The Parish of St George with St Luke


The Parish of St George with St Luke
Collect : 17th Sunday after Trinity
Gracious God, you call us to fullness
of life: deliver us from unbelief and
banish our anxieties with the
liberating love of Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.
Please pray for:
Genesis 12 v.1-9
Luke 12 v.422-34
34 Angel voices
590 Seek ye first
170 Give thanks
486 Now thank we all our God
+ those working to protect society
from terrorist and criminal violence
and ask God to show them the most
effective ways of cooperating and
sharing information. Pray for the
Following the ‘retirement’ of Sandra
UK’s armed and police forces, intel- Adams as a Foundation Governor at St
ligence services and others responGeorges CE Primary School the PCC
sible for guarding our borders, prewill need to appoint a new
venting attack & maintaining peace.
Foundation Governor - nominations
for this important role should be
+ tense situation in Syria & Iraq;
forwarded to Alison Otto, PCC
pray that the endeavours of ISIS will
by 31 October. Thank you
be thwarted and for the safe
release of Alan Henning.
+ those who are unwell & for those
who care for them - especially Mike
Blakeborough, Kerrin Crooks, Jean
Helm, Audrey Knagg, Minnie Grant,
Paul Grainger, Margaret Pearce,
Paul & Claire Coulson, Mavis Davies,
Marjorie Gorry, Edna Dobson, Brian
Cottam, Linda Phelps, Eddie Creagh
Alan Dickox, Frank Armer & Audrey
Dalton. Pray for the lonely, anxious
or bereaved - Matthew11v.28
+ ‘ Barrow’ - the deanery Mission planned for May 2015.
+ those around about you; thank
God for them.
The Parish of St George with St Luke
& St Perran and The Parish of St Aidan
A very warm welcome to today’s
Sunday 12th October
worship at St Aidan’s, St George’s or
*9.30 am Holy Communion
St Perran’s. This morning, as part of
At St Aidan’s with Miss Alison Otto
our annual giving review, we continue Preach & Preside: Canon Gary Cregeen
in the sermon series: ‘GENEROUS
*10.30 am Holy Communion At
GOD: GENEROUS PEOPLE’. At a time of St George’s with Mrs Jean Mease &
financial struggle the temptation is to
Revd Jo Northey
become less generous and more
Preach: Canon Gary Cregeen
protective of our finances—what does
11 am Morning Worship @
our view of money say about our unSt Perran’s, Roose with R. Turner
derstanding of God? Do we trust in His
provision? Do we recognise that all
Next Sunday 19th October
that we have has been entrusted to us
*10.30 am Team Communion at
by God to be used for His glory? Do
St Perran’s with Canon Gary Cregeen
we regard money as being ‘ours’ and a
Preacher: Revd Ron Wilson
means of security. The thrust of
12.30 pm Baptism at St Aidan’s (Jo)
today’s Bible readings focus on:
St Georges with Revd Jo Northey.
As a church family in South Barrow we
Preacher: Canon Gary Cregeen
seek to learn more about God and
*Refreshments served after these
encourage one another in Christian
services - why not remain for a chat?
faith and life. For more details about
Sunday and Mid-week activities please
pick up the NEW AUTUMN 2014
Programme at the back of church.
Also, the OCTOBER TEAM TALK for is
available - pick up a copy TODAY!
Items for the Sunday 19th October 2014
Newsletter to Judith Cowsill (829710) or
email: [email protected]
by Thursday 16th October. Thank you
This Week in South Barrow...
Monday 13th 5 pm St Aidans Rainbows
6.30 pm Brownies @ St Aidan’s Hall
8 pm Messy Church Planning meeting
at The Vicarage, 31 Middle Hill
Tuesday 14th 10 am Clergy Day at
Rheged (Gary, Jo & Matt)
8 pm Home Group at The Vicarage,
98a Roose Road (Matt)
Wednesday 15th 10 am Mid-week
Team Communion at St Aidan’s (Matt)
4.30 pm Rainbows @ St George’s
5.30 pm Barrow Borough Council
Meeting (Gary—Mayor’s Chaplain)
6 pm Brownies @ St Georges Hall
6 pm Youth Club at St Aidans
7.30 pm St George’s Guild
8 pm Home Group at The Vicarage,
98a Roose Road (Matt)
Thursday 9th 9.30 am Coffee Morning
at St Perran’s
10.40 am St George’s Assembly. (OTB)
11 am Holy Comm. at St Perran’s (Jo)
2 pm St Luke’s MU—speaker: Gary
7 pm ‘Describing Grief’ at St Perran’s
Harvest Thanksgiving 2014
Thank you to those who
donated so generously
to the Foodbank as part
of our Harvest Thanksgiving again this year.
Such donations are making a real difference to local people who are
struggling at this present time.
Thanks too for those who have contributed to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal—to date £200 has been donated
from St Aidan’s with the St George’s
donations to follow. This year the
TOGETHER’ will help two projects one in El Salvador where floods
wiped out the entire harvest, and the
other in the northern Philippines to
provide education and reconciliation
in areas where tribal warfare has
created destruction and poverty.
Team Rector: Canon Gary Cregeen
Tel. 877367
Email: [email protected]
Followed by light refreshments in the Hall
If you would like a loved one to be remembered or know
someone who has been bereaved who could be helped by this
service please contact: Alison Otto by Tuesday 14 October.
All welcome.
This year commemorates 100 years since the outbreak of World War One.
Have you lost relations in this war or in WW II or in Korea or Afghanistan? If
so, have you any photos, newspaper cuttings or memorabilia of them, could
Dorothy Baines (St Aidan’s) have them, please? If possible, we would like to
borrow these in order to make a display to honour these gallant men and
women during the Remembrance weekend in November. These photos
would be copied when received and the originals returned. For more
information contact Dorothy (822731) Thank you!
Team Vicar: Revd Jo. Northey Tel.
Email: [email protected]
THANK YOU! Thank you to all who made last weekend so special. To the
team organising the practical details of the supper and for all those amazing
puddings! A huge thank you to Musical Marks for entertaining us, there
was a wonderful atmosphere and it was brilliant to see the hall so full!
The evening raised over £365 of which £100 has been donated to the
Bishop’s Harvest Appeal and £265 to the ‘Fit For Purpose’ Fund.
Assistant Curate: Revd Matt. Hornby
Tel. 877755
Email: [email protected]
Sunday morning was also very special with the Rainbows and Brownies
taking part at St Aidan’s and another fantastic Messy at St George's in the
afternoon, I hope you have all managed a well earned break this week!
Thank you again for your hard work making such a memorable weekend
celebrating God’s abundant provision for us and our community life on
South Barrow. Jo x