Ch. 7 Test Study Guide


Ch. 7 Test Study Guide
Name ____________________________________________________________ Ch. 7 Study Guide 1. Eva is saving money for a trip. She is able to save $75 a week. Her friend from Iceland, Annie, is also saving money. Annie is able to save 9000 Kronas (Icelandic money) each week. If $4 is equal to about 500 Kronas, who is saving at a greater rate? 2. Mel’s Grocery is selling three cans of soup for $5. Use this information to complete the table below. a) How many cans would $100 buy? Show how you know.
b) How much does one can cost? Round to the nearest hundredth.
3. Without a calculator, find the following quotients. a.
÷ !
b. 1.2 ÷ 0.04 !
c. 8 ÷ 4 !
4. Maureen and Michael want to make cupcakes for their teachers. They have 6 tubes of !
frosting, and each cupcake requires of a tube of frosting. How many cupcakes can they make? Show how you know. !
5. Complete two trials by reading the steps. Write in the algebraic expressions. Steps
Trial 1
Trial 2
Algebraic Expression
1. Pick a number.
2. Triple it.
3. Add 27.
4. Subtract 6.
5. Divide by 3.
6. Subtract 7.
6. When algebra tiles are grouped in sets, as shown below, they can be written in two different ways. Write two equivalent expressions that represent these collections of algebra tiles. a.
b. Expression #1 _______________________________ Expression #1 _______________________________ Expression #2 _______________________________ Expression #2 _______________________________ 7. Use the rectangle below to complete the following problems. a. Write two different variable expressions to represent the perimeter of the rectangle. Expression #1 _______________________________ Expression #2 _______________________________ b. What is the perimeter of the rectangle if x = 7 feet? c. If the perimeter is 26 inches, what is the value of x? 8. Ms. Butler and Mrs. Templeton are collecting permission slips for Mini-­‐Thon. However, their groups’ permission slips were mixed up. Ms. Butler is not sure how many she had, but Mrs. Templeton knows she had 9. There are at least 16 permission slips. a. Define a variable and write an equation or inequality to show the number of permission forms that Ms. Butler had. Let ___________ equal ______________________________________________________________________. Equation or inequality: _________________________________________________________________ b. Using a number line, show this situation and give a final answer. 9. Write an inequality for each picture. a.
10. Circle all the situations that can be represented by the expression 8m a. Reba made m dollars for working 8 hours. How much did she make each hour? b. Each of m team members was given 8 tickets for their family. How many total tickets did the team members get? c. Parker drinks m glasses of water each day. Each glass is 8 ounces. How many total ounces of water does he drink? d. Last week it cost m dollars to fill a car with gas. This week it costs $8 more. How many dollars does it cost this week? 11. The math club is hoping to raise $100 at the Harvest Fair by selling lemonade. They expect to sell about 80 glasses if the weather is good. What should they charge per glass for the lemonade? 12. A jogger is running around a 0.75-­‐mile track and ran 0.6 of the track. How far has the jogger traveled? Show your work! 13. A rectangular piece of land is 0.25-­‐mile long and a 0.5-­‐mile wide. What is the area of this piece of land in square miles? Show your work! 14. Find the area of the shapes below. Show your work! a. b. 6 ft. 10 ft. 8 ft. Area = _________________________ Area = ____________________________