test3 - NammaKpsc
test3 - NammaKpsc
GENERAL STUDIES TEST-3 INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNANCE 1. The core of the commitment to social revolution lies in Part-III and Part-IV of the Indian Constitution. Discuss (200 words) 10 marks 2. Spell out the object and reasons of Part IV-A of the Constitution of India. Do you support this addition to the constitution of India? Give reasons and also suggest some effective measures to make these provisions more realistic and operational. (200 Words) 10 marks 3. ”The 42nd Amendment Act was Practically a revision of the Constitution”. Comment (200 words) 10 marks 4. Article 356 has become one of the most controversial and most criticised provisions of the Constitution. Comment. (200 words) 10 marks 5. Ending the special category status for poorer states by introducing Under development index lacks credibility. Comment. (200 words) 10 marks 6. ‘Judicial Overreach’ is the next stage of ‘Judicial-Activism’ Analyse this statement in the context of India. (200 words) 10 marks 7. Coalition government by its very nature is a weak government. Do you agree? Suggest changes/reforms to make coalition government workable in the Indian Scenario. (200 words) 10 marks 8. ‘The exercise of executive clemency is not a privilege but is based on several principles, and discretion has to be exercised in public considerations.’ Analyse this statements in the context of the recent Supreme court judgement regarding the judicial powers of the President of India. 10 marks 9. “The Panchayati Raj bodies do provide an appropriate forum for effecting welfare of weaker sections, including the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes through decision-making and programme implementation processes at Local level”. Comment. ( 200 words) 10 marks 10. “Appointment to most of the constitutional posts is arbitrary and politically motivated” Suggest measures to make it more transparent. 10 marks 11. In the light of recent Supreme Court judgments directly or indirectly affecting the provisions of Representation of People Act, analyze their impact on Indian polity and on the relationship between Judiciary and the Executive. (200 Words) 10 marks 12. The institution of ‘Lokpal’ in India is likely to confront a different set of problems as compared to the set of problems experienced by the Lokayuktas in the past. Comment 10 marks 13. RTI has led to greater transparency and accountability of administration. Comment. 10 marks 14. Anti-corruption pressure groups have succeeded in creating awareness among the people- critically analyse this statement in the wake of recent developments. 10 marks 15. “US' downgrade of India's safety rating threatens to send aviation sector into a tailspin”. Discuss the functions of DGCA. Why has a Bill to replace the DGCA by a new regulator for the Indian aviation sector, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) being proposed? (200 words) 10 marks 16. Telangana movement is just an old wine in a new bottle. Comment (200 words) 10 marks 17. SHGs are providing avenues of political mobilisation and enabling women to realise their full potential. Examine the implications of the above statement and assess the potential of SHGs for development. (200 words) 10 marks 18. Explain why in spite of poverty alleviation schemes, the number of the poor has not fallen very much. (200 words) 10 marks 19. NREGA a path breaking initiative in Development economics, has brought relief to millions in the country side. Yet critics maintain, the results and impact could have been better and more effective. Elucidate. (200 words) 10 marks 20. Bring out the salient features of Prohibition of Sexual Harassment at the workplace Act 2013. (200 words) 10 marks 21. Prime Minister described malnutrition as a National shame. What are the measures taken up by the government of India to revamp the ICDS scheme. (200 words) 10 marks 22. Citizen’s charters though ambitious and progressive, have failed to capture the imagination of citizens and are more honoured in the breach. Comment upon the utility of citizens charters. Also cite examples of other such measures of accountability and grievance redressal being initiated in India. (200 words) 10 marks 23. “Rise in drug-resistant diseases could trigger a national emergency comparable to a catastrophic terrorist attack, pandemic flu or major coastal flooding”. Do you agree with the statement? What are the steps taken by Indian government to tackle this menace? (200 Words) 10 marks 24. “The rise of Information technology is an opportunity to overcome historical disabilities”. Substantiate the statement in context of NeGP. (200 words) 10 marks 25. Civil services reforms have been long overdue. Suggest steps required to make civil services more accountable, transparent and responsive. 10 marks