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The Safety Leadership and Engagement Conference 2015 Essential Skills and up-to-the-Minute Best Practice to Drive Positive Health and Safety Culture and Equip Safety Specialists as Business Leaders Liquid Learning is delighted to present the Safety Leadership and Engagement Conference 2015, an inspirational and practical event showcasing best practice for safety leaders FEATURED SPEAKERS Martin King General Manager, Human Resources Coca-Cola Amatil Terry Johnson General Manager, Global Health and Safety Frameworks Fonterra Tania Palmer General Manager, Health, Safety and Environment Contact Energy Leeanne Walters General Manager, Safety, Quality, Environment and Sustainability Fulton Hogan Philip Dring Regional General Manager Komatsu Brent Miller Group Manager, Health, Safety and Quality Genesis Energy Wayne Nicholl National Health and Safety Manager Amcor Flexibles Guy Smith National Health, Safety and Environment Manager Waste Management NZ Barry Bignell Executive Manager, Health, Safety and Environment Transfield Services Ruth Corbett Health, Safety and Environment Manager, Te Mahi Hou Project Refining NZ Woody Martin Forest Manager Arbor Forestry Conference 17 & 18 June 2015 Plus One Full-Day Workshop 19 June 2015 Stamford Auckland EXPLORE Successfully leading the transition from safety compliance to culture Engaging and influencing senior management, employees and contractors Applying metrics, profiling and measuring the practical ROI of effective safety leadership Taking ownership of changes to health and safety legislation EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS Mike Barnett Regional Safety Manager Fletcher Construction Book & Pay by 30 April 2015 to receive an additional Super Saver Discount! Jack Donaghy Project Manager Beca Phone: +64 9 927 1500 Fax: +64 9 927 1525 Booking Code - I Hans Buwalda Environment, Health and Safety Consultant EHS Consult Former Group Environment, Health and Safety Manager Fletcher Building Andrew Swensen Managing Director Swensen and Associates Tony Rigg Director 360 Safety Solutions Ltd National Manager New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM) Chloe Stewart-Tyson Health and Safety Manager NZ Beca Soraya Souames National Safety, Health and Environment Projects Manager Goodman Fielder Technical Best Practice Driving Positive S Day One 17 June 2015 11.35 - 11.45 Questions and Discussion 11.45 - 12.25 CASE STUDY 8.30 - 8.55 Registration and Morning Coffee 8.55 - 9.00 Official Welcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair 9.00 - 9.40 Cultivating positive leadership behaviours is a vital driver for an achievement culture to thrive. In order to create a shared vision, this can call for a little creativity when it comes to engaging teams and motivating senior management to embody the values it promotes, not just pay lip service. In this session, Leeanne explores the implementation and effectiveness of peer leadership initiatives, the importance of innovation in collaboration with teams and the qualities and skills businesses look for in a senior health and safety professional. Includes: • Influencing senior business leaders to embody an achievement culture • Skill development, who and what is wanted by businesses in a safety professional • Positive leadership behaviours, working together on peer mentoring and coaching OPENING KEYNOTE CASE STUDY Safety in the spotlight – Keeping a finger on the pulse The role of safety leaders has changed dramatically in recent years, as businesses across New Zealand increasingly embrace the move from compliance to culture, but the next step along the road can end up being complacency. With Coca-Cola Amatil operating a well embedded and seasoned health and safety culture, the challenge becomes one of continued engagement, countering complacency and maintaining safety as a number one priority on the day-to-day agenda. In this session, Martin provides an overview of Coca-Cola Amatil’s matured health and safety agenda, the successes and the continued task of keeping a finger on the pulse. Explores: • An overview of Coca-Cola Amatil’s employee health and safety strategy • Developing, implementing and prioritising key wellbeing initiatives • Tackling the threat of complacency in an embedded safety program Martin King General Manager, Human Resources Coca-Cola Amatil 9.40 - 9.50 Safety “outside the box” – Drivers for an achievement culture to thrive Leeanne Walters General Manager, Safety, Quality, Environment and Sustainability Fulton Hogan 12.25 - 12.35 Questions and Discussion 12.35 - 1.35 Networking Lunch 1.35 - 2.25 Questions and Discussion The New Venture: Te Mahi Hou - A catalyst for safety leadership In 2012, Refining NZ embarked on the $365 million Te Mahi Hou Project to replace an ageing semi regeneration platformer with a CCR unit. Overseeing a industrial project of such scale and complexity calls for a passionate and dynamic safety leader operating strategically and operationally, supported by a commitment to progressive cultural health and wellbeing. In this case study session, Ruth will share an overview of her work on ensuring the safety of the project, and the tangible rewards from making the cultural shift. Ruth Corbett Health, Safety and Environment Manager, Te Mahi Hou Project Refining NZ Brent Miller Group Manager, Health, Safety and Quality Genesis Energy Woody Martin Forest Manager Arbor Forestry Soraya Souames National Safety, Health and Environment Projects Manager Goodman Fielder Barry Bignell Executive Manager, Health, Safety and Environment Transfield Services 10.30 - 10.40 Questions and Discussion 10.40 - 10.55 Morning Tea 10.55 - 11.35 CASE STUDY Taking a step back to move forward Wayne Nicholl National Health and Safety Manager Amcor Flexibles Between the motion and the act – Safety leadership in the grey areas Safety can occupy a challenging position in an organisation, navigating conflicting business priorities and agendas, and with the impending changes to safety legislation on the horizon this complex grey area is looking even greyer. While regulation deals with certainty, business is all about uncertainty, agility and flexibility, demanding the highest level leadership and business acumen from safety professionals. This interactive discussion panel will delve into those tricky grey areas, examine the non-rational issues driving safety and wellbeing, and strategies for managing safety ownership and accountability while embracing uncertainty. Includes: • Bringing safety culture in line with business priorities, and/ or vice versa • Finding the right pitch for your safety business case • Managing regulation and Health and Safety Reform with agility and flexibility 9.50 - 10.30 CASE STUDY Safety culture is constantly evolving, with organisations consistently working to find better and more effective methods to create positive change in the workplace. Safety leaders play a critical role in successful safety change management, and sometimes the best way forward means taking a step back to better engage employees. In this session, Wayne will discuss the latest engagement initiatives at Amcor. Includes: • Avoid getting stuck in the ‘doing’ and embrace the ‘why’ • How to move forward by doing less - doing the right things INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION 2.25 - 3.05 CASE STUDY Managing critical risk – A unique approach to global H&S risk management As the world’s largest exporter of Dairy Products, with a footprint across the globe, Fonterra has adopted a process for managing its critical health and safety risk that, while different, provides senior leadership support, board assurance and is driving the implementation of standards and PLUS WORKSHOP! EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Plus One Separately Bookable Full-Day Workshop on 19 June 2015 Receive $150 off registration if you register and pay by 22 May 2015 Safety Culture bowties across its business. In this session, Terry will share an inside look at Fonterra’s unique approach to global health and safety risk management. Terry Johnson General Manager, Global Health and Safety Frameworks Fonterra 3.05 - 3.15 Questions and Discussion 3.15 - 3.30 Afternoon Tea 3.30 - 4.10 EXPERT COMMENTARY Day Two 18 June 2015 8.30 - 8.55 Morning Coffee 8.55 - 9.00 Opening Remarks from the Chair 9.00 - 9.40 Contact Energy stands behind its Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management system to drive continuous improvement, reducing its total recordable injury frequency rate by 11% for both staff and contractors. The effectiveness of the system relies on staff and senior management alike taking personal ownership of safety, and working closely to provide guidance and tools for contractors to develop their own systems. In this session, Tania will discuss Contact’s HSE culture audit process, and explore the systems, skills and successes in real terms. Making yourself redundant as a safety professional - A real ROI proposition The value proposition of a safety professional in a workplace would have to be the most wrestled with concept that organisations, their leaders and their safety professionals have faced within the last 20 years. Once an organisation and their health and safety professionals can define and understand the important functions they are best placed to perform, it becomes far easier to measure an organisation’s actual return on investment (ROI) for the allocation of this valuable human resource. In this provocative expert session, Andrew will explore: • Motivations for an organisation and its leaders • Motivations for a safety professional • Defining a functional role within an organisation • Making oneself “redundant” • Realising the real return on investment Andrew Swensen Managing Director Swensen and Associates 4.10 - 4.20 Questions and Discussion 4.20 Concluding Remarks from the Chair NETWORKING RECEPTION 4.20 - 5.20 Make the most of your Liquid Learning experience, join us to network over complimentary canapés and drinks ALSO AVAILABLE The 4th Annual Stakeholder Communication and Community Engagement Forum 2015 28, 29 & 30 July 2015 Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Auckland SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT Receive $300 off registration if you register and pay by 30 April 2015 OPENING CASE STUDY HSE culture - How we used audit data to influence impactful change Tania Palmer General Manager, Health, Safety and Environment Contact Energy 9.40 - 9.50 Questions and Discussion 9.50 - 10.30 CASE STUDY Engineered for humans – Advocating safety in design The upcoming changes to health and safety legislation signal a reform in organisations’ responsibilities and wholesale ownership of safety, at all stages of the business-cycle including the development and design phase of projects. Beca has been on the leading edge of this cultural reform for many years, with the success of its Safety in Design initiative engineering safety into building projects and securing it the supreme award at the 2014 New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety Awards. In this session, Chloe and Jack will track the development of the initiative, the challenges, successes and leadership opportunities for positive safety culture. Explore: • Blending technical excellence with culture leadership • Integrating the human factor with business considerations Chloe Stewart-Tyson Health and Safety Manager NZ Beca Jack Donaghy Project Manager Beca 10.30 - 10.40 Questions and Discussion 10.40 - 10.55 Morning Tea 10.55 - 11.35 CASE STUDY Reactive to proactive - Bridging the gap between the old system and the new The role and responsibilities of business leaders has evolved dramatically as new legislation and regulations drive positive safety culture across the country. Bridging the gap calls for new leadership initiatives, strategies, change management thinking and opportunities to protect our teams. In this session, Philip will share safety culture change at Komatsu; eight golden rules, take 5’s and some of the challenges with service technicians working in the high risk areas of workshop and field environment. • Strategy, challenges and outcomes • Tactics to increase employee engagement in health and safety Practical Tools and Strategies to Become a Business Leader Mike Barnett Regional Safety Manager Fletcher Construction • Results – measure and manage Philip Dring Regional General Manager Komatsu 11.35 - 11.45 Questions and Discussion 11.45 - 12.25 CASE STUDY What drives us 3.05 - 3.15 Questions and Discussion 3.15 - 3.30 Afternoon Tea 3.30 - 4.20 Formerly Transpacific, Waste Management NZ is not only one of the New Zealand’s leading waste management companies, but also operates the country’s third largest trucking fleet. Running operations across 84 sites, with 1800 employees and owner-drivers, this brings its own complex set of safety challenges and opportunities for innovative solutions. In this session, Guy will share Waste Management’s unprecedented roll-out of driver psychometric testing, risk profiling and its positive impact on fleet behaviour, safety and wellbeing. Explores: • Testing and gathering profile information and validating with insurance data • Interpreting findings into HSE and training initiatives • Deployment of training initiatives, performance management, and recruitment At the frontline of New Zealand’s drive towards an informed and positive safety culture, health and safety professionals are called upon to step up as strategic leaders across their organisations. This interactive roundtable discussion delves deeper into the major themes that have emerged over the two days, opening the floor to debate the tools, tactics and technology leading the future of health and safety culture in New Zealand. Attendees are invited to: • Share experiences and approaches to championing positive achievement culture • Discuss strategies to effectively engage workforce, senior leaders and contractors • Develop frameworks to prepare their organisations for changes to health and safety legislation Guy Smith National Health, Safety and Environment Manager Waste Management NZ Tony Rigg Director 360 Safety Solutions Ltd National Manager New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM) 12.25 - 12.35 Questions and Discussion 12.35 - 1.35 Networking Lunch 1.35 - 2.15 EXPERT COMMENTARY INTERACTIVE CLOSING ROUNDTABLE Sharing in the future of safety leadership and engagement Concluding Remarks from the Chair and Summit Close 4.20 The letter and the spirit of the Law – Practical insights into the new health and safety legislation Directors and managers face new responsibilities under the new Health and Safety at Work Act, but how will these new requirements actually integrate into an organisation’s governance structures and processes? In this expert session, Hans will unpack the practical expectations placed on officers and their due diligence requirements. Includes: • Challenges for officers – What needs to change • Leadership versus Compliance • Engaging managers, supervisors and workers Follow this event on Twitter using the event hashtag #SLC15z and @LiquidLearning for daily industry updates! Hans Buwalda Environment, Health and Safety Consultant EHS Consult Former Group Environment, Health and Safety Manager Fletcher Building WHO WILL ATTEND 2.15 - 2.25 Questions and Discussion Safety professionals across a wide range of industries in roles spanning: 2.25 - 3.05 CASE STUDY New frameworks for effective contractor engagement Organisations have a responsibility to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees, both direct reports and third-party contractors and sub-contractors. But as we move away from a compliance mindset, the challenge becomes effectively integrating contractors into a positive safety culture with limited controls and opportunities for direct influence and engagement. This case study will explore Fletcher Construction’s recent work to drive leadership in contractor engagement, the strategies, pitfalls and successes. Includes: • Effective frameworks for increased collaboration • Understanding and communicating business responsibilities • Encouraging positive risk reporting for contractor workforce Phone: +64 9 927 1500 Fax: +64 9 927 1525 • Health, Safety and Risk Manager • Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) / Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) • Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) / Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) • Safety Systems / Training • Risk Management • Safety Culture Management / Development • Industrial Psychology • Operations / Site Management / Development • Injury Management / WorkCover / Compensation • Organisational Develepment / Effectiveness / Change Workshop 19 June 2015 9.00 - 4.30 Practical Leadership to Drive Safety Culture Change Health and Safety in New Zealand stands at a crossroads, with businesses across the country braced for change – change to the Health and Safety Act, change to our shared sense of risk and responsibility, and ultimately the change from compliance to a fully embodied cultural approach to safety and wellbeing. But how do you actually change culture? How do you communicate ideas to gain buy-in, influence senior management and peers, and translate new thinking throughout an organisation? The key to success in driving real change is leadership. Step up as a safety leader for this full-day experiential masterclass, delivering a comprehensive tool-kit, leadership training and personalised planning workshops. This interactive coaching experience will equip you with the practical skills for high-level communication and influence vital to lead positive safety culture in your organisation. Learn how to proactively manage stakeholder expectations and perceptions, achieve buy-in and ownership by senior management, staff and contractors alike, demonstrate clear business results and efficiencies and transform your technical excellence into truly safer, healthier workplaces. Practical takeaways include: • Understanding individual stakeholders investment and motivators, and more effectively pitching safety initiatives • Identify and address your strengths and weaknesses as a health and safety leader • Building relationships across and influencing positive culture in your organisation • Communication (verbal and non-verbal) and negotiation skills Expert Facilitator: Tony Rigg Director 360 Safety Solutions Ltd National Manager New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM) Tony Rigg is a successful Health and Safety practitioner, with over 18 years experience in all aspects of health and safety. His work has encompassed a wide range of business types including farming, factory, saw milling, civil and structural construction. Tony has a very good understanding of the effects on a company and a work place if there is an inadequate safety culture. During his career, Tony has always kept in mind that his job is both about the people and the companies. The number of different roles that he has had, and the varying different cultures that he has worked within, has given Tony a very good understanding of how to effect cultural change within a company or a workplace. He has a vast experience in adult education and is able to communicate successfully with all levels of managers and employees. Tony has solid comprehension of the background in understanding serious investigations and the legal aspects resulting out of cases that he has been involved over the years. Being both an ex-Governmental Safety Inspector and Paramedic gave him the invaluable experience to see both sides of the fence. He has been working to help improve and educate safety practitioners from all industries. In 2012 he was voted in as National Manager for the Institute of Health and Safety following two years as Auckland Branch Manager. Tony won the Safeguard Health and Safety Practitioner of the Year for the New Zealand Workplace Health & Safety Awards 2012. WORKSHOP SCHEDULE • 8.30 - 9.00 • 11.00 - 12.30 Session Two • 3.00 - 3.20 Afternoon Tea • 9.00 - 10.40 Session One Registration • 12.30 - 1.30 Lunch • 3.20 - 4.30 Session Four • 10.40 - 11.00 Morning Tea • 1.30 - 3.00 • 4.30 Close of Workshop Session Three ABOUT THE EVENT Health, safety and wellbeing is in a state of transition across New Zealand, shifting its stance from reactive to proactive, from compliance to culture, and the impending Health and Safety Act reform only serves to bring this to the fore. In order to effectively influence positive change throughout organisations, health and safety professionals must strive to support their technical excellence by developing their skills as communicators, influencers and ultimately step up as business leaders. The Safety Leadership and Engagement Conference 2015 provides an exclusive Forum showcasing some of the country’s leading health and safety case studies, spanning all sectors and industries. This premier event will equip participants with the practical skills and insights to effectively manage the impending reforms, engage their workforce in positive safety culture at all levels and emerge as valued business leaders. Register early to secure your place at this unmissable learning and networking event. ! To request an electronic version for easy circulation, email [email protected] SPONSOR TODAY! Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available. For your chance to brand yourself as a market leader, please call: +64 9 927 1500 or email: [email protected] Booking Form The Safety Leadership and Engagement Conference 2015 17, 18 & 19 June 2015 Stamford Auckland 22-26 Albert St, Auckland Auckland 1010 Ph: +64 9 309 8888 1 SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Receive $300 off registration if you register and pay by 30 April 2015 Receive $150 off registration if you register and pay by 22 May 2015 Organisation Name Registration Information Address Title Suburb Full Name or TBA Title Position State Full Name or TBA Title Position Phone Fax Fax Phone Email c Conference c Workshop Full Name or TBA Position Phone Email Postcode Fax Email c Conference c Workshop c Conference c Workshop * Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend 2 Please confirm my registration for The Safety Leadership and Engagement Conference 2015 c Your Investment No. # Standard Rate Early Bird Rate* Super Saver Rate** Conference + 1 Full-Day Workshop (3 days) Options (per person) $2995 + GST = ($3444.25) $2845 + GST = ($3271.75) $2695 + GST = ($3099.25) Conference Only (2 days) $2295 + GST = ($2639.25) $2145 + GST = ($2466.75) $1995 + GST = ($2294.25) 1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day) $1095 + GST = ($1259.25) N/A N/A * Receive $150 off registration if you register and pay by 22 May 2015 ** Receive $300 off registration if you register and pay by 30 April 2015 Group Discounts Available: 3 – 4 people: 10% off Standard Rate 5 – 7 people: 15% off Standard Rate Conditions: Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously. Only one discount applies. Group discounts apply to standard rates only. Group discounts are not applicable to Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird rates. Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird Discounts are not applicable to the individual Workshop. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and must be claimed at the time of booking. Liquid Learning Limited reserves the right to have sole discretion on an organisation’s eligibility for discounts. Note: Course materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Registration Options are per person only. Email this form to: 3 [email protected] or TOTAL incl GST All Prices listed in New Zealand Dollars SLC0615z - I Call us on: +64 9 927 1500 Payment Details Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event. Credit Card Details - Please charge my credit card for this registration: c Credit Card Card Type c Cheque (payable to Liquid Learning Limited) c Electronic Funds Transfer c Visa c MasterCard c American Express Note: 2% surcharge applies to American Express payments Card Number Expiry c Please invoice me: Amount Full Name as on card Purchase Order No. # Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Please transfer funds directly to: Westpac New Zealand Limited Account Name: Liquid Learning Limited Account No: 03 0252 0863638-00 SWIFT Code: WPACNZ2W Cardholder’s Contact Number Please quote ref SLC0615z and registrant name Signature 5 Authorising Manager’s Details: This registration is invalid without a signature. Name Position Signature Date X Fax Send To 4 Authorisation X 7 Mail +64 9 927 1525 * Liquid Learning Limited Level 18, BDO Tower 120 Albert Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand Registration Policy If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please advise us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another event run by Liquid Learning Limited. A 10% service fee may apply. Should you wish to cancel your registration, please notify us in writing as soon as possible and a credit note will be issued valid for use towards any future event held by Liquid Learning Limited in the twelve months following date of issuance. Cancellation notifications received less than 14 days from the event running will receive a credit note to the value of the registration fee less a service fee of $400 plus GST. Liquid Learning Limited does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person per registration. It is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split tickets, i.e. a different person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details. Liquid Learning Limited takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised details are correct at time of publishing. However, when circumstances beyond our control prevail, we reserve the right to change program content, facilitators or venues. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events if circumstances arise whereby performance of the event is no longer feasible, possible or legal. Liquid Learning Limited will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any changes to or cancelling or rescheduling of an event. If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, Liquid Learning Limited will make every effort to contact every registered delegate; if an event is cancelled or you are unable to attend the rescheduled event you will be issued with a credit note valid for use towards any future Liquid Learning Limited event held in the twelve months following date of issuance. Email : Phone [email protected] ) +64 9 927 1500 Disclaimer Liquid Learning Limited has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course facilitators. The information provided by course facilitators is not produced by Liquid Learning Limited and should not be regarded as advice. Liquid Learning Limited accepts no responsibility for reliance on such information and recommends that its clients seek further professional advice. Privacy Statement Liquid Learning Limited is committed to your privacy. All information collected on this registration will be held in the strictest of confidence and in accordance with the Privacy Act. Liquid Learning Limited will add your information to a secure database. This will be used primarily to contact you for ongoing research, product development and notice of future events and services offered by Liquid Learning Limited. Occasionally you may receive information from organisations associated with Liquid Learning Limited. If you do not wish to receive such information please tick this box:c To update or have your details deleted please advise our Database team at Liquid Learning Limited, Level 18, BDO Tower, 120 Albert Street, Auckland 1010 New Zealand, PH: +64 9 927 1500, FX: +64 9 927 1525, email: [email protected] © 2015 Liquid Learning Limited IRD 104 - 525 - 695
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