Level 3 Vault - NAWGJ Louisiana


Level 3 Vault - NAWGJ Louisiana
Level 3 Vault
Jump to Handstand onto a Raised Mat Surface (min. 32”) & Fall to Straight Lying position on the Back
Run & Board Contact First Flight Mat Stack
Support Phase
Post Handstand Phase
^.30 Insuff acceleration
during Run
^.30 Failure to maintain
horizontal run speed
to board
^.30 Excessive forward
lean of the body upon
board contact
Failure to maintain a straight body
^.30 Arch
^.50 Pike
^.30 Legs Bent
^.20 Legs Separated
^.10 Incorrect foot form
^.50 Arms bent
2.00 Completely bent arms w/head
contacting mat
^.30 Incorrect shoulder alignment
(Angle less than 180⁰)
^2.00 Fail show inverted vertical position
from hands to hips
(performs fwd roll action)
^1.00 Contact mat stack w/hands after
.05 - .50 1⁰- 45⁰ Past Vert
.55-1.00 46⁰- 89⁰ past vert
Fail to place hands in prescribed landing
zone (btwn edge of mat and tape line)
.50 both Hands past line
.20 Staggered(1 in/1out)
.10 Ea Additional hand placements
(steps/hops on hands)
3.00 Fail contact mat with both hands
(Frt LO or only 1 hand touch)
Failure to maintain a straight body
^.30 Arch
^.50 Pike
^.30 Legs Bent
^.20 Legs Separated
^.10 Incorrect foot form
^1.00 Fail to finish in straight lying
position on back
.50 Gymnast lands on seat w/90⁰ hip
angle, salutes & steps off mat
.50 gymnast lands on back w/arch and
bent legs, salutes & steps off mat
1.00 Gymnast lands on feet, salutes, &
Steps off mat
If gymnast makes any of the above
execution errors, then lies back to a straight
lying position, NO DEDUCTION for failure to
finish on the mat in a straight lying position
is taken, however execution deductions may
apply for errors while falling to her back
Failure to maintain a straight
body positions:
^.30 Arch
^.50 Pike
^.30 Legs Bent
^.20 Legs Separated
^.10 Incorrect foot form
^.10 Incorrect Head alignment
VOID Gymnast never achieves
vertical & returns to the board
or lands on the mat stack
between board & Hand
Start Value 10.00
General Faults
^.30 Direction
^.30 Dynamics
.50 Assistance of coach (spot) on
2.00 Assistance of coach after gymnast
achieves hand support on mat stack
VOID Gymnast never achieves vertical &
returns to the board or lands on the
mat stack between board & Hand
VOID Incorrect Vault (i.e., squat on)
VOID Assistance of coach from board to
mat stack
No Ded Coach standing between board &
mat stack
No Ded Balk w/o touching board or mat
VOID Touching board or mat stack w/