- Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology
Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015 Discussion social preventive strategies from child Disturbance by parents and relatives Gholamreza Mohammad Nasl, Department of Law, Assistant Professor, member of scientific board of Disciplinary University, Iran Leyla Talebi Department of Law, Pardis of Albourz Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Alborz, Iran Abstract Child disturbance is phenomena that harmful damages on child and society. As well as penal confrontation with child disturbances, it is necessary to study preventive actions as policy making. Social prevention is one of the effective strategies in this field. The aim of this research is to identify social prevention strategies from child disturbance and evaluate effectiveness from expert point of view. The present research is applied from target and is analytic-descriptive from methodology. The tools for collecting data is questionnaire made by researcher consisted of 24 questions. The statistical society consists of all judges, attorneys, psychologists, counselors of family affairs and parents of Karaj city. The sampling was done by clustering- randomly method and volume of statistical sample is 1650 people and number of statistical sample is 100 people. Analysis data has been performed by SPSS software. The findings showed that awareness, amend religious beliefs, social and personal enabling and enhance social and cultural interventions are three effective strategies for prevention from crime in this research. Key words: Prevention, Social Prevention, Child Disturbance, Parents and Relatives Introduction Violation of right of children and child disturbance has long term background in human history. In fact, children rights are problems were not considered till some past years whether in Iran and other countries and international arena. Also, some of actions which are done against children had customary legal and are signified, ultimately, there were some conventions at years 1924, 1959 and 1989 held and the announcements were approved. Neither of announcements considered right of children which have many reasons. Root and base of these reasons are looking in culture, customs and national traditions of countries. Islamic republic of Iran joined at 1993 by doing terms in framework of lacking confliction of contents with Islam. Regardless having religious, Koran and appraisable base, conditioned membership of Iran to global convention of child disturbance as well as slight of public awareness to this phenomena, lacking defined border for physical punishment and prescribe punishment and unsuitable comprehension from this tradition could not remove the difficulties. Ultimately, the preventive strategies for making these beds are provided. The most effective ones is social or prevention from criminality. The strategy discussed is part of main policies of judicial system and during current decade, the experts tried to offer tools and strategies for social prevention. Importance and Necessity of Research Necessity of research is indecision from some aspects: 1. Since research strategy is based on social prevention from crime and since in current decades, the scientists emphasize upon confrontation on penal system instead of confrontation with abnormality and social pathology, this research is looking for suitable and effective strategies in order to reduce children and adolescence delinquency. At last, in this regard, we recourse to one of the prevention shapes named social prevention. 362 Discussion social preventive strategies from child… www.jsstm-ump.org 2. Scientific and methodology of value of this research is to offer patterns and method which their function is about child disturbance and manner of prevention from it. Thus this research is new step in order to reduce rate of child disturbance. 3. Social prevention is due to all citizens of society, institutes and governmental and private organizations. Because, it is actively and long term policy. The aim of this strategy is that the crime is not happened which bonds with life of persons who are endangered. Because, its aim is to restore quality of life and prevention from destructive effects of crime and social pathologies. Identification and evaluation of these strategies are considering to subject of research. Research Questions The main question is that which are effectiveness methods for social prevention by parents and relatives? This question has some sub questions as following: Which are effectiveness methods for social prevention relatives by awareness and amend religious beliefs? Which are effectiveness methods for social prevention relatives by needs management? Which are effectiveness methods for social prevention relatives by social and personal enabling? Which are effectiveness methods for social prevention relatives by enhance social and cultural interventions? from child disturbance by parents and from child disturbance by parents and from child disturbance by parents and from child disturbance by parents and Research Aims Main aim: identify effectiveness methods for social prevention from child disturbance by parents and relatives Identify effectiveness for social prevention from child disturbance by parents and relatives by awareness and amend religious beliefs. Identify effectiveness for social prevention from child disturbance by parents and relatives by needs management. Identify effectiveness for social prevention from child disturbance by parents and relatives by social and personal enabling Identify effectiveness for social prevention from child disturbance by parents and relatives by enhance social and cultural interventions This article is submitted in four parts. First, theoretical literature and background and methodology and analyzing data and concluding and suggestions are offered. Theoretical Base and Background Discuss literature and Background As for discussions, the researches were performed as following that are close to subject of research: 1) Narges Khaton Heydari Gharaee in her master science thesis named discussion prevalent of child abuse and its relation considers it. The aim of this research is to discuss prevalent of child abuse and its relation with psychological status of parents. The present research is descriptiveanalytic. The sample consists of 610 students of guidance school of Ardebil (310 boys and 300 girls) who were selected as randomly and completed the questionnaire. After identification of child abuse, 100 parents (50 fathers and 50 mothers) and 100 other parents (50 fathers and 50 mothers) were selected as randomly and renew examination for mental signs (SCL90-R) has been performed. The findings were analyzed by descriptive and Khi and Manova. The results showed that physical statistics 13/2% (19/6, girls 6/7%), psychological abuse 19/2% (boys 23/2 and girls 15/15) and negligent 10/8% (boys 12/04%, girls 9/5%) are prevalent . in addition to, in bodily dimensions , anxiety, aggressiveness, phobia, paranoid, obsession, force, sensitivity in interpersonal relation between parents are. Also, there is significant relation between divorce, addiction, domestic violence, low graduation level, unemployment, instability, parent's death and child abuse. 362 Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015 2) Houshang Abroshan in his thesis as child abuse and methods for confrontation with it considers child abuse and points to social pathology. The aim of this research is to discuss place of child and child abuse in their thought, penal thoughts and penal strategies to obtain methods for reduction it by practical and defense strategies. Research methods are librarian and some of it is as square as answer and question in amend and education found of Bandar Abbas by descriptive-analytic. Volume of statistical sample consists of 200 people and number of sample is 40 people. Tools for estimation, discuss librarian sample and votes are. Research plan devotes to protective strategy with penal strategy and non penal ones in preventive strategy. The general result of research is to recognize factors and roots for this abnormality and perform effective penal policy in order to compile protective regulations to child abuse which we can reduce it with motivate responsibility and enhance public self esteem. 3) Mr. Hassan Hajitabar Firouzjaee says in his article as social prevention from delinquency of persons which printed in autumn 20009 in chapter of social studies of crime no.12 that in criminal justice procedure, attention to endangered persons is necessary. These persons are required to use preventive programs and thoughts because of their vulnerability against misuse and delinquency. The aim, of this research is to discuss endangered persons, pathological types and some of social preventive programs. The present research is applied from target and descriptive from methodology which has been performed by librarian. Also, results from research showed that protection from endangered persons shall be subject of regulations of criminal policy and thoughts for social prevention. 4) Marjan Negahi Mokhlesabadi in her master science thesis named child abuse and prevention from it in Iran criminal policy considers prevention from child abuse. The aim is this research is to discuss child abuse and strategies for reduce it in Iran. the present research is applied from target and descriptive-analytic from methodology which has been performed by librarian method. The results showed that child abuse n Iran is unknown case and it needs discovery. The state regulations for confrontation with it considered. Ultimately, recourse to preventive strategies with penal and non- penal strategy can reduce child abuse which needs cooperation all governmental and private institutes. Child abuse Definition Today, abuse and torture of people is forbidden in all countries. International conventions prohibited it and emphasized on it. Our constitutional law informed torture as forbidden th explicitly in 29 element. Child abuse is important crime which is opposite with ethics, custom and thoughts of society and it has unsuitable outcomes for child and society. Finally, in this regard, it is so important to offer suitable definition crime and confront with it. As following, we consider lexicon concept of child abuse: Lexicon concept of child abuse Oxford dictionary says in definition of child abuse: a tyrannical behavior with child, for example, by adults which cover bodily and criminal actions. (Oxford Dictionary of law, 1990:192).From psychological point of view, child abuse is regarded as different types which results to bodily, mental, emotional disturbance and causes disorder in different step of his growth. Child abuse is as different styles like disturbance of child by father, step father, step mother, step brother, sexual violation, force him to work and sexual discrimination, between children. Child abuse means violation to legal right of child by mental and bodily damage that 3 has been performed by parents. World health Organization (WHO ) and some of scientists regarded child abuse as parent's behavior that cause damage to bodily, mental, emotional, social, welfare, peacefully of child and deteriorates growth of child. (Agha Beiglouei, 2001:14 and Bakhshayesh and Kashefi Esmaeilzadeh, 2000:30 and based on definition in world report of violence and health 2002) child abuse is forcible use of power, force, threat or bodily force by person or group against child which damage to health, life, growth and self esteem of child and increase the possibility. Violence against children has different styles which influenced upon 362 Discussion social preventive strategies from child… www.jsstm-ump.org different factors like specifications of victim and aggressor, and cultural and social environment where child lives it and based on this report, child abuse has four groups like bodily, sexual, emotional or neglect. Social Prevention Social prevention or treatment in total concept (Nourbaha, 2004: 218) is the oldest and most prevalent shapes of non-penal prevention and different schools like Feri which is its founder, emphasized upon it. (Hajitabar Firouzjaee, 2009:47), thus social prevention (like social prevention from crime and delinquency) is one of the reaction programs with first prevention which its aim is prevent from deletion or neutralize crime factors and change persons and society as stable and prevent from delinquency and consists of thoughts which influences as direct and indirect on persons to protect them. This prevention consists of all social methods and styles like social, economical, cultural and political actions from crime and performs in environment where person lives it. (Hajitabar Firouzjaee, 2009:48) in this regard, there are different definitions about social prevention. Social prevention is educational, cultural, economical, social actions of government and institutes and physical environment which shall perform based on native customs (Iranian- Islamic) method and has been performed by order of social deputy and prevention of crime of the Judiciary and by Mr. Dr. Mohhamdnasl printed in book named guidance of practical workshop of prevention management from crime and social pathologies. (Mohamadnasl and et al, 2012:111). Judicial and legal commission of Islamic Consolatory Commission regards prevention crime as educational, cultural, economical and social thoughts of government, private institutes about social environment and physical environment for deletion or reduces social factors. In this aspect, social prevention is divided to four main techniques: awareness and amend religious beliefs, needs management, personal and social enabling, enhance social and cultural interventions. Each of main techniques are divided in sub sections which avoid to discuss the because of time and respected readers refer to table1. Techniques of social prevention from child abuse by parents and relatives As for before contents, main and sub techniques of social prevention are discussed in four clusters. Fist main technique- awareness and amend religious beliefs This technique is divided in five sub techniques about child abuse: 1- Amend parent's view about behavior with child: amend parent's view about behavior with child by educate child skills increases positive interaction between children and parents; reduce misuses with children, positive changes in comprehension and parents behavior. These educational programs contain religious, Koran and narration information and medical points and psychology about growth and evolution of child and educate necessary skills r behavior with child who is performed by audio and video media and celeries and psychologists and counselors of family affairs. 2- Amend false norms about hardship and misuse children: perform cultural engineering in plan, renovation and revolve cultural systems as Jihad for amend inaccurate norms about behavior with child like having owner thought which direct behavior of child by enhancing religious belief, values and norms and maintain public discipline of society. Also, plays vital role in internal control of persons thus all cultural authorities and media and celeries shall amend this false norm and western tradition. 3- Promote public awareness about negative effects of violence against children and offer accurate education patterns: as well as informing about violence, and its different shapes, informing about negative effects of violence can play completing role in order to promote parents awareness and legal supervisors. After preparation of public minds and suitable beds, it is turn to offer accurate and suitable educational patterns. This informing can be done by religious authorities and media like as public announcement, poster, educational brochure, television programs and educational message. 366 Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015 4-Aware parents and legal supervisors about unsuitable effects of child abuse on dynasty of child and society: clarify destructive outcomes of child abuse for supervisors and promote awareness by educate from different methods like hold monthly sessions and offer educational-behavioral consulting and held yearly conferences with subject of child abuse and send message causes parents familiar with social pathology and increase responsibility of parents and replace it. 5- Fight with behavioral pattern that advertise power and headship on family with violence: the just method for amending wrong patterns for power and stability on family is to fight with them. Violence is done by family can be neutralize by family interventions and society. The interventions can restore child behavior and increase respect children and educate and advertise and clergies direction and counselor programs and treatment for parents in order to reduce hardship methods and restore relation between parents and children and increase positivism of parents. Second main technique- needs management About social prevention from child abuse, this main technique is divided in six sub techniques as following: 1- Identify legal needs like headship of family, need to respect and satisfy them: identify, educate and inform to members of family especially children about suitable interaction with parents and maintain respect and their placement can satisfy needs to power and stability in family. These educations are performed by extension and administer preventive programs and educate protective skills to child and hold educational workshop for promote ethical skills and their behavior against parents and manage behaviors. 2- Identify mental operations of persons who advertise child abuse and speak about experiences of the victims: the persons, who are advertisers of child abuse and violated behaviors, advertise unsuitable behavioral patterns. The most important strategy for neutralize mental operation is to exploit bitter experiences of victims that experiences it one time before, we can publish story of their life with maintain respect and anonymous by audio and video media. 3- Amend education and maintenance child for parents and legal supervisors: as well as maintenance, education of children and adolescence is cited. And social pathologies are emerged because of lacking awareness of family. The most important strategy in order to recognize parents with these concepts, is educate parents. To print books with these themes and establish it in more crowd places and use of attendance and online consulting can play vital role in this regard. 4-Balance parent's expectancies from children: sometime the parents have special expectancy from their child without attention to his skills and compare him with his counterparts or insist 4 on special directions. Usage of enabling programs of families like SFP and in form of weekly sessions is sample of programs. The said programs are known children with encouragement and self-esteem in children and satisfy the expectancies of parents. 5- Reduce education and drug costs and treatment for more active: the quality of performance and operation of child shall be discussed and as for abnormality of child, he is treated with bodily and mental treatment. Devotion of student insurance and issue identification card for child and insert his identification number and insert it as confidentially and devote consulting services as group and personal and low cost education reduce rate of child abuse. 6- eletion of replace false needs like power, stability and control on family: deletion of power and unsuitable management can be done with home visiting programs, by help seekers, family experts and celeries in order to promote family skills and extend and enhance positive skills of education of child, restore relation between child and parents and restore sufficient of management and divide parent's responsibility acquaintance with technique can replace people on woman based dominance as family regulation. 362 Discussion social preventive strategies from child… www.jsstm-ump.org Third main technique: social and personal enabling Third main technique is divided to six sub techniques as following about social prevention 1) Warn to parents about avoid from more hardship about children: after establishing suitable beds for increasing aspect and capacity of persons with cooperation of media, Islamic Guidance and Culture Organization, holding seminars and sessions for accept order to known and negate from bad, these two orders shall be done by experts and using legal point. By holding answer and question sessions and warn about discussions like child abuse and its world outcomes and negate hardship behaviors, use of suitable patterns can be useful. 2) Promote skills for control anger and methods or confront for parents: educate and administer program for management anger and obtain compatibility skills by parents and legal supervisors and holding psychological seminars on fight to anger can be effective. First, emergence of anger and rooting is done and list of stimulators which cause anger are provided and in next step, key discussions are presented and in last step, these techniques are applied against reaction skill and replace positive thoughts instead of negative ones. ( Mhadavi, 2011, 474). 3) Promote life skills about obedience from parents: official educate of cultural patterns, norms and values is due to education after family. Learning behavioral patterns and obedience is commenced since ages before school and kindergarten or preschool steps. Also, in higher steps, holding classes and consider educational books can remove the defects in family. 4)Identify and treat persons with violence background: amend and renovate and treat of criminal is actions that can prevent from delinquency and it is useful to obtain list of persons in prisons who have violence background and provide occupational, psychological and educational protection as free by local authorities and cooperate institutes like Helping Committee of Imam Khomeini and welfare can renovate persons and prevent from violence and disturbance. 5) Establish center for family crisis and secure homes for children: establish family crisis center and secure homes can be effective in order to return them into family as part or full time. Establish extensive discussion can motivate comprehensive thought and public responsibility in society. And attract the experts and others in order to offer financial and mental help. 6) Establish charity fund for protect child abused: as for multi dimensional of danger and necessity of multi systematic interventions, it is necessary to establish a fund for child abused. Also, by employing supervision teams and expert and supply drug and treatment protection, the protective gaps are compensated. The said plan concentrates on poverty regions where financial, cultural and literacy status is lower. Fourth Main Technique: Enhance social and cultural interventions Third main technique can be divided in seven sub techniques and explain each briefly. 1) Establish emotional and coexistence relation with maintain interaction respect to children in order to immune against violence: mutual relations between parents, supervisors and child can strength emotional relation and coexistence between them. One of the educational programs (family therapy) 5 is in form of Elmira visiting family project and New York health family program. The help seeking evaluates danger degree with indicators of family pressures and is the point is 25 or higher, it is recognized as endanger and included program. (Mahdavi, 2011: 207-210) and restore relations between them by administering family programs. Also the simplest method for communicational patterns is to distribute educational brochures and make expert programs for all parents and relatives. 2) Identify and confront with unsuitable parents and legal supervisors: to be helped from regions and citizens with cooperation municipality and welfare organization plays vital role in confrontation with unsuitable legal supervisors and parents. in fact, by plan based on district and region, social health base, cultural house and clubs, the parents and children can collect 362 Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015 data from families reside at regions and submit them to whom it may concern like social help seeking. To hold educational periods for parents and legal supervisors and clergies can be effective in revive weakness of parents. 3) Inform and enhance religious beliefs about prevention from violence against children: the mosque is the most important institutes where influences on parents and legal supervisors as direct and indirect. In role of mosque, the Muslims are collected as group in this place and doubtless, lecture of clergies is the best opportunity which acquaintance audiences to child abuse and its destructive outcomes. In non attendance its role, the mosque can extend this role with hours instead of attendance hours by distribute educational media and software. 4) Teach child rights in family, methods for interacting with children, ethics in family in all educational courses specially university: educate life skills to students by devote courses as public periods for associate and bachelor degree in universities as life skills and growth and programs for educate life skills and confront with problems by prevention from social pathologies in all educational courses are administered for students and parents. 5) Use of experts and specialties for solving problems between parents and children and offer accurate education pattern and educate psychology to child: this action is regarded as one of the most important preventive actions as preface of education programs and provide since school period by expert forces in addition to promote educational awareness and educate life skills. In this regard, education shall extend programs for health of child with employing experts and counselors by participating students and parents in prevention from first pathologies. Education shall have effective activity with cooperation broadcasting and produce radio programs, documentary films about more acquaintance with human and legal rights. 6) Aware people about roles of satellite and social networks in extension of violence against children: in order to aware fro fight with these programs, the expert people shall vaccinate persons by accurate injection of ideology and giving efficient theories. One of the powerful tools for this field is clergies lecturing, produces television programs and internal programs like learnable films and serials about subject and held television meetings and invites experts and hold annually seminars with satellite subject about positive and negative effects that the aims of these media shall be cited in order to transfer unsuitable behavioral patterns. 7) Produce and make cultural programs suitable with people needs in order to contrast with violated and damages programs: mass media is the most important trustee for culture and social changes in societies. Consideration of global advertisements and apply media for social cohesion and family showed that media can fight with pathologies by making cultural, educational and expert programs pertinent to social pathologies and establish social example. Also, as for qualitative and quantitative like increase attraction of programs and devotion time for broadcasting, it is necessary for them. Table 1 .Analysis table for research Main strategy Needs management Social and personal enabling Enhance social and cultural interventions Sub strategy Identify types of mental operation of child abuse by helping from experiences of victims Amend education and maintenance for children and legal supervisors Warn to parents about avoid from more hardship about children Promote control anger skills and confront with it Establish emotional relations and coexistence with maintain immunity about violence and identify unsuitable parents and legal supervisor Inform to people and enhance religious beliefs about prevention from violence against children Teach rights of child about family, interaction method with children and ethics in family Use of experts for solving problems between parents and children and offer accurate patterns violence programs by 362 Discussion social preventive strategies from child… www.jsstm-ump.org Type and Methodology In this research, the researcher is looking for preventive strategies from child abuse by parents and relatives and thus the results can be applied after finishing work. This research is applied from clustering and aim of this research is to solve problems in real situations. (Habibpour and Safari, 2009: 47), it is descriptive-analytic from collecting data and statistical society considers relation between them. In this method, questionnaire and interview method is used. (Saermi, 2012:22). Statistical society, Sample, Method The statistical society consists of al judges, attorneys, legal counselors, parents, educational trainees, and educational counselors of Karaj city who are related with child abuse. Since the society under studied is different groups, thus the randomly sampling is used for sampling. Volume of sample has been selected as 100 people as for it to respond questions as randomly. Manner of collecting data and analysis data In this research, descriptive and analytic method has been considered. In descriptive level, with use of statistical indicators like abundance, percent abundance, median, chart has been sued in order to analyze variance and non-parameter exam has been used. Analysis data 1. Specification and characteristic of society studied This part considers descriptive specifications like abundance, median, deviance of indicators. Table 2 .Specifications of persons of sample Personal Abundance % abundance % cumulative Specifications abundance Occupation Psychologist 25 25 25 Attorney 25 25 50 Judge 25 25 75 Parents 25 25 100 Gender Man 59 59 59 Woman 41 41 100 Age 21 to 30 years 26 26 26 31 to 40 years 50 50 76 41 to 50 years 16 16 92 51 up to 8 8 100 Graduation Diploma 2 2 2 Associate degree 4 4 6 Bachelor 38 38 44 Master 43 43 87 Doctorate 13 13 100 Employed Employed 91 91 91 Unemployed 9 9 100 Discussion of results of table 2 about personal specifications evaluated showed that from 50% respondents from family counselors and psychologists, 50% attorneys, 50% judges and 50% are parents, between persons discussed, 59% are men and 41$ are women, 26% of respondents are under 21 to 30 years, 50% are 31 to 40 years old, 16 % are between 41 and 50 years and 8% are 51 and up, 2% have diploma, 4% associate degree, 38% bachelor and 43% master degree and 13% are in doctorate, in relation to employed and unemployed, 91% are employed and 9% are unemployed. 322 Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015 2. Analysis data about research questions: 1-2) analysis data for first question Strategy for social prevention from child abuse by awareness and amend religious belief: discussion of results of table 3 for investigating average for awareness and amend religious belief showed that there is difference between them and as for results of table and chart, it is recognized that amend of parents view about relation with child 4.71 is more than other indicators. Table 3 .Results of comparison average indicators for awareness and amend religious belief Strategy number Title Average 1 Amend parents view about relation with child 4/71 2 Amend false norms about hardship 4/48 3 Promote public awareness about negative effects of violence 4/44 against child and offer accurate behavior pattern 4 Aware parents and legal supervisors about unsuitable effects on 4/31 dynasty of child and society 5 Fight with behavioral pattern that advertise power and stability 4/20 by violence on family 2-2) Analysis findings about second question: Strategy for social prevention from child abuse by needs management: discussion of results of table 4 for investigating averages for needs management against child abuse showed that there is difference between different indicators by parents and relatives and since results of table and chart, scale of effectiveness is 4/05 more than other indicators. Table 4. results for comparison average of needs management Strategy number Title Average 8 Amend education process and maintenance child for 4/05 parents and legal supervisors 9 Balance parents expectancy from child 4/05 6 Identify legal needs like leadership of family, respect 3/98 and satisfy them 7 Identify mental operations of advertisers and helping 3/91 from experiences of victims 11 Delete or replace false needs like power and stability 3/83 10 Reduce education and drug and treatment costs for 3/74 children hyper active 3-2) Analysis findings for third question: Strategy for social prevention from child abuse by parents and legal supervisors from social and personal enabling: discussion of results of table 5 for investigating average indicators for parents showed that there is difference between them and as for results of table and chart, it was recognized that effectiveness of skills for control anger and methods for confront it is 4/42 more than other indicators. Table 5.Results for comparison averages for social and personal enabling Strategy no. Title Average 13 Promote skills for control anger and methods for 4/42 confront it 16 Establish family crisis center and secure homes for 4/18 children 15 Identify and treat persons with violence 4/08 14 Promote life skills about obedience from parents 4/05 17 Establish charity fund for protection child 3/94 12 Warn about avoidance from more hardship about 3/89 children to parents 322 Discussion social preventive strategies from child… www.jsstm-ump.org 4-2) Analysis findings for fourth question: Strategy for social prevention from child abuse by parents and relatives by enhance social and cultural interventions: discussion of table 6 doe investigating averages for enhance social and cultural interventions by expert point of view showed that there is difference between them and as for the results; its effectiveness is 428 more than other indicators. Table 6 .Results for comparison averages for enhance social and cultural interventions Strategy no. Title Average 19 Identify to unsuitable parents and legal supervisors 4/28 18 Establish emotional relation and coexistence with 4/24 maintain interaction rights in order to immunity then against violence 20 Inform about enhancing religious beliefs about 4/18 prevention from violence 22 Use of experts for solving problems between 4/16 parents and children and offer accurate educational patterns 24 Produce and make cultural programs suitable with 4/07 people needs in order to contact with violated programs 21 Teach right of child in family, interaction methods 4/02 with child and ethics in family 23 Inform people about role of satellite and social 3/45 networks in extension violence against children 5-2) determine effective Main Strategy Discussion of results of table 7 in order to investigate weight average for social prevention from child abuse by parents and relatives showed that there is difference between scales of effectiveness of different strategies on reduction of child abuse by parents and relatives and the results showed that scale of effectiveness for awareness and amend religious belief is more than 4/43 other indicators and needs management is 3/93 from total point of 5, also, personal and social enabling and enhance social and cultural intervention are after awareness and amend religious belief. Table 7.Results for comparison effectiveness main techniques for social prevention Strategy under evaluation Average Awareness and amend religious belief 4/43 Social and personal enabling 4/09 Enhance social and cultural interventions 4/06 Needs management 3/93 6-2) Determine effective main strategy Identification effective method for social prevention from child abuse from comparison weight averages: comparison weight averages of experts showed that the most efficient method in social prevention from parents and relatives point of view is about question one with average 4/71 from total point 5 and the lowest is about question three with average 3/45 from total point 5. The remaining are locate between them. 323 Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Sub strategy Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Strategy 5 Strategy 6 Strategy 7 Strategy 8 Strategy 9 Strategy 10 Strategy 11 Strategy 12 Strategy 13 Strategy 14 Strategy 15 Strategy 16 Strategy 17 Strategy 18 Strategy 19 Strategy 20 Strategy 21 Strategy 22 Strategy 23 Strategy 24 Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015 Table 8.Discussion weight average for sub strategies Average deviance 4/71 0/53 4/48 0/71 4/44 0/67 4/31 0/81 4/20 0/79 3/98 0/84 3/91 0/99 4/05 0/82 4/05 0/92 3/74 1/11 3/83 0/99 3/89 0/88 4/42 0/75 4/05 0/86 4/08 0/84 4/18 0/90 3/94 1/04 4/24 0/81 4/28 0/84 4/18 0/98 4/02 0/97 4/16 0/77 3/45 1/16 4/07 0/95 Conclusion The results obtained from present research showed that: 1) Between five main strategies identified for prevention from child abuse by awareness and amend religious belief, amend parents view about relation with child and amend false norms about hardship were the most effective ones. 2) Between six strategies identified for social prevention by needs management, amend educational process and maintenance for parents and legal supervisors and balance parent's expectancies were the most effective ones. 3) Between six strategies identified for social prevention from child abuse by personal and social enabling, promote skills for control anger and methods for confront it and establish family crisis center and secure homes were most effective ones. 4)Between seven strategies identified for social prevention from child abuse by enhance social and cultural interventions, confront with presents and unsuitable legal supervisors and make emotional relation with interaction rights and immunity against violence were most effective ones. Suggestions Research Suggestions 1. It is suggested that this research is done with vast social domain in order to study strategies for social prevention from child abuse by parents and relatives. 2. It is suggested the comprehensive questionnaire is provided by parents and relatives in order to discuss strategies or social prevention and consider all aspects. 3. It is suggested that the researcher who is interested in prevention discussion performs research as methods for prevention from child abuse and the results are compared each other. 322 Discussion social preventive strategies from child… www.jsstm-ump.org Applied Suggestions Suggestions based on awareness and amend religious beliefs Amend parent's view about behavior with child: as for results, the first step is to familiar with elements of behavioral methods and invest in education of family. Also, it shall enhance place of religious beliefs, because these beliefs provide road for ethical growth.Amend false norms about hardship with child: in order to clarify false norms, recourse to Koran thoughts is advised. This book takes gradual and step by step policy and uses transparency and fluency in word and repetition in order to reach in suitable result. This is derived from incredible importance of Koran in stable amendment of false educational norms and familiar with sessions for Koran is done in mosque and media like radio and television. Suggestions based on need management Amend educational process and maintenance child for parents and legal supervisors: it is suggested that practical and perfect programming is provided by prevention institutes of the Judiciary in order to clarify perfect concept of maintenance. Preparation and distribute brochures with subject of maintenance and more stimulation is advised and the matches are hold and the winners are given prizes. At last, all contents are recorded in CD and submit to parents. As well as, non-attendance educational programs are broadcasted in province network.Balance parent's expectancy from children: it is advised that the parents establish list of skills of their children in which some of their specifications like bodily, graduation and behavior are inserted as if it is possible to know child more. Also, production learnable programs send educational sms and advisement for family as subtitle can increase respectful status between parents and identify policies like encouragement and reward and creativity in children. Suggestions based on social and personal enabling Promote skills for control anger and methods for it: psychological yearly seminars with subject strategies confront anger and offer new strategies are important to held group consulting sessions with experts who know religious and psychology can be effective. In these sessions, the parents can speak about problems and reasons for anger. Also, the experts investigate problems as case as well as offer psychological strategies that one of methods for confrontation is familiar with narrations and daily exercise and mental remembrance in time of anger. Establish family crisis center and secure homes for child abused: establishment these environments needs cooperation of different institutes like banks and financial institutes to consider financial credits and pay loan without interest and investment provide this situation. To be helping from media and introduce charity plans and present aims and landscapes can encourage citizens and form NGO in order to cooperate. Held yearly conferences with aim of presenting plans and people helps can provide the situation. Suggestions based on enhance social and cultural interventions Identify and confront with parents and legal supervisors: administer regional plan and family coworker as with municipality and cultural homes play important role in increase supervision and control of regions. In fact, with consideration local base in any region, it can be provided attraction expert persons and social help seeking. And they solve problems of family with refer to cultural spaces and identify the families.Establish emotional relation with interaction respect in order to immune against violence and anger: make respect with child can strength emotional relation and coexistence between them against parent's anger. This strategy doesn't concentrates on parents but concentrate on children and parents. Use of simple ethical techniques, recreation, sport can be effective before any education and these strategies are performed by educational authority of school, lecturing of the jurists and media especially television with production films and suitable programs that have respect advantages between parents and children.It is hoped the researcher interested in this field, move in this road and exploit society from the results of their research. 322 Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015 References 1. Abroshan Housahng, 2004, Child Abuse and methods for confront it, master degree thesis of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch 2. Aghabeigluei Abbas, 2001, Child Abuse, Tehran, Avand Press, Second Edition 3. Bakshayesh Seyedreza, Kashefi Esamielzadeh Hassan, 2000, Street Children Victims of Violence for penal justice system, Security Magazine, No,11-12, pp 29-41 4. 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