Weekly Bulletins . - Congregation Mogen David
Weekly Bulletins . - Congregation Mogen David
This week: Kehilat Mogen David 5775 * 2015 B”H BEHAR-BECHUKOTAI MAY 15-21, 2015 Weekly Prayer Schedule 26 IYAR – 3 Sivan SHABBOS MEVORCHIM EREV SHABBOS MAY 15 Mincha Light Candles 6:30pm 7:30pm SHABBOS MAY 16 Shiur/ R’Grama Shacharis JFAAF Guest Speakers Mincha Arvit Havdalah 8:55am 9:15am 7:20pm 8:18pm 8:30pm Shacharis Sun Mincha 8:00am 7:40pm Shacharis Mon Mincha 6:30am 7:40pm Shacharis Tues Rosh Chodesh Mincha 6:30am 7:40pm Shacharis Wed Mincha 6:30am 7:40pm Shacharis Thurs Mincha 6:30am 7:40pm Erev Shabbos MAY 15 Shacharis Fri Mincha Light Candles 6:30am 6:30pm 7:35pm Important Halalhic Times Earliest Talit & Tefillin Last Time for Shema Last time for Shacharis Earliest time for Mincha 5:00am 9:21am 10:31am 1:25pm WELCOME JFAAF SHABBATON. Please join our guest speakers from the JEWISH FRIENDS OF THE AMERICAN ARMED FORCES Rabbi David Becker; Shachris- Chaplain Lieutenant Kasriel Laker, US Navy; Kriya - Chaplain Lieutenant Kasriel Laker, US Navy; Mussaf Chaplain Colonel Sandee Drezin, US Army Ret.; Drash - Chaplain Lieutenant Aaron Kleinman, US Navy. And all Chaplains This week: WE THANK OUR SPONSORS Kiddush is sponsored by the Shul and our Military Chaplains Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Avy and Sandra Azeroual BARUCH DAYAN HAEMES With great Sadness and Regret we inform the community of the passing of Robert Greenberg, Ruven ben Dov Halevi, husband of Pearl Greenberg, father of Karen Greenberg and Steven Greenberg And of the passing of Abraham Fallas, Avraham ben Moshe Fallas, brother of Joseph Fallas Condolences and prayers go out to the familes on their loss. " " המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים "Ha-Makom yenahem etkhem b'tokh sha'ar aveilei Tizon V Yerushalayim" May the Omnipresent console them among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Kollel and Classes are Sponsored by Avy and Sandra Azeroual; dedicated in memory of Ada bat Hanna Azeroual; and dedication to the memory of JACK E. GINDI and ESKANDAR RASHIDI DOOST יעקב בן ר" שמעון MAY 17-21 Weekday Classes Mon – Fri 7:30am Daily- Chok L’Israel (daily) w/H.Dayan WEEKLY CLASSES 8:45am Chok L’Israel w/H.Dayan 9:00am Daf Yomi w/R’Baalhaness 9:30am Guide to Belief w/David Sacks CLASS at Pico Café - w/R’Elias MON 12pm LUNCH & LEARN w/R’Elias WED EVENING CLASSES 9:00pm Daf Yomi w/R’Baalhanes Sun – Thurs 7:15pm Gemara w/R’Moses Mon 9:00pm Gemara w/R’Grama Mon Mon – Thurs 8:00pm beginners Gemara w/R’Raffi SUN IN MEMORIAM: MAY 15-21 / 26 IYAR - 3 SIVAN Gesela Alcalay, Shlomo Birnbaum, Philip Karz, Samson Mintz, Fanny Markman, Mordechai Murciano, David ben Nachmon Minc, Rose Stein, Israel Yitzhak Bruck, Alma Bernet, Sora Chaya Sacks, Isidore Kaufman REFUAH SHLEIMAH: Please call the office. We will gladly add any Name to the list below; so they may be included in our prayers, that each one may be granted a Refuah Shleimah. Cantor Leopold Szneer Rochel bat Miriam Mordechai ben Simcha Shahla Chaya bat Shoshana Efriam ben Ida Esther bat Chana Avraham ben Dolat Matana bat Rachel Raphael David ben Ella Habiba bat Rahel Ruven ben Raisel Elana bat Rachel Shlomo ben Raizel Bracha Hena bat Rivka Levi Yakov ben Maytal Ha’Kohen Rachel bat Chana Shimon Dov ben Shifra Rebbeca bat Sarah Aaron Yosef ben Chana Mary Ellen bat Sarah Haim Menacham ben Hena Raizel Linda bat Sarah Moshe Mordechai ben Rachel Rivkah bas Chemda Baruch Pelech ben Chana Eitan ben Sorah Randy ben Sarah Yoel ben Avraham Ha’Kohen Chai ben Sarinah Yoseph Shmuel Chaim ben Brana Yitchak ben Calamera OPEN TO THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY SHAVUOT SCHOLAR-in-RESIDENCE ALL NIGHT LEARNING WITH RABBI DR. YIGAL TSAIDI SUNDAY May 24, 2ND NIGHT SHAVUOS join us for Shavuos Dinner 7:30pm Reservations & Signups only at www.mogendavidla.com MONDAY May 25; Shavuot 2nd Day, Youth Program Appeal Please help support our KMD Youth Programs. Kehilat Mogen David ∙ 9717 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles,90035 ∙ 310-556-5609 ∙ www.mogen-david.org ∙ [email protected] Gabriel Elias, Rabbi ∙ Daniel Grama, Rabbi ∙ Alex Katz, Cantor ∙ Yehuda Moses, Rabbi ∙ Michael Abraham, Rabbi∙Cantor ∙ Phil Seelig-Haim Dayan, co-Presidents ERUV: Please check the Eruv status each week before Candle Lighting : www.laeruv.com or 877-ERUV-INFO ANNUAL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SUNDAY JUNE 14th 9:30am The election of the 2015-16 Board of Directors will take place at the June Annual General Meeting. HAPPY ☺ BIRTHDAY Daniel Shiff, Ava Abergel, Moshe Kupietzky, Rueben Robin, Ruthy Grama, Shlomo Todd, Steven Simons, Jamie Esshaghian MAY ♥ HAPPY ♥ ANNIVERSARY Steven & Victoria Holtz, Ernest & Charlotte Wulkan, Barry & Betty Sytner, Emmanuel & Tova Sarir, Benjamin & Sara Cole, James & Audrey Fellous, Sol & Gertrude Berger, Cantor Alex and Rachel Katz, Daniel & Devorah Shaool, Roy & Alin Lansky, Raymond & Erees Beyda, Daniel & Shery Javaherian, Oren & Deborah Kashanian, Jonathan & Raizy Nissanoff, Rabbi Daniel & Ruthy Grama Welcome JEWISH FRIENDS OF THE AMERICAN ARMED FORCES guests Lt Cdr, Kevin Bemel, USN; Capt. David Ruderman, US Army; Col. Sandford Dresin, Retired, Head of Aleph Institute Military Chaplains US Army; Capt. Raziel Amar, US Army; Lt. Shaul Daniel, US Army Reserve Guard; Lt Cdr, Naftali Kreisler, US Navy; Lt. Aaron Kleinman, US Navy; Lt. Kasriel Laker, US Navy; Capt. Asher Finsly, US Air Force; Lt. Dovid Egert, US Air Force; Chaplain Candidate Sholem Moshe Egert, US Army; Sgt Schmuel Kessler, US Army Reserve Guard; Lt. Jay Hill, Civil Air Patrol New York; Chaplain Candidate Brian Borenstein, US Navy; Lt. David Becker, US Army Reserve Guard; Chaplain Major Vincent Cepeda USAR and Chaplain Captain Lawrence Wallace, Chaplain Recruiter for Army; Chaplain Chaplain Major David Sarmiento USAF and Captain Jeff Montanari USAF, Air force Recruiter CA Air Force Reserve Guard SHAVUOT SCHOLAR-in-RESIDENCE ALL NIGHT LEARNING with RABBI DR. YIGAL TSAIDI THE ARAB ISRAELI CONFLICT: What is the source of our conflict & What is the solution? THE MYSTERY OF THE AKEDA; WHO ARE THE FRIENDS OF RABBI AKIVA? Can we be his friends as well? REINCARNATION: A unique perspective from the eyes of Chazal. Special Parenting Lecture; 2nd day Shavuot, Monday May 25th 6:00pm. How you create a new child after he/she was born already. OPEN TO THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY Join Bnei Akiva-LA and CELEBRATE ISRAEL FESTIVAL- This Sunday Celebrate Israel’s 67th Birthday May 17, Rancho Park-Cheviot Hills Recreation Center, One mile walk-Registration 9:30am, walk begins 10:00am Festival Doors open at 11:00 am Come see the Jewish Community Children's Choir at the Opening Ceremonies of Celebrate Israel, 3:30pm, Sun May 17 in Rancho Park! Come and visit our booth! Give the Children's Choir a tax deductible donation and receive a tote bag gift! SAVE THE DATE Community-Wide PRE-SHAVUOS BAKE SALE to Benefit the Yad Eliezer Baby Formula Fund. Thursday, May 21, 10:00am -1pm, at Beth Jacob. To volunteer or bake call/text Dena Bess at 323-823-4849 Moshava Malibu: Nearly sold out info: 855-MOSHAVA or [email protected] DVAR TORAH – BEHAR - BECHUKOTAI The parsha of Behar deals mainly with the importance of the land of Israel and letting the land lay fallow every seventh and fiftieth year. Proverbs mentions the relevance of seven in the following manner; seven women wanting one man in Isaiah; working seven years for a wife in Genesis; there are seven benedictions recited under the chupah during the wedding ceremony; seven benedictions in the Shabbat Amida. However when we think of the number seven, uppermost in our minds is the Shabbat. The idea of Shabbat, a cycle of days, was even extended to include cycle of years, (Shmita and Yovel). Behar has two central ideas, each dealing with the theme of restoration to an original state. These are the seventh, the sabbatical year (Shmitah) WE ARE STILL MISSING DATABASE INFO FROM MANY OF OUR MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES and the fiftieth year, which is the jubilee year (Yovel). Please help us to update our files. Call the office or print the info form and email to the office Just as man enjoys ‘the rest’ on the seventh day of the week, so too, Hashem directed that Eretz Yisrael should have a sabbath in the seventh year. Six years the land could be worked and harvested, vineyards could be planted and pruned, but in the seventh year the land was to rest. This is also true for the Yovel Jubilee (or fiftieth year); the land was to lie fallow. The main reason for this is for the Jew to understand that the land belongs to Hashem. "For the land is Mine, you are but strangers residing with Me." Hashem promised to provide for our needs by making his harvests fruitful, and sufficient to carry us through the years when we are not permitted to sow or reap. In abiding by the will of Hashem, man would be free to devote time to study so that he/she would learn that material success was not the only purpose of life. Education and Torah study is the source of our sustenance and life. Equally the Mizvot of the Torah begin with the words "Vayedaber Hashem El Moshe" (Hashem spoke to Moshe). The only parsha in the Torah that begins with Vayedaber. Our Chachamim ask why this special wording and why Har Sinai is mentioned specifically in connection with the Mizvah of Shmita. Chazal answer that Shmita symbolizes all the other Mizvot in the torah. Just as the details of Shmita were given to Moshe at Har Sinai, so were all other Mizvot. The Chasam Sofer says that the Parasha of Shmita proves without a doubt that the Torah was given from Heaven, “Then I will command My blessing upon you in the sixth year and it shall bring forth produce for the three years”, a promise that is beyond nature. It is this very Mizvah of Shmita that was chosen to teach us that all the Mizvot of the Torah were given at Har Sinai. This is the reason the Parasha begins with the Mizvah of Shmita and closes with the Mizvah of Shmirat Shabbos. There is an equal command in these two Mizvot since the careful observance of these Mizvot might cause a substantial monetary loss. However, in the long run, this loss is but an illusionary loss. All those who observe the laws of Shmita and sanctify the Shabbos are destined to be blessed by the Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Good Shabbos Rabbi Gabe Elias