Abstract submission guidelines
Abstract submission guidelines
The Scientific Committee of the 22nd Napa Pain Conference invites you to submit abstracts for papers to be presented at the 22nd Annual Napa Pain Conference. Posters should describe original research in the field of pain management in any of the following areas: advances in clinical care, case reports, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, or neuromodulation. General Information Posters will be displayed in the General Session room throughout the entirety of the conference. Authors will be asked to personally attend to their posters during the breaks on Friday and Saturday, August 28-29. You are welcome and encouraged to bring handouts. The Scientific Committee will select the top three winning posters based upon the scientific merit of the research. The top three poster winners will present their posters with a 10 minute oral presentation in the General Session (5 minute presentation and a 5 minute question and answer) on Saturday August 29. First Place 2015 Conference registration fee waived 2016 Scientific Committee poster presentation judge Opportunity to present poster with an oral presentation to the conference General Session Premium Poster Placement throughout 2015 Conference Poster published online at www.NapaPainConference.com Second Place 2015 Conference registration fee waived 2016 Scientific Committee poster presentation judge Opportunity to present poster with an oral presentation to the conference General Session Poster published online at www.NapaPainConference.com Third Place 2015 Conference registration fee waived Opportunity to present poster with an oral presentation to the conference General Session Poster published online at www.NapaPainConference.com For conference details and to register, visit www.NapaPainConference.com Questions? Contact Lori Lee at [email protected] or 707.260.0849 Submission Information Poster presentations are limited to one primary presenter. Presenting authors of accepted abstracts must register to attend the Napa Pain Conference. Submission of an abstract does not automatically register you for the conference. Abstracts submitted or presented to other societies or national meetings can be submitted for consideration List affiliations for all authors, such as universities and other institutions Conflict of Interest/Disclosure: Work submitted for presentation must include an acknowledgment of funding sources of commercial nature and/or consulting or holding of significant equity in a company that could be affected by the results of the study. Even if indicated elsewhere in the abstract, this must appear as the last sentence of the abstract and read "funded by..." and/or "equity in..." if pertinent. If non, state “Nothing to disclose by any author(s)” Do not use abbreviations. Type in sentence case. Do not use all caps. Proofread for typographical, grammar, and syntax errors. There is no limit to the number of abstracts one author may submit for consideration The submitting author verifies upon submission that All Authors have agreed to the submission of the abstract. Commercial Support Abstracts/Posters must avoid commercialism. Presentations that constitute promotion and advertising will not be accepted. If the cost of a presentation has been underwritten to any extent, a clear acknowledgement stating the support and identifying the source should be included in the abstract (the support of [corporation or institution] for this project is gratefully acknowledged.”). Statements made in presentations are the sole responsibility of the author or presenter. Statements should not be viewed as or considered representative of any formal stance or position taken on any subject, issue, or product by the Napa Pain Conference Scientific Committee. Abstract Selection Process Abstracts of superior quality will be selected for presentation. Abstracts will be graded based on quality, scientific merit/importance, and quality of research, design and data analysis and the quality of presentation. The submission of abstracts without data because investigations or analyses are incomplete will be evaluated only on the basis of the information contained in the abstract. Notification of abstract acceptance status will be emailed to the primary author listed on the abstract after July 31, 2015. If you have not received notification by August 7, 2015, please contact the education office via email at [email protected] for additional assistance. Presenters will be required to complete presenter information and disclosure forms. Reviewer scores and comments are confidential and are not available to anyone (including authors) outside of the review process. Publication If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified on or by July 28 and it will be published online by August 14. For conference details and to register, visit www.NapaPainConference.com Questions? Contact Lori Lee at [email protected] or 707.260.0849 From Abstract to Poster Maximum poster size is 42" high x 90" wide Author/presenter should bring their posters with them to the conference. Please do not send posters to the Napa Pain Conference offices or in care of the Napa Pain Conference. Detailed instructions will accompany acceptance notices Conference Registration Poster presenters must register for the conference at www.napapainconference.com and pay the applicable registration fee. First through third place poster presenter winner conference registration fee will be waived. Presenters are responsible for personal expenses (airfare, hotel, etc.). You are encouraged to register and reserve hotel accommodations early to ensure space availability. For conference details and to register, visit www.NapaPainConference.com Questions? Contact Lori Lee at [email protected] or 707.260.0849