IABC-Montreal Board Role Descriptions _EN


IABC-Montreal Board Role Descriptions _EN
Establishes the strategic priorities of IABC/Montréal for the coming year in collaboration with
the Executive Vice-President (EVP) and Past President
Oversees the activities of the Board with a view to ensuring strategic alignment with
IABC/Montréal’s mandate, objectives and by-laws
Builds a cohesive Board that will meet or exceed the needs of IABC/Montréal’s members
Facilitates and chairs IABC/Montréal Board meetings
Welcomes new Board members, plans and executes the yearly Board orientation session
and, in collaboration with the EVP and Past President, develops a new Board strategy or
refines and reviews the strategy in progress
Monitors, motivates and supports activities of all Board members in collaboration with the
EVP (including assistance to ensure each Board member is on track with their strategic plan
for the year)
Liaises and represents the chapter at an international, regional and local level, shares
relevant news with Board members and appoints delegates to regional meetings when
Provides regular updates to members through one or several channels including website and
social media
Represents IABC/Montréal in professional, educational, community and public roles and
serves as its primary spokesperson to media
Is one of the three authorized signatures for IABC/Montréal
Ensures each Board member has a clear succession plan for their portfolio
Trains his/her successor
Executive Vice-President (automatic succession to President)
Acts as IABC/Montréal President in the absence of the elected President
Presides over Board meetings in the absence of the elected President
Assists President with strategy planning and orientation of new Board members
Provides support to President, oversees special projects as required and works closely with
the Vice-Presidents to ensure the execution of the IABC/Montréal yearly strategy
Promotes innovative approaches, leads the implementation of strategic planning, initiates
collaborative discussions and collects feedback on relevant Board issues
Recruits Directors for special initiatives and/or other Directors, as required, to support specific
Leads up to two special initiatives per Board year, serves on the Board nomination
committee, reviews and updates all Board responsibilities by March 31 of each Board year
Is one of the three authorized signatures for IABC/Montréal
Selects and trains his/her successor
Past President
Advises the President on strategy and leads one special initiative per Board year
Actively participates in the following Board meetings: orientation (June); mid-year evaluation
(December) and year end (May)
Prepares and submits entries for IABC Chapter Management Awards (CMA) and is
responsible for the yearly Board recruitment campaign
Presides over Board meetings in the event both the President and the Executive
Vice-President are absent
When required, represents IABC/Montréal at international, regional and local events
Vice-President, Management and Finance
Supervises the financial management of IABC/Montréal, provides contractual advice to the
association where applicable and acts as contact point for all internal and external
administrative questions
Prepares and presents to the Board quarterly financial updates including accounting
Prepares yearly budgetary forecast in collaboration with the Past President and President
Prepares and presents to the members of the association an overview of the budget,
revenues and investments via an annual report;
Works with the VP, Membership to include relevant member information in the annual report
Oversees the tool kit for sponsorship and partnerships, in collaboration with the VP,
Marketing: the tool kit includes sponsor registry, contract templates, formal agreements etc.
Serves as official record keeper and corporate secretary and structures subcommittee/project mandates, agendas and deliverables by implementing a process of
documenting projects and following up on their completion
Reviews and updates IABC/Montréal by-laws, policy manual and other official documentation,
flags potential conflicts of interests, establishes a set of rules for allowances or
indemnification in collaboration with the President and relevant Board members
Prepares guidelines and documentation for the inner workings of the association
Participates in the development of up to two communication projects every year
Is one of the three authorized signatures for IABC/Montréal
Documents and makes recommendations on the evolution of the role at the end of their
Proposes elements for possible CMA at the end of each financial year
Selects and trains his/her successor
Vice-President, Membership
Designs and gains Board approval and support for a membership strategy that will attract
and retain members
Implements the membership strategy with support from members of the Board as
appropriate, including:
§ Promoting IABC and IABC/Montreal benefits and new offerings to IABC/Montreal
§ Directing outreach to current, new, potential, and lapsed members
§ Designing and implementing activities to welcome and orient new members to
IABC/Montreal and acknowledge members and volunteers of merit.
§ Designing and conducting a membership surveys every three years (2015, 2018, 2021)
and pop quizzes and outreach, as appropriate, to confirm member interests and build
Chapter resources
§ Recruiting the Director, Mentoring and Volunteering and Director, Member Relations and
Co-Directors [English and French], Academic Relations and overseeing their activities
Reports quarterly on the membership portfolio’s progress and impact, including the most
recent member report
Collaborates with other portfolios to ensure IABC/Montreal provides the highest value of any
professional association for communication professionals in Montreal
Ensures member inquiries are acknowledged and addressed in a timely manner
Liaises with IABC Headquarters as appropriate.
Documents and makes recommendations on the evolution of the role at the end of their
Proposes elements for possible CMA at the end of each financial year
Trains successor.
Vice-President, Professional Development
Provides IABC/Montréal members with a valuable professional development experience by
organizing six to eight professional development (PD) events per Board year
Develops a balanced topic and speaker lineup that meets the diverse needs of members,
reflects industry trends, responds to member feedback and input, and incorporates sponsor
interests/resources, where appropriate
Researches potential professional development topics and speakers, and executes
agreements with the speakers
Works with the Director, Professional Development and the logistics team to establish the
event calendar
Works with the marketing and communications team to develop promotional material for the
Evaluates the ROI of events using established indicators, and maintains records
Works with the finance team to develop the budget for events
Works with event venues to negotiate contracts, book space, organize food and beverage
requirements, prepare the audiovisual equipment, etc.
In co-operation with the Member Communications and Social Media portfolios, ensures each
event is adequately promoted in advance
Collaborates with the Sponsorship portfolio to incorporate and fulfill sponsor commitments
Explores opportunities to partner with like-minded associations for select PD events, as
Collaborates with the Communications portfolio to ensure each PD event is effectively
profiled/reviewed to share best practices and learning through the most appropriate member
communication vehicle
Ensures a photographer is available at select events to provide a visual record of the event—
photos will be used in various chapter communications
Recruit and manage event directors and volunteers, as required, to plan, develop and deliver
If not returning to the portfolio the following Board year, organizes a PD event for September
of the following Board year and transitions its implementation to the new PD team
Documents and makes recommendations on the evolution of the role at the end of their
Proposes elements for possible CMA at the end of each financial year
Trains his/her successor
Vice-President, Marketing
Conducts demographic research to define target markets
Develops a marketing strategy to build visibility for IABC within different target groups
Develops campaigns to achieve chapter growth objectives
Works with the Webmaster, web designer and online community managers to execute
marketing promotions and maintain online channel integrity
Supervises cause marketing initiatives
Defines short- and long-term strategies for member retention and chapter growth
Defines and executes a sales strategy to increase corporate membership
Seeks out and executes strategic partner agreements and alliances
Solicits cash and in-kind sponsorships from corporations and vendors for chapter projects
and events
Explores fundraising opportunities for the chapter
Proposes elements for possible CMA at the end of each financial year
Trains his/her successor
Vice-President, Communications
Collaborates with the other portfolios to ensure IABC/Montréal members receive high-quality
and timely information about the industry, programs, services and benefits of the chapter
Prepares content for the chapter’s electronic newsletter and supervises aspects related to
graphics, layout and distribution
Recruits directors and editors as required to support the communications strategy for the year
Develops and provides IABC/Montréal Style Guide to all team members and contributors to
ensure consistency
Creates editorial/publication timeline for the duration of the Board year with submission and
publication dates for the various IABC/Montréal communications tools
Develops a strategy to continue to evolve IABC/Montréal’s newsletter to a format that more
effectively meets the communication needs of our members, and supports transition to a
more modern, trackable format
Develops and manages a strategy to ensure chapter members have timely access to
information from IABC Headquarters
Oversees the creation of the chapter’s web and social media strategy
Reviews and updates IABC/Montréal social media policy as needed
Develops goals to increase member participation in IABC/Montréal web and social media
In collaboration with the Webmaster and Social Media Director, uses content developed by
the other portfolios and IABC Headquarters, where applicable, to prepare platform-suitable
web and social media content to promote chapter and IABC events, initiatives, news, etc.
Recruits and manages social media directors and other volunteers for each platform
Consults with IABC Headquarters to identify components of its new digital strategy that may
be used at IABC/Montréal (e.g., assets/templates)
Oversees management of IABC/Montréal future blog, and encourages member participation
Consults with portfolio VPs to analyze their needs and propose creative ways to use the
website to meet their objectives
Proposes elements for possible CMA at the end of each financial year
Trains his/her successor
Director, Professional Development
Under the supervision of the Vice-President, Professional Development
-­‐ Works with a team of volunteers to manage all logistics for social and professional
development events
-­‐ Researches venues and catering suppliers, and negotiates the required contracts
-­‐ Maintains event checklists and trains helpers
-­‐ Works with the finance team to track event budgets and ROIs
-­‐ Attends events to ensure everything goes as planned
-­‐ Trains his/her successor
Director, Marketing
Under the supervision of the Vice-President, Marketing
-­‐ Works with the IABC/Montréal Board to ensure all sponsorship, advertising, marketing and
partnership activities for the chapter are managed consistently
-­‐ In collaboration with the VP, Marketing and the VP, Management and Finance, oversees
current sponsorship and partnership communications, contracts and initiatives to establish
and sustain sponsor and marketing relationships
-­‐ Ensures that all advertising/sponsorship and marketing clients receive recognition per their
contracts with IABC/Montréal
-­‐ Generates revenue through the sale of advertising and sponsorships for all chapter
communication vehicles
-­‐ Oversees the chapter’s job posting service and collaborates with the Membership and
Communications portfolios to promote it
-­‐ Trains his/her successor
Director, Social Media
Under the supervision of the Vice-President, Communications
-­‐ Develops social media content strategy for the Board year to help the chapter make the
best use of social media platforms to communicate with members, share news and
promote events
-­‐ Manages social media platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and
Instagram, and explores additional platforms as required
-­‐ Is responsible for active posting of IABC/Montréal chapter information, promotions,
requests, etc. on all chapter social media platforms
-­‐ Regularly monitors IABC/Montréal social media platforms to ensure member questions are
answered in a timely manner and any issues are shared with the Board—manages Likes,
Retweets, etc.
-­‐ Develops a social media strategy (e.g., live tweeting, etc.) for major events
-­‐ Trains his/her successor
Director, Digital Content
Under the supervision of the Vice-President, Communications
-­‐ Maintains and grows the email marketing database
-­‐ Prepares e-marketing campaigns with Mailchimp
-­‐ Works with the marketing and communications directors to execute all required
-­‐ Coordinates the publication of digital media content to ensure its integration across various
-­‐ Assists with cause marketing campaigns
-­‐ Trains his/her successor
Under the supervision of the Vice-President, Communications
-­‐ Maintains and updates the website
-­‐ Ensures the web servers, hardware and software are operating properly
-­‐ Generates and revises web pages
-­‐ Examines and reviews web stats and monitors analytics
-­‐ Lays out web content
-­‐ Fixes links that don’t work and pictures that don’t display properly
-­‐ Acts as contact point with IABC Headquarters for all questions pertaining to the website
-­‐ Develops a plan to optimize the website and oversees implementation of the plan
-­‐ Reviews the website to ensure that all relevant documents, updates, etc. are easy to find
and up to date
-­‐ Trains his/her successor
Director, Member Relations
Under the supervision of the Vice-President, Membership
-­‐ Manages, analyzes and reports on all member lists (including Eventbrite) in a form that is
easily usable by the Board
-­‐ Ensures welcome letters are up to date and sent in a timely fashion to new and renewing
-­‐ Follows up with lapsed members to determine and document their reasons for leaving
-­‐ Supports direct phone outreach to members as requested by the VP, Membership
-­‐ Provides quarterly reporting to the VP, Membership and makes recommendations for
action as appropriate
-­‐ Works with the VP, Professional Development to ensure accurate event participation
information is included in the member report and with the Director, Mentorship and
Volunteer Services to ensure active and past volunteers are included in the member report
-­‐ Responds to requests for member information and analysis as requested by the
VP, Membership
-­‐ Liaises with IABC Headquarters, as appropriate
-­‐ Trains his/her successor
Co-Directors, Student Relations (French and English universities)
Under the supervision of the Vice-President, Membership
-­‐ Designs and implements an academic relations strategy for their respective markets to build
and strengthen IABC/Montréal’s relationship with academic institutions
-­‐ Positions the chapter as a strategic partner that adds value to the student experience by
providing access to the communication industry
-­‐ Oversees the recruitment of student and young professional members
-­‐ Collaborates with the Director, Mentorship and Volunteer Services to design and implement
initiatives throughout the year to recruit and match students for volunteer and mentorship
-­‐ Collaborates with the VP, Marketing and the VP, Member Communications in the development
and implementation of a student recruitment plan and other initiatives to increase the visibility of
IABC with this target audience
-­‐ Writes at least two newsletter or blog posts throughout the year to build member interest and
support for the academic relations program
-­‐ Actively promotes ongoing activities and outcomes on social networking sites
-­‐ Provide quarterly reporting to the VP, Membership and make recommendations for action as
-­‐ Liaises with IABC Headquarters, as appropriate
-­‐ Trains their successors
Director, Mentorship and Volunteer Services
Under the supervision of the Vice-President, Membership
-­‐ Oversees the planning, development and implementation of IABC/Montréal’s volunteer
recruitment, placement and recognition activities
-­‐ Ensures each Chapter portfolio has the appropriate number and quality of volunteers it
needs to deliver on their portfolio strategies/activities
-­‐ Develops and oversees the implementation of initiatives throughout the year to:
§ Recruit, match and motivate volunteers
§ Recognize and thank volunteers, including profiling them in our newsletter and on
the website
§ Collaborate with the Co-Directors, Academic Relations in the recruitment and
matching of student volunteers
§ Communicate new/open volunteer opportunities to members, as needed, through
email and on the website
§ Ensure volunteers are matched appropriately to receive the best possible
development opportunities
-­‐ Oversees the development and implementation of a robust and active IABC/Montréal
mentorship program that builds on the mentorship pilot and research that has been done
since 2013 and will lead to an official launch in September 2015
-­‐ Oversees the recruitment, selection, matching, orientation and debriefing of mentors and
-­‐ Coaches mentors and provides ongoing support as required
-­‐ Conducts regular debriefs and ensures final reporting on each of the mentorship matches
-­‐ Writes at least two newsletter or blog posts throughout the year to build member interest
and support for the mentorship program
-­‐ Provides quarterly reporting to the VP, Membership and makes recommendations for
action as appropriate
-­‐ Liaises with IABC Headquarters, as appropriate
-­‐ Trains his/her successor