Hoot April 30th Week 3 T2 - Montmorency South Primary School


Hoot April 30th Week 3 T2 - Montmorency South Primary School
TERM 2– Week 3
April 30 2015
What’s Coming Up?
Mon 4 Re-scheduled MSPS Cross
Tues 5
Dear Parents, Students and Friends
Mother’s Day Stall
(Please note those on excursions
will have an opportunity on another day)
Wed 6
From the Principal’s Desk
RAP Meeting 7.00-8.00pm
Mon 11 Book Fair 3:30 – 4:30
Wed 13 Book Fair 3:30 – 4:30
Thurs 21 Alice In Wonderland OperaArts Centre-Advanced Choir
Fri 22
Walk to School Day
Sat 23
School Working Bee
Thurs 28 District Cross Country
Fri 29
Culture and Country Day
Tues 9
Curriculum Day
No Students
First Aid and Anaphylaxis
Wed 24
Our Place in the World Expo
Fri 26
Term 2 finishes 2.30pm
Mon 13 Term 3 commences 9.00am
Wed 29 Parent-Student Reporting
Sun 30 School Working Bee
Fri 18
Term 3 finishes
Mon 5
Term 4 commences 9.00am
Mon 2
Report Writing Day
Thur 17 Last day of school year for
South Owl News
Our very first episode hit the airwaves this week, featuring Atticus Speakman Rush and Eve Hansen as the anchors for the show. It was great to see
interviews with Clare Bear, Jenna Farrington and Francesca Spina. Francesca
was the winner of the competition to find a moniker for the show. ‘South Owl
News’ seems perfect.
Congratulations to all connected to the show-the roving reporters were
excellent-Thomas Kemp, Jake Zappulla and Walter Heley. As were our anchor
newsreaders. South Owl news will be shown throughout the whole school on
a Wednesday afternoon in between paper pick up and Assembly.
Family Statements
Family statements will be issued this week, itemising the payments due for
your child (ren). You will also receive a letter from Ange Dewdney and myself
regarding our voluntary contributions. Please note that if you have any
questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact either myself or Sharon Shaw,
our relieving Business Manager.
In other news, NAPLAN (National Assessment Program-Literacy and
Numeracy) is fast approaching, with the annual tests to take place on 12, 13
and 14 May.
NAPLAN is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and
9. All students in these year levels are expected to participate in tests in
reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
and numeracy.
For some students, taking NAPLAN this year will be the last time they have a
paper-based NAPLAN test. From 2017 (when this cohort takes the tests again),
NAPLAN will be delivered online on an opt-in basis over two–three years, with
all students to take NAPLAN online from 2019.
For those students sitting the tests this year, the best way you can prepare
your child is to reassure them that NAPLAN is just one part of the school
program and urge them to simply do the best they can on the day. The use of
services by coaching providers is not recommended.
May 1 - 7
Eve Hansen
Jacob Agapito
Felix Winfield
Sam McMurtrie
Sophie Peters
Matilda Smith
CJ Rowe
Bridie Watson
Walk Safely To School
Day and Walking Bus.
Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual, national
event when all Primary School children are encouraged to
walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event
seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment.
Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to
incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although
walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, it’s quite easy to figure out
how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine.
You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by:
- Walking with them the whole way to school
- If they get the bus or train, walk past your usual stop and get on at the next stop
- If you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of
the way.
Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic
problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes,
it also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around
roads and traffic.
Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk Safely to
School Day journey for Friday
Best Birthday Wishes
to all of the above
22 May 2015!
As recognition of this day we would like to not only encourage as many students as
possible to walk to school that day but also to introduce a ‘Walking Bus ‘ in Grand
Boulevard. We do already have one informal Walking Bus from Kirwana Grove with a
few of our parents but we are hoping to have one that starts down the end of Grand
Boulevard (near the Bolton Street end) and winds its way up Grand Boulevard. If you
are interested either let us know in the office or contact Naomi Crawford-Condie (Oliver
and Samson).
For more information about the actual day, visit www.walk.com.autime
We were delighted with our students who represented us at the commemorations for
ANZAC Day last week. Thank you to all the students and their families and also to the
staff who supported them, in particular Mandy Redfern, Tom Davis, Chris Cameron,
Merriel Hayes, Dale Weston, Amy Duckworth and Amanda McDonald who were at the
Dawn Service and to Laura Corrigan and Neil Whitehead who went along to the Friday
ceremony at Monty RSL. The respect and dignity the students displayed and their
appreciation and understanding of the deeds of the men and women who gave so much
for Australia 100 years ago was heartening.
The year 6’s with their commemorative medallions.
Our school leaders were presented with their badges at assembly
Staff News
Sadly for us, Lee Nelson (5N) has resigned from the Department and this will take effect from Friday May 22.
Lee’s resignation stems from personal and health related issues and we know it has been an extremely hard
decision for her. We wish Lee all the best for her future and we want to thank her for all her efforts, her
enthusiasm and her friendship. She has been a highly valued teacher at our school.
Wind Ensemble Band and Violin
The new Wind Ensemble and strings group
commenced last Monday and judging from the
photo below, it was successful. The Wind
Ensemble consists of wind instruments
and plays a variety of repertoire. This is open to
students of all skill levels and years of experience
on their instrument.
Gareth Voight has been teaching saxophone at
Montmorency South for a number of years and
would like to raise the profile of student
participation in the music program and give
students more opportunities to perform as an
ensemble. The aim is to have the group
performing at assemblies, school events, school productions and the wider community.
Tim Veldman (violinist, music teacher and parent at the school) and Gareth have been working together not only
to establish the Wind Ensemble, but to also introduce a String Ensemble (also on Monday), Beginner String
Group and are aiming to run a combined orchestra of all ensembles.
There is no cost for the participation of either this ensemble, or any of the other music ensembles as it will form
part of the regular Monday timetable for your child if he/she wishes to participate. Tim and Gareth are happy to
answer any further queries.
MSPS Achievers
Congratulations to Charli Stewart (2W) for winning a gold medal for her
Drama group participation.
Well done also to Amy Duckworth and Monique Rankin for conducting the Parent Helpers
Course on Wednesday afternoon and night.
Congratulations to Courtney Jones, Rebecca Brancaleone, Cailey Noons and Jade Harrison for
the energetic manner with which they led the school in singing the National Anthem at our
assembly on Wednesday. It was superb.
Leanne Sheean
RAP Update
Our school is currently developing a Reconciliation Action Plan to improve the
way we embrace and recognise Australia’s First People: their rich cultural
heritage, their resilience and their role in shaping Australia today.
We are forming a working group of individuals (parents, teachers, community
representatives) who are passionate about improving the way we work
towards reconciliation at our school.
Our first meeting will be on Wednesday the 6th of May at 7pm. If you would like
to be involved with this group and attend our first meeting, please RSVP Tara
on 0429 478 261 or email [email protected]
Have you forgotten to order your paver?
Don’t panic – the Parents and Friends Group are still
accepting orders.
The pavers are not only a great way to acknowledge your presence at the
school but they will make our boat area look absolutely FANTASTIC.
Deakin University Study (REVAMP)
Attention All Families
In the past week or so, you should have received a survey from Deakin University asking about your views
of your local neighbourhood and your use of local parks.
If you have already completed this survey and returned it to us we thank you for your time.
If you have not completed this survey, this is a reminder to complete it as soon as possible.
We would like you to complete the survey even if you or your child do not currently visit parks or are not
highly active. You will still provide us with valuable information about your neighbourhood.
All families who complete the survey and return it to us using the reply paid envelope will go into a draw
to win a $500.00 voucher. We greatly value your input to this important study.
If you have misplaced your survey, spare copies are available from the office.
For further information please contact Dr Jenny Veitch: [email protected]
Getting to Know Our Year 2 Team
Hi, Tracey is my name and football is my game. I love the Brisbane Lions and right now I need
to keep remembering the wonderful feelings I felt at the 2001, 2002 and 2003 Premierships to
get me through their games this year.
This is my 18th year of teaching and I still love it, especially since I have the best class in the
COSMOS! I call them my gorgeous geeks. When you walk into the classroom, especially after
lunch you see them deeply engrossed in their books from the library. During Maths they love
learning new concepts and challenging their ideas. They are little sponges which excites me as
their teacher.
After hours I enjoy spending time with my boys Alex, in Year 5, Declan, in Year 1 and Brett, my
hubby. As a family we love participating in and watching sport, reading books and playing the
WiiU. Our family is also lucky to have my beautiful mum living with us.
I feel very fortunate to be a teacher and parent of Montmorency South PS.
My name is Monique Rankin and I am very proud to be a part of the Montmorency South
Primary School community. This is my fifth year at Monty South - the first four years I spent
with the gorgeous Preps and this year I have been lucky enough to work in the Year 2 Team
within the Junior School. The change has been really exciting but I make sure I get my dose
of the Preps when I am outside on yard duty ☺
I live locally with my husband Steve, two children Brock and Lexie and my cute little dog,
Billy! We spend our time together watching the football (Go Bombers!), going camping,
spending time with family and friends and we love going to the beach to go fishing and
Andrew Johnson
I am enjoying my first year at Montmorency South after previously teaching in
Templestowe. I am enjoying getting to know the students and families and am very
grateful to work with such a supportive teaching team. Outside of school I like to travel
and have recently spent time exploring our great country because I find it so diverse and
interesting. Last year I visited the Northern Territory and Tonga. It was great learning
about a different culture. Travelling also allows me opportunities to enjoy another
hobby of mine, photography. However, my favourite past time activity is running. Whilst
I no longer compete in races, I enjoy the adrenaline rush of it and find running relaxing.
It has been good fun running with the students in Grade 2J as we attempt to run around
Australia. We have already travelled 150 km’s. I follow the footy and support Carlton
although they aren’t looking too promising at the moment.
Hi I’m Larissa
I grew up in Whittlesea, back when Whittlesea was quite smaller than it is today. I haven’t
really moved far from home I guess (except for a stint in the Latrobe Valley when I first
started teaching). I am married and have 2 lovely children, and needless to say, family life
is highest on my priority list. I love spending time with my kids and watching them grow
up. We have lived in Monty for about 20 years now, and really love it here.
I have been a part of this wonderful Monty South community since 2010, when my
daughter started in the Bridges program here. I have since had the opportunity to
become more involved in the school, as a volunteer parent helper, CRT, part timer and
now full time where I am teaching a great class of grade 2s.
I love to holiday on the coast of NSW with my family. We spend the majority of the time
on the beach and at the lake. We have a little sports car (Datsun Fairlady) that we have
had many great adventures in. It is especially fun to drive on a warm sunny day.
Student of the Week
Phoenix Jewell
For showing initiative and excellent thinking skills when presented with a
problem in class.
Ben Knight 3R
For showing enthusiasm and engagement in our Mini-beasts excursion.
Nick Makridis
For being fun to be with outside and a great friend to play sport with
Emma Plunkett-Zbaracki PM
For her 'I can do it' attitude to the challenges presented to her.
Genevieve Spina PM
For her 'I can do it' attitude to the challenges presented to her.
Milla Hansen
For always putting a smile on people's faces and always trying her personal best.
Zac Zaga
For an exceptional start to WWI Diary writing. Well done!
Spencer Keyt
For making improvements and also for being brave
Willoh Johnson-Coad 2R For including people who don't know what to play during lunch and snack times.
Leni MacDonald
For always trying her personal best with her writing.
Campbell Newey PC
For approaching every task and every day with a smile.
Dylan Comeskey 4R
For his wonderful ANZAC diary.
Noah Rundell-Harris 6W For being a kind and inclusive friend in the playground.
Sari Dahlnorris PH
For her hard work and dedication to all class tasks.
Sienna Christian
For always trying her personal best when completing classroom tasks.
Nikhita Sharma 1J
For great improvement in her writing.
Val and James collect the
weekly Sports Award for Otus.
This week in the kitchen…..
This week in the kitchen we have taken a closer look at the relationship between Turkey and Australia –
following on from Anzac day.
We have talked about the first Turkish immigrants - camel herders of the 1880’s. Also how Turks in
Australia were treated during WW1 and the influence on our Melbourne food culture by the Turkish
immigrants of the 1960’s.
We have enjoyed a Turkish feast making our own pitta bread, hummus, tzatziki and carrot dip. We have
made an eggplant and red lentil soup, a Turkish style couscous salad and unusual but delicious spinach
Remember those gorgeous sunflowers that were in the garden during summer? The Jerusalem artichokes
(the edible tubers that are their roots) have been harvested. We have 6 buckets full!
If you have not yet contacted me to participate as a volunteer for this term, it
is not too late.
Grannies, Grandpas and interested people are most welcome!
Please contact me, Cathryn Hulme on 0419 322 782.
From the garden,
We're getting familiar with the friends and foes of the garden this fortnight with the study of mini
I couldn't believe our luck when students from 5T
went out into the garden, armed with their
magnifying glasses for insect identification, and
happened upon a praying mantis eating a bee! What
a treat!
For anyone that would like to be a part of the fun,
contact the office or Jenna to volunteer on
[email protected]
The chicken roster can also be found at the office and
there are still spots available.
Happy gardening!
Parent Helpers Training
Just a friendly reminder that although parents who completed the Parent Helpers
Course last year don’t need to complete the course again, they still need to request
a 2015 Parent Helpers Policy and Privacy Statement to sign from their classroom
Prep Classroom Clippings
During Prep Investigations Brendan made a foil boat. He tested it by filling it with little bears and marbles
and he was very proud when it still floated. His friends were very impressed.
Brendan then wrote a procedural text to let everyone know how he made the boat.
1. Fold the foil.
2. Made a point at the front
3. Put lolly stick on the side
and the bottom.
YEAR 2 Classroom Clippings
Last week the Grade 2R students visited Quantum Victoria. The students made a Mexican
jumping bean, learnt about lifecycles and photosynthesis. It was fun learning about science.
Here are some thoughts about the excursion from some students:
“I liked making the Mexican jumping bean because they were really active.” Max 2R
“I enjoyed doing activities on the ipads because we learned about lifecycles.” Jessica 2R
“I liked learning about photosynthesis because I think it is cool how plants work.” Lincoln 2R
“I liked watching the video because we got to learn more about the Mexican jumping beans.” Ava 2R
YEAR 4 Classroom Clippings
ANZAC Day Dawn Service
Last Saturday was ANZAC Day and many of the teachers and students in year 4 attended the Eltham dawn
service with their families. We all met at 5.30am when it was still dark. There were lots and lots of people
there and the police closed the road so there was room for everyone to stand. Some of us couldn’t see
because we were shorter than the people in front of us but we could hear what was happening. There
was a large screen to help people see.
There was a person playing the bagpipes and the local high schools sang songs and a boy from Eltham
High spoke about his feelings about the ANZACs. There were some soldiers at the service and a man called
out the names of the men, from the Eltham area, who went to the First World War.
It was quite an emotional experience and we felt a little bit sad. We also felt proud of the soldiers for
having a go. Many people spoke about the things that we have been learning at school.
By Jack Maguire, Kallen Walsh, Patrick Killen, Ruby Simon
School Banking Account Opening Day
Pat the Dog is coming to assembly!!!
On Wednesday 6th May, Rose from CBA will be available to answer
any questions and open accounts for those who wish to join the
nearly 200 students at Monty South who bank with school banking.
We have raised $350 for our school so far just by banking our own
Rose will be in the foyer of the gym after assembly.
Remember - school banking day is WEDNESDAY.
We've had a great week in library. I'm reading "The Hunt for Ned Kelly" by Sophie Mason to the grades 4, 5 and 6's.
I've had very interesting discussions with the children whether they think Ned Kelly was a hero or a villain. It's been
great to explore both sides of the argument. I've read "The Book with no pictures" by B.J. Novak to grades 1,2 and
3. I just love to hear the children laugh with all the silly things the book makes you read. We also sang songs from
the CD and books "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and "Never Smile at a Crocodile" and we had lots of fun. Grade 3R
performed a concert for their teacher Jacqui Rapsey and student teacher Blair with "The Lion sleeps tonight". They
were just fantastic. The chorus was brilliant with their arms around each other and swaying to the beat. I think they
were so good they should go on "The Voice(s)!" Then I could meet Ricky Martin.
Just a reminder that we are having a Vipa Book Fair on Monday the 11th May until Wednesday the 13th May from
3.30-4.30pm in the library. I desperately need some parent helpers so if you can help I would be very grateful. My
email address is [email protected] if you are able to assist.
I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Esh (Sara Nye's mum) who spent a lot of time on Wednesday putting books
in their correct place in the library. She will be helping each Wednesday at this stage and I would be very grateful to
have some more helpers as it is a never ending job. If you can assist, please email me or just pop into the library.
Have a lovely weekend and hopefully the Pies have a great win against the Blues or I'll never hear the end of it from
Adam, our Crossing Supervisor.
Clare Bear xo
Kirwana Grove walking school bus
Last year a walking school bus was born in 37 Kirwana Grove
Montmorency. Children in the street meet at a designated letter box and
then all walk to school together. Sometimes we pick kids up along the
way and each morning three parents are rostered to “drive” the bus. The
intention was to create connections within the local community which
enabled parents to leave their children on the “walking bus” instead of
taking them to school themselves. A group of parents found that they
were passing each other on the walk to school and decided to share the
load at school drop off time. The outcome has been far greater than this
as can be seen from the comments below.
These are some of the thoughts from children and parents on the bus:
“I think that the walking bus makes us get to school on time instead of
being too late, it also lets us have a great time while getting fit” by
Jimmy T. 4C
“The walking school bus is a nice way to get to school because people
get to talk to kids around them. They also get to meet people that are
new in our street that go to M.S.P.S. Ruby T 2W
“I like the walking bus because you do lots of exercise without realising it because you are hanging out and
chatting with your friends. “ Ava G grade 4
“I like meeting my friends before school” Jacob G grade 2
“Getting tickets for the bus is the best” Amelia G Prep
“Having recently moved to Montmorency as well as having my oldest child commencing prep, I have
found the walking school bus a great way to meet the other parents and their children who live
nearby. All of the kids seem to genuinely enjoy being a part of "the bus" and it's a great incentive for
my daughter to get ready for school on time so she doesn’t miss the bus!!” Erika Van Leest (parent)
“I like walking with my friends and getting to know some of the other kids and I like the sense of
community it encourages” Naomi (grade 4) & Fiona Bruinsma
“I think our walking school bus is fun, healthy and educational. It can also help parents from having to
bring their kids to school every day when you only have to walk them to school 1or 2 times” Lara R
Grade 4
“I like seeing Jimmy on the walking school bus” Charlie O’D Prep
“I like holding Harlo’s hand walking up the hill.” Alisha O’Dnnell Grade 2
“ I like the walking school bus because you can get energy, and you use energy too!” Ziggy M G Prep D
“On the walking school bus I talk to my friends and get some fresh air.” Luca M G 2R
Many thanks go to Amanda Boyd for stepping in this year to coordinate the roster!
Sophie Miller
"Spikezone or Mini Volleyball is continuing to run each
Thursday in the Eltham High school sports stadium. This
season will run until the end of term 2. Games begin each
Thursday at 4.15pm and run until 5.00pm New players are
welcome to join a team or enter a team of their own. For
more information contact Greg Thomas."
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

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