measurement chart
measurement chart
MEASUREMENT CHART CHAPAL HEIGHT inches WEIGHT pounds or Kg : HEAD perimeter inches : cm x 0.39* = in in x 2.54 = cm A SHOULDER Width E A B F B CHEST C WAIST C D D HIP H G E BODY FRONT F LENGTH from collar to crotch G SLEEVES length (arm bended) H LEG length (from waist to ground) I INSIDE LEG length (from crotch to ground) I Type of COMFORT LARGE or FITTED order form Pl eas ePRI NTandSendt o CHAPALManuf act ur e 23260Cr ocqF r ance chapal @chapal . f r I NF O +33616115660 F AX +33142607462 NAME: S URNAME: Del i ver yadr es s: Z i pcode: Ci t y: Count r y: Mai l : Mobi l ephone: I t em 1: S i z e: Mat er i al : Col or: I t em 2: S i z e: Mat er i al : Col or: I t em 3: S i z e: Mat er i al : Col or: I t em 4: S i z e: Mat er i al : Col or: Pr i ce: Pr i ce: Pr i ce: Pr i ce: T ot al eur os: CARD( VI S A-MAS T ERCARD): ____ ____ ____ ____ EXP:__/__ KEY:___ orbyCHEQUEt o« CHAPAL » Dat e: S i gnat ur e: Del i ver ydel ayabout4weeks Ex changepos s i bl ewi t hi n3weeksi nt hes amepacketandi nper f ectcondi t i on S oci ét édesAnci ensEt sMi chel Boj mal . RC 318489945RM 23T VAF R59318489945 CHAPAL Traditional French manufacture since 1832 specialized in luxury leather garment and bags Chapal offer prestigious items all over the world from vintage car collectors to fashion style lovers A “high end” special order department has been created to respond to customers’ demand very exclusive rare and beautiful objects Perfect combination of arts and crafts, fashion and design the brand presents a collection of a sublime quality CHAPAL Since the creation of its first tannery in 1832, CHAPAL have gone on innovating and developing a succesfull work of leather garment. The company still belongs to the same family for 7 generations. At the end of the 19th century CHAPAL already owned several factories in the world among which one in Brooklyn. In the technical field CHAPAL have perfected exclusive patents such as the most famous plastic coating on sheepskin : used by the US army on bomber jackets ( B3 ) By creating in 1963 an automobile circuit near the factory in the centre of France, CHAPAL proved an authentic passion for prestigious cars and races. The brand has been associated with notorious names and events : Manuel Fangio, Jim Clark, Enzo Ferrari, Henri Pescarolo, Jean Todt ... Mille Miglia , Le Mans 24 hours race … Today the production unit is still based 100% in France, where the company was founded. Tannery, creation and manufacture of ALL the products are done in the factory of the origins. Everyday are tanned and elaborated the most authentic leather, are designed, cut, sewn, assembled, carefully controlled absolutely ALL clothes, bags, shoes, helmets, goggles... in the exquisite luxury tradition. Jean François Bardinon designs his collections following the experience of his family and offers his optimistic personality to any product. CHAPAL collection has been requested by prestigious brands to associate their image to specific objects : Jaguar, Baron Philippe de Rothschild, Bugatti ... Proud of a strong historical heritage CHAPAL ready to wear or “sur mesure” work respond to high demanding customers , lovers of refinement in search for rare objects. PRIVATE SHOWROOM ON DEMAND PARIS [email protected] CONTACT Laurence Luçon + 33 616 11 56 60 PAUL BELMONDO AMBASSADEUR DE CHAPAL