Assignment 4


Assignment 4
Mech Eng 4Z03/6Z03
Assignment 4 – CNC Machining using NX
Total Value: 10 marks
Submit to Avenue to Learn Dropbox
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to CNC Tool Path Planning and Post Processing using
the NX CAD software. Extensive video lesson aids are posted at the website. Please provide your own
headphones (with stereo 3.5 mm diameter plug) to listen to the lesson audio. There is also a general manual
on NX available at the website.
1. (5 marks)
a. (2 marks) Refer to the ChassisBaseLetter.pdf file found on the website. Following the online lessons,
create tool paths for the hole drilling and contour steps. Post process using the NX supplied 3 axis Post
Processor to create a G-code .ptp file. Upload your ChassisBase_setup_1.prt and
ChassisBase_setup_1.ptp files to the corresponding Avenue to Learn Dropbox.
b. (1 marks) Demonstrate tool path animation and post processing to a TA during your scheduled
TA Signature: _____________________________________________________
c. (2 marks) Explain, in a brief (1 page) Word document report, how the G81 drilled hole locations match
with the ChassisBaseLetter.pdf table, and how the red highlighted area of the contour tool path
matches expectations. Consider in particular corners, and the B-splines. Upload your explanation .doc
file to the corresponding Avenue to Learn Dropbox.
2. (2 marks)
Following the online lessons, create a custom Post Processor named Quadrant3Axis that outputs nonmodel G,X,Y,Z,I,J,K in a non-model manner, with quadrant based circular arcs. Repeat the Post Processing
of the drilling/contouring tool paths to confirm correct behavior. Upload your completed solution,
including both the Post Processor files and the new .ptp file, to the corresponding Avenue to Learn
3. (3 marks)
a. (2 marks) Following the online lessons, create flat and ball end mill machining programs to cut the
sculptured surface on the KnotInsertionSolid.prt. Upload your KnotInsertionSolid_setup_1.prt and
KnotInsertionSolid_setup_1.ptp files to the corresponding Avenue to Learn Dropbox.
b. (1 marks) Demonstrate tool path animation and post processing to a TA during your scheduled
TA Signature: _____________________________________________________
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