The United Word - Bridgeport United Church
The United Word - Bridgeport United Church
The United Word Published by Bridgeport United Church 40 Bridge St. W. Kitchener Ontario September 2008 Calendar Of Events Wednesdays - 9:15 September Sun 21 Mon 22 Wed 24 Thurs 25 Sun 28 October Thurs 2 Sun 5 Thurs 9 Sun 12 Thurs 16 Sun 19 Mon 20 Tues 21 Thurs 23 Sun 26 Sun 26 Thurs 30 November Sun 2 Thurs Sun Wed Thurs Sat Sun Sun Thurs Sun Wed Thurs Sun 6 9 12 13 15 16 16 20 23 26 27 30 Prayer Group - Green Room 10:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00am Rally Sunday followed by BQ at the Sundins Sauerkraut making bee Session Meeting Orchestra Rehearsal Rev. Karl Sievert will be preaching 7:30pm 10:00am 7:30pm 10:00am 7:30pm Senior Choir Practice Worldwide Communion Sunday Orchestra Rehearsal Thanksgiving—Food Drive Senior Choir Practice World Food Day Set-up for Pork Supper Olde Fashioned Pork Supper Orchestra Rehearsal Reformation Sunday Worshiping with Clavary United Senior Choir Practice 7:00pm 5-7:00pm 7:30pm 10:30am 7:00pm 10:00am 130th Anniversary Sunday—Potluck Lunch to follow Service—Karl Sievert is preaching 7:30pm Orchestra Rehearsal 10:00am Remembrance Day Service / Focus on Men 7:00pm Official Board—Parlour 7:30pm Senior Choir Practice 7:00pm Talent Show and Coffee House 10:00am Focus on Women 10:00am Calvary is joining us in Worship 7:30pm Orchestra Rehearsal 10:00am Children’s Sunday 7:00pm Session Meeting 7:30pm Senior Choir Practice 10:00am Advent 1, Communion 1 <Address label here> Altar Flowers Bridgeport United Church i nvi t es congregat ion members to place floral tributes on the altar for Sunday worship. Please call Cheryl Dougherty at 745-0931 if you would like to donate flowers for the altar. Special mention can be made in the bulletin if flowers are placed in memory of a loved one or if you would like to recognize a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. Submissions are welcome to The United Word. If possible, by email to communications@bridgep or electronic media in the communications mailbox. DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: NOVEMBER OFFICIAL BOARD MEETING WED NOV 12 Rev. Heidi’s Word Hello, Friends, September 2008 As a minister I always try to listen very carefully to comments made to me. Sometimes I do not understand fully or make the wrong connection. Then I try to ask clarifying questions, not to gossip about certain events but to take the pulse of the congregation: all the joys and sorrows, celebrations and defeats. The first Sunday back in “our” church, Sept. 7th, I reported on the comments concerning the joint worship services with Olivet and Christ the King. They were certainly diverse. Now, I am concerned about certain misunderstandings that make the rounds among us, but expressed by the lament of one member saying, “When I voted in favour of amalgamation I thought it would mean sharing a minister with another congregation”. This understanding seems to be quite common. Therefore, let us straighten it out: a) A Pastoral Charge may consist of one, two or more congregations sharing staff and other resources. In multiple-point Pastoral Charges the individual congregations have to agree on a cost sharing percentage. Bridgeport United Church congregation is a one-point Pastoral Charge but would have the option to become part of a multiple-point Pastoral Charge. b) To join means that one congregation becomes part of another congregation; one congregation is “absorbed”, so to speak, in the other which does not undergo any change. c) In an amalgamation, two or more congregations give up their identity and building as well as their paid staff and create a new Pastoral Charge with a new name, new constitution and new staff and decide on where and what the common place of worship will be. To illustrate: in 1925 the Methodist Church, the Congregational Church and most of the Presbyterian Church amalgamated, creating a new church with a new name and a new constitution, namely the United Church of Canada. In contrast, in 1968 the Evangelical United Brethren Church joined the United Church of Canada, was absorbed by it and lost its own identity. If you wish more information about amalgamation or simply joining, have a look at the Manual in the minister’s study, or ask for clarification and I will try to respond. Also, if you have any concerns, share them with any committee that can take them to the Official Board or the Congregational Meeting. Any decision has to come to the Official Board and from there to a Congregational Meeting. Be advised that only members can vote on the future of the church. If you are not a member but would like to vote, see me about it. In all the excitement about future action, let us not forget about the here and now. Bridgeport United Church just hosted a very successful Vacation Bible School organized by Heather Sundin and supported by many helpers. On Sept. 6th our Garage Sale was a resounding success. Then, on Sept. 16th 2:00-3:30 pm, we will start the first group of hopefully several other small groups at different times. The groups will study “Jesus 24/7”. It looks good, promising insight, discussion and also some fun. No previous knowledge is required; all previous knowledge is wel2 comed. When I planned to co-host a trip to France, I did not know that I would be serving with you at Bridgeport. I am sorry that I will be out of the country from October 10 – 26 and will pass on further information once it is available. Wishing us all God’s blessings as we will celebrate “130 years Bridgeport United Church”. Shalom, Heidi Rev. Heidi Sievert Jesus 24/7 A Short Course in Faith for the Questing Christian By David Bruce Pastoral Care Please advise Cheryl when you are aware of someone who is in need of a pastoral visit. It has come to light that a number of people have been in hospital or confined to home for as long as 5 days or longer without anyone here at the church being made aware of this. Please assist us, as pastoral care in our congregation is a ministry of us all. Because of the new Privacy Act we need to know which hospital and the room number of the person in the hospital. The Bible Study Group is meeting Tuesdays 2:00—3:30. If you cannot make this time and are interested in participating please see Heidi. We plan to serve communion to friends who are not able to come to church to participate. If you know someone who would like to be served at home, or if you would like to come along and share, please contact; Rosemary Magloughlen, Marj Tondreau or Heidi Sievert. 1878—2008 Hey! We’re 130 Years Old!!!! Let’s Celebrate !!! Anniversary Sunday And Potluck November 2, 2008 The Anniversary Committee has been very busy gathering ideas for our month long celebration. They will be mailing out a invitation and itinerary of the month. They are focusing on the history of the church the first Sunday, One Sunday will focus on the men’s work in the church and the next the woman's work. November 23 is Children’s Sunday and the Month ends with Nov 30 Advent Sunday. They have many events lined up around each Sunday and will be sending out more information at the beginning of October. 3 UNITED WORD In Sympathy... We extend our thoughts and sympathies to families and friends of: John & Marietta Pflug on the death John’s brother Larry and Jean Timm on the death of their friend, Muriel Bowman. Catherine Woolner on the death of her sister, Mildred Martin Roy and Jan Martin on the death of Roy’s sister, Mildred Martin Sue and Keith Schmitt on the death of Sue’s cousin. Births Bob & Rosemary Magloughlen— granddaughter Isabel Summer Maddock. Bob & Rosemary Magloughlen—Grandson Brandon Darcey Dedman Andrea & Kyle Eltherington—son Austin Kyle. Grandson for Kathy & Phil Lublin Birthdays October 3 4 5 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 19 22 24 27 November 2 6 7 16 21 21 22 23 27 30 30 Baptisms... Logan Anthony Cudney son of Jill and Tony Sophia Heidi Pettit Ella Claire Pettit Cohen Michael Pettit—children of Kathy & Peter Pettit Anniversaries October Keith & Sharon Zurbrigg, Fran & Gord Kaster, Tim & Kathy Boettger, Heather & Eric Sundin, Tammy & Iain Rome November Kelly & Dave Irwin, Marj & Ed Tondreau, Ken & Debi Musselman, Bill & Jane Gee, Ted & Cheryl Dougherty, Kristy & Don Mosburger. 4 Pat Strohack Kathy Lublin Dayna Lublin Dorothy Musselman Ruth Kaster Christopher Renon Sarah Doughery Ben Boettger Jonathan Zurbrigg Cory Schwindt John Pflug Aaron Miller Sharon Zurbrigg Clare Pomeroy Eilleen Davidson Natalie Sundin Scott Robertson Eric Ward Marco Dal Bello Kathy Doering Harvey Campbell Danielle Dal Bello Ross Robertson Jean Ward Todd Dougherty Sandy Musselman Cameron & Alyssia Weiler United Church Woman Please start thinking of which committee(s) you might like to serve on starting in the coming year. The Nominating Committee will be starting their search for interested candidates in the coming weeks. For more information on committee functions please see Kathleen Doering, Robyn Doughtery, Bonnie Koehn, Heidi Sievert, or Heather Sundin We need your help at our Olde Fashioned Pork Supper on Tuesday October 21rd. Call Bonnie Koehn 519-886-4349, Barb Quickfall at 519-744-3010 or Cheryl Dougherty at the Church 519-745-0931 if you can help with phoning, cooking, serving, washing dishes, baking, setting tables, announcements, etc. Our first meeting of the Fall was on Sept. 2, 2008. Our numbers were small but those there enjoyed a delicious Pot Luck dinner and our Auction Sale raised just under $100 if my calculations are right. Our treasurer Dorothy Musselman has sent our Summer allotment of $300 to our Church Mission treasurer and she also gave Rev. Heidi a cheque for $350 to cover the cost of two single mattresses. Rev. Heidi had received a request from a Grandmother who needed 2 single mattresses for her Grandchildren to stay living with her. A request was made to the congregation one Sunday with no response and as time was short I contacted UCW members at church and we decided we would cover the cost of the two mattresses. Our Thanksgiving Meeting is in the Parlour on Tuesday October 7, 2008. This Meeting Dorothy and Sandra Musselman are in charge and we invite ladies young and old from the congregation to attend. This year has been a busy one for our Visitation chair Marj Tondreau ,she reported she has sent our 98 cards to members of our congregation. If you did not receive a card from Marj for your special event and you would like to in the future please contact her, our Church secretary Cheryl Dougherty, or Rev. Heidi. Thanks Marj you are doing a wonderful outreach for Bridgeport United. Bonnie Koehn President nd On Sunday June 22 all nine Kitchener United churches congregated at Doon Pioneer Village in Kitchener for a 9:30am morning service and the biggest potluck ever. Hi Folks A big “thank you” for your participation in our first Annual Kitchener United Churches worship, picnic and games gathering. For a first effort it surpassed our expectations. (over 300 people), none-the-less it was a truly great day and well worth the efforts that you all made to participate. Blessings Katharine Edmonstone 5 Come to our 'Olde Fashioned Supper' on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Bridgeport United Church corner of Bridge and Woolwich Streets Bridgeport, Kitchener TREAT YOURSELF TO A HEARTY COUNTRY MEAL Including: Roast Pork, Home-made Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Delicious corn, Rolls & Butter, Relishes, Home-made Pies, Coffee, Tea & Milk BAKE TABLE Tickets Available at the Door Adults - $14.00 Children under 10 - $6.50 6 United Word Thanks to everyone who continued to support our Church financially this Summer. I talked to many members who really missed services at our Church. To date our roof fund has raised close to $11,000 and our treasurer Sue Robertson has reported still receiving money towards it. She was able to pay the total cost of $22,000 without having taken out money from the sale of the manse. In late June after my husband Greg spent a morning scrapping and sanding the windows around the glass doors without making any head way I talked to Sue Robertson to see what I should do. I had requested help in our last newsletter and since I didn't hear from any volunteers Sue suggested I get estimates and have them painted since we had the money to do so. Monday morning I opened up the phone book and started trying to find three estimates. What a job! Most companies were not interested to even giving a quote. Of the three company's that agreed to give a quote only two followed through. One quote was for $l400 and included only one coat of paint. The company I hired Galaxy Painting when I called to get a quote informed me he paints one church a year not charging his wages. and since he had not done one this year he was willing to do it for us. Mikes quote of $850 plus taxes included sanding, calking. priming and 2 coats of paint. What a wonderful job this company did. I feel that God was looking after me that day when I called Mike. The windows look almost new. Thanks Sue for your suggestion, I really appreciated this big job being finished. Mike started the work when Bible School was finished on a Friday and they worked through the weekend to finish it. I was a little miffed when Sunday he called me to say they would be finished scrapping paint from the windows before dark. My apologies to anyone shocked to see the church being painted on a Sunday. Not every religion worships on Sunday and I never thought to tell him not to paint on Sunday. The stewards would also like to thank everyone who took time from there busy schedule to make donations to our Church Garage Sale on Sept. 6, 2008. The bake table and juice table sold over $150 of goodies and Sophia, Ella, Cassie, Patricia and Jessica did a great job. Thanks to Kathy Pettit for organizing the sale and to every one who worked so hard on Friday and Saturday. Some of you are born sales people and we really had a good time working together. Some of us took home more than we brought to sell, but what fun we will have with each others goodies. Three tables were rented out for $75. and a total profit of $814.25 were raised. This money will be divided between Missions and the Local Funds of our church as decided at our last Church Board Meeting. A big thank you to Andrew for the "Big Truck" and Peter who went with him to Value Village to donate our leftover items. Thank you for your help we may have been small in number but we worked well and hard together serving our Church. The Stewards look forward to working together with the congregation at our Pork Supper in October. Contact Barb Quickfall at 5l9 744-3010 to volunteer. We need every one of you. Thanks again! You are Awesome! Bonnie Koehn Chair of Stewards 7 Got a talent you would like to share? One of the 130th BUC Anniversary events in November is an evening of talent. We are looking for singers, dancers, poetry readers, instrumentalists, magicians, jugglers, and more. Please see a member of the orchestra for more information and to become involved. Events Calendar Tuesday September 30 2-4pm Donor Appreciation afternoon at the Camp Slide show, site tours and refreshments provided. Please join us to see how your support has helped Ganadaoweh this year! Sat Oct 25, 7-9 An Evening of Entertainment at Forest Hill United Church in Kitchener A mystery box auction, refreshments $10/ person, $15/ a couple, $25/ family Sat Jan 3, 2009 10-2 Winter Fun Day at Camp $5/ person, $15/family Food included Vacation Bible School Went very well. We used Abingdon’s VBS themed—Beach Party— Surfin’ through the scriptures. We had 21 children, 10 helpers, and 8 leaders and lots of donations of craft supplies, snacks and beach stuff as well marj offered her pool for a weekend cool off. From the feedback we have gotten, everyone had a wonderful time. Youth Group We would like to invite all youth ages 12 and up, to the church after school on Thursdays 4:00pm until 6:00pm. Supper will be provided and we will take part in a number of activities, including spiritual development, games, challenges, and more. Activities and meals will vary based on the interests of the youth. If you have any questions please contact, Lisa 519-744-3010 Cindy 519-886-4349 A special thanks to all contributors to this issue, from your Communications Committee... 8