Approval, Film Library (Visual Aids Service), Educational Film Library Assoc, Jul 1, 1979-Jun 30, 1980. Copy
of invoice-voucher
Approval, Housing, Retail Bakers of America, year beginning May 1, 1979. Copy of invoice-voucher
Mental Health Board – County/State
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……119
Announcement – Extramural Research & Development Grants Program FY1980 from the State Dept of Mental
Health & Developmental Disabilities
Mothers Assoc
Invitation for nominations for the Medallion of Honor for 1979
Invitation to the Gerberdings to the social hour & dinner that will open the 12th Annual Fall Conference Oct 27,
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Bonnie Decker for her note of appreciation for a recent campus visit on a football
Cover letter for material sent to parents about the Dads & Mothers Associations
Invitation to the Gerberdings for the annual Mom’s Day Banquet Apr 20, 1979, Chancellor to give welcome
Correspondence concerning the Cookbook project to help the Marching Illini buy new uniforms
Invitations to Donald Wendel to attend a reception for Medallion of Honor recipient Olga Jonasson & the
Mom’s Day Weekend banquet on Apr 20, 1979
General invitation to the Mom’s Day Weekend Art Exhibition at PAR (Pennsylvania Avenue Residence halls)
Invitations to Chancellor Gerberding & Paul Riegel to Mom’s Day Weekend events
Copy of the Mom’s Day Weekend program
Stanley Levy letter of comments on Mom’s Day Weekend
Copy of Sep 29, 1978 Federal Register on the Museum Services Program
Georgette Meredith letter following Jim Collier’s visit to the World Heritage Museum
Museums- Krannert Art
Invitation to a reception to commemorate an Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Prints to be on display Jul
12-Aug 13, 1978
Report on phone calls from alumnus actor Arte Johnson. One of his friends wanted to donate a piece from his
primitive art collection to KAM in honor of Johnson & his wife. Johnson also suggested he might like to
donate some works himself
Muriel Christison letter thanking Don A Wack for his help w/the Challenge Grant. Copies of support letters
from community leaders
Request for approval to use UIF #32150, Krannert Art Museum Associate Funds, for an institutional
membership in the American Assoc of Musuems
Invitation to a preview of the exhibition of work by Sol Lewitt Mar 3, 1979
Record of Receipt for two art works returned to the Krannert Art Museum by Chancellor Gerberding, Still Life
With Fruit by Paoul Dufy, & Head of a Girl by Henri Matisse
Open Meeting Law
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……120
Professor H W Norton writes to Edwin Goldwasser w/his views about the openness of meetings. He would like
to have the Graduate College Executive Committee meetings be open
Correspondence concerning interpretation of the applicability of the open meeting law to campus committees.
Timothy Madigan sends Morton Weir copies of past correspondence on this issue
Copy of An “Occasional Paper” – The Housing Division, from William K Williams, Ombudsperson, May 30,
Morton Weir thanks William K Williams for his memo of Jul 17, 1978, which includes the suggestion of the
need for some sort of simple document that would explain the mission & organization of the institutions,
which he sees being misunderstood by faculty & staff
Copy of the Report of the Ombudsperson, 1977-78, which Chancellor Gerberding would like to discuss at the
Administrative Conference on Sep 7, 1979
Hugh Satterlee report of Sep 19, 1978 for the period since he took over from William K Williams
Hugh Satterlee report of Jan 5, 1979
Semi-annual report of Mar 2, 1979
Hugh Satterlee advises that he will attend the Midwest Ombudsmen annual workshop Apr 19-22, 1979 at Salt
Fork State Park near Cambridge, Ohio
Correspondence to, from & concerning student Mark D Bogen, who has been investigating the office of the
ombudsman as part of a research project. His researches lead him to have some dissatisfaction w/the
operation, centered around the lack of recognition of the office & its campus profile & support. He has
meetings w/Hugh Satterlee, Stanley Levy, Chancellor Gerberding. He asks to speak before the Board of
Trustees. Stanley Levy reports to Chancellor Gerberding in an Apr 16, 1979 letter about his meetings
w/Hugh Satterlee, Mark Bogen & others about the office of ombudsman, which he pursued at the
Chancellor’s request. He provides an analysis of Bogen’s concerns, how things the office functions & its
role. He notes that the Chancellor can assure the President & Board of Trustees that there are no
problems w/the present office. A copy of this report is sent to President Corbally
Operations & Maintenance (O & M)
Correspondence concerning tours by Chancellor Gerberding of the Physical Plant
Memo concerning Work Assignment of Building Service Workers, Construction Laborers, & Grounds Workers
Memo confirming that any project which alters, modifies or adds to buildings or grounds must be approved in
advance by the office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs. Donald Wendel advises Lynn J
Snyder that the construction of two driveways now underway should have been reviewed by this process
Chancellor Gerberding replies to a complaint from student Peggy Krajnovich about problems in the
management of grounds crews
Announcement of & information about the Fourth Annual Big Ten Universities Mechanical Staff mtg Oct 1718, 1978 at UIUC
Donald Wendel reports a complaint on bicycle path maintenance from Professor Will Worley
Complaint from a parent about the appearance of the grounds at Garner Residence Hall
Copy of manual, Organization & Responsibilities, O & M Division, UIUC, Revised Sep 1978
Copy of the Emergency Service Call Schedule, revised as of Sep 1, 1978 for all crafts
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……121
Correspondence concerning a modification of approval requirements for work done by O&M
Materials from the Fourth Annual Big Ten Universities Mechanical Staff Meeting Oct 17-18, 1978 at UIUC
Cover memo & graphs showing the gross square feet per 1,000 man-hours of Building Maintenance & Building
Operations (custodial services) plotted for the period from 1970-78
Copy of Division of Responsibility-Music Building #39
Cover memo for the FY1978 Annual Report of O&M Division (not attached)
Correspondence concerning problems w/the HVAC system in the Student Services Building. Richard Runner
memo reporting on his investigation of possible solutions. Stanley Levy letter to confirm understandings
about actions to be taken reached at a Nov 21, 1978 mtg. L G Hernecheck report on results from the
same (?) mtg, date given as Nov 20, 1978
Chancellor Gerberding note to Donald Wendel about custodians in buildings without heat on weekends
Correspondence concerning year round air conditioning for the speech & hearing building
Holiday closing schedule for the South Garage for the period Dec 24, 1978-Jan 2, 1979
Memo advising that requests for air conditioning & refrigeration installation & service work should be received
by Feb 1, 1979 to allow scheduling
Handwritten notes on a comparison of units of O&M in 1966 w/1979. Copy of the Building Operations Section
of the 1965-66 Annual Report
Memo-Standards for Operations & Maintenance of Buildings
Memo on the Use of O&M Scaffolding in Theatre Productions
Donald Wendel memo about the perceived lack of employee recognition on campus
Donald Wendel is invited to give the keynote address at the 13th Annual Building Operations Workshop Jun 1,
Correspondence concerning heating & ventilation problems in the Electrical Engineering building & winter
ventilation shutdown
1978-79 Nonacademic Affirmative Action Plan-Implementation Report for O&M
Copy of a Telephone Alert about ice buildup on roof overhangs
Memo about a complaint from Peter Loeb about a banging steam line in his office in Altgeld Hall
Correspondence between Northern Illinois Water Corporation & UI indicating that the Agreement for Water
Service will be allowed to expire, as there is no longer a need for most of the special provisions of the
agreement. Copy of the original agreement of Apr 21, 1949
Copy of the Emergency Service Call Schedule, revised as of Apr 1, 1979
Letters of complaint from University High School staff about the closing of a path between the school & 1210
W Springfield. Letter of explanation of the decision from David Bowman at O&M. Donald Wendel
letter of explanation to June Mank at University High
Housing requests cancellation of some of its continuous work orders, list attached. G P Porter of O&M reply,
noting that they will start closing out the jobs as requested. He does suggest that some of the orders for
routine maintenance of critical items not be closed, & lists these w/reasons
G P Porter memo on O&M parking permits
L G Hernecheck memo about an unauthorized metal object placed on the lawn near the south entrance to the
Art & Design Building. Handwritten note advising that this is a serious artwork. O&M needs to
determine if it is permanent or temporary, & if permanent, determine an appropriate base & placement
1979-80 Nonacademic Affirmative Action Goals & Timetables
Building Operations Workshop Jun 1, 1979 Pre-Registration Roster
Minutes of a mtg of Jun 14, 1979 concerning Central Campus Control, Phase II, CDB Project No 830-010-048,
to review the status of design & review the presentation by MCC-Powers Company
Final draft of the Division of Responsibility for the Freer Gymnasium
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……122
Box 225
O & M – Abbott Power Plant
Memo on an increase in the cost of #2 fuel oil for Abbott Power Plant. Copy of chart, Fuel Oil Costs, UIUC
Campus, showing centers per gallon from Jul 1978-Jun 1979
O & M – Building Inspections
Copy of the inspection report prepared by O&M for Willard Airport Facilities w/Donald Wendel cover letter.
Cover memo & status report from Ralph Flexman of Feb 26, 1979 indicating what actions have been
Cover letter & copy of the Dec 7, 1978 Facilities Inspection statement sent by Donald Wendel to directors of
Auxiliary Units. Copies of background correspondence concerning this policy. Replies from the unit
heads reporting on their inspections procedures
Copies of Building Inspection Reports for the Student Services Building, Feb 8, 1979
Memo of notice of a brief training program for Auxiliary Unit staff on building inspection procedures on Mar
13, 1979. Copy of minutes of this mtg. L G Hernecheck’s report on the mtg for Donald Wendel
Douglas Bauling advises Donald Wendel that he has discussed w/Leo Corby the possibility of the College of
Agriculture assuming responsibility for inspection of its various farm buildings
L G Hernecheck advises Donald Wendell that the Intramural-Physical Education Building is scheduled for
inspection during 1979, & McKinley Hospital & Health Center during 1980. He asks for confirmation
of his assumption that responsibility for IMPE inspection has been transferred to the unit & O&M need
not conduct one
Housing Director Sammy Rebecca advises Donald Wendel that he expects to receive an overall program for
facilities inspections by Jun 1, 1979 & will forward it after his own review
O & M – Energy Crisis (3 folders)
Recommendations from Donald Brotherson & L G Hernecheck for members of the Campus Energy Committee
Jul 19, 1978 request from Frank W Houck for approval of the purchase of the ESP-1 computer assisted energy
audit program for buildings on the Chicago campuses using utility reserve funds. Attached copy of the
memo, Subject: Energy Audit of University Buildings. Harlan Bareither Jul 25, 1978 memo requesting
review & comment. L G Hernecheck’s comments. Donald Wendel advises that UIUC is already funding
development of a similar procedure by Professor C O Pedersen (BLAST) & would not like to make
another financial commitment at this time for a second program. He suggests that perhaps the UIUC
program could be used for audits on the Chicago campuses
Sep 11, 1978 letter from J B Claar, reporting on the Cooperative Extension efforts in relation to energy
education through regular programs & contracts w/the State Office of Energy. Article, “New Emphasis
on Energy Programs,” from the Feb 1978 extension Council Report. Article “Cooperative Extension
Service,” from the Jan 1978 issue of Current Affairs of the College of Agriculture
Sep 22, 1978 memo from Donald Wendel to L G Hernecheck w/his recent thinking about energy management,
particular the Energy Alerts program, & a possible comparison on how campus is doing in relation to
the rest of the Big Ten
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……123
Oct 10, 1978 Deans, Directors memo on Energy Alerts
Undated document, Energy Conservation Program – UIUC
Document, Energy Conservation at UIUC, Oct 16, 1978
Raymond Borelli suggestions for future energy savings, Oct 24, 1978
Cover memo & Energy Policy-Interim Report, UIUC of Nov 2, 1978. Copy of background documents,
including an Aug 31, 1977 memo from W E Stallman to Deans, Directors on Comfort Condition Hours
(Heating & Ventilation) w/attached Schedule of Comfort Conditions Sep 1977-May 1978, & Opening &
Closing Order for Buildings Sep 1977. Also attached is a cover memo & copy of the Energy Policy for
the Medical Center Campus of Nov 9, 1977
Donald Wendel thanks Frank Houck for the copy of the report, “Energy Supply, Chicago Campuses, University
of Illinois.” Frank Houck’s cover memo for this report is attached only, not the report itself
Donald Wendel request for assistance from Public Affairs for informing campus about energy conservation
Dec 7, 1978 memo from L G Hernecheck to Professor C O Pedersen concerning progress w/the BLAST
computer model program for energy audits
G P Porter Dec 15, 1978, in response to Donald Wendel’s Sep 22, 1978 letter, about the Energy Alerts program,
program effectiveness, & future programs (SR3). Attached are a chart-Energy Quantity & Cost Analysis
1978 for Big Ten institutions, Chicago campuses & Marquette U
Cover letter & copy of G P Porter report on Energy Conservation-Cost Avoidance of Dec 19, 1978
Cover memo & list of energy conservation projects-Energy Conservation (SR3)
Copy of memo, Subject: Energy Procurement & Utilization Management-University of Illinois, Feb 26, 1979
Cover memo & report of Mar 6, 1979, Energy Consumption, distributed by Robert Winter at a Planning
Council mtg Feb 26, 1979. Handwritten notes attached
Correspondence related to the lamp removal energy conservation program
Donald Wendel responds to Eugene L Jacob’s proposal to save energy costs by having institutions shut down
during Dec, Jan & Feb
G P Porter responds to Robert Winter’s request for data on selected buildings relating current & estimated
energy usage or savings to past, current & requested Central Supervisory Control (CSC) project
appropriations. This request was made in response to questioning from the Illinois Legislative Staff
regarding energy conservation related to CSC projects w/actual & expected savings in energy usage, or
w/documenting lesser energy usage than would have occurred without these projects. Porter notes that
they have insufficient data to provide anything other than estimates on what the reduction could be.
Attached is a list of UI Energy Consumption of Selected Buildings, U-C Campus, & background
correspondence on CSC
Handwritten notes, what appears to be possible names for a committee. “Energy Task Force” is written in the
corner of the page
Copy of a memo, Subject: Energy Procurement & Utilization Management – University of Illinois, which a
handwritten note at the top of the page says was presented by Frank Houck to the Board of Trustees on
Apr 20, 1979. Attached is a copy of the Buildings & Grounds Comm agenda for Apr 20
Cover memo of May 7, 1979 & copy of a L G Hernecheck memo on the development of an Energy
Management program for the campus
Handwritten list of names, May 7, 1979 – possible Task Force members?
Copy of A Building Management Policy for Use in Connection w/The Illinois Energy Contingency Plan
working draft Apr 1979. Request for comments. Comments from Frank Houck for the Chicago
campuses & O&M/L G Hernecheck at UIUC
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……124
Donald Wendel May 14, 1979 advising of an energy management discussion paper he has prepared for the
Chancellor’s Administrative Conference review that is still in draft status, & his current thinking about a
Task Force for review & comment
L G Hernecheck asks William Stallman to review the increased operation of heating & ventilating hours for the
listed buildings to determine if anything can be done to reduce them. Richard Runner’s May 30, 1979
Donald Wendel sends Dillon Mapother a copy of his May 15, 1979 memo on Energy Management for the
Administrative Conference, BTU consumption for recent years (chart), & oil costs 1978-79 (chart)
O & M – Energy Crisis, Energy Conservation Study
Correspondence & documents related to the campus Energy Conservation Study Program (also referred to as
the campus energy conservation project)
It is unclear when this study was initiated, perhaps May 1977
Earliest correspondence in this file concerns the funding for summer 1977 work on the project by Professor
Curt Pedersen, two graduate students-David Metzger & Daniel Donahoe-& necessary expenses
Copy of document, Campus Energy Study-Interim Progress Report, Jul 24, 1977
Joseph Diana reaffirms his support for this project in an Aug 15, 1977 letter to Seichi Konzo, indicating that
Metzger’s & Donahoe’s appointments will continue into the fall semester
He attaches materials adopted by the University Planning Council regarding utility budgets for the current fiscal
Correspondence concerning funding for the Metzger & Donahoe positions for Fall 1978
Sep 15, 1977 memo concerning the personnel for two new groups to be appointed: a Technical Group & an
Advisory Group
Copy of document-Energy Quantity & Cost Analysis Data Report, 1977 (Big Ten initiated data survey)
Copy of document-Interim Progress Report, Campus Energy Study, Jan 12, 1978
Curt Pedersen memo of May 26, 1978, outlining the plans for the continuation of the project into Summer 1978,
w/proposed budget. Donald Wendel memo of May 31, 1978 approving the plans & budget
Sep 21, 1978 status report on the project from Curt Pedersen
Correspondence concerning whether to continue the project at this time & funding needs
O & M – University Owned Vehicles
Correspondence concerning an incident reported by a Los Angeles resident, Francis J Crowley, to Governor
Thompson & President Corbally, of a University vehicle seen parked at a Safeway store in Brentwood
while the occupants were shopping there. Letter of explanation from Art & Design Dept Head Eugene
Wicks. The vehicle was being used in connection w/research in Los Angeles for the Horner Project. In
view of the explanation, Donald Wendel advises that he is taking no further action in this matter, as he
believes the vehicle was being properly used
Donald Wendel cover memo for transmittal of the policy on Assignment of University Fleet Passenger Sedans
to Departments on a Continuous Basis, for insertion in the Campus Administrative Manual, O & M
Policies, Section VIII/C-6, General Policies. He also asks that departments submit a justification for
need for such vehicles annually
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……125
Justification for continuous assignment of a University fleet passenger sedan to the Dept of Electrical
Justification for continuous assignment from the Office for Capital Programs
Correspondence concerning the approval of an increases of the maximum amount charged to a department in
the event of damage to a University vehicle when costs are not recoverable in any other way from $100
to $200. Deans, Directors memo of Sep 22, 1978
Request from the Illinois House Committee on Appropriations for information on the use of state owned
vehicles for a review being conducted by Minority Staff. Copy of a vehicle number sequence printout &
a copy of the General Policy on Automobile Transportation from the General Policy & Guidelines.
Copies of the sections of the Campus Administrative Manual on Departmentally Owned Vehicles &
Assignment of University Fleet Passenger Sedans to Departments on a Continuous Basis. Sample car
release order
Correspondence concerning an increase in mileage & usage charges by the University Car Pool, effective Jan 1,
L G Hernechek forwards Timothy O Madigan’s reply to a request for his review of House Bill 100. He does not
believe that the University repair would have to be licensed under this bill
Apr 18, 1979 memo on Central Scheduling of Transportation
Correspondence concerning an increase in mileage & usage rates by the Car Pool to be effective May 1, 1979
Donald Wendel advises that the Chicago campuses would like to have early advisement on changes in the
University car pool charge rate
May 29, 1979 Deans, Directors memo on enforcement of the 55 mile per hour speed limit for University
Jun 19, 1979 memo to Admissions & Records staff regarding procedure when filling stations will not accept the
credit card provided. Loren Decker suggests to Donald Wendel that an article in IlliniWeek might be
useful. Copy of a document, Travel in University Vehicles “On the Road Cash Gasoline Purchases”
Organizations – Recognized Affiliated Registered
William Stallman forwards to Morton Weir & Donald Wendel a copy of a letter from Robert B Crawford
concerning the awarding of the editorship of a journal to the Dept of Anthropology. He notes that this
involves a minor space resource implication, which must be approved by both of them. He believes such
cases might require a more detailed review & asks for their opinion
Patents, Committee on University
Copy of a Dillon Mapother letter of Jul 5, 1978 concerning an issue raised by Ron Brady regarding the large
amount of undistributed patent royalty income available to the Urbana campus, which could create
problems w/State Auditors. Mapother notes that this arises as a result of an anomalously large payment
for the plasma display panel received form UPI in the last year. He asks if UIF arrange w/UPI that
payments are transferred at a rate more consistent w/the campus’ ability to absorb them. He also cites
several problems in complying w/Brady’s request for spending these funds soon. Chancellor Gerberding
would like a mtg to discuss this
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jul 19, 1978 mtg, Recommendations of the University Patent
Committee. 1. Thermal Engine. 2. Tuning of Group Type Unidirectional Surface Acoustic Wave
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……126
Transducers. 3. BCD to Teletype Converter. 4. Thermit Reaction Processing of Ceramics. 5. Visometric
Thermometer for Use in Electromagnetic Field Environments. 6. All Digital Modem
Request that Edwin Goldwasser serve as a member of the University Patent Committee for 1978-79 or until his
successor is appointed, replacing Dillon Mapother
Board of Trustees item for the Oct 20, 1978 mtg, Recommendations of the University Patent Committee. 1.
First Visible Wavelength Direct Nuclear Pumped Laser. 2. Azaprostaglandin-like Drugs. 3. Z-Pro-DLeu. 4. SIMPLER System
Board of Trustees item for the Jan 17, 1979 mtg, approved at the Feb 21, 1979 mtg, Recommendations of the
University Patent Committee. 1. PLATO V Terminal ASCII Interface. 2. Accessory Table Clamp. 3.
Synthesis of 1,215-6-dibenzocyclooctatraene-3,7-oxides
Board of Trustees item approved at the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Recommendations of the University Patent
Committee. 1. Polymer Bound Chelatets. 2. High Dielectric Constant Boundary Layer Capacitors. 3.
Quantum-well Light Emitters & Lasers. 4. Extrusion Texturization of Whole Soybeans for Use in Meat
Analogs. 5. Polymer-bound Catalysts for the Carbonylation of Methanol. 6. Brominating Enzymes for
Marine Algae. 7. Combination Open/Closed Circuit Respiratory Valve
Correspondence concerning a proposed contract between the University & the American Iron & Steel Institute
(AISI). Dillon Mapother Apr 21, 1978 letter summarizing the issues. The Patent Committee & the
Board of Trustees have both failed to approve it. Mapother asks Chancellor Gerberding for approval to
seek reconsideration from Vice President Brady. Handwritten notes (Chancellor Gerberding?) on
discussion of this w/Peter Yankwich. Chancellor Gerberding advises Dillon Mapother in Apr 26, 1978
letter that there is no chance of effecting this contract by the Apr 30, 1978 deadline. He does suggest
that perhaps the time is ripe to raise the policy questions involved here. He asks Mapother to draft a
proposed policy for his & Morton Weir’s consideration for submission to the Patent Committee
Board of Trustees item for the May 16, 1979 mtg, Recommendations of the University Patent Committee. 1.
Polymer Membrance Electret for Storage of Electrical Energy. 2. Coupled Water-oil Forced Cooling of
High Pressure Oil-filled (HPOF) Electric Pipe-type Cables. 3. Vaccine for Equine Rhinopneumonitis. 4.
Improved (Macroaerophilus Stationary Phase) Method for Production of Vaccines against Babesiosis
Copy of draft proposed guidelines re patents, copyrights & commercial tests for comment & review
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jun 20, 1979 mtg, Recommendations of the University Patent
Committee. 1. Development of Vaccines for Babesiosis Using Cell Culture-derived Antigens. 2.
Pregnancy Detection in Cattle: Presence of a Specific Serum Pregnancy Antigen. 3. Sonic Dispersion as
an Extraction Procedure for DPTA-micronutrient Test
Personnel Data System
Richard Smock May 23, 1978 memo to Morton Weir providing his thinking following a mtg w/Marie Miller,
Jack McManus’ systems analyst, on the subject of personnel data
John E Terwillger Aug 31, 1978 letter to Morton Weir, expressing his views on the development of new
capabilities w/regard to academic employee management data
Richard Smock’s Sep 7, 1978 summary of the Aug 30, 1978 mtg to discuss the immediate future of the Campus
Personnel Data System
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Michele Thompson for sending him copies of correspondence related to the
implementation of the Information Science system. These materials include her own letter of Oct 5,
1978 to Craig Bazzani, stating her objections to this system, & correspondence related to a proposed
Academic Personnel Compliance Reporting Project from Marie Miller
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……127
Copy of document, final draft, The Academic Personnel System-An Interim Report, Richard Smock & Marie
Miller, Jan 31, 1979
Letter requesting those listed to serve as a member of an advisory group chaired by Carolyn Burrell on
development of an academic personnel data system
Personnel Services (2 folders)
Flyer for a Jul 20, 1978 Classified Employees Assoc mtg. Toby Kahr will give an early update on the salary
situation in light of Governor Thompson’s signing of the appropriation bill that will cause adjustments
for the lower paid classifications & some negotiated classifications
Copies of the Classified Employees Assoc newsletter for Aug & Sep 1978
Cover memo & list of classification regrades to be effective Oct 1, 1978
Announcement of an Information Line for nonacademic employees
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Nonacademic Personnel Advisory Committee for
1978-79, or until successors are appointed
Donald Wendel requests that S Kent Dohman serve as a member of the Nonacademic Personnel Advisory
Copies of the Classified Employees Assoc newsletter Oct 1978 & Nov 1978
Donald Wendel advises Chancellor Gerberding that the UIUC Nonacademic Personnel Advisory Committee
has recommended that the superior performance steps in the step plan be changed to periodic steps.
Toby Kahr has prepared a formal recommendation based on this concept which will be submitted to the
General University. Attached letter from faculty member J S Dobrovolny on this issue
Request for input concerning desired qualifications for clerical employees
Copy of the Classified Employees Assoc newsletter Dec 1978
Deans, Directors memo of Dec 7, 1978, Minimum Wage for Extra Help & Learner/Trainee Positions – effective
Dec 24, 1978
Copy of the Flextime Questionnaire & summary of the responses received, Jan 3, 1979
Copy of the Classified Employees Assoc newsletter Jan 1979
Correspondence concerning receiving approval from the State Universities Civil Service System for a revision
in the Foreman’s Compensation Plan. Copy of the original proposed revision as agreed upon as of Jul
14, 1978
Request to Joseph Diana to establish the process for having someone outside of the Personnel Services Office
review the Personnel Officer class for regarding
Two Concept Papers in response to a request from the Governor’s Office of Manpower & Human
Development. Project: Handicapped Employment Service (for Adults). Project: Project Employ-the
long-term unemployed adult
Donald Wendel forwards Michele Thompson’s & James Ransom’s comments on the proposed Handicapped
Regulation, Chapter II, Employment, Placement, Separation (Including Retirement), Policy & RulesNonacademic
Toby Kahr Dec 4, 1978 progress report on the objectives set for Personnel Services Office approximately two
months before. List of objectives attached
Toby Kahr Jan 25, 1979 report & analysis of campus relationships w/the Personnel Services Office
Toby Kahr Jan 30, 1979 report & analysis of concerns related to supervisory training & employee recognition
Toby Kahr cover letter & copy of the Final Report by the Placement-Testing Processes Committee Feb 2, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……128
List of Personnel Services staff organizational areas, w/brief descriptions of major activities & list of those
responsible in each area
Copies of the Classified Employees Assoc newsletter for Feb & Mar 1979
Information for Persons Interested in University of Illinois Employment Opportunities, Revised Mar 1979
Correspondence concerning arranging a mtg of the Secretariat Executive Board w/Chancellor Gerberding,
Donald Wendel & Toby Kahr, perhaps in May
Cover memo & copy of a draft of proposed revisions to Chapters II & III of Policy & Rules – Nonacademic
Apr 9, 1979, for comment & suggested amendments
Admissions Application Instructions for Nonacademic Employees-Summer Session
Copies of the Classified Employees Assoc newsletter for Apr & May
Correspondence concerning a need for a change in the Rule of Three as it relates to nonacademic personnel
policy. Discussion of how to get the process moving, particularly w/regard to Walter Ingerski’s request
for data to support such a change
Copy of report, Salary Administration of the University of Illinois, Earl W Faught & David J O’Rourke, May
15, 1979
Minutes of the May 17, 1979 Classified Employees Assoc mtg
Toby Kahr advises Donald Wendel of the situation w/regard to clerical employment registers
Cover memo & copy of a poster from the U S Dept of Labor describing the change to age 70 of those protected
by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, for posting in units
Toby Kahr May 31, 1979 memo concerning a shortage of clerical applicants & the need for cooperation from
units during the peak hiring season
Toby Kahr memos w/information on the expanded service awards program. The listing of those to be honored
for the period Jul 1, 1978-Jun 30, 1979 is not attached
Karen Krueger advises Earl Faught of some points for his consideration that arose from her review of the grade
changes requested for O & M classes
Copy of article, “Dynamics & hazards of MBO application,” by Jan P Muczyk, from The Personnel
Administrator May 1979, which discusses the Management by Objectives concept
Planning Council, University (2 folders)
D W Bonham request for a mtg w/Donald Ward & Donald Wendel following the University Planning Council
mtg scheduled for Jun 26, 1978 in Chicago to discuss miscellaneous items
Harlan Bareither sends copies of materials prepared for the cancelled Jul 24, 1978 mtg:
Attachment 1 – certified copy of Senate Bill 1524 (Operation & Grants appropriation
Attachment 2 – portions of Senate Bill 1587 as applying to the re-appropriated capital for UI
Attachment 3 – portions of Senate Bill 1601 as applying to the new appropriations to UI for both regular
capital & food production research
Attachment 4 – entire Senate Bill 1535 which applies to the retirement bill for the state universities retirement
Attachment 5 – FY1980 preliminary recommendations for both operating & capital as presented to the Board
of Trustees in July
Attachment 6 – progress report on the IBHE faculty clockhour study
Attachment 7 – update of the inflation projection base upon 11 months data
Attachment 8 – progress report on the library computer system
Attachments 6-8 only are attached
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……129
Correspondence concerning restructuring of the University Planning Council by President Corbally & addition
of a faculty representative from each campus. President Corbally letter of Jun 28, 1978, announcing that
he is discontinuing the University Budget Committee & assigning its functions to the Planning Council.
He is also increasing the membership of the Planning Council by three – one faculty member to be
appointed by each Senate. Martha Friedman, chair of the Senate Council, advises Chancellor Gerberding
that Walter McMahon, who has been their representative to the Budget Committee, should continue to
represent them on the newly constituted Planning Council until the Senate can alter its Bylaws to take
this new structure into account
Correspondence concerning a possible change in the mtg schedule for the campus/planning mtgs
Agenda & materials for the Aug 28, 1978 mtg. Official notes from the mtg w/attachments, some revised
Agenda & materials for the Sep 25, 1978 mtg. Official notes from the mtg. Roger Martin’s notes on the
University Academic Council & the UPC meetings of Sep 25. Donald Wendel reminds REM that he
was going to have a brief conversation w/the Chancellor regarding campus representation at the Board
of Higher Education mtg on Nov 2, 1978
Agenda & materials for the Oct 23, 1978 mtg. Official notes from that mtg w/attachments handed out at the mtg
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the UPC for the remainder of 1978-79 or until successors
are appointed
Agenda & materials for the Nov 27, 1978 mtg. Handwritten notes & materials from the Academic Council mtg
held that day also. Official notes from the UPC mtg
Schedule of UPC mtgs for 1979
Walter Tousey advises Jane Loeb of a request from Morton Weir for three sets of enrollment projects for
discussion at the Jan 1979 UPC mtg: Maximum enrollment projects, desired enrollment level, &
minimum enrollment projections
Memo advising of the cancellation of the Dec 18, 1978 UPC mtg
REM memo advising Morton Weir of Harlan Bareither’s report on the progress on the Western Illinois
Demonstration Center which was given after he left the Campus Planning Council mtg on Jan 6, 1979
Agenda & materials for the Jan 22, 1979 mtg. Handwritten notes. Official notes from the mtg
Agenda & materials for the Feb 26, 1979 mtg. Handwritten notes. Official notes of the mtg
Handwritten notes – Questions concerning budget allocations that may need Planning Council and/or G.U.
input, Mar 22, 1979, Walter Tousey (?)
Agenda & materials for the Mar 26, 1979 mtg. Handwritten notes
Agenda & materials for the Apr 23, 1979 mtg. Handwritten notes. Official notes of the mtg
Agenda & materials for the May 21, 1979 mtg. Official notes of the mtg
John Terwilliger May 31, 1979 memo & Roger Martin Jun 1, 1979 memo both to Morton Weir on “Possible
problems, pressures, etc related to the IBHE Cost Study.” Roger Martin reports on the comments on this
by Vice President Ronald Brady at the UPC mtg
Agenda & materials for the Jun 25, 1979 mtg. Copy of the FY1981 RAMP scope & mission planning statement
to be discussed at this mtg. Handwritten notes. Official notes from the mtg
Police Department
Copies of the Annual Report-University Policy-UIUC-FY Ending Jun 30, 1977, & of the Report on Evaluation
& Appraisal of Goal Achievement for University Police for Calendar Year 1977. Paul Doebel forwards
to Donald Wendel for his information
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……130
Donald Wendel memo of Jan 23, 1979 w/attached chart of the UIUC Crime Rate for 1971-78 which shows a
decrease. He believes this decrease is noteworthy enough to deserve some kind of public report
Copy of A Statistical Description of the Calls for Service Received by the UI Police Department Oct 2-29, 1977
Approval for printing of police business cards w/a particular logo (sample not attached) on file at the University
Print Shop
Donald Wendel note of commendation for the well-done Policy & Procedure Manual for the UI Police
Notice of a reception on May 17, 1979 for presentation of the Officer of the Year Award to Officer Fitzpatrick
Memo of Policy & Procedure Manual Revisions & Corrections, Jun 7, 1979
Memo announcing the METCAD system effective Jun 3, 1979
Police Department (LOCATE)
Documents & correspondence concerning the program known as Operation LOCATE – Logistically Oriented
Crime Analysis Team Effort, a multi-jurisdictional effort by the Champaign, Urbana, & UI Police
Copy of the grant application to the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission, submitted in Sep 1975
Cover letter & addendum to the project narrative section of the LOCATE proposal from the East Central
Illinois Criminal Justice Commission
Feb 11, 1976 letter requesting that ILEC Executive Director David Fogel continue to process the appeal of the
grant decision, which did not award second & third year step-down funding
Letter of interest & resume for Kenneth Lee Johnson
Apr 9, 1976 letter from ILEC advising of the decision on the grant appeal. The grant award has been increased
by an additional $45,074, which is for the first year only. Request for additional budget documents
Copy of the Apr 20, 1976 revised LOCATE ILEC grant application, budget documents requested by ILEC on
Apr 9
Correspondence concerning Jack Kamerer’s review of submission of proposal by the East Central Illinois
Criminal Justice Commission. These should be processed through his office in the same manner as any
other proposal processed by the University
Copy of the ILEC Statement of Grant Award. $86,009 is awarded for the period of May 1, 1976-Jun 30, 1977
for Operation LOCATE
Copy of a draft, An Agreement Concerning Operation LOCATE (Logistically Oriented Crime Analysis Team
Effort), By & Between the City of Champaign, the City of Urbana, & the University of Illinois, for
review & comment
Paul Dollins’ comments on the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement
Copy of a revised draft of the Agreement Jul 26, 1976
Copy of a Sep 1, 1976 Agreement draft, incorporating Paul Doebel & Timothy Madigan changes
Copy of the fully executed Agreement, Sep 9, 1976
Copy of a draft letter to LOCATE Director Kenneth Johnson concerning allegations about several complaints
about his directorship of LOCATE. The Operations Board will monitor the LOCATE project for a 60day period effective Dec 15, 1976, after which time, the Board will evaluate the project & project
Copies of LOCATE Analysis Reports for Jan 1-15, 1977, Jan 16-31, 1977, & Feb 1-15, 1977
May 27, 1977 letter recommending participation of Rantoul in LOCATE. Paul Doebel note advising that the
costs be computed & Rantoul agree to pay before extending any extension of service
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……131
Aug 15, 1977 LOCATE Status Report – financial status. Attached is a copy of a grant application for a 6-month
period, hopefully Jul 1-Dec 31, 1977
Copies of Monthly Statements of Account, ICR Campus Services Security LOCATE, not continuous, but
beginning Oct 1977 through Aug 31, 1977. Invoice-voucher for the University’s share of matching
funds for LOCATE, Nov 8, 1977
Copy of the grant application to ILEC Sep 21, 1977 for six month funding
Draft of the interagency agreement for LOCATE for the next grant period
Copy of the fully executed agreement Nov 7, 1977
Correspondence concerning LOCATE Phase III, grant application, Budget
Copy of the grant application to ILEC for further LOCATE funding for a seven-month period beginning Jun 1,
Police Training Institute
Roger Martin forwards a letter from Clifford W Van Meter to William Stallman regarding the excellent work
done by OSU in moving PTI from the Armory to Illini Hall
Peter Yankwich advises John B Claar that he is noting his approval on Claar’s Apr 26, 1979 letter for the
program of purchasing of PLATO terminals & supporting equipment requested by PTI. Implicitly, he
also approves the proposed arrangement for payment by PTI of a reduced annual service fee for
connected terminals. He addresses the rest of the letter to some unusual aspects of the service fee
Morton Weir sends materials to respond to the inquiry of the IRS concerning the tax exempt status of UI to
Professor Alec Notaras, UI Overseas Division in Versailles, France
Correspondence concerning the closing of the University on Jan 28 & 29, 1977 due to a severe winter storm.
Correspondence concerning another severe winter storm on Jan 26, 1978, when the University did not
close, but a snow day was allowed for those unable to report for work. “Operation of the UrbanaChampaign Campus under Conditions of Inclement Weather” policy issued to Deans, Directors Jul 11,
Correspondence concerning the issue of confidentiality of data which Toby Kahr has raised in connection w/a
John Terwilliger memo of Aug 30, 1978 about providing mailing labels for University employees
involving a number of different categories & definitions. Roger Martin asks if it would be worthwhile to
form a small study committee to develop a policy
Copy of General Policy & Guidelines on Honoraria & Related Expenses issued Dec 1, 1978
Policy – Stationery
Donald Wendel gives approval to the Division of Environmental Health & Safety to purchase business cards as
necessary, & from University Press or an outside vendor, whichever is most economical
Donald Wendel forwards to James Collier materials related to a request for a new campus letterhead from
Eugene Wicks, head of the Dept of Art & Design. He passes the ball to Collier for working on this
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……132
matter. Also attached is a copy of a Dec 23, 1975 letter from Chuck Flora w/his thoughts on the
Committee on Graphic Standards for UIUC. Also attached is a copy of a document, University Graphic
Standards, Jan 15, 1977, from Carl Regehr, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Graphic Standards,
which describes a proposed graphic standards program
Copy of what appears to be a sample from Feb 1976 for a new draft statement about the Use of University
Letterhead for Private Business in Feb 1979
Policy Council – University
Announcements for mtgs, the social hour on the same day & the invitational breakfast the next day prior to the
Board of Trustees mtgs for: Sep 19, 1978 mtg at Chicago Circle Center. Handwritten note that President
Corbally has changed the time of the mtg from 1 pm to 2 pm
Nov 16, 1978 mtg at the Medical Center
President Corbally approves Chancellor Gerberding’s request to send Morton Weir to the Policy Council &
Committee meetings on Dec 12, since this is his first Board of Trustees mtg
Notice that there will be no Policy Council mtg preceding the Dec Board of Trustees mtg
Feb 20, 1979 mtg at Chicago Circle
Mar 20, 1979 mtg at Chicago Circle
Apr 19, 1979 mtg at UIUC
May 15, 1979 at Medical Center
Jun 19, 1979 mtg at Chicago Circle
Jul 18, 1979 mtg at UIUC
President’s Office
President Corbally end of the year memo of appreciation to General Officers & staff
Board of Trustees item for the Feb 21, 1979 mtg, Affirmative Action Procedures to be Followed by the Board
of Trustees in the Selection of a President. Attached is a Feb 28, 1979 letter on this subject from the
Senate EOC
President’s Report on Action of the Senates
Report to the Board of Trustees at the Sep 20, 1978 mtg. Attached are the forwarded items approved by the by
the U-C Senate at its May 8, 1978 mtg
Professional Advisory Committee
Undated copy of the document, Principal Administrative Position Exemption (PAPE)
Request from the President’s Office for the names of the campus representative to the University PAC-Roger
Martin, & the chair of the campus PAC-Julian Frankenberg. Copy of Paul Riegel’s letter so advising
George Bargh
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……133
Roger Martin cover letter for materials he sends to Dean Barringer: minutes of the last University Professional
Personnel Advisory Comm mtg, draft letter to the chancellors concerning a review of personnel policies
relating to academic/professional employees. He also requests a copy of the academic/professionals for
Nominating Petition-PAC for the Nov 21, 1978 election
Roger Martin advises Chancellor Gerberding that issue has come up at UPPAC that he would like to discuss
w/the personnel who attend the “administrative conference”
Correspondence & documents related to issues raised by Julian Frankenberg, chair of the campus PAC.
Chancellor Gerberding’s Nov 9, 1978 summary of his Nov 9, 1978 mtg w/Frankenberg, w/attached
documents. Chancellor Gerberding outlines Frankenberg’s concerns. The first issue has to do w/the
document “Position Statement on Academic Professional Office,” which calls for the establishment of
such an office either on campus or at General University level & on which nothing has been done. The
second issue raised concerns more effective advertisement for AC vacancies. Another issue is the
campus interpretation of the administrative policy adopted by the Board of Trustees some years ago.
The next issue had to do w/the termination of academic professionals who have worked for the
University for a considerable period. Another issue concerns the employment of a number of persons as
full-time employees at graduate student rates who are not really students. The final issue is the
distribution of a John Terwilliger memo of a five-year salary history for academic employees. The
Chancellor notes that there is an organizational problem, & that the academic professionals appear to
feel they have no one to work w/on these issues. One of the problems is the relationship of the campus
committee to the University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee. Julian Frankenberg Nov 13,
1978 follow up letter to the Nov 9 mtg. Roger Martin memo to Chancellor Gerberding, discussing his
thoughts on an approach to these matters, outlined in a letter to Dean Barringer (not attached). He notes
there will be a mtg of himself, the Chancellor & Morton Weir on Nov 29, 1978 to discuss the campus
problems. Chancellor Gerberding letter of Dec 5, 1978 advising Frankenberg of the results of his mtg
w/Roger Martin & Morton Weir on the issues he has raised. Julian Frankenberg Dec 13, 1978 response
Julian Frankenberg letters of congratulation to those elected as District representatives to PAC: Sonia
Carringer-District 10, Carolyn Swope-District 6, & Edwin W Vernon-District 5
Deans, Directors memo announcing the availability of the Academic-Administrative Staff Job Registry in
IlliniWeek beginning Jan 26, 1979, & through a new dial-a-tape service operated by the Campus
Student Assistance Center, effective immediately. Roger Martin asks her if this has been sent to persons
on other campuses & whether he can notify the members of UPPAC
Minutes of the Feb 14, 1979 mtg of UPPAC at Chicago Circle. Roger Martin advises that he will notify Dean
Barringer & Constance Caveny when he receives John Terwilliger’s analysis of the campus list of
academic/professionals so that they can review the GUA list
Correspondence between the Chancellor & Constance Caveny, newly elected chair of the campus PAC. A
major issue at this time is the reporting line for this committee. Paul Riegel’s notes & suggestions
Three Roger Martin memos concerning the establishment & maintenance of the list of academic/professional
positions at U-C. The Mar 19 & Apr 3 memos summarize meetings on Mar 16 & 29 of himself, Carolyn
Burrell, Constance Caveny, Cynthia Holm & Michele Thompson. This group has agreed to general
personnel categories & steps in the process to define them. Carolyn Burrell is collecting job
descriptions. The Apr 19, 1979 memo advises that members of UPPAC recently voted to try to more
clearly define the academic professional positions on each campus. He summarizes the status of the
campus group’s work to contribute to this effort, which includes the agreed upon categories &
definitions. Attached is a draft of a letter that Carolyn Burrell has proposed sending to unit heads to get
job descriptions for classifications in the Technical Professional category. Once all job descriptions are
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……134
returned, they will be coded for identification by computer, & future entrants will be added to the proper
categories. The computer coding will also enable identification of similar positions to allow description
of promotion routes & career paths for this group. There will also be a review of all positions to see if
some should become nonacademic
Program Evaluation, Council on (COPE)
COPE/Hugh Petrie memo of Nov 1977 on Enrollment Changes, Maintenance of Quality & Resource
Reallocation. The memo reports on the relationships among these elements observed by COPE over the
past several years, & states COPE suggestions on handling of changes in allocation
Morton Weir memo of Jun 26, 1978 on Academic Program Self-Evaluation During 1978-79. The memo reports
on the status of the COPE project, which is in its sixth year, & the procedures for the 1978-79
evaluations. He notes that almost all academic units were finished in 1977-78, w/only three units
scheduled for self-evaluation during 1978-79. The enclosures mentioned on page two of this memo are
not attached. The instructions for these attachments constitute the remainder of the memo. It is not clear
if the three addressees are those units to be self-evaluated or those entitled through some function of
office to receive this report
LAS Acting Dean Robert A Waller letter advising School of Life Sciences Director J R Larsen that the Dept of
Botany will be evaluated during 1978-79
Hugh G Petrie Jul 14, 1978 memo on the Use of COPE Materials for North Central Association. There have
objections to this & he assures those objecting that their COPE materials will not be so used. For those
who do not object by Sep 1, 1978, he will assume that the materials may be used
Morton Weir letter thanking Harold Poindexter for being willing to serve on a COPE Task Group
Cover memo for the transmittal of the COPE Task Group Reports & the recommendations resulting from those
reports for the Center for Latin American Studies, the Center for African Studies, the Center for Asian
Studies, & the Center for Russian & East European Studies to Eldon Johnson at the Office of
International Programs & Studies
Hugh Petrie memo of Oct 3, 1978 advising the Senate Committee on Committees of David Curtin’s acceptance
of appointment to COPE & asking that his name be forwarded to the Senate for approval
Roger Martin letters of Oct 4, 1978 appointing Marilyn M Dunsing, Kenneth Land, & Eugene C Wicks to
COPE for three-year terms
List of the COPE Council 1977-78
David Landman asks Chancellor Gerberding if the COPE evaluation process should be publicized
Hugh Petrie advises Timothy Nugent that a COPE Task Group will be appointed to perform a general
evaluation of the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services
Copy of document, COPE Evaluation Activities: Comments & Suggestions, by Arieh Lewy, Tel-Aviv
University, Aug 1978, sent to Chancellor Gerberding by Hugh Petrie
Hugh Petrie reports to Robert Waller on responses to his requests for permission to use the COPE administrator
evaluation results (for an LAS evaluation?)
Hugh Petrie letter of Dec 20, 1978 w/the COPE response to the Geology self-evaluation
Hugh Petrie memo of Jan 3, 1979 on COPE Effectiveness. He attaches correspondence from Orville Bentley
about a possible merger of two programs, Animal Science & Dairy Science, citing this as an example of
positive indirect effects of COPE
Hugh Petrie memo of Feb 28, 1979 advising about the Board of Trustees mailing list for COPE Action Reports.
He also notes that he attaches a copy of the summary of COPE’s 1977-78 actions which he sent to
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……135
Robert Wallhaus at IBHE (not attached). It is his intention to substitute these brief summaries for the
voluminous Action Reports as the mode of public reporting
Feb 7, 1979 letter from alumnus Robert Snetsinger, now at Penn State, on the declining quality of the Dept of
Entomology at UIUC. Peter Yankwich forwards this letter to Morton Weir, asking for information on
which to base a reply. Morton Weir Mar 8, 1979 reply to Snetsinger, noting that this dept is now
undergoing COPE review
Hugh Petrie requests time at the last Senate mtg of the term for a report on the proposed second cycle for
COPE, which will begin in Fall 1979
Mar 14, 1979 response of COPE to the self-evaluation by the Dept of Dairy Science
Hugh Petrie’s response to a forwarded article sent by David Dodds Henry to Chancellor Gerberding from
Findings which reported on recent ETS studies on Graduate Program Review
Hugh Petrie responds to NCA’s suggestion for an independent review of COPE to establish credibility for the
second cycle. He proposes an advisory committee to monitor the first year of the second cycle, rather
than a “ground up” review. His attached note indicates that this was a formal response in case the
Chancellor wanted anything by the May 7, 1979 Senate mtg
Document – Council on Program Evaluation – Future Plans, May 7, 1979. This document reviews the history of
COPE, provides a response to the General University Policy Committee recommendations, a
justification for future COPE activity, & outlines the second cycle of COPE
Invitation & invitation list for the May 14, 1979 COPE year-end reception. List of those who have indicated
they will not attend
Hugh Petrie submits to the Senate for approval the names of two students, Timothy Heath & David Haas,
nominated by UGSA to serve a two-year term on COPE beginning in Fall 1979. He has also requested
nominations from CUSA for two graduate student openings
COPE – Computer Education Research Lab (CERL)/PLATO
Correspondence & documents relating the COPE review of the Computer Education Research Lab
(CERL)/PLATO system 1976-1979
Harold Hake letter of Sep 2, 1975 advising CERL Director Donald L Bitzer of the initiation of the COPE
Feb 24, 1976 charge letter to the COPE Task Group to review CERL
Morton Weir letters of Aug 28, 1978 requesting formal recognition of the contributions of those who worked on
the PLATO/CERL Task Group
Copy of the Task Group final report on the CERL/PLATO System, Sep 5, 1978
Copies of PLATO materials
Brochure – The PLATO System
Booklet – PLATO Highlights
Document – Chancellor’s Seventh Faculty Conference at Allerton, Feb 20, 178
PLATO site maps & listings
Reprint from Science – Educational Uses of the PLATO Computer System, Stanley G Smith & Bruce A
Correspondence concerning the availability of the Task Group report for a Jan 16, 1979 mtg on PLATO
matters. Hugh Petrie would prefer that copies of the actual report not be distributed until COPE has
finished its review of it. Martin Maehr & David Curtin will meet w/this group representing COPE
The Jun 15 1979 COPE response to the Task Group report on the PLATO system
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……136
COPE – Task Group on College of Engineering
Nov 16, 1976 letter from concerned dept heads about the use of confidential COPE materials. Response of
Harold Hake of Nov 18, 1976
Letters of thanks to Dept heads for self evaluation materials
Letters sent to professors w/rating forms
Requests for outstanding dept self evaluations reports
Letters advising Dept heads that further evaluation of particular aspects may be needed
Apr 24, 1978 COPE response to the Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering self evaluation
Sep 25, 1978 COPE response to the Dept of Metallurgy & Mining self evaluation
Sep 26, 1978 COPE response to the Dept of Ceramic Engineering self evaluation
Sep 27, 1978 COPE response to the Dept of Computer Science self evaluation
Sep 28, 1978 COPE response to the Nuclear Engineering self evaluation
Sep 28, 1978 COPE response to the Dept of Civil Engineering self evaluation
Jan 5, 1979 COPE response to the Dept of General Engineering self evaluation
Sep 29, 1978 COPE response to the Dept of Electrical Engineering self evaluation
Oct 2, 1978 COPE response to the Dept of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics self evaluation
Oct 2, 1978 COPE response to the Dept of Physics self evaluation
Hugh Petrie responds to J D Dow Sep 8, 1978 memo about sharing COPE materials w/the NCA review team
COPE – Fine & Applied Arts
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the task group for the evaluation of the Dept of Urban & Regional
Muriel Christison Mar 6, 1978 letter providing information on Krannert Art Museum projects of special
significance to the Dept of Art & Design. Attached preliminary “cost analysis” chart lists some of these
Hugh Petrie letter of Dec 20, 1978 advising that COPE has approved the request for a review of the Small
Homes Council/Building Research Council, & requesting nominations for Task Group membership
COPE – Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Oct 18, 1978 letter requesting those listed to serve as an ad hoc COPE committee to conduct a study of selected
aspects of KCPA
Richard F Wilson’s handwritten notes from initial conversations w/KCPA staff about a COPE evaluation
Ron Beebe provides information on the production of Tosca
Memos confirming w/Patricia Knowles, Burnett Hobgood & Robert Bays a Nov 28, 1978 mtg w/the Ad Hoc
Comm & listing items of discussion
Memo confirming w/Burnett Hobgood a Dec 5, 1978 mtg w/the Ad Hoc Comm. This is a rescheduling of the
Nov 28 mtg
Handwritten notes that appear to be from Nov & Dec mtgs
Ron Beebe provides information on ticket prices & the KCPA Advisory Committee
Report of the Ad Hoc COPE Committee on the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts Feb 22, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……137
Richard Wilson letter of May 9, 1979 that accompanied a copy of the KCPA COPE Ad Hoc Comm report sent
to new KCPA Director Michael Hardy prior to his coming to UIUC
Michael Hardy’s May 24, 1979 response to Richard Wilson’s May 9 letter
Richard Wilson letter of Jun 4, 1979 to Michael Hardy, suggesting a mtg to discuss several questions he has
raised once he is settled at UIUC
Morton Weir letters of Jun 22, 1979 recognizing formally the contributions of Gerald Salancik & Donald Frith
to the COPE review of KCPA
Reminder of a Sep 10, 1979 mtg sent to KCPA Director Michael Hardy & Charles McIntyre, COPE Ad Hoc
Comm on KCPA chair
Group of materials which appear to be background materials for the COPE KCPA review. These includes
primarily budget information, the KCPA restoration phase II materials, utility costs, a proposal to
establish a permanent endowment for the performing arts at KCPA
COPE – Task Force on Dept of Germanic Languages & Literatures
Harold Hake replies to letters from two graduate students, G Trevor Tunnicliff & David A Krooks, from the
Dept of Germanic Languages & Literatures about the way in which the COPE graduate student
questionnaire was administered. He notes that a COPE committee will visit the dept during 1976-77
G Trevor Tunnicliff sends Harold Hake a copy of a response by several graduate students to items on the
agenda for a departmental mtg on Dec 15, 1978 for the information of the COPE committee
Dept head Elmer H Antonsen requests in a Jan 11, 1979 letter that the follow up COPE review, which was
scheduled for early fall 1976 but has not yet started, be postponed until fall semester 1977 due to his
sabbatical leave. Attached is a copy of Richard Smock’s Jan 3, 1977 letter asking to make arrangements
for a faculty survey rating dept head activities, which will become of the COPE report to be prepared by
the committee to be appointed to conduct interviews in the dept. Professor Antonsen has no objection to
faculty completing at this time the dept head evaluation forms
Roger Martin advises of Professor Antonsen’s recommendations for the review subcommittee. He will also
notify Professor Antonsen that the review will be postponed until fall of 1977
Sep 26, 1977 letter requesting those listed to serve a special follow up committee to examine certain concerns
of COPE w/respect to this dept
Oct 14, 1977 memo from Hugh Petrie advising that Willis Flygare has withdrawn from the committee & he is
in process of finding a replacement
Correspondence concerning the inclusion of an anonymous letter of charges in material given to the COPE
committee. Hugh Petrie explains that it was included not as a list to be investigated, but as an example
of the fact that such charges were being made
Professor Antonsen’s response of Jun 22, 1978 to the COPE committee’s follow up report (not attached).
Attached is a copy of the report from the dept, “the year in review, 1977-78”
COPE – History
Cover letters & copies of the report to COPE from the outside team chaired by Samuel P Hays of the University
of Pittsburgh that visited the Dept of History in late Feb 1978, sent to Chancellor Gerberding & Morton
Weir (the “Hays report”)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……138
Professor Walter Arnstein, Dept Chair, sends his Apr 24, 41978 invited response to the outside team report to
Morton Weir. Also attached is a copy of the annual dept newsletter. Morton Weir’s reply
Professor Arnstein also sends a copy of his response to Chancellor Gerberding
Walter Arnstein Aug 14, 1978 letter addendum to his Apr 24, 1978 response. This is to written after learning
that COPE would defer its report until fall 1978 & that he was being asked to state not only his reactions
to the report, but also to indicate what actions the dept was likely to take in response, which he now
Nov 13, 1978 COPE advises new dept chair Bennet Hill of the results of the COPE review of the “Hays report”
& the responses to it, & provides recommendations
Box 226
Property (Purchase of/Sale of/Lease)
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jul 19, 1978 mtg, Easement to the Village of Arthur, for installation of
an eight-inch pipeline through the UI Hackett Farm for a well
Board of Trustees item for the Sep 20, 1978 mtg, Easement to Illinois Power Company, Urbana (Pell Farm),
granting a permanent easement across University property known as the Pell Farm for construction of an
underground gas pipeline
Donald Wendel advises that he has informed Ronald Brady that they will soon be prepared to propose a plan to
purchase Maxwell farm lands through transfers of property & money w/UIF. He will arrange a mtg in
Oct to discuss this w/Brady, & Joseph F Green
Copy of William Stallman’s report on current leases. Roger Martin asks Walter Tousey to review & attempt to
determine whether or not there is funding to support these leases in the coming year
Joseph Diana turns the file on Meadowbrook Park development proposal over to Paul Doebel for any
interaction w/Mayor Paley & Mr Friedlander of the Urbana Park District. Roger Martin Memo for the
Record of Sep 26, 1978, which notes a list of people who have agreed or volunteered to serve on an ad
hoc committee to develop an arboretum for the Park District at Meadowbrook Park. His memo of Oct 2,
1978 to these persons, noting that Robin Hall, Urbana Park District Director, will contact them
Earl L Palmberg advises Darrell Ozier of the location in the Champaign County Recorder’s Office of the
Easement & Grant of Right-of-Way, May 27, 1968 for Vacation & Pavement Extension of South First
Street Road
Earl Palmberg letter concerning matters related to Douglas County services rendered for the Year 1977 Payable
in 1978. He encloses a copy of the Order entered on Oct 23, 1978 which denies the application of the
County Collector for judgment against & the entry of an order for the sale of University lands, sustains
the Objections filed by the University, & orders all matters relative thereto terminated. Also encloses an
executed copy of the Objections of the Board of Trustees to the application of Helen R Ziegler for
judgment for general taxes, etc for the year 1977 payable in 1978. Neither of these documents is
attached. He notes that in accordance w/the agreement w/the State’s Attorney of Douglas County, a UI
Voucher in the total amount of $3,605.50 in payment for services rendered to UI properties located in
Douglas County was delivered to Helen Ziegler on Oct 23, 1978. A copy of this agreement was
forwarded to Michael Crowell’s office on Jul 28, 1978. Palmberg requests that after completing his
records, Crowell forward the Order & Objections to the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees
for safekeeping. This completes tax matters for this year w/reference to University properties in Douglas
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……139
Copy of a check from Illinois Power Company in payment for gas pipeline easement E Line NW Sec 28 T 19N
R9E 130.6 Rds @ $1 per Rd for a total of $130.60
L G Hernecheck Oct 31, 1978 memo reporting on O & M’s tour of two properties available for purchase,
Sullivan Chevrolet Company at Washington & Walnut, & the Central Material Company property on
Springfield adjacent to the railroad tracks. He lists their reasons for not recommending purchase or lease
of either property
Board of Trustees item approved at the Dec 13, 1978 mtg, Extension of Agreement for Easement to Illinois
Power Company, Urbana, for a 10-inch gas main across the property known as the Percival Farm,
extended to Sep 30, 1980 & from year to year thereafter until the company discontinues use of the gas
main. Supporting documents attached
Board of Trustees item approved at the Dec 13, 1978 mtg, Coal Lease, Experimental Farm, Jasper County, to
enter into an underground coal lease covering the entire 30 acres w/the Coastal States Energy Company
of Houston, Texas. Attached are copies of previous correspondence concerning the development of this
item. It was submitted first in Nov 1978, then withdrawn pending development of additional
information on economic & environmental impact. Copy of a draft lease agreement & letter from the
State Geological Survey attesting to the quantity & location of the coal deposit
Board of Trustees item for the Sep 20, 1978 mtg, Easement to Illinois Power Company (Springfield Avenue,
Champaign), to adopt the attached resolution granting Illinois Power an easement for a street lighting
transmission system along the south side of Springfield between Sixth & Wright Streets in Champaign.
This project is funded by the City of Champaign & includes the installation of new underground power
lines & construction of aluminum poles w/ concrete bases. Copy of a check for $5 from Illinois Power
in payment for the Grant of Easement
Correspondence & documents concerning a proposal for use of property commonly known as the Illinois Youth
Center in Geneva, Illinois. Copy of the Aug 31, 1978 letter from the Illinois Dept of Administrative
Services declaring this property surplus. Sep 27, 1978 memo from Douglas Bauling to Eugene Pitcher
noting that the Agricultural Experiment Station finds no use for the property. Oct 12, 1978 letter from H
D Bareither to Donald Wendel, in which he notes that the University must make a decision on need for
this property by Oct 31, 1978. Personnel from Agriculture & from the Medical Center will be looking at
the site. H D Bareither Oct 17, 1978 memo w/proposal to submit a formal request for transfer indicating
the use to be for Food for Century III projects. Douglas Bauling Oct 18, 1978 letter to H D Bareither
stating that Agriculture has a definite interest in obtaining a portion of this property to serve as a site for
a Northern Illinois Extension Center. Oct 25, 1978 letter from Ronald Brady to the Dept of
Administrative Services requesting transfer of the property to UI for use for Century III & the needs of
the Medical Center campus. Dec 6, 1978 memo on operating costs for the Geneva property. Jan 22,
1979 cover letter & copy of the report, Proposal for Utilization of Property Commonly Known as the
Illinois Youth Center in Geneva, Illinois, sent to Ronald S Vycital at the Dept of Administrative
Services. UIUC would use a portion of the land to establish a horticultural research & demonstration
center & a resource center for support of extension activities in northern Illinois. The Medical Center
campus proposes to use a portion of the facilities for animal holding, animal breeding, & related support
functions of the Biological Resource Lab, & pharmaceutical plant growing, processing, & related
support functions of the College of Pharmacy
Correspondence concerning parcels of land in Cunningham Township Sections 31, 32 & 33 owned by Henry
Grein, Dorothy Mann, & the Robbins tract
Donald Wendel memo of Feb 14, 1979 to William Stallman, asking if the purchase has been considered of a
building or buildings near the central campus which are identified in the campus plan to be acquisition
areas for some critical needs – Police, Grants & Contracts, AISS
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……140
Correspondence concerning possible interest in acquisition of land owned by the Gunning family
Forwarded copy of a letter describing some land that is surplus to the needs of the Federal government in case
there might be interest by any of the campuses. The letter from HEW Region V describes Portion St
Louis Area Support Center, Madison County Illinois
Memo advising of a request by Northern Illinois Water Corporation for an additional ten-year extension of an
easement to its storage facilities south of St Mary’s Cemetery. Documents mentioned as enclose, copies
of the easement, are not attached. Request for review & approvals
Board of Trustees item for the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Easements to Employees Credit Union, Urbana. The Credit
Union has purchased land on South First Street & plans to begin construction on this site in summer
1979. They request two vehicular & one pedestrian easements across University land to Gerty Drive, &
in return agree to landscape & maintain the strip of University land north of its site. Copies of
background correspondence & documents related to this issue. An item was originally proposed in Jan
1978 (attached) for assignment of University land at Armory & Oak for construction of new Credit
Union facilities, but this was withdrawn due to problems over some language in the agreement. Copy of
the May 8, 1978 letter from Glen A Pickens advising that the Credit Union purchased the South First
Street land. This relocation mooted the issues of the original agreement
Board of Trustees item for the Apr 20, 1979 mtg, Acquisition of 103 South Gregory, Urbana, to be assigned to
the Housing Division for student housing or for surface parking
Board of Trustees item for the Apr 20, 1978 mtg, Easement to Illinois Bell Telephone Company, along the west
& south sides of University property at 717-719 South Wright Street, Champaign for construction of
underground telephone lines. Supporting documents attached
Board of Trustees item for the Apr 20, 1978 mtg, Acquisition of 504 East Chalmers, Champaign for surface
parking for Housing. Supporting documents attached
Copy of appraisal report on two properties, the Monroe Robinson home & the Myrlin Buckingham property,
both owned by UI. Inspected by Wayne F Foran of Bement & Maurice Beckhart of Monticello,
appraisals by Maurice Beckhart
Board of Trustees item for the Jun 20, 1979 mtg, Lease of Space, Cooperative Extension Service, spaces
throughout the State listed
Board of Trustees item for the Jun 20, 1979 mtg, Extension & Amendment of Lease for Aeronomy Field
Station, Urbana, thirty acres in Somer Township, Champaign County, Jul 1, 1979-Jun 30, 1980
Harold Poindexter Jun 18, 1979 cover letter to Donald Wendel w/information related to land being financed
through UIF w/a schedule showing the land acquisitions being handled by UIF at this time (not
attached). Also attached are financial statements for the Cruse, Reifsteck #2, Phillips & Winship farms.
Jun 29 letter w/projections of the operating results for FY1979 & FY1980. Also attached is a table,
Historical Revenue & Expense for Various Farm Operations Based on Fiscal Years 1976, 1977 & 1978.
Copy of a May 10, 1979 letter from Donald G Smith to Orville Bentley re: Lapsing of Funds in
Revolving Farm Accounts
Psychological & Counseling Center
Request for a one-year deferment for the American Psychological Assoc accreditation site visit for the Clinical
& Counseling Training Programs, due to the current “caretaker government” & search for a new
Director for the Center
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……141
Stanley Levy’s report on his observations of counseling services at seven Midwestern universities during his
administrative leave. The seven institutions were Michigan, Michigan State, Iowa State, Missouri,
Purdue, Penn State & Drake
Public Affairs
Correspondence concerning the development of ideas for educational spots for ABC-TV. This subject came up
first at a Big Ten Council of Ten mtg in May 1978. Copy of a list developed by James Collier & his
staff, sent w/Chancellor Gerberding cover letter to Michael Radock at the University of Michigan Jul 7,
1978. Big Ten submissions will be reviewed & summarized for presentation to President Fleming, Ray
Mack (CIC) & ABC-TV officials
James Collier letter of thanks to Dike Eddleman for invitation to join the golf outing later in the month
Chancellor Gerberding letter discussing possible space for the new Public Affairs operation being headed by
James Collier
James Collier memo advising Dan McClelland to being making plans for his move from Coble Hall to
Davenport House
James Collier memo to Fred Mohn seeking advice about the Chancellor’s meetings w/local media leaders &
similar events
James Collier letter of follow up on his first mtg w/the members of the Board of Trustees
James Collier letter of thanks to Thomas J Harris for recordings by the UI Symphonic Band
James Collier Sep 18, 1978 memo to the Chancellor concerning efforts on the community relations front
w/proposals for future programming. Donald Wendel’s comments memo
James Collier provides the Chancellor w/the script for the film used on ABC during the Purdue game
James Collier memo to the Chancellor about Jim Vermette’s recommendation to devote more time to cancer
cures than athletics (in public service spots?)
Correspondence concerning Public Affairs requests for information from Tab Bennett, such as being on the
media mailing list, copies of the 1978 Football Press Guide, being invited to press luncheons
James Collier advises the Chancellor that he has asked Don McClelland to involve himself on behalf of the
campus administration in all official building ground breakings & dedication ceremonies & to serve on
planning committees ex officio
Copy of a Nov 27, 1978 People magazine story on classics professor Richard Scanlan
Correspondence concerning a tape about the Southern Illinois Archeological activities. The Dept has offered the
tape for use by Public Affairs
Note confirming a taping time for the Chancellor w/WCIA-TV’s Paul Davis for the “What Do You Say?” show
Cover letter & copy of the WCIA production rate book (not attached)
Letters expressing praise for the recent halftime spot on UI that was aired during the regional broadcast of the
Ohio State game
Wayne Duke letter commenting on the article about James Collier in the Jan 25, 1979 issue of the Daily Illini,
& expressing his interest in working w/Big Ten Public Relations officers
James Collier seeks advice from the Chancellor on an attached item, which is not attached, & reminds him
about the new coordinating council he has put together. Attached is his Feb 1, 1979 memo about the two
new coordination groups he has started
James Collier advises the Chancellor that Public Affairs provides services to the President’s office & other GU
units. Attached are examples of a Newsphone tape & news release, both for President Corbally
Cover letter & copies of Public Affairs profiles of various campus academic & administrative units
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……142
James Collier letter of thanks for the promotional time given to Public Affairs educational messages during the
1978-79 basketball season
James Collier accepts Herbert M Kraus’ offer to assemble a list of UI alumni in key communication jobs in
James Colliers advises the Chancellor of his upcoming schedule of out-of-town travel. This includes a mtg of
the Big Ten public affairs group Apr 22-24, 1979 in Madison, & a CASE (Council for Advancement &
Support of Education) conference Apr 26-27 in Northbrook
Fred Mohn responds to a note from Professor R O Simmons concerning the reporting of election results on the
UPE union plan in IlliniWeek
Memo update on discussions w/management of television stations about the telecasting of the 1979-80
basketball games
Correspondence concerning the establishment of IlliniWeek, the employee newspaper. It replaces Campus
Report published by the Office of the Chancellor, & Communiqué published by Personnel Services. It
will be a product of the News Bureau. The first issue appeared Jan 26, 1979. James Collier memo of Feb
12, 1979 w/ideas for future feature stories. Feb 16, 1979 memo on the publication of the Job Registry in
IlliniWeek & the Daily Illini. Harvey Choldin letter suggesting features on the other campuses. Editor
Bob Gold’s report on a reader survey taken in May 1979
James Collier letter to Donald Mullally, suggesting that the affiliation between the University & WILL could be
more clear. Also reminds about the discussion of WILL-AM’s decision not to program Illini football, &
asks if there is interest in doing anything w/new President Stanley Ikenberry when he arrives in the Fall
Request from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for a periodic listing of published
articles that are derived from DARPA-sponsored research
James Collier reminds the Chancellor about pursuing the questions of the campus having the responsibility for
the production & distribution of the Alumni News
Donald Wendel advises that he has asked that his name be added to the list of UIUC administrators receiving
NACUBO mailings under the campus membership
Bob Evans responds to a request from Donald Wendel to provide information about the possible change in
publication frequency & change in format for University catalogs & the Timetables, & an inventory of
the quantities, costs, & sales of recent publications
Further correspondence on the catalog issue. Paul Riegel Aug 30, 1978 memo advising administrative
conference members that the Chancellor has asked for a discussion of the campus catalog system at their
mtg on Aug 31. Attached is a copy of the Aug 29, 1978 document entitled, “UIUC Catalogs.” James
Collier Sep 5, 1978 memo w/list of items to be included in a study
Memo confirming the Oct 11, 1978 mtg to discuss catalogs, specifically Undergraduate Programs, for which a
new edition is under way
Chuck Flynn responds to Albert Guttenberg’s request that the News-Gazette provide funding for continued
publication of Planning & Public Policy. He advises that the New-Gazette does not feel that this falls
within the kind of financial support they can make available
Dennis Dahl praise for the first issue of Sportsline. He attaches a list of nine UI regional program directors who
might also find Sportsline helpful
Copies of disclaimers that have been submitted to Jan Gantz-Clemens for use in the program & courses catalogs
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……143
Listing of University officers & Deans, Directors & Dept Heads for the Undergraduate Programs Catalog due
out in spring 1979. Morton Weir’s comments
Gary Engelgau reply to James Collier memo concerning Public Affairs interest in having a discussion about
admission publications. He indicates that Admissions’ timetable suggests a mtg in early Apr
Publications, Off of Campus-Student/Staff Directory
Notice that the Student-Staff Directory for 1979-80 will contain staff listing automatically taken from
University payroll. Staff members have the option of deleting residence address and/or phone
information from their listings
Questionnaires & Surveys
Walter Tousey Jan 24, 1978 request for a copy of the peer group salary comparison by HEGIS category back to
Fall 1971
Union of Professional Employees (UPE) survey, to be used in developing a position paper on the status,
salaries, job security & professional advancement of Academic Professionals on or affiliated w/UIUC
Dan R McClelland returns the completed questionnaire for Florida State University on the honorary degree
selection process
First National Solar Energy Education Survey from the U S House of Representatives Congressional Solar
Coalition. George Bargh advises that the President has asked Peter Yankwich to handle the response
Roger K Applebee responds to a request for information requested by Virginia Caples of Alabama A&M
University, relative to the development of an upper-lower division academic structure. Reports
mentioned as enclosed are not attached
Patricia Stenstrom cover letter & the results of a Library survey, “Usage of Serials by Social Scientists”
Cover letter & copy of results of a survey conducted by the University of Louisville in which UI participated,
“Summary of Results of a Preliminary Program Benchmark Survey, Oct 1978, Technical Report TR-783
Request for UIUC Chancellor participation in a survey to be conducted by the Gallup Organization on behalf of
the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations on attitudes relating to foreign policy
AAUP letter urging members to complete the Higher Education General Information Survey for 1978-79
G J Froelich returns the completed National Education Assoc survey on Salaries Scheduled in Universities &
Colleges, 1978-79
Request from the Comparative Guide to American Colleges for completion of the updating questionnaire for
materials in their ninth edition. This was completed by Donald Wermers in the University Office of
School & College Relations
Correspondence concerning a request from Steven M Jung of the American Institutes for Research in the
Behavioral Sciences to visit campus to review his questionnaire on UIUC’s upcoming NCA
accreditation review. Jung has received a grant from the North Central Council on Research & Service
to conduct further validation of this questionnaire. His work is in the area of student consumer
protection & its relationship to the accreditation process. He will visit campus on Mar 8, 1979. The
questionnaire itself is not part of the NCA review
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……144
Copy of questionnaire completed for Raymond Beckham of BYU, as part of his study of perceptions of the
institutional advancement function
Copy of the U S News & World Report sixth annual survey of national leadership completed by Chancellor
Copy of the NASULGC Telecommunications Questionnaire, completed by Donald Mullally
Copy of the completed Academic Libraries, the World Almanac Questionnaire, updating information for the
next edition
Copy of completed Ombudsman Questionnaire, for the dissertation research of Steve Burcham at the U of
Harold Poindexter completes the University of Arkansas Survey of Salaries Paid to Single Institution
Administrative Officers, 1978-79. A copy of the report on this survey, A Rank Order Distribution of
Administrative Salaries Paid 1978-79, is sent to the Chancellor. Copy of cover only in the file. List of
corrections to the report. Roger Martin asks John Terwilliger to investigate who provided the UIUC data
& what figures are UIUC’s in the report
Quick Copy Centers
May 1979 memo from Printing Services of information on copy services & costs available
Religious Activities
Stanley Levy letter to Paul Riegel concerning an anonymous letter received about the giving of the Psychology
250 exam on a Jewish religious holiday. He assumes that Riegel is working through Roger Martin on
this & will consider the case closed. Paul Riegel note that Roger Martin has turned this over to Birch)
Stanley Levy responds to an offer from the Jewish Chautauqua Society sponsor the visit of a rabbi to campus
Announcement & information on the first annual Midwest Institute on the theme “Jews, Judaism & the JewishChristian Encounter, Aug 27-Spe 2, 1979 at Indiana University, sponsored by the Anti-Defamation
League of B’nai B’rith
Representation by Staff
Chancellor Gerberding forwards to Gilbert P Haight a copy of a letter advising him of Haight’s contribution on
a recent visit to South Africa
Chancellor Gerberding letters of thanks for notification of UIUC personnel’s external
Winton U Solberg-visiting professor in the Dept of History at Moscow State U
Larry Matejka’s prsentation at the NASFAA National Conference
Arthur R Robinson is appointed as UI representative to the Universities Retirement System Advisory
Committee for the remainder of a three-year term, which began Jan 1, 1978, to replace Stephen W
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks for notification of John D Haltiwanger’s service to the Air Force
Academy as a Distinguished Visiting Professor
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……145
Correspondence & materials for UIUC’s participants in the Harvard University Institute for Educational
1976: James Schroeder & Jane Loeb
1977: W Peter Hood
1978: William Plater
Letter of thanks to James S Raths for serving as Chairman of the U of Virginia visiting committee
Reappointment of Jane Loeb as UIUC representative to the 1978-80 Illinois ACT Council
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks for notification of the participation of Henry T Trueba at the National
Conference on the Education of Hispanics
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks for notification of the professional involvement of Joan Huber in the
American Sociological Assoc
James Stukel is suggested as the person to represent the campus at the Illinois Energy Resources Commission
informational mtg Oct 27, 1978 in Springfield
Chancellor Gerberding letters of thanks for notification of UIUC personnel’s external
Nelda Alger & J Richard Dennis-proposal evaluators for NSF Student Science Training Program
Kenneth S Clarke-Illinois Assoc for Professional Preparation in Health, Physical Education & Recreation
Franklin H Propst-proposal evaluator for NSF Join NIE-NSF Research Program
Paul M Weichsel-proposal evaluator for the NSF Pre-College teacher Development in Science Program
Kenneth S Clark-Joint Advisory Committee on Sports Medicine of the Ohio State Medical Assoc & the Ohio
High School Athletic Assoc
Gary Wieneke-Middle Distances Chairman in the Track & Field development for the 19890 US Olympic
Richard A Avner-proposal evaluator for NSF program for Development in Science Education
Robert M Copeland-proposal evaluator for NSF Comprehensive Assistance to Undergraduate Science
Education program
Joseph M Crowley & Lorella M Jones-application evaluators for NCR Fellowship Office
Dennis A Dahl’s-pesentation at the Center for Interactive Instructional Programs
Donald M Henderson-1979 panel, applications evaluator for NCR Research Associateship Programs
Lloyd Barr-proposal evaluator for NSF’s Instructional Scientific Equipment Program
Letter of thanks to Alan Knox for his keynote presentation at the AEA/USA national conference on the Audlt
Life Cycle
Letter of thanks from R J H Voorhoeve of the Materials Research Society to W S Williams for his work in
organizing the symposium on Materails Characterization in Archeology, Historic Preservation & the
Fine Arts
Chancellor Gerberding forwards to Professof James P Avery a copy of a letter from Board of Trustees President
William D Forsyth about Professor Avery’s kindness to his daughter in advising her on pre-registration
Requests for Books, Literature, Information
Daniel R Boyd, Middle Tennessee State U, information on general studies programs, reply by Robert Waller
Ann L Cosby, Virginia Commonwealth U, information on organizational structure, job descriptions for vice
president & above, response by Paul Riegel
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……146
Jesse L Weil, U of Kentucky, information on university level committee on budgetary matters, replies by
President Corbally & Morton Weir
John T McCullough, Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Illinois, Eleventh Judicial Circuit, information on the
number of Wisconsin students enrolled at UI, response by E E Oliver
Morton Weir responds to a request for information on salary administrationi from Thomas M Keys at the
Oklahoma State U
Martha Porter, Memphis State U, information on the planning process, response by Walter Tousey
Charles Kozoll, copy of the most recent student-staff directory for UIUC & copies of the most recent staff
directories for Chicago Circle & Medical Center campuses, sent to Tim Kelly in the office of Edward
Outstanding Young Men of American Awards, request for nominations
Apparent request for information by Earl J Pallasch to Stephen K Clinton concerning research on fibers in the
diet, which was not answered in a timely fashion, Hugh Satterlee responds
B J McCaughery, Kraft, Inc, information on similarities & differences between industrial engineering &
industrial management majors, Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs at Chicago Circle & UIUC will
Miles Laboratories, Inc, information on scientific and/or professionals conference schedule at UIUC for 1979,
William Stallman sends schedule
Steven Burbank, U of Pennsylvania, information from the Affirmative Action Plan, Michele Thompson replies
Bill Alphenaar, Indiana U, information on emergency procedures, Paul Doebel sends copies of specific plans
Curtis Publishing Co-Saturday Evening Post, request for nominees for outstanding young people to be honored
in its May 1979 issue, Roger Martin sends list of nominees
John Hayes, National Portrait Gallery of London, information on the 1955 exhibition, Great Traditions in
Painting from Midwestern Collections, at UIUC, & a painting attributed to Gainsborough shown there,
Muriel Christison replies
Joseph W Guyton, Harland Bartholomew & Associates, information on traffic & parking regulations, Paul
Doebel replies. Joseph Guyton sends a copy of a summary tabulation made from the information they
have received from 25 institutions
Lawrence S Davis, Utah State U, brief questionnaire on credit hour weighting, Walter Tousey replies
H S Ruehle, Oasis Oil Company of Libya, Inc, information son courses in Fire Protection, Occupational Safety,
Safety Management & Safety Engineering
Luther S Williams, Purdue U, sends a summary of faculty data received from selected institutions, including
UIUC in response to his Jan 12, 1979 letter
Requests for Positions Elsewhere (3 folders)
Colby College, President
Governors State U, Provost/Vice President Academic Affairs
Michigan Technological U, President, D C Drucker is nominated but declines consideration, & nominates in
turn John Haltiwanger
U of Massachusetts, Vice President for Management. Joseph Diana is nominated
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Vice President for Development & University Relations
U of Texas at San Antonio, President
Northeastern U, Vice President & Provost
U of Rhode Island, Dean of Engineering. Inquiry as to interest of Raj Mittra, he declines consideration
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……147
U of Minnesota, Morris, Academic Dean. Maren Lockwood Carden is nominated
U of Missouri-Kansas City, four Vice Chancellor positions
George Mason U, Vice President for University Development
U of Texas at Austin, President
U of Alaska, President
U of Idaho, Vice President, Student & University Relations
State U of New York at Stony Brook, President IBHE, staff positions, Associate Director-Academic & Health
IBHE, staff positions, Associate Director-Academic & Health Affairs. Jane Loeb is nominated for the Associate
Director position
Maryville College, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Montana State U, dean of Letters & Science. Maren Lockwood Carden is nominated
Center for the Study of Youth Development, social & behavioral scientists
California State U at Long Beach, Director of Extended Education
SIU, Dean of the College of Human Resources. Maren Lockwood Carden is nominated
U of Idaho, Vice President for Student & University Relations
Board of Education of the City School District of New York, School Secretaries
U of Louisville, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences
Southern Arkansas U, Dean, School of Education
Western Kentucky U, President. Maren Lockwood Carden is nominated
Oregon Institute of Technology, Dean of Academic Affairs
U of North Carolina at Greensboro, Chancellor
U of Massachusetts, Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance
U of South Florida, Director of the Division of Sponsored Research
NIU, Academic Vice President & Provost. Jane Loeb is nominated
U of Texas at Austin, Sid Richardson Professor
City U of New York, Dean for Research & University Programs for the Graduate School & University Center
Temple U, Dean for College of Engineering Technology
U of California, San Diego, Provost for Revelle College
U of Massachusetts, Chancellor Amherst campus & Chancellor Boston campus. Robert A Corrigan is
San Jose State U, Director of Community Relations, Alan Anderson from the U of Missouri at Columbia is
San Jose State U, Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Paul S Hoover & Paul J Magelli of Wichita State U are
Queens College of the City U of New York, faculty positions
U of Houston, Dean of the College of Social Sciences
State U of New York Central Administration, Executive Vice Chancellor
SIU, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. Jon Beeker of the U of Missouri-Kansas City is nominated
California State U & Colleges, President for California Polytechnic State U
U of Oklahoma, Provost for Norman campus. Thomas Willke at Ohio State U, Robert Bader at the U of
Missouri at St Louis, Douglas Jones at U of Alabama are nominated
California State University & Colleges, President for California State U, Los Angeles
U of Houston Central Campus, Dean of the College of Social Sciences. Robert B Crawford, Ralph T Fisher &
Lloyd G Humphreys are nominated
California State U & Colleges, President of California Polytechnic State U, San Luis Obispo
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……148
ISU, Dean of the College of Business
State U of New York, key positions in the Central Administration. Linda S Wilson is nominated for Vice
Chancellor for Research & Graduate Education
San Jose State U, Executive Vice President
Winston-Salem State U, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
City U of New York, President of Brooklyn College. Paul J Magelli at Wichita State U is nominated
U of Oklahoma, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences
Director of two MUCIA projects in Indonesia – the Higher Agricultural Education & the Higher Education
Development projects
Alabama State U, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Lafayette Frederick at Howard U is nominated
WIU, Dean of the College of Education. Jane Loeb is nominated
Ohio State U, Assistant Vice President for Student Services. Richard Hoover at the U of Missouri-Kansas City
is nominated
St Louis U, Academic Vice President
Texas Christian U, Chancellor
Eastern New Mexico U, Dean of Continuing Education & Summer Sessions
State U of New York College of Arts & Sciences at Geneseo
Copy of the prospectus for the position of Chancellor at SIU
SIU, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs & Research (Services). Larry A Braskamp is nominated
UCLA, Director, Undergraduate Admissions & Relations w/Schools
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Vice President for Academic Affairs
IBM request for assurance of equal opportunity referral of applicants
Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio, Dean of the College. Robert A Waller & J Barton Leudeke at Rider College
are nominated
U of Iowa, Vice President for Finance & Services
U of Michigan-Flint, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences
U of Missouri-Rolla, Dean of Students. David W Cox is nominated
Indiana U of Pennsylvania, President
U of Oklahoma at Norman, Vice Provost for Research Administration & Dean of the Graduate College
College at Purchase, Academic Vice President
U of Utah, Vice President for Research. Linda S Wilson is nominated
State U College, Oneonta, New York, Dean of Liberal Studies. David L Clark at Hope College is nominated
SIU, Chancellor. Keith Sanders letter of Apr 26, 1979 indicates that Chancellor Gerberding provided nominees,
but they are not named
U of Michigan, University Registrar. Gary P Engelgau & William Fierke are nominated
U of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Registrar & Coordinator of Student Academic Services. Francis Nasca, David L
Pierce & Donald Wermers are nominated
U of South Dakota, Vice President for Academic Affairs
SIU, Director of SIU Press
Virginia Commonwealth U, Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences
U of Akron, Dean of the College of Engineering
U of California, Santa Barbara, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
U of Wisconsin System, President. I Michael Heyman at the U of California-Berkeley & Irving Shain are
U of Tennessee at Martin, Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……149
Retirement (2 folders)
Brochure, Your Retirement System – Filing of Retirement, Disability & Refund Claims
Letters from SURS Executive Director Edward S Gibala concerning recently passed HB 1803, one to Governor
James Thompson urging his approval, & the other to the Employees Advisory Committee. The bill
would mean an increase in automatic annual adjustment in pensions from 2 percent to 3 percent
President Corbally letter to Rubin G Cohn on his retirement
Minutes & materials form the Jul 18, 1 978 mtg of the Retirement Board
Aug 3, 1978 SURS memo re: employer contributions from Federal & Trust Funds for 1978-79, minimum
statutory employer contributions for FY1980, & 1978 legislative program
Correspondence concerning the need to replace Stephen Forbes on the Advisory Committee to the Board of
Trustees of SURS. Arthur R Robinson is appointed as the replacement
Annual Report for the year ended Aug 31, 1978, SURS, Champaign, Illinois
Correspondence concerning possible legislative action on the tax sheltering of the 8 percent employee
contribution to the retirement system
Toby Kahr asks for clarification of recent Social Security legislation as it affects dependent benefits of SURS
employees, which is provided by Charles M Hundley
Robert Rogers suggestions about possible revision of the 1969 Assoc of American Colleges-AAUP joint
statement on retirement & insurance policies
Minutes & materials from the Oct 21, 1978 Retirement Board mtg
Minutes from the Oct 24, 1978 Employees Advisory Committee mtg
Fred Jackson of CIC sends members copies of two items from the Sep & Oct issues of News Notes published
by the Assoc of Governing Boards which discuss possible affects of the recent Manhari decision of the
U S Supreme Court & the subsequent Dept of Labor regulation targeted against sex discrimination in
pension benefits
Minutes form the Dec 12, 1978 mtg of the Board of Trustees of SURS mtg
SURS memo re: appointment of successor to the Executive Director & Report on tax-shelter proposal. Edward
S Gibala plans to retire Aug 31, 1979
Correspondence concerning a new campus policy about re-employment of retired academic staff. Copy of
proposed Section IX/F-1 to the Campus Administrative Manual
Statement for IlliniWeek to advise employees about an article in the Nov 1978 issue of Illinois Academe, “An
Income Tax Deduction You May Have Overlooked.” This article suggests deducting the 1 percent that
employees pay to SURS from their Federal income tax. This statement summarizes a Feb 8, 1979 memo
from Edward Gibala which advises that Ruling 72-94, on which the suggestion is based, does not apply
to SURS benefits
SURS memo of Feb 12, 1979 re: legislation to tax-shelter the 8 percent employee contributions & other SURS
legislative proposals. Attached is a Feb 8, 1979 letter from Professor of Law J Nelson Young at UIUC
on the current position of IRS w/respect to tax-shelter of employee contributions to government plans
SURS memo re: 1979 legislative program of SURS
Materials from the 1978-79 UIUC Pre-Retirement Planning Conference, Mar 31, 1979. Nov 27, 1978 letter
appointing the Planning Board. Copy of the registration brochure. Chancellor Gerberding general
announcement/invitation memo of Mar 5, 1979. Information materials packet. Letters of thanks to
Planning Board members
Minutes & materials from the Apr 18, 1979 Retirement Board mtg
Minutes from the Apr 24, 41979 Employees Advisory Committee mtg
SURS memo re: Tax-shelter of 8 percent employee contributions (HB 700) & other retirement legislation
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……150
SURS memo re: Employer contributions from Federal & trust funds for 1979-80, minimum statutory employer
contributions for FY1981, & 1979 legislation
SURS memo re: House Bill 700 – Tax shelter of 8 percent employee contributions
Letter of thanks for the gift & certificate from the Presser Foundation for the 1978 Presser Scholar
Letter of thanks for the gift from Jack A Stewart for continuation of the Hercules, Inc scholarship in ceramic
engineering for 1978-79
Letter of acknowledgement of check from RCA for the RCA Scholarship in Electrical Engineering for 1978-79
Letter of thanks for a grant from the Foundation in Refractories Education for three Refraction Institute
Scholarships in ceramic engineering
Letters of thanks for a gift from Standard Oil Company of California for the Standard Oil Scholarship in Civil
Letter of regret from Acting Art & Design Head that he cannot attend the award presentation of a scholarship
grant from the Package Designers Council Nov 17, 1978 at the Whitney Museum of American Art.
Scholarship recipient will be Peter Ho
Letter of thanks to the Ferro Foundation for its commitment to support the Clifford M Andrews Scholarship in
Ceramic Engineering for an additional three years
James Collier provides information on the Staley Company & the George Halas Scholarship Fund
Correspondence concerning appointment of the Avery Brundage Scholarship Fund Committee for 1978-79
Letter of thanks to the Women’s Architectural League Foundation-Chicago for their offer to present again two
scholarships to the Dept of Architecture for 1979-80
Letter of thanks to RCA for the continuation for 1979-80 of the RCA Scholarships in Electrical Engineering
Letter of thanks to Chevrolet Motor Division of GM for a gift in recognition of the performance of Nick
Weatherspoon in a basketball game between the San Diego Clippers & the New Jersey Nets
Letter of thanks to Harbison-Walker Refractories for funds for the support of the Harbison-Walker Scholarship
in Ceramic Engineering
Correspondence concerning the establishment of ten merit scholarships for undergraduate students for each
college on each of the three campuses supported by income from the FMC Educational Fund, effective
Fall 1979
Correspondence concerning an Alcoa Foundation unrestricted grant in support of scholarships for Frederick W
Franz & Rhoda Alvarado. $300 was returned to Alcoa when Ms Alvarado did not enroll in UIUC for
spring semester 1979. Alcoa returned these funds, noting that the school first attended by a scholarship
winner is entitled to the grant
Letter of thanks to the Boeing Company for renewal of two scholarships for undergraduate students in
Correspondence concerning the selection of sophomore Margaret (Gretchen) Reynolds as the 1979 Truman
Scholar from Illinois
Letter of thanks to Nalco Chemical Company for a gift to support the Ceramic Engineering Scholarship
Letter of thanks to the Harbison-Walker Refractories for a gift in support of the Harbison-Walker Scholarship
in Ceramic Engineering
Letter of thanks to Playboy Enterprises, Inc for a gift to create a Hugh M Hefner Magazine Journalism
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……151
Correspondence concerning the launch of the new Jonathan Baldwin Turner Scholarship Program in Spring
1979. This is a merit scholarship for students in Agriculture, Home Economics, & related fields. Copies
of two program brochures
Letter of thanks to Hercules Inc for a gift in support of the Ceramic Engineering scholarship program
School & College Relations, University Office of
Cover memo for the 1976-77 Second Semester-Winter Quarter Grey Book of “Enrollment Tables”
Copy of report, Trends in Beginning Freshman Characteristics at Selected Universities, 1970-77, by I W
Langston, E E Oliver & D J Wermers, Research Memo 78-6, Jul 1978. Roger Martin cover memo to Jan
Loeb & her comments
Request from Roger Martin for comments from those listed on the attached Proposed Reports & Studies 197879. Comments from Hugh Petrie, Charles McIntyre, Michele Thompson
Copy of Research Summary, UOSCR, The Urbana-Champaign Campus Freshman Class Profile, Fall 1978
Copy of Research Summary, UOSCR, The Chicago Circle Campus Freshman Class Profile, Fall 1978
Scope & Mission
Susan Mitchel follow up to the discussion of the Scope & Mission Proposal at the Nov mtg of the University
Academic Council. Attached copy of a table of “Proposed Data Presentations” lists types of data which
are being considered for inclusion in the internal Scope & Mission document
Copy of Morton Weir’s suggested revision of the UIUC Scope & Mission chapter
Copy of the Jan 10, 1979 Chicago Circle Journal, w/article, “Richard Johnson Charts Scope & Mission for
Chicago Circle”
Morton Weir writes to Peter Yankwich about a statement in the latest Chapter I Scope & Mission draft about
the priority placed on development of Chicago Circle, which would come at UIUC’s expense. Peter
Yankwich reply
Scope & Mission - Revised Outline, Feb 23, 1979
Cover memo from James Ransom for the historical profile planning outlook & future program efforts for
Nonacademic Affirmative Action (not attached)
Copy of University of Illinois, Scope & Mission, Chapters I-III, stamped date May 15, 1979
Senate – Chicago Circle
Materials sent to new members of the UICC 1977-78 Senate. Minutes of the regular & recessed meetings of Jun
8, 1978, w/reports distributed attached
Attendance roster for the 1977-78 Senate session
Quarterly reports for Spring 1978 submitted to date from standing committees
Packet of materials for the Oct 12, 1978 mtg. Agenda w/supporting reports, roster of Senate members for 197879, & preliminary roster of the standing committees for 1978-79
Packet of materials for the Nov 9, 1978 mtg. Minutes & materials from the Oct 12, 1978 mtg, agenda &
supporting reports
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……152
Packet of materials for the Dec 4, 1978 mtg. Minutes & materials from the Nov 9 mtg, agenda & supporting
Packet of materials for the Feb 8, 1979 mtg Minutes & materials from the Dec 4, 1978 mtg, agenda &
supporting reports
Packet of materials for the Mar 8, 1979 mtg. Minutes & materials from the Feb 8 mtg. Agenda & supporting
Packet of materials for the Apr 6, 1979 mtg. Minutes & materials from the Mar 8 mtg. Agenda & supporting
Packet of materials for the May 10, 1979 mtg. Minutes & materials from the Apr 8 mtg. Agenda & supporting
Packet of materials for the Jun 7, 1979 mtg. Minutes & attendance roster for the May 10 mtg. Agenda &
supporting reports
Errata Page for the Report of the Senate Comm on Academic Programs to the Jun 7, 1979 mtg of the UICC
Senate – Chicago Medical Center
Packet of materials for the Oct 4, 1978 mtg. Agenda & supporting reports
Minutes & materials: Oct 4, Dec 6, 1978, Feb 7, 1979
Packet of materials for the Apr 4, 1979 mtg. Agenda & supporting reports
Minutes & materials, Apr 4, 1979
Memo to IBHE & the Board of Trustees concerning two resolutions on the FY1980 budget approved at the Apr
4 mtg
Packet of materials for the May 30, 1979 mtg. Agenda & supporting reports
Minutes & materials from the May 30 mtg
Announcement that the special mtg called for Jun 27, 1979 to discuss admission requirements recently
developed by the College of Medicine is cancelled. Chancellor Begando has decided that the Senate
does not need to have a special mtg on that issue. The next mtg will be Oct 3, 1979
Senate Council
Copy of the Constitution of the Senate of the U-C Campus, UI, as amended through Jun 15, 1978
U-C Senate Council roster 1978-79
Minutes & materials:
Jul 27, 1978
Aug 31, 1978
Oct 9, 1978 (Special mtg)
Oct 10, 1978
Oct 16, 1978
Oct 26, 1978
Dec 19, 1978
Jan 25, 1979
Mar 17, 1979
Apr 19, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……153
May 17, 1979
Notice of Sep 21, 1978 mtg, list of items to be discussed
Correspondence & documents relating to the resignation of Avice Woodard from the position of Clerk of the
Senate as of Jun 2, 1978, the search for her replacement, proposals to reclassify the position from ClerkStenographer III to Secretary (Stenographic), selection of Anna Rita Ferris as new Clerk
C Kay Schade advises of her intent to resign her position in the Senate Office pending approval of her
appointment as a research assistant in the School of Medicine
Notice & agenda for the Nov 28, 1978 mtg
Chancellor Gerberding letter thanking George Friedman for his steady handling of the several discussion
surrounding the Senate’s participation in the search committees for President & VC for Academic
Affairs. He would also like to reopen some broader questions raised by members of the Senate Council
& others
Request for Board of Trustees materials for the Dec 13, 1978 mtg for H George Friedman, who has been
designated Senate Council observer
Edwin Goldwasser’s report on the Jan 25, 1979 Senate Council mtg
Chancellor Gerberding responds to Kenneth E Anderson’s suggestions about the Chancellor’s attendance at
Senate Council mtgs & use of the time designated for Chancellor’s remarks
Minutes of the Feb 22, 1979 mtg
Request for Board of Trustees materials for the Mar 21, 1979 mtg for Graham Grady, Senate Council
designated observer
Notices for special mtgs to be held Apr 24 & 30, 1979, to discuss the appointment of an Acting Chancellor
Copy of Senate Council Report SC.74.13, Authorization for the Senate Council to Act for the U-C Senate
During the Summer
Senate – Urbana/Champaign Mtg Minutes (2 folders)
DOCUMENT IN WRONG FY - Minutes of the May 28, 1979 mtg
Approval of Minutes-Apr 10, 1978
Senate Council Report
Chancellor’s Remarks
Speakers on:
EP.78.19-Revision of Curriculum in Geology for BS in Geology
EP.78.23-General Curriculum for Freshmen & Sophomores in the College of Education
SC.75.13, Authorization for Senate Council to Act for the U-C Senate During Summer
Degree Approval
Committee on Committees
CC.78.8-Nominations for COPE & Nominations for U Senates Conference
Items for Information
Committee on Educational Policy
EP.78.28-Guidelines or Undergraduate Education
Committee on Faculty Benefits
FB.78.8,-SURS Proposal Regarding Automatic Annual Adjustment of Pension
Items for Action
Committee on Educational Policy
EP.78.19,-Revision of Curriculum in Geology for BS in Geology
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……154
EP.78.20,-Revision of Field of Concentration in Actuarial Science
EP.78.21-Reinstatement of Field of Concentration in Latin American Studies
EP.78.22-Revision of Undergraduate Curriculum in Theatre
EP.78.23-General Curriculum for Freshmen & Sophomores in the College of Education
EP.78.24-Discontinuation of the Doctor of Library Science
EP.78.25-Request for Departmental Name Change-Dept ofe Veterinary Anatomy, Physiology &
EP.78.26-Revision of Agriculture Science Curriculum for BS
EP.78.27-Discontinuance oef Field of Concentration in Social Welfare in LAS
EP.76.17, Use of the Ab Grade
Committee on Elections & Credentials
EC.78.2-Representation of Academic Professionals in U-C Senate
Annual Reports
Board of Trustees report item from the Jul 19, 1978 mtg, Amendments to Senate Bylaws, indicating changes
made during the past year
Cover memo for mailing of Senate identification cards to ex officio members
1978-79 U-C Senate Committee Chairpersons & Senate Council Members
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Sep 18, 1978 mtg
Approval of Minutes-May 10, 1978
Senate Council Report
Chancellor’s Remarks
Degree Approval
Committee on Committees
CC.79.2-Nominations or Standing & ad hoc Committees
Items for Information
LB.78.3-Annual Report (1977-78)
Items for Action
BG.79.1-The 1979-80 Budget Request
Educational Policy
EP.77.4-Establishment of an All-University Gerontology Center
U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.78.3-Revision of Article IX, Section 7 of the Statues: Graduate Work by Academic Staff Memers
R W Norton advises the Clerk of the Senate that there is no requirement to report changes in standing rules to
the Board of Trustees. The new version of basic Senate documents carries an asterisk on Standing Rule
3 as if changes are about to be reported. If that process is in motion w/regard to Standing Rule 3, it
should be aborted
Oct 4, 1978 memo re: Selection of U-C Senate Faculty Representatives for the Consultative Committee to
Assist in the Selection of a President
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Oct 9, 1978 mtg
Approval of Minutes-Sep 18, 1978
Senate Council Report
Committee on Committees
CC.79.4-Nominations for Two Faculty Members to Serve on the Consultative Committee to Assist in the
Selection of a President
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……155
CC.79.3-Nominations for Standing & ad hoc Committees
Items for Information
Committee on Honorary Degrees
HD.79.1-Request for Recommendations for Honorary Degrees
Items for Action
Committee on Educational Policy
EP.77.17-Request of Dept of Accountancy for Name Change to School of Accountancy
U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.78.3-Revision of Article IX, Section 7 of the Statutes: Graduate Work by Academic Staff Members
SP.78.16-Addition to Part D, Section 1(a) of the Bylaws: Senate Council Empowered to Act for Senate in
SP.78.17-Addition to Part D, Section 1(a) of the Bylaws: Authorization for Senate Council to Act for
Senate During Summer
SP.79.1-Revision of Part E, Section 4 of Bylaws: Change Budget Committee to Planning Committee
Senate Student Assoc
RS.79.1-Disapproval of University Minimum Wage Exemption-withdraw
Correspondence concerning the Senate’s role in the degree-granting process
Request for Board of Trustees materials for the Nov 17, 1978 mtg for Graham Grady, Senate Council
designated observer
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Nov 13, 1978 mtg
Approval of Minutes-Oct 9, 1978
Senate Council Report
Degree Approval
Committee on Committees
CC.79.5-Nominatsion to the Search Committee for a VC for Academic Affairs, UIUC
CC.79.6-Nominations for Standing Committees
Items for Information
U Senates Conference
USC.79.1-Report on Oct 30, 1978 mtg of the USC
External Affairs
EX.79.1-Revision of Brochure, “The University of Illinois: Excellence in Higher Education”
U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.3-Proposed Revision of Article II, Section 2a of Statutes: Clarify Selection of Members of the U
Senates Conference
SP.79.7-Proposed Revision of Part D, Section 20 of Senate Bylaws: Related Bylaws Reference to Article
II, Section 2a of Statutes
Items for Action
U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.2-Revision of Part D, Section 18 of Bylaws: Define Committee of parliamentarians
SP.79.4-Revision of Part D, Section 10 (b), Subsection 3 of Bylaws: Ex Officio Membership of VC for
Academic Affairs on Senate Comm on Educational Policy
SP.79.6-Revision of Part D, Section 11 (b), Subsection 5 of Bylaws: Ex Officio Membershp of VC for
Academic Affairs on Senate Comm on Elections & Credentials
New Business
Notice of the Dec 5, 1978 Budget Committee mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……156
Cover letter for a copy of the U-C Senate item SP.77.11, Amendments to Statutes, Article XII, Research &
Publications, which was passed at the Apr 10, 1978 mtg
Clerk Anna Rita Ferris sends LAS Dean Harold Cahalan the listed materials re: membership of academic
professionals in the U-C Senate
Agenda & materials for the Dec 11, 1978 mtg. Cover letter for the draft minutes, which are not attached
I. Approval of Minutes-Nov 13, 1978
II. Senate Council Report
SC.79.8-Composition of Comm on Alleged Capricious Grading
III. Chancellor’s Remarks
IV. Committee on Committees
CC.79.7-Nominations to Standing Committees of the U-C Senate
V. Old Business – None
VI. Items for Information
Comm on Academic Calendar
AC.79.1-1980-81 Academic Calendar
AC.79.2-Status of Certain Nonacademic Holidays in re Classes
Comm on U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.5-Proposed Revision of Article II, Section 3 (a) of U Statutes: Change Filing Date for Faculty
Advisory Comm Annual Election (First Reading)
SP.79.8-Delete Article V, Section 9 from the Senate Constitution Calling for a Periodic Comprehensive
Review of the Senate. Renumber present Section 10 to Section 9 (First Reading)
VII. Items for Action
Comm on Educational Policy
EP.77.23-BA Degree in Dance Education (Final)
EP.77.24-BFA Degree in Dance (Final)
EP.78.12-Reinstatement of the Master of Arts in Social Sciences (Final)
EP.79.3-Curriculum for the Preparation of Teachers of Moderately & severely Handicapped Persons
EP.79.7-Proposed Five-Year Computer Science/Accountancy Program (Final)
EP.79.9-Change in Requirements for Microbiology Option, Life Sciences Area of Concentration (Final)
EP.79.11-Revision of Genetics & Developmental Biology Option of the Life Sciences Field of
Concentration (Final)
EP.79.14-Revision of Curriculum in Computer Engineering (Final)
EP.79.17-Revision of Curriculum in Electrical Engineering (Final)
EP.79-20-Revision of Undergraduate Curriculum in Health & Safety Education, College of ALS (Final)
Comm on U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.3-Revision of Article II, Section 2 (a) of Statutes: Clarification of U Senates Conference
Representative Eligibility (Final Action)
SP.79.7-Revision of part D, Section 20 of Bylaws: Clarification of U Senates Conference Representative
Eligibility (Final Action)
SP.79.9-Codification in the Standing Rules of the Senate of SC.75.13-Authorization for Senate Council
to Act for the U-C Senate During the Summer (Final Action)
VIII. New Business
Chancellor Gerberding replies to a letter from student Bruce T McCormick concerning the issues of student
participation in the Senate, & students being barred from committee proceedings
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Jan 22, 1979 mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……157
Approval of Minutes-Dec 11, 1978
Senate Council Report
HD.79.2-Recommendations for Honorary Degrees to be Conferred in May 1979
AC.79.1-1980-81 Academic Calendar
EP.78.12-Reinstatement of the Master of Arts in the Social Sciences
EP.79.15-Deletion of Teacher Education Minor in Coaching
EP.79.16-Teacher Education Minor in Physical Education
SP.79.11-Proposed Codification of Professional Advisiory Comm Representation on Senate Committees
Chancellor’s Address
Committee on Committees
CC.79.8-Nominations to Standing Committees of the U-C Senate
Items for Action
Comm on Academic Calendar
AC.79.1-1980-81 Academic Calendar Including Summer 1980
AC.79.2-Status of Veterans’ Day
Comm on Educatonal Policy
EP.78.12- Reinstatement of the Master of Arts in the Social Sciences
EP.79.2-Request for the Deletion of the Teacher Education Minor in Home Economics
EP.79.15-Deletion of Teacher Education Minor in Coaching
EP.79.16-Teacher Education Minor in Physical Education
U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.5-Proposed Revision of Article II, Section 3(a) of the Statutes: Change Filing Date for Faculty
Advisory Comm Annual Election
SP.78.8-Deletion of Article V, Section 9 from the Sentae Consittution Calling for a Periodic
Comprehensive Review of the Senate
SP.79.11-Proposed Codification of Profesosional Advisory Comm (PAC Representation on Senate
Committees, New Section 7 in the Standing Rules of the Senate
Agenda, materials & minutes of the Feb 12, 1979 mtg
Approval of Minutes-Jan 22, 1979
Senate Council Report
EP.79.2-Request for Deletoin of the Teacher Education Minor in Home Economics
EP.79.10-Modification of Curriculum in Agricultural Occupations for Secondary Teachers
EP.79.12-Establishment of Teacher Education Minor in Adult & Continuing Education
EP.79.22-Composition of Departmental Committees on Capricious Grading
EP.79.23-Modification of the Final Examination Procedures
Degree Approval
Committee on Committees
CC.79.9-Nominations for Standing & Ad Hoc Committees
SC.79.9-Nominations of Graduate or Professional Sstudent Member to the Comm on Committees
Items for Information
Comm on the Budget
BG.79-2-FY1980 Budget
U Senates Conference
USC.792-Report on the Jan 24, 1979 mtg of the USC
Items for Action
Comm on the Budget
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……158
BG.79.3-Sneate Resolutions (addressed to IBHE & the Board of Trustees)
Comm on Educational Policy
EP.79.2-Request for Deletion of the Teacher Education Minor in Home Economics
EP.79.10-Modification of Curriculum in Agricultural Occupations for Secondary Teachers
EP.79.12-Establishment of Teacher Education Minor in Adult & Continuing Education
EP.79.22-Composition of Departmental Committees on Capricious Grading
EP.79.23- Modification of the Final Examination Procedures
Comm on Honorary Degrees
Closed Session
HD.79.2-Recommendations for Honorary Degrees to be Conferred in May, 1979
Report of Observer (Kenneth E Anderson) on Meetings of Board of Trustees & Board Committees Feb 20-21,
1979 at Medical Center Campus
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Mar 12, 1979 mtg
Approval of Minutes-Feb 12, 1979
Senate Council Report
FB.77.1-Dependent Health Insurance
FB.79.1-Tax Sheltering Employee Contributions to SURS
EP.79.19-Revisions in the Veterinary Medicine Professional Curriculum
Comm on Committees
CC.79.10-Nominations to Standing Committees of the U-C Senate
Items for Information
Comm on the Budget
BG.79.4-Backgroudn Information on Tuition Policy & Rates
Common Educational Policy
EP.79.19-Revisions in the Veterinary Medicine Professional Curriculum
Comm on Faculty Benefits
FB.79.1-Tax Sheltering Employee Contributions to SURS
U Senates Conference
USC.79.3-Report on the Mar 2, 1979 mtg of USC
Items for Action
Comm on Faculty Benefits
FB-77.1- Dependent Health Insurance
New Business
RS.79.2 Prefiled Motion to Create an Ad Hoc Comm on Faculty Collective Bargaining
Announcement letter for organizational mtgs of the 1980 U-C Senate on Mar 26, Apr 2 & May 7, 1979. Order
of business for the Mar 26 mtg
I. Chancellor’s Remarks
II. Senate Council Reporet
III. Certificaton of Electioni
IV. Call for Nominations
A. Senate Council Chairpersron & Vice Chairperson
B. Comm on Committees-1. Faculty Positions 2. Student Positions
Notice of a reconvening of the Mar 12, 1979 mtg on Mar 26, 1979 to consider one remaining item of new
business, RS.79.2- Prefiled Motion to Create an Ad Hoc Comm on Faculty Collective Bargaining
Cover memo & draft minutes of the Mar 12, 1979 mtg
Cover memo & draft minutes of the two Mar 26, 1979 mtgs
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……159
U-C Senate mtg
Item RS.79.2 tabled until Apr 9 due to lack of quorum
U-C Senate Organizational mtg
Senate Council Report
Certification of Elections
Nominations for Senate Council Chairperrson & Vice Chairperson
Nominations for the Comm on Committees
Cover memo & draft minutes of the Apr 2, 1979 second organizational mtg
Balloting for the election of Senate Council Chairperson & Vice Chairperson, report of results
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Apr 9, 1979 mtg
Approval of Minutes-Mar 12, 1979
Senate Council Report
EP.79.5-BS in the Teaching of Coputer Science
EP.79.18-Proposed Changes in the Radio-TV Instruction
EP.79.21-Revision of Teacher Education Minor in Art Education
EP.79.24-PH D Program in Regional Planning
EP.79.25-Revisioins in Five Curricula in the Teaching of Foreign Languages
EP.79.26-Establishment of Cinema Studies Option Within the Humanities Field of Concentration
EP.79.27-Revision of Field of Concentration in French
EP.79.28-Revision of Curriculum in Leisure Studies
EP.79.30-Teacher Education Minor in Cinema Studies
AD.79.1-Amendment to Admission Policies for the College of Veterinary Medicine
SC.79.10-Capricious Grading Regulations
Old Business
RS.79.2- Prefiled Motion to Create an Ad Hoc Comm on Faculty Collective Bargaining
Items for Information
Comm on Educational Policy
EP.79.21-Revision of Teacher Education Minor in Art Education
EP.79.23-Modificaton of the UIUC Grading System
Faculty Advisory Comm – report for the Academic Year 1977-78
U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.16-Revise Article I, Section 5 of Senate Constitution to Define a Quorum for Senate Mtgs
Items for Action
Comm on Admissions
AD.79.1- Amendment to Admission Policies for the College of Veterinary Medicine
Comm on the Budget
BG.79.5-The Fiscal 1971 Budget Request
Comm on Educational Policy
EP.79.18-Proposed Changes in the Radio-TV Instruction
EP.79.21-Revision of Teacher Education Minor in Art Education
EP.79.24-PH D Program in Regional Planning
EP.79.25-Revisioins in Five Curricula in the Teaching of Foreign Languages
EP.79.26-Establishment of Cinema Studies Option Within the Humanities Field of Concentration
EP.79.27-Revision of Field of Concentration in French
EP.79.28-Revision of Curriculum in Leisure Studies
EP.79.30-Teacher Education Minor in Cinema Studies
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……160
Comm on Faculty Benefits
FB.79.3-Employee Life Insurance
U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.14-Proposed Revision of Part D.19.b.3 of Senate Bylaws
New Business
Minutes of the Apr 30, 1979 special mtg
Senate Council Report
SC.79.12-Procedures for Selection of a Chancellor, Part 1, Authorization of Senate Council to Advise
President Corbally on the Selection of an Acting Chancellor
SC.79.12-Part 2-Proposed Compositino of Search Comm to Advise the President on the Appointment of a
SC.79.13-Resolution of Appreciaton for William P Gerberding, Chancellor
Acting Chancellor John Cribbet forwards to President Corbally curricula items which have been approved by
the U-C Senate during the past academic year. Senate report items attached
Agenda, minutes & materials from the May 7, 1979 mtg
Approval of Minutes-Mar 26, 1979
Senate Council Report
EP.79.34-Modification of the UIUC Grading System
EP.79.33-Changes in MFA Degree Requirements
EP.79.36-Modification of the Undergraduate Curricula in the Teaching of Social Studies
EP.79.39-Modification of the Undergraduate Curricula in the Teaching of Speech
SC.75.13-Authorization for Senate Council to Act for the U-C Senate During the Summer
SC.79.14-Resolution of Appreciation to John E Corbally, President
SC.79.15-Resolution of Appreciation to Morton W Weir, VC for Academic Affairs
Chancellor’s Remarks
Committee on Committees
CC.79.11-Nominations to the Ad Hoc Comm to Study the Questioni of Faculty Collective Bargaining
Items for Information
Comm on the Academic Calendar
AC.79.6-General Outline & Guides for the Early Calendadr, 1973-2001
Council on Proram Evaluation
Report-Council on Program Evaluation: Future Plans
Comm on Educational Policy
EP.79.29-Procedures Used by the Educational Policy Comm
EP.79.31-Listing of Teacher Education Minors
EP.79.35-Name Change: Dept of Veterinary Pathology Hygiene to Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology
U Senates Conference
USC.79.4-Report on Apr 25, 1979 mtg of USC
Items for Action
Comm on the Academic Calendar
AC.79.9-Status of Nonacademic Holidays in Relation to Instructional Days
Comm on Educational Policy
EP.79.32-Revision of Field of Concentration in the Classics
EP.79.34-(as revised in Comm Apr 16, 1979)-Modification of UIUC Grading System
U-C Senate & Senate Council Calendar for 1978-79
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……161
Notice for a reconvening of the May 7, 1979 mtg on May 14, 1979 to consider listed items remaining on the
Items for Action
Comm on Educational Policy
EP.79.36-Modification of the Undergraduate Curricula in Teaching of Social Studies (Final Action)
EP.79.39-Modification of the Undergraduate Curricula in the Teaching of Speech (Final Action)
EP.79.37-Unit One Resolution (Final Action)
EP.79.33-Change in MFA Degree Requiremnets (Final Action)
Comm on Faculty Benefits
FB.78.6-Fee Authorization Proram for Faculty-Staff Dependents (Final Action)
Comm on Library
LB.79.8-Resolution of Appreciation for Bob Oram (Final Action)
Comm on U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.16-Revise Article I, Section 5 of Senate Constitution to Define a Quorum for Senate Mtgs (Final
Annual Reports
New Business
Agenda, minutes & materials from the third organizational mtg on May 9, 1979
Approval ofMinutes-Mar 26, 1979 & Apr 2, 1979
Senate Council Report
SC.80.01-Senate Calendar for 1979-80
Chancellor’s Remarks
Items for Action
Comm on Committees
CC.80.1-Nominations for Standing Committees of the U-C Senate
CC.80.2-Nominations for U Senates Conference
Report of the Senate Council
SC.80.2-Election of One Member of Urban Delegation to the USC to Serve on the Senate Council
New Business
Agenda, minutes & materials from the May 14, 1979 mtg (recessed mtg of May 7)
Comm on Educational Policy
EP.79.36-Modification of the Undergraduate Curricula in the Teaching of Social Studies
EP.79.39-Modification of the Undergraduate Curricula in the Teaching of Speech
EP.79.37-Unit One Resolution
EP.79.33-Change in MFA Degree Requirements
Comm on Faculty Benefits
FB.78.6-Fee Authorization Proram for Faculty-Staff Dependents
Comm on the Library
LB.79.8-Resolution of Appreciatoin for Robert W Oram
U Statutes & Senate Procedures
SP.79.16-Revise Articll 1, Section 5 of Senate Constitution to Define a Quorum for Senate mtgs
Annual Reports
New Business
Box 227
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……162
Senate – Committee on Academic Calendar
Reminder of the change in class schedule on Tuesday Dec 12 (classes conducted as if Thursday) & Wednesday
Dec 13, 1978 (classes conducted as if Friday)
Report of the Committee, Dec 11, 1978 on proposed for the 1980-81 academic year. Report for information Dec
11, 1978. Report for Action Jan 22, 1979
Senate Item AC.79.9, Status of Nonacademic Holidays in Relation to Instructional Days
Senate – Committee on Athletics & Recreation
Committee roster 1978-79
Samuel Gove sends Chancellor Gerberding copies of annual reports from this committee for 1965, 1966, 1967,
& notes that to his knowledge such reports are not prepared now
Senate – Committee on the Budget
Walter McMahon report on the presentation to IBHE staff on Nov 2, 1978 & Vice President Brady’s inquiry at
HEW about the guidelines & prospects for Social Security
Agenda & materials for the Dec 5, 1978 Budget Comm mtg
Walter McMahon sends a copy of an AAUP letter that might be helpful on the question of what kind of
certification of compliance must be filed w/regard to faculty compensation
An Oct 17, 1978 draft document, Senate Budget Comm, Committee Priorities: 1978-79
Agenda for the Mar 9, 1979 Budget Comm mtg, a/attached minutes of the Feb 23, 1979 mtg
Copy of table, Differences in Average Cash Salary, Main Campus-Big Ten Institutions-FY1978, FY1979, All
Ranks Combined & Weighted to the UI Distribution
Copy of BG.79.5, The Fiscal 1971 Budget Request: A Report to the Senate, Apr 9, 1979
Copy of the same document w/added title, Resolution to the UI Board of Trustees
Confirmation of the Jun 28, 1979 mtg, list of items to be considered
Senate – Committee on Committees
1978-79 U-C Senate Committee Chairpersons & Senate Council Members
1978-79 U-C Senate Committees
Correspondence between Alexander Ringer & Stanley Levy about the lack of student representation on Senate
Document, Administrative & Clerical Services Available to Senate Committees, May 15, 1979
Senate – Committee on Educational Policy
Carolyn Burrell reports on an effort to relieve this comm from the burden of reviewing proposals for minor
curricula revisions. She attaches a letter from Lew Hopkins, which notes that while he agrees that such
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……163
revisions do not need Senate approval, they should still be sent to the Comm so that this can be
Morton Weir letters of Mar 23 & 29, 1979 to Chancellor Peltason expressing his views against supporting
requests (attached) to be submitted to the EPC for changing the designation of “School” to “College” for
Social Work, GSLIS, & from “Dept” to “School” for Art & Design & Architecture. He does not believe
there is good justification for them, or for the already submitted change from Dept to School of
Accountancy. Chancellor Peltason advises sending them on w/a note of skepticism
D C Drucker’s alert about the Library School’s inclusion of “Information Science” in their name. He notes that
many other groups are heavily involved in information sciences & could use this title
Senate – Committee on Equal Opportunity
Copy of the 1977-78 Annual Report of this committee. Lloyd G Humphreys memo of May 9, 1978 in response
to this report. Ensuing correspondence concerning the content of the annual report & in response to
Humphrey’s memo
Michele Thompson memo re: Further Information on Our Discussion at the Senate Equal Employment
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Comm Mtg, Apr 26, 1979. The point of discussion was one raised by
Professor Graf concerning consideration of offering some status of affiliation w/the University to
persons in the community who posses the doctorate degree & are interested in pursuing research
activities, but are not currently in the employ of UIUC
Senate – Committee on Faculty Benefits
Senate Clerk C Kay Schade advises Morton Weir that he has been elected to serve as ex officio member on this
comm for the term beginning Aug 21, 1978. List of other members
Notice of the Sep 5, 1978 mtg
Agenda for the Sep 19, 1978 mtg, w/minutes from the Sep 5 mtg
Agenda for the Sep 26, 1978 mtg
Minutes of the Sep 19, 1978 mtg
Minutes of the Sep 26, 1978 mtg
Agenda for the Nov 7, 1978 mtg
Minutes & materials from the Nov 7 mtg
Minutes of the Nov 21, 1978 mtg
Agenda for the Dec 19, 1978 mtg
Copy of report to the Senate FB.79.3, Employee Life Insurance
Information on the Ohio State U fee authorization program, to be put w/other study materials to be discussed at
the next comm mtg
Agenda for the Feb 13, 1979 mtg, w/attached minutes of the Dec 19 mtg
Copy of report to the senate FB.77.1, Dependent Health Insurance
Minutes of the Feb 27, 1979 mtg
Agenda for the Mar 30, 1979 mtg
Minutes of the Mar 30 mtg
Minutes of the Apr 20, 1979 mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……164
The Chancellor’s Office forwards to President Corbally two actions of the Senate on comm reports on
Dependent Health Insurance & Employee Life Insurance
Senate Clerk Anna Rita Ferris advises Edwin Goldwasser that as Acting VC for Academic Affairs he is an ex
officio member of this comm. List of members for the term beginning Aug 21, 1979
Senate – Committee on General University Policy
Senate Clerk C Kay Schade advises Morton Weir of his election to serve as ex officio member on this
committee for the term beginning Aug 21, 1978. List of other comm members
Agenda & materials for the Feb 5, 1979 mtg
Packet of materials for the discussion of the assignment from the Senate that this comm participate in the
formulation of guidelines for search and/or consultative committees for major academic administrative
Senate Clerk Anna Rita Ferris advises Edwin Goldwasser that as Acting VC for Academic Affairs he is an ex
officio member of this comm. List of other members for the term beginning Aug 21, 1979
Senate – Committee on Student Discipline
Mtg announcements for Sep 20, Sep 27, Nov 15, Nov 29, Dec 13, 1978
Feb 7, 1979 letter from Chairman Asbury C Moore, advising of the change in the title VC for Campus Affairs
to VC for Student Affairs. The Dean of Students title will be used in a different role & responsibility.
Request that the Senate Council strike Dean of Students from its records & substitute Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs
Mtg announcement for May 1, 1979
Senate – Committee on University Status & Senate Procedures
Senate report SP.79.11 for final action at the Jan 22, 1979 mtg
Senate report SP.79.8 for final action at the Jan 22, 1979 mtg
Bruce Larson replies to an inquiry from Steven Hill about whether the ex officio members of the Calendar
Comm hold voting privileges in that comm. Also whether there is any precedent for a Senate comm
having an executive secretary
Correspondence between Bruce Larson & President Corbally concerning a list of four unagreed & deferred
items from the 1971 revision of the University Statutes, which the committee would now like to resolve.
Bruce Larson’s Dec 8, 1978 letter outlines these items
Unagreed item 1 includes several proposals concerning University administration
Unagreed item 2 concerns the consultative mechanism for selection of a President
Unagreed item 3 concerns suspension of administrative officers
Unagreed item 4 is a single sentence which concerns the appointment of acting administrators
It is agreed that items 1 & 4 should be dropped, item 2 shelved. President Corbally would like more
information on item 3
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……165
Senate – Conference on Conduct Governance
Agenda & materials for the Sep 21, 1978 mtg
Correspondence concerning a proposed addition to the Campus Administration Manual entitled “Use of
University Premises & Facilities on the Urbana-Champaign Campus.” A recent revision of the General
Rules delegated to the Chancellors of each campus the responsibility for establishing ground rules on
this matter. Copy of the proposed Section XII-9. Copy of the Chancellor’s transmittal letter to the
President of Jun 22, 1978, w/the note of the provisional approval of the President. Chancellor
Gerberding requests the CCG to conduct a review the proposed policy
Agenda & materials for the Oct 19, 1978 mtg
Agenda & materials for the Nov 2, 1978 mtg
Agenda & materials for the Nov 16, 1978 mtg
Document, System of Conduct Governance of Students, UIUC, Aug 1978
Agenda & materials for the Nov 30, 1978 mtg
Agenda & materials for the Feb 1, 1979 mtg
Agenda & materials for the Feb 15, 1979 mtg
Agenda & materials for the Mar 15, 1979 mtg
Agenda for the Mar 29, 1979 mtg
Agenda & materials for the Apr 12, 1979 mtg
Agenda for the Apr 26, 1979 mtg
Request from the U/C Senate that the Conference withhold action on the revision in Rule 69 of the Code until
further consideration by the Senate Comm on Student Discipline. Rule 69 concerns ID cards & the
requirement that they be shown on request of a member or agent of the University
Senate – University Senates Conference
Board of Trustees item for information from the Jul 19, 1978 mtg, Amendments to Senate Bylaws, report of
changes in the senates’ bylaws during the past year
Minutes & materials from the Oct 3, 1978 mtg
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Oct 30, 1978 mtg
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Jan 24, 1979 mtg. Information report on this mtg to the U/C senate
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Mar 2, 1979 mtg
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Apr 25, 1979 mtg
Agenda, minutes & materials from the Jun 21, 1979 mtg. Report to President Corbally on the results of the
election at the reorganization of the Senates Conference for 1979-80
Document, Space Generation Procedures Used at the University of Illinois-Urbana Campus, Jan 12, 1976
Memo on a request from Education to lease space in the Retirement Systems Building at Gerty Drive to house
their expanding research project
Monthly “Highlights” report of OSU (Office of Space Utilization), Jul 7, 1978
Approval of reassignment of Room 11 Animal Science Lab from the Ag Experiment Station to the Dept of
Animal Science
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……166
William Stallman responds to a suggestion of leasing a mobile trailer to provider additional office space near
the Veterinary Medicine Basic Sciences Building. He does not think it is a good idea, & proposes
alternatives for consideration
Memo authorizing the first phase of moves in the major space realignment plan for solving a number of campus
space problems. These involve the Police Training Institute & the Athletic Assoc
Monthly “Highlights” Report from OSU, Aug 4, 1978
Request for a nonrecurring transfer to support the move of the Dept of Art & Design’s painters from Springfield
Avenue to Davenport Hall
Request from Donald Wendel for OSU to conduct a review of a building scheduled to be relocated to WILL on
Main Street from Savoy. Authorization of the assignment of funds from the Minor Repair &
Remodeling Fund for moving costs
Correspondence concerning the need for space for the new Public Affairs unit headed by James Collier, now
located in Davenport House. Various alternatives proposed, including use of Parking Division’s space at
601 E John & Upward Bound. Chancellor’s concern that this issue be resolved so that the unit can do its
work. Concerns of OSU w/central campus space problems & money problems
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU Sep 5, 1978
Memo on reassignment of Rooms 50C & 52A in Bevier Hall
Morton Weir letter of appreciation for the cooperation of C W Van Meter & his unit in their move to Illini Hall
from the Armory
Memo on reassignment of newly available space in Davenport Hall & Turner Hall due to the occupancy of the
Turner Hall Addition
Correspondence concerning approval for the construction of a volatile storage room at the UI Press bldg
Memo on reassignment of space at the Materials Research Lab
Announcement that the Research Services Office is moving to 332 Davenport Hall
Memo on the reassignment of space at the Children’s Research Center to the Center for the Study of Reading
Correspondence concerning approval for creation of a word processing center in the Veterinary Medicine
Building & the Large Animal Clinic. Copy of the IBM study of the clerical support system
Memo on reassignment of space in the Coordinated Science & Aerospace Lab to Engineering depts
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU, Oct 3, 1978
William Stallman Oct 3 , 1978 proposal for meeting campus interior design needs
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU Nov 3, 1978
Copies of various transmittal letters for the report forms & the report of the Fall 1977 Statewide Space Survey
by IBHE. Copies of the report forms & report are not attached
Memo on reassignment of rooms in the Horticulture Field Lab & the Forest Science Lab
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU, Dec 4, 1978
Memo on reassignment of Room 193 Roger Adams Lab to Chemical Engineering
Roger Martin asks OSU to do an analysis of the space needs involved in the attached request that the Botany
Annex greenhouse not be razed upon completion of the Food for Century III Botany greenhouse
Approval to install one exterior light on the east side of the Mechanical Engineering bldg for safety reasons
Approval for remodeling of the Natural Resources bldg & Applied Research Lab
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU, Jan 4, 1979
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU, Feb 5, 1979
Correspondence concerning a request from State Representative Thomas J Hanahan for a comprehensive report
on how the University systems plan to maintain physical facilities during the next decade. President
Corbally asks Ronald Brady to coordinate efforts of both University & campus staff. Copy of Brady’s
letter of Oct 18, 1978 appointing a special task force to develop this report. Copy of a Jun 7, 1978 letter
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……167
from Harl Ray of the Illinois State Federal of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations, which
Donald Wendel shares w/the Chancellor. It provides some insight on why there is interest from Hanahan
& Johnson. Copy of the transmittal letters & the task force report, Plan for Maintenance of Physical
Facilities in the Next Decade, Jan 31, 1979
William Stallman memo of Feb 6, 1979 concerning the need for wet lab space for a prospective faculty member
in the Institute of Environmental Sciences. Chancellor Gerberding note w/comments & Morton Weir’s
William Stallman memo on space needs for the School of Music Grant Proposal to the National Institute of
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) for Arts & Aesthetic Education
Memo on reassignment of Rooms 101, 103 & 103B Engineering Hall for the Electronic Blackboard System of
the Office of Continuing Education. Edwin Goldwasser’s comments. Morton Weir approves
Memo on reassignment of space in the Observatory to relocate the Office of Transportation Research to be near
the Office for Interdisciplinary Projects
Memo on Building Opening Hours During Spring Break, Mar 17-25, 1979
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU Mar 5, 1979
Correspondence concerning the usage fee for Memorial Stadium for the Marching Band Festival, & the
disagreement between the Athletic Assoc & School of Music about distribution of the profit
Memo on reassignment of space in Lincoln to the School of Social Sciences
Correspondence & documents related to finding new space for the Library. Copies of correspondence &
documents concerning the Church of Christ bldg at 701 S Lincoln, including their request for rezoning
to commercial use, which the campus opposed, & its possible purchase by the campus for Library, Law
Library space. Suggestion of lease of warehouse space at 401 N Broadway from The Outlet. Board of
Trustees item for the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Lease of 401 North Broadway, Urbana
Memo on reassignment of Room 179 & 179A Davenport Hall to the Accounting Division
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU Apr 3, 1979
Memo on reassignment of Rooms 139 Armory & 178F Davenport Hall
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU, May 7, 1979
Vacation plans for William Stallman for May-Aug 1979
Memo on Building Opening Hours During Summer Intersession
Copy of the proposal for the Champaign Jam concert sponsored by student group Coordination Plus on May 6,
1979. Daily Illini article about the plans for this concert. Report on the bldg & security concerns at this
concert by William Stallman
Memo on reassignment of space in the Observatory to AISS
Request from the Center for the Study of Reading for space problems at the Children’s Research Center
Monthly “Highlights” report from OSU, Jun 4, 1979
Space – Site Approvals
Request from PTI for approval for O & M work to correct water & wind problems at the firearms range &
training center on Curtis Road
Site approval letter for an addition to the Mailing Center at 1002 W Green, Urbana
Request for site approval for the renovation of the Green Street median. Blueprints attached
Approval for construction of an asphalt sidewalk from the northeast corner of Lot E-2 to the intersection of Taft
Drive & Stock Pavilion Road
Approval to close in the south overhead door on the west side of the Central Receiving bldg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……168
Approval for proposed exterior lighting at the Water Resources Bldg
Request for site approval for four Agriculture construction projects:
1. Metabolism Bldg-Animal Science
2. Milking Parlor-Dairy Science
3. Field Lab-USDA, cooperative agreement w/Agronomy
4. Storage Bldg-Agronomy
Approval for 1 & 2. Plans for 3 & 4 for approval
Approval to install a nitrogen tank at the rear of the Coordinated Science Lab
Approval to construct a temporary greenhouse for the Trail Garden at Lincoln & Florida Avenue
State Government-University Relations
Request for information from units to revise the pamphlets “Illini Service to the State” & “Public Service for
State Government by the University of Illinois”
Cover letter from Governor Thompson for a copy of the Governor’s Science & Technology Task Force report,
sent for information & comment to Chancellor Gerberding
Information for prospective members of the National Student Exchange. Comments from various administrators
about campus participation in this program. It is decided to wait until the next year to make a decision
Information on the Washington Center for Learning Alternative Washington Winterim ’79, Jan 1-19, 1979
UIUC declines invitation to send two seniors to the Fourth Annual Citadel National Student Conference due to
budget constraints
UIUC declines invitation to send two delegates to the Twenty-Fourth Student Conference on National Affairs at
Texas A & M U due to budget constraints
Soliciting nominations for the Kiwanis outstanding male & female undergraduate students honors
Correspondence concerning an American Legion scholarship for Leah Diane Peel
Announcement of the winners of the 1978 Chancellor’s Decathlon, Mary Ellen Wilson & Ken Detmer. Copy of
back correspondence on the Chancellor’s participation in the trophy presentation. Ernest Morris will
represent the Chancellor this year. Copy of news release
Letter of appreciation from Mrs Vernon T Lenhausen for the kindness of faculty & staff to her daughter,
Laureen, during her last months. Laureen died Dec 21, 1978 from a malignant melanoma while a
student at UIUC
Letter advising that alumnus Helen Nadel LaVan was graduated w/the degree Doctor of Philosophy from
Loyola U of Chicago
Announcement letter for the Intercollegiate Assoc for Women Students 1979 National Convention at Kansas U
Chancellor Gerberding cover letter requesting students’ participation in the College Outcome Measures Project
(COMP) experimental text as part of the campus effort on undergraduate education
PSR note on phone calls protesting classes on Good Friday
W Peter Hood reply to Sarah Orlean letter about her husband being revived by student Michael Gussin using
CPR & recovering satisfactorily
Teaching assistant Kevin S McCurley letter about Illini Union Board provision of buses for student travel home
to Chicago on weekends interfering w/attendance at his class. Morton Weir reply
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……169
Correspondence concerning student Frank Saibert’s attendance at the 10th Annual National Student Symposium
on National Leadership & Priorities in Washington, D C. Copy of his letters of thanks to Stanley Levy
& Chancellor Gerberding
Mildred Luther replies to request from Theodore J Skok for certain changes in his UI transcript
Copy of a statement on staff procedures for students in need of emergency mental treatment, effective Jul 1,
1979, which is a revision of, & supercedes an earlier statement on this topic
Cover memo & copy of a review by Elaine Copeland of UIUC’s participation in the CIC Minorities
Fellowships Program
Students – Code on Campus Affairs & Regulations
Notice of deadline for materials to be published in the 1979 Code on Campus Affairs & Regulations Applying
to All Students
Correspondence concerning a possible revision to Rule 60. Jane Loeb’s comments
Students – C-U Student Association
Article, “Merger of student groups to be decided by vote today,” from the Morning Courier Feb 28, 1979.
Campus referendum on the merger of the UI Undergraduate & Graduate Student Associations to form
the C-U Student Assoc (CUSA)
Memo announcing the final totals of the referendum for forming the C-U Student Assoc
Morton Weir replies to a letter from Alan Lander of UGSA about CUSA’s assumption of any tasks currently
performed by UGSA/GSA, such as committee work. Morton Weir will forward this information to
Carolyn Burrell’s office. Copy of the CUSA constitution
Memo from the Residence Hall Assoc about exclusion of ballots from the polling places of the CRH Snackbar
& the Undergraduate tunnel
Students – Demonstration
Howard Diamond report on a Dec 22, 1978 demonstration by Chinese students at Lincoln Square
Students – Discipline
Paul Riegel advises Stanley Levy to talk to Paul Doebel for information to reply to W Thomas Morgan about
procedures for responding to incidents of extraordinary group misconduct
Copies of annual student discipline & conduct governance reports submitted to President Corbally & the Board
of Trustees
Students – Employment
Memo on the student minimum age, effective Dec 24, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……170
Memo on a change in policy concerning number of hours a non-immigrant student may work on-campus, &
1979-80 budgets for married students
Students – Equal Opportunity Program
Cover memo & EOP graduate data for 1968-1974
Cover memo & EOP retention data for 1968-1978, exclusive of the 1978 summer session
Copy of the Sep 1978 EOP Newsletter
Copy of the Dec 1978 EOP Newsletter
Students – Financial Aid
Memo on financial aid for graduate assistants w/late appointments
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Committee on Financial Aid to Students 1978-79
Letter of thanks to Michael R Ross for his contribution to the emergency student aid fund
Copy of the agreement between UI & HEW for governing institutional participation in programs of student
financial assistance
Letter requesting James A Nelson to serve as a member of the University Committee on Financial Aid to
Students for 1978-79 or until a successor is appointed, replacing Theodore Hymowitz
Copy of article, “Aid for college students dwindling: legislator,” from the Chicago Tribune Oct 16, 1978
Copy of article, “U S opens college loans to all in ’79,” from the Chicago Tribune Oct 24, 1978
Letter of thanks for receipt of check from Eleanor Jewett, chairman of the Guidance Dept at Morgan Park High
School, for the University Short Term Loan Fund in memory of Julianne Stahlke
Letter of thanks for Women’s Club check for the Undergraduate Student Aid Fund, to be available to the three
winners selected by them at UI
Stanley Levy provides figures on student financial aid for Fall 1978
Letter of thanks for a contribution in addition to the Emergency Student Aid Fund by Roderick Rudd, in
addition to paying back his loan
Letter of thanks for annual contribution to the Emergency Student Aid Fund from Paul McMichael
Letter of thanks for gift from Dr & Mrs Arthur Ennis for student loans
Letter for Joseph Califano about the substantial increase in the number of National Direct Student Loans in
default & request for review of campus programs
Larry Matejka report on a phone call from Representative Kathy Detetlla about House Bill 313 (aid beyond
tuition & fees)
Correspondence & documents related to Illinois House Bill 313, which concerns student financial aid beyond
tuition & fees. Larry Matejka reports on legislators contacts. Copy of the bill. List of bills from the 81st
General Assembly Affecting UI
Letter of thanks for the gift from Mary A Van Eman to the Emergency Student Aid Fund
Letter of thanks to Bethlehem Steel Corporation for their letter advising of changes in their Financial Assistance
Letters of thanks for gift from Karalyn Wilmeth for students in need
Correspondence concerning the assigning of defaulted notes from the National Defense & Direct Student Loan
programs to the federal government. Copy of the Board of Trustees item approved at the Jun 20, 1979
mtg, Assignment of National Defense/Direct Student Loans
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……171
Students – Graduate
Reminders that the Graduate Student Assoc needs to submit nominations for membership on 1978-79 VC for
Academic Affairs & VC for Administrative Affairs Campus Administrative Committees
Chancellor Gerberding letter supporting Robert George Ousterhout’s application for a visa to Turkey to carry
field work for his dissertation
Chancellor Gerberding letter of introduction for Deborah Poole to conduct anthropological research in Peru
Request for GSA nominations for the 1979-80 VC for Academic Affairs Campus Administrative Committees
on the attached list
Students – Latino
Information on the Minority Graduate Student Locater Service offered by the Graduate Record Examinations
Tentative activities schedule for La Casa for the remainder of Fall 1978
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to participate in Latino Week, w/information on activities
Announcement for the Apr 16, 1979 mtg of Perspectivas Latinas
Students – Legal Services
Correspondence concerning the appointment of the 1978-79 Student Legal Services Advisory Board.
University Counsel nomination of Timothy O Madigan. Copy of the Student Legal Services Plan
adopted by the Board of Trustees at its Jun 21, 1978 mtg. This is a time of transition until the new Legal
Service takes effect on Oct 1, 1978. Stanley Levy’s nominees for this committee, list of immediate
business. Letter requesting those listed to serve on this committee for 1978-79. The first mtg will be on
Sep 6, 1978
Stanley Levy response to a letter from Robert W Dodd in which he volunteers to serve on the Board of
Directors for the new Legal Service program. The Bar Assoc representative has already been chosen
Board of Trustees item approved at the Sep 20, 1978 mtg, Student Legal Services Plan, Urbana, to provide
flexibility in commencement & terminations dates of contracts w/Students’ Attorneys
Stanley Levy response to a letter from Alan Lander of UGSA on students’ perception of the new Legal Services
Correspondence concerning the possible hiring of Laurie McCarthy as temporary secretary for the new Student
Legal Services. She was hired earlier in the year, but told that she would have to take a Civil Service test
to keep her position under the new organization. Correspondence about ways to resolve the staffing
Correspondence & documents related to the hiring of Richard T Witham as the Students’ Attorney for the
period Oct 6-Nov 30, 1978
Correspondence & documents concerning the budget for the new Student Legal Services. Background materials
about the plan & the Student Organizations Resource Fee (SORF) that will support it & activities of
registered student organizations. Discussion of transitional funding until the implementation of SORF
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks to Michael H Graham for his work on the Student Legal Services Board
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……172
James Costello’s recommendation that Richard T Witham be named Students’ Attorney for the period Dec 1,
1978-Nov 30, 1979. Background correspondence concerning salary. Copy of a draft Board of Trustees
item for the Nov 17, 1978 mtg approving this hire. Cover sheet for copies of Witham’s contract (not
attached). Copy of the Board of Trustees item from the Nov 17, 1978 mtg, Purchases (14) Student Legal
Services Plan
Stanley Levy asks if the Chancellor or VC for Student Affairs shouldn’t interview all finalists for Legal
Services Attorney in future
Correspondence & documents related to the hiring of a second Students’ Attorney for Legal Services.
Recommendations of names from the Advisory Board. James Costello questions about this position,
Chancellor Gerberding reply. Discussion of funding, contract. Board of Trustees item approved at the
Jun 20, 1979 mtg, Allocations to Student Legal Services Plan From Student Organization Resource Fee,
Urbana. This approves a recommendation that an additional $10,000 annually be allocated to provide
for an additional attorney
Students – Legal Services (Covers Dec 1976 – May 1978)
This file contains materials that can be seen as background to the development of the Student Legal Services
Plan approved by the Board of Trustees on Jun 21, 1978 for the U/C campus, & for which the file just
previous to this contains correspondence & documents related to the implementation of the plan. Also
approved by the Board of Trustees on Jun 21, 1978 was the Student Organizations Resource Fee
(SORF), which was to provide funding for the plan, as well as support for activities of registered
organizations. There would be a two-year trial period to allow for development of the Legal Service &
resolution of operating issues
Documents contained in this file include:
-Materials on WIU’s student attorney program, Dec 1976
-Materials on SIU’s Student Attorney Program Dec 14, 1976
-Update of Research on Group Legal Services Plan for UI Students, Dec 22, 19976, w/attached reference
-Materials on ISU’s Students’ Legal Services program, & report on a telephone conversation w/Judy Boyers of
ISU about their mandatory student activities fee, Sep 23, 1977
-Sep 23, 1977 report on telephone conversation w/Dick Armitage at Ohio State U about student activity fees,
copy of Synopsis of University-Student Legal Services
-Sep 23, 1977 report on telephone conversation w/Mike McDermott at NIU about student activity fees, & copy
of the Second Annual Report of the Students’ Legal Assistance Program at NIU
-Oct 3, 1977 memo of conversation w/Don Zander at the U of Minnesota on their student activity service fee,
& copy of a University Student Legal Service brochure
-Oct 3, 1977 report of a Sep 27, 1977 visit to Michigan State U by Hugh Satterlee, w/comments on their
student fees & student legal services
-Stanley Levy Nov 18, 1977 letter following an apparent referendum defeat of SORF, suggesting to Hugh
Satterlee that some of the issues related to the Legal Service be pursued further along the lines
mentioned by President Corbally
-Morton Weir advises that President Corbally has indicated that campus hsould initiate conversations w/the
Champaign County Bar Assoc about potential services that might be rendered by a student legal service.
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……173
James Costello reply, noting his concern about the proposal, & advising to wait until they can discuss
w/the President. He does feel that relationships w/the Bar Assoc should be established through his office
-Stanley Levy’s thoughts on activities of a student legal service
-Handwritten notes of various mtgs or discussions about Legal Services matters from Jan & Feb 1978
-John Scouffas’ Feb 20, 1978 report on his attendance at the Second Annual Student Legal Services
Conference Feb 11, 1978 at the U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, & copy of the University Legal Clinic,
UWM, Clearinghouse Informational Brochure prepared for the conference
-Stanley Levy sends Hugh Satterlee & the Chancellor a copy of the information on ISU’s Students’ Legal
Services program
-Paul Riegel sends Timothy Madigan copies of correspondence from Alan Lander, who is submitting a
proposal for a UI Student Legal Service (Proposed Charter) from the Legal Service Board of Directors
-Handwritten notes on mtgs/conversations during Mar 1978
-Mar 15, 1978 letter to the Board of Trustees from Alan Groupe of Check Here w/his opinion on the effect of
state funding on student legal services
-Copy of Chancellor Gerberding letter of Mar 21, 1978 requesting those listed to constitute themselves a
committee (Student Legal Services Comm) to be chaired by Timothy Madigan, to meet w/student
leaders to discuss the outlines & details of what kind of Student Legal Service might be established on
campus. Attached is a copy of Alan Lander’s Mar 1, 1978 transmittal letter for the UI Student Legal
Service (Proposed Charter)
-Mar 31, 1978 letter from Timothy O Madigan to Law Dean John Cribbet, confirming their Mar 30, 1978
phone conversation. In that call, Madigan informed Cribbet that he had been appointed to chair a
committee to discuss the outlines & details of the type of student legal service which might be
established at UIUC if SORF is implemented. He mentions the issue of the involvement of the College
of Law, actual representation in court, & provides brief information on several other plans at other
-John Cribbet’s reply to Timothy Madigan, indicating that Law does not wish to become directly involved in
any program, but would consider the involvement of students for academic credit
-Copy of a comparison chart of various student legal services programs
-Copies of several documents: Table-Statistical Resume of Legal Services Rendered, 1976-1977-1978,
UGSA/GSA Student Legal Service, By-Laws of the UGSA/GSA Student Legal Service, UGSA/GSA
Student Legal Service Charter
-Paul Riegel handwritten notes on an Apr 6, 1978 mtg
-Donald A Henss Apr 19, 1978 letter to the rest of the SLS Comm, attaching a copy of the Apr 20, 1978
Committee Draft of the Student Legal Services Plan report, w/attached Alternate Article III & Alternate
Paragraph VI-C
-Copy of an application sheet for the Champaign County Bar Assoc Lawyer Referral Service
-Copy of the Apr 13, 1978 Committee Draft report
-Timothy Madigan Mar 30, 1978 cover letter to the rest of the SLS Comm for copies of materials from both his
files & Hugh Satterlee’s (not attached), & reminding of upcoming meetings
-Paul Riegel handwritten notes dated Apr 21, 1978
-Timothy Madigan Apr 26, 1978 cover letter to SLS Comm members Paul Riegel & Hugh Satterlee for a copy
of the final draft of the Student Legal Services Plan report (not attached) for their review
-Copy of the Apr 28, 1978 Committee Draft of the SLS Plan
-Timothy Madigan May 1, 1978 transmittal letter for sending the final report to Chancellor Gerberding
-Timothy Madigan May 3, 1978 cover letter for a copy of the revised report sent to Chancellor Gerberding. A
May 1 Committee Draft is attached, w/some editings
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……174
-Chancellor Gerberding transmittal letter for the SLS Comm report (attached – May 3, 1978 draft) sent to the
Board of Trustees
-Timothy Madigan May 8, 1978 report to Chancellor Gerberding of his mtg w/Richard T Witham, current
attorney for GSA-UGSA Legal Service, & their treasurer, to try to sketch a rough budget for the
proposed legal service. List of their current expenditures per year. Copy of the May 15, 1978 document,
Student Organizations Resource Fee-Urbana, which provides a history of SORF on the campus &
outlines the current proposal
-Article, “Legal Service plan details restrictions,” from the May 9, 1978 Daily Illini
-Editorial, “Restrictions would mangle legal service,” from the May 10, 1978 Daily Illini
-May 12, 1978 comments by Hugh Satterlee to Chancellor Gerberding on the final version of the SLS Plan sent
from the Board of Trustees. He wants to bring to the Chancellor’s attention two student concerns w/the
Plan, perhaps even opposition: the subject of control, & the indigence requirement
-Article, “Legal service plan given limited endorsement by UGSA,” from the May 12, 1978 Daily Illini
-Chancellor Gerberding asks Alan Lander for he & his associates to put together an alternative budget
-Handwritten notes on a Jun 5, 1978 mtg/conversation w/James Collier & James Costello
Students – New Students/New Student Week
Correspondence concerning a request from the Morning Courier for new student & transfer student mailing
labels w/their home addresses to send information to incoming students, & discussion of this request in
light of student privacy & orientation services issues. The campus continues to deny this request. The
list is provided to the Daily Illini. James Collier requests to be involved in such discussions in future
Correspondence concerning the Chancellor’s participation in the Freshman Convocation on Aug 21, 1978.
Chancellor Gerberding raises the issue that it is not necessary to have both the Chancellor & President at
campus events
Copy of the New Student Week brochure for the testing & registration activities of the week
Copy of article, “Community Welcomes UI Class of 1982,” from the Aug 23, 1978 News-Gazette
Copy of booklet, Trends in Beginning Freshman Characteristics at Selected Universities, 1970-77, by I W
Langston, E E Oliver, & D J Wermers, University office of School & College Relations, UIUC,
Research Memorandum 78-6, Jul 1978
Stanley Levy provides some context for the freshman convocation for James Collier, & why there was not
official mention of it, particularly w/the Chancellor & others participating. He notes that it is a student
program, only two years old. He mentions the older practice of a formal convocation & possibly
returning to it
Stanley Levy to Morton Weir, suggesting an overhaul of the student orientation process
New Student Week brochure for the Spring 1979 semester
Roger Martin replies to a Mar 5, 1979 letter from R Bruce Hinley’s committee to the Chancellor w/ideas about
summer advance enrollment advising
Students – Organizations
Chancellor Gerberding replies to a letter of complaint from L W Johnson of Northbrook about a mailing
soliciting a contribution for participation in the New Student Record, a service project of UGSA. This
publication provides information about new students, w/photos & biographical information, &
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……175
information on campus activities & services. L W Johnson raises issues about privacy of information &
coercive wording in the materials
Memo on a new policy to clarify University Honoraries’ access to student records
Correspondence concerning a policy revision in the Code on Campus Affairs approved by the Conference on
Conduct Governance on nondiscrimination for registered organizations, approved Mar 28, 1978.
Recommendations for changes from Timothy Madigan. Chancellor Gerberding advises John Scouffas
that he agrees w/Legal Counsel’s recommendations
Invitation for recommendations for honorary Omicron Delta Kappa fall initiation. Copy of their Manual for
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Board of Panhellenic Affairs for the terms indicated
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Organization Fund Advisory Board
Invitation to attend the Interfraternity & Panhallenic Councils National Officers’ Banquet Oct 6, 1978,
Chancellor regrets
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Board of Fraternity Affairs for 1978-79
Letter of thanks for gift from Sigma Chi Fraternity. The Kappa Kappa Chapter at UIUC received this award
from the Sigma Chi Foundation in recognition of their selection as a winner of the Peterson Significant
Chapter Award for 1977-78, to be forwarded to the President’s Office to be used for student financial
Copies of Speaker & Gavel, Spring 1978, publication of Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha honor society for
forensics, which contain a report on the proceedings of their 1978 National Conference are sent to
President Corbally & Chancellor Gerberding
Invitation to attend the Delta Sigma Omicron Disabled Student’s Service Organization Awards Banquet &
other activities on Oct 21, 1978, Chancellor regrets
Stanley Levy letter of thanks to Howard S Diamond & Larry Matejka for their handling of the campaign part at
Sigma Chi Fraternity on Nov 3, 1978
Announcement, Phi Kappa Phi Initiation Program & Reception Nov 16, 1978
Announcement information for the Kappa Kappa Chapter of Sigma Chi Alumni Reunion May 5, 1979
Announcement, Phi Kappa Phi Chapter Election mtg, Feb 14, 1979
List of Mortar Board members who will meet w/Chancellor Gerberding Mar 28, 1979
Invitation for cocktails, Panhellenic & IFC Exec Mar 29, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Announcement of two changes in the IFC Statesman-Student program: change in morning coffee time, & Rep
Cal Skinner will visit campus
Announcement that petitioning is now open for membership in Atius, Sachem & Torch honoraries
Students – Quad Day
Information on 1978 Quad Day activities. Chancellor Gerberding will attend. Note that Quad Day was
cancelled due to weather
Students - SEAL & SORF
NOTE: this file contains background materials that are from 1977-78 & before on the development of SORF
Document, Student Organization Activity Assessment, G.T.F. Revised Draft Feb 8, 1971
Constitution of the Associated Students at the UI, undated
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……176
Paul Riegel cover letter for a copy of a report of the results of a survey on proposed students resource fee sent
to President Corbally. A copy of the report from Jean Hill is attached
Hugh Satterlee cover letter for a proposal from Keith Volgman for a mandatory student fee, sent to Chancellor
Peltason in Jun 1977
Copy of a memo to the Board of Trustees from the Graduate Student Assoc & Undergraduate Student Assoc
concerning Preliminary discussion of a Student Resource Fee, Jun 14, 1977
Hugh Satterlee’s cover memo to Morton Weir of Oct 19, 1977, w/attached copy of a draft of Student
Organization Resource Fee proposal
Hugh Satterlee cover memo & copies of reports on his contacts w/other institutions about student fees &
student legal services
Copy of President Corbally Nov 2, 1977 letter to Morton Weir, w/his thoughts about minimum conditions &
guidelines surrounding a mandatory student fee for UIUC
Nov 2, 1977 draft of the SORF proposal
Two versions of the SORF Fact Sheet
Hugh Satterlee cover memo of Jan 6, 1978 to Chancellor Gerberding w/a copy of a NASPA report, Students
Control Millions – Some Good – Some Bad
Copy of document on SEAL, Jan 1978
President Corbally sends copies of correspondence concerning a discussion of the student legal aid service &
whether it can appropriately be supported by mandatory fees
Timothy Madigan’s comments of Feb 10, 1978 on the current draft of the SORF proposal
Article, “Students to vote on basics only, details ignored in fee referendum,” from the Feb 18, 1978 Daily Illini
Hugh Satterlee cover letter & slightly modified version of the latest SORF proposal, which identifies funding
for programs more specifically than earlier versions
Article, “Chancellor may limit use o proposed fee,” from the Mar 7, 1978 Daily Illini
Paul Riegel note advising that Harold Poindexter says that SORF could be implemented for Fall 1978 if
approved by the Board of Trustees in May
Copy of document, The SEAL Program: Students Helping Students
Hugh Satterlee Mar 21, 1978 memo to Chancellor Gerberding on SEAL & the proposed student fee
Stanley Levy May 2, 1978 report on the student referendum on SEAL, which received a majority of votes, & he
believes that it can continue
Stanley Levy May 2, 1978 transmittal letter to Chancellor Gerberding w/the agenda item for the May mtg on
Second draft of the Board item is sent to the Chancellor on May 3
Chancellor Gerberding advises President Corbally that the student referendum has approved continuation of
Copy of Timothy Madigan’s May 8, 1978 report on GSA-UGSA Legal Service expenditures to be sent as
background for the Board of Trustees consideration of SORF
Revised background document on SORF for the Board of Trustees
George Bargh advises the Chancellor that implementation of SEAL must await approval of the matching
portion from the State, & the President’s Office will advise when the legislation is approved
Handwritten notes on a Jun 2, 1978 mtg/conversation w/Lenz
Chancellor Gerberding Jun 5, 1978 questions about charging of the SORF fee to advance registrants, &
cancellation of collection of the fee if a condition established by the Board is not met
Chancellor Gerberding reports on his mtg w/President Corbally & James Costello to discuss the mandatory fee
issue & how to present it to the Board. Request that Stanley Levy, Timothy Madigan & Earl Porter meet
as soon as possible to draft a Board item
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……177
Draft of a Board of Trustees item for the Jun 21, 1978 mtg on SORF
Report on the vote of the student referendum of Mar 8-10, 1978 on the SORF proposal, in which a majority
voted in favor
Transmittal letter from the Chancellor for the Board of Trustees item (attached) on SORF for the Jun 21, 1978
Stanley Levy provides Chancellor Gerberding w/requested data on the Voluntary Student Contribution since
inception in Fall 1971
Jun 20, 1978 Statement on Proposed Student Resource Fee by the Undergraduate Student Assoc
Copy of the background statement sent to the Board of Trustees on SORF
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jun 21, 1978 mtg, Student Organization Resource Fee, Urbana,
approving a mandatory, but refundable, fee to be assessed from each registered on-campus student at
UIUC. Out of the funds collected, $50,000 annually (or the maximum collected if no more than $50,000
is raised) would be allocated to a Student Legal Service, A Student Organization Resource Fee Board
would be established to recommend allocation of remaining funds to the Chancellor. List of activities
for which such funds could not be used
The President’s Office advises that the legislation, Senate Bill 1523, has been approved by the Governor, which
includes matching funds for SEAL
Copy of Senate Bill 1523
Stanley Levy advises Chancellor Gerberding on the discussion of processes & procedures governing SEAL &
SORF collections & refunds for Fall 1978 semester
Sample ballots & SORF referendum information
Stanley Levy’s proposal for members of the SORF Board
Letter of thanks from Stanley Levy for assistance in the SORF election & referenda sent to attached list
Chancellor Gerberding requests that Stanley Levy act as his designee to review SORF allocation proposals
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the SORF Board for 1978-79
Notice of the Nov 12, 1979 recount of the SORF Board election results
Stanley Levy asks Chancellor Gerberding if he is willing, like his predecessors, to approve use of funds from
the Shaw Bequest as matching funds for SEAL. The Chancellor notes approval
Various correspondence concerning representation of minority groups on the SORF Board
Stanley Levy Jan 29, 1979 letter approving the new SORF By-Laws, w/exception noted
Article, “Minority student measure defeated by SORF board”
Stanley Levy letters of Feb 20 & Mar 14, 1979 approving recommended allocations from SORF Board
Stanley Levy confirms formally the approval of two SORF Board recommendations of Feb 22, 1979
Stanley Levy requests further information & clarification from the SORF Board on some recommendations
received on Mar 8, 1979
Chancellor Gerberding advises Stanley Levy he would like to discuss child care
Belated submission of one SORF allocation for Stanley Levy’s approval
Stanley Levy Apr 3, 1979 report on the status of SORF-related accounts
Stanley Levy approval for SORF allocations, Apr 10, 1979
Stanley Levy approves an allocation to Coordination Plus, w/restrictions listed in Jean Hill’s Apr 17 letter
Stanley Levy unofficial report from on SORF refunds
Students – Suicides
Stanley Levy letter concerning a comment about the UIUC suicide rate in a Daily Illini article by Larry Doyle
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……178
Article, “Suicide No 2 killer of young adults, no joke at UI,” from the Daily Illini
Students – Study Abroad
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jun 20, 1979 mtg, for tuition & fee waivers for students from the U of
Aston of Birmingham, England & the U of Dundee, Scotland attending UI. Copies of the Memos of
Agreement w/the two institutions
Students – Undergraduate Student Assoc
Correspondence concerning student organization access to the UGSA bulletin board in the Illini Union. Copy of
article, “Groups may sue UI, UGSA for bulletin board policy. Mike Desmond & others have wanted to
post information on the Birthright organization & have been refused. Correspondence w/student parent
Barbara Miller of Decatur on this topic. Stanley Levy notes that is free speech, not any particular view,
that is at issue. He has advised UGSA that they must review & revise their bulletin board policy
Correspondence concerning participation of the Chancellor in the Second Annual Campus Information Seminar
Day on Mar 10, 1979. The Chancellor participated in a discussion of Title IX & Its Effect on Our
Request for UGSA nominations for the 1979-80 membership on VC for Academic Affairs Campus
Administrative Committees, list attached
UGSA list of nominations for Student Affairs committees for 1979-80
Students – Veterans
Veterans Administration letter asking for support of observance of Vietnam Veterans Week May 28-Jun 3,
Students – Volunteer Illini Projects Inc (VIP)
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the VIP Board for 1978-79
VIP funds solicitation letter
Blood donor letter sent to students at home during the holiday break, encouraging donations at home
Blood donor letter encouraging summer donations by staff
Teacher Education, U/C Council on (2 folders)
Memo containing excerpts from a recent Illinois Office of Education study of Illinois Teacher Supply &
Demand, 1976-77
Cover letters & draft – Secondary Teacher Education Program of Professional Courses. Course descriptions for
Se Ed 209, 219, 229 & 239. This represents the operational means of effecting the proposal of the Dept
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……179
of Secondary Education to provide 100 hours of early field experience for students in the secondary
teacher education program in English, mathematics, science, social studies, & speech
Agenda & materials & minutes from the mtg of the CTE Executive Subcommittee on Aug 17, 1978
Morton Weir requests, on behalf of the Chancellor, that those listed serve on the CTE for 1978-79
Announcement of test dates & other information for the National Teacher Examinations from the Educational
Testing Service
Agenda & materials & minutes from the Nov 6, 1978 mtg of the CTE Executive Subcommittee
Agenda & materials & minutes from the Dec 4, 1978 mtg of the CTE Executive Subcommittee
Transmittal letters & a copy of a proposal for the Establishment of a Professional Education Program Review
Board (Attachment A in materials from the Oct 27, 1978 Illinois Assoc of Colleges for Teacher
Education mtg), for discussion by CTE. This proposal would take University program approval power
away from the State Teacher Certification Board. This proposal may be submitted to the legislature
during the spring session
Correspondence concerning the resignation of Harold Lerch as Chairperson of the Area Committee on the
Preparation of Elementary & Early Childhood Education. He recommends that John McGill’s
committee appointment be extended to serve as Chairperson. Draft letter mentioned for Morton Weir to
sign is not attached
Document, Summary of Results of Follow-Up Study on 1976-77 Teacher Education Graduates, Julie Grosh &
James D Raths, CTE
Agenda & materials & minutes from the Jan 5, 1979 CTE Executive Subcommittee mtg
James D Raths cover letter & brochure, Early Childhood Programs at UIUC, sent to Morton Weir in response to
Morton Weir’s appointment of a faculty committee to look into possible structures at UIUC in the field
of “child development”
Donald R Sherbert letter to Myron Atkin expressing his concerns about the possibility that eight-week courses
that could be taken during the practicum semester may no longer be offered
Stanley Levy’s letter of Jan 20, 1979 w/comments on the Educational Placement Office, & his suggestion that
he be added to CTE. Morton Weir’s reply, noting that the composition of the CTE is defined in the
Statutes, & suggests that a better approach might be for Levy or David Bechtel to attend CTE or
Executive Subcommittee mtgs when there is an issue they wish to raise
Correspondence concerning whether to invite NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
Education) for an accreditation visit. James Raths raises the issue in a Dec 22, 1978 letter to Morton
Weir. Morton Weir suggests that CTE needs to discuss this. Notice from NCATE of the annual
orientation session on Feb 27, 1979 for representatives of institutions to discuss the preparation for an
NCATE evaluation. A UIUC representative will attend
Memo advising that the Illinois Office of Education will visit campus on Apr 24, 1979 to hear comments &
suggestions concerning the program approval process. Copy of earlier IOE letter suggesting this visit
Agenda & materials & minutes from the Mar 7 (corrected from Mar 9), 1979 CTE Executive Subcommittee
Agenda & materials & minutes from the Mar 9, 1979 mtg of the CTE
Morton Weir’s comments on a draft letter to go out over his signature to program advisors concerning recent
CTE action limiting its responsibilities for review of graduate programs to those currently recognized by
OIE as leading to a certificate by entitlement in the State of Illinois
Morton Weir memo on the reduction of teacher education minors
Agenda & materials & minutes of the Apr 27, 1979 CTE Executive Subcommittee mtg
Correspondence concerning the monitoring of MST & MAT programs by the Graduate College. CTE had
discovered that proper oversight is not being given to curriculum requirements & their fulfillment by
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……180
students prior to graduation. Discussion of the issues involved, which include graduation of students
who have not fulfilled curriculum requirements, lack of proper approvals for changes in program
requirements or waiver or requirements, roles of the Graduate College & the Senate
Student Christopher Krol is requested to serve on the CTE for 1979-80
Morton Weir letter concerning the CTE vote to limit the program review function of the Council to those
programs which have received approval by IOE, those proposed for submission for IOE approval,
teacher education minors, effect on MST, MAT & MEd programs
Memo summary of the activities of the CTE Executive Subcommittee Jun 28, 1978 through Jun 1, 1979
Memo announcing Discontinuance of Certification Audits for Graduate Students, effective Aug 4, 1979
Announcement of mandatory training sessions for student teaching or pre-student teaching supervisors
Update on Program Approval Status w/the IOE, listing those granted full approval by the State Teacher
Certification Board, & those which remain on provisional approval
David Bechtel proposes a modification of membership & some suggested nominees for the Area Committee on
Educational Placement for 1979-80
Geography Dept Head Arthur Getis advises CTE that they will not seek State Teacher Certification Board
approval for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of Geography, but will examine the
program during the coming year w/the intent of resubmitting it at a later date as an entitlement program
Box 228
Memo apparently asking if procedure for a message to cut back on electrical equipment usage during summer
peak use periods that was used in 1977 should be used again in 1978
Correspondence to confirm that Illinois Bell will install a private line system on campus for a cost not exceed
the estimated amount. Drawings mentioned are not attached
Memo advising those listed that Paul Doebel would like to have a very short mtg to discuss the Telephone Alert
System Oct 4, 1978
Message that will be given on the Telephone Alert System on Jan 24, 1979 for early release of employees due
to the weather
Telephone Alert message concerning ice buildup on roof overhangs
Notice that Telephone Service is making a one-time reduction of $35 per administrative telephone line except
for campus only service
News from Illinois Bell on the new service called Zero-Plus calling for customers w/certain phone number
Invitation tot he opening of Illinois Bell’s new Traffic Service Position System office in Champaign
Traffic & Parking
This file begins w/out of order material from 1975
Stanley Levy thanks J W Briscoe for his comments about traffic congestion & class scheduling
Urbana Mayor Hiram Paley suggests a mtg w/University representatives before submitting the one-way street
system & bike path network to the Safety Committee
Bruce Hannon sends J W Briscoe & John Baerwald material concerning the Chapel Hill Transit System
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……181
Bruce Hannon letter of Feb 4, 1975 w/his thoughts on the campus parking policy, use of mass transit instead of
cars. Response from J W Briscoe. Response from John Scouffas
William Stallman Mar 19, 1975 w/his thoughts on how to proceed w/the parking structure project, including a
review of project need & review of project site
J R Larsen comments on the loss of the North Greenhouse as a site for the parking structure, needs of Depts of
Botany & School of Life Sciences
Mar 21, 1975 memo, Proposed Work Statement for University Personal Transport Policy Consultant
Stanley Levy notes his shift of opinion on the proposed parking structure in a Mar 27, 1975 letteer
Copies of two letters from Professors Folke Dovring expessing his thoughts on the campus traffic problem. One
is addressed to the Office of the Chancellor, Apr 8, 1975. The other is addressed to Hiram Paley, & is a
summary of his statement at an Urbana City Council study session
Article, “Bus officials ponder garage’s effects,” Daily Illini Apr 19, 1975
Memo from David May to Bruce Hannon on the proprosed parking garage & associated studies
Campus Transportation & Traffic Comm report & recommendation for the construction of a parking structure
between Electrical Engineering Bldg & Talbot Lab. Correspondence w/the group HIPS (Households
Involved in Pollution Solutions)
Donald Molnar cover letter & copies of three documents relating to long range physical planning for the
campuses. University of Illinois – Long Range Physical Planning, Aug 30, 1973. Campus Area Traffic
Study, Nov 1973. Long-Range Land Acquisition Program, Urbana Campus, report to the Board of
Trustees Jul 16, 1975
Report on Sep 3, 1975 mtg on campus traffic-bicycle facilities improvement
Henry Koertge forwards comments of Professor Will Worley about bicycle path hazards to James Trial
Phyllis Weichenthal provides Joseph Diana w/information on previous discussions on closing the campus
portion of Green Street from the Minutes of the May 7 & 12, 1975 U/C Senate mtgs & excerpts of the
Campus Traffic study by the Dept of Geography
Donald Wendel advises Paul Doebel that he agrees w/the idea in the attached memo of changing lots C-7 & C10 to area rather than space rental
Donald Wendel asks Paul Doebel for a report on the progress of the committee appointed to review the campus
bicycle transportation system
Donald Wendel memos on the presentation of the proposed traffic sign control program at a recent staff mtg.
He suggests that James Colliers be asked for input
Donald Wendel’s thoughts on the campus parking space shortage for Paul Doebel’s consideration
Donald Wendel asks Paul Doebel about whether there are any policies related to campus parking & new
Donald Wendel confirms Paul Doebel’s site approval for parking lots F28, F29, & a bike parking lot near
Turner Hall
Donald Wendel asks William Wiese & staff to monitor whether they receive increased requests for parking
stickers as a result of new City of Champaign meters on streets west of Sixth Street. William Wiese
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Transportation & Traffic Committee for the terms
Donald Wendel asks Paul Doebel to give consideration to a more appropriate title for William Wiese other than
Coordinator of Parking & Traffic. He suggests Director or Manager
Donald Wendel asks for discussion of the campus response to allegations from the community that there is a
parking problem in the Champaign Campus District
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……182
Stanley Levy memo to file about the transfer of the Student Traffic Appeals Board to the Office of the VC for
Administrative Affairs
Paul Doebel advises that there needs to be developed a campus-wide service parking policy. Attached memo
from William Wiese w/list & map of spaces now used by O & M
Paul Doebel’s advice to William Wiese for developing parking plans for the Agriculture Engineering Sciences
Bldg & the Veterinary Medicine basic Sciences Bldg
Timothy Madigan provides requested opinion on the authority of the University to establish regulations to
reduce the number of student-operated cars on University & city streets
Donald Wendel responds to a proposal from Professor Folke Dovring for a fee-driven motivation for staff to
consider using public transportation
Visitor Parking Map
Memo on proposed parking rate increases, Oct 1, 1978 to Sep 30, 1979
Article, “Campus parking demand continues to outpace supply,” from the Feb 11, 1979 Morning Courier
Memo reporting on the vote at the C-U Urbanized Area Transportation Study (CUUATS) Policy Committee
mtg on four resolutions related to the issue of additional interchanges on I-57
Correspondence concerning a proposed increase in parking rate at Willard Airport, which Donald Wendel
approves after a thorough analysis by Doebel/Poindexter
Board of Trustees item approved at the Feb 21, 1979 mtg New Agreement Concerning Transportation Planning
for the Champaign-Urbana Urban Area. Approval for a new agreement between the agencies involved
in CUUATS as recommended by federal transportation officers. Attached are a draft cooperative
agreement, copy of the 1964 Resolution by the Board of Trustees approving University participation in
CUUATS, & the Board of Trustees item from the Jul 21, 1965 mtg authorizing the University share of
funding for the State’s hiring of a consultant to perform a study for the purpose of developing a
comprehensive transportation plan for the C-U area as required by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of
Donald Wendel’s comments on the attached Questions Regarding Rental Lot Expansion
Memo announcing a change in parking regulations for Lot E-3
Letters in response to a proposed plan to change some parking lots, particularly A-6, to lot rental rather than
space rental, debating the pros & (mostly) cons. Copy of IlliniWeek article, UI may double lot-rental
parking areas,” Feb 23, 1979
Donald Wendel’s response to the recommendations of the Campus Transportation & Traffic Committee
transmitted on Feb 15, 1979
Donald Wendel replies to a letter from PTI Director Clifford Van Meter about the parking situation
Memo announcing increases in Car Pool mileage & usage charges
Request for site approval for a new bicycle lot near Turner Hall, w/attached previous correspondence
Memo on the completed modifications to the Campus Parking Design Proposal
Donald Wendel reminder memo on the 55 mph speed limit for University vehicles. Comments on the
enforceability of this policy from Physiology & Biophyics Dept Head James E Heath
Police Report of Jun 15, 1979 about three bicycle thefts at Illini Union, a parking lot at Huff Gym, & at the
Large Animal Clinic lot
Traffic & Parking – Closing of Wright & Mathews Streets
The materials in this file date from Oct 1974 through Apr 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……183
Paul Doebel memo of Oct 2, 1974 to Chancellor Jack Peltason concerning the confusion that exists over who
has authority & responsibility for campus traffic matters
Cover letter from Donald J Molnar & copy of the campus traffic report, Campus Traffic - A Study of
Circulation Modes on the Urbana Campus, University of Illinois, Phase I, Nov 12, 1974. His letter notes
that of greatest importance is the suggestion that portions of Wright Street, Mathews Street, & Green
Street be closed. This document should be treated as a confidential draft
Chancellor Peltason letter of Nov 18, 1974 to Donald Molnar, conveying his thanks for the study. He is asking
VC Briscoe to give it the highest priority & acting in the Chancellor’s behalf to move toward the
immediate implementation of those recommendations that are within the authority of the campus to
make, & to open discussions on the others w/appropriate civic & community leaders
Chancellor Peltason letter of Nov 21, 1974 to VC J W Briscoe, w/his instructions on responding to the Campus
Traffic study
Paul Doebel memo of Nov 25, 1974, noting that he assumes that actions outlined in the Chancellor’s Nov 21
letter will be delayed until the report has been fully reviewed & finalized by the sponsoring committee.
He also notes that additional studies conducted by the Dept of Geography in the fall will result in some
of the data in the report being revised & the committee may wish to add, revise or delete some of the
alternatives presented. The final report will be transmitted by the sponsoring committee as soon as it is
ready, sometime around Christmas
L G Hernecheck memo of Dec 3, 1975, providing O & M Division comments on the Campus Traffic study
Stanley Levy’s Dec 23, 1974 comments for Chancellor Peltason on the two proposals, made in the Campus
Traffic study report, for dealing w/pedestrian traffic through lengthening of class breaks & a class
schedule w/some starting on the hour & some on the half-hour
Chancellor Peltason cover letter of Mar 4, 1975 for distribution of copies of the Campus Traffic study report &
Stanley Levy’s Dec 23 report to him. An Appendix to the Campus Study report contains materials
related to the survey on campus traffic being conducted by the Dept of Geography & the Office for
Capital Programs at the request of the Chancellor for review & comment
Memo of Mar 4, 1975 from H L Wakeland, Chairman of the Assistant & Associate Deans (A&ADS)
Committee, expressing their concerns about any proposals to change class schedules or break periods
John E Cribbet Mar 5, 1975 response to Chancellor Peltason’s Mar 4, memo concerning possible solutions to
the pedestrian & vehicular traffic flow on campus
Responses from faculty, administrators, staff & students to Stanley Levy’s Dec 23, 1974 report & the
Chancellor’s mailing of the Campus Traffic study report & Levy’s Dec 23, 1974 report on Feb 28/Mar
4, 1975, & the Campus Traffic study report in general
Paul Doebel memo of Mar 27, 1975, reporting to J W Briscoe on the results of mtgs to identify those items in
the traffic study which his group could recommend for implementation before the fall semester 1975.
One of these, number 4, calls for complete studies for the development of Wright & Mathews Streets.
Copy of his cover letter for this progress report sent to Chancellor Peltason
Copy of the Apr 1975 issue of Campus Report, w/cover article, “Proposed Solutions to Problems of Campus
Traffic Flow”
Responses Campus Report Apr 1975 article
Draft of Apr 16, 1975, Statement of Work – Parking & Transportation, UIUC. This document is being prepared
for the hiring of a consultant to undertake a comprehensive study
Cover memo of Apr 25, 1975 w/attached copies of two proposals submitted by consultants for review. J W
Briscoe note which expresses his view that this study should be dropped in favor of a broader study
which involves both traffic & parking issues
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……184
Copy of a Request for Proposal for Preparation of Program Statement for Comprehensive Traffic Study, dated
Jun 2, 1974, draft?
J W Briscoe Jun 12, 1975 report to the Chancellor on the status of the three recent traffic reports:
1. Dept of Geography, Nov 12, 1974, revised Feb 14, 1975, Office of Capital Programs Report #OCP11741
(not in this file)
2. Stanley Levy’s report of Dec 23, 1974
3. The Transportation & Traffic Committee, letter of Feb 6, 1975 (not in this file)
Also enclosed is a summary of comments received on the two traffic reports published in the Apr 7, 1975
Campus Report, & as a result of a DI article on the parking structure. He states his case for a
comprehensive traffic study done by an outside consultant which examines the issues in the broadest
context possible
Copy of a student paper, Closing Wright Street – A Traffic Operations Analysis, by Chuck Chappell, CE 497,
Special Problems
Notes from a Sep 3, 1975 mtg, which discussed bicycles, proposed Mathews closing
Photographs of intersections of Wright & Armory, Mathews at Smith Hall, Fourth & Gregory
Donald Molnar Sep 10, 1975 cover letter to J A Diana for transmittal of three documents relating to long range
physical planning for the campuses of UI. His letter notes how the various traffic studies grew out of
issues in these documents
Cover letter & copy of survey prepared by the Office for Capital Programs, Inventory of Traffic & Parking
Elements Wright & Mathews
Copy of Wright Street-Mathews Avenue Traffic Revisions, list of tasks, Sep 23, 1975, P J Doebel’s comments
Street width survey, Oct 3, 1975
Daniel Perrino’s suggestions for programming ideas for Wright & Mathews streets
Cover letter & copy of the final draft of the latest report from the Dept of Geography which includes the results
of the data from the Fall 1974 traffic study, Campus Traffic: A Study of Circulation Modes on the UIUC
Campus Part II
Information on NEA grants. Daniel Perrino thought that the Wright Street development and/or Auditorium
might qualify
Notes & materials from a Nov 4, 1975 mtg to discuss closure of Wright Street & Mathews Avenue
Dec 10, 1975 letter from Joseph Diana to both mayors requesting the assistance of their administrative &
engineering offices in the preparation of more detailed data on traffic & parking on streets adjacent to
campus, to be presented at a Mar 10, 1976. Eugene Miller, City Manager, Champaign, reply, noting that
their staff will be please to assist
Cover letter of Jan 15, 1976 from Joseph Diana for Donald Molnar’s reports on his mtgs of Jan 6, 1976
w/Urbana City Technical Staff-Review of Proposed Closing of Mathews Avenue, & Jan 13, 1976
w/Champaign Technical Staff-Review of Proposed Closing of Wright Street
Joseph Green’s summary of the Jan 6, 1976 mtg w/Champaign City staff
Donald Molnar sends copies of memos received from F B Noonan & Stephen H Schaefer at the Jan 26, 1976
mtg w/Champaign, which express concerns mainly about lost parking revenue & service to Sixth Street
merchants. A second set of memos is attached from Urbana
Joseph Green Jan 28, 1976 letter to Joseph Diana, advising of the outcome of the two mtgs Donald Molnar had
w/cities. They informed Champaign officials that they would develop a professional evaluation of their
concerns & develop alternate solutions & then arrange another mtg
Correspondence concerning a presentation to the Board of Trustees at the Mar 1976 mtg on the
Wright/Mathews closure project. Copy of a report prepared by Joseph Green, Report Concerning
Limiting Motor Vehicular Access on Wright, John, Daniel, Chalmers, & Armory Streets in Champaign
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……185
& Mathews & California Avenues in Urbana. Copy of project summary sheet prepared by Don Molnar,
Closure of Wright/Mathews. It is noted that Chancellor Peltason will make the actual presentation,
w/Joseph Green & Joseph Diana along to answer questions
James Trail memo of Mar 17, 1976 advising that the Mar 15, 1976 mtg w/Champaign personnel was cancelled
because F B Noonan has thought of an alternate plan which he will send for campus consideration
Joseph Diana request to the Chancellor for a portion of the Stith gift funds for the Wright & Mathews project
F B Noonan’s alternate plan for Wright Street
Memo confirming a Mar 30, 1976 mtg to review the proposed revisions in vehicular circulation of the streets in
the vicinity of the quadrangle
Handwritten document, Estimate of Costs for Wright & Mathews
Joseph Diana letter of Apr 5, 1976 advising the Campus Businessman’s Assoc of plans for Wright Street, &
that they would like to arrange a mtg to review these plans
Martin A Klingel Apr 12, 1976 letter to Joseph Green, outlining two requests related to Wright Street which
will become part of the University’s presentation to Champaign
Handwritten document, Summary-Mathews Closing
Apr 14, 1976 letter from YMCA Executive Director Harold R Reinhart about the effect of the Wright Street
closing on property valuations
Reports on an Apr 7 & Apr 8, 1976 mtgs w/Wright Street property owners & campus business owners affected
by Wright Street closing
Two memos reporting on phone calls from Roya Stanley of Chi Omega & Harold Reinhart of the YMCA
Report on an Apr 9, 1976 staff mtg on Wright Street
Report on an Apr 9, 1976 mtg w/MTD on closing of Wright & Mathews
Report on Apr 9 mtg w/representatives of Wesley Methodist Foundation re: Mathews
William Stallman’s comments on a recent staff mtg on the Wright/Mathews proposal
William Wiese Apr 20, 1976 memo w/data on city meters for both Champaign & Urbana (Wright & Mathews),
estimated usage of those meters, estimated annual revenue, & use of spaces in lots C-11 & C-12
MTD Director William Volk’s comments on the proposed Wright/Mathews closings
Copy of what appears to be a draft news release about the Wright/Mathews closings proposals to be presented
to the city councils
Article, “Mathews, Wright Traffic Reduction Targets – UI Presents Street Closing Plans,” News-Gazette Apr
27, 1976
Article, Miller Might Prefer Total Closing – No Major Reservations For UI Wright St Closing,” News-Gazette
Apr 28, 1976
Article, “Closing Wright on campus would be an experiment,” The Courier, Apr 28, 1976
Article, “Mayor, Pollock support Wright St closing plan,” The Courier Apr 28, 1976
Article, “University Seeks Champaign OK – Council Gets UI Traffic Plan,” News-Gazette Apr 28, 1976
Philip Dziuk sends a copy of his petition on his proposal for making central campus safer for pedestrians to VC
Donald Molnar May 4, 1976 memo on his conversation w/a Mrs Copeland from the Episcopal Church
Foundation (St John’s) of 1011 S Wright Street
Copies from Capital Programs of prints of drawings for the Wright & Mathews closings
Wright Street proposal from Champaign resident Kevin Bennington
CUUATS would like a briefing on the Wright/Mathews project
Correspondence from Urbana resident Roger Applebee about the proposed Mathews closing
Donald Mullally’s comments on possible problems w/Wright closing for Gregory Hall & WILL
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……186
Information from Urbana on Mathews maintenance & meter income from a three-week survey of late Apr &
early May 1976
Memo reminder of a Jul 30, 1976 mtg re: the Wright & Mathews Streets project
Official request letter to Champaign Mayor William Bland to close Wright Street to general vehicular traffic for
a test period of fifteen months to begin no later than Oct 18, 1976
Letter of support for the Wright Street closing from the Champaign Environmental Advisory Commission
Nov 4, 1976 news release announcing the Wright Street closing
Copy of Wright Street Traffic Restriction Information, & announcement of an Information Mtg on Wright
Street Traffic Plan Nov 5, 1976
Correspondence concerning the formal request to Urban Mayor Hiram Paley for the closing of Mathews
Avenue. The Mayor would like to wait until a current study of the city parking system is completed
before bringing the matter to the City Council, which will probably be in late Nov 1976
James Trail reply to an Oct 13, 1976 letter from staff member Frances Hatch & her follow up note of Oct 24,
1976 to Joseph Diana
Copy of a Dec 9, 1976 Daily Illini opinion column, ”Pizza profits loss doesn’t pan out,” by Mick Ireland
Jan 3, 1977 letter from A Richard Trautmann, Urbana Director of Public Works, on the physical changes
needed to implement the Mathews closure approved by the City Council, & for which he would like
campus assistance as indicated. James Trail reply. It is hoped that this work can be completed & the
closure begin by Jan 15, 1977
Joseph Diana letter of reply to Eugene Miller re: police enforcement by UI police on Wright Street
Copy of the Wright Street Closing: First Quarterly Report to Mayor Bland & Champaign City Council of Mar
1, 1977. Comments from Joseph Diana. Request from Joseph Diana’s office to James Trail for report on
any inaccuracies in the city report & if there are items which should be included in future reports.
Chancellor Peltason & VC Diana would also like a copy of the University staff report referred to in the
last paragraph of the city report. Copy of the Mar 1, 1977 Quarter Report on Wright Street Traffic
Pattern Changes from O & M. Mar 24, 1977 memo in reply to Joseph Diana requests, w/some
qualifications to the city report
Donald Wendel memo of Apr 17, 1978, advising that he has agreed w/Urbana Mayor Jeffrey Markland that the
University will lease Mathews street for $7000 per year as replacement for lost parking meter revenue.
This is to go to the Urbana Council Apr 17, 1978, but may be delayed due to a heavy agenda or be
referred to committee
Travel Policy
Correspondence concerning the need for an increase in the reimbursement rate for use of personal vehicles for
Cooperative Extension personnel. In Apr 1979, the Higher Education Travel Control Board approved an
increase effective Sep 1, 1979 from 15 cents per mile to 17 cents, w/a 2-cent differential for those who,
by the nature of the employment are required to use their personal cars in University associated work, so
that these will be allowed to claim reimbursement of 19 cents per mile
Tuition & Fees
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……187
Paul Doebel responds to a request from Robert W Oram that employees of the Lincoln Trail Library System be
allowed to enroll in courses at UIUC on a tuition & fee waiver basis. This request is denied on the basis
of cost to the University
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Service Fee Advisory Committee for 1978-79
Correspondence & documents related to an increase in the tuition rate for extramural & correspondence courses
at UIUC to bring them into line w/Feb 1977 action by the Board of Trustees concerning tuition rates
There is confusion between the original campus proposal of $22 for correspondence courses &
extramural courses for 1977-78 & an increase for extramural courses to $25 for 1978-79, & the action
taken by the Planning Council announced by President Corbally in a May 26, 1978 letter which
increases the rate for both to $26 for 1978-79. Letters from Chancellor Gerberding of Jun 9, 1978,
Morton Weir of Jun 16, 1978 explain how this confusion was created. When the Board of Trustees
advises Continuing Education Director Dennis Dahl that no Board action was necessary on the original
proposal, the Board office did advise him that this would be reviewed by the Academic Planning
Council & University Planning Council. Morton Weir’s Jun 16, 1978 letter speaks to what happened at
the University Planning Council when this was discussed & the $26 rate decided on for 1978-79. Dennis
Dahl’s, & the campus concern, was that the originally proposed rates had already been published. A
resolution is reached & confirmed by President Corbally in a Jun 15, 1978 letter to Chancellor
Gerberding. The tuition rate for correspondence courses will remain at $22 for 1978-79, but the
extramural rate will increase to $26 instead of $25. He further advises that any concerns about raising
the rate for correspondence courses in 1979-80 should be raised w/the University Planning Council after
discussion w/Peter Yankwich. Unless specific action for exception is taken, President Corbally’s
intention is to raise the rate for correspondence courses to at least $26 for 1979-80. Morton Weir asks
Dennis Dahl for any recommendations on this issue, which he provides
Roger Martin memo of Nov 13, 1978 asking for a mtg to discuss establishing a student fee for a majority of the
services of the Psychological Counseling & Testing Center
Morton Weir provides information for Chancellor Gerberding’s response to William Forsyth on a question from
a recent Board of Trustees mtg about the impact on regular students of the policy permitting employees
to enroll in courses “in which space is available,” i.e., can students be bumped by employees. The
information available seems to indicate that bumping does not occur, as nondegree candidates register
after the regular registration period
Julie Grosh provides Morton Weir w/information on the numbers & costs of issuing tuition & fee waivers to
cooperating teachers & administrators
Correspondence concerning tuition & fee waiver status of Jessica Dragicevic, Women’s Track Coach. Michele
Thompson advises that since Dragicevic works for the Athletic Assoc, an allied agency, she is not
entitled to tuition remission. The other women coaches are eligible because they are employees of ALS.
She suggests further discussion of the issue w/Carolyn Burrell
Correspondence concerning the approval of tuition & fee waivers requested for cooperating librarians. Morton
Weir approves
Stanley Levy sends Walter Tousey a series of charts showing the number, category, & cost of fee waivers
issued by campus for Fall 1978, Summer 1978 & Spring 1978
William Fierke replies to a question from Steven P Hill about a the possibility of changing the payment
deadline for tuition & fees to accommodate possible future academic calendar changes in the beginning
of the fall semester
Board of Trustees item approved at the Feb 21, 1979 mtg, General Fee Increase for Executive MBA Program,
Urbana. Background materials attached
Copy of booklet, Some Questions & Answers Concerning Tuition & Financial Aid (An Update) Feb 21, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……188
Board of Trustees item approved at the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Increases in Tuition for 1979-80. Background
materials attached
Chancellor Gerberding approves a request from Campus Recreation Director David Matthews for an increase in
certain fees w/regard to recreational facilities. These are an increase in the faculty staff & other user fee
to $24 & the guest fee to $2
Roger Martin advises on behalf of Morton Weir that they have approved his request to increase extramural rates
to $28 & correspondence rates to $24 for 1979-80
Correspondence concerning approval of proposed changes in the guidelines for exceptions to the University
policy of no refunds of tuition & fees after the 10th day of instruction. Noted approval by Peter
Yankwich & Roger Martin in the absence of Morton Weir. Attached are background materials from
1972, when this policy was approved by the Board of Trustees
Chancellor Gerberding replies to Cassandra A Pyle May 18, 1979 letter concerning the IIE program of support
for Black South Africans selected to pursue graduate study in U S institutions. He notes that due to
budgetary pressures at this time, UIUC cannot extend funding commitment beyond the two tuition & fee
waivers promised in his Apr 27, 1978 letter. He will refer the request to the Graduate College, in case
fine tuning of their budget might yield additional funds. Background materials from 1978
Chancellor Gerberding requests that VP Ronald Brady’s office conduct a study of a fee authorization program
for faculty/staff dependents as requested in the Senate resolution approved on May 14, 1979 (attached).
Copy of Morton Weir May 31, 1979 letter requesting that Robert Winter’s office conduct the survey.
Background information from Admissions & Records on concerns about administering such a program
Chancellor Gerberding Jun 22, 1979 letter advising of need-based tuition waivers for 1979-80
Morton Weir provides information in response to an inquiry from Alec Notaras, Director of the Architecture
Overseas Program in Versailles, on what fees, if any, are charged to students who study abroad,
particularly in this program
Tuition & Fees – Student Service Fees
Harold Poindexter provides Craig Bazzani w/a schedule that shows the Urbana campus rates for various tuition,
fee & housing charges, Computation of Maximum Increases Allowable Under the President’s Voluntary
Wage & Price Guidelines For Selected Tuition, Fees & Housing Rentals, Dec 19, 1978
Joseph A Miller provides Donald Wendel w/requested copies of budgets: Student Services Bldg Proposed
Budget 1978-79, College of ALS Proposed IM-PE Budget 1978-79
Stanley Levy sends Walter Tousey a series of charts showing the number, category, & cost of fee waivers
issued by the campus for Fall 1978, Summer 1978, & Spring 1978. He also encloses a chart showing the
types & costs of tuition waivers for those same semesters
James Van Arsdel letter to Stanley Levy of Feb 6, 1979 which reports on the Feb 2, 1979 Service Fee Advisory
Comm mtg & the fee recommendations from that mtg for student fee supported units. His memo of Feb
12, 1979 follows up w/changes to the recommendations made during the review process. Copies of the
summaries of the budget requests for each student fee supported unit are attached
Tom Parkinson sends Paul Doebel a graph showing the amount of money for which the Assembly Hall
operations are dependent upon student service fees & the amount required to meet bond commitments.
Also attached is a chart showing total amounts
Correspondence from James Van Arsdel & Stanley Levy concerning a proposal for the McKinley Health Fee.
An attached note observes that this is obsolete
Chart, Analysis of IMPE Build Fund Balance
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……189
Chart, Analysis of Assembly Hall Fund Balance
Chart, Student Service Fee, from 1963 to 1979-80
Chart, Fee Proposals for 1979-80. Copy of Schedule C – A Five Year Summary of Service Fee Amounts (per
student per semester)
Chancellor Gerberding transmittal letter for the recommendation of a two-part proposal for the McKinley
Health Fee for 1979-80. The first part is to split the current Health-Medical-Surgical Fee into its two
component parts: 1) a fee for student health insurance, & 2) a fee for on-campus student health services.
The second part is the proposal to increase the fee itself from $33 to $40 per student per semester. Draft
Board of Trustees item for the Mar 21, 1979 mtg
Stanley Levy advises GSA Chairman Tim Vear of the Mar 20, 1979 Board of Trustees Student Welfare
Committee hearing on the tuition issue in Chicago
Stanley Levy sends Chancellor Gerberding several proposals to increase the Student Service for the campus
1979-80 before a final amount is agreed upon. The final increase amount to be sent to the President &
Board of Trustees is $3 per student per semester. Draft Board of Trustees item for the Mar 21, 1979 mtg
USGA comments on the fee increases & the process used for determining them, as approved by USGA at the
Mar 14, 1979 business mtg
Board of Trustees item approved at the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Student Service Fee & Selected Health Fee
Increases, All Campuses
Walter Tousey advises Jane Loeb that she has approval to proceed w/the service fee increase as outlined for all
ranges in her Mar 27, 1979 letter (attached)
Stanley Levy correspondence advising of the prorated reduction in fee waiver income that each fee-supported
unit will face in FY1980
Stanley Levy provides the Chancellor w/a response to his recent questions concerning undergraduate tuition
waivers for the Athletic Assoc
Chancellor Gerberding letters of Jun 22, 1979, advising of Athletic Assoc, Student Services, & fine arts tuition
waivers allocated for 1979-80
Ernest Morris letter, confirming on behalf of the Chancellor the results of the Administrative Conference
discussion of Jun 21, 1979 & subsequent developments w/regard to the resident & non-resident
distribution of 1979-80 tuition waivers
Tuition Waivers for Employees – Academic/Professional
1977-78 Academic Affairs Communication No 36, Tuition Waivers for 100 percent Academic/Professional
Memo on tuition refund for Walid Abu-Ulbah, full-time academic employee of the Housing Division
Melvin Rothbaum responds to issues raised at a Deans, Directors mtg of Feb 9, 1978 concerning tuition waivers
for full-time academic/professional employees. He attaches a copy of the final report of the Special
Committee on Professional Personnel of May 28, 1975, which recommended such waivers. He wanted
to review the report before responding
Julian Frankenberg, PAC Chair, advises about rumors he has heard about abuses of the new tuition & fee
waiver policy for academic professionals. Specifically, some employees are signing up for things like
thesis research & ballroom dancing, while some supervisors are requesting that time for even job-related
courses must be made up. Notes attached indicate that this will be discussed in Administrative
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……190
James C Schroeder sends Chancellor Gerberding information on a committee he is chairing that was established
by Chancellor Peltason & charged w/the design of a staff development program. He attaches a copy of
the charge letter & the committee’s interim report of Jul 25, 1977. Apparently this is background
information for further consideration of the issue of language in the policy on tuition & fee waivers for
Morton Weir advises John Claar that extramural & correspondence courses are in fact included in the recent
action by the Board of Trustees that extends the policy of tuition waivers to full-time
academic/professional employees, & he should so inform his staff
Chancellor Gerberding letter of Sep 7, 1978 seeking President Corbally’s approval to authorize the
interpretation of “job-related” in the tuition & fee waiver policy for academic/professionals, to include
“career-related within the institution.” President Corbally replies that he agrees w/this view. 1978-79
Academic Affairs Communication No 28, Tuition Waivers for 100 Percent Academic Professional
Employees, which announces this new interpretation
Undergraduate Instructional Awards
Memo on conflict w/the Juilliard String Quartet on the same night as the campus awards banquet. The
Chancellor indicates that he will attend the concert, or maybe he could to both
Reminder memo for nominations for the Urbana-Champaign Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Roger Martin memo of Feb 2, 1979 advising Professor Seishiro Tomicka that his proposal was not chosen for
funding during the coming summer
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No 39, Program for the Instructional Awards Banquet for 1979 (not
attached) & Updating the “Instruction” Booklet
Roger Martin Apr 11, 1979 memo thanking Joe E Sutton, Editor of Alumni News, for providing a photographer
for the May 2, 1979 Instructional Awards Banquet
Roger Martin Apr 11, 1979 memo for ticket reservations for the Banquet. Paul Riegel indicates he will attend
Roger Martin letters to those selected to receive the Urbana-Champaign Campus Award for Excellence I
Undergraduate Teaching for 1979:
Roger Martin Apr 20, 1979 memo to G Frederick Mohn, News Bureau Editor, concerning publicity for the
Instructional Awards Banquet
Correspondence concerning the Alpha Lambda Delta teaching awards to be presented by Stanley E Leins at the
Instructional Awards Banquet this year
Roger Martin letters to those not selected for awards this year, & cover letters to some for their recognition
certificates, which all nominees receive
Roger Martin cover letters for copies of the news release on the Banquet & photographs sent to award
Unions – Teaching, Etc, Collective Bargaining
Copy of article, XII. Faculty Compensation Under Unionization: Current Research Methods & Findings, by
William W Brown & Courtenay C Stone, from Collective Bargaining & the Future of Higher Education,
Levenstein, Aaron, Editor, 1977 Conference Proceedings
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……191
Union of Professional Employees (UPE) questionnaire for development of a position paper concerning the
status, salaries, job security, & professional advancement of Academic Professionals on or affiliated
w/campus, Jul 3, 1978
Copy of Nov 1970 Campus Report, w/attached note “Re UPE?!”
UPE questionnaire for input on a possible UPE comprehensive pre-paid legal program for UPE members &
their families
Copy of the Jul/Aug 1978 UPE newsletter, The Union Guardian
UPE Position on the Rights of Academic Professionals. This position paper is based on the results of the Jul 3
Announcement of the UPE reception for Harold Wilson Sep 18, 1978. Wilson is the VP for Academics of the
Professional Staff Congress at the City University of New York
Oct 1978 issue of The Union Guardian, UPE newsletter
Donald Wendel forwards to the Chancellor a copy of a letter from Harl Ray of the Illinois State Federation of
Labor concerning complaints he has received about the treatment of union non-academic employees at
UI. He indicates that this appears to have resulted in Ronald Brady conversations w/Stanley Johnson &
Representative Hanahan, which then led to a request from Hanahan (not attached)
Announcement of the UPE reception for Harold Wilson Sep 18, 1978. Wilson is the VP for Academics of the
Professional Staff Congress at the City University of New York. UPE notice w/a message from Harold
Wilson following his two-week stay on campus
Copy of brochure, De-Unionizing, information about a two-week course, sponsored by the U of Denver College
of Law
UPE membership solicitation flyer, Dec 1978
Correspondence concerning a recent “Collective Bargaining” Update column appearing in the Dec-Jan 1978-79
issue of Change Magazine. Morton Weir letter to the Editor, challenging a statement made in the
column that the faculty at UI was unionized in 1917, requesting documentation of this quote or a printed
correction. Nancy Zeidner of Ipso Facto, which prepares the column for Change, provides information
on the source of their information. This was in a dissertation by Jeanette A Lester on the history of
union organization of faculty which says that UI was the second institution to form a union local (Jan
1919). Her source was a Christian Science Monitor article of Feb 21, 1919
Timothy Madigan forwards a summary of a new federal case dealing w/use of University facilities by groups
promoting collective bargaining including campus mail
UPE circular, The Real Story of Earnings, which compares various occupations average income, after tax
income & percentage change in income after taxes & effects of inflation
Paul Riegel advises George Bargh that the Chancellor has asked Ernest Morris to become the office expert on
issues related to collective bargaining interest of academic & academic/professional staff. He has passed
along to Morris Bargh’s message about the President’s interest & desire for appropriate involvement in
any discussion w/union or other groups on the matter of collective bargaining & the Board’s posture on
this issue
Jan 1979 issue of The Union Guardian, UPE newsletter
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Kenneth E Anderson for sending him a copy of his letter to AAUP on a proposed
referendum on collective bargaining to be held in Apr 1979. The local chapter policy committee has
decided to decline the invitation to participate
Earl Porter sends copies of previous Board of Trustees actions w/regard to the subject of collective bargaining
to members of the Board at the request of the President. The President will recommend that the Board
reaffirm its earlier position if this issues should arise again
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……192
Summary of a telephone conversation of Feb 15, 1979 w/Frank Gerry, Academic Collective Bargaining
Information Service
Data on the numbers of individuals who have authorized payroll deductions of UPE dues
School of Chemical Sciences petition to the Board of Trustees not to authorize participation in an Apr 1979
referendum on collective bargaining as requested by UPE. Earl Porter advises that these were presented
to the Board at their Feb 21, 1979 mtg
Article, “Trustees support tuition hike,” w/sidebar, “Bargaining referendum rejected by board,” from the Feb
22, 1979 Morning Courier
UPE request that the Board of Trustees conduct a referendum on the collective bargaining issue. The Board
declines to do so. UPE also requests to appear before the Board at its Mar 1979 mtg, & the General
Policy Committee will hear them
Copy of an analysis (?) of article, “Compensation & Academic Bargaining: New Findings & New Directions,”
by Robert Birnbaum, in Collective Bargaining & the Future of Higher Education, Apr 1977 Fifth
Annual Conference proceedings
Information from UPE on their new Group Legal Services program
Paul Riegel forwards a copy of Fred Mohn’s summary of Marty Frieman’s Friday Forum talk on Mar 2, 1979
UPE Open Letter to President John E Corbally & Chancellor William P Gerberding, Mar 7, 1979, praising their
recent public remarks on salary increases
Mar 1979 issue of The Union Guardian, UPE newsletter
Collective bargaining referendum flyer, list of those urging others to vote yes on Apr 6
John Dougherty letter in response to a News-Gazette editorial on UPE
UPE membership solicitation flyer, w/graph on Declining Support from the State prepared by Walter McMahon
Document, Statement Made by Gary Adelman, President, UPE at the UIUC to the Board of Trustees Mar 20,
UPE membership solicitation flyer, Inflation vs your Salary
Request for Larry L Leslie’s recent study of faculty compensation & collective bargaining
Frank Gerry of the Academic Collective Bargaining Information Service sends a comprehensive list of all
known faculty compensation studies under collective bargaining, a full list of ACBIS publications, copy
of Special Report #12-Institutions & Campuses w/Faculty Collective Bargaining Agents, & ACBIS
publication "Administrators in the Process of Unionization Avoiding Unfair Labor Practices," by Tracy
H Ferguson & William L Bergan. Ernest Morris letter of thanks, w/request for one other publications,
“The National Labor Relations Board in Higher Education” by Peter D Walther
Morton Weir letter of Mar 27, 1979, taking issue w/some points from the remarks of Gary Adelman at the Mar
20, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg
Paul Riegel advises the Chancellor that Trustee Lenz has decided not to accept an invitation from WCIA to
participate in a panel on a program on collective bargaining that would include John Dougherty of UPE
& a member of the ILIR faculty
Article, “Senate stymied on bargaining<” from the Mar 27, 1979 Morning Courier
Cover memo advising that Ernest Morris’ Mar 27, 1979 memo on Collective Bargaining, which is attached, will
be one topic of discussion at the next Administrative Conference
Ernest Morris memo of Mar 26, 1979 for the Chancellor on collective bargaining. Specifically, a review of
selected features of the National Labor Relations Act, which, while having no jurisdiction over
institutions of higher education, does indicate a certain standard of behavior by employers in responding
to unionization efforts, useful for the avoidance of labor practice litigation. This will be one topic of
discussion at the upcoming Administrative Conference
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……193
Copies of correspondence between H S Gutowsky & John Dougherty, distributed to faculty by Stanley
Friedman & Edward Davidson. They feel that this correspondence speaks most clearly to the points of
concern often raised by fellow faculty in science & engineering
Kenneth E Andersen sends President Corbally copies of materials related to the UPE referendum on collective
bargaining. These include a copy of his own remarks as President of the AAUP local chapter at an Apr
5, 1979 press conference, his correspondence w/IDOT about its monitoring of the referendum, &
supporting documents for his press conference remarks
Kenneth E Andersen letter to AAUP colleagues, urging them to vote both “yes” & “no” in the referendum.
Copy of the AAUP Statement on Collective Bargaining on the back
UPE referendum “What happens if you do not vote…” flyer
Marianne Ferber & Constance Caveny disagree w/John Doughterty’s assertion in his correspondence
w/Professor Gutowsky that FAC & PAC are ineffective
Unsigned, undated memo on the UPE Referendum of Apr 6, 1979: Some Observations
Stephen A Douglas responds to Morton Weir’s Mar 27 letter to Gary Adelman. Morton Weir’s reply
Letters section of the Apr 10, 1979 Daily Illini, w/two letters related to the collective bargaining referendum
Editorial, “Bargaining would give faculty larger voice,” from the Apr 12, 1979 Daily Illini. Morton Weir writes
to correct a factual error in this piece, which stated that the University ranked eighth in the Big Ten in
faculty salary rates. Weir advises that the University is currently fourth in faculty salaries, but due to
deficiencies in fringe benefits, ranks eighth in total compensation
John Terwilliger provides information on criteria used by UPE to select individuals to be included in the
referendum mailing. Attached are lists of both position & rank codes currently in use, showing those
positions & ranks which UPE specified be excluded from the population
Copy of the vote tally from the Apr 6, 1979 referendum. Total votes cast-2854 out of eligible 4010. Yes-1365.
Jerry Robinson protests the exclusion of Extension Advisors & possibly others from voting the referendum
Copy of what appears to be analysis of recent legal findings related to collective bargaining..??
UPE report on Health Insurance Hearing Apr 24, 1978
UPE membership solicitation flyer, w/report on referendum results
Chris Scherer objects the exclusion of Cooperative Extension field staff from referendum voting
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Professor Nelson J Leonard for his letter expressing his views on the UPE
determination of who were “eligible voters” in the recent collective bargaining referendum
Protest of the exclusion of extension advisors from the Illinois Extension Advisers Assoc
UPE report on the collective bargaining referendum to the Board of Trustees
UPE would like to discuss “next steps” w/the Board of Trustees. William Forsyth advises that there will be no
“next steps.” The Board has reaffirmed its position against collective bargaining for faculty & was not a
participant in the referendum. He suggests that UPE might have input on the U/C Senate study of this
The UPE Agenda – Post-Referendum Strategy
UPE asks the Board of Trustees to reconsider its decision not to meet w/them
Ernest Morris paper for the Chancellor on The Influence of Collective Bargaining on Faculty Compensation,
Jun 15, 1979. Copies of a Robert Birnbaum reference article used for this paper, “Unionization &
Faculty Compensation: Part II, from the Educational Record Spring 1976
Unions – Ad Hoc Committee on Collective Bargaining (3 folders)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……194
Correspondence, documents, publications apparently related to the work of the Joint Council Ad Hoc
Committee on Collective Bargaining. It is not clear from documents in this file what larger group the
“Joint Council” represents, perhaps the Board of Governors of State Colleges & Universities, as the first
mtg is held in their offices in Springfield. Ad Hoc Committee members are all from Illinois colleges or
universities. There is no copy of a Jan 22, 1975 charge letter from George Bargh, mentioned in a Jan 31,
1975 James Costello letter announcing the first mtg
Copy of an Academic Collective Bargaining Information Service publication, “Some Suggested Advantages &
Disadvantages of Collective Bargaining-A Short Review”
Copy of ACBIS Special Report #4-Postsecondary Public Employment Legislation, Revised Status Report-Aug
Document, III. Collective Bargaining-Overview & Prospects, by George Angell, ACBIS Director
ACBIS Special Report #10 – Faculty Grievances at SUNY: The First Two Years Under A Negotiated Contract
ACBIS Orientation Paper #6 – Collective Bargaining: A View From the Presidency
Book, Unionization on the College Campus, Reprinted from the Journal of College & University Law through
the cooperation of ACBIS
Jan 31, 1975 letter from James Costello to the newly appointed Joint Council Ad Hoc Committee on Collective
Bargaining, announcing the first mtg on Feb 14, 1975 in Springfield
Copy of Senate Bill 1000, which provides for the Illinois Public Employment Relations Board to have authority
to resolve questions concerning representation & unfair labor practices
Copy of the agenda & minutes of the Feb 14 Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm mtg. The charge to the committee is
rehearsed in item III of the agenda
A. Assess the level & intensity of current demand from public higher education constituencies for collective
bargaining legislation
B. Examine & make recommendations to Joint Council concerning the necessity for accommodation of the
special concerns of higher education in any public employee collective bargaining legislation
1. Justification of special treatment for higher education
2. Commonality of interests within higher education
C. Examine & make recommendations to the Joint Council concerning strategy of initiating preparation of
draft legislation for a distinctive model of collective bargaining in public higher education
1. If affirmative, prepare draft legislation for consideration by Joint Council
2. If negative, recommend alternate strategies
Minutes & materials from the Mar 3, 1975 Ad Hoc Comm mtg
Copies of two reports, not identical
Report of Regents Task Force on University Governance & Collective Bargaining, Mar 1975, U of Wisconsin
Report of the Regents Task Force on University Governance & Collective Bargaining, by John M Lavine &
Wallace L Lemon, U of Wisconsin System, Mar 1975
Rough draft transcription of a Collective Bargaining Hearing-Board of Governors of State Colleges &
Universities, Mar 18, 1975
Minutes of the Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm mtg of Mar 21, 1975
Copy of Senate Bill 505, which would establish the right of public school employees to organize & bargain
collectively, to define & resolve unfair practice disputes, to establish the State Educational Employment
Board to administer the Act, & to provide for judicial review
Announcement & materials for the Apr 14, 1975 Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm mtg
Cover letter from NASULGC for copies of ACBIS Special Reports #12-21 sent to member institutions
#12, Feb 1975, 243 Institutions, W/357 Campuses, That Have Collective Bargaining Agents-An Update
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……195
#13, Feb 1975, The Unionization of Professors at the U of Delaware
#14, Feb 1975, Suggested Inclusions in State Legislation for Higher Education Institutions Which Wish to
Name the Board of Governors as Employer
#15, Feb 1975, Suggested Inclusions in State Legislation for Higher Education Institutions Which Wish to
Name the Chief Executive Officer as Employer
#16, Feb 1975, Collective Bargaining: Its Effects on Campus Governance
#17, Mar 1975, Analysis of Legislation in 23 States Enabling Collective Bargaining in Higher Education
#18, Mar 1975, Resources for Shaping Collective Bargaining Laws to Meet the Special Needs of Higher
#19, Mar 1975, Prospective Issues at the Academic Collective Bargaining Table
#20, Apr 1975, Academic Judgment & Grievance Arbitration in Higher Education
#21, Apr 1975, 1975 Legislative Activity Progress Report ON Postsecondary Collective Negotiations Bills
ACBIS Special Report #22, Jul 1975, Current Status of College Students in Academic Collective Bargaining
ACBIS Special Report #12 Update, Jul 1975, 266 Institutions, w/431 Campuses, That Have Collective
Bargaining Agents
ACBIS Special Report #23, Aug 1975, The Application of Non-Discrimination Law & Regulations to
Collective Bargaining in Higher Education
ACBIS Monograph #1, Aug 1975, Collective Bargaining & Discrimination Issues in Higher Education
Announcement of the Nov 17, 1975 Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm mtg
Extended memo of Oct 27, 1975, which appears to constitute the final report of the Board of Governors of State
Colleges & Universities task force appointed May 8, 1975 to look into the process of collective
bargaining w/academic employees. This would appear to be a different group from the one mentioned in
the Jan 31, 1975 George Bargh letter, particularly since the Ad Hoc Comm continues to meet after this
Copy of an article from the Nov 1976 issue of Illinois Issues, Public sector collective bargaining in Illinois:
What’s happening
Copy of an AFT Faculty Federation-BOG Statement to the Board of Governors Task Force on Collective
Bargaining Presented by Margaret Schmid, President, AFT Faculty Federation-BOG, Nov 14, 1975
Cover memo & minutes of the Apr 14, 1975 mtg of the Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm mtg
Minutes of the Nov 17, 1975 Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm mtg
Cover letter from NASULGC for copies of ABCIS publications sent to Heads of Member Institutions
Research Summary #2, Sep 1975, Impact of Collective Bargaining on Conflict Resolution Practices
Research Summary #3, Oct 1975, Faculty, Student & Staff Attitudes Toward Potential Collective Bargaining
Issues at the Ohio State University
Special Report #24, Sep 1975, Faculty Collective Bargaining & Academic Decision Making
Orientation Paper #7, Oct 1975, Collective Bargaining: A View From the Faculty
An analysis of a NASULGC survey on issues central to collective bargaining legislation being proposed to
Speech outline from George Angell, Some Issues in Shaping State Legislation Providing for Collective
Bargaining in Higher Education
Cover letter & ACBIS Special Report #12 Update, Feb 1976, 289 Institutions, w/482 Campuses, That Have
Collective Bargaining Agents. List of ACBIS publications
Copy of Universitas, University Professors for Academic Order newsletter, special issue devoted to
unionization issues
Copy of an article from the Educational Record of Spring 1976 Collegiality & Collective Bargaining: An
Alternative Perspective
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……196
Cover letter & copies of materials from a New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission decision on a
matter involving Rutgers University & the AAUP
Cover letter & copy of the Regulations for Collective Bargaining by Academic Employees adopted by the
Board of Governors of State Colleges & Universities on Mar 18, 1976
Cover letter & copy of a report by Robert G Peterson at Chicago Circle, Faculty Collective Bargaining Issues &
Concerns, Feb 1976, which has been considered by the University Academic Council. The cover letter
indicates that the UAC will consider the anticipated report of the Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm on
Collective Bargaining at its May 1976 mtg
ACBIS Special Report #26, Apr 1976, Preparation of Faculty Representation Cases—A Checklist of Issues for
Private Colleges & Universities
Copy of the Apr 1976 UPE newsletter The Union Guardian
Copy of A Chronicle of Higher Education Handbook-Faculty Collective Bargaining
Copy of the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Unionization & Collective Bargaining of the American
Philosophical Assoc, May 1976
Cover letter & copy of a report by Jack Riley on his dissertation, “Collective Bargaining in Illinois State
Universities: A Study of Faculty Attitudes”
Copy of an IBHE mtg agenda item #11 from the Jun 8, 1976 mtg, Collective Bargaining in Colleges &
Announcement of a Jun 22, 1976 mtg of the Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm
President Corbally letter of Jun 14, 1976 w/corrections to the Jun 8, 1976 IBHE item #11
Handwritten notes on the Jun 22, 1976 Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm mtg
Copy of booklet, Agreement between Wayne State University & the Wayne State University Chapter of the
AAUP, Jul 1, 1974 to Jun 30, 1976
ACBIS Special Report #27, Aug 1976, The Art of Settling Grievances: A Study in Campus Conflict Resolution
ACBIS Fact Sheet #28, Sep 1976, Faculty at Oakland Strike
Copy of booklet, The Case for UPE
Copy of UPE booklet, The Union Imperative
Copy of article, “Do Unionized Faculty Members Get Bigger Pay Increases?,” from the Dec 6, 1976 Chronicle
of Higher Education
Copy of article, “Collective Bargaining & Faculty Compensation: A Comparative Analysis,” from Sociology of
Education, Jan 1977
Handwritten notes on an article or speech/lecture by Chester Karras – The Negotiating Game
Announcement of the Mar 16, 1977 Joint Council Ad Hoc Comm mtg, w/attached copy of a piece of legislation
Copy of the Mar 1977 The Union Guardian, UPE newsletter
UPE/AFT brochure, Join the Union
Cover memo & copy of the NEA Proposed Public Employment Relations Amendments for the 95th Congress
Copy of the Apt 9, 1977 AAUP Legislative News
AAUP Statement on Collective Bargaining
Booklet, 1974-1977 Agreement, Central Michigan University
Copy of the Jun 1977 publication, Criteria, a special publication of the Fund Associates in National Project III,
prepared at the Center for Research on Learning & Teaching, U of Michigan
Copy of the Jun 1977 The Union Guardian, UPE newsletter
Copy of letter from the American Hospital Assoc on the National Labor Relations Act (Taft-Hartley Law),
Memorandum #67: Courts Disagree Over Protection of Title VII in Religious Objection to Payment of
Union Dues Protected by Title VII
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……197
Booklet, The Financial Implications of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, Center for the Study of
Higher Education, Penn State, Report No 29
Copy of NASULGC Circ. Ltr No 24 of Nov 18, 1977
ACBIS response to Michele Thompson request to ACBIS for information on publications, seminars
Copy of Agreement 1977-1979, Board of Governors of State Colleges & Universities & the AFT Faculty
Federation-BOG Local 3500
Copy of Right to Work News, release on Michigan Commission Rules Tenure Protects Teachers from
Compulsory Unionism
Materials from a Feb 15-17, 1978 workshop on Collective Bargaining Procedures & Techniques, the National
Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, at Bernard M Baruch College of
City U of New York
Handwritten list of what appear to be collective bargaining publications/resources
ACBIS Special Report #33, Mar 1978, The National Labor Relations Board in Higher Education
Copy of Feb 1978 The Union Guardian, UPE newsletter
Cover letter & ACBIS Monograph #3, Governance & Collective Bargaining In Four-Year Institutions 19701977
ACBIS Monograph #4, Legislatures, Collective Bargaining & The Public University
ACBIS Monograph #7, Faculty Bargaining Under Trustee Policy
U-C Chapter AAUP paper, Protecting Quality Education at the University of Illinois-State appropriations
needed in fiscal 1979
Paul Riegel advises George Bargh that the Chancellor has asked Ernest Morris to become the office expert on
issues related to collective bargaining interests of academic & academic/professional staff
Copy of reprint from the Apr 1977 AFL-CIO American Federationist, Unions in Academia: A Bargaining
Copy of article from the Morning Courier, “Collective bargaining vote planned”
Copy of American Council on Education newsletter, Higher Education & National Affairs, Feb 9, 1979, article
“Faculty Unionizing Movement Continued Downward in 1978
Copy of article from Academe Feb 1979, “Unionization or Collegiality: A False Dichotomy in Higher
Copy of the Proceedings, First Annual Conference Apr 1973, National Center for the Study of Collective
Bargaining in Higher Education, sent to Ernest Morris by Stanley Levy in Apr 1979
Box 229
University of Illinois Foundation (UIF) (2 folders)
Donald Wendel memo of thanks to Barry Brindley for his Aug 7, 1978 memo & analysis of gift receipts
Materials related to the UIF annual mtg Sep 21-22, 1978 at UIUC. Information brochure. James Collier note to
the Chancellor that he was glad to receive an invitation. Agenda for President Corbally. Note that Barry
Brindley is inviting the three Chancellors & their wives to host a cocktail/reception at the Ramada Inn
on Sep 21, 1978. Following this event, the President will host a dinner at his home for the Directors. The
three Chancellors & their wives are being asked to host a dinner for the remaining members of the group
at the Illini Union
Copy of the UIF Annual Report of Contributors & Programs 1977-1978
James Gobberdiel advises the Chancellor that an advance copy of the Annual Mtg invitation package will be
sent to him
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……198
Copy of an article on the Founders 100 Club from a brochure or program
Copy of a UIF gift solicitation mailing
Invitation to the Founders 100 Club Coffee Nov 4, 1978, Chancellor will attend
Copy of the report booklet about the Sep 1978 Annual Mtg
Copy of profiles by the Office of Public Affairs of various academic & administrative units on campus for use
by UIF in support of private giving activities & by OPA for publications & other uses
Edwin Goldwasser forwards to Chancellor Gerberding copies of letters from the Illinois Office of the Auditor
General concerning the opinion of General Counsel that the UIF is an administrative unit of the UI in
certain instances. Goldwasser is concerned about continued availability of fund reserves
Cover letter & copy of the 1978 UIF Annual Report of Contributors & Programs
UIF – Presidents Council
President Corbally letters welcoming new Presidents Council members:
C Donald Ainsworth
Joseph Antonelle
Mr & Mrs James W Armsey
Stanley S Balbach
Edward Balson
Mr & Mrs Stephen W Benedict
Bradley M Benson
Richard G Berg
Arthur W Berger
Donald O Blager
Mrs William W Blair
Reiner D Bohlen
Ruth Bowen
Hilda C Bowen
Howard R Bresee
Mrs Clyde L Butler
Hugh M Cameron
Robert J Carr
Harold E Collins
W Leighton Collins
Arlys M Conrad
John M Creen
Russell O Derby
Oscar H Dodson
Wayne W Eberhardt
Marshall H Edwards
William R Edwards
R C Estergard
Philip M Faucett Jr
James A Fink
Don A Fischer
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……199
C J Gauthier
Richard G Glover
John M Grady
Dick Graham
William D Hall
Josef C Hallbeck
Samuel L Harris
Martha Hecker
Orville E Holman Jr
Gloria A Hopkins
Donald W Huisinga
Roger H Jennings
Mr & Mrs Russell L Jeckel
Thomas F Kolter
Ralph J Mandarino
Dean E Madden
Shirley Clausen Mahaffey
Charles Marshall
R Ross Mayor
Mark McCloskey Jr
Paul J Meginnis II
James Merlo
Lester D Moore
Mrs Arthur C Nauman
William M O’Neill
William I Pape
Joyce Pogue
John W Pollard
Ralph L Proffitt
G P Rucker
Byron Ruskin
Frederick A Schnell
Jack L Simpson
Ogle G Snider
H B Stubbs
G H Tomazin
Ray H Timmons
Raymond Timpone
Paul T Tucker
Hurshal C Tummelson
P A Washburn
Steven G Weidemier
George W Wenthe Sr
Paul H Wessel
George M Zenner
Proposed UIF Board of Directors mtg dates for calendar 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……200
UIF President William G Karnes advises Chancellor Gerberding that he will receive an invitation to the Annual
Spring Gathering of the Presidents Council in Chicago May 4-5, 1979, & special events to which he is
also invited
University Press
Correspondence concerning Chancellor Gerberding’s comments on University Press ads in a Jan 17, 1979
memo to Peter Yankwich. This memo was a response to the report, The University of Illinois press in
Context: A Modest Look at What is Happening in University Press Publishing in the United States
Today. This report was the product of the Search Committee to Recommend a Director of the UI Press,
Dec 1978. The Chancellor asks for copies of all ads for the past year, & provides further comments
University Statutes
Copy of proposed amendments to Article XII, Research & Publication
Vending Machines
Correspondence w/Chuck Flynn at the News-Gazette about newspaper vending guidelines in residence halls
Stanley Levy advises the Urbana Courier & Daily Illini of the new vending guidelines for residence halls
Shasta Beverages requests a copy of a mandatory container deposit study conducted on campus
Visitors to Campus (includes conferences at)
Correspondence concerning the study visit of Professor Taira Okano of Nihon University for approximately one
year, as an international visiting scholar in the Dept of Architecture
Chancellor Gerberding letter of reply to Sandra R Drzewiecki’s letter of praise for the Fifth Annual Women’s
Music Festival held at UIUC in Jun 1978
Correspondence concerning the campus visit of Heinz Forster to deliver a lecture in the Dept of Accountancy.
He also met w/both President Corbally & the Chancellor
Note that Senator Percy’s office advises that U S Senator Harrison Schmidt (former astronaut, pilot of the lunar
landing module) will be on campus Oct 23, 31978 for a lecture & slide presentation at Burrill Hall
Revised schedule for the Nov 15 & 16, 1978 visit of Lewis Mayhew from Stanford
Letter of thanks from Sheila J Pruden for UIUC assistance in making the 1978 fall seminar series a success
(organization not specified)
Correspondence concerning the campus visit of A B Salter of the John Curtin School of Medical Research in
Canberra City, Australia on Nov 2, 1978
Announcement of the Nov 30-Dec 1, 1978 campus visit of Lord Saint Brides, formerly Morrice James. He is
writing a book dealing w/U S/U K involvement in South Asia in the 1950’s-60’s & would like to meet
w/interested faculty
Correspondence concerning an invitation to Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Khalil, alumnus in Civil
Engineering, to visit the campus when time & his schedule would permit
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……201
Announcing the campus visit of Ralph Westfall from Chicago Circle on Jan 30, 1979
Paul Riegel advises Alumni Assoc Director Louis D Liay that the Chancellor welcomes his advice on the
upcoming visit of President Jacqueline Grennan Wexler
Proposal from UIUC for a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Advanced Chemical Methods for Soil & Clay
Minerals Research, Jul 23-Aug 4, 1979 to be held at UIUC. Chancellor Gerberding’s letter of support.
NATO approves the proposal
Correspondence concerning the Feb 8-9, 1979 visit of John Reigle, President of National Steel Product Co of
Houston & alumnus in Electrical Engineering, as part of National Steel’s Campus Ambassador program
Paul Riegel memo about a Chancellor’s dinner for visiting U S Representative John Anderson on Mar 26, 1979.
The visit is canceled, per attached newspaper article from the Courier, “Visits canceled by Anderson”
Request for a mtg w/the Chancellor during the visit of Hans Leussink from West Germany, chair of the
Selection Comm of the U S Special Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Since
Chancellor Gerberding is leaving soon, it is arranged for Edwin Goldwasser to meet w/Leussink
Request to meet w/Morton Weir from C Deborah Laughton of Brooks/Cole Publishing Company of Monterey,
California during her Apr 30-May 1, 1979 campus visit
Correspondence concerning the May 15-17, 1979 visit of Harry Judge of Oxford. Request for a mtg w/the
Howard R Bowen of Claremont Graduate School will be on campus to participate in the May 3-5, 1979
Efficiency & Equity in Educational Finance National Symposium. Chancellor Gerberding will be out of
Announcement of the May 4, 1979 visit of John Ledlie, Deputy Chief of Public Relations in the UK’s Ministry
of Defense
Chancellor Gerberding will host a reception on May 25 & give welcoming remarks at the History of Economics
Society annual conference May 23-26, 1979. Copy of the conference program
Chancellor Gerberding approves a request for a waiver of compliance for the National Women’s Music Festival
for Code on Campus Affairs Chapter III, Section VIII, K, 1-2, which requires events that involve
professional performers where the total fees are over $750 to be co-sponsored w/one of the “big four,”
KCPA, Assembly Hall, Illini Union Board, or Star Course
Announcements of the visit of Roger Paget, President’s Commission on Foreign Languages & International
Studies, May 22, 1979
R Jeffrey Henderson, Coordinator of Conference Housing, responds to a request for information on the
possibility of holding a General Convention of the Episcopal Church at UIUC
Kooichi Yoneda of Oita Technical College in Japan thanks Harold A Gould, Director of the Center for Asian
Studies, for kindness shown in connection w/Yoneda’s stay at UIUC during the next academic year
Program brochure for the Annual mtg of the North Central Division American Phytopathological Society Jun
25-27, 1979 in the Illini Union
Copy of the program for the 1979 State 4-H Conference at UIUC Jun 19-22, 1979
YMCA – at the University
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to join the University YMCA
General invitation to a luncheon mtg w/Yaap Spek, who will speak on world disarmament
The New Student Conference is canceled for Fall 1978
Schedule of speakers for the Fall 1978 YMCA-YWCA Friday Forum
Cover note & news release on the lecture by Hugh Petrie on Oct 27, 1978, Images in Evaluation
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……202
News release & flyer on the lecture by Allen Weller on Nov 17, 1978, Changing Images of Reality
Schedule of speakers for the Know Your University program for Fall 1978
Schedule of speakers for the YMCA & YWCA Friday Forum for Spring 1979
Schedule of speakers for the Know Your University program for Spring 1979
Correspondence concerning possible campus funding to send representatives to the University YMCA’s
inaugural LeaderLuncheon on May 1, 1979 to honor C-U working women
Announcement of the presentation of John O’Keeffe’s play Wild Oats by the YMCA & the Revels Players Apr
19-22 & Apr 27-28, 1979
Cover letter & brochure for the Illinois Men’s Festival Apr 6-8, 1979
Maria E Keen advises the Chancellor that Cecil Coleman will be unable to speak at the Know Your University
mtg on Apr 17, 1979. She has asked Carla Thompson to speak. Chancellor will attend
YMCA membership solicitation mailing
Announcement for the Annual Mtg & Board of Governors Installation Dinner Apr 29, 1979
Agriculture, College of (2 folders)
Summary of the initial employment & salaries reported for the May 1978 graduating class
Announcement of an Agronomy Field Days schedule. Roger Martin advises Paul Riegel that if he wants to
attend the Horticulture Field Day at Dixon Springs, he should contact Glenn Salisbury’s office for the
date, as he is afraid it has already been held
Copy of information on the American Society of Agricultural Engineers Farm & Industrial Equipment Institute
(FIEI) Trophies Competition. Copy of news release announcing that the UI Student Branch of ASAE
has been named the 1978 runner-up. Letter of congratulation from ASAE Executive VP J L Butt
Correspondence concerning a complaint from Extension Adviser A A Wicklein that a campus-sponsored
program on Jul 11, 1978 at Joliet Junior College was not cleared through his office
Orville Bentley’s report on the visits of two agricultural missions from the People’s Republic of China
Invitation to an informal reception to honor C D Smith & A W Janes, who are retiring at the end of Aug 1978,
Chancellor will not attend
Invitation to the Animal Science Awards Luncheon Sep 11, 1978, Chancellor will attend
Correspondence concerning a request from Marvin P Steinberg for administration help to intervene w/Beatrice
Foods to ask them to give up their rights to UI patents for the process for soybean beverage base & dairy
Announcement of the Fourth Annual Animal Control Training Program Oct 12-13, 1978 at the Ramada Inn in
Invitation to a lunch on Nov 27, 1978, which will be the opening session for the Extension Faculty
Development Institute. Chancellor will attend
Letter to Morton Weir, expressing gratitude for interaction w/his office from G W Salisbury who is retiring as
Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station
Schedule for Extension State Staff 1978-79 Meetings
Invitation to the Home Economics Alumni Assoc Annual Mtg & Student Guest Day Luncheon Sep 23, 1978,
Chancellor regrets
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……203
Invitation to attend Agronomy Day Sep 14, 1978, Chancellor will attend
Brochure & program for the Foreign Markets for Midwest Agriculture-Problems, Potentials, Policies, &
Procedures conference Sep 6-7, 1978. There will be an informal reception w/Senator Adlai Stevenson
on Sep 6
Correspondence concerning Chancellor Gerberding’s participation in the annual college Faculty Retreat, Aug
26, 1978
Copy of the Aug 29, 1978 Daily Chronicle of DeKalb, which is devoted to saluting the Extension Service
Minutes of the Extension State Staff Conference Sep 1, 1978 at Mumford Hall, UIUC
Copy of the report, Illinois Maize Genetics Lab – Research Activities, sent by Denton Alexander to the
Letter of thanks from R W Howell to Chancellor for attending Agronomy Day. He also includes some
publications on soils
Notice of the Ag Council Midwest Leadership Conference Nov 10-11, 1978, & invitation to participate in
hosting a visiting student for lunch & a tour
Letter from the State EPA concerning complaints about livestock odors in the vicinity of the State Office bldgs
& South First Manor apartments. Orville Bentley’s reply
Agenda & materials for the Oct 6, 1978 Faculty mtg
Cover memo & policy statement on the general subject of cooperating w/other institutions of higher education
in Illinois, Agricultural Research, Instruction, & Extension in Illinois: Cooperative Relationships
List of College Committees 1978-79
Timothy Madigan responds to a request from Roger Martin for an opinion on the Extension residence policy
which requires that its academic employees must reside in the county in which they work. He concludes
that these requirements would satisfy the rational relationship test used by most courts & would thus be
found valid
Document, AUSUDIAP Strengthens International Agriculture in American Universities
Invitation to a luncheon & critique of the twenty-third annual Town & Country State Amateur Art Exhibition,
Oct 28, 1978
Letter of appreciation for courtesies of his visit to Dixon Springs from Senator Adlai Stevenson
Orville Bentley advises of his absence on Nov 13-15, 1978 to attend the NASULGC mtgs in St Louis
Invitation to the Dec 8, 1978 Agriculture Deans Club mtg. Chancellor will attend & bring greetings. Note that
this mtg is later canceled
Orville Bentley & Morton Weir respond to a letter from alumnus Hugo Eiler, who asks why Emeritus Professor
A V Nalbandov does not have office space. Dr Nalbandov was asked when he retired about his needs
for office space, & indicated that he did not need such space after his retirement
Agenda for the Nov 17, 1978 Agriculture faculty mtg
Harold L Enarson, President of Ohio State U, asks Chancellor Gerberding to forward the enclosed (not
attached) talk to the editor of the Agronomy newsletter, The Winged Bean Flyer. Chancellor’s
forwarding letter
Cover letter & brochure on the Agricultural Economics senior class
Theodore Hymowitz sends the Chancellor a copy of a brochure about the Crop Evolution Lab, & a copy of the
May 1978 issue of The Winged Bean Flyer newsletter
Orville Bentley sends the Chancellor a copy of the information & tentative program brochure from the World
Soybean Research Conference II held Mar 26-29, 1979 at North Carolina State U. The first conference
had been held at UIUC
Agenda & material for the Dec 15, 1978 Agriculture faculty mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……204
Cover letter & copy of the citation booklet for the 1978 recipients from the Eighth Annual Paul A Funk
Recognition Award Program held Feb 24, 1978. Recipients were: Thomas A Hieronymus, Ellery L
Knake, Frederick A Kummerow, Queenie B Mills, & William M Sager
Program for the Thirty-First Illinois Custom Spray Operators Training School, Jan 9-11, 1979 at UIUC
Invitation to Morton Weir to attend a retirement dinner honoring Pauline Paul, Queenie Mills & Frances Van
Duyne on Jan 19, 1979
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to attend & give greeting at the Agriculture Alumni Assoc Annual Mtg &
Awards Luncheon Mar 10, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Memo update on the process of establishment of the James Baldwin Turner Agricultural Scholarship program,
which was approved by the faculty at the Oct 6, 1978 mtg
Flyer announcing the International Agriculture Seminar Series for Spring Semester 1979, w/list of speakers &
Memo announcing the Teaching Improvement Committee luncheon seminars for Spring Semester 1979, w/list
of speakers & topics
Agenda for the Jan 26, 1979 Agriculture faculty mtg
Program flyer for the Ag Alumni Annual mtg on Mar 10, 1979 at the Illini Union, w/reservation form
1979 Senior Brochure, Agricultural Economics
Directory in poster form for the Cooperative Extension Service, 1978-79
Minutes of the State Staff Conference, Feb 12, 1979
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to attend events for the Annual Extension Conference in Apr 1979, either
the opening luncheon on Apr 10 or the recognition banquet on Apr 11. Chancellor will attend the
luncheon & say “hellos,” no speech
Letter of thanks from the Teaching Improvement Committee to Morton Weir for his remarks, “Academic
Excellence in Teaching,” given as one of the speakers in their Spring 1979 series
John R Campbell thanks Joseph H Smith for his comments (attached) about a column he wrote for the Dec
1978 issue of the Ag publication, Current Affairs
Notice of the Feb 23, 1979 mtg of the Plant Variety Review Comm
Notice & reservation form for the Mar 8, 1979 Teaching Improvement Comm seminar luncheon w/Rudy Hilst
of Purdue U as speaker, “Modifying Teaching Programs to Meet the Needs of Our Changing Student
Correspondence & materials related to the Ninth Annual Paul A Funk Recognition Award Banquet Mar 9,
1979. Calendar save memo of Mar 31, 1978. Letter of Oct 26, 1978 confirming the date. Letter
appointing the planning comm Dec 13, 1978. Invitation letters to Chancellor Gerberding & Morton
Weir. General invitation letter to faculty & staff
Agenda for the Feb 23, 1979 Agriculture faculty mtg
Announcement cover letter & information on the 1979 Annual Extension Conference Apr 10-12, 1979
Cover letters & copy of the document A Research & Education Program to Reduce Pollution From Nonpoint
Sources & Improve the Quality of Illinois Water Conducted by the Ag Experiment Station & the CES,
UIUC, Jan 1980. Also attached is a table showing the budget details requested in the PB-1, & a
summary statement. Copy of Orville Bentle’s May 21, 1979 letter to Governor Thompson concerning
the role of CES in the prposed Illinois Water Quality Management Plan. Chancellor Cribbet letter to
President Ikenberry concerning the budget implications of Agriculture’s participation in this state
Orville Bentley briefing letter for Chancellor Gerberding’s mtg w/the Agriculture Advisory Comm
News release about an Agronomy research team’s development of experimental soybean lines that are free of a
major antinutritional factor
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……205
Copy of the Extension Council Report, Feb 1979
Invitation to the reception honoring both academic & nonacademic staff retiring from the College on May 4,
1979, Chancellor regrets
Announcement memo for the first Ag Council-sponsored “All Campus Ag Day” on Apr 6, 1979 on the South
Correspondence & materials from the Mar 9, 1979 Dedication & Open House for Turner Hall Phase II.
Chancellor Gerberding letters of invitation to legislators, Trustees, & Governor Thompson. Copy of the
program brochure. Chancellor’s script. Letter of thanks to the Chancellor from R W Howell
Invitation letter to the Horticulture Club’s twenty-fourth annual Mom’s Day Flower & Garden Show, Apr 2122, 1979
James Collier thanks J B Claar for sending him a copy of Sandra Casserly’s report on the success of the
“Garden Talk” show
Brochure, Illinois-Indiana Dairy Management Clinic for Professional Dairy Farmers Mar 28-29, 1979 at the
Ramada Inn
Agenda & materials for the Mar 30, 1979 Agriculture faculty mtg
The Chancellor is asked to participate in the Jun 25-27, 1979 North Central Division of the American
Phytopathological Society mtg to be hosted the UIUC Dept of Plant Pathology, by giving either a
welcome or keynote at the dedication ceremony or at the formal banquet. The Chancellor asks Edwin
Goldwasser to do this. Goldwasser accepts, noting that he prefers the welcome option
Carolyn Burrell request for curricula codes for the major fields under the undergraduate curriculum in Human
Resources & Family Studies leading the Bachelor of Science in Human Resources & Family Studies,
w/list of suggested codes & names. Also requesting five curricula codes for the graduate curricula in
Human Resources & Family Studies
Cover letter & brochure for the conference, Economics of Equine Practice, Jun 20-21, 1979 at UIUC
Directory of County & Regional Extension Personnel, May 1, 1979
Information on the establishment of the Division of Nutritional Sciences & its administrative organization, copy
of paper, Statement Concerning Formation of the Division of Nutritional Sciences, UI-College of
Agriculture, sent by Orville Bentley for information. Edwin Goldwasser letter transferring responsibility
for the administration of the graduate degrees in Nutritional Science from the Nutritional Sciences
Comm to the new Division
R W Howell thanks Andrew Wicklein for the maps of Jackson Township & of Will County showing the area of
the proposed Joliet Airport. He notes that the area as marked will not have any serious detrimental effect
on operation of the Northeast Illinois Agronomy Research Center
Lists of those retiring who are to be honored at the May 4, 1979 informal reception at the Spice Box
Announcement letter for the Thirty-Second Illinois Custom Spray Operators Training School Jan 8-10, 1980 at
Agenda & materials for the May 11, 1979 Agriculture faculty mtg
Invitation to the May 30, 1979 Awards Banquet honoring Extension paraprofessionals employed in the
Consumer & Homemaking Education Program & the Expended Food & Nutrition Education Program.
Roger Martin will attend
Document, County Staff Leadership Assignments May 14, 1979
Correspondence concerning the application of Title II of the 1978 Ethics in Government Act to membership on
the Board for International Food & Agricultural Development
Correspondence concerning the resolution of the bicycle parking problem at Turner Hall
Cover letter & copy of the booklet “The Prairie Legacy,” which describes the history & current programs of the
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……206
Cover letter & program brochure for the mtg of the North Central Division of the American Phytopathological
Society Jun 25-27, 1979 in the Illini Union
Correspondence concerning William N Thompson’s appointment by the Governor to the Agricultural Export
Advisory Committee
Douglas Bauling letter advising Orville Bentley of the investigation of the theft of a new John Deere 4240
tractor from the West Central Illinois Research & Demonstration Center near Perry
Agriculture, College of – INTSOY
Timothy Madigan provides a response to Morton Weir’s request for advice about whether INTSOY – the
International Soybean Network - should be formed as a corporation, a consortium or both. VC Weir sent
Madigan copies of correspondence & documents related to the proposed incorporation of this project,
which is already a functioning organization, for his review. Included in this packet were:
Orville Bentley’s May 22, 1978 letter to Donald Wendel, recommending that UI take the lead in establishing
INTSOY as a not-for-profit corporation. Attached to this letter are:
A Brief Outline Summary of Progress, 1973-78
Draft articles of incorporation
Draft By-Laws
Comments on a Proposed Management Entity for International Collaboration on Soybean Research &
Education by W N Thompson
Organizational chart
Copy of Donald Wendel’s response to Bentley’s May 22 letter, w/recommendations on how to proceed for
Madigan notes that he believes both the President & Chancellor should discuss this & decide on the level of
May 1979 issue of the INTSOY newsletter
Memorandum of Agreement w/the International Agricultural Development Service (IADS). Chancellor
Gerberding designates William N Thompson as its liaison officer
Agriculture, College of – Title XII
Cover letter & copies of four draft statements to be used in announcing the long discussed reorganization of the
campus Title XII coordination. 1. General announcement of the new coordination arrangement for
Deans, Directors & Executive Officers of Graduate Depts. 2. Letter of appointment to the proposed
members of the new Title XII Policy Committee. 3. Announcement (w/thanks for past service) to
members of the former Committee for Title XII Affairs, which be superseded by action of #2. 4.
Concise background statement describing the Title XII program to be enclosed w/the above statements
as supplementary information
George Bargh letter which responds to the Dept of State request concerning UI of Title XII officers. Effective
Sep 20, 1978: William N Thompson. Until then, Interim: W D Buddemeier
Edwin Goldwasser Sep 29, 1978 memo announcing that W D Buddemeier will serve as interim Title XII officer
List, Universities & Title XII Representative Included in the Registry of Institutional Resources
William N Thompson memo of Oct 2, 1978 which recommends that the University seriously consider
participating in the Sri Lanka Agricultural Education Development Project, & attaches a copy of the
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……207
project description. Walter Tousey advises him, on behalf of the Office of VC for Academic Affairs, to
proceed w/the project, w/the understanding that this endorsement does not imply a financial
Notice memo for an Oct 19, 1978 mtg to discuss needs for improved language competence of students &
faculty to attend University objectives under Title XII, & means for meeting them
Transmittal memos & copy of the BIFAD report, Budget Recommendations: Recommendations of BIFAD on
the AID Food & Nutrition Program for FY1980
Transmittal letter & copy of the proposal, Matching Formula Title XII University Strengthening Proposal, for
review, to be submitted to the U S Agency for International Development (USAID) & the Board for
International Food & Agricultural Development (BIFAD). William N Thompson replies to a letter of
complaint from Robert B Crawford about the process used to develop the USAID/BIFAD proposal.
Cover memo & copy of revised pages for the proposal, w/request for further comments & a time table
for the rest of the proposal process
Applied Life Studies, College of
ALS Dean Kenneth S Clarke letter urging Edward R Madigan to support S 1753, the Health Education Act of
1978. He also encloses the American Public Health Assoc position (not attached) on school health
Transmittal letters & copy of the new brochure on Technology Transfer Series III, which is the third in a series
of continuing education opportunities for practitioners in the field of parks & recreation
William H Creswell letter advising Edward R Madigan of the Dept of Health & Safety’s recent activities
w/respect to the Health Education Act
Minutes of the Oct 12, 1978 EEO Committee mtg
Michele Thompson provides a letter of support for the ALS proposal to HEW’s Bureau of Education for the
Handicapped for grants concerning inservice/preservice professional preparation of teachers to
implement provisions of PL 94-142. A copy of an outline of the project is attached
Transmittal letters & copy of the 1977-78 Annual Report of the Leisure Behavior Research Lab
Michele Thompson provides comments on her review of the proposed EEO Survey of Current Faculty &
Doctoral Students in Health, Physical Education, & Recreation (attached)
Invitation to the Dept of Leisure Studies Thirteenth Annual Brightbill Banquet Apr 26, 1979. Chancellor regrets
Cover memo & copy of two tables on IU generation trends that were omitted from the packet previously given
Request from Douglas A Kleiber for a mtg w/Morton Weir, to discuss his research in the area of the
relationship of recreation to delinquency in light of Morton Weir’s challenge at Boys Town
James Brademus sends Morton Weir a copy of his article, “Which Job Candidate is Right for You?” about the
personnel assessment center approach to hiring employees
Applied Life Studies – Division of Campus Recreation
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Intramural Recreation Advisory for 1978-79
Walter Tousey will serve as dept liaison w\the Men’s Faculty-Staff Intramural Program
Armory Tennis Court Playing Schedule Jan-Apr 1979
Information sheet & interest survey for the Lifetime Physical Fitness Research Program Exercise Project
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……208
Flyer for the Ice Capades, Feb 8, 1979 free lecture & demonstration
Invitation to attend the Second Annual Bong Show, Chancellor regrets
Correspondence concerning the consideration of UI by Perrier for a grant to develop a Parcourse Fitness Circuit
on campus
Correspondence concerning Hugh Satterlee’s Sep 20, 1978 letter on the matter of campus support for sports
clubs. The matter is referred to Stanley Levy’s office. Stanley Levy advises the Chancellor that they will
pursue this, & that when a new Director of Athletics is appointed, representations will also be made for
general support of club activities
Flyers for summer programs, Slimnastics, Summer Intramurals Competitive Sports Program, Instructional
Workshops, & Illini Grove Summer “Family” Program
Applied Life Studies – Rehabilitation/Education Services
Materials clipped together, w/no indication what they might be background for, or if just separate items put
Document, Response to Program Review Questionnaire, Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services,
Rehabilitation-Education Center (undated – COPE review in 1979?)
Information on sheets titled Rehabilitation Advisory Committee Study (undated)
Two Nov 1976 letters concerning issues for handicapped students w/the Wright & Mathews street closings
Division of Rehab-Ed Services & Rehab-Ed Center General Statement, stamped date May 31, 1978
Special Registration, Rehab-Ed Center
Application for Services, Rehab-Ed Services
Cover memo & copies of letters sent to admissions applicants, & a copy of a document, Admissions & the
Handicapped, evidently a lecture or speech given from the IACRAO/WACRAO Joint Conference Oct
19-21, 1977
Copy of an article from the Nov 1977 issue of People magazine, “Tim Nugent Helps Disabled Students at
Illinois w/the T-Formation & Sympathy”
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the Rehabilitation Advisory Comm for 1977-78
Report on the DSO Student Account Oct 1977
Letter requesting Ralph Swan to serve on the Rehabilitation Advisory Comm for 1977-78
Memo requesting that Warren K Wessels serve as chair of the RAC for the remainder of the year due to the
sabbatical of current chair, Robert Henderson
Jun 30, 1978 letter from Joseph M Cronin, State Superintendent of Education, advising of a revision of the
equipment loan policy by which loans will be made to institutions, rather than individual students. He
also requests the name of a designated contact person for the signing for, distributing & returning of
equipment. Shirley Rittenhouse letter of Jul 14, 1978 advising the Illinois Office of Education that
Margaret J LaPlante will be Chicago Circle contact, & Janet Floyd will be UIUC contact
Stanley Levy note to the file on the need for future review of the role of the Rehabilitation Education Center
w/regard to both students & staff
Michele Thompson reports on her mtg w/student Joyce Drabychick about her articles for the Disabled Students
Organization newsletter Spokesman & her concerns about funding for DSO
Agenda & materials for the Oct 4, 1978 mtg of the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee. Notes from the Sep 6,
1978 mtg
Handwritten notes on a Sep 26 Rehabilitation Center Advisory mtg
Notes from the Oct 4, 1978 Rehabilitation Education Advisory Comm mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……209
Notice & minutes from the Oct 10, 1978 mtg of the Rehabilitation Advisory Comm on Affirmative Action
Notice & agenda for the Oct 18, 1978 Rehabilitation Education Advisory Comm mtg. Notes from the mtg
Correspondence concerning a request from ALS Dean Kenneth Clarke that the Division of RehabilitationEducation Services be renamed the Division of Rehabilitation Education. Morton Weir advises Dean
Clarke that the Administrative Conference has discussed this matter, & are in agreement that
consideration of such a change should await the outcome of the COPE review of the unit
Michele Thompson provides the Chancellor w/a list of services provided by Rehab-Ed Services for those
w/visual & hearing impairments. Arrangements are made for him to tour the Division on Jan 30, 1979
Notice & agenda for the Feb 1, 1979 Rehabilitation Advisory Comm mtg
Notice of the Mar 5, 1979 mtg of the RAC on Affirmative Action
Request for & copy of Chancellor Gerberding’s greeting letter for the 1979 edition of Sigma Signs
Notice for the Apr 18, 1979 mtg of the RAC
Correspondence concerning getting the Chancellor to attend one of the Rehab Center banquets. He is unable to
attend the Apr 4, 1979 27th Annual Wheelchair Basketball Awards. The Annual All Wheelchair Sports
Awards Banquet is coordinated w/his calendar so that he can attend on Apr 12, 1979. Follow up letters
from T J Nugent & Jack T Whitman
Armed Forces – Air Force
Request for & copy of Chancellor Gerberding’s letter of support for the bid packet of the Jake Shaefer
Squadron of the Arnold Air Society at UIUC to hold the Sep 21-23, 1979 Commander’s Call at UIUC
Armed Forces – Army
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Brigadier General James M Wroth for his letter (attached) advising that the
campus Army ROTC unit passed its Nov 2, 1978 inspection
Copy of a Special Report – The Illusory Goals of Peace, A Year-End Assessment, 1978, from the Assoc of the
U S Army
Copy of the first page of A Statement by the Assoc of the U S Army to the Military Personnel Subcommittee of
the House Armed Services Committee, Mar 14, 1979, w/attached first page apparently of the printed
statement submitted to the House Comm. The Statement has to do w/the Selective Service System
Information on the 25th Annual National Security Seminar Jun 4-8, 1979 at the Carlisle Barricks in
Pennsylvania, Chancellor regrets
Invitation from the Pershing Rifles at UI to attend the Finals Competition at the Annual Illinois Invitational
Drill Meet Apr 7, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Armed Forces – Military Education Council
Correspondence concerning the Military Education Council sponsorship of the campus visit of Major General
W Stanford Smith. Invitation to a luncheon on Nov 28, 1978 at the University Inn. Chancellor & Morton
Weir regrets, Paul Riegel will attend. Letters advising that members of MEC will stop by on Nov 28 to
introduce General Smith to Morton Weir & Chancellor Gerberding
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……210
Armed Forces – Navy
Minutes of the Assoc of NROTC Colleges & Universities Annual Mtg, U of Texas at Austin, Nov 5-7, 1978
Letters of invitation to tour the Navy P3C aircraft on display at Willard Airport on Dec 9, 1978
Letter advising that the Lafayette Residence of the Office of Naval Research will be disestablished on Dec 28,
1978, w/contracts administered by that office being transferred to the Chicago Office & office in
Columbus, Ohio
Letter of invitation to attend a presentation of Amphibious Warfare by the U S Marine Corps on Feb 22, 1979
Letter of invitation to attend the exhibit opening reception for “U S Navy Art” on Mar 2, 1979 at the Illini
Invitation to attend the Midshipman Battalion Parade on May 6, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Armed Forces – ROTC
Letter of announcement for the Marshall ROTC Award Program for the outstanding senior in each ROTC
detachment of the 274 colleges & universities across the country
Ralph K Jones of the Urbana Exchange Club asks that Colonel Thomas N Britton Jr properly thank Lt Colonel
Robert Poshard, PMS at UI, for his address to the Exchange Club on May 9, 1979
Invitation to attend the Joint Commissioning Ceremony on May 25, 1979. Letter of thanks for Paul Riegel’s
attendance as the Chancellor’s representative
Letter from Brigadier General James M Wroth, Army ROTC Commander, advising of his retirement &
thanking the Chancellor for his support of ROTC
Aviation, Institute of (2 folders)
Donald Wendel advises Ralph Flexman that he would like to combine discussion his interest in finding out the
present insurance situation for Willard Airport, & James Gallivan’s suggestion to increase coverage in a
single mtg of the three of them on Oct 3, 1978
Chancellor Gerberding to a letter from Harold S Wood, Executive Director of the National Intercollegiate
Flying Assoc, which had commended the campus for its facilities & assistance for the recent Regional
Safety & Flight Evaluation Conference, & that UI qualified for the National Tournament of Champions
to be held at Northeast Louisiana U next Apr
Correspondence concerning Rudy Frasca’s dissatisfaction w/Ralph Flexman’s administration of the Institute of
Aviation. Chancellor Gerberding asks Donald Wendel to handle this situation & keep him informed.
Correspondence attached includes:
Oct 4, 1978 letter from Rudy Frasca to Ralph Flexman, w/complaint about absences due to consulting when
he recently visited the airport to have work done on his airplane, & noting that he & others are
investigating avenues to look into what appears to be a record of poor management & conflict of
interests in Flexman’s administration. One of his main complaints has to do w/the amount of outside
consulting done by Institute staff
Oct 5, 1978 Ralph Flexman letter to Chancellor Gerberding, providing background information on Frasca’s
relationship to the Institute & his criticisms, & offering a defense of the outside consulting done by his
William Gerberding’s Oct 10, 1978 reply to Ralph Flexman
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……211
Ralph Flexman’s Oct 11, 1978 reply to Rudy Frasca Oct 4 letter
Rudy Frasca Oct 17, 1978 letter to Ralph Flexman, repeating his complaints against Flexman’s administration
of the Institute
Rudy Frasca letter of Oct 19, 1978 to Park Livingston, in which he asks for a mtg w/Livingston & Chancellor
Gerberding. He encloses copies of his letters to Ralph Flexman
Rudy Frasca Oct 19, 1978 letter to Chancellor Gerberding, also requesting a mtg. He encloses copies of his
letters to Livingston & Flexman
James Collier forwards to Donald Wendel for information a copy of his Oct 22, 1979 letter of invitation to
Rudy Frasca to attend the University-Chamber of Commerce Dinner on Oct 29, 1979, hosted by Ralph
Flexman, w/Frasca’s written response that he can’t make it
Joseph Diana’s Oct 25, 1978 letter to Chancellor Gerberding w/his comments on the Frasca-Flexman
correspondence & situation at the Institute
Rudy Frasca Nov 7, 1978 letter to Weldon Garrelts concerning an Aztec aircraft purchase being held up due
to his letter regarding the Institute administration
Rudy Frasca letter of Nov 7, 1978 to Ralph Flexman w/complaint that Flexman didn’t attend the National
Intercollegiate Flying Assoc competitions or Awards Banquet to support the UI team
Donald Wendel memo of Nov 13, 1978 to the Chancellor, advising that the Chancellor will get a copy of
Ralph Flexman’s reply to Frasca’s Nov 7 letter. He also advise that he is continuing to follow his plan
re: Frasca, which is to do nothing—no letter from himself or the Chancellor, no offer to discuss Willard
operations w/Frasca, etc. If the Chancellor should let him know if he should take action
Charles H Nogle letter of Nov 13, 1978 to Rudy Frasca, advising that he is angry that Frasca mentioned him
in the P.S. of Frasca’s letter to Ralph Flexman & is involving him in his campaign, which he does not
Rudy Frasca Nov 21, 1978 reply letter to Charles Nogle
Attached Chiggs note that the Chancellor discussed this w/Donald Wendel at a Dec 7, 1978 mtg
Copy of a research paper, Institute of Aviation Graduate Survey: 1950-1978 by William B Johnson, Jan 1979,
w/attached note from Ralph Flexman to Morton Weir, noting that he hopes it might be of use in
acquiring legislative support for the Pilot Training Bldg
Correspondence w/Stanley Balbach, local attorney, related to improving passenger service at Willard Airport.
Copy of Donald Wendel’s report on his mtg w/Balbach & Ralph Flexman of Jan 26, 1979. Copy of his
memo to the Chancellor, advising that he is planning a mtg for them both to be reinformed about
Willard Airport & the Institute. Stanley Balbach letter of Feb 5, 1979 to John Nammack at CAB, about
this issue, & noting the upcoming regional hearing in Chicago in which he hopes to participate in the
Illinois presentation. Stanley Balbach follow up letter to Donald Wendel on the Jan 26 mtg
Feb 9, 1979 Ralph Flexman memo to Donald Wendel, which is a Institute of Aviation Profile
Cover letter & copy of the 1977-78 Institute of Aviation Annual Report
Correspondence concerning a Feb 13, 1979 letter of complaint to the Board of Trustees from David A
Lombardo, President of Flying Illini, Inc, about snow removal following the storm on Jan 23 & 24,
1979. Copy of Airport Manager Nicholas C Merrill’s Feb 27, 1979 analysis of the snow removal
operation. Donald Wendel invites the Chancellor to comment on his planned response to Lombardo
since Earl Porter plans to distribute copies of Lombardo’s letter to the Trustees. Donald Wendel’s Mar
5, 1979 reply to David Lombardo
Copy of Nicholas C Merrill’s Feb 27, 1979 report on the first day, Feb 22, 1979, of the Civil Aeronautics Board
hearing in Chicago on guidelines for a federal program to guarantee scheduled airline service to small
communities. Attached is a newspaper clipping announcing that Stanley Balbach was scheduled to
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……212
testify at this hearing, representing the joint transportation committee of the Urbana & Champaign
chambers of commerce. Copy of Stanley Balbach’s presentation
Apr 30, 1979 memo announcing to units the addition of two Hiller UH-12D helicopters to the Institute of
Aviation fleet
Nicholas C Merrill’s May 9, 1979 response to David H Lewis, Deputy Director of the DOT Division of
Aeronatics re: Willard Airport participation in the State’s study of essential air service to small
communities w/a limited obligation of $2500
Hugh Satterlee Jun 5, 1979 letter concerning an apparent inconsistency in the definition of student status for use
of student service during the period between spring semester & summer session between most academic
units & the Institute
News release announcing that fifty-six students in the Institute have earned airframe & powerplant ratings
Eugene S Pitcher Jun 11, 1979 letter to John Spear advising that his proposal for appraisal services, which has
been executed by the University, has been forward to the State Division of Aeronautics for approval by
it & the FAA
Rudy Frasca sends Donald Wendel information about Frasca Aviation, Inc, & noting that he was happy to meet
Wendel during the recent Britt luncheon & briefing
Correspondence related to the planning for the 1979 C-U Jaycees Air Show, including a discussion of the legal
issues involved due to Title IX
News release announcing the list of students who have earned 105 aircraft pilot & instructor certificates &
flight ratings during the spring semester
Aviation, Institute of – Willard Airport, Historical Information
Copy of a full-page spread from the News-Gazette of Dec 19, 1943 w/articles about the airport project at UI,
particularly the acquiring of government funding.
Copy of the program for the Dedication of the UI Airport, Oct 26, 1945
Copies of pages from the Board of Trustees Transactions from 1943 to 1963, showing items relating to Willard
Copy of a background paper draft, Resolution to the Board of Trustees Relating to the Support of Commercial
Operations at the UI-Willard Airport, Oct 1974, which discusses the Master Plan developed by Herbert
H Howell, Airport Consultant, & Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc., Consulting Engineers. The
consultants’ recommendations involve consideration of operation of the airport by a local Airport
Authority rather than by the State. Attached is another document on Authority required by the Board of
Trustees of the UI to operate, as a public airport, the UI-Willard Airport
Copies of pages from the Board of Trustees Transactions of Jan 21, 1976 containing the item,
Recommendations w/Regard to the Master Plan, UI-Willard Airport
Copy of page from the Board of Trustees Transactions of Feb 18, 1976 containing an item on Champaign
County Board opposition to the Master Plan for expansion of the airport
List of items to be found in the Board of Trustees Transactions relating to Willard Airport, from 1950-1978
Pages of handwritten notes, heading of ”Pertinent Facts”
Copy of a rough draft of the Institute of Aviation Ten Year Report, 1968-1978
Donald Wendel Jan 30, 1979 letter advising Chancellor Gerberding that he is planning a mtg to inform them
both about several Airport & Institute issues
Document, Position Report & Recommendations for UI-Willard Airport, Sep 14, 1977, stamped received Feb 1,
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……213
Handwritten notes, interviews or mtgs. Grimm-Feb 7, 1979. Stonecipher Feb 8, 1979. Feb 12, 1979. John
Johnson-Feb 13, 1979
J M Johnson letter of Feb 14, 1979 to Donald Wendel, w/listing of annual research in terms of dollars for each
of the fiscal years from FY1968 through FY1978. Also attached is a copy of the Illinois legislation
establishing airport authorities w/the amendment requiring members of the security force to qualify for
training in an approved course or program offered at a police training school created by the Illinois
Police Training Act. Also attached is a draft Board of Trustees item for the Nov 13, 1974 mtg, Special
Legislative Request, Commercial Operations UI-Willard Airport
Commerce & Business Administration, College of (2 folders)
Chancellor to attend the Oct 6, 1978 lunch w/the Professional Accounting Board. There is some confusion
about the dates. Finally, Chancellor regrets as he will be in Chicago
Letter of thanks to Chancellor Gerberding for his remarks at the Advisory Council luncheon on May 4, 1978.
Attached is a copy of the May 4 mtg minutes w/exhibits. Copy of brochure, Objectives of the Advisory
Council of the College of Commerce & BA, UIUC
R E Palmer letter of resignation as a member of the Advisory Council due to illness, Vernon Zimmerman reply
Vernon Zimmerman letter of briefing on other guests for the Chancellor for a dinner at his home on Jul 27,
1978. Chancellor’s letter of thanks for the evening
Jagdesh Sheth send tables from a study on the Impact of Marketing Scholars and Institutions, which ranks UI
marketing group seveth and doctoral students second
Vernon Zimmerman letter confirming President Corbally as luncheon speaker the Advisory Council winter mtg
in Chicago on Dec 7, 1978. Attached is a program from the May 1978 mtg
Letters of invitation to attend the Sep 7, 1978 reception & dinner for the new Executive MBA class. Chancellor
will attend the reception only
Cover letter & brochure on the Export Marketing Conference Oct 31-Nov 3, 1978 at UIUC. Invitation for the
Chancellor to attend a dinner on Oct 31, Chancellor regrets
Flyer for a reception to meet Executive-in-Residence D Jack Hensler Oct 2, 1978
Vernon Zimmerman letters of appreciation to members of the Advisory Council whose terms ended this past
Invitation to the Commerce Alumni Homecoming Reunion Nov 4, 1978, regrets
Correspondence related to the Chancellor giving welcoming remarks at the Third Symposium on Auditing
Research on Oct 26, 1978
Harry S Brown resigns from the Advisory Council due to a move to Montana
Flyer for a reception to meet Executive-in-Residence Marvin G Kirby Nov 12, 1978
Nov 20, 1978 letter from Norton M Bedford, outlining the terms of a proposed Co-op relationship between the
Minority Accounting Assoc at UI & Caterpillar Tractor Company
Correspondence concerning the campus visit of Arthur M Wood, CEO Emeritus of Sears Roebuck & Company
Nov 30-Dec 1, 1978
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks for the copy of the Evaluation Report of the Executive MBA Program
prepared by Costin, Norton, & Triandis for the Graduate College
Letter of thanks to President Corbally for his remarks at a Dec 1978 luncheon mtg of the Advisory Council
Letter of thanks from the Executive Development Center for Chancellor’s efforts on behalf of their 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……214
Professor Jagdish N Sheth issues a letter of apology & explanation w/regard to his survey, which was sent out
without a cover letter & was cause for some questions from colleagues. Copy of the survey, Academic
Staff Participation in Campus Activities. Linda Wilson letters to concerned faculty. Professor Sheth’s
letter of apology & explanation. Copy of the research proposal & a recent paper on the subject for
Morton Weir’s information
Vernon Zimmerman advises of his need to be absent from Morton Weir’s mtg w/the Deans later in the week
due to a mtg in St Louis
Morton Weir transmittal letter to Peter Yankwich for Vernon Zimmerman’s letter of requested information on
Commerce & BA programs & procedures used related to the inviting of business leaders to campus for
varying lengths of time. Yankwich report to President Corbally
Cover letters & copy of the Executive MBA Program 1979-1971 recruiting brochure
Flyer for a reception to meet Executive-in-Resident Jerry E Dempsey Feb 11, 1979
Information on the Feb 11-15, 1979 campus visit of Jerry E Dempsey as Executive-in-Residence
Invitation to attend the first reunion of the two classes that have been graduated from the Executive MBA
program, Mar 10, 1979, Chancellor regrets
David Kinley Lectures for 1978 and 1979. Richard E Caves will speak Jan 25, 1978 on “International
Commodity Agreements: Performance and Prospects”. Kenneth J Arrow will speak Mar 29, 1978 on
“Differential Information, Maarket Failure, and Public Policy”. Franklin M Fisher will speak Oct 19,
1978 on “Diagnosing Monopoly”. Invitation to Morton Weir to attend the David Kinley Lecture on Mar
28, 1979 by Joan Robinson, “Inflation & Employment”
Correspondence & materials related to selection of Richard Hardman as the recipient of the Executive
Development Program Scholarship for Summer 1979
Correspondence concerning a problem involving a research project by a graduate student, Kassaye
Wandwossen, who was paying students to register & vote, violating election laws. This was investigated
by the State Board of Elections & States Attorney’s office. Copy of letters from those offices on their
findings. The State’s Attorney deferred prosecution, suggesting that there are problems for the
University to handle internally. Both the graduate student & his advisor, Jagdish Sheth, are both from
foreign countries & seemed unaware of federal & state laws. Vernon Zimmerman advises Timothy
Madigan that he has discussed the matter w/the head of the dept, Professor Uhl. The Dept had already
taken action on the matter by issuing the attached memo, Legal concerns w/Scholarly Research in Oct
1978. Professor Uhl also met w/Professor Sheth. The violation was clearly inadvertent, & Professor Uhl
plans to circulate a memo every fall semester as a reminder
Memo from the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business re: Availability of Previous Minutes of
Mtg of Board of Directors, Assembly Business & Accreditation Council, listing the address to write to
for copies. Attached is a copy of their newsletter, Newsline, Apr 1979
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Vernon Zimmerman for forwarding a letter from alumnus T T Hsu, who wants to
re-establish contact w/friends in the U S, & requests materials for his scholarly work that are unavailable
in China. Zimmerman notes that this may indicate the future of contacts w/alumni in mainland China
Flyer for a reception to meet Executive-in-Residence John W Painter Apr 1, 1979
Correspondence concerning arrangements for Chancellor Gerberding to be the featured speaker at the
Commerce Alumni Assoc Annual Spring Luncheon, Apr 24, 1979 at the Union League Club in
Chicago. Copy of the luncheon program
Memo advising that Paul Dauten suffered a slight stroke & is in Mercy Hospital
Invitation from the Executive MBA Class of 1979 to a Dinner Dance May 19, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Kenneth Uhl forwards a letter of appreciation from an Executive MBA graduate to the Chancellor
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……215
Commerce & BA – Accountancy, Proposed Professional School of
Materials & correspondence concerning the issue of whether to establish a separate professional school of
accountancy at UIUC
Document, The Dept of Accountancy, UI, A Five Year Plan, 1975-1980, from May 1975
Correspondence concerning Chancellor Peltason’s attendance at the Oct 17, 1975 Advisory Board luncheon
mtg to comment on the concept of a School of Accountancy. Morton Weir has also been invited to
attend & make comments. Background materials from Vernon Zimmerman. Preliminary agenda for the
mtg from Norton Bedford, w/attached Interim Report of AICPA Board on Standards for Programs &
Schools of Professional Accounting, & copy of an article, AICPA endorses professional schools of
accounting,” from the Journal of Accountancy, Sep 19, 1973 as more background for the Chancellor.
Copy of a reprint from the Arthur Andersen Chronicle, “The Separate Schools Issue – a considered
opinion,” by Herbert E Miller. Norton Bedford report on reactions to the mtg
Vernon Zimmerman sends the Chancellor another piece of background material on this issue, “What Will the
New Schools of Accounting Do For the Profession?” by William H Meckling & Jerold L Zimmerman
Personal note from Norton Bedford to Morton Weir, advising that the Dept of Accountancy is not going to add
to the pressure to create a free standing school
President Corbally letter to John Oswald at Penn State U, advising of his intention to suggest at the Sep 28
AAU mtg creation of an ad hoc group for review & analysis of the external pressures being brought to
bear on this issue
Chancellor Peltason letter to President Corbally about the ranking of Accounting depts in the U S
President Corbally letter to Presidents of AAU Institutions of Oct 14, 1975, to call their attention to the concern
about these external pressures being brought for creation of free standing professional schools of
accountancy, & requesting suggestions for any AAU role in addressing them
Norton Bedford memo to the Chancellor, w/some advance information on the forthcoming Dept of
Accountancy proposal for a establishment of a School of Accountancy at UIUC
Kenneth Uhl sends the Chancellor a copy of an American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business memo,
AACSB Response to Report of AICPA Board on Standards
President Corbally to the AAU Executive Comm of Nov 30, 1976, w/attached documents, about the “heating
up” of this issue, particularly between outside groups such as AICPA & AACSB, among others. He
suggests AAU issue a statement on the issue of pressures being brought through accreditation processes
and/or professional organizations
Norton Bedford forwards to the Chancellor a copy of a memo of comments from the Dept of Accountancy
Advisory Board on the proposal for a separate school
Norton Bedford sends a copy of his article, The School of Accountancy Issue, to the faculty of the Dept. He
notes that the Dept’s proposal for a school has been approved by the subcommittee of the Educational
Policy Comm of the U-C Senate
Chancellor Peltason responds on behalf of the Board of Trustees to a letter from A Clayton Ostlund of the
Illinois CPA Society, which was sent to make the Board aware of their endorsement of the
establishment of a school of accountancy at UIUC
Morton Weir & Norton Bedford exchange of views on the subject
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Ivan Bull for his letter (attached) advising of the support of the Professional
Advisory Comm for a separate school of accountancy at UIUC
Vernon Zimmerman sends Chancellor Gerberding a copy of A Proposal for a Five-Year Program in Accounting
from Visiting Professor Belverd Needles, for his accountancy file
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……216
Communications, College of
Dean Theodore Peterson shares a Donald Mullally letter (attached) w/Morton Weir, which expresses Mullally’s
concern about the implications of congressional proposals for funding for public broadcasting. Mullally
attached a copy of a paper, Decision Memorandum for Conference Committee on Public
Telecommunications Financing Act of 1978 (HR 12605, S 2883)
Dean Peterson shares a Donald Mullally memo (attached) w/Morton Weir, which gives some recent
information about the continued audience growth of WILL-TV in comparison w/audiences of other
public stations. Mullally attached two tables: Top Stations, Percentage Metro Area Households Per
Week: Sign On/Off, May 1978, & Audience Data-Selected Stations, May 1978, Source: PBS & Neilsen
Copy of FCC Form 342, EEO, for renewal of license for a noncommercial educational AM, FM, or TV
broadcast station
Carolyn Burrell transmittal letter to the Senate Educational Policy Committee for a proposal (not attached) for
the establishment of an option in Broadcast Journalism under the curriculum in Journalism, which will
lead to a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism
Aug 1978 memos between the Chancellor & Donald Mullally about a repaid to the WILL-FM/91 antenna.
Copy of a flyer announcing that WILL-FM/91 is back to full power in Nov 1978
Morton Weir thanks Charles J McIntyre for his letter (attached) of information on the development of a new
television channel in Chicago
Donald Mullally advises the Chancellor & President’s Office that Edward Madigan will be at the WILL-TV
studios on Dec 7, 1978 to participate in a program to be fed live to PBS, part of the MacNeil/Lehrer
Report, in case they would like to stop by & touch base w/the Congressman. Chancellor Gerberding did
not go
Donald Mullally reports to Morton Weir on the recent Showcase ’78 pledge drive
Dean Peterson shares w/Morton Weir a letter that accompanied a $2000 check from a radio audience member
Donald Mullally Dec 20, 1978 letter requesting clarification about whether prize money for creative efforts,
such as a program created by a staff member to be entered into a competition, can go to the employee or
must go to the University. Carolyn Burrell letters reporting on her inquiries. Timothy Madigan rules that
the money must go to the University, since the program was created on University time using University
property. Carolyn Burrell advises Mullally that she does not agree w/this decision, has spoken w/Morton
Weir, & is in the process of exploring other avenues to see if all or part of the prize money can go to the
employee. Copy of her letter of inquiry to Business Office Director Harold Poindexter for his assistance
in this matter
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Kim Rotzoll for sending him a copy of James W Carey’s Aug 1978 AEJ
Presidential Address, “A Plea for the University Tradition”
Dean Peterson reports some findings of the most recent study of the WILL-TV audience
Correspondence & documents related to the proposed acquisition of an AM broadcasting channel in Cicero,
formerly WVON
Eldon Johnson May 14, 1975 transmittal letter to President Corbally for a memo from Donald Mullally
outlining the proposal to acquire the AM radio station WVON
Chancellor Peltason reply to Eldon Johnson’s letter, on which he was copied, noting that he does not think
this project should be undertaken at this time
Eldon Johnson letter of Jun 2, 1975 to Chancellor Peltason, confirming his understanding that a sufficient sum
is going into the FY1977 budget to permit seeking expanded radio coverage via the WVON channel
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jun 18, 1975 mtg, Application for AM Broadcasting License in
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……217
Board of Trustees item approved at the Oct 15, 1975 mtg, Application for an AM Broadcasting License in
Donald Mullally sends Chancellor Peltason & Morton Weir a copy of his Apr 20, 1976 letter to Chicago Sun
Times columnist Bill Granger, which thanks Granger for his comments about WILL in his Apr 19, 1976
column. He attaches a copy of that column, two exhibits from the license application for WVON, & a
copy of the WILL Remember Radio Quiz
Donald Mullally sends Eldon Johnson a copy of Sun-Times column from Apr 26, 1976 which includes a
mention of the WVON application, “WILL-ing & able”
Board of Trustees item for the Dec 15, 1976 mtg, Financial Showing & Authorization of Legal Expenses,
Cicero Radio Project
Copy of an FCC Order Granting Extension of Time for replies to the Petitions to Enlarge Issues, due to the
number & complexity of petitions filed. The new deadline is Aug 3, 1977
Board of Trustees item approved at the Sep 21, 1977 mtg, Application for an AM Broadcasting License in
Cicero, which would reject an offer from other applicants to pay for the University’s expenses in
connection w/the licensing process if the University will withdraw its application, & authorize the
University to continue to pursue its application for the license
President Corbally sends the Board of Trustees copies of exhibits from the license application which provide a
detailed response to questions raised about proposed programs for WVON
Peter Yankwich sends the Board of Trustees a copy of one of the license application hearing exhibits for their
information, Exhibit No 2-Description of Program Proposal
Donald Mullally Feb 13, 1978 letter to the President’s Office, which advises that FCC hearing on the Cicero
matter will not resume until Apr 1978
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jun 21, 1978 mtg, Cicero Radio Project, which authorizes continued
prosecution of the license application & payment of reasonable & necessary expenses
Board of Trustees item approved at the Apr 20, 1979 mtg, Withdrawal of Application, Cicero Radio Project.
This item approves adoption of a resolution by which the University would withdraw its license
application. The University’s application was forestalled by similar applications by parties proposing
commercial operations & lengthy litigation has ensued. The other parties to the litigation have offered
reimbursement for University expenses in the application process in return for withdrawal of its
Board of Trustees item approved at the Apr 20, 1979 mtg, Appointment of Community Advisory Board for
University Radio & Television Stations
Invitation to a Wine & Cheese Party in honor of Theodore B Peterson on his retirement as Dean. Chancellor
Gerberding will attend & give a few remarks
Copies of the completed WILL Radio & TV Annual Employment Report forms for the FCC, w/instructions.
Michele Thompson will assist in gathering information for the annual license renewal application
Gerry Rizzo of Philip Morris Inc advises that a five-student team from UI has been voted second place winners
of the 1978-79 Philip Morris Marketing/Communications Competition for College Students. Attached
area copy of a news release, Results for the 1978-79 Competition, Competition Background. Names &
addresses of the team members. Chancellor Gerberding acknowledgement letter to Gerry Rizzo
Invitation for Chancellor Gerberding to attend the cocktail hour & dinner for the second C H Sandage
Symposium, Jun 17, 1978, & deliver a welcoming remarks at the opening session on Jun 18, 1978. The
Chancellor will give the welcoming remarks, but not attend the other events. Information on the
Symposium program & speakers. Copy of the Symposium information brochure
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……218
Computer-Based Education Research Lab (CERL)-PLATO
Copy of a document, Aircraft Technology Proposal, prepared by Dillon Mapother to inform Control Data Corp
about the approach of at least two aircraft manufacturing companies to the Institute of Aviation who are
interested in more efficient methods for training foreign pilots & technicians to operate & maintain their
aircraft. This proposed program would call upon the resources of the Institute of Aviation, ESL, &
Correspondence concerning a proposed procurement policy for Education & Information Systems, Inc (EIS), to
address the conflict issues involved. EIS is the only manufacturer who can economically supply the
audio disk system for CERL/PLATO in the large quantities needed. EIS is a owned by University
employees. Board of Trustees approval for an exception for an “essential” purchase was needed in
instance. In May 1978, the President’s Office declared an embargo on purchases from EIS pending the
development of a campus policy statement which satisfactorily delineates the circumstances under
which such purchases are appropriate. Correspondence & various drafts of a proposed policy. Board of
Trustees item for the Sep 20, 1978 mtg, Procurement Policy for Education & Information Systems, Inc,
which approves the new policy (attached), which essentially provides guidelines for purchases from
EIS, allowing them to remain as the principal supplier until other manufacturers can supply the needed
items at a comparable price
UIUC completes a EEO Compliance Certificate in reply to a request from Control Data Corp (attached) for
EEO compliance assurance
Box 230
Continuing Education & Public Service (2 folders)
UIUC Off-Campus Credit Courses booklets for 1979 Fall Semester for the Northwest, West Central, Southern,
East Central & Northeast Regions
Correspondence concerning whether the Chancellor’s Seminar for New Administrators should be held this year.
Copy of evaluation summary from 1976
Copy of a draft proposal, Increasing Rewards for Outreach Teaching & Scholarship, to be submitted to the
Spencer Foundation. Morton Weir’s response to Charles Kozoll’s requests for assistance w/advice on
faculty members for an advisory committee & funding for graduate student for office support
Dennis Dahl Jul 3, 1978 update letter on various “odds & ends” projects
Peter Yankwich letter of Jul 14, 1978 advising Morton Weir that he is lifting the requirement of prior approval
from his office for UIUC advertising copy prior to publication. He would like to be kept informed in
advance of any new kinds of major advertising
Correspondence concerning an invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to deliver welcoming remarks to
participants in the Alumni College, Jul 9-14, 1978. The Chancellor will give his remarks at the opening
orientation session on Jul 10. Copy of the program booklet & brochure. Also attached are
correspondence re: Chancellor’s involvement in 1976 & 1977
Announcement memo for two Guided Individual Study courses to be offered as study-at-home television
courses over WILL-TV for fall semester 1978, Religious Studies x1999, & Ed Psychology x199
Correspondence concerning proposal information sent by Charles Kozoll to the National Institute of Education
at HEW in response to a notice in the Commerce & Business Daily asking for such information from
institutions interested in developing a proposal related to the study of education & work. His efforts to
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……219
reach someone w/questions, track the information sent & then the actual proposal status have met w/no
response. His letter of Sep 11, 1978 advising new NIE Director Patricia Graham of this situation
Information on the new In-Call Watts line instituted by CEPS
Morton Weir cover letter for the new CEPS Outreach Programs & Services at UIUC brochure to be sent to all
faculty. Letter from Professor Arthur Grollman in response, suggesting a program on Drug Use & Drug
Paul Riegel requests information on the Elderhostel program from J W Neckers at SIU. Dr Neckers advises that
there will be a regional organizational mtg at SIU on Oct 30
Booklet, UIUC Off-Campus Credit Courses 1979 Spring Semester, Northwest Region
Announcement memo on two Guided Individual Study courses to be offered over WILL-TV for spring
semester, Asian Studies X290, & English x118
Copy of a letter from the Committee for Public Service in International Affairs to be sent out for updating of its
World Affairs Speakers Service brochure
Booklet, Professional Staff Development-Existing Programs & Services, Spring 1979
Charles Kozoll letter of thanks to Cathy Firch of the Office of the Governor for helping secure someone from
the Governor’s staff to open the first mtg of the newly organized Illinois Chapter of the Community
Development Society of America on Apr 20, 1979. Copy of the program
Announcement brochure for Staff Development Seminars on Mar 28 & Apr 24, 1979
Chancellor Gerberding acknowledgement of a Mar 5 letter from Keith R Lape of the State Board of Education,
commending the work of Charles Kozoll & his staff
Invitation to the Chancellor to extend greetings at the initial session of the National Symposium on Racquet
Sports Jun 13-16, 1979, Chancellor regrets, suggests Dean Clarke. Copy of the preliminary
announcement brochure. Invitation to Morton Weir for this duty, & he agrees to do this
Materials from Paul Riegel’s attendance at the staff development on Mar 28, 1979
Materials from the Feb 27-28, 1979 Allerton House Conference on CEPS. Agenda book. 1978-79 Directory of
Personnel & Committees at CEPS. Policy Issues & Planning Targets for Educational Services to the
Off-Campus Public, Statement of the University Council on Public Service Sep 1976. Copy of the
Statement’s background document, Task Force Reports on Long-Range Plans for CEPS, University
Council on Public Service, Sep 1976. Correspondence concerning Morton Weir’s participation. Copy of
the Conference Summary Mar 1979, & Morton Weir’s correction of a paraphrase of his remarks
Materials for the Mar 31, 1979 Third Annual Pre-Retirement Planning Conference for UIUC Employees &
Their Spouses
Informational materials on the CEPS services available
Terry Iverson sends the Chancellor & Morton Weir copies of an editorial from the Chicago Tribune Apr 8,
1979, Mideast meets Midwest, & it’s a turn-on for everybody,” about the Eleventh Annual Quad-Cities
World Affairs Conference, The Middle East-Camp David & Beyond, Mar 30-31, 1979 in Moline. Copy
of the conference information brochure
Announcement letter for National Secretaries Week, Apr 22-28, 1979
Invitation for the Chancellor to give remarks at the final staff development activity for the academic year on
May 8, 1979, Chancellor regrets. Dennis Dahl request for Morton Weir to give remarks at this event
CEPS invites Illinois Representative Larry Stuffle to attend one of the public mtgs on the topics of water &
wastewater management in Lerna on Apr 30, May 7 or May 14, 1979
Jo Ann Fley thanks Hugh Satterlee & Jane Loeb for discussing Kanter’s “Men & Women of the Corporation”
as well as the topic “Men & Women of Academe” for his class
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……220
Education, College of
Dean J Myron Atkin advises the Chancellor of his absence to attend an invitational science education
conference in Israel Jul 21-Aug 3, 1978
Donald Wendel approves the request to locate a air conditioning condenser on the west side of the Children’s
Research Center Bldg related to remodeling for space for the Center for the Study of Reading
Invitation to James Raths to serve as chairman of the visiting committee on Sep 11-13, 1978 to review &
prepare a report of the teacher preparation program at the U of Virginia at Charlottesville
Morton Weir letter to James J Gallagher at the U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill about the UIUC conference
on children, youth, & family policy held in Chicago in early Jul 1978. He asks if Gallagher’s Social
Policy Committee would organize another small conference to be held a day or two prior the SRCD
mtgs in San Francisco. Follow up letters from the Jul 7, 1978 conference
Announcement memo for two Guided Individual Study courses to be offered over WILL-TV fall semester
1978: Religious Studies x1999 & Educ Psychology x199
Memo requesting earliest possible submission of request for research projects in the public schools
Peg Steffensen memo the Education faculty about a program of public information she is undertaking for the
College, including a newsletter, placement of notices in the University Calendar, & inclusion of
information in the Campus Report
Memo from the Ad Hoc Committee on Salary Equity, requesting faculty input
Cover letter & copy of the brochure, Outreach-Service Activities of the College of Education, UIUC
Memo confirming Nov 14, 1978 as the mtg date for the Higher Education faculty
J Myron Atkin sends the Chancellor a copy of his article, “Institutional Self-Evaluation Versus National
Professional Accreditation or Back To The Normal School?,” from Education Researcher, Nov 1978
Spring 1979, Graduate Calendar
State Board of Education memo, Clarification on the Emergency Rules & Regulations to Govern the
Administration & Operation of Special Education
Announcement memo for the Child-Family Policy Seminar mtg on Jan 22, 1979
Cover letter & copy of the Administration Certification proposal which the Dept of Administration, Higher &
Continuing Education would like to submit to the State Certification Board. It has three parts: Course of
Study for the Administrative Endorsement on the Administrative Certificate-UIUC, Course of Study for
the Superintendent’s Endorsement on the Administrative Certificate-UIUC, & Course of Study for the
General Supervisory Endorsement on the Administrative Certificate-UIUC. These proposals are
designed to respond to the finding that the Urbana campus courses of study leading to these
certifications were deficient in meeting criteria #1, 2, 4, 7 & 10 of the Criteria for Approval of Programs
Cover letter for a copy of Update, the College newsletter. This volume describes the Food Service Vocational
Training Program at Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls. Invitation for the Chancellor to visit the program.
Paul Riegel responds for the Chancellor, advising that the Chancellor’s schedule makes it unlikely that
he will be able to visit in the foreseeable future
Leal School Principal Richard J Bodine comments on Alan C Purves’ proposal entitled, “The Preparation of
Educationally Disadvantaged Students for the Health Professions: An Intervention Model”
Announcement memo for a May 16, 1979 mtg of the Area Coordinators of Student Teaching to meet w/
Marlene Pugach, Dean’s Grant coordinator
Morton Weir advises Russell Zwoyer that he has no objection to the plan to relocate the Educational Placement
Office, but would assume that any proposal will be discussed w/the Council on Teacher Education, of
which EPO is a unit
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……221
J Myron Atkin advises of his absence on a holiday abroad from May 25-Jun 15, & Jun 23-Jul 13 in the Peoples’
Republic of China as a member of an official U S delegation invited to study pre-college science
Roger Clark responds to a request from Thomas L Hardin, Dean of Students at Kankakee Eastridge High
School, to substitute AHCE 477 for AHCE 425 for the 075 administrative certificate. Clark is asking
James Raths, Coordinator of CTE, to respond, as questions of certification are handled within Education
& CTE, not the Graduate College
Booklet, Summer of ’79 on the UIUC Campus, Dept of Secondary Education
Registration Procedures for Summer Session 1979 for graduate advisors
Booklet, The Cornbelt Education Review-A Graduate Student Journal, Dept of Elementary & Early Childhood
Education, Volume 2 Number 1
Engineering (2 folders)
Correspondence concerning a campus visit by Tom Mathues & William Quilty of General Motors on May 15 &
16, 1978. Chancellor Gerberding attended the luncheon mtg on May 16, for which he advises H L
Wakeland he would have liked a briefing
Morton Weir responds to a C Peter Flynn letter about the acquisition of outstanding faculty, & two new
committees he has formed in reorganizing the MRL administrative structure
Invitation for the Chancellor to participate in the Jul 20, 1978 combined technical & golfing visit to Delco,
Chancellor regrets
Chancellor approves an additional 2-week leave from campus, Oct 3-Oct 17, 1978, for D C Drucker as member
of a U S Engineering Education delegation to the Peoples’ Republic of China
C S Larson letter of Jul 13, 1978 to Thomas Burns at St Ambrose College in Davenport, Iowa, about interest in
establishing an affiliate relationship between the institutions
Donald Wendel gives site approval for a fence at the Physics Research Lab
Invitations to Morton Weir & the Chancellor to attend the annual Civil Engineering Dept reception Sep 12,
1978. Chancellor will attend
Correspondence concerning the first prize win by the senior student group in the 1978 AIAA/Bendix Design
News release w/agenda for the Minorities in Engineering Symposium, Sep 14-16, 1978 at the National
Academy of Sciences in Washington, D C
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the University Liaison Committee for the US ACERL for
Roger Martin forwards information from AMAX Coal Company on their new audio-visual van for possible use
in the Engineering Open House
Cover letter & copy of the Coordinated Science Lab Annual Progress Report 1977-78
Correspondence & materials concerning the Fourth Joseph T Tykociner Memorial Lecture. The Chancellor will
give welcoming remarks. This lecture was scheduled for Mar 30, 1978, but had to be canceled due to
speaker Sol Spiegelman’s injury in an accident. It was rescheduled for Oct 26, 1978. The lecture was
entitled “The ‘I’ & ‘We” of Art & Science”
Invitation to Mary & Ed Jordan’s last reception for the dept in connection w/the E2A2 Awards Dinner Oct 20,
1978, Chancellor regrets both
Letter of thanks to General Motors for check to support the twelve students in the General Motors Scholarship
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……222
Chancellor letters of congratulation to Richard C Becker, Richard A Campbell & Richard P Wishner on their
selection to receive Electrical Engineering Assoc Distinguished Alumnus Awards
Harry Hilton letter to high school counselors about the Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering program
Correspondence concerning a request raised by student parent William R Kincaid of Fullerton, California about
the fairness in the decision on awarding of high honors rather than highest honors to a friend of his son’s
Judith L Simpson. Chancellor Gerberding’s reply. Jon C Liebman’s reply to Kincaid, noting that he
asked the Civil Engineering Honors Committee to review the case. Report of the Honors Committee,
which concluded that its original decision was appropriate & the award of High Honors should stand
Royce Beckett of Auburn U follow up letter to his recent campus visit
E W Ernst letter which discusses the need for a return to forced-air ventilation in the Electrical Engineering
Report on the Minority Introduction to Engineering (MITE) Program, Jun 26-Jul 8, 1978
Chancellor Gerberding responds to a letter from L F Fox, VP & Chief Engineering w/Illinois Central Gulf
Railroad, & his concerns about the direction of engineering education & call for a return of the railway
engineering program
Letter of thanks to C-E Power Systems for a check for $1000 for general support
Roger Martin memo to Morton Weir about the current graduate student enrollment situation in Engineering
James Collier forwards two notes w/comments on a research engineering half-time spot aired during the IowaIllinois game
The Chancellor will take a tour of the Engineering Open House on Mar 9, 1979. Copies of two Open House
brochures. This year’s theme is Engineering Target: Tomorrow, & the Open House is Mar 9 & 10. List
of Exhibits & list of Special Events
Invitation to a reception honoring retiring professors M H Crothers, P R Egbert, E C Jordan & T A Murrell,
Mar 31, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Invitations to Morton Weir & Chancellor Gerberding to attend the 15th Annual Engineering Awards
Convocation Apr 20, 1979. Morton Weir will attend & give welcoming remarks. Copy of the
Convocation program
Roger Martin forwards information on the Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers of Metallurgy given
by the American Society for Metals to Charles Wert for a possible nomination from his dept
Correspondence related to Chancellor Gerberding giving welcoming remarks at the Apr 4, 1979 Engineering
Executive Forum luncheon
Kay Tamaribuchi letter expressing an interest in a position at UI. Morton Weir replies, noting that he has
forwarded the letter to appropriate units
Invitation to attend the Black Engineering Student Assoc fourth annual Minority Engineering Dinner May 10,
1979, Chancellor regrets
NSF memo on awards made during Mar 1979 by the Division of Engineering, & other items
Morton Weir letter of congratulation to Paul E Parker on his selection as the recipient of the national
Consortium for Black Professional Development 1979 Science Educator Award
B T Chao letter of appreciation for Morton Weir’s congratulatory letter (not attached) concerning his
performance as a dept head (Mechanical & Industrial Engineering)
Memo advising of the membership of the Nuclear Engineering Executive Committee for 1979-80, & that G H
Miley will continue as Chairperson of the Nuclear Engineering Program
Daniel Perrino letter commending the manner of the recent presentation of awards to Engineering students for
academic achievement
Morton Weir approves D C Drucker’s attendance at the 5th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in
Reactor Technology (SMIRT) in Berlin from Aug 12-17, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……223
Environmental Studies – Water Resource Center
President Corbally thanks Georgetown, Illinois alderman M E Wilson for his letter commending the services of
the Water Resources Center staff
Fine & Applied Arts
Jack McKenzie advises the Chancellor of his absence from the office Jul 24-Aug 23, 1978. He will be
participating in the Delegation of Fine Arts Deans to the Peoples’ Republic of China
G Day Ding congratulatory letter to James Taylor on his success in winning the new Clearinghouse contract
Cover letter & copy of the Dept of Architecture’s latest Alumni Newsletter & results of the 1978 design
competitions sponsored by the National Institute for Architectural Education
Morton Weir forwards to Eugene Wicks a copy of William Stallman’s letter (attached) explaining the delay in
the painting move into Davenport Hall
Roger Martin memo advising Natalie Alpert that he is not approving her request (attached) for the Dept of
Landscape Architecture to conduct its registration in Mumford Hall rather than in the Armory
Versailles program Director Alec Notaras thanks Morton Weir for sending materials concerning the tax status
of UI for an request from IRS. Morton Weir cover letter for these materials is attached
Invitation to the annual Varsity Men’s Glee Club Dad’s Day Concert Oct 14, 1978
Cover memo & copy of a historical sketch of the Francis J Plym Fellowship & its Benefactor. The Dept of
Architecture is hosting a “Convocation” of Francis J Plym Travelling Fellows on Sep 22, 1978. List of
previous Plym Fellows 1911-12 to 1976-77
Harry Begian must deny request of John R Phipps for Chief Illiniwek to perform at the 100th Anniversary of the
National Guard Assoc General Conference in St Louis Oct 4, 1978
Walter Tousey request to Dean McKenzie for information on the present budget of the marching band. This
request is in response to a report sent by Director Begian which compares financial support for
marching bands at Big Ten universities
Chancellor Gerberding letter of appreciation for the band performances at football games
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the University Theatre Board for 1978-79
Cover letter & copy of a concept paper from the Community Economic Development Workshop for a
community development corporation (CDC) in C-U, sent to community members or review & comment
Dean McKenzie advises the Chancellor of his absence from the office Oct 11-16 to attend the annual mtg of the
International Council of Fine Arts Deans & to meet w/the Board of Directors of the American Research
Institute in the Arts
Correspondence concerning a proposed return concert by pianist Lexo Toradze scheduled for Feb 10, 1979.
Request to the Chancellor to sponsor a reception, since Star Course does not usually schedule classical
musicians or arrange receptions. There appears to be some question about the programming of pianists
for the next year’s schedule & whether this recital will be approved
Chancellor Gerberding memo to Lewis Barron at UIF, clarifying his position about a recent request for UIF
funds to support a band trip to Indiana. He declined to ask UIF for that requests, but hopes his decision
in that case does not obscure the fact that he would welcome UIF help w/new band uniforms
Jack McKenzie explains to the Chancellor why Professor G Day Ding wrote directly to Trustee Hahn (letter &
material attached) about a proposal for new programs in Building Technology. McKenzie notes that
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……224
Trustee Hahn had expressed to the administration five years that there were some gaps in programs
between architectural engineering & some areas in the College. At that time a mtg to discuss this issue
took place at Chicago Circle, which did not result in any specific outcome. He believes that Professor
Ding sent the recent material by way of keeping Hahn reassured that attention was still being paid to his
News release on the Nov 17, 1978 26th Annual Mtg of the Package Designers Council. It includes a report on
the awarding of PDC scholarships to outstanding package design students, one of whom is from UIUC
John Cribbet letter of support for Robert George Ousterhout’s application for a research permit for dissertation
field work in Turkey
Robert B Riley memo on effects on the MLA program from changes in accreditation policy being proposed by
the Council of Education of the American Society of Landscape Architects
Shozo Sato report on the Jan 27-31, 1979 field trip of Illinois Kabuki students to Washington, D C to meet
w/Nakamura Kanzaburo, Sato’s former teacher, & other members of the Japanese National Kabuki
troupe who were preparing a special gala performance for the opening of the Terrace Theater funded by
a donation from the Japanese government
Ticket reservation & information letter for the Feb 16, 17 & 18 Illinois Kabuki performance of Shunkan: The
Exiled Monk at KCPA. Chancellor will attend the Feb 18 performance
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Gary Smith for the records he sent (of UI bands?)
Daniel Perrino letter of thanks to the Medicare tour group for a recent tour of Washington, D C, Atlanta &
Daniel Perrino letter of thanks to those listed for presenting lecture demonstrations to students of FAA 190,
Exploration of the Arts, last semester
Memo on the closing of the Bands Office during Spring Break Mar 19-22, 1979
Copy of the latest edition of the student paper, Ricker Reader, Vol 6 No 3
Varsity Men’s Glee Club thanks Chancellor Gerberding for his support in sending them to Cambridge, MA Apr
13-16, 1979 to participate in the Harvard Festival of Men’s Choruses
Correspondence concerning the initiation of the Alan J Schroeder Award in Architecture at the 1979 Annual
Architectural Awards Banquet on Apr 18, 1979
Letter of invitation to the Annual Architectural Awards Banquet on Apr 18, 1979 to Chancellor Gerberding,
Donald Wendel & Morton Weir
Announcement & ticket order form for the Varsity Men’s Glee Club annual Spring Concert May 5, 1979
Letter of appreciation from parent Norman B Smith re: the Architectural Awards Banquet, G Day Ding reply
Invitation for the Chancellor to attend the Annual Band Banquet May 18, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Correspondence concerning art historian H W Janson’s campus visit & lecture on May 10, 1979 & his intention
to study the Emmanuel Fremiet two sculptures (bear & gorilla) at Allerton Park. Unclear notes on either
a proposed loan of these sculptures so that they will be unavailable for Janson, or a proposed loan. In
either case, a note from the Chancellor indicates that he will not intervene in the matter
Jack McKenzie & Chancellor Gerberding transmittal letters for two proposals to be submitted to the Board of
Trustees for approval at the Apr 20, 1979 mtg. The proposals are: 1. Revised regulations for issuance of
the Edward L Ryerson Traveling Fellowship in Landscape Architecture for a period of not less than six
months, & 2. Regulations for issuance of a new Edward L Ryerson Graduate Summer Fellowship in
Landscape Architecture
Flyer for the University Bands Summer Quad Concert Jun 20, 1979
Fine & Applied Arts, College of – Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (KCPA)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……225
Ticket information brochure for the Marquee79 Great Hall Series
Ticket information & brochure for the production of Medea, Sep 7-10, 14-17, 1978. Chancellor will attend on
Sep 7
Letter requesting those listed to serve on the Krannert Center Advisory Committee for 1978-79
Memo from Advisory Comm Chair Burnett Hobgood, calling the committee’s attention to the Search for a
Director for KCPA, & requesting input on available mtg times
Chancellor Gerberding advises Jack McKenzie that Daniel Aldrich, Chancellor of the U of California at Irvine,
has called seeking information about KCPA, as some community people in Irvine are proposing a
similar center there
Jack McKenzie advises Donald Wendel that a preliminary assessment of the problems involved in accepting
advertising for KCPA house programs has been completed. It is felt that a first-class advertising
program could not be implemented before the 1979-80. Recommendation to aim for the 1980-81 season
Memo requesting notification of appointment of new faculty, so they can be notified in a timely manner about
the Marquee Great Hall Series
Copies of the invitation & guest lists for the Tenth Anniversary Performance in KCPA by the Cleveland
Orchestra on Apr 20, 1979
James Collier advises that WCIA-TV as approved the idea to do a 30-minutes documentary on KCPA
Announcement memo for the Summer Repertory Festival Season & Season Coupon sales
Government & Public Affairs, Institute of
UI requests, then withdraws its request, for Peer Review by the National Assoc of Schools of Public Affairs &
Administration of the M A in Public Administration program
IGPA Annual Report 1977-78, Nov 1978
Cover letter & final report & proceedings of the President’s Assembly on State Policy Research at UI, held at
Crete, Illinois Oct 4-6, 1978
Graduate College
Correspondence concerning new classification for graduate students in data systems
Correspondence & documents related to a possible presentation to the Board of Trustees regarding problems of
governmental relations. Copy of article, “U o I bills challenged,” from the Jul 20, 1978 Morning
Courier. Copy of article, “Universities yeing ‘The Rules’” from the May 17, 1978 News-Gazette
Letter advising the Chancellor of a Faculty Seminar Oct 20-21, 1978 & request for his attendance & remarks.
The Minority Student Affairs Office has invited selected faculty members from institutions w/a high
proportion of minority undergraduates to participate. Michele Thompson will represent the Chancellor
Cover letter & copy of the brochure, “Program Description-Housing Research & Development 1977, for the
Chancellor’s review prior to the briefing scheduled for Sep 29, 1978 for the Chancellor & Edwin
Correspondence concerning request for campus funds to defray costs connected w/the usage of two PLATO
terminals at Jackson State U
Harold Poindexter letter advising Edwin Goldwasser of an apparent inconsistency between the General Rules &
the General Policy & Guidelines in describing practices for the handling of gifts made to the campus
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……226
A J Siedler responds to a letter from Roger Clark concerning the offering of a required pilot plant lab course on
campus during the summer through the extramural courses mechanism. Roger Clark takes the position
that the dept cannot offer the course in this manner in future & lists the reasons. Siedler notes the
problems in not being able to offer this course
Letter announcement for the sixth annual award for distinguished contribution in the field of research
administration from the Societ of Research Administrators
Michele Thompson’s Feb 5, 1979 comments on the affirmative action aspects of the proposal for the 1979-80
Graduate College Fellowship Competition (draft attached), particularly in light of the Bakke decision.
She recommends that Edwin Goldwasser seek comments from Legal Counsel anew
Edwin Goldwasser provides Chancellor Gerberding w/data on graduate application statistics for the campus for
1977 & 1978
Linda Wilson cover memo & summary of a preliminary analysis of the R&D budgets & policies included in the
President’s FY1980 budget. The analysis was compiled by AAAS & eleven other educational &
professional associations. She attaches three tables which present important overall information & the
Table of Contents
Correspondence concerning a revised policy on Graduate Faculty membership, a copy of which is attached
Chancellor Gerberding sends Edwin Goldwasser a copy of the Dean’s Report for the Faculty of Arts &
Sciences at Harvard U by Henry Rsovsky. In his cover letter, the Chancellor notes that Rosovsky’s
comments put some rapidly emerging problems of graduate education in a clear & distsurbing light. He
has also seen some figures which indicate that the campus uses graduate studnets for instructional
purposes significantly more than most comparable institutions. He intends to bring this up at a Troika
Request for nominations for the election of new members of the Executive Committee
Edwin Goldwasser identifies some of the topics he will be discussing at the annual mtg of the Graduate Faculty
on May 8, 1979
Edwin Goldwasser May 14, 1979 memo advising of come changes regarding the Office of Transportation
Research. David Boyce will replace William I Goodman as head of the office. Goldwasser expects to
appoint a new Transportation Advisory Comm in the near future
Edwin Goldwasser sends Chancellor Gerberding a copy of the summary report which he gave at the annual mtg
of the Graduate Faculty on May 8, 1979
Linda Wilson responds to a letter from Peggy Lowry requesting clarification of campus procedures for several
federal programs, particularly those which appear to require an institutional application as opposed to an
individual faculty project
Graduate College – A21
Feb 16, 1979 cover letter & copy of Circular No A-21 from the Executive Office of the President, Office of
Management & Budget, Cost principles for educational institutions. This circular establishes princiles
for determining costs applicable to grants, contracts, & other agreements w/educational institutions
Graduate College – Center for Advanced Study (CAS)
Jul 6, 1978 cover letter & copy of the CAS Summary of Activities for 1977-78 & Plans for 1978-79
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……227
Aug 28, 1978 memo announcing the application process for appointment of Associates to CAS for all or part of
1979-80 academic year
Correspondence concerning the scheduling of a mtg of CAS professors w/Chancellor Gerberding, Morton Weir
& Edwin Goldwasser to discuss adding social scientists to the Center & other matters. A mtg is
scheduled for Feb 9, 1979. Copy of suggested agenda. Table-Summary of CAS Budget Allocations,
FY1975-FY1979 (State-appropriated/U of I budget funds), by Category of Expenditure. Copy of
document, “Selection & Role of Professor in the Center for Advanced Study,” Feb 1979. Copy of
booklet, CAS-Announcement of Faculty & Activities for 1978-79
Feb 5, 1979 memo announcing the nomination process for CAS campus fellowships for 1979-80
Copy of article, “Center for Advanced Study nears 20th year”
Graduate College – Research Board
Roger Martin memo of Aug 25, 1978, reporting information he found on the number of proposals received,
approved & turned down by the Research Board in FY1978
Cover memo, Memo #31 1978/79, w/attached table of Research Board mtg dates for the Fall semester & the
deadlines for applications
Edwin Goldwasser memo, Memo #4 1978/79, of Oct 18, 1978 advising of the lead time for processing
proposals for external sponsors. All such proposal should be submitted to Grants & Contracts at least
three days prior to the date on which they need to be mailed
Edwin Goldwasser Memo #5 1978/79, reporting on a review of Research Board activities & status of available
funds, income, commitements & projections
Correspondence concerning two requests for funds from the President’s Research Fund. One proposal is from
Boeschenstein Professor David Linowes for support for a study of the vulnerability to abuse of
confidential personal data held by organizations in the private sector. The other proposal is from
Professor Emeritus Henry Kahane, for a publication subvention for Graeca et Romanica: Scripta
Selecta, a collection of wide scattered articles by Henry & Renee Kahane, which Adolf M Hakkert has
agreed to publish, & which Research Board reviewers consider quite valuable. At first, President
Corbally advises that he will fund the Kahane proposal, but not the Linowes proposal. Peter Yankwich
letter of Nov 29, 1978 to President Corbally, outlining why he believes the Linowes proposal should be
funded over the Kahane proposal. In a Dec 1, 1978 letter, President Corbally advises Chancellor
Gerberding that he has reversed his decision, & is now authorizing support for the Linowes project, &
suggests that the Kahane proposal needs to compete w/departmental, college of campus funds. Letter
from R N Parker announcing the grant to Professor Linowes
Copy of Linda Wilson Now 21, 1978 memo on the retraction of previously announced deadlines for Research
Board applications & a caution about se of information on Research Board in recruiting new faculty. A
second memo of Dec 13, 1978 corrects her error of the use of the words “scientific merit” in the Nov 21
memo, which should have read “scientific, scholarly or artistic merit,” & that it does not indicate any
shift in eligibility for consideration or criteria for evaluation
Feb 8, 1979 memo announcing the Mar 5, 1979 deadline for requests for summer assistantship support
Mar 9, 1979 memo announcing two deadlines for submission of applications requesting academic year 1979-80
graduate research assistant support for faculty research, & the need for all applications to Research
Board to henceforth be accompanied by Form RB-1 (copy attached)
Document, The UI Research Board: History & Analysis of Funding Patterns, 1908-1977, Executive Summary,
by Nancy A Risser, Apr 1979 (The Risser Report)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……228
Correspondence concerning the appointment of Joseph B Casagrande & Willis H Flygare to the Research Board
of Trustees
Correspondence concerning the appointment of Samuel S Komorita to the Research Board
Law, College of
Document in wrong year – Aug 23, 1974 letter requesting funding for the Law School to hire an
Admissions/Records Officer II. Long-time Registrar Marian Martin has been ill & will probably be on a
limited schedule for the rest of the year, when she will retire, which is approved. The position of
Registrar is being eliminated
Correspondence concerning Richard Barksdale’s commitment for support of twenty Law School tuition & fee
waivers for support of minority students through 1979-80
Invitation for the Chancellor to attend a banquet on Oct 6, 1978 in connection w/the Seminar on Multinational
Enterprises in Latin America: Recent Legal Developments (brochures attached), Chancellor regrets
John Cribbet would like to meet w/Chancellor Gerberding to discuss issues raised in William Stallman’s memo
(attached) concerning the effect of SIU’s Law Bldg approval on the UIUC capital program
Cover letters & copy of the Report to the Chancellor for 1977-78, College of Law at UIUC
Invitation for the Chancellor to attend the Advisory Council of the Law Alumni Assoc on Nov 3, 1978,
Chancellor regrets
Cover letters & copy of John Cribbet’s address to the Assoc of American Law Schools Jan 5, 1979
Chancellor Gerberding congratulatory letter to John W Strong on his selection by the College of Law as
Alumnus of the Month for Feb 1979
Materials that appear to be related to a luncheon mtg between the Chancellor & Law Dean John Cribbet.
Materials attached are related to Professor Wayne R LaFave, & one topic of discussion which appears to
have been the representation of Law in the Center for Advanced, which Cribbet notes he has discussed
Correspondence & materials related to two Law events for the Spring semester 1979 – Moot Court Finals
dinner on Apr 6, 1979, & a reception & dinner in honor of the annual Illinois Supreme Court visit on
Mar 14, 1979. Copy of guest lists for the Supreme Court dinner & of a news release. Copies of
invitations for both events
Chancellor’s congratulatory letter to Raymond Lee Jr on his selection as Alumnus of the Month for Mar 1979
Correspondence concerning the response to the Aug 31, 1978 letter from James P White of the American Bar
Assoc w/the latest report of the ABA. The College of Law was last reinspected in Apr 1976, & the
University & College have been filing progress reports on follow through on those findings since that
time (this history is recounted in the Aug 31 ABA letter). The two areas needing attention in the Aug 31
letter are the Law library & faculty office space. A progress report is requested by Apr 15, 1979. Copy
of Dean Cribbet’s Mar 20, 1979 progress report letter to the ABA
Morton Weir requests that Law Professor Harry Krause be invited to attend a mtg of Ross D Parke’s ad hoc
committee, as his interests in the topic of children & families & attempting to tie together some of the
activities now taking place on campus seem to fit generally w/what that group is addressing
Correspondence between Chancellor Gerberding & Law Professor Francis Boyle about Boyle’s syllabus for a
seminar in the fall
Chancellor’s congratulatory letter to Warren D Wolfson on his selection as Alumnus of the Month for Apr 1979
Correspondence & materials related to a modification of the admissions procedure for Law
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……229
Aug 2, 1978 Morton Weir request to Associate Dean Peter H Hay & Director of Admissions & Records Jane
W Loeb for their written review of policies & unwritten procedures in light of the Bakke decision
Peter Hay’s response of Aug 4
John Cribbet cover letter & copy of the report of the Sep 20 report of the Law Admissions Committee,
Proposed Consolidation & Modification of Admissions Procedure. The faculty approved the proposed
new procedures outlined in this report at its regular mtg on Sep 25, 1978 & it is submitted for review by
VCAA & Legal Counsel
Roger Martin asks for review by Jane Loeb, Michele Thompson, Chancellor Gerberding & Legal Counsel
Copy of Oct 12, 1978 Roger Martin letter of transmittal of the proposal to President Corbally to be reported to
the Board of Trustees at the Oct 20, 1978 mtg
The proposed changes are also sent to the Senate Comm on Admissions for information
Copies of articles, “U I law school alters entrance policy, from the Oct 20, 1978 Chicago Tribune,” & “U of I
law school revises its policies on admissions,” from the Oct 18, 1978 Chicago Sun-Times
Copy of the Board of Trustees report item, Procedural Changes Relating to the Admissions of Students to the
College of Law, Urbana, from the Oct 20, 1978 mtg
Oct 31, 1978 Memo for the Record, w/details of the Board of Trustees discussion at the Oct 20 mtg, which
notes that the Board finally did approve the item as submitted w/the understanding that Law would
report back after following the new procedures for one year, & that the Chancellor would asks for a
review of the Law admissions policy at a time he would deem appropriate
Chancellor Gerberding asks Dean Cribbet for data on the in-state vs out-of-state ratio in applications,
admissions & present student body, noting that he would like to give the Board of Trustees some of idea
of how the changes are working by the Mar mg
Morton Weir asks Dean Cribbet to alert the College Admissions Committee that a report will be required for
the Board of Trustees after one year
John Cribbet Nov 6, 1978 letter w/information requested by the Chancellor concerning resident classification
of students
Copy of a WGN editorial, “Law School Admissions,” for Oct 27, 1978
Nov 27, 1978 letter from St Louis attorney Harry J Nichols commenting on the new procedures, G W Howard
Dean Cribbet letter of Apr 16, 1979 w/report on how the new procedures have worked for the 1979 entering
The Chancellor forwards this report to President Corbally
Chancellor’s congratulatory letter to George W Howard on his selection as Alumnus of the Month for May
Correspondence concerning approval of the continuation of the allocation of 20 tuition waivers to Law for
support of minority students for 1980-81
Law, College of – Legal Education in Illinois
Correspondence & documents related to various proposals for expansion of Law School education in Illinois,
including issues concerning programs at Chicago Circle & at Sangamon State
IBHE agenda Item on Legal Education which was a handout at the Jul 9, 1974 mtg
Copy of Amendment to Senate Bill 1424, No. 10, stamp dated Jul 8, 1974, which would include in the Courts
Complex the William Chamberlain Memorial School of Law
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……230
Dean Cribbet cover letter & copy of article, “ISBA board backs legal center proposal,” from the Chicago
Daily Law Bulletin Jul 24, 1974
Dean Cribbet letter w/names of possible consultants on the issue of further legal educational facilities for
Illinois, sent to Hans Brisch at IBHE
Cover letter & copy of a memo of Aug 26, 1974 which states Dean Cribbet’s position in regard to the
expansion of the College & the creation of a legal education facility in Springfield
Dean Cribbet cover letter of Sep 26, 1974, forwarding a copy of his Aug 26 memo & a copy of a Sep 25, 1974
memo on College of Law Expansion
Barry Munitz Oct 1, 1974 cover letter & copy of the IBHE Status Report on Legal Education
Morton Weir Oct 9, 1974 cover letter & copy of a document entitled, “State-Support Legal Education in
Illinois, Statement by the U-C Campus of UI”
President Corbally letter of Oct 24, 1974 to Richard Wagner at IBHE, a response to Dr West’s Sep 30 inquiry
concerning legal education in Illinois. His reply is based on a statement of principles addressed to the
issues raised in Dr West’s letter that was approved at the Oct 16, 1974 Board of Trustees mtg
President Corbally Nov 15, 1974 letter to Illinois Representative Gerald W Shea, a response to a phone call
expressing concern about news reports of UI’s position
Copies of binder pages labeled Confidential Draft – For Internal Discussion Only – a collection of documents
related to the legal education in Illinois issues & the IBHE inquiry on this subject
Dec 2, 1974 Roger Martin memo w/attached material on the budgetary implications of concerns not addressed
in the Oct 9, 1974 UI statement-namely, expansion of the Law Library & the classification problem in
the Law Library
Dec 20, 1974 cover letter for a complimentary copy of a study, The Costs & Resources of Legal Education, by
Peter deL Swords & Frank K Walwer at Columbia U from the Council on Legal Education for
Professional Responsibility, Inc
Jan 23, 1975 letter from Board of Trustees President Earl M Hughes to Bruck J Biagini, w/thanks for the
Resolution of the McDonough County Bar Assoc (attached) supporting the UI Law School & making
manifest their opposition to the proposed law school at Springfield
Copy of IBHE agenda Item #5 from the Feb 4, 1975 mtg, Report on Legal Education
Cover memo from President Corbally & copy of the official call for the IBHE mtg on Feb 14, 1975 to consider
plans for the Center for Legal Studies in Springfield. Morton Weir will represent the President at this
Summary of Actions, IBHE mtg of Feb 4, 1974
Feb 13, 1975 cover letter from John Cribbet w/attached copy of a memo to the Law faculty in regard to
“Issues Facing College of Law Program Development,” & two outlines representing some preliminary
thinking about the Center for Legal Studies in Springfield & new programs for the College of Law
Handwritten notes on a Feb 14, 1974 mtg on Legal Education
Copy of IBHE agenda Item #5, Report on Legal Education, for the Mar 4, 1975
Mar 18, 1975 John Cribbet cover letter w/a Position Paper on Extern Programs for the UI College of Law, & a
Model Program. The Position Paper was adopted by the faculty at a Mar 17, 1975 mtg. Chancellor
Peltason forwards this to President Corbally, who in turn forwards it to IBHE
Eugene Eidenberg May 9, 1975 cover memo for a copy of a document which has created a quite negative
reaction within the Chicago Bar Assoc & among other private law schools in Chicago, Proposal of
Lewis U College of Law for Use of Center for Legal Studies in Springfield & for Cost Effective
Education of State Students Not Able to be Serviced at State Law Schools
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……231
John Cribbet sends Morton Weir a copy the minutes of the Nov 1975 mtg w/the IBHE so-called Task Force on
Clinical Programs, along w/his own impressions of that mtg, & an Interim Proposal for Extern Program
at Courts Complex in Springfield. He also sends a copy of the Interim Proposal to IBHE
Correspondence concerning the architectural planning for the Springfield Courts Complex
John Cribbet memo of concern about a proposed amendment (attached) to Senate Bill 1742, another attempt to
pass authorization for the William Chamberlain School of Law to be included in the Courts Complex
Peter Czajkowski sends Harlan Bareither a copy of the Position on Extern Program document in response to
Trustee Shepherd’s request for cost estimates for a third year clinical or extern program or a full law
school at Chicago Circle
Morton Weir Jan 27, 1977 letter advising Dean Cribbet about the priority assigned to the Law School addition
in the FY1978 capital projects list for the Feb 1 mtg of IBHE
Dean Cribbet sends Morton Weir copies of materials prepared for Harlan Bareither concerning the present
status of the expansion program, which include a copy of the Oct 9, 1974 document State-Support Legal
Education in Illinois, the Sep 25, 1975 College of Law Expansion, & a document from NALP, The Job
Market for New Law School Graduates
Notes from a Mar 14, 1977 mtg w/James Furman from IBHE, Dean Cribbet & Morton Weir on the future of
the law expansion at UIUC
Peter Yankwich Sep 19, 1977 notice of a mtg to discuss UC Law Bldg expansion planning & elements of the
University’s plans & planning in the area of legal education on Oct 6, 1977
Robert L Hess cover letter of Oct 28, 1977 & copy of the UICC position paper on legal studies, Legal
Education Planning at the Chicago Circle Campus
Peter Yankwich Dec 8, 1977 cover letter & copy of Dean Cribbet’s letter of Oct 20, 1977 on UIUC’s law
bldg/law program expansion
Aug 7, 1978 letter from John Corbally to Peter Yankwich, w/an update on the legal education issue, which
remains of continuing interest. He notes that the Springfield program is either dead or comatose & the
IBHE has supported faculty expansion at UIUC without requiring corresponding enrollment expansion,
while interest in legal education at Chicago Circle remains strong in the community. He suggests that
this is a matter of University concern which should receive Yankwich’s early attention
Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of (LAS) (4 folders)
Document in wrong year, booklet, Report to the Faculty 1973-1974
Cover memo & copy of a report from the Staff of the Center for Electron Microscopy, UIUC Center for
Electron Microscopy, Five Year Report by Dr Roderick MacLeod, Director, 1978 Annual Report by
Center Staff
Letter from Larry E Smith of the East-West Center in Honolulu w/praise for the Conference on English in NonNative Contexts organized by Braj Kachru at UIUC
Annual Report 1977-78 School of Chemical Sciences, Jul 1978
Norbert Wiley sends the Chancellor a copy of his history of sociology, The Rise & Fall of Dominating Theories
in American Sociology
President Corbally, Morton Weir, & Roger Applebee respond to a Jun 17, 1978 letter from graduate teaching
assistant Robert Megginson of Bement which expressed his concerning about the inadequacies of
English ability among students. Copy of the Report on the Status of Student Writing in the College to
Dean Robert W Rogers from the Committee on the Use of English of Aug 1976, & the Annual Report of
the Committee on English Composition of May 17, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……232
Dean Rogers advises Morton Weir of his Jul 25-Aug 20, 1978 absence
David Bechtel sends Morton Weir & Paul Riegel copies of the report on the LAS Senior Plans survey for May
1978 (cover letter only, actual report not attached)
Michael A Mullin sends Morton Weir a copy of his Jul 15, 1978 Final Report on the NEH/IHC Symposium on
Shakespeare in Performance, Nov 9-12, 1977 at UIUC
Request from John P Hummel for site approval for two projects in SOCS. One is for construction of an air duct
in Roger Adams to correct an air quality problem. The other is for installation of a liquid nitrogen
storage tank near the east entrance of Noyes Lab. Donald Wendel approves the air duct in his reply. He
will reply to the nitrogen tank issue in another letter
Chancellor Gerberding letters of attestation for Marcelo F Naranjo of Ecuador (one Spanish, one English) to the
deposit of his dissertation in the Graduate College & the awarding of his degree in Oct 1978
Donald Wendel site approval memo for a installation of a nitrogen tank on the east side of Noyes Lab
Announcement memo for two study-at-home courses to be offered over WILL-TV in Fall 1978: Religious
Studies x1999 & Educ Psychology x1999
Morton Weir handwritten letter to Chancellor Gerberding about the issue of Newman Foundation offering
courses for credit, & recent problems w/the instructor approval process. A second handwritten note
advises about change in the Religious Studies dept that may help quiet Father Duncan
Memo on the James Scholar Program
Letter of Sep 5, 1978 from Lloyd Humphreys protesting the recent action of the Board of Scientific Affairs in
approving a version of the proposed guidelines for state licensing legislation
Sep 7, 1978 memo w/suggestions from the 1978-79 Committee on Policy & Development for reconsideration
of the report on “Evaluation of Administrators” as debated, amended, & adopted at mtgs on May 3 & 9,
1978. List of proposed changes to the report & guidelines
Copy of the Sep 11, 1978 Dept of Political Science newsletter I.O.I.
Agenda & Minutes of the LAS faculty mtg of Sep 12, 1978
Copy of the 1978 Senior Survey, LAS report. Debbie’s summary of the report. Chancellor thank you letter to
Robert Waller
Invitation to the SOCS fall blast on Sep 15, 1978, Chancellor regrets
Invitation to the School of Humanities Party on Sep 16, 1978
Robert Rogers request for permission to be out of the country form Oct 1 to Oct 21, 1978 to review LAS
projects in Vienna, Tehran, & attend the alumni mtg & visit students in the LAS Japan Year Abroad
Program, approved
Copy of a Board of Trustees item approved at the Sep 20, 1978 mtg, Reinstatement of Field of Concentration in
Latin American Studies, Urbana
Invitation to a Dept of Geology reception for new Dept Head John Hower on Sep 22, 1978, Chancellor regrets
Invitation to a reception for the faculty & staff of the SOLS & to welcome new faculty on Sep 26, 1978,
Chancellor will attend
News release about special programs for high school students visiting campus in the fall 1978
Letter requesting those listed to serve on an ad hoc planning committee to develop a master’s degree program in
liberal studies
Michael Mullin letter of thanks to Morton Weir for the copy of the Outreach Programs
Professor Claus Witz letter of Oct 11, 1978 expressing his concerns about the conduct of Physiology 103,
which requires students to perform the killing of frogs or receive grade deductions. Roger Martin letter
to Dept Head James Heath, reporting on his talk w/Professor Witz. James Heath letter to Professor Witz
Correspondence concerning the Chancellor’s attendance at the Sep 29, 1978 dedication of the Joseph A Russell
Geography Seminar Room in Davenport Hall
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……233
Chancellor Gerberding & Morton Weir participate in the LAS conference at Turkey Run on Oct 30, 1978.
Agenda & materials. Ernest Morris overview report of the conference
Information pamphlet for the Nov 9-11, 1978 Institute on the Teaching of Psychology to Undergraduates at
Reminder notice, agenda & materials & minutest from the Nov 15, 1978 LAS faculty mtg
Addendum to the Report of the Committee on Courses & Curricula, Nov 15, 1978
Harold Gould sends copies of a paper he prepared to be summarized at the Midwest Assoc for Asian Affairs at
Lincoln, Nebraska on Oct 21 & delivered as the keynote address at the Southwest Assoc for Asian
Studies at Little Rock on Nov 3, 1978, entitled “American Models of the World & Their Relationship to
International Education in America”
Notice that the Nov 15, 1978 LAS faculty mtg was recessed & will reconvene on Nov 29, 1978
Invitation to the Afro-American Studies & Research Program first Black Faculty & Staff Adjustment &
Information Hour Dec 8, 1978
Informational packet on International Programs & Studies
Flyer for a three-week study trip, Theatre in England, May 20-Jun 10, 1979
Chancellor Gerberding letters of support for field research of Professor Kenneth L Rinehart in Baja, California
during March & May-Aug 1979
Cover letter & copy of the Report of the Russian & East European Center
Dec 22, 1978 letter from Lionel A Miles of the Religious Workers Assoc concerning the appointment of Fr
Casey as a teach of a credit course through the Newman Foundation
Michael Mullen cover letter & information (not attached) on the course, Theatre in England. He would also like
to meet w/Morton Weir to discuss several other issues, on Oct 30, 1978
Correspondence concerning a request for the Entomology Dept to be allowed to issue a Certificate of
Achievement for the Master of Science Degree in Entomology-Insect Pest Management. After review
by the Graduate College & other discussions, the dept is advised that it can issue such certificates, but
cannot use the University seal
Mathematical & Statistical Consulting Committee Report of Activities During Sep 22 Through Aug 78
Agenda, materials & minutes of the Jan 30, 1979 LAS faculty mtg
Jane Hutchinson of Urbana writes to advise of rumors that Professor Scanlan uses live chickens in a course on
Ancient Roman Sacrificial Rites. Roger Martin reply of Jan 30, 1979, which notes that Professor
Scanlan uses a plastic chicken, not live chickens as reported
Cover memo & copy of brochure, “Russian & East European Studies”
President Corbally forwards to the Chancellor a letter from John S Boyles, of the Las Vegas District Office of
the Bureau of Land Management to Dr Hower concerning a problem involving painting of numbers &
geological names in Arrow Canyon which is on BLM land in southern Nevada. It is believed that this
was done by Dr Langenheim’s group, who were working in the area at that time. BLM is requesting that
if this group was involved in this incident that all of the paint from the 1.5 miles of canyon walls be
removed at no expense to the U S government
Announcement of Professor Vladimir Borisovich Katsev, from the Dept of Russian Literature of Moscow U.
Professor Katsev is visiting as a Fulbright Exchange Professor, & will teach a course on “Chekhov &
the Russian Literary Tradition
Nina Baym transmittal letter for a request for a change in tenure code for Richard Fern, to retain his status as
Lecturer throughout 1978-79 & begin to serve as Assistant Professor for Fall 1979 w/a tenure code of
Agenda & materials for the Mar 14, 1979 LAS faculty mtg
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……234
Announcement for the 64th Annual Convention of the Assoc for the Study of Afro-American Life & History Inc
Oct 25-28, 1979 in New York
Announcement of the IRRSCREE Discussion Group mtg on Feb 13, 1979
Announcement of the Russian & East European Center Seminar, Social Intelligence in the USSR by Stevan
Dedijer & Kristian Gerner, Feb 15, 1979
Nina Baym responds to a Feb 5, 1979 letter from Michael Mullin to Bruce Michelson re: the reshaping of a
curriculum in the English Dept
Cover memo & copy of brochures on the UI Intensive English Institute
Correspondence related to the drafting of two informational letters to the Presidential Commission on Foreign
Languages & Area Studies by a group of area center directors that discuss the need for continuing the
current level of federal grant support
Document, Proposed Requirements for General Education (Tentative), Mar 2, 1979
Memo rerquesting nominations for the LAS Executive Committee for 1979-80
Final Report on the Requirement in General Education from the Committee on Undergraduate Education Mar
7, 1979
Michael Mullin letter of thanks to Donald R Dodds for offering to announce the Theatre in England course to
alumni in England
Announcement of that the recessed LAS faculty mtg of Mar 14 will be reconvened on Mar 28, 1979
Board of Trustees item approved at the Mar 21, 1979 mtg, Change in Departmental Organization, Dept of
Linguistics, Urbana, w/attached supporting materials
Copy of the Russian & East European Center newsletter Center News Mar 22, 1979
Correspondence concerning the move of the Astronomy personnel from the Observatory to the Advanced
Computation Bldg
Announcement & schedule for the Spring Festival of Russian & Slavic Films
Announcement of a slide presentation, Khanty of the Northern Ob River in Siberia, by Marjorie Balzer, Mar 29,
Chancellor Gerberding letters of introduction for the field research of Professor Norman E Whitten in Ecuador
Announcement of a lecture by Alma H Law on Apr 2, 1979, Broadway a La Russe
Report on actions on General Education taken at the Mar 28, 1979 mtg of the Committee on Undergraduate
Icko Iben response to the LAS Study Committee on the Progress Report & Call for Comments of Mar 13, 1979
Richard Merritt replies to Robert Rogers’ inquiry of Mar 27 about the UIUC-UICC joint Ph D in political
Addendum – Final Report on General Education Apr 9, 1979
Materials concerning the 42nd Annual James Lecture by Robert E Lane, “The Dialectics of Freedom in the
Market Society,” Apr 16, 1979. Chancellor will attend the dinner for Lane on Apr 16
Maurice Freidberg letter to Robert Rogers on the results of the revamping of the curriculum for his dept
Cover memo & copy of article, “Ugly American Redux,” from the Mar 31, 1979 issue of The New Republic
Ballot for the LAS Executive Committee election
Cover letter & copy of the new Women’s Studies brochure
Chancellor Gerberding letters of introduction for the field study of graduate student Elizabeth Reeve in Ecuador
during May-Aug 1979
Chancellor Gerberding letters of introduction for the study site search of graduate student Kathleen Fine, in
Ecuador during Jun-Aug 1979
Invitation to a retirement reception for Francis Nachtmann from the Dept of French, May 6, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……235
Invitation for a reception for Henry R Kahane, who will present the Humanities Lecture 1979 on Apr 24, 1979,
“Humanistic Linguistics”
Agenda, materials & minutes of the Apr 26, 1979 LAS faculty mtg
News release announcing the naming of Professor Robert L Metcalf as the 1979 Distinguished Lecturer in UI’s
School of Life Sciences. He will lecture on May 2, 1979, “By Their Kairomones Ye Shall Know Them:
Aspects of Insect Behavior & Co-evolution”
Professor Benstock sends Morton Weir a complimentary poster for the 7th International James Joyce
Symposium Jun 10-16, 1979 in Zurich
Alumni Newsletter of the SOCS, Winter 1978-79
Cover memo & report on the 10th Conference on African Linguistics
Listing of the Standing & Elected Committees of LAS 1979-80
Cover letter & information on the Fifth International Conference-Seminar of Tamil Studies Jan 2-8, 1980 in
Madurai, India. Braj Kachru would like to be UIUC delegate, which is approved
Calendar of Events for the Summer Research Lab on Russia & Eastern Europe, Jun 18-22, 1979
Cover memo & copy of the Final Report on the Requirement in General Education from the Committee on
Undergraduate Education, as Amended & Approved by the Faculty in Mar & Apr 1979
Lloyd Humphreys sends Edwin Goldwasser a copy of his paper, Larry P Vs. Riles: A Comment for the
Defense,” which was read at the Annual mtg of the American Assoc for Mental Deficiency in May.
Edwin Goldwasser’s comments
Box 231
Chancellor accepts an invitation to attend a Library Forum Committee luncheon on Dec 6, 1978 & give remarks
Letter requesting those listed to serve as members of the University Council on Libraries for 1978-79 or until
successors are appointed
Copy of the results of the Usage of Serials by Social Scientists survey
Copy of the Education & Social Science Library Social Science Acquisitions List No 18-A
Brochure, The Role of the Library in an Electronic Society, Sixteenth Annual Clinic on Library Applications of
Data Processing Apr 22-25, 1979
Copies of responses to a Dec 12, 1978 memo from Fred Jackson of CIC (attached) asking for answers to
questions related to possible reciprocal library use privileges for faculty members of CIC
Correspondence & documents related to the creation of the Midwest Regional Library Network (MIDLNET),
sponsored by CIC. Nov 1974 news release about the development of MIDLNET. Correspondence
concerning whether UI should join. Copy of a Jan 23, 1979 Progress Report on a Library Data
Management System for the Midwest Regional Library Network
Document, Library Instruction Program: Past, Present, & Future, Undergraduate Library, UIUC
Hugh Atkinson Feb 12, 1979 letter to Professor Theodore J Rowland about the use of social security numbers &
apparent changes Professor Rowland has suggested in the Library system
Brochure on Interlibrary Loan Services
Letter announcement of a May 18, 1979 reception for Robert Oram, who is leaving his position as Associate
University Librarian to become Director of the SMU Library at Dallas
Aug 10, 1978 request from Mary M Huston, Assistant Undergraduate Librarian, for Legal Counsel’s
clarification on the extent of the Library’s legal rights to search patrons as they exit. The Undergraduate
Library is currently working on a revision of the Turnstile Attendant Manual. Copy of an Oct 16, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……236
research memo on this from law clerk Fran Lenski. In Apr 20, 1979, Timothy Madigan belatedly replies
to Mary Huston, noting that the question has become moot, since the Library will be installing an
electronic system & will not be using a turnstile attendant
May 30, 1979 request from Paula D Watson to Walter Tousey for a mtg to discuss campus budgetary &
program trends (specific questions attached) in relation to a major internal Library study sponsored by
the Assoc of Research Libraries. The study involves analysis of all phases of the Library’s collection
development function. She suggests a mtg w/Tousey, Roger Martin & the study task force members,
which include herself, Nancy Anderson & Jean Geil. Roger Martin suggests a mtg during the period Jun
10-13, 1979
Library – Friends of the Library
James Collier letter of thanks to Hugh Atkinson for his helpful remarks at the first Library Luncheon
Chancellor Gerberding accepts an invitation to attend the first in the Library Luncheon series on Sep 14, 1978.
The Chancellor has agreed to attend these when he can. These luncheons will be for small groups of
community people who value the Library. Hugh Atkinson sends him briefing material on the local
people who will attend
Oct 3, 1978 letter to the Chancellor from Capitola Porter, thanking him for his help & encouragement to
Friends. Chancellor’s acknowledgement reply
Correspondence concerning the Chancellor’s participation in the Mar 10, 1979 Friends reception for the
Corbally’s to present the individual citations. Copy of the citation text
Hugh Atkinson letter to former Trustee John Velde in Hollywood, California, following up on the Chancellor’s
recent mention of his interest in the Library
Correspondence concerning the Chancellor’s attendance at the Library luncheon on Apr 11, 1979. List of
invited guests w/brief biographical information
Announcement of a mtg of the Friends Executive Committee on Jun 13, 1979. President Corbally will join the
committee to view the new slide-tape show, “Heart of the University”
Library Science, Graduate School of
Correspondence concerning Hugh Petrie’s suggestions for revisions to the draft guidelines for the evaluation of
the Dean of GSLS
The Chancellor attends & gives welcoming remarks at the 3rd Illinois Graduate School of Library Science
Alumni Day on Sep 30, 1978
Correspondence concerning the move of the School from the main Library to David Kinley Hall. William
Stallman letter of Sep 7, 1977 which explains the plan to meet Library space needs. Hugh Atkinson
letter of Sep 22, 1977 to the COPE Task Force on the Library, outlining Library space needs, &
requesting the Task Force chair’s endorsement of the concept of reserving space within the main Library
for a library activity & to perhaps append this letter to his report, or endorse it & send it to appropriate
administrators. Hugh Atkinson Oct 25, 1977 request to Morton Weir & Harold Hake that the library
school be moved out of the main Library. History Dept Chairman Walter L Arnstein letter of support for
the proposed library school move. GSLS Director Herbert Goldhor letter on behalf of the Executive
Comm of the Library School faculty to protest the recommendation that Room 111 Library be converted
from a classroom to Library use. Feb 1978 statement from the GSLS Executive Comm on the space
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……237
needs to be taken into account in any future planning. Herbert Goldhor May 5, 1978 letter to Morton
Weir advising that the faculty agreed at their May 4 mtg to accept the recommendation to move to
DKH. Roger Clark request for additional remodeled space in DKH by fall 1979 to accommodate the
new Director & possibly a junior faculty member. William Stallman reply to Roger Clark. Roger Clark
Apr 2, 1979 letter to Morton Weir formalizing budget requests for FY1980, which include physical
improvements in DKH. Morton Weir letter of reply of Apr 12, advising of his approval. Morton Weir of
Apr 12 to William Stallman requesting this work be done. Walter Tousey letters concerning the fund
transfers for additional electrical outlets
Request from Secretary Donna Frichtl to Marge Tingley that Roger Clark receive notices of mtgs, etc both in
Coble & at 330 Administration Bldg while he is Acting Director of GSLS until Aug 20, 1979. Charles
Davis will be the new Director after Aug 20
Medical Sciences, School of Basic
Materials in incorrect FY:
Report of the Institutional Self-Study Task Force Oct 27, 1976
Draft document – report of a LCME site visit team, spring 1977 is indicated date ??
Cover memo of Feb 9, 1978 & copy of proposal, Proposed Health Professions Education Programs
Goals for the South Side of Chicago
Handwritten notes on Feb 9, 1978 mtg/conversation w/Sherman Mellinkoff
Handwritten notes on Feb 20, 1978 mtg w/Morton Weir, Daniel Bloomfield, Dillon Mapother
Handwritten notes on Feb 20, 1978 phone conversation w/James Collier
Feb 21, 1978 Daniel Bloomfield cover letter & copy of his Jul 20, 1977 letter to William J Grove & Morton
Weir advising them of the concerns of the Region 3B Medical Center faculty re: the chronically
uncertain & ill-defined relationships & commitments between the U-C & Medical Center campuses
related to deliver of health education programs in the Region
Follow up correspondence between the Chancellor & Sherman Mellinkoff
Correspondence concerning proposed designations for the medical programs at the several campuses: U-C,
Chicago, Peoria, Rockford
Table – UI at the Medical Center – Headcount Enrollment, College of Medicine: MD Program, Actual &
Document, Current Options for Governance of the Medical Center Campus, May 16, 1978
Tables: FY1980 Budget Projection, School of Clinical Medicine FY1979 Budget Summary, School of
Clinical Medicine-UC Required Staffing FY1978-1981, Positions not Included in FY1979 Budget
Copies of two memos concerning budgetary & business matters. Jun 15, 1978 James T McGill letter to
Truman Anderson re: Operating Budget Relationship of SBMS/UC & SCM/UC to the Medical Center.
Jun 20, 1978 letter from William J Grove to Daniel Bloomfield re: procedure agreed upon for
reorganizing the continuing education revolving accounts to comply w/the “Guidelines & Definitions
Pertaining to Handling of Locally Held Funds”
Handwritten notes on a Jul 17, 1978 mtg w/attached background materials on the history of the organizational
structure of the UI medical programs
Cover memo & copy of the minutes of the Feb 28, 1979 mtg of the Bi-Campus Steering Committee, Medical
Scholars Program. Attached is a copy of a letter for the committee’s information, which is a notice of a
search for a Chairman of the Dept of Health Systems Management at Tulane U
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……238
Handwritten organizational chart for the Medical Center at Chicago
Correspondence concerning a proposal from the Ad Hoc Urban Health Program Committee, which
accompanied an Apr 18, 1979 letter from Daniel Bloomfield. The Abstract, Appendix A to his letter, is
entitled, The Preparation of Educationally Disadvantaged Students for the Health Professions: an
Intervention Model. Appendix B to his letter is a letter of comment on this proposal from Richard
Bodine eto Alan C Purves. Appendix C lists the members of the Ad Hoc Comm. His letter asks for the
endorsement of the Dean of the College of Education, VC for Academic Affairs & the Chancellor
before a detailed grant request for outside funding is prepared. Chancellor Gerberdindg’s Jun 18, 1979
reply, in which he notes that the main problem is the anticipated role for University High School in this
project. The Chancellor gives his endorsement to proceed to explore the matter. Jun 21, 1979 memo
announcing a Jul 3, 1979 mtg of the Ad Hoc Comm which will be devoted to detailed planning for
development of the program
Medical Sciences, School of Clinical
Cover letters & materials related to proposed programs in the School of Clinical Medicine at Urbana. Two
documents: Plans for Combined Discipline Program for Developing Leaders in Medicine & Medical
Education Nov 17, 1977, & UI College of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine-Medical Scholars
Program, Dec 14, 1977
Dean Daniel K Bloomfield letter of thanks to the Bi-Campus Steering Comm for the Medical Scholars Program
for their participation in the Liaison Comm on Medical Education (LCME) site visit to the School of
Clinical Medicine on Feb 22 & 23, 1978
Handwritten notes on a Mar 7, 1978 mtg w/Linda Wilson
Mar 21, 1978 memo Summary of LCME Visit Feb 22-23, 1978, Comments & Recommendations
Invitation to School of Clinical Medicine opening orientation on Jul 5, 1978
Jun 30, 1978 letter from LCME, advising of the action of the LCME & formally transmitting the reports of the
survey teams (not attached). The letter advises that accreditation is awarded. Attached is a Jun 2, 1978
“progress report” letter from Truman Anderson
Daniel Bloomfield form letter inviting elective program proposals for Clinical Medicine students
Medical Sciences – Medical Scholarships Program – Bi-Campus Steering Committee
Cover memo & copy of the narrative of the application submitted to NIH for support of the Medical Scholars
Program, Jun 6, 1978
Agenda & minutes from the Jun 20, 1978 Bi-Campus Steering Committee mtg. This committee oversees the
Medical Scholars combined degree program
Cover memo & copy of a version of the MD-MS program which J Larsen thinks might serve as a model for the
entire SOLS
Agenda & materials for the Sep 25, 1978 mtg of the Bi-Campus Steering Committee. Invitation to Chancellor
Gerberding to attend
Minutes of the Sep 25, 1978 BCSC mtg
Announcement of the Nov 6 & 7, 1978 campus visit of psychiatrist George L Engel & list of events. He will
meet w/the BCSC & the Extraclinical faculty on Nov 7
Memo advising that of changes in Dr Engel’s visit schedule. The BCSC mtg will be moved up one hour
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……239
Minutes of the Oct 30, 1978 BCSC mtg
Agenda & materials for the Nov 30, 1978 BCSC mtg
Minutes of the Nov 30, 1978 BCSC mtg & copy of the revised Oct 30 minutes
Nomination of Victor Ramirez to replace Sam Kaplan on BCSC
Agenda & materials for the Feb 1, 1979 BCSC mtg
Minutes of the Feb 1 BCSC mtg
Agenda for the Apr 30, 1979 BCSC mtg
Apr 19, 1979 memo advising that Sam Kaplan will remain as a member of BCSC. J R Larsen sees no reason
why Victor Ramirez should not also continue
Minutes of the Apr 30, 1979 BCSC mtg, w/attached copy of Dr Luis Glaser’s critique of the Medical Scientist
Training Program
Social Work, School of
Correspondence & materials related to the Chancellor’s participation in the symposium on “Conflicting Role
Expectations on the Professional School,” Apr 17, 1979. Copy of Chancellor Gerberding’s response as a
panelist to a paper by Myron Atkin
State Surveys – Geology, Natural History, & Water
George Bargh Aug 1, 1978 letter advising that the Governor signed into law Senate Bill 1861 which establishes
a new Institute of Natural Resources & which transfers the three State Surveys from the Dept of
Registration & Education to the Institute. Chancellor asks Morton Weir to announce at the Sep 1 Deans
Cover letter & copy of the State Geological Survey annual report to the Board of Natural Resources &
Conversation May 4, 1979
Survey Research Lab
Peter Yankwich requests comments from William J Grove, Richard M Johnson & Morton W Weir on a memo
from Robert Ferber concerning composition of the Executive Committee of the Survey Research Lab
for 1978-79
Announcement of the Survey Research Lab’s move to 1005 & 1007 West Nevada
William J Grove gives early notice to Peter Yankwich of conversations between the Medical Center campus
w/representatives of the SRL about establishing an office of SRL at their campus, probably in summer
Cover memo & announcements & application blanks for the SRL non-credit workshop on Survey Research
Methods Feb 20-Mar 13, 1979
Cover memo & copy of the SRL information brochure
Announcement & application blank for the SFL non-credit workshop on Survey Research Methods Jul 9-26,
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……240
Veterinary Medicine, College of
Board of Trustees item approved at the Jul 19, 1978 mtg, Revision, Admission Requirements, College of
Veterinary Medicine, Urbana, w/attached supporting documents
Cover letter & information brochure for the Sep 6-8, 1978 Annual UI Veterinary Fall Conference
Correspondence & trading of articles on possible over supply of veterinarians. Harlan Bareither cover memo &
copy of a News Summary item from the Chronicle of Higher Education. In view of this article, he
requests a statement indicating the need for increased enrollment at Urbana. Copy of article, “Protracted
Shortage of Veterinarians Vanishes, & Profession Now Faces the Threat of a Glut,” from the Oct 5,
1978 Wall Street Journal. R E Dierks response to Harlan Bareither, w/cover memo & copy of a
Summary of US Veterinary Medical Manpower Needs-1978-1990, by Arthur D Little, Inc which was
presented at the American Veterinarian Medical Assoc convention in Jul 1978. He also attaches a
document, Food for Century III-Justification of the College of Veterinary Medicine Basic Sciences Bldg
Information letter & brochure for the third annual Equine Conference Nov 18-19, 1978
Annual Report of the Vet Med Admissions Advisory Committee, 1977-78
Information letter & brochure for a course “Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medical Practice,” Oct 4 & 5,
Walter Tousey Sep 22, 1978 letter advising R E Dierks that he has approval of the VCAA to proceed w/the
installation of the Word Processing Center
Memo advising Ernest Morris that Michele Thompson has scheduled a mtg w/Dean Harold S Bryan to discuss
admissions policy & certain changes they are in process of making
Chancellor signs Amendment No 1 to the Memo of Understanding between the National Institute for Animal
Research (INIP) & UIUC
Invitation to the Chancellor to be the featured speaker at the initiation banquet of the vet med honorary society
on Jan 26, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Information letter & brochure for two short courses in neurology on Mar 7 & Apr 4, 1979
Roger Martin thanks R E Dierks for his comments (attached) on the short course on Instructional Methodology
given by Greg Sharp
R E Dierks cover memo & copy of the proposed agreement between McCabe Packing Company & UI to
establish a training program in pregnancy & gynecological examination of cattle sent to Timothy
Madigan for his review. Harold Poindexter’s comments on the draft
Wisconsin Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus responds to R E Dierks letter of comment on the proposed School
of Vet Med in the U of Wisconsin System
Information letter & brochure for the wet lab short course, Surgical Approaches to the Front Limbs & Hind
Limbs, May 12-13, 1979
R E Dierks sends the Chancellor a copy of the information brochure for the International Conference on
Malaria & Babesiosis Apr 30-May 3, 1979 in Mexico City, for which Miodrag Ristic is one of the
principle organizers. Copy of Miodrag Ristic’s letter to the President, who will be travelling to Mexico
City soon & may visit the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Pecuarias (INIP), advising the President
of the joint research UI is conducting there, & of the conference. He also sends the Chancellor copies of
reply letters from the White House, & from Edward Madigan & Charles Percy, who were copied on the
President’s letter
Information letter & brochure for the short course Canine & Feline Reproduction & Infertility, May 23, 1979
Invitation to the Third Annual Nonacademic Recognition Program May 11, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……241
R E Dierks requests from the state Dept of Registration & Education a review & interpretation of the Illinois
Veterinary Medicine & Surgery Practice Act, particularly as it pertains to licensure of faculty members
who are foreign nationals
Roger Martin reports on the copy of the research review of the College recently conducted by the Cooperative
Research Science & Education Administration of the USDA. The review praised the efforts to provide
new research space, but did point out the lack of adequate isolation space, w/the exception of Dixon
Brochure, Veterinary Medicine at Illinois, Applicant Information for 1979
Request for new curriculum codes for three new areas of specialization: Veterinary Biosciences, Veterinary
Clinical Medicine, & Veterinary Pathology & Hygiene
American Assoc for Higher Education
Invitation to Morton Weir to chair a panel at the 1979 Conference of AAHE on “The Changing Role of the
Academic Affairs Administrator”, Apr 16-19, 1979, he regrets
American Assoc of University Professors
Request for mailing lists of new faculty appointments
Flyer for presentation by Morton S Baratz, AAUP General Secretary, “What the AAUP Does for Individual
Faculty Members,” Sep 21, 1978
Brochure, What Has the Illinois Conference AAUP Done for You Lately?
AAUP Associate Secretary for Research Maryse Eymonerie letter to Presidents on several topics
Flyer for presentation by the University Office of Planning, Where Do We Stand in Total Compensation, Salary
& Fringe Benefits?, Nov 21, 1979
Flyer for a symposium, What Should Be Our Goals for Total Compensation? Dec 5, 1979, Chancellor regrets
Paper, Protecting Quality Education at the UI, State appropriations needed in fiscal 1979, prepared by the U-C
Chapter, & sent to all legislators w/public universities in their districts, all members of the
appropriations & higher education committees in both houses, party leaders, IBHE, chief officers of all
public university governing boards, & to the press
Booklet, Urbana-Champaign Chapter, UI
American Assoc of University Women
Correspondence having something to do w/Amy Gottlieb’s status as UI representative to AAUW, & forwarding
of a letter from the Catania subcommittee
Correspondence concerning nominations for the AAUW Achievement Award & AAUW Recognition Award
for Young Scholars. The local chapter sends nominations for Rita Simon for the Achievement Award, &
Francine D Blau & Benita Katzenellenbogen for the Award for Young Scholars
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……242
American Council on Education
Correspondence & materials related to the Sixty-first Annual Mtg, “Higher Education & Government – AN
Oct 11-13, 1978 in Washington, D C. Correspondence concerning those who will attend from UIUC:
Chancellor Gerberding, Edwin Goldwasser, Stanley Levy, Paul Riegel & Michele Thompson. Copies of
advance materials & program
Announcement letter about the plan to make the Guide to Undergraduate External Degree Programs a regular,
periodic publication, request for updates
Brochure & order form for “Credentialing Educational Accomplishment,” Report & Recommendations of the
Task Force on Educational Credit & Credentials
Information on the Technical Assistance Corps (TAC) training workshops offer by the College & University
Personnel Assoc (CUPA) under sub-contract from ACE through Project HEATH (Higher Education &
the Handicapped)
Announcement & information on the 1979 ACE Institute for College & University Administrators programs
Invitation to Chancellor Gerberding to attend the President’s Institute, regrets
Correspondence concerning the completion of a questionnaire from ACE on the issue of mandatory retirement
Cover letter & copy of the report, The American Freshman: National Norms For Fall 1978
Copy of the Sep 1978 issue of the ACE president’s letter, which Stanley Levy asks if could be distributed
Another invitation to the Chancellor to attend the Presidents’ Institute, regrets
Request for updates for the 1979-80 Guide to Professional Development Opportunities for College &
University Administrators, Chancellor Gerberding response, noting that there are no programs planned
appropriate for listing in the Guide
Cover memo & copy of “Privacy of Research Records Act,” Section-by-Section Analysis, which review
Administration proposals. A fact sheet mentioned is not attached
Cover letter & copy of a statement by the Inter-Assoc Presidents Committee on Accreditation, Statement
Supporting COPA’s (Council on Postsecondary Accreditation) Role
Jun 7, 1979 memo on Revised Policy for Awarding Credit for CLEP (College-Level Examination Program)
General Examinations
American Council on Education – Fellowships
Correspondence & documents related to the nomination of Edward Sullivan for an 1979-80 ACE Fellowship
Oct 25, 1978 letter inviting nominations, forms
Dec 1, 1978 Paul Riegel letter requesting nominations from unit heads
Dec 8, 1978 Robert Rogers letter nominating Edward Sullivan
Dec 11, 1978 Paul Riegel transmittal of campus nomination to Peter Yankwich
Dec 21, 1978 completed resume form sent to Peter Yankwich
Dec 22, 1978 nomination sent to ACE
Feb 9, 1979 letter from Madeleine F Green at ACE advising that Edward Sullivan is being invited to be
Apr 4, 1979 Madeleine F Green letter advising that Edward Sullivan was not selected as one of the 1979-80
ACE Fellows
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……243
American Universities Field Staff
Correspondence & documents related to the Nov 1, 1978 campus visit by John M Thompson & Peter Bird
Martin of AUFS to explore the possibility of UIUC becoming a member of this consortium. Copies of
informational brochures on AUFS. AUFS is a corps of scholarly observers resident abroad who analyze
& writes about international affairs, & functions as a resource in this area for member institutions. John
M Thompson’s Oct 20, 1978 letter discussing the visit & AUFS services. Visit schedule. Visit follow up
letter from Peter Bird Martin. Morton Weir Nov 17, 1978 letter in which he advises against joining
AUFS at this time. Chancellor Gerberding Dec 4, 1978 letter to Peter Bird Martin, advising that UIUC
does not wish to become an AUFS member at this time
Annuitants Assoc, State Universities
Correspondence related to a request from the UI Chapter of SUAA for assistance from the Chancellor’s Office
in publishing & distributing their newsletter as well as in keeping membership records & collecting
annual dues. Chancellor Gerberding agrees to speak at the Chapter annual mtg on Sep 30, 1978. Dan R
McCleland Nov 10, 1978 memo to the Chancellor, in which he reports that the group has made other
arrangements for their record keeping but would still like assistance w/the newsletter. He proposes to
offer his assistance w/assembling & mailing. James Collier has advised him that Public Affairs cannot
provide financing, & requests $500 from the Chancellor for mailing costs, which is approved. Copy of
the Dec 1978 issue of the newsletter
Correspondence related to a request for affiliated organization status for SUAA. Chancellor Gerberding’s letter
of request to President Corbally of Apr 17, 1979. The President’s approval is noted on page two of this
Argonne Universities Assoc
Request for nominations from UI for persons to serve as Trustees of AUA. Peter Yankwich requests campus
advice on this in a May 1, 1979 letter. Morton Weir note of May 3, 1979 to Peter Yankwich, noting that
he thinks Yankwich is the logical person to serve on the AUA Board
Assoc of American Colleges
Information on a Federal Resources Advisory Service (FRAS) workshop on federal grants Sep 14-15, 1978 in
Washington, D C
Memo inviting campus proposals for the AAC QUILL grants program
Correspondence concerning transfer of the copy of FRAS News Notes now received in the Chancellor’s Office
to Peggy Lowry in the Research Services Office of LAS
Cover letter request for completion of a questionnaire on selected topics (not attached)
Cover letter & copy of the Sep 1978 issue of TRENDS 2000/TrendReport for Academic Administrators
Announcement that Mark H Curtis will assume the office of AAC President effective Nov 1, 1978
Cover letter for the 19707-78 Survey of Voluntary Support of Education (not attached)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……244
First letter to members from new President Mark Curtis, updating on new services & future projects, w/attached
information flyer on AAC
Announcement letter for an Information Session on the newly expanded Presidential Search Consultation
Service on Feb 2, 1979 in Washington, D C (brochure not attached)
Materials related to the AAC 65th Annual Mtg Feb 2-4, 1979 in Washington, D C. Announcement letter
w/registration materials & preliminary program information. Cover letter & copies of budget materials
for review prior to the mtg. Copy of the Address of the President & Report of the Board of Directors
Invitation to stop by AAC offices during the Apr 16-18, 1979 AAHE mtgs
Cover letter & copy of the Winter 1979 issue of TRENDS 2000 magazine
Announcement letter of new book from AAC FRAS, Grants: Views From the Campus, w/order form
Cover letter, information sheets & brochures for two AAC-sponsored workshops Jun 24-29, 1979 at Hilton
Head Island - The Sixth Annual Workshop for Academic Deans, & The Future Administrator institute
Cover letter & copy of the summary of the testimony of Samuel R Spencer on behalf of AAC before the House
Government Operations Subcommittee on Legislation & National Security on H R 2444, Creation of a
Dept of Education
Cover letter & questionnaire in connection w/a study of the courses or programs member institutions are
offering that integrate professional education in business w/study of ethical & value questions
Paul Riegel letter of congratulation to William R O’Connell on his appointment as AAC director of curriculum
Assoc of American Universities
President Corbally letter of explanation of recent budget decisions w/regard to AAU subsidy for AGS travel
Letter requesting assistance w/a Dept of Commerce request for help in locating persons to plan a new
Cooperative Technology Program
Correspondence concerning University & campus representatives to the inauguration of Thomas Neville
Bonner as President of Wayne State U on Nov 28, 1978. Campus plans for Michele Thompson to attend
as the Chancellor’s representative. Oct 31, 1978 letter from President Corbally reminds about procedure
for such representation, noting that all invitations are dealt w/as if they come to the University &
response is through the President’s Office. Note on the Oct 18, 1978 Chancellor’s letter, advising the
Inauguration comm that Michele Thompson would attend, that she did not attend. Nov 6, 1978 letter
from the President’s Office advising that David Dodds Henry will attend as UI representative
John Corbally summary of discussions at AAU mtgs Oct 23-24, 1978 at McGill U
Nov 17, 1978 AAU update letter on several issues: OHSA/HEW regulations on handling carcinogens,
AAU/NASULGC Joint Health Policy Comm, Chinese Student Exchange, A-21 Timetable
Jan 29, 1979 update letter: A-21, FY1980 Basic Research Budget, Human Subject Research, Section 227
(Medicare Reimbursement for Physicians in Teaching Hospitals), Senator Kennedy’s Hearing on the
Implications of the President’s Health Budget, OSHA Regulations on Handling Carcinogens, Young
Faculty-Generation Gap, Dept of Education, National Direct Student Loan Defaults, Research Libraries,
Chinese Exchange. Attached Jan 23, 1979 memo from John C Crowley on the FY1980 Basic Research
Council of Ten
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……245
Minutes of the Dec 11, 1978 mtg
Various memos & notes on travel plans for Chancellor to attend the Apr 29-30, 1979 mtg in Columbus, Ohio,
which he does not attend
Photograph of the Council of Ten, Jun 1979
Financial Aid to Education, Inc. Council for
Announcement letter & questionnaire (not attached), a joint project of ACE & CFAE for developing new
information about the private financial support of higher education through major fund drives
Illinois Community College Board
Roger Martin letter thanking Jane Loeb for her response on the report of the Illinois Community College-Senior
College Articulation Task Force
Announcement letter & information on a follow-up study of Fall 1979 community/junior college transfer
Illinois Educational Consortium for Computer Service
Documents in wrong FY concerning a CIC discussion of affirmative action concerns, from Feb 1978. Peter
Yankwich letter of explanation for a request he forwarded from Roger Wyman at CIC for data on
minority enrollment. Copy of an affirmative action discussion summary from a recent CIC mtg
Announcement of the Oct 25, 1978 rescheduled mtg of the Board of Directors of IEC, w/attached minutes of
the Jun 23, 1978. The letter from IEC attorney Mr Feurer mentioned as enclosed is not attached
Agenda for the Oct 25, 1978 Board of Directors mtg
Agenda for the Jan 29, 1979 Board of Directors mtg & minutes of the Oct 25, 1978 mtg. Resume of J Richard
Newman, IEC’s newly appointed Director of Computing Affairs, mentioned as enclosed is not attached
Agenda for the Apr 5, 1979 Board of Directors mtg & minutes of the Jan 29 mtg. Copy of the MICC
agreements mentioned are not attached. The Oct 25, 1978 request for, & a copy of the Mar 9, 1979
Attorney General’s opinion on leases which contain non-appropriations of funds clauses related to
leases of electronic data processing equipment are attached
Announcement of the Jun 18, 1979 Board of Directors mtg & minutes of the Apr 5, 1979 mtg
Agenda for the Jun 18, 1979 mtg. Copy of the Service Agreement between IEC & MICC mentioned as enclosed
is not attached
Illinois Office of Education
Monitoring of Local Right to Read Programs, Request for Proposal
Teacher Vacancy List Mar 1979
Institutional Cooperation, Committee on (CIC)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……246
Correspondence & documents related to a proposed Theatre Companies in Educational Residencies at Big Ten
Universities: 1979-1982 program. Copy of a preliminary draft & request for CIC support. Aug 1, 1978
CIC memo reporting on progress on this project. If there is CIC approval, funding proposals will be
presented to both NEA & NEH. Morton Weir nominates Charles Shattuck as interim academic
coordinator for the campus
Announcement letter for the Oct 17, 1978 mtg of CIC Deans & VP’s for Student Affairs in Chicago
Summary in the form of an annotated agenda for the Oct 20, 1978 CIC mtg in Minneapolis
Cover memo & progress report on the CIC Minorities Fellowships Programs that was submitted to the Lilly
Endowment in Aug. Also attached is the response to the report by Laura Bornholdt at Lilly
Copies of responses from CIC Directors of Libraries on the subject of reciprocal library use for CIC faculty
Cover letter & list of all CIC panels/committees & rosters of their membership
Announcement for the Jan 30, 1979 mtg of CIC Deans & VP’s for Student Affairs in Chicago
Edwin Goldwasser cover letter to Chancellor Gerberding & copy of his draft of a group letter for sending to
congressman about the new NSF salary restrictions. Memo from Fred Jackson reporting on his
presentation of this issue at the Presidents’ mtg on Dec 11, 1978 & their response, which was not to
make a big issue of this when there are larger concerns w/the federal government
Chancellor Gerberding thank you letter to Fred Jackson for the copy of the 1976-77 CIC Annual Report
Nan E McGehee Jan 9, 1979 letter to Peter Yankwich which is a summary of the more salient points made by
Jay Sauls, Region V Director for OFCCP, at the CIC Panel on Affirmative Action mtg
Apr 5, 1978 file memo on a conversation w/President Corbally on UIMC/UICC graduate deans representation
in AAU & CIC committees
Stanley Levy memo to Chancellor Gerberding on discussions at the Jan 30, 1979 mtg of CIC Deans & VP’s for
Student Affairs
Summary of the Jan 31, 1979 CIC mtg in Chicago
Report to the Council of Ten & the President of the U of Chicago, Apr 30, 1979 on some current CIC activities.
Attached is a copy of the Proposal for Joint Development of a Network Library System by the U of
Chicago, the U of Wisconsin-Madison, & IBM
CIC 1977-78 Annual Report
Peter Yankwich advises that he would like to sponsor consideration at the Jun mt gof a designation as a
“special, unusual opportunity” in the case of the course on “ecology & Society in the Amazon
Basin”advises that he would like to sponsor consideration at the Jun mt gof a designation as a “special,
unusual opportunity” in the case of the course on “ecology & Society in the Amazon Basin”
Cover memo & report on a Jun 7, 1979 mtg to discuss the possibility of a Quebec summer program
Summary of the Jun 6, 1979 CIC mtg in Chicago
Minutes of MUCIA (Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc) Board of Directors
Jul 27, 1978, Chicago
Sep 7, 1978, Madison
Oct 8-11, 1978 Iowa City
Nov 16, 1978, Chicago
Jan 25, 1979, conference call due to weather
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……247
Feb 22, 1979
Mar 22, 1979
Apr 26, 1979
Jun 28, 1979, Chicago
Chancellor Gerberding thank you letter to Vincent I West for sending him a copy of the Summer 1978 Pasitam
newsletter. Pasitam is the oldest MUCIA program
National Astronautics & Space Admin (NASA)
Cover memo & revised Basic Policy for NASA-University Relationships
Cover memo & copy of the FY1978 Summary University Program Information
May 8, 1979 memo on NASA Support of University Research under the Federal Grant & Cooperative
Agreement Act (P.L. 95-224)
Call for contacting Senators on scheduled action on assisting middle income families w/college costs &
funding of the EEOG program at the House level
Request that a Commission of Veterinary Medicine be established within NASULGC
Report of the Policies & Issues Committee
Correspondence concerning UIUC delegates to the 92nd Annual Mtg Nov 12-15, 1978 in St Louis
Minutes from Executive Comm mtgs of Nov 13-16, 1977, Feb 14-15, 1978, & May 16-17, 1978
Ernest Morris memo of Oct 12, 1978 to the Chancellor on private fund raising & public higher education,
w/discussion of NASULGC initiatives, among others, on providing information to institutions on this
News release & copy of the report 1978-79 Student Charges at State & Land-Grant Universities (Tuition,
Required Fees, Room & Board)
Preliminary program for the Annual Mtg in St Louis
Excerpt from NASULGC International Letter No 157, Oct 17, 1978, Chinese Delegation Tours U S Campuses
Cover memo & draft of the new edition of Agenda: Recommendations for National Action in Higher
Education, for review by members of the NASULGC Senate prior to the Annual Mtg
Cover memo & tentative agenda for the mtgs of the Senate at the Annual mtg
Memo on action of the New Members Comm to approve the application from Texas A & M U, & the
application from the U of Houston Central Campus
Chancellor regrets for the Council on University Relations reception & the Council of Presidents annual mtg &
dinner during the Annual Mtg in St Louis
Announcement of a mtg of the Legislative Network for Nov 12, 1978 during the Annual Mtg in St Louis
Cover memo & agenda for the Council of Presidents mtg on Nov 14, 1978 in St Louis
Cover memo & copy of the Congressional Earned Honors Roster
Brochure, Annual Meeting-NASULGC Council for Academic Affairs
Brochure, 92nd Annual Convention program
Cover memo & copy of the booklet, …leaders of the nation’s top corporations, alumni of state & land-grant
Stanley Levy letter of thanks to the Chancellor for the opportunity to attend the mtg of NASULGC
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……248
Cover memo for three documents from the 1978 mtgs of the NASULGC Senate. Minutes of the Sep 12-13,
1978 mtg of the Executive Comm. Report from the Policies & Issues Comm, presented to the Executive
Comm Nov 15, 1978. Senate Ballot regarding title changes of the executive officer & elected officers
Copy of a marked Senate Ballot (Chancellor’s?) marked sent Dec 7, 1978
Tentative agenda for a mtg for all members on Feb 7, 1979
Orville Bentley’s Jan 15, 1979 reply to a request for comment on a draft of a Research Facilities Policy
Statement draft (attached), which was developed by the Joint Council of SEA/USDA, which is
requesting review & comment
Memo on the results of the Senate vote on title changes in executive/elected officers. The recommended
changes passed 135 to 9
Request for information on administrative officers as of Nov 15, 1978 for publication in the 1978 Proceedings
Paul Riegel responds to a request for any memorial statements for the 1978 Proceedings, noting he has none to
Correspondence about concern of some in NASULGC about the formation of the informal Committee for
Agricultural Research, Extension, & Teaching (CARET) & their hiring of an outside consulting firm to
do what some will call lobbying on budget matters related to the agricultural interests of members
Request for listings update for the For Your Information newsletter mailing list
Cover memo & copy of the publication, Agenda, Recommendations for National Action in Higher Education
Cover memo & copy of document, Statement of Principles for Effective Participation of Colleges &
Universities in International Development Activities
Cover memo & minutes of the Nov 12-15, 1978 Executive Comm mtg
Chancellor Gerberding is asked to serve on the Committee on Legal Affairs for 1979
Cover letter & copy of a fact sheet on the purposes of the Commission on Home Economics
Memo requesting legislator contact on pending rescissions of FY1979 Health Funds
Mar 20, 1979 memo from Edwin Young w/clarification on the commingling of public & private funds issue
Draft minutes of the Feb 13-14, 1979 Executive Committee mtg
Larry Matejka is invited to become a member of the Advisory Comm on Student Assistance Programs
Copies of two reports. Minority Enrollment at State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, Fall, 1978, &
Enrollment at State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges, Fall, 1978. News release on publication of
these reports, which are reports on a survey of 354 campuses. Errata memo
Correspondence concerning the renomination of Orville Bentley to serve on BIFAD, the Board for International
Food & Agricultural Development. This is an advisory & participatory board to the president of
NASULGC & concerned w/Title XII matters
Cover letter & complimentary copy of a publication, “Rationale for Involvement of Universities from the
United States of America in International Education, Research, & Development”
Draft minutes of the May 15-16, 1979 Executive Comm mtg
Cover memo & information & brochure on the services of AASCU’s Office of Federal Programs. NASULGC
endorses member participation in this program
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Roger Martin memo of Sep 19, 1978 on programs from NSF relating to the improvement of undergraduate
instruction. He notes that no proposals were submitted for funding under the local Course Improvement
of Undergraduate Science Education program. He reminds that applications for the Comprehensive
Assistance to Undergraduate Science Education (CAUSE) are due by Oct 18
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……249
Announcement letter for the NSF Minority Graduate Fellowships for 1979-80
NSF notice on the provision in the Conference Report (H.R. 95-1596) accompanying the NSFF FY1979
Appropriations Bill (H.R. 12936) on maximum investigator salaries. NSF will apply those requirements
to all grant awards & to all amendments to existing grants made during FY1979. NSF Form Letter 118,
“Grant General Conditions,” will be amended to reflect this change
Correspondence concerning the processing of a proposal for 1978 summer support from Professor Harald
Niederreiter, Visiting Professor in Mathematics from Jul 1976 to Aug 1978, now at the U of the West
Memo advising that the Office of the VC for Academic Affairs will handle all applications for the NSF Science
Faculty Professional Development Program. Copy of information brochure
Peter Yankwich update memo on the NSF-AAU Experiment in Post-Award Grant Administration
Announcement letter for one-day regional workshops sponsored by NSF in cooperation w/the Comm on
Governmental Relations of NACUBO in connection w/two surveys conducted by NSF’s Universities &
Nonprofit Institutions Studies Group. One workshop will be held at Berkeley on Mar 2, 1979. The other
will be held at Boulder Mar 5, 1979. The surveys are the Survey of Scientific & Engineering
Expenditures at Universities & Colleges, & the Survey of Scientific & Engineering Personnel Employed
at Universities & Colleges
Morton Weir letter of thanks to Ross L Finney for sending him materials on the NSF Undergraduate
Mathematics Applications Project (UMAP). Project brochure. Copy of the Mar 8, 1979 newsletter,
UMAP Projections. Feb 1979 UMAP Catalog. Dec 1978 UMAP Unit Sampler
May 4, 1979 memo, Awards Made During Mar 1979 by the Division of Engineering, & Other Items
Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks for Terrence L Porter’s Jun 12, 1979 letter on the contributions of
Professor Donald W Paden as an evaluator of proposals for the Instructional Scientific Equipment
North Central Assoc of Colleges & Schools (NCA)
Correspondence concerning Morton Weir’s participation in an evaluation team site visit to the U of MissouriKansas City. He indicates that he could serve as a team member, not chair, Nov 20 or 22
Correspondence concerning Morton Weir’s participation in an evaluation team site visit to the of WisconsinMadison, which he declines
Cover memo & copy of Report of Actions Taken Affecting Status of Institutions of Higher Education Effective
Jul 24, 1978 at the Summer mtg of the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education on Jul 22-23,
Announcement letter for a training seminar for those who will be chairing visiting teams in the coming year.
The seminar will be offered on Oct 14 at Chicago & Oct 23, 1978 at Denver
Announcement letter for one-day seminars for evaluation team members to review current procedures &
policies, the first of which will be held Nov 9, 1978 in Chicago
Correspondence concerning the participation of Professor R B Shuman as a member of the visiting committee
for the evaluation of Fenton High School
Morton Weir sends his analysis & suggestions from a recent focused review of UIUC by NCA to Charles M
Cook at the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education
Cover letter & form for the Institutional Annual Report required of all NCA institutions
Letter advising Morton Weir that his participation on a Review Screening Committee during Jun 15-16, 1979
will not be required
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……250
Box 232
State of Illinois Board of Higher Education (8 folders)
Document in wrong FY – File memo of Apr 17, 1978, Subject: Certain degree program approvals
UIMC: AMS Master degree, D Pharm
UICC: Ph D in English
Lingenfelter Report (State Support of University Research
Possible Changes in the Commission of Scholars
Document in wrong FY – File memo of Apr 17, 1978, summary of a luncheon conversation w/Robert Wallhaus
about the UIUC Spring Discussions on May 3, 1978
Booklet, An Executive Summary-A Profile of Enrollments, Degrees, Faculty & Finances for Public & Private
Higher Education Institutions in Illinois, June, 1978
Announcement letter for the Jul 11, 1978 IBHE mtg at the Medical Center
Transmittal letter from Peter Yankwich for the first installment of FY1978 program evaluation materials from
UI, which includes:
Detailed letter of report from Hugh Petrie on unit evaluations
A. UIUC (tentative) Program Review Schedule for FY1979
B. Resource Requirements table for each program evaluated during FY1978
C. Program Review Report for the Dept of Geology (IBHE identified evaluation)
D. Program Review Report for the Division of Educational Administration & Supervision (IBHE identified
Agenda & materials for the Jul 11, 1978 IBHE mtg
1. Minutes – Jun 6, 1978 Board mtg
2. Announcements
3. Financial Report
4. Community Service & Continuing Education (Title I) Annual Program Plan Amendment-FY1979 (Action)
5. Joint Education Committee Recommendations (Action)
--Economic Stimulus Legislation
--Remedial Education
6. Recommended Allocation of FY1979 Operating Funds for Educational Television (Action
7. Recommendations of the Executive Director Regarding Salary Ranges (Action)
8. Community College Construction (Action
A. Increased Local Funds
B. Local Funds
9. New Units of Instruction, Research & Public Service (Action)
A. Community Colleges
B. Public Service
10. Legislative Report (Information)
11. Follow-up Report on Minority Enrollments in Nonpublic Medical Schools (Information)
12. IBHE Staff Reports & Research Studies (Information)
A. State Support to Auxiliary Enterprises
B. State Supported Research
C. Financial Aid Survey – FY1978
D. Higher Education Data Book
E. Library Study – Status Report
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……251
13. Advisory Committee Reports
14. Other Matters
File memo of Jul 21, 1978, summary of a telephone call to Robert Wallhaus concerning program review
materials sent to IBHE
Jul 24, 1978 memo announcing that IBHE plans to issue new University Cost Study Manuals that will include
all revisions made during the past three years. Memo covers all changes in the FY1978 cost study
discussed at the May mtg
Letter announcement for the Sep 12, 1978 IBHE mtg at ISU
Correspondence concerning procedure for IBHE grant/contract approvals
Information on the social event at Ewing Manor on Sep 11, 1978 in connection w/the IBHE mtg at ISU
Agenda & materials for the Sep 12, 1978 IBHE mtg at ISU
1. Minutes – Jul 11, 1978 mtg
2. Announcements
3. Financial Report
4. Presentation of ISU-President Lloyd I Watkins
5. Consideration of Joint Education Committee Resolutions-Continued from Jul mtg on topics of
Remediation, & Economic Stimulus Legislation (Action)
6. New Units of Instruction, Research & Public Service (Action)
7. Legislative Report-Actions by the Governor on Higher Education Legislation & Appropriations
8. Presentation on the Comprehensive Employment & Training Act (CETA) (Information
--Robert Goss, Director, Governor’s Office of Manpower & Human Development
9. Statistical Survey of Minority & Female Employment-1977 (EEO6) (Information)
10. Report on the Availability of Financial Aid at Illinois Proprietary Institutions in FY1977 (Information)
1. Community College Construction (Action)
A. Increased Funds
B. Local Funds
12. Report on Activities of ETV Advisory Committee (Information)
13. Advisory Committee Appointments (Action)
14. Advisory Committee Reports
15. Executive Summary-Data Book (Information)
16. Other Matters
Revised Calendar of IBHE mtg dates & places for Nov 1978-Jul 1979
Notice of cancellation of the Oct 3, 1978 IBHE mtg. It will be rescheduled for Nov 14, 1978 at the ISSC offices
File memo of Sep 18, 1978, summary of a conversation w/Robert Wallhaus on UI Planning Statements
Peter Yankwich Sep 21, 1978 letter reporting on Program Additions & Deletions for UI for the period Jan 1,
1978 through Jun 30, 1978. There are none
Correspondence w/comments on the IBHE Statistical Report of Minority & Female Employment from Michele
Thompson, Joseph H Smith, & Cynthia Holm
Richard D Wagner cover memo & copy of the IBHE staff-prepared document “Library Resources Sharing
Systems Evaluation of Two Approaches,” including the attachment “General Specifications-Illinois
Statewide Library Access & Circulation System,” & a copy of the “Library Study-Status Report”
Copy of the Study of Adult Learners presented to the Joint Education Committee by the staffs of the IBHE,
ISBE, State Advisory Comm on Adult, Vocational & Technical Education, Sep 26, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……252
Announcement letter for the Nov 14, 1978 IBHE mtg at the Illinois State Scholarship Commission offices in
Linda Wilson & Roger Clark reports on the mtg of the Illinois Assoc of Graduate Deans which they attended on
Oct 5-6, 1978
Letter inquiring about Chancellor Gerberding’s attendance plans for the Dec 5, 1978 IBHE mtg in Chicago
Michele Thompson letter & transmittal of Cynthia Holm’s report on the changes in statistics in the EEO-6
forms of 1975-1977 distributed by IBHE
Cover memo soliciting proposals & information on Title I-A grants for FY1979
Correspondence & documents related to a Nov 2, 1978 mtg between UI officers & IBHE staff at the Medical
Center in Chicago
>Oct 11, 1978 announcement memo from President Corbally, noting that as part of their FY1980 budget
review, the IBHE would like to have rather informal discussions on the major issues & focus of each
campus for the years ahead. He asks that campus participation include, the Chancellor & campus
representatives on the Planning Council but no more than five individuals from each campus. IBHE
representatives will be limited to executive staff. Attached schedule for the day’s activities
>Table-Enrollment Projections, Oct 13, 1978, Revised Oct 18, 1978, FY1979 Actual-FY1984
>Walter Tousey Oct 25, 1978 memo, w/attachments of materials for discussion at the mtg. One-page general
statement by Peter Yankwich. Notes Pertaining to IBHE Presentation prepared by Tousey & Richard F
Wilson w/suggested topics & attachments on the Library Sixth Stack Addition, CES funding, Law Bldg
>Agenda & materials for the mtg:
>Roger Martin advises Walter McMahon that the Chancellor would like him join the Chancellor, Morton
Weir & Edwin Goldwasser at the mtg
>Chancellor Gerberding Nov 3 follow up letter to James Furman
>Walter McMahon Nov 3 memo to the Senate Budget Committee w/a summary of the IBHE mtg, &
suggestion that some of the questions raised by IBHE staff be discussed at their Nov 7 mtg
>Chancellor Gerberding letter of thanks to Frank Duff for his letter w/his comments on the Chancellor’s
introductory remarks at the mtg, & a copy of the Oct 1978 issue of Educational Research magazine w/an
editorial by Martin Burlingame
Roger Martin Nov 10, 1978 cover memo & campus response to the IBHE Technical Questions on the FY1980
capital budget request. Also attached are the original letter transmitting these questions on Nov 3, 1978
from Robert Winter at IBHE, & copies of several unit responses
Agenda & materials for the Nov 14, 1978 IBHE mtg
1. Presentation on the Illinois State Scholarship Commission Program-Dr Joseph Boyd
2. Minutes-Sep 12, 1978 mtg
3. Announcements
4. Financial Report
5. FY1980 Higher Education Budget Requests
--Operation & Grants & Capital Improvements (Information)
6. IBHE Staff Reports on Fiscal Issues (Information)
A. Higher Education Budget Issues for FY1980 Operations & Grants
B. A Review of Capital Facilities & Issues
7. Report on Higher Education Salaries (Information)
A. Faculty Compensation in Illinois Institutions of Higher Education
B. Faculty Compensation in Illinois, Salary Increases for FY1979 Selected Other States
8. Consideration of Staff Recommendations (Action)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……253
A. State Supported Research in Illinois
B. State Supported auxiliary Enterprises at Illinois Public Institutions
9. New Units of Instruction, Research & Public Service (Action)-Community Colleges
10. Guidelines for Health Services Education Grants (Action)
11. Appropriation Transfers for FY979 (Action)
A. Board of Governors, EIU
B. Board of Higher Education
12. Approval of Community College Construction Projects w/Local Funds (Action)
13. Plans for Noninstructional Capital Improvements (Action)
14. Appointments to Advisory Committees (Action)
A. Commission of Scholars
B. Faculty Advisory Committee
C. Citizens Advisory Committee
15. IBHE Staff Reports (Information)
A. Adult Part-time Learners
B. Higher Education Cooperation Act Projects (HECA)
C. Statewide Space Survey-Fall Term 1977
D. Enrollment Report-Fall 1978
16. Advisory Committee Reports (Information)
17. Other Matters
Harlan Bareither cover letter & copy of the UI response to the FY1979 Salary Increase Study
Nov 20, 1978 memo on Programs Deferred or Not Recommended for Approval-Public Universities
Peter Yankwich Nov 21, 1978 letter to Joseph Larsen about program proposals at NIU, particularly in the are of
biological sciences, & IBHE & UIUC position on
Robert Wallhaus Nov 28, 1978 cover memo & copy of the “Amendment to RAMP Program Review
Procedures,” & a copy of “FY1981 Budget & Planning Planning Guidelines”
Agenda & materials for the Dec 5, 1978 IBHE mtg
1. Minutes-Nov 14, 1978 mtg
2. Announcements
3. Financial Report
4. FY1980 Higher Education Budget Development-System Presentations (Information
5. New Units of Instruction, Research & Public Service (Action)
6. Illinois State Scholarship Commission Response to Resolutions
7. UI Appropriation Transfers for FY1979 (Action)
8. Community College Construction Project (Action)
9. Programs for Increasing Minority Students in Nonpublic Medical Schools (Action)
10. Library Study-Final Report (Action)
11. Legislative Report-Fall, 1978 Session of the Illinois General Assembly (Information)
12. IBHE Staff Reports (Information)
A. Study of Adult Learners
B. Higher Education Cooperation Act Projects (HECA)
C. Statewide Space Survey-Fall Term 1977
D. Enrollment Report-Fall 1978
E. FY1981 Budget & Planning Guidelines
13. Advisory Committee Reports (Information)
14. Other Matters
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……254
William D Forsyth Dec 7, 1978 report to the Board of Trustees on the Dec 5 IBHE mtg in Chicago
Announcement letter for the Jan 9, 1979 IBHE mtg in Chicago
James Furman notifies Morton Weir that IBHE approved the #238 grant for “Separation of Juveniles & Adult
Offenders” at its Dec 5, 1978 mtg
Hugh Petrie Dec 19, 1978 memo on recent IBHE program review procedures amendments
Correspondence concerning information on submitting proposals for FY1980 HECA grants
Agenda & materials for the Jan 9, 1979 IBHE mtg in Chicago
1. Minutes-Dec 5, 1978
2. Announcements
3. Financial Report
4. Advisory Committee Reports
5. FY1980 Higher Education Budget Recommendations (Action)
--Operations & Grants
--Capital Improvements
6. Report of the Joint Education Committee (Action)
--Resolution on Adult Education
7. New Units of Instruction, Research, & Public Service (Action)
--Community Colleges
--Out-of-District Extension
8. Community College Construction Projects
A. Request for Approval of Increased Local Construction Funds Allocations
B. Approval of Community College Construction Projects w/Local Funds (Action)
9. Other Matters
Announcement letter for the Feb 6, 1979 IBHE mtg in Chicago
Calendar of IBHE mtg dates for 1980-1980
Correspondence concerning suggestions for scholars to serve on ad hoc review panels for doctoral proposals, a
new procedural experiment at IBHE. Two UIUC proposals will be considered during 1979, & Peter
Yankwich asks Morton Weir for names from those depts – English & Slavic Languages & Literatures.
Morton Weir forwards the dept heads recommendations
Harold Hake letter advising the General University Policy Committee about some items of discussion at recent
IBHE Faculty Advisory Committee mtgs, w/attached materials
Notice memo for a Jan 29, 1979 System Academic Officers mtg at IBHE, w/attached materials on review of
doctoral proposals & the Commission of Scholars
Correspondence concerning an IBHE request for additional inquiry information under the amended RAMP
program review procedures of Nov 1978
File memo summary of an SAO conversation w/Robert Wallhaus concerning FY1980 new program
recommendations by IBHE, & summary of a Feb 2, 1979 telephone call for Wallhaus re: UCL program
Morton Weir sends a copy of Harold Hake’s Jan 17, 1979 letter to Martha Friedman about the IBHE FAC to
Hugh Petrie & Harry S Broudy. Broudy asks if his committee should be doing anything on the faculty
development issue, & Morton Weir advises that they await further developments
Agenda & materials for the Feb 6, 1979 IBHE mtg in Chicago
1. Minutes-Jan 9, 1979
2. Announcements
3. Financial Report
4. Remarks-Governor James Thompson
5. FY1980 Higher Education Capital Project Priority List (Action)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……255
6. FY1979 Initial Allocations Illinois Financial Assistance Act for Nonpublic Institutions of Higher Learning
7. Appointment of Committee to Study Community College Financing (Action)
8. Plans for Noninstructional Capital Improvements (Action)
9. A Summary Response to Senate Resolution 400, Distribution of FY1979 Salary Increases to Illinois Public
Higher Education Employees (Information)
10. IBHE Staff Reports (Information)
A. Independent Colleges & Universities Act
B. Student Access & Choice
11. Advisory Committee Reports
12. Other Matters
James Collier handwritten letter to Chancellor Gerberding about discussion at the mtg of the Committee on
State Government/University Relations of the NIU “take-over” of Lewis Law School
File memo on remarks by Ron Brady of MC Monthly Planning Conference about approaches to both NIU &
Lewis Law School about a possible buy-out or take-over. Copy of article, “Law school may move to
Northern,” from the Daily Illini Feb 6, 1979
Hugh Petrie comments on recent correspondence between Peter Yankwich & Robert Wallhaus about the
additional inquiry procedures, & provides a recommendation on the Geology & Educational
Administration programs
Chancellor Gerberding Feb 15, 1979 letter to President Corbally, reporting in his recent conversations w/Virgil
Wikoff about the Kane-Edgar proposal to reorganize higher education in Illinois. Copies of the news
releases about these proposals. According to one of these releases, among the changes would be the
creation of a multi-campus university in Chicago, the elimination of the Board of Regents & the Board
of Governors, the creation of a new state universities board of trustees & the shifting of Sangamon State
U to a new SIU system
Ernest Morris points out for the Chancellor the important items from a copy of the State of Illinois Joint
Education Committee Annual Report for 1978 (copy attached)
Notification of IBHE approval of two noninstructional capital improvements projects for UIUC for parking lots
& access roads
Feb 23, 1979 letter of invitation to an Evaluation & Administrative Review Conference on Illinois Title I
activities Mar 8-10, 1979 at Charleston. Paul Riegel asks Dennis Dahl if he or members of his staff
would want to attend
Morton Weir gives approval to Betsy Forkins to send copies of her paper, “Coordinating Illinois Higher
Education” to IBHE members who have requested copies
Transcript of Governor James Thompson’s Remarks to IBHE Feb 6, 1979
Document, IBHE, Allocation of the Governor’s FY1980 Higher Education Budget: Operations & Grants
Materials related to planning for the Mar 6 IBHE mtg at UIUC. List of those invited & who will attend the
reception & dinner on Mar 5
Agenda & materials for the Mar 6, 1979 IBHE mtg at UIUC
1. Minutes-Feb 6, 1979
2. Announcements
3. Financial Report (Action)
4. Allocation of the Governor’s FY1980 Higher Education Budget: Operations & Grants (Action)
5. New Units of Instruction, Research & Public Service: Community Colleges (Action)
6. Guidelines for Health Services Education Grants (Action)
7. Allocation of FY1979 Health Services Education Grants (Action)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……256
8. Approval of Community College Construction Projects w/Local Funds (Action)
A. Illinois Community College Board Request
B. Board of Trustees, City Colleges of Chicago-Loop College
9. Appropriation Transfers for FY1979 (Action)
--Board of Governors
10. Legislative Report (Information)
11. Board of Regents Presentation (Information)
--Proposed transfer of jurisdiction: Lewis U, College of Law to NIU
12. Membership of Advisory Committees (Action)
13. Advisory Committee Reports
14. Other Matters
Larry Matejka reports to Stanley Levy on his recent visit w/Tom Mortinsen from the IBHE staff
Cover notice & copy of the revised Guidelines for Health Services Education Grants
Copy of Senate Bill 168, which amends the Act creating the IBHE, requiring the Board to develop guidelines to
emphasize postsecondary remedial programs in community colleges & to de-emphasize such programs
in State Colleges
Announcement letter for the Apr 3, 1979 IBHE mtg at WIU
Chancellor Gerberding thanks Keith R Lape for his letter of Mar 5 (attached) commending the work of Charles
Kozoll & his staff at the Office of Continuing Education & Public Service
Cover letter & folder which contains a descriptive pamphlet for each of the 12 college & university projects
funded in Illinois for the current year under Title I-A (Community Service, Continuing Education &
Resource Materials Sharings)
Copies of booklets:
IBHE FY1980 Higher Education Budget Recommendations-Capital Improvements, presented to the Governor
& General Assembly
IBHE FY1980 Higher Education Budget Recommendations-Operations & Grants, presented to the Governor
& General Assembly
James Furman letter to Chancellor Gerberding concerning the Chancellor’s TV talk show on Mar 3, 1979, on
the issue of faculty salaries. He attaches Table IV-6, which shows that all IBHE institutions have lost
ground in this are, not just UIUC
Agenda & materials for the Apr 3, 1979 IBHE mtg at WIU
1. Minutes-Mar 6, 1979
2. Announcements
3. Presentation-President Malpass, WIU
4. Financial Report (Action)
5. Report on Proposed Public Law School (Action)
6. Approval of Community College Construction Projects w/Local Funds (Action)
7. Legislative Report (Information)
8. Enrollment Projection for Illinois Higher Education, Fall 1979 to Fall 1995 (Information)
9. University Program Review, A Status Report (Information)
10. Affirmative Action Status Report of the IBHE Staff (Information)
11. Advisory Committee Reports
12. Other Matters
James Furman letter of thanks for campus assistance w/the recent IBHE mtg
Copies of articles, “State axes law school take-over,” from the Apr 4, 1979 Chicago Sun-Times, & “An
unworthy bid for state money”
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……257
Chancellor Gerberding sends Ed Scharlau materials about enrollment projections for UI. Copy of Daily Illini
article, “No drop expected in UI’s enrollment,” Apr 4, 1979. Summary of the IBHE Enrollment
Projections for Illinois Higher Education Fall 1979 to Fall 1995 (full text also attached)
Chancellor Gerberding thanks John C Guyon, President of the Illinois Assoc of Graduate Schools, for sending a
copy of the paper, “The Roles of Research in Universities,” prepared for education of IBHE staff
Data Book on Illinois Higher Education, May 1979
IBHE FY1981 RAMP Manual-Resource Allocation & Management Program-Public Universities, May 1979
Announcement letter for the Jun 5, 1979 IBHE mtg in Springfield
File memo summary of a telephone call from Roy Peterson, IBHE of May 14, 1979 on Give-ups for UICC Ph D
in English
Roger Martin suggests to Paul E Parker that he might want to contact Jake Jennings about Title I-A funding
Cover memo & copy of an elaboration & interpretation of the existing IBHE policy on reasonable & moderate
extensions, approval of research public service centers
Notice from IBHE to Institutional Research & Budget Officers that the mtg on Unit Cost Study Procedures
scheduled for Jun 14, 1979 has been rescheduled for Jun 22
John Terwilliger memo of May 31, 1979 on possible problems, pressures, etc related to the BHE Cost Study.
Roger Martin cover memo asks Walter Tousey if this is really as big a problem as John Terwilliger
would have them believe
Notice of legislation affecting educational television. House Bill 2427, Senate Bills 379, 389, House Bills 2426.
2283 & 2282
Agenda & materials for the Jun 5, 1979 IBHE mtg in Springfield
1. Minutes-Apr 3, 1979 (Action)
2. Announcements
3. Financial Report (Action)
4. An Act Regulating Private Colleges, & an Act Regulating the Granting of Academic Degrees (Action)
A. Rules of Implementation
B. New Degree-Granting Authority
5. New Units of Instruction, Research & Public Service (Action)
6. Consideration of Survey by Roper & Associates (Action)
7. Allocation of FY1979 Illinois Financial Assistance Act for Nonpublic Institutions of Higher Learning
8. Health Services Education Grants Act (Action)
A. Allocation of FY1979 HSE Grants
B. Capital Grants to Hospitals Affiliated w/Public Medical Schools
C. Allocation of FY1979 Grants for “Fifth Pathway”
9. Report of Public University Program Reviews Conducted in FY1978 (Information)
10. Community Service Programs Proposed by Illinois Institutions of Higher Education, FY1979 Funding
Under Title I-A, Higher Education Act of 1965 (Action)
11. Appropriation Transfers for FY1979 (Action)
A. Board of Governors
B. Board of Regents
12. Community College Construction Projects (Action)
A. Projects w/Local Funds
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……258
B. Addition to FY1980 Higher Education Budget Recommendations-Capital Improvements
13. IBHE Staff Reports (Information)
A. Academic Discipline Unit Cost Study for Illinois Public Universities
B. Resource Allocation & Management Program (RAMP) for Illinois Public Universities-A Description of
the Operations Resource Requirements Plan
C. 1978 Faculty Clock Hour Study-Illinois Public Universities
14. Legislative Report (Information)
15. Summary of Responses to Access & Choice (Information)
16. Advisory Committee Reports
17. Other Matters
Morton Weir sends copies of Jun 5 IBHE mtg agenda items to those listed at the top of each item
Peter Yankwich letter advising Robert Wallhaus of doctoral degree proposal likely to be submitted to the
Program Staff during 1979-80
Correspondence about inconsistencies in degree programs codes. Harlan Bareither sends Richard D Wagner a
copy of the most up to date degree program inventory for all campuses
Walter Tousey provides Morton Weir w/requested general information concerning operating budget &
enrollment changes at four-year public institutions in Illinois
Hugh Petrie advises Peter Yankwich that they will be unable to meet the Jul 1, 1979 deadline for submission to
IBHE of the results of the institutional program reviews carried out on campus during 1978-79. They
should be able to send by Jul 20. List of units for which reviews were completed during 1978-79.
Attached is a brief description of certain changes approved by the U-C Senate for COPE’s operation
during its second cycle of evaluations
Agenda & materials for the Jul 10, 1979 IBHE mtg at SIU
1. Announcements
2. Presentation by SIU-Carbondale
3. Minutes-Jun 5, 1979 Mtg (Action)
4. Financial Report (Action)
5. New Units of Instruction, Research & Public Service-Community Colleges (Action)
6. Higher Education Cooperation Act Programs (HECA) for FY1980 (Action
A. Interinstitutional Grants
B. Educational Television Operating Funds
C. Library Computer System Grants
7. Plans for Noninstructional Capital Improvements (Action)
8. Annual Program Plan Amendment-Title I, Community Service & Continuing Education Program (Action)
9. Report on Articulation (Information)
10. Status Reports (Information)
A. Study of Community College Finance
B. Health Services Education Grants Act (HESEGA)
C. Urban Health Program
11. Legislative Report (Information)
12. Staff Personnel Actions-FY1980 (Action)
13. Summary of Responses to Access & Choice, Part II (Information)
14. Advisory Committee Reports
15. Other Matters
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……259
State Board of Higher Education Student Advisory Committee
Information on the SAC orientation mtg Sep 8-9, 1978 in Springfield & SAC membership. Stanley Levy sends
the names of this year’s nominees to SAC from UIUC: Jim Winkler (undergraduate) & Adrienne
Schwarzbach (graduate)
List of UI students to serve on SAC for 1978-79
Announcement of election of SAC officers for 1979-80
State Board of Higher Education – Systems Academic Officers
Summary of the Jul 17, 1978 SAO mtg. Hugh Petrie comments
Morton Weir letter to Peter Yankwich about the report on the SAO mtg of Jul 17. He advises that the
suggestion that “state-supported research centers” be the subject of a state-wide review should be
strongly discouraged
Agenda & materials for the Sep 18, 1978 SAO mtg
Summary & materials from the Nov 3, 1978 SAO mtg
Summary & materials from the Dec 13, 1978 SAO mtg
Agenda & materials for the Jan 19, 1979 SAO mtg
Notice of the Jan 29, 1979 mtg & materials
Summary & materials from the Jan 29, 1979 SAO mtg
Summary of the Feb 22, 1979 SAO mtg
Summary of the Mar 19, 1979 SAO mtg
Summary & materials from the Apr 24, 1979 SAO mtg
Summary & materials from the May 22, 1979 SAO mtg
Summary of the Jun 18, 1979 SAO mtg, w/attached copy of a draft of the Allied Health Education Programs in
Illinois study report
U S Dept of Health, Education & Welfare (HEW) (2 folders)
Morton Weir thanks Christopher B Cohen for sending a copy of the Region V Telephone Reference list
Information on the HEW one-day pre-application workshops for Special Programs
Michele Thompson letter of thanks for opportunity to meet Christopher Cohen. She encloses a copy of the
Daily Illini’s article from their interview w/him (not attached)
Christopher B Cohen sends Stanley Levy a copy of the Region V Telephone Reference list & summaries of
areas of responsibility
Christopher B Cohen follow up letter to Chancellor Gerberding for his Oct 20, 1978 campus visit
Copy of HEW booklet, Application for Grants Under the Strengthening Developing Institutions Program
National Center for Education Statistics Bulletin, Dec 1978, on Fall Enrollment in Colleges & Universities,
1978, Preliminary Estimates
HEW Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education booklet, Program Information & Application
Procedures FY1979
Copy of cover of the Federal Register of Dec 22, 1978, Part II, Dept of HEW, Nonclinical Lab Studies-Good
Lab Practice Regulations
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……260
Copy of Federal Register of Dec 18, 1978, Part II, Dept of HEW, Career Education Incentive ProgramsProposed Regulations
Clarence Shelley cover memo for a summary of the background paper presented by HEW Assistant Secretary
of the Educational Policies Development, “Postsecondary Education Background Paper,” Jun 12, 1978
Correspondence concerning the nomination of Ernest Morris as a Field Reader to review FY1979 applications
for Strengthening Developing Institutions grants under Title III
Correspondence & documents related to HEW’s Common Sense program, an effort to review, simplify &
wherever possible, abbreviate HEW’s program & administrative regulations. Joseph Califano letter of
Sep 19, 1977 announcing the program & requesting input about regulations, rules & procedures that
need review. Responses from campus units w/suggestions. Oct 21, 1977 letter from Morton Weir to
Joseph Califano w/the campus response to his request for input. Califano’s Apr 6, 1978
acknowledgement letter. Comments on Morton Weir’s Oct 21 letter from HEW personnel: Leon JacobsMay 2, 1978, Julius Richmond-May 15, 1978, Linda Wilson’s comments on the Richmond letter, David
S Tatel-Aug 8, 1978, Mary F Berry-Jan 25, 1979
Distribution of a Dec 1978 HEW letter, the first in a series on activities & plans in the postsecondary area
Apr 1979 letter, second in the series on activities & plans in the postsecondary area
Cover for a copy of the new NIOSH publication, “A Management System for Occupational Safety & Health
Programs for Academic Research Laboratories” (not attached)
Apr 3, 1979 memo from Michael B Goldstein of Dow, Lohnes & Albertson in Washington, D C, on Proposed
HEW Regulations on Debarment or Suspension of Eligibility for Federal Discretionary Grants &
Correspondence & documents concerning campus participation in public hearing for the reauthorization of the
Higher Education Act of 1965. The hearing for Region V will be held Feb 1, 1979 at Chicago Circle.
Dec 21, 198 hearing notification letter from HEW. Copy of the formal notice in the Federal Register of
Dec 28, 1978, w/cover letter from Peter Yankwich requesting notification from the campuses of their
plans for representation at the hearing. Robert Rogers Jan 15, 1979 letter w/his suggestion for points to
be made. Jan 11, 1979 letter cover from HEW & draft of an issues paper developed by HEW on some
issues in the reauthorization process. Morton Weir note advises that Peter Yankwich will give testimony
& he is having material prepared from the areas of student aid & NDEA Title VI. Larry Matejka’s Jan
24, 1979 letter w/issues he feels are pertinent to be included in testimony for Title IV Student Financial
Aid. Copy of Peter Yankwich’s testimony at the hearing on Feb 1, 1979. The Chancellor thanks
Clarence Shelley for sending a copy of the list of all presentations made at the hearing (attached)
Peter Yankwich cover letter & copy of the Federal Register of May 4, 1979, Part II-HEW, Direct Grant
Programs, State-Administered Programs, & General, General Administrative Regulations. HEW’s
Education Division proposes general regulations to apply to all direct grant & state-administered
programs administered by them, & which advance the objectives of Operation Common Sense.
Yankwich notes that there will be a Jun 8, 1979 workshop or hearing in Chicago for Region V. In a May
23, 1979, Yankwich reminds of this workshop & hearing, & asks that anyone who believes that UI
should be represented to contact him
Invitation from HEW to attend the first Basic Educational Opportunity Grant Tape Exchange Program
Conference on Jul 18, 1979 in Washington, D C
Universities Research Assoc, Inc
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……261
Cover letter & copy of the minutes of the annual mtg of the URA Council of Presidents on Feb 2, 1978
(minutes not attached)
President Corbally thanks Edwin Goldwasser for representing UI at the annual mtg of the Council of Presidents
of URA. A copy of Edwin Goldwasser’s summary of the proceedings is attached
Universities Space Research Assoc
George Bargh informs Alexander Dessler, USRA President, that Edwin Goldwasser will be the UI
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Inc
George Bargh informs F B Bretherton, UCAR President, that Edwin Goldwasser will be one of two UI
representatives. Yoshi Ogura will continue as the other representative
Upper Atmosphere Research Corporation
George Bargh informs UARC Chairman W E Gordon that Edwin Goldwasser will be one of two UI
representatives, replacing George A Russell. Sid Bowhill will continue as the technical representative
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……262
Box 233
General Budget Files
Appointments to the Faculty [b] 1979
Appointments to the Faculty from the Jul 19, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
L Annah Abbott, Assistant Professor of Family Housing Extension, Dept. of Family & Consumer Economics
William M Adams, Assistant Prof. Of Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Carol K Augspurger, Assistant Prof. of Botany
James P Avery, Assistant Prof. of Chemistry
Saul Blumenthal, Prof. of Mathematics
Clifton E Brown, Assistant Prof. of Accountancy
John S Chandler, Assistant Prof. of Accountancy
John P D’Angelo, Assistant Prof. of Mathematics
J Wayland Eheart, Assistant Prof. of Civil Engineering
Shih-Ping Han, Assistant Prof. of Mathematics
James B Harris, Associate Prof. of Theatre
Thomas J Harris, Assistant Director of University Bands & Assistant Prof. of Music
John W Hill, Associate Prof. of Music
Tuan-hua David Ho, Assistant Prof. of Botany
Robert E Johnson, Assistant Prof. of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics
Timothy G Kearley, Assistant Law Librarian & Assistant Prof. of Library
James A Leach, Assistant Prof. of Vocational & Technical Education
John W Rudnicki, Assistant Prof. of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics
David A Shelf, Veterinary Medicine Librarian & Assistant Prof. of Library Administration
Robert F Sharp, Jr., Assistant Prof. of Accountancy
Kenneth S Suslick, Assistant Prof. in the School of Chemical Sciences
Ronald P Toby, Assistant Prof. of History & in the Center for Asian Studies
Michael B Weissman, Assistant Prof. of Physics
Wayne M Wendland, Associate Prof. of Geography
Roger G Clark, Acting Director, Graduate School of Library Science, 50%, and Associate Dean of the Graduate
College, 50%, and Assistant Prof. of English
Stanley R Levy, Acting Vice Chancellor for Campus Affairs, Acting Dean of Students and Assistant Prof. of
Administration, Higher & Continuing Education
Appointments to the Faculty from the Sept 20, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
Madge L Attwood, Associate Prof. of Vocational & Technical Education
Robert F Bergholz, Jr., Assistant Prof. of Mechanical Engineering
Donna J Brown, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering, 75%, & Research Assistant Prof. in Coordinated
Science Lab, 25%
Jo Ann Cameron, Assistant Prof. of Anatomical Science in the School of Basic Medical Sciences & Assistant
Prof. in the School of Life Sciences
Ronald C Cere, Assistant Prof. of Spanish
Dennis J Collins, Assistant Prof. of Accountancy
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……263
John E Cronan Jr., Prof. of Microbiology
Ezz I El-Masry, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering, 75% & Research Assistant Prof. in Coordinated
Science Lab
Ray W Ely, Pathologist in Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine & Assistant Prof. of Veterinary Pathology &
Veree K Ethridge, Assistant Prof. of Consumer & Consumption Economics
Roger D Evered, Assistant Prof. of Business Administration
Rhanor Gillette, Assistant Prof. of Physiology
John G Gilligan, Research Assistant Prof. of Nuclear Engineering
Duane J Gubler, Associate Prof. of Entomology
Everett H Heath, Associate Prof. of Veterinary Anatomy, Physiology & Pharmacology
Clyde W Hossapple, Assistant Prof. of Business Administration
Robert W Jamison Jr., Assistant Prof. of Accountancy
Bruce L Johns, Assistant Prof. in School of Basic Medical Sciences Teaching Program & Assistant Prof. of
Mahmood A Khan, Assistant Prof. of Foods Service Management in Dept. of Foods & Nutrition
John B Kogut, Professor of Physics
Kitty O Locker, Assistant Prof. of English
Douglas P Looze, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, 75% & Research Assistant Prof. in
Coordinated Science Lab, 25%
Meryl R Louis, Assistant Prof. of Business Administration
Philippe P A L Martin, Assistant Prof. of Civil Engineering
Paula A Meares, Assistant Prof. in School of Social Work
Louis R Milavickus, Assistant Prof. of Nuclear Engineering
Hadis Morkoc, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering, 25% & Research Assistant Prof. in Coordinated
Science Lab
Karen B Ouzts, Research Assistant Prof. of Architecture
Joseph F Porac, Assistant Prof. of Business Administration
Mastura Raheel, Assistant Prof. of Textiles & Clothing
Thomas B Rauchfuss, Assistant Prof. of Chemistry
Françoise Schoumaker, Assistant Prof. of Economics
Richard D Schultz, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering
Sowmitri Swamy, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering, 75% & Research Assistant Prof. in Coordinated
Science Lab, 25%
Michael V Taranto, Assistant Prof. of Food Science
Charles L Tucker III, Assistant Prof. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Tim L Wentling, Associate Prof. of Vocational & Technical Education
Sheh Wong, East Asian Librarian & Prof. of Library Administration
Lun-Shin Yao, Assistant Prof. of Mechanical Engineering
Ernest R Morris, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
Calvin L Owens, Director of Visual Aids Service
Appointments to the Faculty from the Oct 20, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
Susan R Avery, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering
Mary F Collins, Director of Public Services & Associate Prof. of Library Administration
Nancy S Creason, Associate Prof. of medical-Surgical Nursing
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……264
Joseph M Cummins Jr., Assistant Prof. of Veterinary Pathology & Hygiene, 50% & Assistant Prof. in
Veterinary Programs in International Agriculture 50%
Leon A Frizzell, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering, 25% & in Bioengineering in Electrical Engineering,
John E Garst, Assistant Prof. of Animal Science
Kathleen W Langston, Assistant Education & Social Science Librarian & Assistant Prof. of Library
James P Leritz, Assistant Prof. of Architecture
William J Maher, Assistant University Archivist, Newspaper Librarian, & Assistant Prof. of Library
George W McConkie, Prof. of Educational Psychology in the Center for the Study of Reading & in the Dept of
Educational Psychology
Joan I Nassauer, Assistant Prof. of Landscape Architecture
Nancy P O’Brien, Serials Bibliographer & Assistant Prof. of Library Administration
Takashi Sasamori, Prof. of Meteorology in Atmospheric Research Lab
Michael S Schlansker, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering, 75% & Research Assistant Prof. in
Coordinated Science Lab, 25%
Appointments to the Faculty from the Nov 17, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
Frederick C Olday, Assistant Prof. of Horticulture
Adria R Sherman, Assistant Prof. of Nutrition in Dept of Foods & Nutrition
Appointments to the Faculty from the Dec 13, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
John W Loy Jr., Prof. of Physical Education
Cecil D Nickell, Associate Prof. of Plant Breeding in Agronomy
Alan B Petersen, Assistant Prof. of Electrical Engineering
Randall E Westgren, Assistant Prof. of Agricultural Economics
Alice A Haddix, Special Assistant to the Vice President for Administration
Appointments to the Faculty from the Jan 17, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
Francesca A Anstine, Assistant Health Science Librarian & Assistant Prof. of Library Administration
Marianne E Kalinke, Associate Prof. of German
Mary K Munson, Assistant Prof. (Program Leader) 4-H Cooperative Extension Service
Gerald L Shaver, Assistant Prof. of Rehabilitation Education & Supervisor of Recreation & Athletics in the
Division of Rehabilitation Education
Floyd L Jamison, Director of the Office of Administrative Information Systems & Services (AISS)
Appointments to the Faculty from the Feb 21, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
Peter J Barry, Prof. of Agricultural Economics
Robert H Beck, Assistant Prof. of Soil Science in Agronomy
Hans Christer Bjornsson, Assistant Prof. of Civil Engineering
Gerald G Gast, Assistant Prof. (Program Leader) 4-H
Christopher J Hillidge, Assistant Prof. of Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Michael F Hutjens, Prof. of Dairy Science
Edward J Roy, Assistant Prof. of Psychology
Dana E Smith, Assistant Undergraduate Librarian & Assistant Prof. of Library Administration
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……265
Louis R Zavaleta, Assistant Prof. of Agricultural Entomology
Appointments to the Faculty from the Mar 21, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
Hal W Everett II, Assistant Prof. of Agricultural Economics
Joan Larsen Klein, Associate Prof. of English
Rene P Manes, Prof. of Accountancy
Frank Southworth, Assistant Prof. of Civil Engineering
Craig Bazzani, Associate Vice President for Business Affairs
Appointments to the Faculty from the Apr 20, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
Subhash H Risbud, Assistant Prof. of Ceramic Engineering
Appointments to the Faculty from the May 16, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
John Lublinkhof, Assistant Prof. of Agricultural Entomology
Appointments to the Faculty from the Jun 20, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg., including at UIUC:
Dana D Dlott, Assistant Prof. of Chemistry
Chester J Fontenot Jr., Associate Prof. of English
Thomas D Frank, Assistant Prof. of Geography
Marlene A Fritz, Assistant Prof. of Agricultural Communications (Extension Communications Specialist)
John G Harris, Assistant Prof. of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics
Stephen L Harris, Assistant Prof. of English
Sue J Henry, Assistant Prof. of Law
James O Huff, Assistant Prof. of Geography
Richard L Kaplan, Assistant Prof. of Law
John S Lawrence Jr., Assistant Prof. of Law
Louis Lussier, Assistant Prof. of Physical Education
Henry P Maguire, Assistant Prof. of Art
Gerald A McWorter, Director of Afro-American Academic Program, 50% & Associate Prof. of Sociology, 50%
Piero Morselli, Assistant Prof. of Art
Steven N Orso, Assistant Prof. of Art
Carter G Phillips, Assistant Prof. of Law
Bruce E Rittman, Assistant Prof. of Civil Engineering
Charles F Scribner, Assistant Prof. of Civil Engineering
Kevin L Steffey, Assistant Prof. of Agricultural Entomology
Colin E Thorn, Assistant Prof. of Geography
Ellen A Wartella, Research Assistant Prof. in the Institute of Communications Research, 67% & Assistant Prof.
of Journalism, 33%
John W Whelan Jr., Assistant Prof. of Journalism
D Charles Whitney, Assistant Prof. of Journalism, 67% & Research Assistant Prof. in the Institute of
Communications Research, 33%
John C Wilcox, Assistant Prof. of Spanish
Raymond Samuel Baker, Director of Legislative Programs, Office of the Vice president for Administration
Edwin L Goldwasser, Acting Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Budget [b] 1979 (2 folders)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……266
Chart of percent change of indices (1969-1979), by college comparing unweighted IUs/FTE & 5-year demand
based budget adjustment
Final periodic annualization costs for FY1979 for UIUC
Copy of “UI Report of the Comptroller, Supporting Schedules for the Year Ended Jun 20, 1979”
FY1979 closeout picture
81st General Assembly Bills Affecting the UI (list and status of bills)
Assignments, post-budget planning period
Listing of Requests for Nonrecurring equipment funds, June 1979
Walter C Tousey Memorandum for the Record re: an Income Fund shortfall of $150,000 for FY1979, $50,000
related to Continuing Education & Public Service, and $150,000 related to enrollment
Walter C Tousey recommends three changes in the budgeting process: listing Wages & Teaching Assistant
allocations on the allotment sheets, and basing salary allocations solely upon the unit’s academic
personal services base
Copy of “UI Budget Summary for Operations, FY1979” prepared for presentation to the Board of Trustees Sep
20, 1978, and roll call item Annual Operating Budget for FY1979
Agenda for System Heads mtg. Sep 5, 1978:
1. 1980 budget process
2. BHE schedule for acting upon staff reports
3. Two new BHE staff studies underway
4. Facts we need to know
5. Job opening—Associate Director of BHE
Summary schedules on budget actions for FY1979 including: Salary Rate increase percentages by unit,
summary of changes in FY1979 budget by appropriation & object category, summary of changes by
administrative, supportive, & academic units, summary of allotments by major units, summary of
allotments by major units for other than salary & wage increases, & institutional funds budgeted by
Statement by President Corbally to the Board of Trustees re: the FY1979 budget
Vice Chancellor Weir requests reserve funds to cover $154,000 increase in fee exemption
Chancellor Gerberding asks to be involved in the budget process in future years
Legal Counsel opinion that contracts that establish commitments which extend past the end of the fiscal year
require sufficient money in the reserves to cover them
Legal Counsel suggests language to use in a letter of appointment from a department head, which includes a
proviso that the appointment requires the approval of the Dean, Chancellor, President, & Board of
Trustees, and is also subject to the passage of a UI budget by the Governor
FY1979 RAMP budget request for operating funds (106 pp.)
VC Weir will hold budget conferences with college administrative staff & executives March 4-8, 1977
Memorandum re the Chancellor’s mtg. with the General University Policy Comm Dec 6, 1976
Budget Guidelines [b] 1979
Report of the Comptroller for Year Ended Jun 30, 1979
Outline for background information for the review of the FY1979 budget request
1978-79 budget allotment package sent to colleges by Walter Tousey including: 1) 1978-79 budget guidelines;
2) allotment sheets & summaries; 3) FY1979 budget request (academic & nonacademic); 4) instructions
for preparation of the internal budget
Summary of FY1979 operations & grants bill for UI as approved by the Board of Trustees
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……267
Copy of the UI appropriations bill
Undergraduate application statistics for Fall 1979
1978-79 Budget Guidelines
Trustee Forsyth’s letter describing the IBHE mtg. Mar 7, 1978 on the Governor’s FY1979 budget
Budget recommendations for the IBHE for FY1979
Preliminary materials for the FY1979 budget request
Rough estimates of dollar amounts required for FY1979 under certain requirements
Chancellor Peltason’s preliminary budget request guidelines for FY1979
Vice Chancellor Weir relates to Chancellor Peltason the comments made by faculty & deans at the budget mtgs.
re: planning for the FY1979 budget request
FY1979 budget request policy issues & timetable. VC Weir suggests two changes
Budget-Chancellor’s Advisory Committee [b] 1979
Vice Chancellor Weir establishes the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Budget
Summary of Reserve Accounts Jan 3, 1979
Statement on the impact of inflation on Urbana campus budgets
FY1980 budget status based upon Feb 27, 1979 mtg. of the Comm & most recent allocation data available
March 6, 1979
Announcements of several mtgs. in Spring 1979 (no agendas)
Budget-Staff Counts [b] 1979
Bound monthly staff count date from July 1978 through June 1979
Campus Reserves [b] 1979
Reserve status report as of Jul 20, 1978. The reserves, Walter Tousey says, are the lowest in several years
Status of Campus Reserves as of Oct 13, 1978
Status of Campus Reserves as of Nov 17, 1978
Status of Campus Reserves as of Dec 6, 1978
Status of Campus Reserves as of Jan 19, 1979
Status of Campus Reserves as of Feb 9, 1979
Status of Campus Reserves as of Mar 9, 1979
Status of Campus Reserves as of Apr 9, 1979
Status of Campus Reserves as of May 14, 1979
Projected Status of Campus Reserves as of Jun 30, 1979
Capital Budget [b] 1979 (3 folders)
Copy of “Condensed Versions of the Budget Request for Capital Funds of the UIUC Campus FY1978 and
projections for FY1979-FY1982 and of the UI Food Production & Research Complex Food for Century
Three” prepared for presentation to Colleges/Departments for the review in preparing/submitting PB III
requests for FY1979, Oct 1976
Deadline for submitting PB III forms is Dec 1, 1976
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……268
Document on preparation of cost estimates for FY1979 projects & suggested estimating format. J Fred Green’s
Space Utilization Director William Stallman comments on Capital budget priorities, saying that the original
ones should be honored
One item on the priority list, resurfacing of Stadium Drive, can be removed, as the City of Champaign has
decided to do it on its own
Copy of “UI Budget Request for Capital Funds, FY1979 with Projections for FY1979-FY1983, RAMP
Documentation Volume 1” prepared for presentation to the IBHE Oct 3, 1977
List of Capital Improvements that the IBHE staff will recommend to the Governor for the UIUC campus
Status of UIUC Capital Budget request following IBHE recommendations (list of items requested by the Board
of Trustees and list of items recommended by the IBHE
VC Weir questions two high priority items to the UIUC campus which were given low priority by the IBHE, 1)
English Bldg. remodeling and 2) Land request for Beckwith dormitory
Capital Programs Director J Fred Green requests mtg. with Chancellor Gerberding to discuss current projects
being handled by their office
Status of FY1979 Capital requests on the IBHE priority list
Land acquisition at Willard Airport to extend the runway and clear zone was part of a noninstructional Capital
improvement project. UI was interested in purchasing land being sold by John O’Neil, 68 acres on the
northeast boundary of the Airport. A public auction of the property was held Sep 14, 1976. Mr. O’Neil
reserved the right of refusal to sell the land, and exercised it after an unknown high bidder bid $3,140
per acre. Vice Chancellor Diana notified the Village of Savoy and the Champaign County Board that the
UI would like to be notified prior to any hearings on zoning, rezoning, or building permits are issued for
property within two miles of the airport. Option agreement between UI Foundation & Mr. O’Neil on the
IBHE approval on noninstructional projects: Illini Union Bookstore, McKinley Health Center, and repair &
replacement projects for Memorial Stadium waterproofing, Assembly Hall roof resurfacing, McKinley
Health Center, Housing Division roof repairs, Housing Division kitchen & safety improvements, Illini
Union kitchen equipment, & IMPE
Status report of Capital projects Jul 1, 1978
New VC for Administrative Affairs Donald F Wendel asks Capital Programs director Green several questions
on campus master planning areas
Mtg. Sep 12, 1978 to discuss siting & planning for the Agricultural Engineering Sciences Bldg. and the
Veterinary Medicine Basic Sciences Bldg.
Chancellor Gerberding decides that VC Wendel will Chair the Facilities Planning Comm
Auxiliary Facilities System Revenue Bonds, Series N for various projects are approved by the Board of
Trustees Sep 20, 1978.
Status report of Capital projects as of Oct 2, 1978
The Board of Trustees approves two noninstructional capital improvement projects Oct 20, 1978: surface
parking lots at four locations, and access road from parking lot P southeast to SE end of Hangar 3 at
Willard Airport
Status report of Capital projects as of Nov 1, 1978
Revised version of the noninstructional capital improvements policy. These projects can be submitted to the
IBHE as an annual submittal or as a special submittal
Status report of Capital projects as of Dec 1, 1978
New Capital Budget request project forms
Status report of Capital projects as of Mar 1, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……269
Color photo of the updated UI Master Street Tree Plan
House Bill 316, which provides for $25,000 in state funds for local improvement projects that benefit state
Status report of Capital projects as of May 10, 1979
Status report of Capital projects as of Jun 8, 1979
Walter Tousey requests the Urbana campus share of the $25,000 in Capital Program funds to be distributed
across the university
Capital Development Board [b] 1979
Selection of architects & engineers to be employed by the Capital Development Board for Capital Development
Board projects for FY1979 (selection criteria) on agenda of mtg. of the Comm on Bldgs. & Grounds Jul
19, 1978
Employment of architects & engineers, Capital Development Board projects, FY1979, roll call item for Board
of Trustees mtg. Jul 19, 1978
Visit of members of the Capital Development Board to UIUC Jul 27-28, 1978
Request for release of funds for planning, design, & construction of a pumping station, transmission lines to
Savoy Sanitary System to provide the sanitary system hookup from Willard Airport to the UrbanaChampaign Sanitary District ($110,000)
Request for release of funds for remodeling, code compliance & energy conservation projects, various bldgs.
($1,402,300). Approved
Request for release of funds for expansion of the computerized energy management system ($710,000).
Employment of architects/engineers Capital Development Board projects FY1979, Medical Center & Urbana,
approved at the Sep 20, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg. The Urbana project is English Bldg. remodeling
VC Wendel asks J Fred Green to keep William Stallman informed of project status throughout the design &
construction period of capital projects
Request for release of funds for remodeling of Morrill Hall & the Animal Science Lab to comply with HEW
animal holding regulations ($520,000). Approved.
Notice that the Governor has released funds for Remodeling of Morrill Hall (see above), Medical Center
Campus movable equipment for Dentistry & Pharmacy, and minor remodeling
Notice that the Governor has released funds for Agricultural Research & Demonstration Center in Pike County
Brochure “Tell Us Your Problem” announcing a technical service to units of local government in Illinois from
the Capital Development Board
Notice that the Governor has released funds for Phase II remodeling of the English Bldg. ($1,500,000)
Request for release of funds for planning & construction of the Agricultural Engineering Sciences Bldg. &
utility extensions ($7,612,900)
Request for release of funds for durable movable equipment for the remodeling of Noyes Lab ($8,000)
Request for release of funds for durable movable equipment for the remodeling of Freer Gymnasium ($25,000)
Request for release of funds for durable movable equipment for Morrill Hall & Animal Sciences Bldg.
remodeling ($70,200)
Request for release of funds for durable movable equipment for the English Bldg. ($35,000)
Request for release of funds for durable movable equipment for the remodeling of Gregory Hall ($60,000)
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……270
Request for release of funds for durable movable equipment for the Veterinary Medicine Research Bldg.
($75,000) and the acquisition of Agricultural Research Land ($400,000). Approved. Notice of release of
Operating Budget [b] 1979 (2 folders)
Summary of FY1979 Operating Budget request in the Deficiencies and New Programs categories
Senate Council resolution concerning the FY1979 budget request. They will not support a budget request that
provides for less than a 10% salary increase
VC Weir writes to Chancellor Peltason about the Jun 27, 1977 University Planning/Budgeting Councils mtg. at
which the budget request is discussed. Mr. Weir feels the UIUC campus share of the budget continues to
fall while the UIC campus is given a greater portion
Copy of “UI Status of FY1978, Review of FY1979 Operating & Capital Budget” presented to the Board of
Trustees Jul 19, 1977
Copy of “UI Preliminary Budget Review for Operating & Capital Funds, FY1979 (not for action)” prepared for
presentation to the Board of Trustees Jul 20, 1977
Roll Call item Operating & Capital Appropriations for FY1979 approved at the Board of Trustees mtg. Sep 21,
Copy of “UI Budget Request for Operating & Capital Funds, FY1979” Sep 21, 1977
Copy of “UI Budget Request for Operating Funds, FY1979 with Projections for FY1979-FY1983, RAMP
Documentation Volume 2” prepared for presentation to the IBHE Oct 3, 1977
IBHE to meet with UI officials Oct 17, 1977 to discuss new program requests for FY1979
Acting VC for Academic Affairs Harold Hake asks Deans & Directors to submit PB-II forms for FY1979, so
that the administration can see what the major top priority deficiencies are
The Board of Trustees approves the Interim Operating Budget for FY1979 at the Jun 21, 1978 mtg.
The campus inadvertently allocated $270,000 more in salary increase funds for FY1979 than they received
from the State, and also has been forced to meet several large unexpected bills. Therefore they are
having to recall funds by making an across-the-board assessment to all units on campus. Listing of
assessments made to Administrative Affairs units
Indirect Costs [b] 1979
Chart of rough estimate of Indirect Cost rate for FY1979
Notice of Indirect Cost & fringe benefit rates for UIUC for FY1979
Statement of analysis of indirect costs reimbursement as of Jun 30, 1978 for FY1976, FY1977, & FY1978, and
prospects for FY1979
Institutional Costs Recovered [b] 1979
Distribution of ICR income generated by CERL. 25% goes to CERL, 5% to the Energy Research Office, and
70% to the campus
The ICR increment for General University units is set at $57,230 for FY1979. $88,500 had been requested
ICR earnings from scholarships & fellowships for FY1978 are transferred from the Chancellor’s Unassigned
ICR reserve to the appropriate units
Statement of Analysis of Institutional Costs Recovered as of Dec 31, 1978
Statement of Analysis of Institutional Costs Recovered as of Feb 29, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……271
Statement of Analysis of Institutional Costs Recovered through Apr 30, 1979
Statement of Analysis of Institutional Costs Recovered through May 31, 1979
National Science Foundation Undergraduate Instructional Scientific Equipment Program [b] 1979
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No. 19, Programs from the National Science Foundation relating to
the improvement of undergraduate instruction
Three of the six ISEP proposals submitted in FY1978 were funded: Ronald J Bieniek received $7,900; Bei Tse
Chao received $20,000; & Michael Faiman received $20,000
Roger Martin’s letters to those who submitted preliminary ISEP proposals
Proposals from the following are submitted to NSF for consideration under the Instructional Scientific
Equipment Program: Richard I Masel, Walter Schneider, Robert M Coates, R James Kirkpatrick,
Bernard W Wehring, & C H Terry Ward. Copies of the proposals.
Bernard W Wehring’s proposal has been selected for submission to NSF. His proposal "Improvements in
Nuclear Engineering Lab Instruction” has been awarded $17,500
Further clarification on Robert M Coates’ proposal is sent to NSF
New Programs [b] 1979
Summary of UIUC Preliminary New Program requests for FY1979:
I. Societal Needs…$400,000
a. Environmental & Energy Studies
b. Economics, Industry, & Public Policy
c. Transportation
d. Health
e. Community Development
f. Housing & Family
g. Law
II. College of Veterinary Medicine…$740,000
III. Improving Undergraduate Education…$150,000
a. Orientation & instruction for new teaching assistants
b. Additional support for the Office of Instructional Resources
c. Instructionally Centered audio-visual program for the Undergraduate Library
d. Library Bibliographic information program
e. Undergraduate option in Applied Physics
f. General Chemistry improvement project
g. School of Human Resources & Family Studies: Retailing internship
h. Dept. of Business Administration: Business policy
IV. Cooperative Extension Service Program & Maintenance…$1,472,500
a. State & specialist staff to meet new & emerging needs in Agriculture
b. Extension TeleNet and computer assisted instruction
c. Home Economics and family development
d. Supplemental needs for 4-H
e. Community resource development
f. Northeastern Illinois Education Center
g. Increased cost allowance
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……272
V. Library Circulation System…$508,000
VI. Continuing Education…$846,000
a. Training for adult and Continuing Education
b. Office of Continuing Education and Public Service: Outreach through continuing education
1. Continuing Professional Education
2. Continuing Education for Community Improvement
3. Campus support
Nonreappointment [b] 1979
Change of status forms for an academic or academic professional who is not to be reappointed beyond Aug 31,
1979 must be submitted by Aug 10, 1978
Names of those to receive mid-year notices of nonreappointment must be received in the Office of the VC for
Academic Affairs by Feb 9, 1979
Nontenured faculty members who are to receive a notice of nonreappointment at the end of FY1980 must be
notified prior to May 20, 1979 in accordance with campus guidelines
Patent Income Fund [b] 1979
Procedures for royalty income received by the UI Foundation from UPI and procedures for assuring an
adequate reserve for possible patent related expenses, including litigation. Distribution procedure
revised May 1976.
In 1979 Vice Chancellor Edwin Goldwasser asks Chancellor Gerberding to request $254,000 from patent
income funds that are held by UIF, to support the Research Board activities in FY1979. The Chancellor
requests the funds from Robert N Parker. Mr. Parker requests a list of the allocations by project that the
money would be supporting, before granting the funds
Planning & Budgeting Cycle [b] 1979
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No. 1, the Planning-Budgeting Cycle for 1978-79
Organization chart & description of responsibilities for the Office for Planning & Budgeting
Promotion & Tenure [b] 1979
1977-78 Academic Affairs Communication No. 27, reminder of due dates for sabbatical leaves of absence and
recommendations for promotion & tenure
Charts illustrating the promotion & tenure review process
Promotions in Academic Rank for FY1979 are approved by the Board of Trustees Jul 19, 1978
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No. 9, Promotion & Tenure of Faculty
Letters of thanks to those who have served on the Committee on Promotions and Tenure
Letter appointing the Committee on Promotions and Tenure for 1978-79
Report of the Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee of its review of promotion & tenure procedures
Proposed changes in Academic Affairs Communication No. 9
Remodeling Projects for FY1979 [b]
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……273
Program Statements for each of fourteen projects:
1. English Bldg. renovation
2. Elevator replacement—Altgeld Hall
3. Animal Room Renovation—Animal Sciences Lab & Morrill Hall
4. Freer Gym remodeling
5. Law Bldg. remodeling
6. Roof Skylight & gutter replacement
7. Kenney Gymnasium remodeling
8. Gregory Hall remodeling
9. Noyes Lab remodeling
10. Central Supervisory Control (Energy Management System, Phase II)
11. Electrical Modernization
12. Energy Conservation—Ventilation turndown
13. Energy Conservation—Heating controls
14. Temperature Control—remodeling & replacement
Box 234
Salaries [b] 1979 (2 folders)
Budget recommendations from the University Nonacademic Employee Advisory Comm
Scott Bennett, President of the U-C Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) to
speak to President Corbally about budget planning for FY1979, stressing pay increases in the 10-12%
Calculation of FY1979 salary increases based on IBHE recommendations (by campus)
Suggestion that the merit salary increase concept of differential salary increases according to a faculty
member’s merit be used also to allocate differential salary increase funds to departments depending on
their quality
Recommended salary increases for major UIUC administrative personnel for FY1979
UIUC Open Range Employee salary base
Data on average salary increases of regular academic employees between 1977 and 1978
1978-79 Budget Guidelines, including salary rate increases, with Walter Tousey’s comments about answers to
questions posed by Trustee Forsyth
Background materials for FY1979 salary increase request
Walter Tousey prepares a short Academic Salary Increase Policy statement to be used in conjunction with
salary increase data prepared for the Board of Trustees
Federal minimum wage is increased effective Jan 1, 1979 to $2.90/hour. Instructions for implementation of the
Student minimum wage, and automatic changes for Extra Help and Learner/Trainee positions
The campus will not be able to help units with funding for wage allocations for labor settlements in excess of
8%. Colleges will have to provide the necessary additional funds.
The Academic Salary management presentation to the Board of Trustees will be at the March 1979 mtg.
Percentile ranking of faculty compensation at Illinois Public Universities and comparable institutions, FY1971,
FY1977 and FY1978, which shows that all of the Illinois universities have lost ground with their peers
in terms of faculty salaries between 1971 and 1978
Vice Chancellor Weir’s letter to Deans, Directors re petition & review process for faculty who believe their
salaries are too low by reason of age, gender, handicap, race, or veteran’s status
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……274
Corrected salary change data for UIUC academic employees between March 1977 and Oct 1978, by college
Dean Drucker of the College of Engineering writes of the slippage in Engineering salaries between 1978 and
1979 in comparison to salaries of Engineers
Ceiling on salaries of individuals paid from NSF grants. Included in the NSF appropriations bill for FY1979
was a provision that no one shall be paid a salary greater than $47,500 from a NSF grant. Letters to
Congress and the NSF about the cap. Requests for waivers of the cap on several individual cases.
FY1979 year-end nonacademic budget review
UI salary rank comparisons with Big Ten counterparts for faculty
Salaries-Prevailing Rates/Negotiated Wages [b] 1979
Supervisory compensation plan. Proposed revisions to the Foreman’s compensation plan for custodial
List of contracts with longevity schedules, minimum/maximum wages & number of steps
Request that the UI update its contribution to Champaign County Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship & Training
program to be in line with other employers
Public Act 79-1091 (HB 622), which says that the state institutions shall pay prevailing state rates to a number
of employees in classifications where the UI currently does not pay the state rate. Two bargaining units
at the UI are affected and include Water Plant Operator, Stationary Fireman, & Machinist for a total of
79 employees. Discussion of potential costs of UI compliance with the Act. (RN: 12825-1)
Wage Appendix for UIUC effective Aug 20, 1978
Chart on Unions representation at UI: unions & negotiated classifications, number of employees, 1978-79 rates,
total salaries, state or non-state monies
Crop Testing technician proposal by Local 698
Listing of agreements with & without a retroactive pay clause
Salaries-Step Plan [b] (2 folders)
Discussing prospective step plan salary increases for FY1979 and defining the term “low paid nonacademic
Proposal for use of the 8% plus 2% for low-paid nonacademic employees, including criteria for use of the 2%
monies and the way the lower grades will be reallocated
Chancellor Gerberding briefing on the Step Plan
Task Group Recommendations on the Personnel Services Office
Chart of University Civil Service salaries compared to State Civil Service salaries, by school and FY
VC Wendel appoints a Committee to study the administration of salary pool funds
Joel Hercik’s comments on the Step Plan and the need to better communicate the step increases
Personnel Services Director Toby Kahr gives Chancellor Gerberding background materials on history of the
Step Plan at UIUC
Report to the Merit Board, Apr 27, 1978. Personnel Directors Advisory Committee input on various issues
Two items to be discussed at Jul 14, 1978 Deans mtg.—Nonacademic employee turnover savings salary pool be
discontinued or turned over to the depts., & change nonac lapse funds to use by various units as they
wish. Report of the Pool Unit Review Committee. VC Wendel states that pool accounts will be created
in each college. The generated turnover savings will be retained by the college rather than going to a
central campus pool, and all superior performance increases, reclassifications, & over-the-line hires will
be funded by existing college or institute funds.
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……275
Article in the Staff Observer re the FY1979 salary increase program
Step plan adjustments Aug 20, 1978 including market movement of 4.5%, periodic increases of 4%, and a
sliding scale supplemental allocation for lower paid employees
Revised tentative compensation plan effective Aug 20, 1978, revised Oct 1, 1978 (not yet approved by the Civil
Service Merit Board)
Listing of Range minimums
Nonacademic cost report through Sep 30, 1978, showing implementation costs of the 4.5% market movement
Salary Administration Policy Comm mtg. Dec 5, 1978. The Director of Business Affairs or designee will serve
as the operational coordinator at the campus level. The University Director of Personnel Services was
assigned the responsibility for coordinating salary administration alternatives for nonacademic
employees and production of nonacademic appointments
Review of allocation procedures for open-range nonacademic salary increases
Review of classifications in the Accounting, Purchasing, Engineering, Legal, Personnel & Data Processing
areas to determine salary position with the market. Recommended changes
Proposal for a Uniform State-Wide Step Plan for institutions & agencies of the State Universities Civil Service
System. UI Personnel Services believes that state-wide rates would weaken UI position in the Chicago
labor market and possibly in Champaign-Urbana. Final report of the State-Wide Step Plan and Pay Plan
Work/Study Committee (Aug 1978), which includes the pay plan narrative procedures, schedule of
salary grades & pay ranges, and assignment of classes to salary grades. Vice Chancellor Wendel offers
his comments on the proposal to Associate Vice President for Business Affairs Joseph Diana. Dollar
cost of implementing the salary grade assignments. An administrative review by the Vice President for
Administration of the proposal is sent to the Board of Trustees for their reaction. The Board in turn
sends this report to the Merit Board as the UI’s official position. [Note: there is no indication in the file
of the ultimate disposition of this proposal]
Third quarter report of superior performance increases, by unit
Quarterly report of Nonacademic Pools through March 1979
Summary information from the quarterly nonacademic budget review
Copy of the Turnover Savings Policy & Procedures annotated by Vice Chancellor Wendel
FY1979 Year End Nonacademic Budget Review tables
Employee strength comparison 1971 to 1978 by category (other than faculty)
Salary statistics for nonacademic personnel, by salary grade and campus
Secretary’s Report [b] 1979
Secretary’s Reports from the following Board of Trustees mtgs.:
July 19, 1978
Sep 20, 1978
Oct 20, 1978
Nov 17, 1978
Dec 13, 1978
Jan 17, 1979
Feb 21, 1979
Mar 21, 1979
Apr 20, 1979
May 16, 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……276
Jun 20, 1979
Teaching & Research Assistants [b] 1979
Financial Aid for graduate assistants with late appointments. Short term loans are available from the Office of
Student Services
LAS and other colleges will encourage their graduate students to apply to the Housing Division for
Table of instructional units taught by academic staff from selected AAU data exchange universities for Fall
1977, by rank (graduate assistant to Professor)
Undergraduate Instructional Awards Program [b] 1979
Daryl Sweeney awarded a campus award for excellence in undergraduate teaching. The $1,000 will be divided
equally between the School of Life Sciences and the Dept. of Ecology, Ethology & Evolution in the
FY1979 budget
1978-79 Academic Affairs Communication No. 26, announcement of application deadline for the
Undergraduate Instructional Awards Program for Summer 1979
Roger E Martin appoints a committee to review the proposals
Application for undergraduate instructional award for Summer 1979 for Professors L Daniel Metz & Rodney D
Hugelman in General Engineering. Not funded.
Proposal by F Wright Neely and Robert G Wengert in the Dept. of Philosophy is not funded
Proposal by Harvey M Choldin & Curtis M Roseman in Depts. of Sociology & Geography respectively, is not
Budgetary agreements on the awards
Proposal from David L Ransel is submitted too late to be considered for 1979
The following proposals were approved for funding by the Comm and the Board of Trustees:
Robert T Meeker, Dept of Architecture
Richard M Hill, Dept of Business Administration
Robert L Carringer, Dept of English
Ehud Yairi & Phyllis B Arlt, Dept of Speech & Hearing Science
Carol K Augspurger & Sherry L Walker, Dept of Botany
Funding arrangements for these awards
Campus Comm has reviewed the final reports from the 1978 awards
Notification of continuance of the Amoco Awards for 1978-79. The Amoco Foundation grant is for $7,500,
$6,000 of which must be used for six awards in 1978-79. The Board of Trustees has approved the
following four projects: 1. Susan L Greendorfer, Dept of Physical Education, “Development of
Instructional Film Modules Depicting Behavioral Sequences & Group Processes in Play, Games, and
Sport”; 2. Michael A Mullin & Robert B Graves, Depts. of English & Theatre respectively, “Drama in
Performance-Improvement in Courses in Dramatic Literature & Theatre”; 3. Angelia S Fisher & Ann L
Rodiger, Dept. of Dance, “Movement Fundamentals”; 4. Edward M Bruner, Dept of Anthropology,
“Personal Anthropology”
Certificates are sent to Assistant Professor John Pruett (History) and Professor Roger E Kanet (Political
Science) for their contributions to undergraduate teaching
Robert W Bohl received an Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching for 1978-79
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……277
Administrative Budget Files
Administrative Information Systems & Services (AISS) [b] 1979
Methodology for allocating AISS development resources. General objectives of AISS, goals & services,
priorities for system definition, priority determination for system development resources
Increase of AISS salary increment by $1,600 to reflect salary increase for Suzanne W Greenberg, Management
Methods Analyst
Billing of revolving accounts and external users of AISS processing on ACC 370/168
Payment of $6,000 from Admissions & Records to AISS to partially defray programming costs for Registration
by Mail
Administrative Services [b] 1979
Mailing Services has begun charging a 2% overhead charge on all purchases from the Postal Stores. Reasoning
for this charge and notification letter to Deans, Directors
Associate Vice Chancellor Paul Doebel solicits input from Deans, Directors on possible changes in campus
mail deliveries & services in order to run the service on existing dollars.
Contract for the installation of a dedicated line system by Illinois Bell. Illinois Bell would own, repair, &
maintain the lines and UI would be billed at a lower rate than the current leased lines. Board of Trustees
approval Dec 13, 1978
Administrative Studies [b] 1979
Assessment to Office of Administrative Studies of $756 due to over-allocation of campus funds for FY1979.
FY1979 plans for the Office of Administrative Studies and budget needs.
Admissions & Records [b] 1979
Transfer of $1497 from OAR Expense to the salary line of James Payne, who retires in Sep 1978
Nonrecurring transfer of $4,000 from Chancellor’s Unassigned Salary Reserve to OAR to be used in support of
the Principal’s Scholars Program
William Fierke becomes Associate Director for Records & Registration effective Sep 1, 1978. Brian Wallen
will become Associate Director for Development
Fierke’s old line will be collapsed to enable hiring two graduate assistants to assume some of his former duties
while permanent office needs are being assessed. Additional salary increases for Patricia Askew &
Charles Olson
Praise for Walter Washington’s work with the Champaign Community Schools as chair of the Title VII
Emergency Schhol Assistance Aide, District Wide Advisory Committee for Champaign Community
Unit School district 4
Assessment to OAR of $11,552 to pay back campus for over-allocation of FY1979 funds
OAR to begin charging for degrees printed in languages other than English, and setting up a special account for
this money
Affirmative Action-Academic [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……278
Michelle Thompson answers Applied Life Studies Dean Kenneth Clarke’s questions concerning ways to
increase minority enrollment in that college
Transfer of $4,000 from the Minority Recruitment Fund to Prof. Gail Freeman’s line in Dept. of Architecture
for FY1979
Salary increase for Staff Assistant Cynthia Holm. Transfer of $3093 permanently from the OAA-Academic to
the Chancellor’s Office in FY1979
Search for Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Director of Academic Affirmative Action.
Joseph H Smith hired beginning Sep 21, 1978
$362 transfer to Affirmative Action office for upgrade of Clerk Typist III position to Clerk Stenographer III
Assessment of $584 from Affirmative Action Office to pay back campus for over-allocation of FY1979 funds
Correspondence concerning funds ($4,000) transferred to the Afro-American Studies & Research Program in
1977-78 for salary support of Jeannette Smith, a lecturer in the dept. Ms Smith did not teach the entire
year, and remaining funds will be transferred back to Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action-Nonacademic [b] 1979
FY1979 operating budget request
Transfer of $2,300 from the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to the Nonacademic Affirmative Action Office to cover
the FY1979 state fund overdraft
Allerton Trust [b] 1979
List of cost estimates of capital expenditures needed for five-year period at Allerton Park
Approval that the Chancellor’s Office will support on a permanent basis, the 50% of Walter Keith’s salary
associated with his position as director of Allerton Park
Discussion of FY1979 budget for Allerton Park. There will be a considerable depletion of the operating cash
surplus, and other income needs to be identified
For the turnover savings, Allerton Park is established as a separate unit
Development of income/expenditure reports to be used in preparing annual financial summaries of the Allerton
Park operations, which John Allerton has requested. Income/expense summaries for FY1978 are
UI FAA sculptor Robert Youngman has been appointed conservator of art objects for Robert Allerton Park
Draft profile of Allerton Park to be used by the UI Foundation in a major fundraising drive
1978 Wheat yields and soybean yields
1978 Corn yields
Allerton Park Management Board report Feb 1, 1978-Jan 31, 1979, Annual Report
Ruling on the legality of rebuilding the southwest greenhouse & changing interior uses. The greenhouse may be
rebuilt, but the exterior of the new building should resemble the original structure. The interior uses may
be reorganized for public uses and net farm income may be used.
Reports on Allerton Park Operations and Allerton House Operations for FY1979 and Allerton Farms Report for
calendar year 1978
Assembly Hall [b] 1979
Proposed FY1979 budget
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……279
Change in division of profits from activities sponsored in the Assembly Hall by the Concert & Entertainment
Board. Profits & losses will be pooled on a full fiscal year basis and split 50/50
Equipment replacement purchases
Time schedule for work on the Assembly Hall dome. Employment of architect/engineer for resurfacing the roof
is approved at the Oct 20, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg.
Assembly Hall financial statement for year ending Jun 30, 1979
Athletic Association [b] 1979 (2 folders)
Comparison of support levels of Men’s & Women’s Athletics for 1977-78, including tuition & fee waivers
History of undergraduate tuition waivers at UIUC. Talent tuition waivers
Athletic Director Cecil N Coleman’s proposal for gaining greater equity in financial aid & other areas in
financing the women’s program
Chart of athletic facilities at Illinois public institutions—source of funds for construction, and for O & M
Information on income & expenses of the golf course operation
Estimated resources available and expenditures projected for FY1979 intercollegiate athletic activities, showing
a $360,000 balance going into FY1979
Approval of Cecil Coleman’s salary for FY1979
Background materials on the annual payment made by UIUC to the Athletic Association for use of Memorial
Stadium. Office space charge for the Athletic Association in the Assembly Hall. O & M cost for police
services during football & basketball games. Telephone service for AA. O & M miscellaneous job
orders for sound technicians, stadium maintenance etc.
Request that the Accounting Division monthly statements for the Grants-in-Aid account be categorized by sport
Athletic Association’s debt service and R & R requirements, budgeted at $361,000 for FY1979
Lynn Snyder named Associate Director of Athletics, replacing Dick Tamburo
Edith Borg is the new Assistant Director of Student Services
Physician services for Athletic Association. David R Hamilton appointed Athletic Association Team Physician
for 1978-79. Arrangement for physical examinations for student-athletes. First Aid stations at football
games provided by the McKinley Health Service
Chancellor Gerberding would like input into contract renewals, in addition to new appointments
FY1979 Athletic Association Budget materials. Board of Trustees approval Sep 20, 1978
Analysis of gift receipts for Grants/In/Aid Program FY1978
Athletic Association Balance Sheet Sep 30, 1978
Special appropriation for Baseball salaries: $3,388 for accumulated vacation payment due former Baseball
coach L P Eilbracht
Analysis of AA budget & income for period FY1970-FY1978
Brief analysis of the AA financial statements of Sep 30, 1978
Special appropriation: Golf Pro-shop equipment, $3,200
AA Balance Sheet Nov 30, 1978
AA to pay one-half of sweeping & painting of the tartan surface in the Armory (Job 9417)
Chart of joint appointments involving the AA and Dept of Physical Education
AA Balance Sheet Dec 31, 1978
Special appropriations: Weight Training Room Renovation, $12,000; Re-Striping Armory Running Track
Position announcement: Assistant Football Coach
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……280
Linda Pecore named Women’s Varsity Tennis Coach, 40%, and Lecturer of Physical Education, 60% one-year
temporary position. The PE position is not renewed. Implications for other coaches whose AA
appointments are part-time
AA Balance Sheet Feb 28, 1979
Recommendation that the following Women’s sports have full-time head coaches: basketball, track & field &
cross-country, and volleyball. Head coaches for the following sports should have joint appointments
with Applied Life Studies or other campus unit: golf, gymnastics, swimming, diving, tennis
Appropriation of $49,000 to purchase twenty electric golf carts and a storage bldg. for the carts
Participation rates for men & women athletes
AA Balance Sheet Mar 31, 1979
Article on possible resignation of AA Director Cecil Coleman in Peoria Journal Star Mar 2, 1979. Coleman is
assigned to the staff of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs
Special appropriation: Repair bubbles in stadium track, $1,000; re-surface javelin runway surface, $4,000
Ray Eliot is appointed Acting Director of Athletics
Special appropriation: Search process expense for Athletic Director, $5,000
Special appropriation: Summer PLATO project, $5,833
Athletic Association-Flow of Benefits [b] 1979
Flow of benefits, services, & subsidies between AA and UI. Services provided by AA to the UI: Tickets, Fees
and Parking, University use of Memorial Stadium, University Bands, Block I, Cheerleaders & Illinettes
Services provided by UI to AA: space and space-related costs, cash subsidies, tuition waivers, services from the
College of Applied Life Studies, Health Care
Background information & charts
Auxiliary Facilities System [b] 1979
IMPE Bldg. Financial Statement for period Jul 1, 1978 through Jun 30, 1979
Annual Financial Report of the UI Auxiliary Facilities System Revenue Bonds for Year Ended Jun 30, 1979
Business Office [b] 1979
Funding to Office of Business Affairs for an Accountant II position to handle the nonacademic budget control
& step plan accounting
Guidelines & definitions for income & expense statements for FY1979
Effective Jul 1, 1978 the Workmen’s Compensation Rates to be charge to various Auxiliary, self-supporting
and trust accounts will be made up of two components. One is to fund a portion of the environmental
Health & Safety Program for UIUC and the other to fund the Workmen’s Compensation Reserve Fund
for payment of claims
Audit Report: UIUC Office of Admissions & Records, Office of Business Affairs Urbana Student Registration,
Summer Session 1978
Debt service schedule for those units under the Auxiliary System through FY2009
Position: Director of Payroll Operations. Marie Eighmey appointed
Position: Assistant Director of Business Affairs for Cashiering Operations
Imprest Fund (also called Bursar Fund): used primarily to pay travel advances, petty cash advances, payroll
advances, departmental change funds, & check cashing operations on campus (including the Illini
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……281
Union). Efforts to increase the fund. The Board of Trustees increases the fund to $230,000 in Jan 1979,
and additional funding needed for the Illini Union check cashing services will be taken from the Service
Chancellor’s Office [b] 1979
Secretarial Staff in the Office of the Chancellor. Carolyn Higgs & Ina Patterson will work directly with
Chancellor Gerberding. A secretarial position will be needed for Dan McClelland when he moves to
Davenport House. Carolyn Yoos began work May 1, 1978 as Associate Chancellor Paul Riegel’s
secretary. Michelle Thompson will bring a secretary with her when she joins the Chancellor’s Office. A
secretary will also be needed for Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
Renewal of Department parking at Willard Airport
Recurring 50% 11-month graduate assistant line established
Campus will support a 50% graduate assistant for the Senate Budget Committee in FY1979
Approval for salary increase for Staff Assistant Cynthia Holm. Transfer of some budget dollars from the Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs to Chancellor’s Office when some functions are also transferred
Recurring funding to support new Secretary Stenographic position in the Chancellor’s Office
Roger Martin appointed Acting Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs during six week absence of Morton
Weir, Sep 11, 1978 through Oct 27, 1978
Questions & discussion of the FY1979 budget for the Office of the Chancellor, including some monies
transferred with Michelle Thompson
Office of the Chancellor to pay moving expenses for Richard F Wilson
Recurring transfer of $812 from Chancellor’s Unassigned Salary Reserve to the Chancellor’s Office for salary
upgrade of CS16907
Status of Administrative Affairs account FY1979 period ending Sep 30, 1978.
Assessments for Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs,
Chancellor’s Office, and Commencement for FY1979, due to over-allocation of funds.
UI will lease Mathews Street from the City of Urbana for $7000 per year. Nonrecurring transfer of $7,000 from
the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to the Chancellor’s Office ICR account to pay this expense
Information on Civil Service positions in Campus Security (Police Officers) supported by state funded wages
for FY1979
Nonrecurring transfer of $1,923 from Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to cover ASCAP charges associated with
music copyright laws for FY1979
Michele Thompson is offered an Assistant Professor position 0% time in the Dept of Sociology beginning
Spring term 1979 to teach courses from time to time
Nonrecurring transfer of $13,625 from the Chancellor’s Unassigned ICR Reserve to the Chancellor’s ICR
account to meet a deficit in the account
Remodeling of the Chancellor’s Office reception area in Coble Hall, Job # 9431. Correspondence re: selection
of colors & fabrics with interior designer Helen Bess Cone
Donald F Wendel attended the American Council on Education’s Institute for Business Officers in Memphis,
TN Apr 2-6, 1979
Kenneth M Macur is given a 50% research assistantship for Summer 1979 to conduct a study of the Central
Files system in the Office of the Chancellor
Purchase of Xerox machine in Chancellor’s Office. Cost of copies to be split between the Office of the
Chancellor, Affirmative Action, and Business Affairs
$2,030 for summer salary of Sister Marmion Walsh, who will be working with Paul Riegel Summer 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……282
Ellen Wilson offered position of Staff Assistant-Affirmative Action in Office of the Chancellor
Transfer of $6133 on a temporary basis to assistantship line of the VC for Academic Affairs budget to cover
salaries of Assistants employed during 1978-79
Chancellor’s Office-COPE [b] 1979
Temporary transfer of $5,631 to support Appointment of Dennis P Hengstler, graduate assistant who will be
working 50% for COPE
Richard F Wilson hired as Assistant Director of the Office of Planning & Evaluation beginning Aug 21, 1978
Permission to hire an extra help worker to assist in publishing COPE Action Reports
Authorization for three expenditures: 1) $1,000 for outside readers for recent dissertations from the Dept of
Secondary Education; 2) $400-500 mailing & data processing costs for survey of students in
Mathematics; 3) Travel & lodging for Dale Brandenburg & Richard Montanelli & a faculty member
from LAS to attend a workshop in Memphis on the ACT-COMP general education testing program
Chancellor’s Office-Various Educational Grants/Education Fund [b] 1979
$100 to support special functions related to Summer Advance Enrollment
An additional $338 to support unexpected expenses in Summer Advance Enrollment
$500 to cover faculty mailings concerning the faculty blood drive
$646 to provide the cost of tuition & fees for four persons participating in the Dept of English’s program
designed to improve the quality of instruction in freshman composition
Chancellor Gerberding send President Corbally a summary of expenditures from the Various Educational
Grants/Educational Fund for FY1978, and requests an increase for FY1979. President Corbally replies
that he cannot increase the amount, and assigns $14,000 to the account for FY1979
Summary of expenditures from the Educational Fund from Jun 16, 1978 to Oct 24, 1978
$2500 from the Urbana Campus Educational Fund for Illinois Day in the Arts, Oct 20, 1978. The event is
sponsored by the Alumni Association, Office of Continuing Education & Public Service, College of
Fine & Applied Arts & Krannert Center for the Performing Arts to emphasize the artistic services
available on this campus. Brochure for the program
$5000 from the Urbana Campus Educational fund to La Casa Cultural Latina to assist in development &
implementation of programs that appeal to Latino students
Summary of expenditures from Oct 24, 1978 to Nov 14, 1978 from the Various Education Grants/Educational
Fund and the Urbana Campus Educational Fund
Summary of expenditures from Nov 14, 1978 to Dec 14, 1978 from the Various Education Grants/Educational
Fund and the Urbana Campus Educational Fund
Summary of expenditures from Dec 14, 1978 to Jan 16, 1979 from the Various Education Grants/Educational
Fund and the Urbana Campus Educational Fund
$90 to purchase twenty tickets to the Ice Capades for “The Honeys” senior citizens group Summary of
expenditures from Jan 16, 1979 to Feb 9, 1979 from the Various Education Grants/Educational Fund
and the Urbana Campus Educational Fund
$2,700 to produce a television film of approximately thirty-minutes to aid in Shozo Sato’s teaching and as a
fundraising aid
$7500 for expenses connected with the Urbana-Champaign Campus Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate
Teaching Program. Funds will be used for monetary awards, banquet expenses, and the plaque located
in the Undergraduate Library
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……283
Summary of expenditures from Feb 9, 1979 to Mar 9, 1979 from the Various Education Grants/Educational
Fund and the Urbana Campus Educational Fund
$1,000 to help pay housing costs for the Black Chorus to participate in a national conference sponsored by the
National Association of Jazz Educators in Philadelphia Mar 8-11, 1979
$575 to assist in transportation costs as part of a minority student recruitment program in the North Chicago
area. Students would visit UIUC Apr 10-11, 1979
$150 to support the reception associated with the annual Humanities Lecture, which will be delivered by Henry
Kahane Apr 24, 1979
$2636 to support for touring of music ensembles as follows: $736 for Concert Choir to the Music Educators
National Conference in Indianapolis; $400 for Men’s Glee Club trip to Indianapolis; $1500 for
Symphonic Band Tour. The Band tour did not materialize. FAA asks if those funds can be used towards
purchasing a new piano for Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, and also asks for an additional
$750 for this purpose. President Corbally later offers to provide the funding with Joyce Foundation
Funding for end-of-year COPE reception
Summary of expenditures from Mar 9, 1979 to Apr 5, 1979 from the Various Education Grants/Educational
Fund and the Urbana Campus Educational Fund
$80 to assist in funding the Student Philosophy Conference Mar 31-Apr 1, 1979
Request for $2000 to support student publication of “Nexus” is declined
Due to President Corbally’s offer to provide $1500 previously approved for Band tour (see above file) from
Joyce Foundation funds, Chancellor Gerberding receives permission to use the money in the following
way: $955 to purchase a library terminal for public access to LCS; $80 to purchase portraits of past
presidents of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators who were from the UI; $365
for travel funds to send a student to a conference sponsored by the Center for the Study of the
Presidency; $100 to purchase current professional literature for Student Services Bldg.
Summary report of expenditures from the Urbana Campus Educational fund, Apr 1, 1978-Mar 31, 1979
Chancellor’s Office to pay $500 for production that is being prepared to honor Eudora Welty May 18 & 19,
1979, and $200 exchange of funds with the Dept. of English for a reception at Levis Faculty Center May
20, 1979
Summary of expenditures from Apr 5, 1979 to May 10, 1979 from the Various Education Grants/Educational
Fund and the Urbana Campus Educational Fund
$459 to pay expenses of Chimesmaster Al Marien to attend the Carillon Convention in Florida May 18-21,
Summary of expenditures from May 10, 1979 to Jun 8, 1979 from the Various Education Grants/Educational
Fund and the Urbana Campus Educational Fund
Chancellor’s Office-Vice Chancellor for Campus (Student) Affairs [b] 1979
Stanley R Levy appointed Acting Vice Chancellor for Campus Affairs effective Jul 21, 1978. The position of
Vice Chancellor for Campus Affairs will be evaluated before a search is conducted for VC.
Position: Counselor in the Office of International Student-Staff Affairs
State paid employee benefits for Auxiliary Service units
Position: Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Supplementary budget allocation for additional salary increases for Shelley, Matejka, Todd, and Diamond
Chicago Campus [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……284
Proposed UICC Programmatic Increments for FY1979 Operating Budget
UICC Senate adopted a motion supporting a budget request that provides a 10% salary increase together with
$6.4M in programmatic & deficiency monies, but does not support a request without both of these parts
Announcement that any unit having an over-expenditure in State and ICR budget in FY1978 will have to fund
those overdrafts from FY1979 funds
Policy for review of research equipment requests for nonrecurring funds
Resignation of Truman O Anderson, Executive Dean of the UI College of Medicine, effective Jan 31, 1979
Richard Johnson named Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at UICC
Appointment of Search Committee to help identify a new Executive Dean of the UI College of Medicine
Dean of Students [b] 1979
Approval for salary increases for FY1979
Special salary increment for David Bechtel, Director of the Office of Career Development & Placement
Environmental Health & Safety [b] 1979
Proposal to re-institute the Safety Awards Program to stimulate employee participation. The O & M program
was stopped because it was deemed an improper use of funds. EHS Committee would like the program
expanded. Business Affairs states that only Foundation money could be used for this purpose, not State
or ICR. Campus offers to trade EHS money for Foundation money if EHS wishes to fund this program
from its budget
UI Report regarding the Workmen’s Compensation Reserve Fund, by A W Catrambone, which recommends
changes in the rates charged units for the fund. It would also prohibit funding the certain programs from
the Fund, including at Urbana the Environmental Health & Safety Office. The Campus transfers
$32,566 on an annual basis to replace the Workman’s Compensation monies being withdrawn from the
EHS budget
Program priorities & staffing for EHS. They were funded for a Biohazards Safety Specialist in the FY1979
budget allotment.
Environmental Health & Safety budget for FY1979 programs. Internal Expense budget. Recommendation by
the Radiation Hazards Committee that an additional Health Physicist be hired for the Radiation Safety
program. Permission is given to hire the Health Physicist for FY1979, but the campus cannot guarantee
that funding will be available for the position in FY1980
Workman’s Compensation rates to change, and will be made up of two components, one to fund a portion of
the EHS program for UIUC and the other to fund the Workman’s Compensation Reserve Fund
Faculty Center [b] 1979
Need for $5,500 to fix the air conditioning at Levis Faculty Center
Request to enclose the office area on the first floor for additional security and temperature control issues
Agenda for the 99th Board mtg. Aug 23, 1978
Budget issues discussed at the 102nd Board mtg. Nov 15, 1978
Setting up a special account with $20,000 for purchase of food for university function held at Levis
General University [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……285
Positions: Junior Staff Associate for Operating Budget and Senior Staff Associate for Capital Budget
Position: Regional Program Director, Regions 3 and 5, Office of the Associate Vice President for Public
The hiring freeze will be continued for FY1979
Position: Staff Associate, University Office of Long Range Planning & Institutional Research
Position: Regional Program Director, Regions 8 and 10, Office of the Associate Vice President for Public
Position: Special Assistant to the Vice President for Administration
Position: Assistant to the President
Position: Associate Vice President for Business Affairs. Craig Bazzani will replace Joseph Diana in this
position effective Mar 1, 1979
Position: Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Administration (in Chicago)
Position: Assistant Director of Survey Research Lab & Assistant or Associate Professor,
Epidemiology/Biometry Program, School of Public health, UI Medical Center
Health Service [b] 1979
Crisis at McKinley Health Center with several physicians and administrators leaving due to low salaries,
including the Director, Associate Director, and four physicians. Vice Chancellor Satterlee recommends
salary increases for the physicians & director. Approval is given for raising the starting salaries for
physicians, the extra pay for emergency room service, and money for counter-offers, providing the
Chancellor approves these in advance
Honors Program [b] 1979
Assessment of $582 to be paid back from the Honors Program due to over-allocation of monies in the 1979
Housing [b] 1979
1978-79 Housing Division rate increases effective Aug 1, 1978. These increases are approved by the Board of
Trustees Mar 15, 1978 and Apr 12, 1978
Housing payments for O & M services for FY1979, including fire protection, police protection, sanitary sewage
and trash disposal
The Housing Division must pay for street repairs to those streets used exclusively by/for Housing Division:
Euclid Street, College Court, Carle and Bliss Drives and High Street west of Lincoln Avenue
Concern that the Housing Division might not be reimbursed for repairs on Foundation-owned houses if they are
Request that an additional $2,991 be charged to the Housing Division for Fire Protection services in FY1979 to
compensate for the extra 2% salary increases paid to firefighters
Draft policy statement on Housing Division Cost Accounting, which states that nonessential services (such as
faculty houses, property rentals, vending, snack bar sales, & conferences) maximize profits. These
profits could be used to support essential services. Some comments on this draft from Vice Chancellor
Illini Union [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……286
Illini Union reserve problem. Plans to remodel and expand the Illini Union Bookstore had to be scrapped due to
insufficient funds. Walter Tousey suggests either removing the 4% discount given by the bookstore to
student/staff purchases, or increasing the student fee charged to support Illini Union activities
Copy of the FY1979 Illini Union budget
The UI is participating in the College Bowl National Tournament in Miami Beach May 9-14, 1978. The Illini
Union Board requests $500 to assist in producing a one-minute videotape about UIUC, which is
required for the national broadcast of the Tournament. A video was produced at lesser cost. The team
participated in the Tournament and won a $500 scholarship grant from the College Bowl Company
In the FY1975 budget the $25,000 given to the Illini Union for hosting official university functions was reduced
to $13,000 and the remaining $12,000 was given to Levis Faculty Center for that purpose. Listing of
space in the Illini Union furnished to other units, and space in other UI bldgs. occupied by the Illini
Union. In FY1977 a permanent transfer of $4,944 is made from O & M to the Illini Union relating to
space trade-offs between the Illini Union’s budget and O & M. Paul J Doebel requests a review of rental
rates for both space used in the IU by University units and space used by the IU in University bldgs. In
FY1979 an adjustment is made to the rental rates, and a nonrecurring transfer of $3,867 is made to the
Illini Union
Cash balance of Illini Union at end of FY1979 is -$65,000, which is compared to the previous year’s ending
balance of -$343,000
Instructional Resources [b] 1979
Director Charles McIntyre’s suggestions for use of the 2% salary increase for low-paid nonacademic employees
Permission to internally reallocate $1,375 to salary increases for Smock and Everly
Commitment for $17,600 in nonrecurring funds to support the TA training program in FY1979. Permanent
funds for the program were not allocated by the IBHE. In Jul 1978 $18,320 is transferred for this
purpose. Also, $7,444 is transferred to compensate for the loss of 25% of Richard Smock for FY1979.
He will be working with COPE
Assessment of $5,014 to be paid back from the Office of Instructional Resources due to over-allocation of
monies in the 1979 budget
Instructional Resources is contracting with the Work Incentive Program (WIN) in training a Commercial Artist
Praise for the program offered by OIR to help faculty members in developing their teaching skills
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……287
Box 235
International Programs [b] 1979
Justification of budget request for increased operating funds for FY1979. Per Diem travel rates internationally
have gone up considerably in the past two years
Position: Director of International Agricultural Programs and Associate Dean of the college of Agriculture
Recommendations for salary increases for administrative personnel
Marvin G Weinbaum appointed Coordinator of the Illinois Tehran Research Unit as of Aug 20, 1978
Authorization is denied to carry forward $25,000 in ICR funds beyond the amount generated by the Legislative
Audit Guideline formula
Praise for Larry Neal’s leadership of the Office of West European Studies
Complaint that the Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies is losing faculty and that the affiliated
departments are not replacing those specialty positions. Establishment of an Ad Hoc Area Centers
Committee to look into the status of centers
Assessment of $1,622 to International Programs because of over-allocation in the FY1979 budget
International Programs is offering a service to other units to broker fund transfers among departments/colleges
between fiscal years. Walter Tousey needs to be notified of each instance
Nonrecurring transfer of $10,023 to meet travel expenses accrued by Shozo Sato, Mort Weir, & Robert Winter
in fall of 1978 on trips to Peru and Japan
Robert E Brown is contact person in the Office of Overseas Projects and Foreign Visitors, replacing Thomas H
Insurance [b] 1979
Student Health Service Fee, and Student Health Insurance contracts, were approved at the May 24, 1978 mtg. of
the Board of Trustees. Copy of the Service Fee Advisory Comm report
Miller Endowment Fund [b] 1979
Invitation for nominations for George A Miller Visiting Professorships for 1979-80 and 1980-81
Warren Bennis will be a visiting professor Nov 1-Dec 5, 1978. Reception for him Nov 3, 1978 at the Center for
Advanced Study
Agreement with Otrabanda Company, Inc., New Orleans for residency at UIUC which will include a
performance of GLASS Apr 2, 1979
Ombudsman [b] 1979
William K Williams requests a leave of absence to prepare a report on the Ombuds Office
Recurring transfer of $6,500 to the Ombudsman’s Office, $1,500 for expenses and $5,000 for wages
A history of the Office of the Ombudsperson by William K Williams and notes by Paul S Riegel on proposed
search for Ombudsman to succeed Williams
Approval to hire a graduate assistant to help the Ombudsman, Hugh Satterlee
O & M (Operations & Maintenance) [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……288
Number of craft employees from 1955 through 1977, decreasing from peak in 1968. Other deficiencies in the
Space remodeling, renovation, & replacement budget for FY1979
Amounts spent on utilities by Agriculture, Aviation, and Astronomy will be added to the O & M utility base in
FY1979 operating budget request
Anthropology Dept—Metal Storage Bldg. Lump sum contract, Job # 4118
Contract Agreement with Illinois Power for purchase of electrical power. Renewal of agreement for twelve
months beginning Jul 1, 1978
Disabling injuries for Building Service Workers rose from 24 in FY1977 to 42 in FY1978
Illini Union Bookstore remodeling, Job 9365
Remodeling rooms 113 & 117 Morrill Hall, Job 9367
Ventilation revisions in Burnsides Research Lab
Suspended ceiling in room 117 Gregory Hall, Job 9373
Funding of moving job orders for FY1979, Job 9371 to establish $2,500 beginning balance
Funding of small work orders for FY1979, Job 9372 to establish $5,000 beginning balance
Remodeling of the Natural History Museum for Security, Job 9375
Remodeling of Room 306 David Kinley Hall, Job 9376
Remodeling of rooms 330, 332, & 336 Davenport Hall, Job 9377
Remodeling in the Armory for the Athletic Assoc., Job 9378
Electrical improvements in the Armory Theatre, Job 9380
Installation of 8 self-storing storm windows at 1204 West Nevada Street, Job 9379
Remodeling third floor Illini Hall, Job 9350
Supplemental ventilation system for Speech & Hearing Clinic, Job 9382
Exhaust fan for Art & Design Faculty Studio Bldg., Job 9383
Installation of Acoustical tile in room 300D Noyes Lab, Job 9384
Minor remodeling in Room 2 Education Bldg., Job 9385
Remodeling of isolation stalls in the Large Animal Clinic, Job 9386
Veterinary Medicine Research Bldgs., Job 9347, rework original O & M schematic designs
Removal of Civil Defense supplies from buildings around campus
Information on O & M employee ratio to campus area. Request for more detailed information to show reduced
resources for O & M
Remodeling of Davenport Hall for Dept of Art, Job 9389
Remodeling of Davenport Hall for Dept of Geography, Job 9338
Remodeling in Environmental Research Lab, Job 9391
Summary of contractors’ fees for repairs, minor remodeling and new construction, ventilating and distribution
systems for conditioned air work, 1978-79
Conversion of the incinerator in the Basic Medical Sciences Bldg. from fuel oil to natural gas, Job 9394
Moving of Dept of Geography in Davenport Hall and Dept of Art painters to Davenport Hall, Job 9393
Moving of Survey Research Lab to 1005 & 1007 West Nevada, Job 9396
Green Street median landscape renovation
Detail of O & M agreement with State Universities Retirement System (SURS) re fire & police protection
Remodeling of 502 East University for compliance with the State Fire Marshall’s regulations for Day Care
Centers, Job 9397 (Our Gang Day Care Center)
Electrical improvements at 1201 West Nevada, Job 9395
Information on maintenance & equipment repair & replacement costs for the Krannert Center for the
Performing Arts, and funding thereof
Lawn sign for Labor & Industrial Relations Bldg., Job 9399
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……289
Electrical improvements in rooms 12, 20, 32, & 40 Fine & Applied Arts Bldg., Job 9400
Remodeling 4th floor David Kinley Hall for Library Science, Job 9398
Volatile Storage Room addition to University Press, Job 9401
Contract for Ventilation Work in FY1979, approved at Sep 20, 1978 mtg. of the Board of Trustees
Drain line repairs in the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Job 9402
Remodeling in room 8 Noble Hall, Job 9304
Remodeling in room 100 Armory (Drill Floor), Job 9406
Leasehold rental costs, transfer of $6,067 and $10,512
Installation of Helium Recovery System in Loomis & Materials Research lab, Job 9404
Energy alerts have saved $60,000
Explanation of the cost overrun on the Visek remodeling project
Installation of window air conditioners at 1007 West Nevada, Job 9408
Remodeling in room 215 Davenport Hall, job 9407
O & M Job System Overhead Charge, calculations for continuing to use a 20% overhead rate on all labor &
material incurred on job order work
Remodeling in basement of 601 East John, job 9409
Charging policy for auxiliary service units in respect to sanitary hauling, landfill use fee, O & M overhead, and
any other costs not charged on a uniform basis to all campus units
Sign change for Art & Design Bldg., job 9410
WILL Satellite interconnect system
Cleaning of rented space at 26 East Springfield, Job 9412
Remodeling at 1110 West Main Street, job 9413
Remodeling at 1210 West Springfield, job 9414
Installation of wall between rooms 232 and 234 Davenport Hall, job 9415
Window air conditioners for room 2 and room 2A Vivarium, job 9416
Sweeping and painting Tartan surface in Armory, job 9417
Replacement of chalkboard in 100 Noyes, job 4598
Moving the Library Science Dept. to 4th floor David Kinley Hall, job 9418
Notice of hearing re: rate increase filed by Northern Illinois Water Corp.
Security remodeling in Education Bldg., job 9420
Proposal for an electric rate increase to become effective Feb 9, 1979 by Illinois Power Company. Copy of
Eleventh Revised Exhibit B to agreement between Illinois Power and UI Board of Trustees
Remodeling rooms 403, 404 and 406 David Kinley Hall, job 9421
Planning the Electrical Modernization projects which were included in the FY1979 SR3 Capital Budget.
$96,000 for replacing the primary electrical distribution system providing power between campus and
Willard Airport. Bid tabulation & acceptance
Remodeling at 1005 West Nevada for the Survey Research Lab, job 9423
Installation of a chain-link fence at the Vegetable Crops Greenhouse, job 9425
Remodeling of rooms 212A & 213 of 601 East John, job 9426
Wall outlets for room 10 Architecture Bldg., job 9424
Installation of handrails on front & rear stairs at 1204 West Nevada, job 9428
Remodeling in Davenport House for the Office of Space Utilization, job 9430
Remodeling of basement corridor in Noyes Lab, job 9429
New electric service for Food for Century Three South Lincoln Avenue Dairy consolidation
Monthly operating report, Heat, Light and Power, March 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……290
Request that the Armory restrooms be serviced as late as possible on Fridays so that paper products will be
available on weekends for track meets
Removal of water treatment tanks in room 4 Vivarium, job 9432
Vandalism charges to O & M buildings for FY1978. Total costs increased from $18,130 in FY1977 to $24,609
in FY1978
Moving of Astronomy, Office of Interdisciplinary Projects, and office of Energy Research Group, job 9422
Remodeling of animal rooms 490 and 491 in Roger Adams Lab, job 9433
Replacement of the acoustic ceiling panels in room 65 Morrill Hall, job 9419. Authorization of additional funds
for this job
Original agreement dated Dec 15, 1967 between UI and Illinois Power for electric power and cogeneration, and
response to Harold Poindexter’s request for information on details of this agreement
Allocation of $120,000 for remodeling the AISS Computer Center
Remodeling in Davenport House for Office of Public Affairs, job 9434
Report on Oil and chip prices over the past three years
Political science remodeling in Lincoln Hall, job 9435
Insulating the Center for Advanced Study facility at 912 West Illinois, paid partially by the Center
Current fuel oil rates
Remodeling in Aeronautical Lab B for the Dept. of Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, job 9436
Garage operation overhead charge is being reduced from 30% to 25% effective Apr 18, 1979
Remodeling in 510 East Chalmers, job 9437, La Casa Latino house
Remodeling room 309-313 Roger Adams Lab, Job 9438
Remodeling in room 170 Law Bldg., job 9439
Remodeling in room 119 Freer Gym, job 9441
Assignment of Operating Budget Funds-to-Complete Funds to Capital Projects
Funds to Complete component of the FY1979 budget allotment: $63,500 recurring for Open New Bldgs.;
$33,000 nonrecurring for funds to complete Turner Hall; $9,000 nonrecurring for equipment for Turner
Hall; $188,000 nonrecurring for U/C Sanitary District. $38,600 to use as funds to complete various
projects. Revised distribution to show actual obligation to U/C Sanitary District of $122,686, Turner
Hall raised to $39,614, SR3 raised from $38,600 to $42,300, and the addition of Funds-to-complete the
Agricultural Engineering Bldg. at $55,000
Remodeling in Law Bldg. Basement, job 9440
Installation of electrical outlets in room 410 David Kinley Hall, job 9443
Installation of electrical outlets in rooms 157A & B Natural History Bldg., job 9445
Relocation of Poultry Housing Unit, job 9448
Relocation of outdoor rabbit facility, job 9449
Remodeling of rooms 201, 204, & 209 Noyes Lab, job 9450
Auxiliary Facilities utilities usage in FY1978, steam purchased
O & M [b] 1979, Sewer System
This file is about agreements with the Urbana and Champaign Sanitary District for expanding & improving the
sanitary sewer facilities, which the University uses.
Report on proposed sewage treatment improvements and fuel spillage-airplane washing pollution prevention for
Willard Airport, prepared by Daily and Associates, Engineers, Inc. Aug 15, 1971
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……291
Report on Willard Airport Sewage Treatment Facilities prepared by P J Voegtle, Mar 9, 1971
Consultants reports advise the UI to connect Willard Airport to the Village of Savoy’s treatment facilities and
abandon its own Willard Airport treatment facility
Legal Counsel’s opinion on possible annexation of Willard Airport to the Village of Savoy
Savoy itemized the issues it would like to discuss as part of this process
Correspondence with the Champaign County Regional Planning Committee
Urbana & Champaign Sanitary District—1974-75 financial contribution. Analysis of water consumption by UI
Authorization to proceed with Step I, engineering planning preliminary design & administration for the airport
sewage project
Report on progress on expanding and improving the Northeast Treatment Plant, and the UI’s share in this
Agreement between the Urbana & Champaign Sanitary District, the City of Champaign, the City of Urbana,
and the UI for conducting sewer system evaluation
Notice of Intent to the U/C Sanitary District for regionalization of wastewater treatment facilities
Mount Hope Cemetery on Pennsylvania Avenue request to tie in to the UI’s sanitary main. They later decide
against it because of cost and complexity. Copy of the original easement agreement dated May 21, 1947
The UI’s share in the initial planning for the project will be $64,000 in FY1978. Money was not included in the
FY1978 Capital Budget appropriation, but was added at the last minute by request from the UI to the
Design and construction of pumping station and transmission lines for sanitary hook-ups to Urbana-Champaign
Sanitary District: Governor Thompson approves $110,000
Agreement with the U/C Sanitary District and the Village of Savoy for Regionalization and Improvement of
Waste Water Treatment Facilities is approved by the UI Board of Trustees Oct 19, 1977. The project
cost is $35,440,000 and will be financed in part by a 75% Federal grant. Total UI share will be
approximately $1,400,000
Personnel Services [b] 1979
FTE distribution of U/C nonacademic employees by rate and group as of Jan 1, 1978
Budget and staffing situation in the Personnel Services Office. Morton Weir agrees to provide them with
$27,000 if they initiate the decentralization of the classification responsibility to the major campus
operating units. Units would be able to reclassify positions at the lower levels, leaving Personnel
Services more time to devote to their other duties
Middle-Management Shift Program. This program is designed to shift middle-management academic
professional or nonacademic personnel from their home units to other campus units for one semester in
order to give them a broader understanding of the campus. The program was suggested by Associate
Vice Chancellor Roger Martin. Copy of his original proposal, in two volumes.
Police Department [b] 1979
Contract for Police Social Work Services approved at the Apr 12, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg. Contract runs
from May 1, 1978 through Apr 30, 1979 and provides the UI Police Dept with coordinated 24-hour
social worker-operated services for dealing with situations involving social and psychological disorders
in the local community
Public Affairs [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……292
Request for an additional Clerk-Typist III in the News Bureau Mail Room to fill in and train under Pat Stoner,
who is leaving
James R Collier is appointed Director of Public Affairs, and several members of the editorial group of Campus
Publications are to be transferred to Public Affairs to work under the new director. He meets with them
to discuss these changes
The Campus Office of Public Information becomes the Campus Office of Public Affairs. An additional $10,501
is added to the director’s line in the new budget
Carol Blomberg hired as Staff Secretary for Director Collier
Salary increase for Frederick G Mohn, Associate Director of Public Affairs
Chancellor’s Office to pay moving costs for James Collier from Lawrence Kansas
$7,616 transfer to nonacademic budget of Public Affairs for secretarial position CS#25968
Space for the Office of Public Affairs in Davenport House is inadequate. Discussions of alternatives for
Request that Public Affairs be allowed to use movie & slide Projectors from OIR without charge
Commitment of funds for furniture and equipment for the Office of Public Affairs
Additional funding for Public Affairs. List of requests and list of commitments
Space Utilization [b] 1979
Nonrecurring transfer of $4,500 for wage money for Armory Supervisors
Miscellaneous costs for the completion of Speech & Hearing Clinic. Analysis of miscellaneous late charges.
Transfer of $2,700
Comparison of possible solutions for meeting the space needs of the new Office of Public Affairs, including the
possibility of moving them to 601 East John Street. (See also file in Public Affairs [b] 1979)
Assessment for Space Utilization for $1,238 to be paid back to the campus, due to over-allocation of FY1979
Transfer of $900 from ICR Minor Repair & Remodeling Estimates to ICR Applied Life Studies Administration
to pay for ½ of the moving of Health Education from Room 349 Armory to room 146 Armory to
provide handicap access
Requesting funds for a formal estimate for remodeling rooms 558 and 260 Psychology, Job 9411
Space Utilization will partially fund the repair of fire curtains in Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
through the purchase of a swing stage for $2,165
Request to continue the same size and format for the Timetable for 1979 as was used for the Spring 1978
Timetable, requiring an additional $7,700
Students-Volunteer Illini Projects (VIP) [b] 1979
[ File goes back to 1970 showing yearly grants from the UI Foundation and listings of expenditures ]
FY1971, UIF gives $5,000, The President’s Office $5,000
FY1972, $2,000 from the Urbana Educational Fund, $2,000 from the President’s Office, and $2,000 from
Various Donors account
FY1973, $1,750 from the Urbana Educational Fund, $1,750 from the President’s Fund, and $3,500 from
Foundation Unrestricted
In Jan 1973 VIP sends a proposal for staff support to Chancellor Peltason. No action on this request is noted
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……293
FY1974, $2,000 from Foundation unrestricted, $1,000 from President’s Fund, $2,000 from Urbana Educational
FY1975, $6,000
FY1976, $7,000
FY1977, $7,000
FY1978, $7,000
FY1979, $7,000
Traffic & Parking [b] 1979
Vice Chancellor Wendel questions the need for establishing a Parking Development Reserve Fund. It would be
used to extend & improve surface parking lots at UIUC
Tables 10.0 and 10.1 for noninstructional capital improvements from nonappropriated funds for FY1979,
showing surface parking lots site improvement, $217,000 and Access road from parking lot P southeast
to SE end of Hangar 3 at Willard Airport site improvement, $11,500
Discussion of the manner in which the construction of automobile parking facilities is to be financed
Payment to the City of Urbana for revenue of meters on College Court and Maryland Avenue
Academic Budget Files
Agriculture [b] 1979 [ 4 folders ]
New appointments and reappointments to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Collaborators with the College of
Agriculture for Academic Year 1978 until Aug 21, 1978
Additional $85,000 in Agricultural Premium Funds requested for FY1979
Counter-offer for Thomas L Frey, who has been offered a position as Assistant Director for Fiscal Affairs at the
Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center
Counter-offer for Gary Beaumont, who was offered a position at CES of Auburn University
The campus will assist the School of Human Resources & Family Studies in hiring persons with doctoral
degrees to replace those being vacated by persons with only Masters degrees.
James O Curtis is appointed Acting Head of the Dept. of Agricultural Engineering
Federal support of Agricultural Experiment Stations and Extension Services and the adverse impact that the
FY1979 Executive Budget recommendations will have on programs
FY1979 USDA Budget Request proposal made by Jarvis Miller, President of Texas A & M University to the
Subcommittee on Department Investigations, Oversight and Research of the House Agricultural
Committee, on behalf of the several units of the Division of Agriculture. Other budget statements to that
Approval to appoint Karen Craig Assistant Director of CES and Assistant Director of the School of Human
Resources and Family Studies
Position: Lecturer in Animal Science—Beef Cattle Production
Position: Assistant Professor of Animal Science
Promotion and tenure decisions for the College of Agriculture for FY1979
FY1979 salary increase recommendations for administrative officers in the College of Agriculture. Approval
Position: Regional Director, Cooperative Extension Service and Regional Coordinator, Continuing Education
for Public Service
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……294
The Executive Committee of the College of Agriculture recommends reappointment of Dean Orville Bentley
for FY1979
Approval to hire Walter H Lewis, Dept of Architecture and reimburse him for assistance with CES’ State
Leadership Schools for Community Problem-Solving, 3 days time for $300
Tuition charge for children participating in the Child Development Lab School. The original $25/per semester
fee was approved by the Board of Trustees in 1957, with the fee going into the General fund. It is
suggested now that the Dept of Human Development & Family Ecology establish a revolving account
into which fees covering the non-instructional components of the program should be deposited to cover
the related costs
Permission to pay staff members an additional temporary appointment for judging a 4-H Show in Brown
County at Mt Sterling Aug 4, 1978: Randy Grove, John Slaton, Victor Smith
The Chancellor’s Office will support the 50% of Walter Keith’s salary associated with his position as Director
of Allerton Park. The other 50% is in Landscape Architecture.
Permission from Academic Affirmative Action to fill several positions in the College of Agriculture internally:
Associate Dean of International Agriculture, Heads of several depts. in the School of Human Resources
& Family Studies
Head, Dept of Family & Consumer Economics: Marilyn M Dunsing
Acting Head, Dept of Foods & Nutrition, Pauline C Paul
Head, Dept of Human Development & Family Ecology, Queenie B Mills
Acting Head, Dept. of Textiles & Interior Design, Saadia S Mohamed
The Headship appointments are approved by the Board of Trustees May 24, 1978
Approval to pay Mark A Russell an additional compensation as judge of a 4-H horse show in Edgar County Jul
16, 1978
Appointment of Mastura Raheel as Assistant Professor in Dept of Textiles & Design. Campus to provide $3750
in salary support for this appointment
Thanks to Vice Chancellor Weir for his help in upgrading salaries and additional line positions in the School of
Human Resources & Family Studies
Approval to offer Cris G Woelfel position of Extension Specialist and Project Leader in Dept of Dairy Science
Approval to appoint Cecil Nickell Associate Professor of Plant Breeding in Dept of Agronomy
Graph summary of initial employment and salaries reported for the May 1978 graduating class
Position: Assistant Animal Scientist
Position: Assistant Professor—Beef Cattle Production & Management
Permission for extra compensation for W W Albert to judge 4-H livestock shows in summer 1978
Permission for extra compensation for Douglas L Parrett to judge 4-H livestock shows in summer 1978
Permission for extra compensation for S F Ridlen to judge 4-H livestock shows in Summer 1978
Permission for extra compensation for Douglas L Hixon to judge 4-H livestock shows in Summer 1978
Permission for extra compensation for John R Romans to judge 4-H livestock shows in summer 1978
Permission for extra compensation for Robert D Rowland to judge 4-H livestock shows in summer 1978
Approval to offer position of Associate Professor of Plant Breeding in the Dept of Agronomy to Glenn Richard
Additional funds to hire Mahmood A Kahn to lead the work in Foodservice Administration in the Dept of
Foods & Nutrition. Extra funds denied as campus is over-extended
Approval to change title of JoAnn N Nelson from Instructor to Lecturer for 1978-79 so that she can finish her
Approval for Martha T Beaumont’s appointment to be reduced from 100% to 75% for 1978-79
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……295
Five new appointments and nine reappointments to the College of Agriculture Collaborators for the year
beginning Aug 21, 1978
Approval to change the period of employment for Elizabeth Rosen
Permission for extra compensation for Raymond I Mowers for judging a 4-H show in Knox County Aug 8,
1978, and Stanley T Smith for judging a 4-H show in Lake County Jul 26, 1978
B A Jones Jr. is named Acting Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station until the arrive of Director
Cragle; and W N Thompson is named Acting Director of the Office of International Programs until a
Director is named
Permission for extra compensation for David R Shue for judging 4-H show in Mercer County Jul 6, 1978
Letters of support to try to retain Dale Bauman, who has been offered a position at Cornell. Prof. Bauman has
resigned his position at UIUC. Approval is given to release him from the one-year service requirement
following a sabbatical leave
Permission for extra compensation for Jerry R Hicks for judging a 4-H show in Stephenson County Aug 22-25,
Dean Orville Bentley to visit INTSOY project in Peru Sep 14-22, 1978
31st Custom Spray Operators Training School Jan 10-11, 1979. Permission to serve beverages and pay
employees for noon-hour work on the registration desk
Permission for extra compensation for David W Seibert for judging a 4-H livestock show in Schuyler county
Jun 30, 1978
Position: Head of the Office of Publications, College of Agriculture. Thomas W Knecht appointed
Approval to appoint Roger R Yoerger Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Head of the Dept of
Agricultural Engineering. The appointment is approved by the Board of Trustees Sep 20, 1978
Orville Bentley asked to apply for the Presidency of Clemson University
$10,000 recurring transfer to the School of Human Resources & Family Studies to provide a .5FTE support to
meet continuing salary obligations
Permission to serve refreshments at the Pesticide Manufacturers, Formulators & Distributors Clinic Oct 17-18,
Permission for the College of Agriculture to offer to participate in an AID Title XII project to assist in
strengthening the University of Sri Lanka, as long as there is no cost to the UI
Appointment of William N Thompson as Associate Dean, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research, Director of
International Programs, Director International Soybean programs and Professor of Farm Management &
Policy. The appointment as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research is for the post of campus Title XII
representative. Backup materials for the Title XII position
List of graduate program costs for the Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine graduate curricula during FY1977
Position: Assistant or Associate Animal Scientist in Dept of Animal Sciences
CES proposal to the Joyce Foundation was not funded
Approval to process an additional temporary appointment for Kenneth L Bryant to provide additional pay for
teaching Agricultural Economics 326 during fall semester 1978 on top of his 100% position as an
Assistant Agricultural Economist
Approval to enter into an underground coal lease on an experimental farm near Newton, Illinois in Jasper
Additional temporary appointment for Leo C Pigage to speak at the Pork Industry Conference Dec 4-5, 1978
Permission to appoint Raymond G Cragle Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Associate Dean of
the College of Agriculture, and Professor of Dairy Science. Position materials. The appointment is
approved by the Board of Trustees Jul 19, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……296
Copy of “Matching Formula Title XII University Strengthening Proposal” submitted by the UI to the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID) Nov 17, 1978
Possible gift from the National Can Corporation property & bldgs. of its subsidiary the National Protein
Corporation at 3004 North Oak Street, Urbana. It is a soybean processing operation. The UI tries to
interest the American Oil Chemists’ Society in working with the UI in operating a training facility for
plant technicians in the fats and oils industry. They decide that the costs of operating such a facility are
more than they are willing to commit
Approval of $19,126 for Summer Session budget
Copy of documents “State Subject-Matter Specialists Performance Evaluation Guidelines” prepared by the
Cooperative Extension Service, and “Criteria for Promoting Cooperative Extension Specialists”.
Discussion of the restrictions on use of funds to Cooperative Extension work only, not teaching credit
Request for $126,000 to meet the CES employer’s share of retirement funds owed to the Federal Retirement
System for FY1979. Campus cannot cover this expense. Vice Chancellor Weir asks whether CES is
getting money from the State to cover this expense in FY1980
Approval of appointment of William C Rose as Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Sciences
Prof. Michael A Dirr, Dept of Horticulture was on sabbatical leave from Jul 1, 1978 through Jun 30, 1979 at
50%. He resigned to go to the University of Georgia Botanical Gardens and will have to repay his salary
from the sabbatical leave
Senate Resolution # 505 honoring Glenn Wade Salisbury, Director of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment
Station on his retirement. Senator Vince Demuzio attended a breakfast at the College of Agriculture Mar
17, 1979 to read the resolution
Investment of County CES Funds derived from County Tax levy.
Proposed funding for land at the Northwestern Illinois Research & Demonstration Center (Association “A”
Soils). Site selection specifications for the proposed 80-100 acre purchase
Nonrecurring transfer of $1,200 from the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to Dept. of Agronomy to support the
Rockefeller Foundation Research Fellowship to Peerasak Srinives
Approval for additional payment to Sherry L Spears, a full-time staff member who took on some additional
work of sewing dacron bags as part of a nutritional experiment
Report of Endowment Farms for year ending Dec 31, 1978
Nonrecurring transfer of $3,500 to the Dept of Dairy Science to support an appointment from Jun 21-Aug 20,
Appointment of Marilyn M Dunsing as Director of the School of Human Resources & Family Studies and
Professor of Family and Consumption Economics. Board of Trustees approval Apr 20, 1979
Permission to hire Donald Dodd as student employee in the Dept of Agricultural Engineering during summer
1979. John’s mother works in the Music Dept.
Permission for extra compensation for Mark A Russell for judging 4-H shows Jul 1, Jul 26, Jul 31 & Aug 1 at
various counties
Permission to allow the College of Agriculture to use up to $25,000 in lapsed State academic salary funds to
cover overdrafts in State wages and expense funds
Applied Life Studies [b] 1979
$6,190 permanent commitment to Physical Education for FY1979 for salaries
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……297
Need for an Associate Dean in Applied Life Studies. Position announcement and request for $29,000 in campus
support for this position. Vice Chancellor Weir cannot promise this money in Jan 1978 for FY1979, due
to uncertainties of FY1979 funding
Summary of considerations for ALS academic personnel needs for FY1979. Commitment of $16,000 for a
position in Leisure Studies at least through FY1979
Executive Committee of ALS recommends re-appointment of Dean Kenneth Clarke
Approval for promotion of Karl M Newell, Dept. of Physical Education, to Associate Professor
Associate Professor Phyllis Hill desires to resign her position at the end of FY1978. She was on Sabbatical
leave during FY1978, and wishes to be released from the requirement of one year’s service following
sabbatical. A compromise is reached whereby Ms Hill would teach a course each semester of FY1979 at
a reduced appointment of 40%
Approval to add $500 to Timothy J Nugent’s salary increase
Approval to offer Rainer Martens $5,000 in support towards creating an American Youth Sport Center. A
nonrecurring transfer is made, as well as $2,000 on a temporary basis
Nonrecurring transfer of $1,197 to the ALS Graduate Assistants line
Faculty position—Graduate Studies Program Director in the Dept of Physical Education. John Loy appointed at
the Professor with tenure level
Approval to include three program directors, Marianna Trekell, Keith Milner & John Loy in the 1979 Summer
Session budget on 15% each for administrative duties
Exchange of salary dollars for expense dollars as part of a shared project with the Institute for Environmental
Studies, the U.S. City Chicago Sub Dot Lakefront
Nonrecurring transfer of $4,590.80 to Leisure Studies for the attempted implementation of the tennis courts
play-by-reservation system in the summer of 1978
Request that the following job titles be changed to Assistant Director: Supervisor of Men’s Activities,
Supervisor of Informal Recreation Programs, Supervisor of Co-Rec Intramural programs, Supervisor of
Women’s Activities
Extension of deadlines for two positions: Curriculum Development and Elementary School Physical Education
and Rhythmic Activities
Attempt to alleviate salary inequities in the Dept of Leisure Studies. Information on salaries paid by competing
institutions. Mid-year increases approved for the following four faculty: Lynn Barnett, Jesse Dixon,
Jack Kelly, & Carol Peterson
Remodeling the South Locker Room, Freer Gymnasium for instructional labs. Funding issues for this project
Request to the Chancellor’s Office for $625 to be used for the Dept of Physical Education’s Sports Fitness
Program to be applied toward registration fees of disadvantaged youth. Discretionary funds in the
Chancellor’s Office have been depleted, but the balance of one account, $154.97, is sent
Request for waiver of overhead charges on Field Test Coordinator position: Contract US-DOT-HS-6-01447
“Field Test Evaluation of Rear Lighting Deceleration Signals”. Request approved
Approval to use $486 from ALS General Salaries to adjust salaries of Peter Stubing and Charles Young to
return them to 15% in Dept of Health & Safety Education
Additional nonrecurring funds ($8,000) for the College of ALS for affirmative action hiring, on the condition
that these funds be paid back
Dept of Health & Safety charged $675 for the services of an interior designer. They never received a bill and
feel the charge is inappropriately high for the services received
Chart of State and Non-State expenses of the Division of Rehabilitation/Education Services for FY1977,
FY1978, and FY1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……298
Armed Forces-Airforce, Army, Navy [b] 1979
Approval of nomination of Captain Thomas G Robey as Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies
Approval of nomination of Captain David H Schorr as teaching staff member of Air Force ROTC Unit
Approval of nomination of LTC Robert Poshard as Commanding Officer of the Army ROTC unit and Professor
of Military Science
Approval of nomination of Captain Amo R Debernardis as Marine Officer Instructor
Decline of approval of nomination of Captain Marcel Hull as Assistant Professor of Military Science
Approval of nomination of CDR James W Eaton Jr. as Assistant professor of Naval Science
Approval of nomination of Captain James W Shoemyer as Commanding Officer of the Naval ROTC unit and
professor of Naval Science
K E Harshbarger agrees to continue as Chairman of the Military Education Council for 1978-79
Retirement dinner for Captain John W Orrill
Approval of nomination of Captain John W Evans Jr. as Assistant Professor of Military Science
Approval of nomination of Captain James Kantor as Assistant Professor of Military Science
$131 from the Chancellor’s reserve account for luncheon sponsored by the Military Education Council
Transfer of $500 from the Military Education Council State funds account to the Chancellor’s ICR account
Transfer of $360 to the Wages and Salaries account of the Naval Science Department to support summer
employment of a student recruiting assistant
Submission of receipts for payment by the Chancellor’s Office for the Tri-Service Honors Day reception for
ROTC cadets and midshipmen May 25, 1979
Aviation, Institute of [b] 1979
Approval of salary increases for Nelwin C Grimm, Bernard Karsh, and Jesse W Stonecipher for FY1979
Approval for additional rate increases from nonstate funds for Lynn Staples and Lester Lendrum
Income/expense summary for Willard Airport Operations Account, showing projections from FY1979 to
FY1982. Assumption that the projected budget for FY1979 is the actual budget
Approval to appoint Jerry L Spangler and Paul Dean Van Proyen Assistant Aviation Education Specialists
Request for additional O & M funds for Willard Airport. Supporting materials and clarification of the two
separate functions (academic and commercial) of Willard and the way in which these functions are
Trade-in of four non-flying helicopters to McQuaid Helicopters Inc. for two rebuilt helicopters, one fully
licensed and the other a non-flying maintenance training helicopter. Approved by the Board of Trustees
Jan 18, 1978. The four non-flying helicopters were acquired through military surplus in 1973. In Dec
1978 the Board of Trustees approved the rebuilding of the non-flying training helicopter to meet civilian
airworthy standards
Listing of Willard Airport leases as of Mar 12, 1979
Aviation-Improvements [b] 1979
Exterior color selection has been made for the Crash & Rescue Facility at Willard Airport
Proposed addition to the Willard Airport Terminal Bldg. Ozark requests more space, which prompts the
administration to think about adding on to the existing terminal. Employment of architect for a
feasibility study for constructing the addition is approved at the Board of Trustees mtg. Apr 14, 1976.
Program statement for the addition. Construction completed Spring 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……299
Grant agreement and amendments for the Airport Development Aid Program for FY1978 and FY1979. Federal
Aviation Administration and Illinois Dept. of Transportation grants for specific airport improvement
projects—runway construction and land acquisition. In Dec 1977 the Board of Trustees approves FAA
application for Land Acquisition & Avigation easements for clear zones, overlay runway 4-22, and
install air carrier apron security lights. This will be part of multi-year funding. The Board of Trustees
accepts the grant agreement May 24, 1978. Copy of the FAA application. Illinois Project 78A-18-759,
ADAP Project 6-17-0016-04. The Board of Trustees approves resolution authorizing acceptance and
execution of the Grant Agreement Jun 21, 1978. The Board of Trustees approves an amendment to the
Grant Agreement Jan 17, 1979. $1M funding was provided in 1978, and the amendment provides an
additional $295,544 in FY1979. Another amendment is approved Apr 20, 1979, which puts the final
price at $259,911. The difference between the $295,544 earlier amount and the final amount, which
works out to $35,633, will be retained by the FAA for reallocation to the UI for a future project grant
Commerce & Business Affairs [b] 1979 [2 folders]
Salary increase for Prof. C F Sirmans, who has received an offer from the U of Georgia. He will go to Georgia
in spite of the counter-offer
Approval to appoint Stanley W Black as Prof. Of Economics. Offer includes moving expenses and guaranteed
support for first semester
Prof. Case Sprenkle will serve an additional two years as Chair of the Dept. of Economics
Appointment of Cheng Hsiao as Associate Professor of Economics with tenure
Counter-offer for Richard E Kihlstrom, Professor of Economics, who has received an offer from the Univ. of
Southern California
Appointment of Lawrence J White and Michelle J White as Professor of Economics with tenure, and Associate
Professor of Economics with tenure respectively. Offers include moving expenses
Counter-offer for Prof. George G Judge, who has been offered Distinguished Professor of Economics at the U
of Georgia. He will take a one-year leave of absence and expects to return to UIUC
Campus will support a half-time graduate assistant Summer 1978 for the Senate Budget Comm
Questions about possible offer of appointment to Paul Newbold as Professor of Economics with tenure.
Questions re salary, appointment level and citizenship status
Executive Committee of the College of Commerce & BA recommends the reappointment of Dean Vernon
Zimmerman for FY1979
Salaries in the College of Commerce. Proposals for the Depts. of Economics, Business Administration, and
Recommended salary increases for administrative staff of the College for FY1979
Promotion & tenure decisions in the College of Commerce & BA: to the rank of Associate Professor: Eugene
Willis (Accountancy), Francine D Blau (Economics and Institute of Labor & Industrial Relations),
Wallace E Hendricks (Economics and Institute of Labor & Industrial Relations); to the rank of
Professor: Larry D Neal (Economics), Cheng-Few Lee (Finance). Denials: to the rank of Associate
Professor: Richard E Ziegler (Accountancy), later reversed by Vice Chancellor Weir; to the rank of
Professor: Hirohide Hinomoto (Business Administration), Donald M Roberts (Business Administration)
Approval to appoint Theodore J Mock Full Professor in Dept of Accountancy.
Thanks to Vice Chancellor Weir for the extra $75,000 in the College of Commerce budget for FY1979
The Bureau of Economic & Business Research offers one-year appointments to Prof. Soong Park
(Accountancy), Prof. Michael K Moch (Business Administration), and Peter F Colwell (Finance) to
participate in academic research. They will return to their home departments after one year
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……300
Counter-offer to Prof. Jagdish Sheth, who has been offered a position at the Univ. of Southern California
Position announcement: Director of Placement and Alumni Relations for College of Commerce & BA
Two-year rollback in probationary period approve for Assistant Professor Robert M Atkinson II
Request denied to extend the appointment of Russell V Puzey one year beyond the mandatory retirement age
Approval for Prof. Alvin E Roth to combine his sabbatical leave for Fall Semester 1979 with his NSF grant for
the full academic year 1978-79
Approval to pay moving expenses for Robert W Jamison
Authorization governing certain contracts and purchases by the College of Commerce Executive Development
Center. This would exempt purchase orders and other contractual transactions for program materials and
services related to the Executive Development Center activities from prior approval by the Board of
Trustees on the condition that all such costs are fully recoverable from the charges assessed the
participants or their sponsor, and procurement procedures in every other particular are consistent with
Regulations. [ Note: this item did not go to the Board of Trustees as scheduled in Sep 1978 ]
Small Business Development Center Act of 1978. Would establish small business centers at universities. UI
may not get involved, since it would require 25% university funding for the 75% Federal grants
Approval to pay moving expenses for Professor Robert Sharp
Approval to authorize payment of $165 for maps for classroom use to James A Bier, a full-time employee in the
Dept of Geography. Prof. Due in Economics had made the purchase.
Further offers for Jagdish Sheth from Rice University and the University of California-Berkeley
Approval to offer positions at the Full Professor level with tenure to Rene Manes and Robert Virgil in the Dept.
of Accountancy
Position: Program Coordinator in the Executive Development Center
Commerce FY1979 salary lapse to meet debt balance
Communications, College of [b] 1979
Need for increase in State support for public television
Executive Committee recommends that Dean Theodore Peterson be reappointed for FY1979
Promotion to full Professor of Kim Rotzoll (Dept of Advertising)
Funding for operation of the Receive-Only Ground Terminal installed at WILL will be included in the budget
of the Division of Broadcasting for the next ten years
Approved salary increases for administrators in the College of Communications for FY1979
Special salary increase for Donald Mullally
Copy of WILL-TV Funding Philosophy
Arrangement for paying Professor Gene Gilmore for his services as director of the Illinois State High School
Press Association. Correspondence from 1963, when this arrangement was set up, and 1970 when it was
renewed. Approval again in 1978.
Utility account for the Division of Broadcasting.
New radio audience data from Arbitron, showing WILL-AM-FM numbers
The College did not get the HEW grant for which they applied, and thus there is not longer a need to hold the
$125,000 ICR money to be used as a match. Suggestions for other uses for this money
Report on recent WILL-TV pledge drive, Dec 1978
Ice storm damage to WILL-TV transmitter bldg. Replace roof and repair antenna
Change in position titles from Manager, FM Radio Station and Manager, TV Station to Manager, WILL-AMFM and Manager, WILL-TV respectively, and to change Donald Mullally’s title to Director of
Broadcasting and General Manager, WILL-AM-FM-TV
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……301
A challenge grant proposal to the Joyce Foundation for WILL was not successful
Ramon G Gaulke, President of Marsteller Inc., was Advertising Executive in Residence at UIUC Feb 18-21,
Temporary transfer of $4,500 to cover deficit in Prof. John Schacht’s salary line. He will retire by May 20,
Exchange of unused state salary funds for ICR funds and transfer of the ICR funds to cover a deficit in the
Division of Broadcasting
Efforts to resolve the denial to use WILL’s three service accounts to purchase equipment.
Permission to employ Randall Stahlhut, a 100% employee of the State Water Survey, to make changes to
computer programs, and pay him $400
Copy of “Long Range Plan to guide the operations of the Division of Broadcasting, 1979-1983” Sept 1979
Computer-Based Education Research Lab (CERL) [b] 1979
Permission to employ Fred Holy, Electronics Technician II for CERL on more than 100% time to maintain
recording & duplicating equipment in the Office of Agricultural Communications
Nonrecurring transfer of $34,098 from Chancellor’s Unassigned Equipment Reserve to CERL as 4th and final
payment for twenty-five terminals purchased for CERL
Continuing Education [b] 1979
Request for additional state funds for CEPS in FY1979
Revised list of proposals for potential implementation in FY1979, following deletion of all New Program
requests from CEPS
Salary equity increase for Linda K Bock, Program Development Specialist in CEPS
Salary increase for Charles Kozoll, Associate Director for Program Development
Nonrecurring state equipment funds to CEPS to purchase Gemini 100 Electronic Blackboards from Illinois Bell
Telephone Co.
Contractual agreement for extramural classes at UIUC. The income generated from these classes should be
placed in the University Income Fund, but under this new system it was not done for FY1979. CEPS
will continue to contract extramural courses for interested groups and will retain the fees for those
courses in a revolving fund from which it can meet the costs related to the courses. For FY1980 the fees
will be deposited in the University Income fund and UIUC will request that the bottom line of the
operating budget be increased by a corresponding amount. In July 1978 Business Affairs denies the
FY1979 plan to use a revolving account, and notifies the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs that
these funds must be deposited in the University Income Fund. This follows a salary increase for
extramural faculty and transfer of all non-credit classes to a self-supporting basis.
Budget for Guided Individual Study office for FY1979. Possible deficit in wages expenditure
Assessment for CEPS is $9,688, which has to be repaid to the Campus due to over-allocation of FY1979 state
CEPS will provide two FTE for Social Work to compensate for additional load of offering the Masters Degree
in Social Work in Springfield and East St. Louis
James Votruba appointed Associate Director of CEPS, and Donald E Hanna is appointed Head of Extramural
Classes. The Assistant Head position formerly held by Mr. Hanna will be opened up to a national search
Permission to pay Medicare 7-8-9 $400 for a performance at the Carboniferous Stratigraphy Conference
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……302
Education, College of [b] 1979 (2 folders)
One-year tenure rollback approved for Assistant Professor Judy Brun
Re-appointment of Dean J Myron Atkin for FY1979
Promotions in the College of Education for FY1979: James D Anderson to Associate Professor, Educational
Policy Studies; Paul C Violas to Professor, Educational Policy Studies; Ann L Brown to Professor,
Educational Psychology, Center for the Study of Reading, and Psychology; Henry T Trueba to
Professor, Secondary Education
Kenneth Hill turned down an offer from the Univ. of Michigan
Appointment of Frederick Erickson as Associate Professor of Educational Psychology
Reappointment of James Wardrop as Chair of Dept. of Educational Psychology
Reappointment of Stephen Lilly as Chair of Dept of Special Education
Reappointment of C Benjamin Cox as Chair of Dept of Secondary Education
Reappointment of Alan Purves as Director of the Curriculum Lab
Change of status from Y to non-Y for Arden Grotelueschen, who has resigned as Director of Office for the
Study of Continuing Professional Education and returning to the faculty
Reappointment of Thomas Sergiovanni as Chair of Dept of Administration, Higher, and Continuing Education
Reappointment of Alan Peshkin as Chair of Dept of Educational Policy Studies
Approval for administrative salary increases for College of Education
Reappointment of Robert E Stake as Director of the Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum
Evaluation (CIRCE)
Reappointment of Harold Lerch as Chair of the Dept of Elementary & Early Childhood Education
Appointment of Tim L Wentling as Associate Professor of Vocational & Technical Education (Q basis)
Permission to attempt to carry over $250,000 in ICR funds from FY1978 to FY1979
Appointment of George W McConkie as Professor of Educational Psychology
B J Bryant is appointed Acting Director of the Educational Placement Office and a search Committee is formed
to look for permanent director
Russell Zwoyer is promoted from Assistant to Associate Dean in the College of Education
Madge Attwood is appointed Associate Professor of Vocational & Technical Education
Approval to pay ten faculty members a consultant fee to assist in training 12 Head Start parents to be parent
Appointment of John Hillison as Associate Professor of Vocational-Technical Education and Associate
Professor, Vocational Agricultural Service (salary is to be split 50% College of Education and 50%
College of Agriculture
Appointment of Julie Grosh as Director of Student Teaching with rank of Assistant Specialist on 75% time
William Hall is appointed Professor of Educational Psychology and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of
Reading and Cognition
Reclassification of the position of Admissions/Records Officer to Certification Specialist, and $2,655 from the
Council of Teacher Education to support the upgrade of the position
Request for those listed to serve on a search committee to identify a faculty member at the associate or full
professor level in the field of agricultural education who would serve full time in the Dept of Vocational
and Technical Education
Approval for one-year tenure rollback for Assistant Professor Jana M Mason
Background materials for establishing a Word Processing Center in the College of Education
Henry T Trueba has accepted a position at San Diego State University
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……303
New faculty member George W McConkie writes of delays in the completion of his Reading Research Lab
remodeling, which delays are hampering progress on his NIMH grants
ICR match for Title XX Training grant
The Journal of Educational Theory is becoming a University publication The Chicago Circle College of
Education will allocate $3,000 of their state appropriation per year toward the cost of printing, which
will be done at the University Printing Services
Approval to spend $72 on a luncheon May 17, 1979 for a planning session conducted by Burton Swanson for a
research project he is conducting in the Caribbean
Box 236
Engineering, College of [b] 1979 (2 folders)
Appointment of Leonard Susskind as Professor of Physics with tenure
Proposed midyear salary adjustments for “vulnerable” full professors in the College of Engineering. Vice
Chancellor Weir agrees to provide nonrecurring funds for FY1978, and recurring funds beginning in
Appointment of Juergen E Ackermann Visiting Professor of Electrical Engineering, Visiting Professor of
Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, and Visiting Research professor in the Coordinated Science
Lab. Approval also given for $3,000 dislocation expenses
Plan for approximately 8% salary rate increases in the College for FY1979 and how they would be allocated
Approval to make an offer to Forest Baskett for Associate Professor
Promotions in the College of Engineering for FY1979:
To rank of Associate Professor:
David A Payne, Ceramic Engineering
Earl D Brill, Civil Engineering and IES
Michael I Darter, Civil Engineering
Charles A Cain, Electrical Engineering
David L Waltz, Electrical Engineering and CSL
Hamish L Fraser, Metallurgy and Mining Engineering
Lawrence S Cardman, Physics
To rank of Professor:
Herman Krier, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Gholamreza Mesri, Civil Engineering
Robert Mehrabian, Metallurgy & Mining, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Robert I Eisenstein, Physics
Lorella M Jones, Physics
Frederick K Lamb, Physics
Jack McK Mochel, Physics
John D Buckmaster, T & AM and Mathematics
John S Walker, T & AM
Appointment of John Kogut as Professor of Physics
Tenure track position to Daniel Gajski and $600 relocation expenses
Continuation of twelve-month appointment for Professor C D Hendricks Jr., to be paid by the Lawrence
Livermore Labs, where he has been doing research on nuclear fusion
Dean Drucker re-appointed for FY1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……304
Approval to appoint Harry Otway Visiting Professor of Psychology and Nuclear Engineering
The Joint Services Electronics Program (JSEP) contract to the Coordinated Science Lab is being held up due to
the campus-wide negotiations with the Dept of Labor over affirmative action processes and goals.
Engineering feels that the campus should take financial responsibility for the lost contract money
Damage estimate of $18,200 for the vandalism and weather damage to the Vermilion River Observatory
Dean Drucker requests that funds be transferred to the College during the year as they become available, rather
than all at once
Support for Dan Hang if he is appointed a member of the Illinois Commission on Atomic Energy
Wendell S Williams granted a leave of absence for one year to work as Section Head for Metallurgy and
Materials in the Division of Materials Research of the National Science Foundation (NSF). He resumes
his appointment at UIUC Aug 1978
Appointment of Colin P Flynn Professor of Physics and Director of the Materials Research Lab
Nonrecurring transfer of $50,000 to purchase instructional equipment for the College of Engineering
Additional .5 FTE appointment for Vladimir Krichevsky in the Electromagnetics Lab to compile data on his
research up to the point of his departure Sep 1, 1978
Dean Drucker will attend the 17th General Assembly International Council of Scientific Unions in Athens,
Greece Sept 16-30, 1978, and to attend the General Assembly International Union of Theoretical &
Applied Mechanics mtg. in Herrenalb, Germany as a delegate of the National Academic of Sciences
Aug 31-Sept 7, 1978
Recurring transfer of $3,740 for salary increases to Assistants
Appointment of Thomas S Huang as Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the
Coordinated Science Lab
Copy of 1978 Summary of Engineering Research
Resignation of A L Friedberg to become Executive Director of the American Ceramic Society
Dean Drucker relates problems in Engineering that removing $111,913 will cause
Request for assistance to purchase needed equipment for the Materials Research Lab: a HB50A Auger and the
Cameca ion probe, totaling about $.8M. Request is referred to the Research Board. Funding sources are
found, including MRL, NSF, Dept. of Energy, College of Engineering, Research Board, & Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs. These funds span three fiscal years beginning FY1979
Counter-offer to Jack D Dow of Dept. of Physics, who has been offered the Headship of the Physics Dept at
Texas A & M University
Clifton G Bergeron appointed Head of Dept of Ceramic Engineering beginning 2nd semester 1979.
Proposal for Joyce Foundation funds to purchase mini-computer and support the College of Engineering’s
Principal’s Scholars Program did not succeed
Documentation on the $450,000 in recurring funds that the College of Engineering received over the past three
years (FY1977, FY1978, FY1979)
Francisco Silva Tulla withdraws his name from consideration for an Assistant Professor position
Salary adjustment for Professor Saburo Muroga
Comparative data on faculty salaries in the College of Engineering
George W Swenson Jr. to be Acting Head of the Dept of Electrical Engineering beginning May 21, 1979 until
he takes over as Head Aug 21, 1979
Promotions in the College of Engineering:
To the rank of Associate Professor:
Jamshid Ghaboussi, Civil Engineering
Duncan H Lawrie, Computer Science
Marshall D Mickunas, Computer Science
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……305
Massimo Altarelli, Physics
James P Wolfe, Physics
To the rank of Professor:
Lee H Sentman, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Barry J Dempsey, Civil Engineering
David A Pecknold, Civil Engineering
William G Albright, Electrical Engineering
Joseph M Crowley, Electrical Engineering
Thomas A DeTemple, Electrical Engineering
Joseph E Greene, Metallurgy & Mining and Mechanical Engineering
Donald Q Lamb Jr., Physics
Summer appointment of Visiting Professor Jeno Sólyom
Appointment of Nancy M Bailey as Grad Assistant for summer of 1979 to develop publications regarding
women in Engineering
Approval for Lee Hively to work off-campus at the Oak Ridge National Lab on project entitled Transport of
Non-Prompt Fusion-Products
Administrative leave for David R Opperman under the NACUBO/Exxon Administrative Leave Program. His
report of the leave and expense summary
Request for increase of $7,500 in rental costs for Aeronomy Field Station, which is rented from William H &
Agnes C Hill. This is due to an amended lease for the property increasing the rental from $25/acre to
$400/acre. Recurring funds are provided from the institutional reserve
Establishment of an escrow account at the Bank of St Paul (Minnesota) into which funds for the purchase of a
spectrometer system from the Physical Electronics Industries Division of Perkin-Elmer Corporation will
be placed
Environmental Studies, Institute of [b] 1979
The Institute will gradually convert two Assistant Professors currently paid from ICR funds to State money:
George Provenzano and James B Johnston
Promotion in Environmental Studies for FY1979:
To the rank of Associate Professor: Philip K Hopke
Appointment of Michael J Plewa as Assistant Professor of Environmental Genetics
Approval for salary adjustments for administrative staff in the Institute: Wesley D Seitz and Glenn E Stout
One-year tenure rollback for Assistant Professor George Provenzano
Nonrecurring transfer of $15,000 to the Institute to purchase a liquid scintillation counter
Fine & Applied Arts, College of [b] 1979 (2 folders)
Requesting that Landscape Architecture prepare a proposal for the Interdepartmental Program in DesignBehavior Studies for the FY1980 operating budget request and possible FY1979 internal funding
Arrangement for bringing the Sol LeWitt exhibition to the Krannert Art Museum Mar 4-Apr 8, 1979, from the
Museum of Modern Art in New York. The Board of Trustees approves the proposed contract Oct 19,
1977, but the funds were held up due to inability to contract State funds prior to their allocation.
Counter-offer for Associate Professor Andrew Isserman in the Dept of Urban & Regional Planning, who has
been offered a position at the University of Southern California
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……306
Approval to change Prof. David Knight’s contract from an 11-month to a 9-month while keeping his salary the
Approval for the Dept of Art & Design to use $4400 in turnover savings to upgrade several junior level faculty
Promotions in the College of FAA:
To the rank of associate professor:
David F Bushman, Art & Design
George D Peters, Music
Leonard F Heumann, Urban & Regional Planning and Housing Research & Development
Michall C Romanos, Urbana & Regional Planning
To the rank of professor:
Larry S Bell, Art & Design
George W Hardiman, Art & Design
M Douglas Hilson, Art & Design
Eric L Dalheim, Music
William H Heiles, Music
Daniel T Perantoni, Music
John C Ahart, Theatre
Approval of Dept of Urban & Regional Planning to use $2460 in turnover funds for salary increases for Andrew
Isserman, Leonard Heumann & Michael Romanos
Appointment of John Walter Hill as Associate Professor in the School of Music
Approval to employ Ann Rodiger on more than 100% time during summer 1978 to teach a workshop course in
the Choral Division of the School of Music
Approved salary increases for administrators in the College of FAA for FY1979
Approval of salary increases for James Taylor, Dennis Kimme, and Steven Hesselschwerdt in the National
Clearinghouse for Criminal Justice Planning and Architecture
Approval of Krannert Center for the Performing Arts to use $1,403 turnover savings to increase the salary of
staff associate Mark Kolstoe
Permanent addition of $774 to the College’s FY1979 salary increase allotment for Banfi line, and $1148
temporary funds for Hanser salary increase
Carl Patton to be appointed Acting Head of Dept of Urbana & Regional Planning in Summer 1978. Salary
increase approval
Reappointment of Dean Jack McKenzie for FY1979
Appointment of Ronald W Sterkel as Assistant Head of the Dept of Art & Design and Director of Visual Arts
Counter-offer to Associate Professor of Architecture David J Wickersheimer
Permission to pay Grace Babakhanian in excess of 100% to teach eight seminar sessions in Dept of Dance
Approval to waive the rule requiring one year of service following a Sabbatical leave for Professor Larry Bell.
He has accepted a position at the Univ. of Houston
Transfer of $2,000 to increase the salary line for the position currently held by Thrim Paulsen
Approval to pay an outstanding voucher to Maxiprint Copy Center. The National Clearinghouse for Criminal
Justice Planning & Architecture had some work done at Maxiprint, not knowing that the operator, Mrs.
Sidney Bowhill, is the wife of a full time professor in the Dept of Electrical Engineering. This created a
conflict of interest situation, which the President’s approval for payment
Approval to appoint Patricia Knowles Head of Dept of Dance. Salary increase. The Board of Trustees approves
the appointment Jun 21, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……307
Counter-offer to Professor Guido Francescato in the Dept of Architecture and the Housing Research &
Development Program, who has been offered a position at the Univ. of Maryland. Mr. Francescato
accepted the position at Maryland
Appointment of Gary K Stonebraker as Visiting Research Professor of Architecture
Temporary arrangements to replace Michael Hardy, Associate Director of KCPA. Ron Beebe will assume
duties of Associate Director. Temporary salary increment. Mark Kolstoe will assume duties of Assistant
Director for Production. Temporary salary increment. Hire someone to take over Kolstoe’s duties
Nonrecurring transfers: $50,000 for purchase of instructional equipment; $8,805 to support Boday appointment
in the Dept of Dance; $21,400 to Dept of Architecture to replace funds lost due to decreased
Clearinghouse activities
Dean Jack McKenzie will participate in the delegation of Fine Arts Deans to the Peoples Republic of China Jul
24-Aug 23, 1978
Approval to waive the rule requiring one year of service following a Sabbatical leave for Prof. James R Shipley,
who is retiring in Jan 1979 and will only serve one semester of the required year
Approval to appoint Robert C Lozar, an IPA Research Associate at U.S. Army Construction Engineering
Research Lab (ACERL) to a 0% Visiting Research Assistant Professor in Architecture
Approval to appoint Charles C Lozar, Research Architect at U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Lab
(ACERL) to a 0% Visiting Research Associate Professor in Architecture
The Research-Curator position at Krannert Art Museum will be Civil Service rather than Academic
Professor Robert L Amico resigns his position to accept an appointment as Chair and Professor of Architecture
at Notre Dame University
Continued appointment of Kurt P Froehlich as Adjunct Associate Professor of Architecture
Continued appointment of Robert M Dinnat as Visiting Research Professor of Architecture
Continued appointment of Robert L Porter as Visiting Research Professor of Architecture
Approval for the Krannert Art Museum to hire two faculty members to assist in producing fundraising bulletins
and brochures. They will be paid out of UIF accounts, not State money
Administrative increment of $1,000 for Professor Albert Bianchini, Chair of the Graduate Committee, Dept of
Associate Professor Carl Regehr was appointed Honorary Member of the Society of Typographic Arts
Vice Chancellor Morton Weir directs Dean McKenzie to develop and salary equity plan for the College, and to
examine goals for hiring women and minorities in the College. Dean McKenzie submits a plan for
salary study and Michelle Thompson offers comments. She is to work with Dean McKenzie on the
salary equity study. Salry Scatter Plots are done for the Departments in the College of FAA.
Big Ten Financial Support of Adjunct Band Functions from Athletic Budgets. Band Director Harry Begian
attempts to gain support for the Marching Band from the Athletic Association, which currently gives no
money other than travel expenses to play at football games
Attempts to secure funding for the Prado Art Exhibit
Grant from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration of the U.S. Dept. of Justice to support a research
program “Separation of Juveniles and Adult Offenders”. Approved by the Board of Trustees Sep 20,
Approval for the Dept of Art & Design to use funds from their ICR account for a catered reception opening the
annual faculty exhibition
Approval to use ICR funds to pay for a suite at the Washington Hilton Hotel for five nights for the purpose of
interviewing candidates for eight faculty positions in the Dept of Art & Design
Permission to pay Grace Babakhanian in excess of 100% for 4 lectures and 3 interviews with visiting artists in
Dept of Dance during Spring term 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……308
Permission to pay Carl Regehr for designing a special edition poster for the production of Shozo Sato’s Kabuki
“Shun Kan”
The Q appointment of John W Hill will be continued for another 2 years. The Q appointment for James Harris
will be changed to indefinite tenure
Budget problems at KCPA. Justification for personnel required to meet staffing deficiencies.
Request for return of Indirect Costs generated by an NEH grant to produce a Census catalogue of manuscript
sources of polyphonic music, 1400-1550. The campus denies this request due to the severe budget
The Theatre Dept must discontinue using O & M scaffolding in Theatre productions
Michael C Hardy appointed Director of the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts and Associate Professor of
Theatre with tenure
Approval to give temporary salary increases to Jeanette Lytle and Jerry Tessin in recognition of added work
Nonrecurring transfer of $1,964 to the Dept of Art & Design for the purchase of workbenches
Approval to pay Jonas Mata for consulting work performed for the National Clearinghouse, in excess of his
full-time job for the Community Research Forum
Purchase of a piano for the Great Hall at KCPA from Joyce Foundation funds, & College of FAA funds
Nonrecurring transfer of $2,456 from the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to a new ICR account in University Bands
to help pay expenses associated with the Marching Band’s trip to the Univ. of Indiana football game in
Listing of amounts of art purchases from various accounts for the Krannert Art Museum
FAA-Krannert Center for the Performing Arts Restoration [b] 1979
This file begins in 1974 and includes materials from then to Oct 1978.
[[ Also see the file in Box 79 of the FY1978 archives materials as follows: Fine & Applied Arts, College ofKCPA Litigation (b)
Major deterioration of KCPA is investigated by the firm of Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, Greene and
Associates, Inc. in Fall-Winter 1974-75. This information is given to the Board of Trustees in
Executive Session Feb 19, 1975. There have been problems with wall cracking, damage &
deterioration of limestone copings, fascias, & column covers, roof leaking, metal work such as
windows, copings, & trim
The UI had entered into litigation to recover damages for design and construction deficiencies in
connection with the building of KCPA in Feb 1974. Discovery was to be completed by Sep 1977 and
trial on the merits scheduled for Feb 1978
Settlement offer from Turner Construction Company in Chicago for remedial work on KCPA.
Rejected by UI. Subcontractors Harrison & Abramovitz has refused to participate in a settlement
Counterclaims were filed by the contractors. Settlement negotiations were held, and the Board of
Trustees agrees to a settlement of $931,250 ]]
The architectural firm of Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, Greene and Associates, Inc. is employed to coordinate
all activities for the corrective work of KCPA
Restoration plan
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……309
Phase I restoration includes realigning and reseting limestone coping and fascia, stair treads, column covers &
brownstone planters; plumbing work on the plaza and roof drainage systems; removal & replacement of
the entire plaza waterproofing and insulation systems at all three levels
Phase II restoration includes the complete replacement of all roofing and roof insulation, repair of the exterior
and interior ceilings, walls, and floors damaged by water leaks, and other deterioration
Progress reports
Additional water damage due to storms in Fall 1975
Phase I work was to be completed Jun 1, 1977
Phase II restoration is approved by the Board of Trustees Oct 19, 1977
Graduate College [b] 1979
Dillon Mapother appointed Acting Vice Chancellor for Research and Acting Dean of the Graduate College
effective Oct 1977
Call for nominations for George A Miller Visiting Professors for FY1979 and FY1980
Promotions in the Graduate College:
To the rank of Associate Professor:
Elisabeth S Weidemann, Housing Research & Development, Landscape Architecture
Robert B Wilhelmson, Lab for Atmospheric Research
Additional funds for special case salary increases for the Lab for Atmospheric Research, Housing Research &
Development, and the Center for Advanced Study
Nonrecurring transfer of $100,000 to the Research Board to support research on campus. Campus also has a
commitment of $50,000 for the Scholars’ Travel Fund in FY1979
Campus will not reimburse the VC for Research for the temporary absence of Richard Barksdale, who has
agreed to be Acting Director of the Afro-American Studies Program
Approval to pay two research assistants for three summer months employment on Orbes Energy Demand Study
for the Center for Advanced Computation
Edwin Goldwasser notifies Deans, Directors & Department Heads that Research Board funds have been
overextended, and fewer proposals will be funded for FY1979
Payment of $425 to the Graduate Student Association for services of a band at the GSA Fall Orientation mtg.
Aug 31, 1978
Transfer of $20,000 from the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to the Scholar’s Travel Fund. A commitment had been
made for $50,000, but anticipated monies from the Joyce Foundation did not materialize
The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will provide an additional 10% ICR allocation to the Office of
Interdisciplinary Projects for projects coming from that office. This is to enable them to get off the
ground financially
Cancellation of a vacant non-academic position, Coordinator of Lab Animal Care, and transfer of those funds to
the Office of Lab Animal Resources
Format for submitting exploratory research and course development proposals under the UIUC Institutional
Energy Program, which is being funded by a grant from the Dept of Energy
Approval for the Center for Advanced Study to exchange $2500 for non-State expense funds to enable CAS to
partially cover the cost of insulating its building at 912 West Illinois Street
Chancellor Gerberding requests that the UI Foundation provide $254,000 for support of the Research Board.
(no response to this request is in the file)
Professor David Boyce of the Dept of Civil Engineering has been appointed head of the Office of
Transportation Research
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……310
Graduate College-Center for Advanced Study (CAS) [b] 1979
Appointment of Associates in the Center for Advanced Study for 1978-79. The following Associates were
approved at the Feb 15, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg.:
Buetow, Dennis E, Physiology
Blaylock, William C, Spanish
Butterworth, Douglas S, Anthropology
Costonis, John J, Law
Flygare, Willis H, Chemistry
Guback, Thomas H, Journalism
Knight, Frank B, Mathematics
Kokotovic, Petar V, Electrical Engineering
Konisky, Jordan, Microbiology
Lamb, Donald Q Jr., Physics
Marcovich, Miroslav, Classics
Millar, James R, Economics
Poppelbaum, Wolfgang J, Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
Sensemann, Susan, Art
Stewart, Charles C, History & African Studies
Uroff, Margaret, English
Wyer, Robert S Jr., Psychology
Appointment of Fellows to the Center for Advanced Study for 1978-79. The following Fellows were approved
at the May 24, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg.:
Accad, Evelyne, French
Baron, Dennis E, English
Buckler, John, History
Glaser, Michael, Biochemistry
Hobson, Ian R, Music
Palmore, Julian I Jr., Mathematics
Schuster, Gary B, Chemistry
Appointment of Resident Associates in the Center for Advanced Study for 1978-79. The following were
approved at the Jul 19, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg.:
Choldin, Harvey M, Sociology
Guither, Harold D, Agricultural Economics
Orfield, Gary A, Political Science
Salary increases for the three new Professors in CAS. They will be done in two stages, the first upon
confirmation of the appointments and the second at the beginning of the next academic year
Appointment of the following new Professors in CAS was approved at the Nov 17, 1978 Board of Trustees
Burkholder, Donald L, Mathematics
Frauenfelder, Hans, Physics
Pines, David, Physics
All are effective Nov 21, 1978
Government & Public Affairs, Institute of [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……311
Temporary position: Editor & Staff Associate
Labor & Industrial Relations, Institute of [b] 1979
Position: Part time Staff Assistant
Reappointment of Director Melvin Rothbaum
Promotions in the Institute of Labor & Industrial Relations:
To the rank of Professor:
William J Adelman
Stanley Rosen
Assessment of $5,801 to go back to the Campus to recover over-allocation of funds for FY1979
Melvin Rothbaum, ILIR Director, is stepping down to return to teaching & research. He will stay on until a
successor is named
Law, College of [b] 1979
Counter-offers for Professors William H Painter and Jeffrey O’Connor, who have received outside offers. Both
are retained
Promotions in the College of Law:
To the Rank of Associate Professor:
Mary L Fellows
Elaine W Shoben
To the rank of Professor
John E Nowak
Reappointment of John Cribbet as Dean of College of Law
Approval to use additional monies from the Other Academic Salaries line to fund extra equity increase for Rita
Professor Wayne R LaFave is named the first David C Baum Professor of Law. Copy of the agreement between
The Alvin H Baum Family Fund and UI Foundation establishing the David C Baum Professorship in
Professor Nathaniel L Nathanson will present two David C Baum Memorial lectures on Nov 16, 1978.
Approval to pay the honorarium
Assessment of $11,762 to go back to the Campus to recover over-allocation of funds for FY1979
The College requests funding from International Programs to release Prof. Ralph Reisner for one-half of his
teaching duties. He has been conducting programs for Latin American public sector attorneys, and
planning is underway for programs with Europeans and Chinese lawyers. Vice Chancellor Weir
suggests that the College of Law use new program monies for this purpose
Counter-offer for Professor Roger Findley, who was offered a deanship at the University of California. He will
stay at UI
Louis B Pollak will deliver the David C Baum Memorial Lecture Mar 8, 1979. Approval to pay the honorarium
Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of
LAS-Administration [b] 1979
Promotions in the College of LAS:
To the rank of Associate Professor:
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……312
Richard M Crutcher, Astronomy
David J Shapiro, Biochemistry
John R Shapley, Chemistry
Larry Danielson, English
W David Kay, English
Zoreh T Sullivan, English
Ronald C Jennings, History & Asian Studies
David L Petersen, Linguistics & Religious Studies
Antonino Musumeci, Spanish, Italian & Portuguese
Cheris R Kramer, Speech Communication
David L Swanson, Speech Communication
Peter H Hartline, Physiology & Biophysics
Eric G Jakobsson, Physiology & Biophysics
Orrin D Sherwood, Physiology & Biophysics and School of Basic Medical Sciences
Lynn McLinden, Mathematics
Charles J Bareis, Anthropology
Marcus K Felson, Sociology
Ross M Stolzenberg, Sociology
To the rank of Professor:
Robert L Switzer, Biochemistry
David Chandler, Chemistry
Joseph L Love Jr., History
Robert A Waller, History
Jesse Delia, Speech Communication
Charles J Arntzen, Botany
Michael Salmon, Ecology, Ethology & Evolution
Thomas G Ebrey, Physiology & Biophysics
Stephen V Ullom, Mathematics
William T Greenough, Psychology
Edward Seidman, Psychology
Roger E Kanet, Political Science
Joan Huber, Sociology
Approval of salary increases for Assistant and Associate Deans and Executive Officers of Schools and
The College will continue its $3,500 in support of the West European Studies Program for FY1979, but
encourages the Program to seek outside funding
Reappointment of Dean Robert W Rogers for FY1979
Nonrecurring transfer of $50,000 to LAS to support purchase of instructional equipment
Approval for Dean Rogers to travel to Austria, Iran, and Japan to review LAS programs in those countries, from
Oct 1-21, 1978
Some restructuring in LAS: appointing James C Schroeder Associate Dean (Planning & Budgeting), to
downgrade the Business Manager position to Administrative Clerk or Administrative Aide, promote
Thomas Eakman to Assistant Dean
Dean Rogers asks Directors & Dept Heads for data regarding released funds and commitments on them for
1979 in order to make an assessment of the College’s budget situation
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……313
The Executive Headquarters of the Latin American Studies Association will move to UIUC. Copy of the
Memorandum of Agreement and details of each party’s commitments
A base reduction in the budget of $45,000 for LAS
Temporary transfer of $313,107 from LAS to the Chancellor’s Reserve, including $209,107 assessment to LAS
and $104,000 as partial payment of the deficit carryover from FY1978
$1,608.91 to LAS for expenses associated with the Austria Overseas Program
There is a prospective deficit of $120,000 for LAS in FY1979. Campus is unable to offer much relief, with the
exception of some special aid for expenses related to the shutdown of programs in Iran
LAS-Afro-American Studies Program [b] 1979
Report of the Ad hoc Committee for the Evaluation of the Afro-American Research and Studies Program,
chaired by William Plater. Purpose was to determine the program’s viability and potential value to the
campus. They recommended that the program be continued and that a search for permanent director be
conducted. The following year the Task Group on Resource Allocation reviewed the Plater report and
interviewed Director John Stewart. They recommended that the College cease to fund the administrative
office currently consisting of a .5 time Director and administrative/clerical staff. The LAS Executive
Committee recommends allocation of campus funds for appointment of a program director for FY1979
LAS-Anthropology [b] 1979
Construction of a Metal Storage Bldg. for the Dept of Anthropology to be located at the corner of Griffith Drive
and Gerty Street
Establishment of bank accounts in India. Demitri Shimkin and Clark E Cunningham received travel grants from
the Smithsonian Institution totaling $55,000 to be used in connection with an international congress on
Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences in India Dec 1978. The funds will be held in the State Bank of
India in New Delhi
Approval to pay Edith M Shimkin $1,000 for her services as an editorial specialist for the Dept of
Anthropology. She is the wife of Professor Demitri B Shimkin and thus approval must be received from
the Chancellor and President
LAS-Astronomy [b] 1979
Approval for an administrative transfer of course LAS 140-141, Physical Science to the Dept of Astronomy
effective Fall semester 1978
Approval for special salary increases in the Dept of Astronomy
Research Board has provided $15,000 for staff position at the Prairie View Observatory. LAS and Campus will
each provide $10,000 for equipment and repairs
Counter-offer for Professor William D Watson, who holds a joint appointment in Physics and Astronomy, and
who has received an outside offer from the University of Virginia
Request for a cost sharing arrangement to replace a stolen Celestron 8 telescope in the Observatory. Campus
response is that they do not provide financial restitution for lost or stolen objects
LAS-Botany [b] 1979
Permission to pay for lunch for an advisory committee mtg. on an exception basis
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……314
Complaint that the Dept of Botany has to pay the sick leave of a Lab Assistant who had just transferred to the
dept. Vice Chancellor Weir explains the policy that the current employer is responsible for paying the
sick and vacation benefits of its employees
Approval to change Professor John B Hanson’s appointment from 11-month to 9-month
LAS-Chemical Sciences [b] 1979
Possible counter-offer to Professor Rudolph A Marcus, who has been offered a position at Cal Tech
Expense and equipment budget for FY1979. Emphasis over past few years has been on salaries over “things”,
and Chemical Sciences expresses the need for equipment funds
Following discussions between Dean Rogers and SOCS Director Gutowsky, LAS agrees to the following: 1)
assistant professorship line may be used for general chemistry or chemical engineering, 2) tax will not
be levied on SOCS, 3) SOCS will have use of its released funds and turnover savings in academic lines
Salary increases for FY1979 for faculty & academic professionals. LAS will contribute $15,500 and SOCS
$22,577 for an overall increase of 9.8%
Approval to use an unrestricted account to pay for refreshments for a party for new Biochemistry graduate
Approval to pay moving expenses for Kenneth Suslick, a new Assistant Professor
Nonrecurring transfers totaling $70,000 to support over-enrollment expenses
Permission for Professor Olke C Uylenbeck to be paid a .5 time stipend during the period Feb 1-May 20, 1979
out of his NIH Research grant
Request to be allowed to use unrestricted funds available to the Chemistry Dept to replace about $2,000 worth
of personal tools belonging to an Instrument Maker that were stolen during a break-in at the School’s
Machine Shop. Such use of funds is denied by Associate Vice President for Business Affairs Craig
Glassware breakage problem in the SOCS. This file covers the period from 1975 through Apr 1979. SOCS has
charged students for excessive breakage of lab glassware and placed the money collected in their
equipment accounts. Business Affairs notifies them that according to State law & university guidelines
the monies must be deposited into the University Income Fund. Repeated attempts by the Chemistry
Dept to retain this money in order to purchase the necessary lab supplies fails, and in 1979 SOCS
decides to discontinue collecting the fee, since they are not able to gain use of the money anyway
LAS-Comparative Literature [b] 1979
Approval to appoint Professor Bernard Benstock of the Dept of English and Comparative Literature Director of
the Program in Comparative Literature. Administrative increment
LAS-English [b] 1979
Approval for waiver of the one-year service requirement following sabbatical leave for Joseph Trahern, who is
leaving UI to become Head of the Dept of English at the University of Tennessee
The Chancellor urges that deans and directors insure that merit is the primary criterion applied in the
assignment of salary increase funds for FY1979
Approval of permission to cannibalize $10,000 from the Trahern line to provide equity increases for Associate
Professors in the Dept of English
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……315
Approval for waiver of the one-year service requirement following sabbatical leave for Edward Davidson, who
will be subject to mandatory retirement after one semester of service following his sabbatical
Appointment of Leon Waldoff as Acting Head of the Dept of English for Spring semester 1979 while the Head
is on sabbatical
Emeritus status for Professor Charles Shattuck
Approval of financial assistance to George Hendrick, who has been asked to edit the correspondence of Mark
Van Doren. In addition to a Research Board grant, Prof. Hendrick asks for $700 in travel expenses to
study papers in the Columbia University Library. Approved
LAS-English As A Second Language [b] 1979
Search for Director of the Division of English as a Second Language. H Douglas Brown appointed
Approval to appoint Lyle F Bachman, Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language, on an “N” tenure
basis for FY1979, while he is serving as Director of the English program at the University of Tehran,
LAS-Geography [b] 1979
Transfer of some monies from the nonacademic salary line to the wages account to reimburse clerical
employees for overtime pay incurred while another employee was off sick
Appointment of Wayne M Wendland as Associate Professor with in the Dept of Geography
LAS-Geology [b] 1979
Campus commitment to provide matching funds for two grants being submitted to NSF. Campus will set aside
$29,100 for a mass spectrometer and a microprobe
Appointment of John Hower as Professor of Geology with tenure, and Head of the Dept of Geology beginning
Sep 21, 1978
Request for transfer of funds from F A Donath’s leave to the dept. to use for other purposes, such as
microscopes for basic geologic instruction, renovation of air conditioning, research equipment
purchases, minor remodeling, and teaching assistants for Spring 1979
Special salary adjustment for Professor P A Sandberg
LAS-German [b] 1979
Appointment of Marianne Kalinke as Associate Professor of German, with tenure, in the Dept of Germanic
Languages & Literatures, effective Jan 15, 1979
LAS-History [b] 1979
Professor Robert W Johannsen was granted a leave of absence without pay for Spring semester 1979 to accept a
visiting appointment at Arizona State University. Question of how to treat the income from endowment
funds that support his professorial chair. It is decided that 1/3 of the income will be returned to
principal, and 2/3 will be paid to Prof. Johannsen
Appointment of Bennett D Hill as Chair of the Dept of History beginning Aug 21, 1978
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……316
LAS-Humanities, School of [b] 1979
Copy of the Five-Year Plan of the Language Learning Lab
Tenure rollback for Eyamba G Bokamba
Proposal for an Office of Women’s Studies to administer an undergraduate curriculum leading to an
interdisciplinary “minor” in Women’s Studies; and to promote advanced research on women, within and
across disciplines. Approval of a request to provide $2000 for the Women’s Studies Committee in the
School of Humanities for FY1978. A Women’s Studies Program is established in FY1979. Professor
Joan Huber will be administrator of the Program. The campus will transfer recurring funds to the School
of Humanities to support the following: ½ of Professor Huber’s salary, including a $1500 administrative
increment and a $1000 supplement; 50% time secretary; 50% time research assistant; $3000 expense
funds. Prof. Huber will have retreat rights back to the Dept of Sociology at whatever time she is no
longer involved officially in the Women’s Studies Program. Notification that funds have been
transferred to the School of Humanities to an account for Women’s Studies
Approval to reimburse lodging costs above the University limit of $25 for a conference at the Conrad Hilton in
Chicago, at the rate of $26 plus tax
Director Nina Baym reports, through several long letters, on activities in the Humanities at UIUC, including the
quality of programs, and ways in which they attract students to their courses
Remodeling of Room 66 Library for use by the Unit for Cinema Studies. Funding for purchase of 35 mm
LAS-Life Sciences, School of [b] 1979
Counter-offer of Special salary increase for Professor Fakhri Bazzaz, who has been offered a position at the
University of Alberta
Nonrecurring transfers to SOLS fulfill the Chancellor’s Office commitment for support for Professor Anthony
Crofts, which include a one-year appointment for a research associate (Sathamn Saphon), and for a
research technician (G V Tierney). Listing of Vice Chancellor Weir’s commitments for Prof. Crofts’
Remodeling needs at Trelease Woods, Brownfield Woods, Phillips Farm, and the Vivarium. Roger Martin
suggests farming more of the property on the Phillips Farm until the costs of the farm have been covered
Remodeling of second floor of the North Wing of Davenport Hall to house the photosynthesis group in
conjunction with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Financial arrangements for this work
LAS-Mathematics [b] 1979
Appointment of Robert J McEliece as Professor of Mathematics, with tenure
Appointment of Saul Blumenthal as Professor of Mathematics, with tenure
Arrangement for supplementary financial support during sabbatical of Haskell Rosenthal. He will be doing
research in Paris for Spring 1979
Permission for Professor Samuel Goldberg to give a course of 24 lectures at Cambridge University during his
sabbatical spring term 1979
Nonrecurring transfer of $23,355 to the Dept of Mathematics in response to over-enrollment pressures in the
LAS-Microbiology [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……317
Appointment of John Cronan as Associate Professor with tenure. Approval to pay his moving expenses from
Approval to carry over funds for an NSF LOCI grant to Professor Daniel D Burke through the summer of 1979
LAS-Political Science [b] 1979
Appointment of Richard L Merritt as Head of the Dept of Political Science effective Sep 21, 1978
LAS-Psychology [b] 1979
Counter-offer for Associate Professor Julian Rappaport, who has been offered a tenured position as Professor at
the University of Utah [ Note: this file should be in FY1978 ]
Appointment of Douglas Medin as Associate Professor of Psychology with tenure
Appointment of Daniel Kahneman and Anne Treisman as Professors of Psychology with tenure. Financial
Salary adjustments in the Dept. LAS contributes $10,500 special allocation, and Vice Chancellor Weir approves
Psychology using $8,730 from the PTA budget item to provide additional salary increases
Request for a third-month summer appointment for Professor Emanuel Donchin is not approved, as per campus
Special administrative changes in the Dept. Douglas Bernstein will be Associate Head responsible for
administering the graduate program. Julian Rappaport is Director of Clinical Training and Director of
the Psychological Clinic, and Coordinator of the Clinical and PSE Divisions
Note that Prof. Jerry Hirsch is attempting to extend his grant to study institutional racism at several selected
Fee payments to the American Psychological Association for visits made to accredit UI PhD, PsyD and
Counseling Psychology programs. These fees are the responsibility of the departments involved
Assistant Professor Gladys B Baxley asks for supplemental funding for her internship in clinical psychology at
Brown University Medical School in FY1979. The campus turns down her request, but Chancellor
Gerberding agrees to provide $2,500 from discretionary funds
Approval to purchase two random alarm devices from James L Divilbiss, Associate Prof. in the Graduate
School of Library Sciences. These devices are not available from another source
UIUC hires a neurochemist, Edward Roy, who will begin his appointment Spring semester 1979 as Assistant
Professor in the Dept of Psychology. Funding arrangements for building a neurochemistry lab for him in
the Psychology Bldg.
LAS-Religious Studies [b] 1979
Appointment of Associate Professor Vernon Robbins as Director of the Religious Studies Program in LAS for
academic year 1978-79. Administrative increment approved
Father Edward J Duncan, Newman Foundation, recommends that Reverend Thomas J Casey be approved for
teaching an accredited religion course for the 1978-79 academic year. The LAS Executive Committee
approves his appointment over the objections of Religious Studies Professor William R Schoedel
LAS-Slavic Languages & Literatures [b] 1979
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……318
Approval for a 2-week appointment in excess of 100% for Professor Maurice Friedberg to restore a portion of
the salary he was slated to receive for summer 1978 in connection with a National Endowment for the
Humanities Institute grant of which he was Director
LAS-Social Sciences [b] 1979
Thank you to Takutaro Yamamura for gift to Konan University to support the appointment of instructors to
offer Japanese language instruction for non-native speakers. This will benefit UIUC year-in-Japan
program by allowing the students to take their Japanese language instruction from instructors appointed
by Konan
Cost over-runs and delays in completing air conditioner installation in rooms 216 and 230 Lincoln Hall
Request for a PLATO terminal for use in the Social Science Quantitative Lab
Nonrecurring transfer of $1,061 to the School of Social Sciences as loan for purchase of three IBM card punch
Discussion of the LAS assessment charged to the School of Social Sciences and what Director Robert B
Crawford sees as regular budget cuts during the last year
Question of the use of private and public funds for Professor Harold Gold’s lobbying efforts for Title VI
LAS-Sociology [b] 1979
Assistant Vice Chancellor Carolyn Burrell outlines the interpretation of the University Statutes relating to 0%
appointments. Faculty who do not receive a salary, or who are employed less than 50% time are not
eligible for tenure or to receive probationary period credit
Approval of waiver of possible indirect costs for a proposal to the Association of American Colleges Project
QUILL for summer salaries for Leslie Page Moch & David Ransel in order to design a new
interdisciplinary course “Society and Family in Modern Europe: East and West”
LAS-Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese [b] 1979
Appointment of Richard A Preto-Rodas as Chair of Dept of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Discussion of a counter-offer to Professor Brian Dutton, who has been offered a position at UI Chicago Circle
LAS-Speech & Hearing Science [b] 1979
Equipment for the Dept of Speech & Hearing Science. Due to a strike a All Steel Furniture Company, the
furniture ordered from them will not be delivered before the deadline of Sep 30, 1978, at which time the
Capital Development Board funds will lapse. Some replacement pieces were purchased from Central
LAS-Speech Communication [b] 1979
Appointment of Jesse G Delia as Head of the Dept of Speech Communication beginning Aug 21, 1978
Library [b] 1979
Possible funding for the Audio Visual Center for the Undergraduate Library in the FY1979 budget
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……319
Promotions in the Library:
To the rank of Assistant Professor:
Andrews, Christine J, Departmental Libraries
Bartle, Ann N, Departmental Libraries
Cain, Melissa A, Departmental Libraries
Foster, Lynn C, Departmental Libraries
Highsmith, June, Departmental Libraries
Jaramillo, George R, Departmental Libraries
Johnson, Nancy P, Departmental Libraries
Brandehoff, Susan E, Technical Departments
Burger, Robert H, Technical Departments
Gallant, Barbara A, Technical Departments
Gonzalez, Nelly, Technical Departments
Gorecki, Danuta, Technical Departments
Phillips, Loise J, Technical Departments
To tenure without change in rank:
Corey, James F, Administration
Watson, Paula D, Departmental Libraries
Balachandran, Sarojini, Technical Departments
Makino, Yasuko, Technical Departments
To the rank of Associate Professor:
Balachandran, Madhavarao, Departmental Libraries
Boast, Carol, Departmental Libraries
Leich, Harold M, Technical Departments
Approval of salary increases for administrators in the Library
List of people assigned “deficiency” increases as second & final phase of the two year project to bring Library
salaries to near the average of those in the CIC
Appointment of Sheh Wong as East Asian Librarian at the Professor level with tenure
Nonrecurring transfer of $12,000 to support one 50% staff member who will aid the Library in obtaining grants
and contracts
Appointment of Mary Frances Collins as Director of Public Services at the Associate Professor level with
Appointment of Sue Halladay Schneider as Staff Associate for Research from funds provided by Vice
Chancellor Weir
Agreement with the Lincoln Trails Library System for Interlibrary Loan Services to the patrons of the
University Library. Approved at the Sep 20, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg.
Renewal of Illinois/OCLC contract for bibliographic and Library processing services for FY1979 with the
Office of the Secretary of State (State Librarian)
Plans to relocate the East Asia Library in space being vacated by the Library School. Request for funding to
remodel the space in order to secure renewal of an Office of Education grant to the Center for Asian
Studies, which is partially dependent on the quality of the East Asian Library
Resume of Hugh C Atkinson, University Librarian
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……320
Approval of purchase of fifteen random alarm devices from James L Divilbis, an Associate Professor of Library
Science, for use by Science Council librarians to analyze professional & non-professional tasks
performed by 57 FTE staff members
Report on the Adequacy of Funding for Libraries—U of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Assessment to Library of $55,779 to repay campus for overcommitment in the FY1979 budget allocation. They
are given permission to use their unobligated book funds to meet the budget assessment
Recurring transfer of $16,000 to the Library to support the increase in the minimum wage level beginning Jan
1, 1979. An additional $10,000 will be considered as part of the FY1980 budget process
Approval to purchase three rare maps for the Geography Library from Amy Z Gottlieb, Assistant to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Library Science, Graduate School of [b] 1979
Approval of special salary increase for Robert E Brown, Associate Director of the Library School who is
serving as Director of the Illinois Tehran Research Unit. He will be planning for the new medical library
school in Tehran, of which he will be Dean
Campus will support the relocation of telephones associated with the move of the School of Library Science to
David Kinley Hall
Appointment of Roger G Clark as Acting Director of the Graduate School of Library Science, 50%, Associate
Dean of the Graduate College, 50%, and Assistant Professor of English beginning Jul 21, 1978
Problem budget areas for FY1979
Assessment to Library School of $3,520 to repay campus for overcommitment in the FY1979 budget allocation
Former Director Goldhor spent his sabbatical year 1979 as a Visiting Professor at the Dept of Library Studies,
University of the West Indies. They write a report of his activities there
Medical Sciences, School of Basic [b] 1979
Graduate program in Anatomy to be cross appointed between Basic Medical Sciences and School of Life
Sciences. Dr. Charles Roland Leeson hired as Full professor with tenure and Chairman of the Program
in Anatomical Sciences to develop program & teach undergraduate & graduate courses in Anatomy
Proposal for FY1979 Budget Management, U/C Units of the College of Medicine
Remodeling Animal rooms in the Medical Sciences Bldg. Nonrecurring transfer of $32,750 from the
Chancellor’s ICR Reserve to support remodeling connected with the Visek cancer research grant.
$17,250 from the Research Board, & $35,000 from the Medical Center. The Campus share will be
recouped through ICR funds generated from the grant. $62,500 cost overrun on the project. It is agreed
that the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve will pay $42,500 of this amount and O & M the remainder
Position: Administrative Assistant to the Dean
Position: Staff Associate, Office of Student Affairs
Social Work [b] 1979
COPE recommends that the $20,000 budget cut in the School of Social Work in FY1978 be restored for
Counter-offer for Donald Brieland, Director of the School of Social Work, who has been offered positions at
the University of Houston and New York University
Appointment of Edmund V Mech as Full Professor
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……321
Appointment of Pallassana Balgopal as Associate Professor with tenure
Appointment of Francis H Itzin as Associate Dean effective Aug 21, 1978
Janice Hartman appointed Assistant Dean
Assessment to the School of Social Work of $5,160, to be repaid to the Campus for overcommitment of the
FY1979 State budget
The Chancellor’s ICR reserve will provide 25% matching funds for the Title 20 grant for training funds for
Illinois Dept of Children & Family Services personnel. The Community-Child Advocacy Training
Program contract with the Dept of Public Aid was approved at the Dec 13, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg.,
and at the Jun 5, 1979 State of Illinois Board of Higher Education mtg.
Summer Session [b] 1979
Summaries of seven courses that the College of LAS proposes to offer in Intersession. $7,553 to be paid from
the Summer Session reserve
Approved Summer Session budget for 1978
Approval for additional Summer Session instruction money for the School of Social Work
1978 Summer Session Budgetary and Expenditure Analysis
Bound copy of 1979 Summer Session Budget
Veterinary Medicine, College of [b] 1979 (2 folders)
College of Veterinary Medicine Operational & Facilities Planning for the FY1979 budget request
Appointment of Gerald J Pijanowski as Assistant professor in the Dept of Veterinary Anatomy, Physiology &
Use of $5,000 in new state monies to make competitive salary adjustments above the 8% salary increase level
for several Pathologists
Approval of salary increases for administrative personnel in the College
Re-Appointment of Dean Richard Dierks for 1978-79
$1,410 in special salary increase funds for persons having split appointments between Agriculture and
Veterinary Medicine
A G Schiller will serve as Acting Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Appointment of Borje K Gustafsson as Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, with tenure, and Head of the
Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine. Approved at the Jun 21, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg.
Approval to pay moving expenses
Appointment of Everett Heath as Associate Professor of Anatomy on a QY appointment
Movable equipment for the Small Animal Clinic Remodeling project was not part of the Capital Budget request
for FY1979. Two items needed immediately are an autoclave for the oncology research lab and a
biological safety hood for the clinical microbiology lab
Appointment of Robert Crandell as Director of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine effective Sep 21, 1978.
Administrative supplement
Positions: Associate Dean for Research, 50%; and Associate Dean for Alumni and Public Affairs, 50%
Nonrecurring equipment allocation of $200 from the Chancellor’s ICR Reserve
Veterinary Diagnostic Lab materials for discussion of the 1980 contract with the Illinois Dept of Agriculture
Special salary increase for Lloyd David, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology in the Dept of Veterinary
Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……322
Appointment of T A McPherron to fill vacant position as Ambulatory Clinician. Salary increase. Rank will
remain Assistant Professor with tenure symbol of 2Y
Establishment of a Veterinary Medicine Word Processing Center. Review by Office of Space Utilization and
the Office of Administrative Information Systems & Services. Equipment lists and costs.
Appointment of David J Sullivan as half-time pathologist in Diagnostic Veterinary Medicine as Associate
Professor (QY)
Appointment of Erwin Small as Associate Dean for Alumni and Public Affairs, 50% time, and he will also
remain Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine at 50% time
Approval to pay for travel & meal expenses for the academic faculty of the College to meet with the academic
faculty of the College of Veterinary medicine at Purdue Mar 31, 1979
Appointment of Lyle Hanson as Associate Dean for Research on 50% time effective Apr 1, 1979. He will also
remain as Professor in the Dept of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene
College of Veterinary Medicine Program Projections, FY1977-FY1985. Utilization of FY1979 Request, State
Appointment of Paul D Beamer as Acting Head of the Dept of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene. Dr. Beamer
is retired faculty member
Wednesday, June 19, 2002