MSBSS Year 15-16 Cir No. 01 - Maharaja Sawai Bhawani Singh


MSBSS Year 15-16 Cir No. 01 - Maharaja Sawai Bhawani Singh
Maharaja Sawai Bhawani Singh School
Jaipur. Tel. No. 9929095902/03
MSBSS/Pri/Year-15-16/ Cir No. 02
Date: 01/04/2015
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new session 2015-16.
Please note the following:The second Saturday and fourth Saturday of every month will be a holiday for the children of
classes I to III (unless otherwise specified).
Circulars:- Do not remove the circular from the school diary till the end of the month.
Uniform:-Please ensure that your ward comes to school in proper school uniform. The sports
uniform is to be worn on Wednesday and Saturday. Girls with long hair will use a black hair
band. Expensive jewellery, wrist watches, costly pens and stationery items are not allowed in
school. Children are strictly forbidden to carry mobile phones, i-pods, CD’s, etc.
Lunch Box:- Please provide your child a lunch box with a healthy nutritious snack to be eaten
in the interval. Do not pack too much food as the children are unable to finish it. Your cooperation will help us inculcate healthy eating habits in the children.
School Diary:- Kindly check your child's school diary everyday to learn of school
announcements, notices, circulars etc. You can also communicate any message to the class
teacher through the school diary.
Please fill up the student's particulars in the diary at the earliest. It will help us to maintain
your child's records in the school. Paste the recent photograph of your ward in regular
school uniform in the student’s particulars in the diary.
Birthdays:- Birthdays are happy occasions. If you wish to share the occasion with other
children, please send only toffees for the children. Children are allowed to wear clothes of
their choice on birthdays (only upto class V). Do not send eatables / expensive chocolates /
gifts for teachers and children to the school. No individual invitation cards /letters will be
distributed in the school.
Meeting the Teacher :- Parents can meet the teacher at the time of Open House. In case of an
emergency or some urgent matter, please call up the school office and fix an appointment, to
avoid inconvenience.
Attendance:-Regular attendance in school is of utmost importance for the all round
development of your child’s personality. Keeping the children home for social functions and
trivial reasons makes it difficult for them to cope with school activities. From class VI
onwards 75% attendance is compulsory for all students.
Canteen Facility :-Students of classes 1, 2 and 3 will not be allowed to go the school
canteen .Canteen facility can be availed only from class 4 onwards (that to on assigned days).
School Bag : - Size of the bag should be age appropriate. Please do not send the school bag of
your ward to school if your ward remains absent for any reason with the school bus driver or
personal driver. The absent work cannot be done by the teacher in the absence of the ward.
Children should bring the bag according to the time table.