Notices of Motion


Notices of Motion
*Note: This copy includes an additional motion that was omitted from the
original notices in error. It was received within the allotted time frame to be
considered at the Newcastle Convention.
18 March 2015
Dear Lions Secretary,
It would be appreciated if you could bring the following to the attention of your President and Club as soon
as possible.
1. National Convention
The 2015 MD Convention will be held in Newcastle Friday 1 May to Monday 4 May. Please
encourage your members to attend, making sure that you at least use your quota of delegates.
2. Notices of Motion
i) In accordance with Clause 93.1.2 of the Multiple District Constitution please find attached 1
Project Notice of Motion that was received at the National Office by 31 December 2014 and
ii) In accordance with Clause 93.2.1 of the Multiple District Constitution, please also find included
15 Notices of Motion of a constitutional or general nature that were received by the National
Office by 2 March 2015.
Late Notices of Motion can only be accepted for presentation to the MD201 Convention in accordance
with the conditions set out in Clause 93.3 of the Multiple District Constitution.
Kind regards,
Rob Oerlemans
Executive Officer
Council Chairperson Warren Latham
District Governors
Constitution & By Laws Chairpersons
Management Group
Cabinet Secretaries
Cabinet Treasurers
2015 Notices of Motion
Subject: Proposed Amendment to the Multiple District Constitution Insertion of the Definition of
“Principal Focus”
Subject: Proposed Amendment to Multiple District Constitution – Clause 93.1.3 Principal Focus
Subject: Proposed Amendment to the Multiple District Constitution – Clause 80 Lions Clubs Delegates
Subject: Proposed Amendment to Multiple District Constitution Insertion of new Clause 18. Entitlement
to Remove Council Chairman
Subject: Proposed Amendment to Multiple District Constitution – Clause 95.4 Extension of period of
time for the conduct of Category “B” Projects
Subject: Proposed amendment to Multiple District Constitution – Clause 97.2(b) Variations of terms of
Endorsed Projects
Subject: Proposed Issue of Licences to Seek Funds
Subject: Proposed Amendment to Multiple District Constitution Definition of “Multiple District Project”
Subject: Proposed amendment to Multiple District Constitution – Clause 95.5 Proposed removal of the
limit affecting Category “B” Projects
Subject: Proposed Amendment to the Multiple District Constitution – Clause 45 Annual Contribution of
Dues – 2015, 2016 and 2017
Subject: Proposed Amendment to the Multiple District Constitution – Clause 45 Annual Contribution of
Dues – CPI Increase as from 1st July 2018
2015 Notices of Motion
Subject: Establishment of Melbourne 2020 International Convention Fund
Subject: Transfer of Funds to the Melbourne 2020 International Convention Fund
Subject: Proposed amendment to General Notice of Motion No.8 Adopted at the 2007 Sydney Multiple
District Convention Multiple District Half Yearly Dues
Subject: The A21 Campaign
Subject: Rescission of a Resolution relating to Multiple District Conventions.
Subject: Lions Cares Project
2015 Notices of Motion
Notices of Motion
Constitutional Notice of Motion CNM 1
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Amendment to the Multiple District Constitution
Insertion of the Definition of “Principal Focus”
“That the Constitution of the Multiple District be amended by the insertion therein of the
following Definition:-
“Principal Focus” means “Humanitarian Service, Major Disaster Relief, Sight, Medical
Research and the Encouragement of Youth”
“Principal Focus” Concept
At the Perth 2012 Multiple District Convention District 201C2 tabled a Notice of Motion directing Council to
adopt a “Principal Focus” in consequence of which Members of the Public can more readily appreciate the
specific concerns or goals of our Organisation. It was resolved that the Notice of Motion lay on the table
until the 2013 Canberra Convention.
At that Convention the Constitution of the Multiple District was amended to provide that no Project Notice
of Motion may be adopted unless the principal intent, object, or purpose of the Project is “consistent and in
conformity with any Principal Focus Criteria for the time being in force pursuant to prior resolution of a
Multiple District Convention.”
The 2013 Convention then adopted the words “Humanitarian Service, Major Disaster Relief, Sight and the
Encouragement of Youth” as the Principal Focus. The definition was amended to read “Humanitarian
Service, Major Disaster Relief, Sight, Medical Research and the Encouragement of Youth” at the 2014
Tamworth Convention.
It is suggested that, for the purpose of clarity and constancy, the inclusion of the definition in the Multiple
District Constitution would be prudent and practical. Such an inclusion would avoid having to research
Resolutions of prior Conventions as the definition would be readily determined by reference to the
2015 Notices of Motion
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM2
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Amendment to Multiple District Constitution –
Clause 93.1.3
Principal Focus Conformity
“That Clause 93.1.3 of the Multiple District Constitution be amended to read:The Project Motion classifies the project as a category “A”, “B” or “C” Project and that the
principal intent, object or purpose of the Project is consistent and in conformity with the
Principal Focus criteria.”
The insertion in the Multiple District Constitution of the Definition of “Principal Focus”
requires the adoption of a “House-Keeping” Resolution to amend Clause 93.1.3 so that it
refers to that definition.
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM3
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Amendment to the Multiple District Constitution –
Clause 80
Lions Clubs Delegates Entitlement
“That Clause 80 of the Multiple District Constitution be amended to read:-
Each Lions Club in good standing in Lions Clubs International and Multiple District may be
represented by one or more delegates and shall be entitled to one voting delegate and one
alternate, for each ten (10) members in good standing, or major fraction thereof, who have
been enrolled for at least 1 year and 1 day in the Club as shown by the records of the
International Office on the first day of the month last preceding the month during which the
Convention is held. “Major Fraction” means five (5) or more members. Each Club is, in any
event, entitled to at least one delegate and one alternate delegate.”
Clause 80 of the Multiple District Constitution provides as follows:“Each Lions Club in good standing in Lions Clubs International and Multiple District
may be represented by one or more delegates and shall be entitled to one voting
delegate and one alternate, for each ten (10) members or major fraction thereof of
the Club.”
The Clause is inconsistent with the provisions of Article IX Section 3 of the
International By-Laws.
The adoption of the amendment will confirm the entitlement of Clubs to delegates
at each Multiple District Convention.
2015 Notices of Motion
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM4
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Amendment to Multiple District Constitution
Insertion of new Clause 18.
Entitlement to Remove Council Chairman
“That Clause 18 be inserted in the Multiple District Constitution as follows:-
At the request of the majority of the Council of Governors, a Special Meeting of the Council
shall be called for the purpose of considering the removal of the Council Chairman. At the
Meeting the Council Chairman may be removed from the Office of Council Chairman by not
less than a two thirds majority affirmative vote.”
At the 2014 Toronto International Convention an amendment to the International By-Laws was adopted
setting out a procedure for the removal of a Council Chairman. The prospect of any necessity to invoke such
a procedure in this Multiple District is remote.
It is practical to adopt a like amendment to the Multiple District Constitution for the sake of completeness.
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM5
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Amendment to Multiple District Constitution –
Clause 95.4
Extension of period of time for the conduct of Category “B” Projects
“That Clause 95.4 of the Multiple District Constitution be amended to read:-
“The period of time for the conduct of the Project may be extended by the majority vote of
delegates at a Convention conducted prior to the date on which, but for such extension, the
term of Project would have otherwise expired provided however that no Project shall
operate for any one continuous period exceeding six years unless such extension is approved
by not less than a two thirds majority affirmative vote of the delegates voting.”
In consequence of a decision of a Multiple District Convention in 2008, all Category “B” Projects expired on
the 30th June 2014. At the 2014 Tamworth Convention approval was given to 10 “new” Category “B”
Projects, each to operate for a term of three years.
The purpose of the review of Projects conducted at the 2014 Multiple District Convention was to ensure that
the continuing support and relevance of the Projects. It is suggested that such report and relevance could
be reinforced by delegates should any Project seek to operate for a continuous period exceeding six years by
requiring a two thirds majority affirmative vote of the delegates voting.
If the amendment is supported and a Project, having being in force for period of six years not receive such
support, the Project could be re-submitted for the endorsement of a subsequent Convention.
The adoption of the proposal would ensure that long lasting Projects continue to have the support of
2015 Notices of Motion
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM6
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed amendment to Multiple District Constitution –
Clause 97.2(b)
Variations of terms of Endorsed Projects
“That sub-clause (iii) be inserted in Clause 97.2(b) of the Multiple District Constitution in the
following terms:-
The term of each adopted Project shall be determined as follows:The first 4 adopted Projects shall have a term of three years.
The next following 3 adopted Projects shall have a term of two years.
The next following 3 adopted Projects shall have a term of one year.
The terms abovementioned shall apply notwithstanding any contrary term referred to in the
Notice of Motion seeking the adoption of the Project.
For the purposes of this Clause the order of adopted Projects shall be determined by the
order in which each of the Projects was adopted with the Project receiving the greatest
number of votes being the first and the Project receiving the least number of votes being the
At the 2014 Tamworth Convention approval was given to ten “new” Category “B” Projects, each to operate
for a term of three years. The end result is that, in the absence of any Constitutional Amendment, no further
Category “B” Project can be approved until the 2017 Convention to the intent that any such Project will
commence on the 1st July 2017.
The adoption of the ten “new” Projects would, with the benefit of hindsight, be more beneficial if the terms
of those Projects had been staggered. That was not possible as each Application sought endorsement for a
period of three years.
The proposed amendment to the Constitution, if adopted, will provide that, in the event of any future like
review should the number of Projects seeking endorsement exceed the allocated number available, the
terms of any endorsed Projects would be staggered.
2015 Notices of Motion
Constitutional Notice of Motion CNM7
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Issue of Licences to Seek Funds
“That the Multiple Constitution be amended to include the following provisions:
Council shall be at liberty to grant to a Lions Club and/or Districts within the Multiple
District a Licence to Seek Funds, on such conditions and for such period or periods as Council
may from time to time determine.
The holder of a Licence to Seek Funds shall be at liberty to contact a Lions Club
and/or District within the Multiple District seeking funds for the payment to a third party for
charitable or benevolent purposes.”
Reference to the current Category “B” Projects will indicate that some five such Projects effectively seek only
financial support from Lions Clubs.
The granting of a “Project Status” permits the managing Club to contact each Lions Club within the Multiple
District seeking support. If the Council of Governors were permitted to grant “Licenses to Seek Funds”without the necessity to obtain the approval of a Convention – in order that Clubs may be approached and
requested to give financial support to a charitable or humanitarian cause, the present number of Category
“B” Projects would be drastically reduced.
It would follow that “Projects” would then be obliged to involve some activity and not be limited solely to
the raising of funds.
In short, any Club or District wishing to merely raise money would be entitled to approach Council
requesting a Licence to Seek Funds. Any other activity involving more than Fundraising would be regarded
as a Project and require the consent of a Multiple District Convention. It is suggested that the existing limit
of ten Projects at any one time would then be more than adequate.
Subject to this Notice of Motion being adopted, Council has endorsed, in principle, its consent to the
following provisions in relation to Licences to Seek Funds:(a)
Council shall be at liberty to grant to a Lions Club and/or District within the Multiple District a licence
to seek funds, on such conditions and for such period or periods as Council may from time to time
The holder of a Licence to Seek Funds shall be at liberty to contact a Lions Club and/or District within
the Multiple District seeking funds for payment to a third party for charitable or benevolent
A Licence shall require the affirmative vote of not less than three quarters of the Governors then
present and voting at a duly convened Meeting of Council.
A Licence shall relate to a period not exceeding 15 months and may be renewed by the affirmative
vote of not less than three quarters of the Governors then present and voting at a duly convened
Meeting of Council.
No Licence shall be granted and any current Licence shall be revoked in the event that the Licence
Holder acts, or attempts to act, contrary to the conditions attaching to the Licence. For such purpose
notification in writing under the hand of the Executive Officer shall be deemed to constitute the
revocation of the Licence.
2015 Notices of Motion
A Licence shall grant to the Licence Holder the right to contact Lions Clubs within Multiple District
201 for the purpose only of seeking financial support for any institution, activity or undertaking in
conformity with any Principal Focus Criteria for the time being in force.
The support of delegates is requested.
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM8
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Amendment to Multiple District Constitution
Definition of “Multiple District Project”
“That the definition of “Multiple District Project” in the Multiple District Constitution be
amended to read:-
Multiple District Project is an ongoing process to fulfil a plan, scheme or undertaking which:
is intended to involve Lions Clubs and/or Districts within the Multiple District: and
is for a charitable or benevolent purpose and not limited solely to the raising of
funds for such a purpose; and
is adopted as a Multiple District in accordance with the provisions of this
A feasibility study or investigation of any such process does not by itself constitute a
Multiple District Project.”
The amendment to the definition of Multiple District Projects is required in the event of delegates adopting
the concept of the issuing of Licences to Seek Funds.
Should the preceding Notice of Motion not be carried this Notice of Motion will be withdrawn.
2015 Notices of Motion
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM9
Submitted by:
District 201V3 Convention
Proposed amendment to Multiple District Constitution –
Clause 95.5
Proposed removal of the limit affecting Category “B” Projects
“That Clause 95.5 of the Multiple District Constitution be deleted.”
Clause 95.5 allows only ten (10) Category “B” Projects to run concurrently and was introduced to prevent
confusion over Lions Projects. It was considered that getting involved in too many Projects at the one time
would confuse the public because our message would become blurred. However, in practice, that does not
Junior Public Speaking is promoted in primary schools only. Youth of the Year and Youth Exchange is
promoted in secondary schools only. Medical research and vision related Projects are promoted to narrow
areas of the medical profession and those affected by particular medical conditions. There is no confusion
caused by current Category “B” Projects, since all of these Projects have a narrow area of focus.
At the Tamworth MD Convention we witnessed twelve (12) Category “B” Projects adopted overwhelmingly
by the delegates as being Projects of value to the public and worthwhile for Lions to embrace. However,
since the MD Constitution and By-Laws dictates that only ten (10) Category B Projects can run concurrently,
two of these Projects, namely Letters to Father Christmas and Junior Public Speaking were culled by a ballot
of the delegates. No matter that these Projects would make a valuable contribution to our communities and
Clubs were keen to get involved and run them locally – the theoretical and arbitrary ceiling of ten Projects
appeared to be more important.
District 201V3 believes Lions Projects should be judged on quality, not quantity and the delegates are urged
to support this Motion as the first step towards removing this impediment to the service we offer as Clubs
and as an Organisation.
2015 Notices of Motion
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM10
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Amendment to the Multiple District Constitution –
Clause 45
Annual Contribution of Dues – 2015, 2016 and 2017
“That Clause 45 of the Multiple District Constitution be amended to read as follows:
The annual contribution payable by each Member of each Club shall be $37.00 (including
GST) for the year commencing the 1st July 2015. The annual contribution payable for the
year commencing the 1st July 2016 shall be $40.00 (including GST) and the annual
contribution payable for the year commencing the 1st July 2017 shall be $43.00 (including
The present financial position of the Multiple District is sound however our income base continues to
decrease while our expenses continue to increase. This is not sustainable long term. Council believes it is
prudent to act now rather than wait until our position becomes critical.
The primary source of income to fund our administration is membership dues. As membership numbers fall,
dues income also falls. (As you would be aware Lions Policy is that all monies raised from the public is
returned to the public, hence no public monies can be used for administrative purposes.)
The dues are required to pay the administrative costs of running the Multiple District and its activities. Over
recent years Council has worked hard to avoid any request for a dues increase. It has endeavoured to find
additional sources of income and cut costs wherever possible. The point has, however, now been reached
where further cuts are not viable without seriously affecting the number and standard of services offered by
the Multiple District. Such services are used and valued, by Clubs, Foundations and Members every day.
As we are all well aware, real costs are increasing faster than the CPI and there has not been an above CPI
increase for 8 years. There was no increase at all in 2011/2012.
Five year financial projections have been prepared and they indicate that we will be in a difficult financial
position within this period should these dues increases not be approved.
An increase in dues now will see the Multiple District remain in a sound position and your Organisation will
be able to continue to operate as you expect, a vital and efficient support vehicle for all activities we
undertake as Lions.
Your support of this motion is encouraged.
2015 Notices of Motion
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM11
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Proposed Amendment to the Multiple District Constitution –
Clause 45
Annual Contribution of Dues – CPI Increase as from 1st July 2018
“That Clause 45 of the Multiple District Constitution be amended by the insertion of the
following provision:-
With effect from the 1st July 2018 and annually thereafter, the annual contribution payable
per member shall be a sum equal to the annual contribution payable in respect of the
immediately preceding year adjusted by the annual Consumer Price Index (All Groups)
It is considered that the proposed increase in the annual contributions payable to the Multiple District for
the period of three years commencing on the 1st July 2015 will permit our Organisation to continue to be in
a sound financial position. Costs will, however, continue to increase. The adoption of the proposed
amendment to the Multiple District Constitution will permit with effect from the 1st July 2018, annual dues
to be adjusted in accordance with annual adjustments in the Australian Consumer Price Index.
The proposal will occasion no financial hardship to any Member and will assist the Multiple District in
maintaining its services.
Constitutional Notice Of Motion CNM12
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Establishment of Melbourne 2020 International Convention Fund
“That the Multiple District Constitution be amended by the insertion of the following
Melbourne 2020 International Convention Fund
Sufficient monies shall be paid into this Fund for the purpose of funding the hosting costs of
the Multiple District associated with the conduct of the Lions Clubs International Convention
in 2020 in Melbourne. The Fund shall be maintained and administered by the Council on
behalf of the Multiple District.”
The Council of Governors has lodged, on behalf of the Multiple District, an Application to the International
Board of Directors seeking approval to host the 2020 International Convention in the City of Melbourne.
Should the Application be successful the 2020 Melbourne International Convention Committee charged with
the conduct and promotion of the Convention will require funds for that purpose. It is appropriate to
formally establish a Fund for that purpose, to the intent that the Fund shall be maintained and administered
by the Council on behalf of the Multiple District.
If the Application to Host the International Convention in Melbourne in 2020 is unsuccessful the Motion will
be withdrawn.
2015 Notices of Motion
General Notice Of Motion GNM13
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Transfer of Funds to the Melbourne 2020 International Convention Fund
“That this Multiple District Convention consents to and authorises the transfer of the sum
of$100,000.00 from the Insurance Fund to the Melbourne 2020 International Convention
Fund. Any monies standing to the credit of the Melbourne 2020 International Convention
Fund after finalisation of all accounts relating to the 2020 International Convention shall be
transferred to the credit of the Insurance Fund.”
It is necessary to arrange for the transfer of monies to the credit of the Melbourne 2020 International
Convention Fund for the purpose of meeting the costs of the Multiple District associated with the conduct of
the Lions International Convention in 2020. Sufficient monies are presently held by way of surplus in the
Multiple District Insurance Fund and it is proposed that $100,000.00 be transferred from that Fund.
Should the application to host the Convention not be supported, no transfer of funds will take place and the
matter will lapse.
In the event of approval to the bid any surplus funds held by the Convention Committee following the
completion of the Convention will be transferred to the Insurance Fund by way of reimbursement.
The conduct of an International Convention in Melbourne in 2020 would offer a wonderful opportunity to
nationally promote our Organisation and our Country and bring substantial economic benefit to our
2015 Notices of Motion
General Notice Of Motion GNM14
Submitted by:
District 201V2 Convention
Proposed amendment to General Notice of Motion No.8 Adopted at the 2007 Sydney
Multiple District Convention Multiple District Half Yearly Dues
That General Notice of Motion No.8 adopted at the 2007 Multiple District Convention be
amended to read as follows:-
“In relation to Multiple District Half Yearly Dues, this Multiple District Convention approves,
with effect from the 1st July, 2007, the implementation of the same formula used for
calculating International Membership Dues as approved by the International Convention in
Boston in July, 2006, provided however that the calculation shall take place at the
commencement of the first half yearly dues period and shall remain in force for the full Lions
year and provided further that the Membership within the Multiple District at the
commencement of that Lions Year comprises not less than 27,000 Lions.”
At the 2007 Multiple District Convention the following Motion was adopted:“In relation to Multiple District Half Yearly Dues, this Multiple District Convention approves, with effect from
the 1st July, 2007, the implementation of the same formula used for calculating International Membership
Dues as approved by the International Convention in Boston in July, 2006, provided however that at the
commencement of each half yearly dues period, the membership within the Multiple District comprises not
less than 27,000 Lions.”
As many Lions pay full annual dues at the commencement of the Lions year it penalizes some Members
when there is a revision midway through the Lions year.
As implementation will only be triggered through there being 27,000 or more members within the Multiple
District, it provides encouragement to keep membership strong, as otherwise the financial relief will not be
In the event of Membership falling below 27,000 no real added stress would be placed on the Multiple
District budget.
The financial relief may aid retention.
The financial relief may increase membership.
2015 Notices of Motion
General Notice Of Motion GNM15
Submitted by:
District 201T1 Convention
The A21 Campaign
“That Lions Clubs International partner with The A21 Campaign and commit our
International support to ending the inhumanity of child abduction, slavery and human
trafficking and that the International Director be instructed to present this Motion to the
Service Activities Committee and report back to MD 201 and MD201T1 Cabinet.”
In Australia there are on average fifteen child abductions each year, and many of these make front page
news across the country.
We conduct royal commissions at costs of millions of dollars into Child Sexual Abuse in schools and sports
organisations and we expect that the outcomes will highlight the injustices against children that have been
inflicted upon them.
This is not unreasonable as we, as compassionate human beings, expect that children are able to grow up
within their own community without being forcibly removed from their home for exploitation.
And yet the harsh reality is that there are over 24.5 million children being held as labour or sex slaves around
the world.
Behind drugs, human slavery and trafficking is the biggest grossing criminal activity across the globe.
So as individuals what can we do?
The unfortunate answer is very little, but The A21 Campaign is trying to do something, through their
campaign of prevention, protection, prosecution and partnerships.
The motto of the A21 campaign is “Abolishing Injustice in the 21st Century”
Their approach as just mentioned is 4 fold:
Prevention – By working with local and global communities to educate and increase awareness to prevent
trafficking before it begins.
Protection – By providing safe places, counselling, education and rehabilitation for survivors to recover from
the horrors of human trafficking and transition to a life of crisis to one of stability and freedom. By
providing legal counsel to victims in their care who may be facing criminal proceedings.
Prosecution – Having legal teams working to prosecute traffickers and advance laws and government
policies that oppose human trafficking.
Partnerships – Partnering with organisations and government agencies, to assist in bringing together the
massive amount of resources to continue this campaign.
You may have seen some TV documentaries over the last couple of months on Brazil, Laos and the
Philippines. These programs vividly showed the teenage girls and boys who have been forced into the sex
trade. Through psychological and physical threats and abuse, which they are ill equipped to personally fight
against, they succumb to the pressures forced upon them.
This is a topic that gives rise to many feelings, of disbelief, unacceptance, even denial. It is very easy to
accuse the parents for not protecting their children, to assume that the TV documentaries over dramatise
the reality or are biased in their presentation. But the blunt reality is that it does happen and is prevalent in
2015 Notices of Motion
many countries where law enforcement condones those who flout the laws that supposedly protect their
The Ulverstone Lions Club supported by a Resolution of the District T1 Convention believes that the
overwhelming majority of Lions would agree with us that child exploitation is unacceptable, we are not
dictating or demanding that Lions or Lions Clubs provide funding or adopt The A21 Campaign as a project.
We are appealing to every Lion to make themselves aware of this issue, think beyond your comfort zone and
understand this injustice. Only through awareness and education can we as individuals contemplate what
we can or are willing to do to make a difference.
Lions International is represented around the globe, in 210 countries, through over 46,000 clubs. Simply by
making our 1.35 million Lions members aware of this social injustice will in itself assist The A21 Campaign.
And this simple initiative will contribute to the “Prevention” part of The A21 Campaign.
Lions Clubs International (LCI) is already partnered with a number of organisations that share common goals
with The A21 Campaign, that children should be allowed to live and develop without fear nor persecution.
A21 is a volunteer organisation that is trying to give enslaved children back their future and LCI through its
international presence, with clubs and partners, has the capability, ethics and the resolve that make us ideal
to endorse The A21 Campaign and what they are trying to achieve.
And if you, right now, are just a bit hesitant about this topic, think of this. In the time it has taken to read this
rhetoric 3 children of average age of just 12 have been abducted, unlikely to be free ever again. What a
chilling fact.
We ask you to vote with your heart and endorse this motion, so we can highlight this inspiring organisation
and their campaign to the Lions of the World.
General Notice Of Motion GNM16
Submitted by:
District 201V2 Cabinet
Rescission of a Resolution relating to Multiple District Conventions.
“That the Resolution adopted as a Notice of Motion Number 7 at the 53rd Multiple District
Convention held at Adelaide in 2005 be rescinded”.
The Resolution adopted at the 2005 Multiple District Convention in Adelaide is in the following terms: “Be it
Resolved by this Multiple District Convention that as from and including the 2008 Multiple District 201
Convention, such Conventions be held over a period which includes a weekend”.
The rescission of that resolution will allow debate to take place.
By removing the stipulation of a weekend it will allow more flexibility for planning by future Multiple District
planning committees.
2015 Notices of Motion
Seeking the adoption of Multiple District Project
Project Notice of Motion PRNM17
Seeking the adoption of Multiple District Project
Submitted by:
The Council of Governors
Lions Cares Project
“That this Multiple District Convention approves the adoption of the Project entitled “Lions
Cares Project” as a Category “C” Project for the period from the 1st July 2015 to 30 June
In 2014-2015 Lions supported the “Joining Hands” Initiative with Beyond Blue. Many clubs reported
positive experiences in raising the issues of mental illness and depression with their communities.
The project involved receiving speakers from the Beyond Blue network with direct experience in dealing with
the issue of Mental illness and depression. Many clubs who participated reported that this issue was of
great interest to members and the communities in which clubs work.
The proposal is to continue to focus on this issue for 12 months, but to provide clubs with a number of
alternative ways to support the initiative.
The previous campaign goals remain in force:(a)
Increase awareness of Lions under one national project
Increase discussion and awareness of depression and anxiety.
Acknowledgement – Clubs will be able to compete for 3 “Lions Cares” awards, one for each of the three
programs indicated below, to acknowledge the contribution to the project. The Awards are indicated in the
next section.
Clubs can participate in 3 ways:
Become a Beyond Blue “Bridge Builder”. Beyond Blue has an established campaign called
“Connections Matter.” Connections matters recognises that strong ties with family, friends and the
community provide people with happiness, security, support and a sense of purpose. Research shows that
being connected to others is important for mental wellbeing and can be a protective factor against anxiety
and depression.
As a ‘bridge builder’ Lions Clubs will reach out to isolated members of the community to encourage them to
participate in club life. Of course, suitable individuals can be invited to join the Lions Club.
As an acknowledgement, clubs can apply for the most successful bridge builder award. The winning club to
be announced at the Echuca Convention in 2016, will receive 1 Melvin Jones Award to acknowledge a club
member or distinguished community member, at the clubs discretion.
Black Dog Ride: Black Dog Ride was founded by Lion Steve Andrews to raise awareness of depression
and suicide prevention.
Since the inaugural Black Dog Ride in 2009 hundreds of Lions Clubs all over the country have supported this
cause by providing meals for the riders and in many cases making donations. Lions Clubs are an effective
conduit for Black Dog Ride to take its awareness raising mission to communities, particularly those in rural
and regional Australia. The Clubs visited are very much encouraged to be ambassadors for Black Dog Ride
2015 Notices of Motion
and act as representatives of the awareness message in their communities 365 days a year. Numerous Lions
Clubs have commenced their own local initiatives as a result of their association with Black Dog Ride.
As an acknowledgement, clubs can apply for the champion Black Dog Ride support award. The winning club,
to be announced at the Echuca Convention in 2016, will receive 1 Melvin Jones Award to acknowledge a club
member or distinguished community member, at the clubs discretion.
Local Projects: The Lions Cares Project recognises that many clubs have successful an long-term
initiatives impacting positively on suicide-prevention, mental illness and depression, and the Project will
encourage clubs to promote their successful initiatives in:
The Lion
The Lions Australia Website and blog
The Lions Australia Facebook page.
As for the Bridge Builder and Black Dog Ride Project, clubs can apply for the most successful Lions Cares
Local Project. The winning club, to be announced at the Echuca Convention in 2016, will receive 1 Melvin
Jones Award to acknowledge a club member or distinguished community member, at the clubs discretion.
Lions Australia would benefit in two important respects. Firstly, the plan fulfils the requirements of being a
National Category “C” Lions Project by addressing a national problem. It is estimated that three million
Australians live with depression, and most Australians have had some experience with anxiety, depression or
a related disorder with either first-hand experience, or because a family member, friend, or colleague has
been affected. Having a national Project that addresses the issues of depression and anxiety also fulfils
Article II of the Lions Club Constitution and By-laws which state that [c] Clubs should “take an active interest
in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community” and [e] …provide a forum for the open
discussion of all matters of public interest”.
Secondly, the project will enhance the relationship with two, high profile partners working in this area.
Beyond Blue has an active profile in championing actions and solutions for mental illness and depression.
Black Dog Ride, operates high profile national events with a strong media presence.
Participation in “Lions Cares” will expand the network of our clubs, and in the case of the ‘Building bridges’
element, can assist clubs to reach out to new members.
Organisational Details:
The Project, if adopted, will be directly delivered by the National Office, in particular by the Public Relations
Officer and the Executive Officer under the guidance of the Management Group. The Council as an entity,
and the District Governors in particular, will be intimately involved in its delivery since the success of the
initiative will depend largely on the engagement of Clubs and Districts.
The Project will commence on the 1st July 2015 and continue until the 30th June 2016.
The National Office will provide explanatory information through, The Lion, website and monthly ‘e-mail
Entries to the competition for the 3 Melvin Jones Awards will be announced in The Lion in February 2016, for
awarding at the Echuca Multiple District Convention.
Financial Implications:
The Project will be run at minimal cost to the Association.
2015 Notices of Motion
The Project will be managed by the National Office under the guidance of the Management Group.
It will be the principal project of the Public Relations Officer.
Some marketing information will need to be published to support the Project. This will be provided
through the National Office.
There may be some minor travel costs associated with any media events being conducted under the
There may be some minor amendments to the Multiple District website associated with promotion
of the program.
$10,000.00 will be set aside from the Council Fund to cover printing and incidentals.
Principal Focus:
The Project is consistent with the concept of Humanitarian Service.
2015 Notices of Motion