This Week in our Parish - Miramar Peninsula Anglican Parish


This Week in our Parish - Miramar Peninsula Anglican Parish
3DM Learning Community
Gendy, Helen, Meri and Tim
have spent 2½ days last week at
a “3DM Learning Community”
at St Mary’s, in Karori.
Tim says: “The material in this
Learning Community is good
stuff. It was mostly familiar to
me from the weekly video conference I’m part of, and it
was fun to watch as Gendy, Helen, and Meri got excited
about what could be in our parish. The four of us will form
an initial “huddle” after Gendy gets back from Tonga, and
over the years, we’ll be inviting others to join the fun.”
This Week in our Parish
Evening Prayer at St George’s
9.30am Mainly Music
Communion at St Aidan’s
Miramar Peninsula Parish
Building a community of disciples of Jesus
Welcome! Kia Ora!
3 May 2015
5th Sunday of Easter
Acts 8.26-40
1 John 4.7-21
The Good Vine
Communion at St George’s
Morning Prayer at St Aidan’s
Friday Café
Marriage Enrichment Courses
Abi Vink has been liaising with All
Saints, Hataitai, who are hosting the
Alpha Marriage Enrichment course
soon. It runs for seven Wednesdays
beginning Wednesdays, 20th May
7:30pm in the All Saints Centre.
All Marriages, regardless of age, can benefit from thoughtful assessment, fresh ideas and renewed commitment. The
course is thematic and there is no group sharing (all reflections are done quietly between the couple only). A premarriage course will be held at the same time is a different
part of the church for anyone who may be interested in
that. Final cost is TBC, but is likely to be around $170 per
couple for the course, including supper. Don’t let the cost
put you off—subsidies are available from Tim if you need
them. See him or Abi for more information. RSVP for
both courses is to [email protected]. Be in
quick! Numbers may be limited! You’d be silly to miss it!
Communion at St Aidan’s
Communion at St Aidan’s
Duty Roster Today
St Aidan’s 8am: Tim, Merv, Kaye,
St Aidan’s 10am: John, Alan G, Mary-Lee,
Catherine, Diane L, Jeff, Joanne, Francie
Explore Together:
Readings for next week - 10 May 2015
Acts 10.44-48
1 John 5.1-6
Duty Roster for next week - 10 May
St Aidan’s 8am: Tim, Vickie, Robyn E, ,
St Aidan’s 10am: Tim, Mary-Lee, Mathew, Helen,
Joan, Michelle, Jeff, Karen, Seth, Mary, Govanni, Mike,
Mary, Harrie, ?
At 10am today, there are services at both St George’s
and St Aidan’s. At St George’s, the Explore Togetherites
will be thinking about the ascension as Jesus’ “going
home”. Those at St Aidan’s will be contemplating Jesus’
words about abiding in him, as a grapevine branch abides
in the vine. “Abide” is not a word we use a lot, except in
hymns. But it has senses of “dwelling” and “waiting” and
“staying put”.
If you were a grapevine, you’d want to produce fruit,
wouldn’t you, not just to look pretty? Jesus says that the
way to produce fruit it not to run around busily, but to
abide in the vine, to dwell, wait, stay put. Do you do
much waiting on God? Do you sit still and ask for the
Spirit to dwell in your life? Do you read the bible and act
on it, inviting God’s pruning? Try it every day for a week,
and see if you bear more fruit!
Miramar Peninsula Parish Contacts
Bishop’s Warden:
People’s Warden:
Parish Office:
Tim McKenzie
Bobbi Wilson
Mike Ormsby
Meri Grace
Helen Collins
388 8640
027 669 3383
475 7321
380 7003
380 7174
Our Bible verse for today (“the Sentence”)
All you who have been baptised have been clothed with
Christ. Alleluia.
Galatians 3.27
Prayer for today (“the Collect”)
Christ of the new covenant,
give us the happiness to share
with full measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over,
all that you give us. Amen.
In our parish, we pray for Bill, George, Pamela, Jacqui
B, Stephanie, Helen, Melisa, James and Connor, and for
the Thomsons in Tonga.
We pray for (i) our frustration at the pace
of developments around selling and building
vicarages; (ii) the work of the Youth Hub,
which we are part of, and the paid leaders, Rosanna and
Jesse; (iii) Shop 89—its operation during this interim
period, and its growth and development, (iv) our
Sunday School children and teachers. We ask that God
will bring us to new families, and new families to us.
Today the Anglican Missions Board asks us to pray
for those in the community who are restricted by
illness or disability. In 2014 a Wheelchair project was
piloted in Nadi, Nausori and Wailoki, we pray for those
who are now able to engage in their community due to
increased mobility and independence and the ongoing
work of the project.
NZCMS ask us to pray for Miriam Tillmand working as
head pharmacist at the Hospital of Hope in Tonga.
In our Wellington Diocese this weekend, we pray for
Anglican Centre: Gareth Bezett, Carol Baxter, Paul
Carey, Chris Casey, Claire DeMaio, Ian Frater , Elena
Goff, Stephen King, John McCaul, Rob Moonlight
(Audrey), Natalie Moreno, Alayne Ringrose, Wendy
Scott, Karen Stewart, Gendy Thomson and their families. Pray for the Cursillo Diocesan Ultreya Participants
Worthy of Note
Prayer and Transformation at Miramar Baptist
Kevin Hight is speaking and praying for people at Miramar
Baptist on 23-24 May. He is a former Baptist minister,
gifted at praying for people to receive God’s grace and
healing power. If this sounds like you, come along.
On 23 May, there are 3 sessions starting at 2:30pm, 4pm
and 7pm
Welcome to worship this morning. If you’re at St
George’s, it’s Explore Together Sunday. If you’re at St
Aidan’s, welcome to our regular worship at 8am, and our
monthly contemplative service at 10am. Sunday School
resumes properly at St Aidan’s next week.
Garage Sale Today — Simon Winn, the outgoing vicar of
Hataitai, is having a garage sale at the Hataitai Vicarage
Today! 94 Hamilton Road. Nothing over $5! Kids books,
games, clothes, kitchen stuff. Everything must go! Until 2pm!
There will be a Pizza supper
at 6-7pm, if you wish to
attend the supper please
bring salad, bread, dessert or
drink to share. There will be
a Koha for Kevin and his team.
Big Day Out—St Paul’s Kapiti on Saturday. Be there!
Big Day Out — St Paul’s Kapiti, 9 May. Practical training
on running a parish and leadership skills, aimed especially at
lay leadership. Janet W & Mike O went last year, and both
found it helpful. Ask them for more information, or visit
Vicarages—as of Friday morning, the Diocesan Trustees
were very close to closing a final sale of the Seatoun
vicarage. Watch this space.
This year’s programme will include workshops on:
 Anointing training
 Helping your church connect with Children and Families
 Engaging with elderly in rest homes
 Sharing the Gospel
 Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
 Reviewing the health of your parish
 Understanding prayer
 Preaching
 Strengthening Worship in any tradition
 Using Te Reo Maori in liturgy
 Christian Listening
Enrich your marriage! See the back panel for an initiative
Abi is taking with All Saints around marriage enrichment.
Rosters- he new service roster is available, If you haven’t
received it in either hard copy or email, please ask Helen in
the office.
Parish Website — the parish website has a new look,
thanks to Seth! Visit it, admire, and pass on any updates to
him or the office:
Hall Hire—Errol has passed on the Hall Bookings to Helen
Collins in the office. Thank you to Errol for all your hard
work with this. Any queries regarding Hall bookings should
now be directed to Helen at: [email protected].
Youth Hub—are you interested in being a liaison point
between our Youth Hub and our teenagers? Tim is keen to
talk to anyone with energy for this. It’s an open slate,
although it might involve organising senior kids to have an
identity outside Sunday School and outside the Youth Hub.
AAW AGM—Association of Anglican Women has their
AGM Sat 9 May 10am, at the Avalon Pavilion, Avalon Park.
Deaf Unit, Cairo-Many of you will remember our guest
Egyptian priest from last year, Rev. Farag Hanna. His Deaf
Unit has a new newsletter out: