ALL IN THE TIMING - Mesa Community College
ALL IN THE TIMING - Mesa Community College
More Next Blog» 1 Home Site Overview Ticket O쁋切ers What's Playing? Auditions / Jobs Cast Lists 2016 - 2017 Season Listings Resources Theatre Locator The PHXStages Store Seating Charts Site Sponsors FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 Reviews User Forum THIS MONTH'S MAIN SITE SPONSOR: M ENCORE THEATRE PRESENTS opening night reception - ALL IN THE TIMING - MCC Theatre & Film Arts THIS MONTH'S SITE SPONSOR: EAST VALLEY CHILDREN'S THEATRE PRESE from our friends at MCC: You are cordially invited to join us for our OPENING NIGHT Reception and Performance of ALL IN THE TIMING, by David Ives FRIDAY - OCTOBER 7th Hors D’oeuvres Reception @ 6:30PM - Theatre Lobby Performance @ 7:30 PM - Mainstage All in the Timing, was written by David Ives during the years of 1987-1993, and is comprised of six diverse, but equally hilarious one-act comedies, that focus on language and wordplay, existentialist perspectives on life, and the complications encountered in human interaction. Directed by Mesa Community College faculty, Kevin Dressler. You will be enchanted, perplexed, and enormously entertained by the varied and incisively intelligent premises. Winner of the John Gassner Playwriting Award, premiering O쁋切-Broadway in 1993 at Primary Stages and revived in 2013. All Performances: Evening: Oct. 7 and 8, 13 and 14 at 7:30 PM Matinees: Oct. 8 and 15 at 2 PM Tickets: $12 General Public, $9 Students, Seniors, Faculty & Sta쁋切 THIS MONTH'S SITE SPONSOR: THE ARIZONI AWARDS... To purchase tickets visit - or contact our Box O䃻Ѐce at (480) 4617172 at 8:33 AM +1 Recommend this on Google No comments: Post a Comment Enter your comment... Comment as: Publish SMesarosh (Google) Sign out Notify me Preview DON'T MISS ANY POSTS! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK BY CLICKING THE IMAGE BELOW OR AT TWITTER @PHXSTAGES Newer Post Home Older Post Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) @PHXStages / PHXStages SUPPORT PHXSTAGES BY SHOPPING A THE PHXSTAGES AMAZON STORE FOLLOW US VIA EMAIL: GET PHX STAG POSTINGS AUTOMATICALLY SENT TO Email address... TO CONTACT US AT PHX STAGES JUST IN THE INFO BELOW! Name Email * Message * Send MUSICAL THEATRE OF ANTHEM... GREASEPAINT YOUTHEATRE PRESENT OLIVER! ACTOR'S YOUTH THEATRE PRESENTS. SCOTTSDALE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS PRESENTS... SCOTTSDALE MUSICAL THEATER COM PRESENTS... THEATRE ARTISTS STUDIO PRESENTS MURDER AND A MEAL DINNER THEAT PRESENTS" ARIZONA BROADWAY THEATRE PRESE COMPASS PLAYERS PRESENT ZAO THEATRE PRESENTS... SPACE 55 PRESENTS ITHEATRE COLLABORATIVE PRESENTS HALE CENTRE THEATRE PRESENTS... THE WORLD FAMOUS EDWARDS TWIN THE MESA ARTS CENTER, OCTOBER 26 NEARLY NAKED THEATRE PRESENTS FOUNTAIN HILLS THEATER - VALLEY YOUTH THEATRE PRESENTS.. ALL PUPPET PLAYERS PRESENT... ARIZONA THEATRE COMPANY PRESEN PARADISE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLE PRESENTS: CASTING MANAGER... SPOTLIGHT YOUTH THEATRE PRESEN GHOSTLIGHT THEATRE PRESENTS... DON BLUTH FRONT ROW THEATRE PRESENTS... THEATER WORKS PRESENTS MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE'S THEAT AND FILM ARTS DEPARTMENT PRESEN DESERT FOOTHILLS THEATER PRESEN DESERT STAGES THEATRE PRESENTS. LIMELIGHT YOUTH THEATRE PRESEN ASU SCHOOL OF FILM, DANCE AND THEATRE PRESENTS.... STAGE LEFT PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS ASU LYRIC OPERA THEATRE PRESENTS STARLIGHT COMMUNITY THEATER PRESENTS... CYT PHOENIX PRESENTS... SOUTHWEST SHAKESPEARE COMPANY PRESENTS... BLACK THEATRE TROUPE PRESENTS TUSCANY THEATRE COMPANY PRESEN STRAY CAT THEATRE PRESENTS: BRELBY THEATRE COMPANY PRESENT PHOENIX THEATER: AN ECCENTRIC HISTORY... 2016 - 2017 DETAILED SEASON LISTIN ASU Gammage ASU Lyric Opera Theatre ASU School of Film, Dance and Theatre Arizona Broadway Theatre Arizona Theatre Company Black Theatre Troupe Childsplay Compass Players Desert Foothills Theater East Valley Children's Theatre Fountain Hills Theater Grand Canyon University Greasepaint Youth Theatre Hale Centre Theatre ITheatre Collaborative Limelight Performing Arts Mesa Community College Act 1 Musical Produc Mesa Community College Theatre & Film Arts Mesa Encore Theatre Musical Theatre of Anthem Paradise Valley Community College Phoenix Symphony Orchestra Phoenix Theatre Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre Southwest Shakespeare Company Spotlight Youth Theatre Stage Left Productions Starlight Community Theatre Stray Cat Theatre Theater Works Tuscany Theatre Company Valley Youth Theatre Zao Theatre LATEST REVIEWS FROM VALLEY CRITI CLICK HERE for Latest Reviews posted to the s PHOENIX THEATRE CRITIC WEBSITES David Appleford- Valley Screen and Stage Gil Benbrook- Talkin' Broadway Chris Curcio - Curtain Up Phoenix Jenniger Haaland- Kerry Lengel- Arizona Republic Herbert Paine - PHX THEATRE SITES A/C Theatre Company ASU Gammage Actor's Youth Theatre Actors Theatre All Puppet Players Arizona Broadway Theatre Arizona Theatre Company Arizoni Awards Black Theatre Troupe Brelby Theatre Company Carnival of Illusion Childsplay Christian Youth Theatre - Phoenix Class 6 Theatre Copperstar Repertory Company Desert Foothills Theater Don Bluth Front Row Theatre East Valley Children's Theatre Fountain Hills Theatre Grand Canyon University Greasepaint Youth Theatre Hale Centre Theatre Herberger Theater Center Mesa Community College- Music Theatre Dept Mesa Community College- Theatre Dept. Mesa Encore Theatre Musical Theatre of Anthem Nearly Naked Theatre Orange Theatre Palms Theatre Paradise Valley Community College Phoenix Symphony Orchestra Phoenix Theatre Queen Creek Performing Arts Center Rising Youth Theatre Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre Scottsdale Musical Theater Company Southwest Shakespeare Company Space 55 Spotlight Youth Theatre Starlight Community Theater Stray Cat Theatre Studio 3 Arts Theater Works Theatre Artists Studio Torch Theatre Valley Youth Theatre Zao Theatre SEE ALL POSTS FOR: A/C Theatre Company ASU Lyric Opera Theatre ASU School of Film, Dance and Theatre ASU/Gammage Actor's Youth Theatre All Puppet Players Arizona Broadway Theatre Arizona Theatre Company Black Theatre Troupe Brelby Theatre Company Childsplay Christian Youth Theatre - Phoenix Desert Foothills Theater Desert Stages Theatre Don Bluth Front Row Theatre East Valley Children's Theatre Fountain Hills Theater Ghostlight Theatre Grand Canyon University Greasepaint YouTheatre Hale Centre Theatre I Theatre Collaborative Mesa Community College Mesa Encore Theatre Musical Theatre of Anthem Nearly Naked Theatre Paradise Valley Community College Phoenix Symphony Orchestra Phoenix Theatre Queen Creek Performing Arts Center Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts Scottsdale Musical Theater Company Southwest Shakespeare Company Spotlight Youth Theatre Starlight Community Theatre Stray Cat Theatre Theater Works Theatre Artists Studio Tuscany Theatre Company Valley Youth Theatre Zao Theatre SUBSCRIBE TO PHX STAGES Posts Comments SEARCH THIS BLOG BLOG ARCHIVE ▼ 2016 (1307) ▼ September (87) WEEK AT A GLANCE: September 12 - Sept 18 the musical numbers for the 26th annual Th... audition notice - 2017 Arizona Renaissanc Festiva... reviews - THE VELOCITY OF AUTUMN iTheatre Collab... cast announcement - ROCK THE PRESIDE Childspl... photos - CABARET - National Tour: ASU Gammage WEEK AT A GLANCE: September 12 - Sept 18 we just passed 5,500 Facebook Followers! photos - LES MISÉRABLES: School Edition Youth Wo... ticket discount - MURDER AND A MEAL D THEATRE... cast announcement - DRACULA - Actor's Theatr... audition notice - GYPSY - Almost Famous Septembe... ticket discount - ALL IN THE TIMING - M Theatre ... cast announcement - PIPPIN - Greasepain Youth The... reviews - IN THE HEIGHTS - Phoenix The cast announcement - LIBERACE! - Phoen Theatre Mesa Encore Theatre's Camp Cabaret audition notice - IS HE DEAD? - Hale Cen Theatr... Together (For No Good Reason) - Scottsda Musical... Desert Foothills Theater's Pancake Breakf fundr... ticket discount - LIBERACE! - Phoenix Th THE PRICE - Theatre Artists Studio - Octo - ... audition notice - THE 39 STEPS - Ghostli Theatr... audition notice - GUYS AND DOLLS - Scot Musi... photos - IN THE HEIGHTS - Phoenix The photos - SCHOOL OF ROCK - Actor's Yout Theatre opening night reception - ALL IN THE TIM MCC ... cast announcement - RASHEEDA SPEAKIN Black Thea... promo photos - THE DROWSY CHAPERON Starlight Co... review - THE MOUSETRAP - Grand Canyo University promo photos - 13 THE MUSICAL - Music Theatre of... job openings - Production Manager & Gra Design... MET's FOOTLOOSE to feature cameo appearances at ea... review - CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG Fountain Hills ... photos - OR, - Southwest Shakespeare Co reviews - LOVE, LOSS AND WHAT I WORE Theatre Art... audition notice - DISNEY'S HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, JR... job opening - Part-time Production Servic Theatr... reviews - 3C - Nearly Naked Theatre audition notice - ALIEN: A PUPPET SHOW Puppe... cast announcement - NOISES OFF - Parad Valley C... audition notice - ASSASSINS - Fountain H Theat... job posting - Education Manager Theatre... audition notice - THE LION KING, JR - CY Phoenix ... Grassroots Shakespeare's 2016 / 2017 Seas SCHOOL OF ROCK - Actor's Youth Theatre September... 600,000 Page Views! urgent casting notice for Murder and a Me Dinner... photos - LOVE, LOSS AND WHAT I WORE Theatre Arti... The Changing Landscape of Home - Pasha Yamotahari ... audition notice - SCROOGE IN ROUGE - M Encore T... WEEK AT A GLANCE: September 5 - Septe 11 audition notice - TO KILL A MOCKINGBIR Musical ... cast announcement - THE IMPORTANCE BEING EARNES... reviews - OR, - Southwest Shakespeare Company cast announcement - SHE LOVES ME - M Community ... Mesa Encore Theatre announces their 201 Box... LOVE LETTERS - Compass Players - Octob - 23, ... video interview with the cast of PAGEANT Arizona... SHE LOVES ME - Mesa Community Colleg Musica... THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST Left Produ... FRUITCAKES - Stage Left Productions December 9 -... Valley Youth Theatre's Fall 2016 Classes cast announcement - JUNIE B JONES IS N CROOK -... reviews - PAGEANT - Arizona Broadway T Ticket discount - Murder and a Meal Dinn Theatre... photos - 13 THE MUSICAL - Greasepaint Y Theatr... cast announcement - THE DROWSY CHAPERONE - Starlig... cast announcement / photos - THE MOUS - Grand... photos - CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG Fountain Hills ... review - THE DROWSY CHAPERONE - Hal Centre Theatr... photos - WILLY WONKA, JR - Spotlight Yo Theatre... photos - THE VELOCITY OF AUTUMN - iT Collabo... cast announcement - RADIUM GIRLS Limelight Perfo... THE DROWSY CHAPERONE - Starlight Community Theatre... TWELVE ANGRY JURORS - Starlight Comm Theatre ... RUMORS - Starlight Community Theatre October 20,... ELLA AFTER - Starlight Community Thea Novembe... THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING - Star Community... CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN - Starlight Community Theatre... DISNEY'S THE LITTLE MERMAID, JR - St Commun... INTO THE WOODS - Starlight Community Theatre - Mar... AND THEN THERE WERE NONE - Starligh Community The... THE LOVE AND HATE - Starlight Commun Theatre - ... THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDR Starlight ... DISNEY'S CINDERELLA KIDS - Starlight Community The... THE SANTA METHOD - Starlight Commun Theatre - J... ► August (265) ► July (146) ► June (117) ► May (131) ► April (133) ► March (138) ► February (130) ► January (160) ► 2015 (1679) ► 2014 (448) CONTRIBUTORS GB Gil Benbrook LABELS ABT ABT 2014 ABT 2015 ABT2016 AC AC2015 AC2016 Act One Act One Youth ACTORS ACTORS2014 allpuppet allpuppet2014 allpuppet2015 almost asu asu2015 ASU2016 AsuT AsuT2015 AsuT2016 ATC ATC2014 ATC2015 ATC2016 audition/job ayaa AYT AYT2014 AYT2015 AYT2016 ballet bene䃻Ѐt Binary Black Black2014 Black2015 Black2016 blackfriday bluth bluth2014 bluth2015 bluth2016 brelby brelby2014 brelby2015 brelby2016 bridge BTT Carnival carnival2015 Casting center2016 childsplay childsplay2014 childsplay2015 childsplay2016 Class6 Class62014 class62015 classes compass compass2015 compass2016 contest copper CYT CYT2014 CYT2015 CYT2016 DFT DFT2014 DFT2015 DFT2016 DST DST2014 DST2015 DST2016 estrella ev EVCT EVCT2014 EVCT2015 EVCT2016 feat features FHT FHT2014 FHT2015 FHT2016 forum fundraiser gammage gammage2014 gammage2015 gammage2016 gammage2017 GCU GCU2014 GCU2015 GCU2016 getart ghost ghost2015 ghost2016 Grass grass2016 Grease Grease2015 Grease2016 Hale hale2014 Hale2015 Hale2016 Herberger Herberger2014 interviews itheatre itheatre2015 itheatre2016 last line league2015 lime lime2016 Liz lonely MCC MCC2014 mcc2015 MCC2016 MCCMT MCCMT2016 MET MET2014 MET2015 MET2016 MTA MTA2014 MTA2015 mta2016 murder murder2015 Naked Naked2014 naked2015 Naked2016 newcarpa NYA orange outloud Palms Palms2014 Palms2015 Phoenix Chorale Phoenix First photos PHX PHX2014 PHX2015 phx2016 pinnacle poe poe2015 Press Pro Pro2014 PSO PSO2014 PSO2015 PSO2016 PVCC PVCC2014 PVCC2015 PVCC2016 Q/A queen queen2015 queen2016 reniassance Reviews SCPA SCPA2014 SCPA2015 scpa2016 sic SMTC SMTC2014 SMTC2015 SMTC2016 space55 space552016 Spot Spot2014 Spot2015 Spot2016 Spotlight Stage stageleft stageleft2016 Star Star2014 star2015 star2016 Stray Cat Stray2014 Stray2015 Stray2016 Studio3 Studio3-2015 summer2015 summer2016 SWS SWS2014 SWS2015 SWS2016 TAD Teatro temple Theatre Artists Theatre Artists2015 Theatre Artists2016 tick Tickets tonys tonys2016 Trilogy Tuscany Tuscany2014 Tuscany2015 Tuscany2016 TW TW2014 TW2015 TW2016 vday video Virginia VYT VYT2014 VYT2015 VYT2016 week Youth Zao Zao2015 zao2016 zoni zoni2015 Your local source for All content, artwork and photos on this site are assumed to be owned by the respective theatre companies. 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