A Performance Boost for your IBM Notes Client
A Performance Boost for your IBM Notes Client
A Performance Boost for your IBM Notes Client Christoph Adler panagenda 16.11.2015 1 7th Sutol Conference, November 2015 Thanks to our sponsors! 16.11.2015 2 #SUTOL A Performance Boost for your IBM Notes Client SUTOL Technical Conference 2015 @cadler80 #SUTOL panagenda contributes to the best collaboration landscapes all around the world @cadler80 #SUTOL Christoph Adler Technical Account Manager (Senior Consultant) IBM (Lotus) Notes / Domino since 2001 Consulting for projects • Administration • Migration / Consolidation • Client Management • Application Management Since 2012 TAM at panagenda with core competence in • Notes Client Management • ICS Infrastructure Analysis and Optimizations • Cloud onboarding Good to know… • Frequent traveler • Speaks (very) fast • Beer or Wine? Beer! @cadler80 5 #SUTOL Before we start ... I love Notes. 6 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START slow @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START slow If you‘re not on at least 9.0.1 yet 9.0.1 is a significant improvement • Pre-loading the client might also be recommended EOM of IBM Lotus products • http://www-01.ibm.com/software/lotus/support/lifecycle/ 12 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START slow (Continued) ~50% of the entire data volume in the Data directory changes on a DAILY basis in most setups • 5 - 10% in Data\workspace ( up to 300 files) • DISABLE Antivirus scanning for at least *.ns* *.ndk *.xml *.properties in Data Directory. 13 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START slow (Continued) Client crashes/database fixups • especially bad for network based data directories clients Outdated Hardware • You need >1-2 GB memory if you want to use Notes AND something else • Old fixed disks with fragmentation • Fun Exercise: Buy a Solid State Disk and make Notes start off of that ;-) Tons of startup programs/scripts launching during the “boot storm” • if the disk is unable to keep up, it‘s not Notes' fault • Again, see http://bit.ly/ACzO6Z 14 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START slow (Continued) Outdated Data directories • Virtually 100% of all NTFs (Laptops: 90%) can be removed by • Cleaning up old Notes 4+5+6 templates • using ini:SharedDataDirectory= (also with Single User install!) Operating System • Windows 7 boots ~40% faster than XP • Windows 8.1 ~55% faster than XP • ~20% faster than Windows 7, supposedly 15 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START slow - ODS ODS = On Disk Structure • ODS 16 = Notes 2 • ODS 17 = Notes 3 • ODS 20 = Notes 4 (or Templates) • ODS 41 = Notes 5 • ODS 43 = Notes 6 & 7 • ODS 48 = Notes 8 • ODS 51 = Notes 8.5 & 9 • ODS 52 = Notes 9.0.1 The difference between ODS 43 and 52 = up to 80% LESS FILE I/O This helps with ANY client AND server hardware 16 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START slow – ODS (Continued) CAUTION: The ODS is not automatically updated when upgrading clients • Except for names.nsf, bookmark.nsf, and desktop*.dsk/ndk – IF – you upgrade properly (think ini:Setup/TemplateSetup=) • ODS 51 requires Notes >= 8.5 and CREATE_R85_DATABASES=1 in notes.ini for NEW db's • ODS 52 requires Notes >= 9.0.1 and CREATE_R9_DATABASES=1 in notes.ini for NEW db's Good News for Notes > 8.5 • Use NSF_UpdateODS=1 with CREATE_R85/9_DATABASES=1 for a one-time upgrade of most local databases – NOTE: USE WITH EXTREME CARE IF YOUR DATA DIRECTORIES ARE ON A NETWORK DRIVE! – NOTE: End users can't access databases during compact 17 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START slow – ODS (Continued) Impact examples • Startup time of a Notes 8.5.3 client with 3 ODS 20 apps in Notes data = 10 seconds • After ODS upgrade: 2 seconds • Reduced File I/O of your disks/SAN/NAS after ODS 41 to 52 upgrade by 60% • Removing 70% of all old files in Data directories on SAN/NAS = 45% less managed storage (backup) The bad news: There is no way to tell what is “out there” • 3rd party tools or random inspections are highly recommended 18 @cadler80 #SUTOL IBM helps! 19 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START fast Eclipse Framework Performance Improvement • Speeds up starting the IBM Notes client up to 65 % • ONLY usable in virtual environments (e. g. Citrix XenApp, etc.) • ONLY usable with a IBM Notes Roaming Solution 20 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client START fast Example: Configuration of an IBM Notes 9.0.1 FP3 Client 1. With a non-admin user (OS + Notes) run an initial setup of the Notes client. 2. Start the Notes client 3 times then wait for 2-3minutes each 3. Shutdown the Notes client 4. Create the following directory c:\ProgramData\IBM\Notes\Data\Common 5. Copy the workspace directory from %LocalAppData%\IBM\Notes\Data to c:\ProgramData\IBM\Notes\Data\Common 6. Delete the following files/directories out of c:\ProgramData\IBM\Notes\Data\Common\workspace a. UDM b. Logs all but .prov2install c. cache if available d. .metadata\.plugins\com.ibm.collaboration.* e. .metadata\.plugins\com.ibm.rcp.personality.framework f. .metadata\.plugins\com.ibm.rcp.security.auth 7. Change the parameter “jvm.shareclasses.loc=“ in “c:\Program Files x86) \IBM\Notes\framework\rcp\deploy\jvm.properties” a. from “${rcp.data}/.config/org.eclipse.osgi“ b. to “c:/temp/xpdplat” @cadler80 21 #SUTOL LIVE @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client PERFORM slow @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client PERFORM slow ODS of databases (again) Hardware (again) Notes.ini • EXTMGR_ADDINS = (not just) local virus scanners • Disable Notes “plugins“ like virus scanners etc. – they increase Network traffic by up to 200 – 250%! Data directory on the network vs. fixed disk • Disk performance is the #1 bottleneck (think SSD vs. normal HDD ; 7.200rpm vs. 5.400rpm network drive vs. local fixed disk = latency/bandwidth limitation) 24 @cadler80 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client PERFORM slow (Continued) Port settings are included in the notes.ini • Type / Active / Encryption / Compression / Timeout Bad idea • LAN0 / COMx / DisabledPorts should be removed Good idea • Use TCPIP according to the client type PORTS = TCPIP TCPIP = TCP,0,15,0,,12320, Desktops TCPIP = TCP,0,15,0,,45088, Laptops TCPIP = TCP,0,15,0,,12288, Citrix / VDI Riverbed !? Don‘t forget your Servers! @cadler80 25 #SUTOL What makes your Notes Client PERFORM slow (Continued) Install types: Basic vs. Standard • Basic client starts up fast, Standard client, well … not so fast IBM Roaming Users • Try replicating 80MB each time you logon to Notes before use! Connection documents • Pointing to outdated server names or IP addresses • Low priority connection documents, which can cause connectivity failures Location documents • IP addresses for mailserver breaks Policies • Outdated mail and home server information • Outdated mail file path • Outdated Catalog server 26 @cadler80 #SUTOL Performance Tips and Tricks @cadler80 #SUTOL Make Notes faster = 1 Search for the file jvm.properties underneath [LotusNotesProgramDir]\framework\rcp (might be in subdirectory ...\deploy) • Open it in a text editor • First line to look for is: vmarg.Xmx=-Xmx256m • Change it to e.g. vmarg.Xmx=-Xmx1024m (Maximum is ½ of physical memory; do NOT change it to more than 1024m regardless of how much memory you have) Change vmarg.Xms=-Xms48m to ¼ of what you changed Xmx to; e.g. if you changed vmarg.Xmx to -Xmx1024m then use vmarg.Xms=-Xms256m NOT recommended for production / normal end users; for admins & developers only! • But in reality, who else counts ;) 28 @cadler80 #SUTOL Performance Measuring - Client Clocking NOTE: All of this should only be done on “ONE” client – slows down client, creates huge log files! Use the following to see and measure client performance CLIENT_CLOCK=1 CONSOLE_LOG_ENABLED=1 Debug_Outfile=c:\debug.txt Debug_Console=1 DEBUG_TCP_ALL=1 (use only if needed) Fileserver or local disk Performance Debugging is virtually impossible If on >= 8.5 try adding DEBUGGINGWCTENABLED=16386 in Notes 29 @cadler80 #SUTOL Performance Measuring - Client Clocking (Continued) Client_Clock=1 leads to a debug file of the following format: 30 @cadler80 #SUTOL Performance Measuring - Client Clocking (Continued) OpenNTF – NRPC Parser Link: http://www.openntf.org/internal/home.nsf/project.xsp?action=openDocument&name=Notes%20RPC %20Parser Developed by: Jamie Magee, MartinScott Consulting LLC, US Andrew Magerman, Magerman Collaborative Software GmbH, Switzerland 31 @cadler80 #SUTOL Performance Measuring - Client Clocking (Continued) OpenNTF – NRPC Parser 32 @cadler80 #SUTOL Performance Tuning – Understanding cache.ndk We've all been “advised to”/guilty of deleting the cache.ndk in an effort to cure Notes performance problems/symptoms • Some companies even delete cache.ndk on a scheduled basis HOWEVER, let us explain the impact of that on Notes performance ... • Increases traffic between client and server by 4,000% (forty times more traffic, yes) (10,000+% if the data directory is on a network drive) • The more databases end users use, the worse it gets • There is always a root cause – deleting cache.ndk only fixes symptoms (since 2001 I've had to delete my cache.ndk only once(!)) • Let's look at some detailed traffic analysis for just ONE application (the mail file) of ONE user ... 33 @cadler80 #SUTOL Performance Tuning – Understanding cache.ndk (Continued) After deleting cache.ndk Keeping / NOT deleting cache.ndk 100 users = 150 MB vs. 3,7 MB 1000 users = 1.5 GB vs. 37 MB Excluding Fileservers! 34 @cadler80 #SUTOL Summary @cadler80 #SUTOL Summary - A Performance Boost for your IBM Notes Client Update/clean out your ODS, databases and templates and hardware Standardize whenever and however possible • This will save you hugely on support time/cost Keep your users version/fix packs current • Each release brings performance improvements but also resource demands Work around your inability to see clients • Write an inventory agent, login script, get a 3rd party tool Any challenge can be overcome with Knowledge and Tools • All client issues are solvable 36 @cadler80 #SUTOL The end is near ... Spending 45 minutes on Performance Improvements can be compared to a walk on the tip of the iceberg. 37 @cadler80 #SUTOL Thank you ! @cadler80 Headquarter, Austria: panagenda GmbH (Ltd.) Schreyvogelgasse 3/10 AT 1010 Vienna Headquarter, Germany: panagenda GmbH (Ltd.) Lahnstraße 17 DE 64646 Heppenheim Phone: +43 1 89 012 89 Fax: +43 1 89 012 89-15 E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 6252 67 939-00 Fax: +49 6252 67 939-16 E-Mail: [email protected] USA: panagenda Inc. 60 State Street, Suite 700 MA 02109 Boston Germany: panagenda Consulting GmbH (Ltd.) Donnersbergstraße 1 DE 64646 Heppenheim Phone: +1 617 855 5961 Fax: +1 415 449 5940 E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 6252 67 939-86 Fax: +49 6252 67 939-16 E-Mail: [email protected] The Netherlands: Trust Factory B.V. 11th Floor, Koningin Julianplein 10 NL 2595 AA The Hague Phone: +31 70 80 801 96 E-Mail: [email protected] © 2007-2015 panagenda