Scripting Toolkit 4.4 - Tools Documentation
Scripting Toolkit 4.4 - Tools Documentation
User Manual - English FUJITSU Software ServerView Suite Scripting Toolkit V4.4 Tools Documentation March 2015 Edition © Copyright Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH 2015 All hardware and software names used are trademarks of their respective manufacturers. All rights, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying or similar methods, in part or in whole, are reserved. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Delivery subject to availability. Right of technical modification reserved. Contents 1 Preface.................................................................................................................. 5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Scripting Toolkit ................................................................................................... 6 About This Guide ................................................................................................... 6 Target Audience..................................................................................................... 6 Safety Notes .......................................................................................................... 6 Notational Conventions ......................................................................................... 7 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.3 3.3.1 Utilities ................................................................................................................. 9 BIOS Configuration .............................................................................................. 10 DeskView DskFlash .............................................................................................. 10 DeskView BiosSet................................................................................................. 14 RAID Configuration .............................................................................................. 17 ServerView RAID Service (amCLI) ......................................................................... 17 System Identification and Management Controller Configuration ........................ 22 SCConfig .............................................................................................................. 22 Tools Documentation 1 Preface The ServerView Scripting Toolkit is a collection of WinPE-based utilities and sample scripts for the configuration and installation of PRIMERGY systems. This document describes all supported WinPE tools for the ServerView Scripting Toolkit. For information about the ServerView Scripting Toolkit itself please refer to the User Guide. Tools Documentation 5 2 Scripting Toolkit 2.1 About This Guide This user guide is intended as a reference for using the ServerView Scripting Toolkit for deployment of PRIMERGY servers. 2.2 Target Audience This guide is targeted at experienced administrators who are familiar with the servers of the PRIMERGY family from Fujitsu Technology Solutions and have a very good knowledge of WinPE. 2.3 Safety Notes Caution! Improper use of the toolkit utilities can result in loss of critical data. Because of the potential risk of data loss, only experienced individuals should use the toolkit utilities. Before using the toolkit, you must take all necessary precautions to ensure that mission-critical systems remain online if a failure occurs. 6 Tools Documentation Scripting Toolkit 2.4 Notational Conventions The following notational conventions are used in this manual: Typewriter text Indicates elements of the syntax that must be entered exactly as shown in the ’Syntax’ section. Italics Indicates variables, arguments or file names [] Indicates an optional entry (an option or argument enclosed in square brackets may be specified), i.e. the entry is not mandatory. | Indicates an alternative option (none, one or more of several options or arguments can be specified). … Indicates that one or more options or arguments can be specified several times. Bold Used for highlighting in the text. "Quotes" Indicates cross-references to other chapters or manuals. Warning sign indicating that your health, the correct functioning of your system, or the security of your data may be at risk if you ignore the information given at this point. Indicates additional information, notes and hints. Tools Documentation 7 Utilities 3 This chapter describes the WinPE utilities provided with this toolkit and how to make use of the utilities in a scripting environment for server deployment. These utilities are distributed with the ServerView Scripting Toolkit for both x86 and x64 WinPE: BIOS configuration DeskView DeskFlash DeskView BiosSet RAID configuration ServerView RAID (amCLI) System identification and management controller configuration SCConfig ServerControl Service Tools Documentation 9 Utilities 3.1 BIOS Configuration 3.1.1 DeskView DskFlash DeskView is a set of command line based BIOS management utilities. These utilities can be used for all PRIMERGY systems that are supported by the integration pack. DeskView DskFlash is a command line based BIOS management utility. This utility can be used for all PRIMERGY systems that are supported by the toolkit. DeskView DskFlash can be used to save the BIOS configuration of a PRIMERGY reference system and to apply the same configuration to a PRIMERGY target system. In the context of PRIMERGY server deployment, this utility is primarily used to change the boot sequence of the target PRIMERGY system during the configuration and installation process. DeskView DskFlash Syntax DskFlash argument [argument ...] DeskView DskFlash Usage The following outline focuses on the save and restore mechanisms for server deployment. Only the features described in the Utility Usage and Arguments sections are supported with this release of the ServerView Scripting Toolkit. Capture an existing BIOS configuration and store it in a configuration file: DskFlash /ar /wd=<path> /ov /lf=<logfile> /o=<BIOSfile> Restore a BIOS configuration from a configuration file: DskFlash /upd /wd=<path> /ov /nrb /lf=<logfile> /o=<BIOSfile> 10 Tools Documentation Utilities DeskView DskFlash Arguments Argument Description /ar Save the BIOS configuration to a configuration file. Note: Use the ’/ov’ option to overwrite the configuration file in silent mode. /upd Restore the BIOS from a file. If the required file is not present in the actual working directory, or if the information in the file does not match the board or BIOS version, DskFlash will return error code ’2’. Note: Use the ’/ov’ option to overwrite the BIOS configuration in any case. /nrb Prohibit reboot: the DskFlash kernel may not reboot the system. /ov Force overwrite of either the configuration file or the BIOS settings. /wd=<path> Specify the working directory. /o=<BIOSfile> Name of file to be saved or restored /lf=<logfile>] Log actions to file, logfile name optional. /? Display help screen. <no_argument> Error. All arguments are case-insensitive. Tools Documentation 11 Utilities DeskView DskFlash Return Values Environment variables: None. Error Code Description 0 Command completed successfully. 1 Command completed, but log file contains warnings. 2 General error. 4 Syntax error. 8 On one or more target systems, the temporary directory is either missing or does not have enough free space. 16 On the administrator PC, the temporary directory is either missing or does not have enough free space. 32 The target system cannot be reached. 64 On one or more target systems, there is no valid file available for updating the BIOS. DeskView DskFlash Configuration File The configuration file of the DeskView DskFlash utility contains information on the board and BIOS and the contents of the NVRAM. It is binary-coded and has the extension ’.BUP’. Editing and manipulation of the configuration file is strongly discouraged! DeskView DskFlash Important Notes After restoring a BIOS using DeskView DeskFlash, a reboot is required for the restored BIOS code to take effect. DeskView DskFlash Deployment Usage DeskView DskFlash can be used: 12 To configure the BIOS settings of a PRIMERGY target system according to the BIOS settings of a PRIMERGY reference system. Tools Documentation Utilities To change the BIOS boot sequence of the PRIMERGY target system during server deployment. To change the BIOS boot sequence, configure the reference server's BIOS with various boot priority settings and create a configuration file for each of these settings. Make sure you name these different BIOS configuration files accordingly. Step 1: Save BIOS configurations of a reference system. Example: DskFlash /ar /wd=U:\HW_PROF\TX300S7 /ov /lf=BIOSsavelog.xml /o=SysBios.bup Step 2: Configure new BIOS (configuration) of a target system. Example: DskFlash /ar /wd=U:\HW_PROF\TX300S7 /s /w /ov /arb /lf=BIOSrestorelog.xml /o=SysBios.bup Step 3: Reboot target system. A cold reboot is required now. Tools Documentation 13 Utilities 3.1.2 DeskView BiosSet DeskView is a set of command line based BIOS management utilities. These utilities can be used for all PRIMERGY systems that are supported by the integration pack. DeskView BiosSet is a command line based BIOS management utility. This utility can be used for all PRIMERGY systems that are supported by the toolkit. DeskView BiosSet can be used to set or change various BIOS parameters on a PRIMERGY server. In the context of PRIMERGY server deployment, this utility is primarily used to change the BIOS password of a PRIMERGY server during the configuration and installation process. DeskView BiosSet Syntax DskFlash argument [argument ...] DeskView BiosSet Usage The following outline focuses setting the boot order and BIOS password during server deployment. Only the features described in the Utility Usage and Arguments sections are supported with this release of the ServerView Scripting Toolkit. Change the BIOS password: BiosSet /PWD=<password> /NEWPWD=<password> DeskView BiosSet Arguments Argument Description /DEFAULT The order of the devices at system startup (/BOOTORDER parameter) can only be changed again after the next reboot. WARNING: If the AHCI has been changed, the computer can possibly no longer be booted with the parameter /DEFAULT. If this is the case, make sure that Windows has the correct drivers available. /E Display return values and their corresponding descriptions. /NEWPWD Set a new password. /PWD Provide current password. 14 Tools Documentation Utilities /Q Run in ‘quiet’ mode. /lf=<logfile>] Log actions to file, logfile name optional. -? Display help screen. <no_argument> Error. All arguments are case-insensitive. DeskView BiosSet Return Values Environment variables: None. Error Code Description 0 Command completed successfully. 1 General error. 2 Syntax error. 3 Access to BIOS Setup denied (either wrong password, SmartCard protected or MemoryBird protected). 5 BIOS Setup is locked by another application. 6 BiosSet needs a reboot. BIOS has been flashed since last reboot. 7 The BIOS access run module can not be loaded. 8 The new BIOS Setup password is invalid. Either wrong charactes are used or invalid number of characters. 9 Hardware not supported. 10 The boot option 'Remote Network' was requested in the boot sequence which is not supported by the BIOS Setup settings. 12 At least one token is not supported by the client. 14 Reset to BIOS default settings failed. 17 At least one boot device from the boot order is not supported. 18 At least one boot priority from the boot order is not supported. 21 An interface which BiosSet needs, is not available. 23 Intel TxT is activated, BiosSet is not allowed to change FlashWrite. Tools Documentation 15 Utilities 24 BitLocker is activated, BiosSet is not allowed to change anything. 99 Unknown error. 300 DeskView Client is installed. Add the /useinstalled parameter to use the installed version. 301 Computer needs to be restarted before BiosSet can run. 302 An instance of 'DeskView Instant' is already running. Try again later. 303 An incompatible application is currently running. Try again later. 304 BiosSet cannot run on a Computer with DeskView 5 installed. 305 Unsupported operating system. 306 Insufficient privileges. DeskView BiosSet Deployment Usage DeskView BiosSet can be used: To change the BIOS boot password of a PRIMERGY server. Example: Set a new BIOS password. BiosSet /NEWPWD=MyNewBiosPassword /PWD=MyOldBiosPassword /Q A cold reboot is required now. 16 Tools Documentation Utilities 3.2 RAID Configuration 3.2.1 ServerView RAID Service (amCLI) ServerView RAID is a universal RAID management tool from Fujitsu Technology Solutions which supports all RAID controllers within PRIMERGY servers. Refer to ServerView Scripting Toolkit WinPE Documentation Chapter 5 for information on supported controllers. ServerView RAID for WinPE within the ServerView Scripting Toolkit is distributed as a selfextracting executable. To be used within WinPE WinPE’s internal ram disk needs to be extended to at least 64 MB (using WinPECacheThreshold of the File Based Write Filter). amCLI is a command-line-based RAID controller management utility which hooks into ServerView RAID. To use amCLI the basic ServerView RAID service (amService.exe) needs to be running. Some LSI controllers also need the SpySer service running. amCLI can be used to configure array controllers in a PRIMERGY system. Syntax amCLI <no_argument> amCLI <command> <ObjectID> <parameters> Utility Usage Only the features described in the Utility Usage and Arguments section are supported with this release of the ServerView Scripting Toolkit. Tools Documentation 17 Utilities Arguments Argument Description -w <ObjectID> <FileName> Write configuration to specified file. -r <FileName> Read configuration from specified file and configure system accordingly. -c <AdapterID> raid=<level> <DriveID> … Create a RAID array. Note: ObjectID “21/3” refers to the whole system. To save the configuration of a specific controller, use “amCLI –l” to find out the controller’s ObjectID. The ObjectID depends on the system’s configuration and may change when the configuration changes. <AdapterID>: the ObjectID of the controller where the array is to be created. <level>: the desired raid level <DriveID>: the ObjectIDs of the drives for the array Note: “amCLI -? exec <AdapterID>” informes about the controller’s array abilities. -Z Clear controller configuration. -l List current configuration -u <User> -p <Password> ServerView RAID needs Administrator rights. Add user account data if current user has no administration rights. -e <AdapterID scan_configuration Force the controller to scan the current configuration and to report the configuration to ServerView RAID service <AdapterID>: the ObjectID of the controller -? Display help screen. <no_argument> Display help screen. Only the features listed above have been tested and are supported with this release of the Scripting Toolkit. All arguments are case-sensitive. 18 Tools Documentation Utilities Return Values Environment variables: None. Error Code Description 0 Command completed successfully. 1 An internal error occurred. 2 The syntax of the command was invalid. 3 An invalid object was addressed. 4 Internal memory allocation failed 5 Operation not supported by object 6 Property not supported by object 7 Operation cannot be executed at this time. 8 Communication with core service failed. 9 No access to SVRAID database 10 SVRAID database did not initialise correctly 11 SVRAID database corrupt 12 Command failed 13 Invalid data specified for command 14 Login failed 15 No administration rights granted. 16 Could not open file 17 Could not read file 18 Could not write file Tools Documentation 19 Utilities Important Notes Controllers which are to be managed with ServerView RAID need to either be RAID controllers or be configured as RAID controllers. In save/restore mode ServerView RAID always analyses the complete system and does not complain if no RAID controller is found. amCLI requires the ServerView RAID service (amService) to be running. It needs to be started and to initialise (this may take a few minutes with big systems) before amCLI can be used. The ServerView RAID service relies on events to be notified of changes within the controller configuration. With WinPE there is no event handling. To make sure the service always ‘sees’ the correct controller configuration it is recommended to force the controller to scan and update the configuration to the service. This can be done with the command: amCLI -e <ObjectID> scan_configuration ServerView RAID needs administrator rights. Add user account data (options –u –p) if current user has no administration rights. When amCLI is used with WinPE in most cases a user with Administration rights needs to be created. Step 1: Create a WinPE user (ignore errors). Example: net user STK stk /add 2>NUL Step 2: Add new user to Administrators. Example: net localgroup Administrators STK /add 2>NUL 20 Tools Documentation Utilities Deployment Usage You can use amCLI to clear and re-configure all controllers in a system: Step 1: Start the Service. Example: sc create SVRAID DisplayName= SVRAID BinPath= U:\TOOLS32\SVRAID\amService.exe Step 2: Configure the controller. Example: amCLI -r svraid.xml Step 3: Reboot target system. A cold reboot is required now. Tools Documentation 21 Utilities 3.3 System Identification and Management Controller Configuration 3.3.1 SCConfig The ServerControl Service is a universal system management tool which supports all of Fujitsu PRIMERGY servers. Refer to ServerView Scripting Toolkit documentation chapter 5 for information on supported systems. SCConfig is a command-line-based system management utility which hooks into the ServerControl Service. To use SCConfig the ServerControl service (svrctrl.exe) needs to be running. The ServerControl Service is started automatically within ServerView Installation Manager’s WinPE. SCConfig can be used configure PRIMERGY servers. Syntax SCConfig –transfer <filename> Arguments Argument Description -transfer <filename> Pass a XML-file with commands to execute to SCConfig. No other arguments are supported. 22 Tools Documentation Utilities Return Values Environment variables: None. Error Code Description 0 Success. 1 Error. See the command file <filename> for individual command errors. Important Notes SCConfig requires the ServerControl service (svrctrl.exe) to be running. It needs to be started before SCConfig can be used. Step 1: Start ServerControl Service. Example: svrvtrl.exe /RegImage Command File SCConfig uses a command file which is both used to specify the command for the ServerControl Service and to report back the individual command results. To keep the original command file unchanged, it is recommended to use a copy of the command file for the actual command execution. The command file needs to be clean XML and consists of various commands which get transferred and executed one by one. The individual commands in the command file need to be setup as follows: <!— {comment} --> <CMD Context="SCCI" OC="ConfigSpace" OE="{CSV}" OI="{OI}" Type="SET" MID="81"> <DATA Type="{DataType}" Len="{Len}">{Data}</DATA> <STATUS></STATUS> </CMD> Where {comment} any comment Tools Documentation 23 Utilities {CSV} a ConfigSpace Variable. See scci_cs.pdf in the “Manual32” folder for details on ConfigSpace Variables. {OI} the Object ID. Usually 0 since most Variables only have one instance. Needs to be set to the correct and corresponding value when addressing user-related variables. {DataType} the data type. Data can be supplied as xsd::hexBinary or xsd::string. {Len} the length in bytes of the supplied data. Optional when using xsd::string {Data} are the supplied data After command completion the result of the individual commands is written to <STATUS></STATUS>. Status Return Code Description 0x00 CM_STAT_SUCCESS. 0x01 CM_STAT_INVALID_CMD 0x02 CM_STAT_INVALID_OBJ 0x03 CM_STAT_DEVICE_NOT_EXIST 0x04 CM_STAT_INVALID_SET_VALUE 0x05 CM_STAT_DEVICE_BUSY 0x06 CM_STAT_EXEC_FAILED 0x07 CM_STAT_OBJ_READONLY 0x08 CM_STAT_OBJ_WRITE_PROTECT 0x09 CM_STAT_INTERFACE_CORRUPT 0x0A CM_STAT_SET_STRING_TOOLONG 0x0B CM_STAT_SET_COUNT_WRONG 0x0C CM_STAT_NO_MORE_REPLIES 0x0D CM_STAT_ACCESS_VIOLATION 0x0E CM_STAT_FRAME_ALLOC_ERROR 0x0F CM_STAT_DEVICE_NOT_RESPONDING 0x10 CM_STAT_CHECKSUM_ERROR 24 Tools Documentation Utilities 0x11 CM_STAT_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x12 CM_STAT_ILLEGAL_NR_ARGS 0x13 CM_STAT_NO_DATA 0x14 CM_STAT_INVALID_CABINET_NUMBER 0x15 CM_STAT_MORE_REPLIES_FOLLOWING 0x16 CM_STAT_REQUEST_PENDING 0x17 CM_STAT_CMD_HEADER_INCOMPLETE 0x18 CM_STAT_ACCESS_DENIED Tools Documentation 25
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