Scholarship Booklet 2015


Scholarship Booklet 2015
Killarney School
Bursaries 2015
Application Deadline:
Tuesday, May 19th
Chown Centennial Scholarship
Awarded to the student attending the U of M with the highest academic average
Frank and Queenie Collyer Scholarship
Applicants must take 5-40S courses. One must be English 40S for a Canadian University
program only.
Governor General's Bronze Medal
Awarded to the student with the highest combined academic average of Grade 11 and
Grade 12.
James Gary Campbell Memorial Scholarship
Awarded for academic excellence including participation in Drama and Band
Killarney & District Justice Committee Award
This is an award that will be awarded to the student rep(s) who sit on the Killarney and
District Justice Committee as a member. The student must attend ten meetings of the
Justice Committee over the two years. The individual(s) must be entering a postsecondary program. The money will be paid to the institution upon receipt of letter of
acceptance. Preference would be to those reps whose field of study is justice related.
Killarney Elks “Special Achievement Award”
To recognize a student, who despite personal disadvantages has persevered and achieved
the honor as a graduate from their course of studies at Killarney Collegiate Institute.
Coaches Award for Excellence in Athletics
Must be a Graduating Grade 12 Student. This award is decided upon by the coaches of
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Bursary
4 Bursaries awarded to a student entering any post-secondary program.
Clements Bursary
Awarded to a student entering the field of environmental science.
Dora Trump Estate Scholarship
Awarded to a student attending university that has been involved in volunteer work
within the community.
Frank and Ethel White Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a student pursuing music. There is an application form to fill out that is
available from Miss Lawson.
Heide Enterprises Inc. Scholarship
For students entering the field of agriculture
John A. Ross Scholarship Fund
Established for those who do not continue their education immediately following high
school. Applicant must not have attended school for at least one year, must be a former
KCI student or current resident of Turtle Mountain, demonstrate financial need, and be
accepted at a qualified learning institute. Applications available from the Killarney
Killarney Foundation Scholarship
Recognizing leadership, commitment and dedication to further education. This fund is
intended to help all students with emphasis on students who, for financial reasons, would
not otherwise continue their education. Students must be scholastically eligible for
Killarney-Cartwright Consumer’s Co-op
Presented to a graduating student who is an employee of Co-op. Applicant must be going
onto further education – trade school, college or university. Applications and information
available in the school office. Application deadline is May 12th.
Manitoba Nurses Union Bursary
For students enrolling in a Manitoba nursing program (acceptance letter required). Must
have a 75% average in all Sr. 4 courses & at least a C average in every course half way
through the nursing program to receive this bursary. Students must be entering LPN, RN,
BN, or RPN programs. The scholarship will be given ½ way through any nursing
program with proof of passing grade.
Order of the Royal Purple
Awarded for excellence in English
Royal Canadian Legion - Manitoba District Scholarship and Bursary
One scholarship and one Bursary are available through the Royal Canadian Legion to
family members of ex-service members and legion member families based on need.
Application forms are available in the school office. Deadline is July 31st.
Sanders Scholarship
Awarded to students entering a science faculty (agriculture) at University only.
Senior High Student Government Merit Award
Awarded to a graduate who has shown outstanding dedication and support to KCI
Student Government activities and Extra-Curricular life at KCI during his/her High
School Years.
Struth Publishing Scholarship
For students entering post secondary education, preferably journalism, communication,
graphic arts or layout & design.
The Senior Band Director's Award
The Senior Band Director’s Award is sponsored by The Killarney Band Parents
Association and Mr. Tim Lawson. For a senior band student exhibiting musical
excellence and dedication. This is for a Grade 12 student only. The application form is
available from Miss Lawson and is to be handed in to the school office. The Killarney
Band Parents Executive and Band Director will choose the winning student.
Tri-Lake Health Centre Auxiliary Award
Two bursaries for students entering the field of Health Care. Preferably a Health Care
Teen Volunteer. Must meet academic requirements for entering the field of health care.
We would also like to see the recipients work in Killarney Health Care for 1 year after
graduation, if positions available
Turtle Mountain Teacher's Association Scholarship Award
For one student entering post secondary education at the university level.
Westman’s Award of Excellence Scholarship
Awarded to a student pursuing a technology related career at a Manitoba college or
university. The chosen career may be technology focused or a career that utilizes
technology. Additionally, applicants must have proven academic abilities and have an
interest in volunteer and community service. Applicants who are entering the University
1 program at the University of Manitoba should also include their future program of
study. Applications are available on the Killarney School website. Applications are to be
filled out online and emailed to [email protected]. Along with the application, you
will need to forward an electronic copy of the most recent transcript of your grade 12
marks, an electronic copy of your acceptance letter from the Manitoba post-secondary
institution that you will be attending, and a high resolution digital photograph to be used
to publicize winners’ achievements in your local newspaper. Winners’ photos may also
be used on our website, on our social media sites and in our company’s annual report.
Westoba Credit Union Business Education Award
Awarded to the student with the highest average entering a business program at a
university or college. The recipient must have community involvement, as well as being
involved in at least one school activity
Westoba Credit Union Agricultural Award
Awarded to the student with the highest average entering an agricultural program at
university or college. The recipient must have community involvement, as well as being
involved in at least one school activity.
Killarney Royal Canadian Legion #25 Bursary
Bursary for scholastic achievement. For an individual going onto secondary schooling.
This bursary is available through the Royal Canadian Legion to descendants of veterans.
Applicants need to be a direct decedent of a veteran ie. Parent, grandparent, great
grandparent, etc. Veteran doesn’t have to be a legion member. Please list family member
who was a veteran on form.
Killarney Royal Canadian Legion Branch #25 Scholarship
Scholarship for scholastic achievement.. For an individual going onto secondary
schooling. This is available through the Royal Canadian Legion to decendants or
veterans. Applicants need to be a direct decedent of a veteran ie. Parent, grandparent,
great grandparent, etc. Veteran doesn’t have to be a legion member. Please list family
member who was a veteran on form.
Beachfest Scholarship
Based upon community spirit, leadership and volunteerism – any type of community
involvement that does not come with financial reimbursement. Submit a short written
description of the community or school involvement, and one or two references of people
who you work with in these endeavors.
The chosen individual will also be expected to lead an activity or event at this year’s
Beach Fest which runs Friday, July 17th and Saturday, July 18th 2014.
The Gordon Bartley Memorial Agriculture Bursary
-Applicant must be going into post-secondary school in any agriculture related field; any
Canadian or U.S. school
-Must start program in the coming fall semester.
-Applicants must write a one page essay on what Agriculture means to them.
The Pat Shule Memorial Bursury
-Applicant intend to pursue post-secondary education in agriculture
-Has a strong work ethic
-Consistently good academic record
-Service to school and community
Heming Family Scholarship
Applicant must be a Killarney graduate applying for law school, and therefore will have
already competed at least two years towards an undergraduate degree. Student must be
physically attending a Canadian law school, no internet institutions are eligible. This is
not a scholarship that you apply for in grade 12, but keep in mind for the future if you
plan on going to law.
The Lewis & Jones Group Scholarship Award
A general scholarship awarded to a student pursuing any post secondary education.
Applicants to be dedicated to their studies and have an interest in volunteer, school and
community service. Award to be paid directly to the post secondary school. A 1-2 page
essay is required with the application telling us about the student’s past volunteer, school
and community service and their future life plans.