Cab Sec Memo 19 April 2015 - Lions Clubs of Sydney & Norfolk Is
Cab Sec Memo 19 April 2015 - Lions Clubs of Sydney & Norfolk Is
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 201N5 The Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs of Sydney and Norfolk Island Lion Anthony Cheung PhD PMJF, District Governor 2014-2015 Phone: (H) 02 9686 3031 (M) 0414 330 887 Email: [email protected] Address all correspondence to: PO Box 442 Toongabbie NSW 2146 Cabinet Secretary: Jennifer Touzel PMJF Cabinet Treasurer: Trevor Batten MJF Lions Clubs District 201N5 Inc. of The International Association of Lions Clubs ABN: 38 076 542 210 (H) 02 9636 [email protected] Certificate of Incorporation No.: Y12596 – 21 Authority to Fundraise No.: CFN 17192 (H) 02 9624 7937 [email protected] MEMO From: To: Date: Subject: Jennifer Touzel, Cabinet Secretary District 201N5 Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs and Cabinet Members April 18, 2015 MONTHLY COMMUNICATION – April, 2015 CLUB OFFICERS – PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO ALL LIONS, LIONESS AND LEO CLUBS, SO THEY KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR DISTRICT. APRIL SYDNEY NEWS AVAILABLE ON DISTRICT WEBSITE Just a reminder to clubs who require printed copies of the Sydney News for members who don’t have an email address. Yes, we do post out a limited number of black and white copies of the Sydney News to the Club Secretary, if requested. Contact the Cabinet Secretary for further details. Please note that the April edition of the Sydney News is now available on the District 201N5 website. REVISED DISTRICT BY-LAWS ON DISTRICT WEBSITE The District By-Laws were amended at the Cabinet Meeting on March 8 2015 and the amended version is now available on the District website. PRE SPRING SHOPPING PARTY AT FLOWER POWER Each year Flower Power hosts two Shopping Party events, giving loyal shoppers a chance to purchase items at a discount. This year their first event will be held on the August 2, 2015 known as their Pre Spring Shopping Party at 10 stores across Sydney. They are hoping to get the Lions Clubs to be involved in the BBQ/refreshments.? They would like to know before the end of April if any clubs are interested in being involved. If you would like to know more please contact the Cabinet Secretary. MEDICAL STUDENT FROM GERMANY COMING TO SYDNEY IN MARCH/APRIL 2016 Have recently received an email from a medical student from Germany and a member of the Leo Club Hannover Ernst August. Next year they will be in Sydney for an elective at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and are looking for accommodation in Sydney in March and April 2016. For further details please contact the Cabinet Secretary. NEW LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL POLICY ON OUTSTANDING PAYMENTS & AUTOMATIC CLUB SUSPENSION Information has been emailed out to all clubs recently on the new LCI policy on outstanding payments. Currently, clubs have 120 days to pay outstanding balances before they are in jeopardy of automatically being placed on suspension. Effectively July 1, 2015 clubs will have 90 days. Cancellation will continue to occur after the 28th of the month following suspension if full payment is not received. However, clubs cancelled more than twice will be ineligible for reactivation. Officers should also prepare to review and update membership by visiting or if you need to contact LCI email [email protected] for additional information. Please review statements regularly. 2015-16 LIONS DIRECTORIES A reminder that a number of clubs have not yet responded to the request to order 2015-16 Lions Directories. Remember the National Office no longer keeps stock of Directories. UPDATE REGARDING NORTHERN BEACHES HOSPITAL Recently received an email seeking if Lions would like a presentation, by way of a progress update regarding Northern Beaches Hospital. The presentation would come from Project Director Deborah Latta. Probably a 20 minute presentation with time for questions. Please contact Nicola on 0427 037 118 or [email protected] for further information. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING LIONS NSW/ACT NURSES SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 The Annual General Meeting of Lions NSW/ACT Nurses Scholarship Foundation will be held on Friday, April 24, 2015 at 12.30 pm for 1.00 pm start at NSW Nurses’ & Midwives Association, 50 O’Dea Street, Waterloo. All Lions clubs are invited to send a representative. A light lunch will be provided at 12.30pm with the meeting commencing at 1pm. Please RSVP to Chairperson Helen Rae, Lions Nurses Scholarship Foundation [email protected] phone 9528 3809 or 0417 206 062. THE WORLDWIDE WEEK OF SERVICE - MAY 16-22, 2015 The Worldwide Week of Service brings Lions around the world together for a special week of service during May 16-22. You can help by hosting a service project that benefits youth, vision, hunger or the environment. If you're looking for another great way to serve, consider hosting a project to help children in need in your community. The Centennial Service Challenge is a great opportunity to strengthen your community, showcase your club and earn recognition. Be a part of a once-in-a-lifetime Centennial celebration. Don't miss out...start planning your Worldwide Week of Service project today! Visit Lions Clubs International website for further details. INCOMING CLUB OFFICERS’ & INTERESTED LIONS FORUM – SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 This year’s Incoming Club Officers’ and Interested Lions Forum will be held at Bankstown Sports Club, on Sunday, May 17. Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Membership and interested Lions, Lionesses and Leos are welcome to attend. It promises to be an interesting and entertaining day. CLUB OFFICERS FOR 2015-16 (PU-101 FORMS) Reminders have been sent out to clubs who have not submitted their PU-101 form or entered the information on Lions Clubs International. Don’t forget to log onto LCI and enter 1st VP, 2nd VP, as well as Director/s in addition to completing the PU-101 form with the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Chairperson. This year the Membership Chairperson’s contact details will be printed in the Directory, as well as the President and Secretary. LIONS CLUB OF COOGEE CELEBRATE 10TH ANNIVERSARY The Lions Club of Coogee will celebrate its 10th Anniversary on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at Coogee Bay Hotel at 7.00 pm. Pre-dinner drinks from 6.30 pm. Cost $45 per person includes wine and two course meal. MANLY LIONS TO CELEBRATE 60 YEARS On Saturday, December 5, 2015 the Lions Club of Manly will celebrate 60 years with an Aussie beach party. Remember to keep this date free. AFTERNOON SKILLS SHARING EXPO On April 12 it was lovely to see Lions attend the second Lions Skills Sharing Expo at Castle Hill RSL Club, followed by a District Get Together Dinner with over 30 people in attendance to witness three new members join our organisation. Special thanks to all those who attended and to District Global Leadership Team Coordinator Chris Bowles, who co-ordinatored the event. The presenters were extremely interesting. NSW REGULATIONS FOR RAFFLES PDG Brian Daniels has very kindly emailed some information on regulations and guidelines for conducting raffles. In moving around various organisations, he has witnessed some interesting ways that raffles are conducted and felt it was time to make sure that we are all doing the right thing. Note: 1. You are not permitted to draw the lowest value or last prize first. The first ticket drawn must be first prize and the most valuable item. 2. Having a list of prizes to be drawn not in value order from most valuable to lowest value - is incorrect. 3. Prizes being selected by the drawer from the table to 'suit' the winner - not permitted, all buyers expect to receive their prize in descending order of value. 4. Having prizes on a table for the winner to choose from is acceptable, but the winner should be aware what the item is and not just a 'lucky dip' unless specifically stated. 5. All ticket buyers should have an equal opportunity to win the 'first prize' which is the most valuable. A fact sheet is available from the Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing or contact the Cabinet Secretary for a copy. Serving in Dedication LIONS CLUBS NATIONAL CONVENTION NEWCASTLE – APRIL 30-MAY 4, 2015 The 63rd Multiple District 201 Convention is nearly here and will be held at the Civic Precinct, between Hunter and King Streets, Newcastle, from April 30 to May 4, 2015. Registration commences Thursday, April 30 from noon at Newcastle City Hall, Banquet Room, 290 King Street. District Dinners will be held at the Jockey Club in various rooms on Friday evening, May 1. WE REMEMBER … At the Multiple District Convention in Newcastle, April 30-May 4, 2015 we will take the opportunity to remember Lions, Lionesses and partners that have departed since the Tamworth Multiple District 201 Convention. I would like to remind Clubs who haven’t returned their Delegate form with the Remembrance Ceremony details to do so asap. COMING EVENTS Remember to check the ‘Coming Events’ page of the District Website for the latest upcoming events. DG ANTHONY’S TREKS Interested in knowing more about DG Anthony's/District's highlights? To date, DG Anthony has a collection of 22 articles awaiting to be read at or click DG Anthony's Treks on the Home Page of the District Website. Regards, Jennifer Touzel Cabinet Secretary, 2014-15 Serving in Dedication