POWDER - North Carolina Newspapers


POWDER - North Carolina Newspapers
liCNT «omaeiioed je s te titj.
A F ia s —The alarm of fire was turned
in last Friday uight about eight o'ulock.
It was soon diwovered that the residenue
of Mrs. Ida Wilkin« on S>,.oond street wim
00 8re and ia an incrodlhly short time n
large urowd had gMtierod .uidbusy handii
were at work tearing away ihu weatlur
boarding from which smoke was seen
issuing. The looatiuu of the fire was in
the west end of the house and was caused S H A D E S A N D D A R K N E S S WE
from a dcfeotivo flue. It wat not long,
L E A V E B E H IN D A N D E N ­
however, before the fire was extinguished
T E R I N T O i U H L IG H T .
and a serious conflagiation averted.
Weldon has no regularly organised fire
We are now on the very ere of great
company, but is composed of the best
fire-fighting mateiial to be found in a prosperity, and Damu Fortune with smil­
weeks’ travel. The damage to the build­ ing face is knocking at our doors. Citi­
ing is fully covered by a policy of insu- zens of Weldon are you fully aroused to
ranoe ia the North Carolina Home, and the importance of being up and having
will Dot exceed (100. Mrs. Wilkins your lamps trimmed and burning? The
desires to return her thanks to the citi­ sun of prosperity, as she casts her first
zens of Weldon, both white and colored, bright rays ov^r Weldoo will point out
for their prompt and noble actions in great riches to you, and you have only to
saving her residence from destruction, put forth your hand to gather in the gol­
the loss of which would bavefallen heav­ den harvest.
L ct us *11 w ork for W eM on.
ily upon her.
t h e
f p t ^ tS H riP EVERY THURSDAY.
One Year (by Mi\H), Postage I’ald f l.6 0 .
8lx M onthi . .
Weekly Dem ocratic jo u rn a l devoted to
the m aterial, educationnl, political and
agricnltnrol Interests of H alifax an d surroundinn connties.
I ^ A d v e r t i s i n g rates reasonable anil
furnished on application.
L kt her boom.
W bldon to the front.
L et oferybody talk for Weldon.
Now is the time to bay town Iota.
I’l'T y a r sh o u ld e r to th e wheel, brother.
A ll sorts of blizzards aie prediotcd for
(hia moDtb.
J ust as soon as th e w eather opens,
buildin;' will commcnce.
W k[.don is u o T ia g along, thank you.
Come and join the procession.
T h e g ro u n d hoj^'s prediction was vin­
dicated by th e prom pt arrival o f th e cold
T his is growing weather. The days
arc growing lunger at an interval of about
18 miDutes per week.
Ca p t . T. N. W h i t e trapped an otter
last week the skin of which measured
over five feet in length.
At least twenty-five new dwellings will
bo crccted in Weldon this spring and
summer. We are getting there and don't
you furget it.
Let the Cltizsns Av/akeTorchlights and Jubilees,Y/ellon’s Golden Future.
S t b w a b d * M e b t i n o .— a meeting of
the stewards of this district was held on
Wednesday of last week in the Methodist
Episcopal Church in this town. Rev. S.
D. Adams presiding.
The meeting was for the purpose of
ascertaining the presiding elders salary
and assessing each charge in the district
according to their ability to pay. There
was an unusually large attendance, owing
to the fact that this distrct has a great
deal of new territory attached, and now
embraces moat of the Murfreesboro dis­
trict which was transferred from the Vir­
ginia CoDference. It is also a fact worthy
of meotloD that every charge from the
new territory was represented, while only
three on this side of the Roanoke sent
delegates. The following clerical uud lay
delegates were present:
Rev. William Grant, Rev. L. J. Hol­
den, Rev. W. L. Gri.ssum, Rev. G. T ,
Simmons, Rev. J . O. Guthrie, Rev. C.
W. Cain, Col. J . W. Wynns, Messrs.
Paul Harrell, Alex Green, ,1. L Jenkins,
Garris, Suiithwick and Captain U. A.
Mr. E. Cl.ABK contemplates building
ahand.^oiuebriuk Kture on the corncr of
T h e S t a t e F a h m s .— A joint com­
Washington Avenue and Third street i.t
mittee from the Senate and House came
an citrly day.
down from Raleigh last Friday and went
Onk of our citizens who purchased a
out to*the State farms, near here. The
lot in Weldon Inst week has been offered
weather was raw and chilly and the rain
an advance of thirty seven dollars and
cuuie down unceasingly upon the heads
fifty cents on his purchase.
of our law-makers, but notwithstanding
M a j o r Emuy refused 81000 cash fur all this, they spent the entire day at the
hiii vacant lot near the express office last fiinus iiivestigiiin^ the lauds and the
Saturday. The Major is a shrewd, far- system of farniiug with convict labor.
seeing' busincB.s man and realizes that The object ot their visit was to inquire
there is a great future for Weldon.
into the advisability of the purchase of
Mt.ss Aouib McGiiKshot and killed more land by the State and the increasing
a wild duuk one day last week with a of the farming lands generally.
The committee connsted of Colonel
doublu-barrel »hot gun. It was a «hot
that many of our young men would have Paul Faison, of Kaleigh; J. B. Holman,
bei'ii elated to have luade. Mis.i .\ggie of Iredell; U. C. Greene, of Wake; 11. A.
Grier, of Mecklenburg; S. A. Earoburdt,
i» a lady of many accomplishments.
of Salisbury; R. 8. Mitchell, of Caswell;
Mr J , R. STAlNiiArK has purchased S. L. Patterson, of Caldwell; S. T. Wilthe mineral Fprings in Northampton fong, of Catawba, and P. A. Davis of
county, at Sj'ring church, together with Franklin. Col. Faison and Major Emry
sisty iktl'S of land. Mr. Joe will have too'i the committee around. Mr. H. J.
the water analized and ezpccts to convert Pope, the manager of the farms, gave
the t>priogs into a popular summer resort. them all the informaiion they desired.
Wo learn that the gentlemen were de­
M r . J . R. S t a i n b a c k has purchased
lighted with the farms and charmed with
of Mr. O. P. Phillips the house and lot
our splendid Roanoke lands and returned
on Third street, known as the Richard­
to Raleigh greatly in favor of the State’s
son place. Mr. Staiuback will in a short
buying up the lauds and increasing the
time erect a nice residence on the same,
capacity of the far'ns.
we learn. Weldon’s future is bright,
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Lucas county,
Frank J . Cheney makes oath that he
L e n t .—Yesterday was Ash-Wednes­
day, the beginning of Lent. The season is tlie senior partner of the fiim of F J.
will, a.s usuii), be marked by special ser­ Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
vices in the Episcopal chu ch here and and that said firm will pay the sum of
will be observed as one of special prayer One Hundred Dollars for each and every
and supplication. Services will be held case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
every Wednesday morning, Friday night the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
and Sunday during the Lenten season,
Sworn to before iiie and subscribed in
and the members of the church are par my firesenei), this Uth day of December
ticularly enjoined to abstain from all A. D 188f{."
Worldly amusements.
] s e a l j-
D i e d .— Alta. M. K. Spencer, late of
Scottsville, Va , died at the resideni-e of
her fion-in law, Mr. R 0 Lassiter, just
Sunday morning, aged about eighty-two
years. Mrs. Spencer has been an invalid
for some time and c^me here ou a visit
to her daughter, Mrs. Lassiter, about a
year ago. She bore up under her afflic­
tions with great Christiao fortitude, and
has now entered into rest. FL r funeral
took place from the Baptist ohurch Mon­
day afternoon and her remains were con­
signed to their fin»l resting place by the
friends of the faniilv.
Buy Dr. Ball's Couith Syrop. It
cures wi^oBt fail. To ba bad at all
dealers for 2Sc.
‘jlleaven’s last best jHft— '«»y ever now
delight,” is not my br«wn stnBe house,
nor my carrtaue and p»ir, ii'ir my 8n«
®ew yacht, now my prettiest (jirl. «.>r my
hiipes<if a geat of a seat ia Dongresa, imt
^es«, but my woo4<rfiil e«T« f.* (wia,
For the past thirty or forty years our
people have been slumbering and, like
Wilkins Mncawber, waiting for some­
thing to turn up. But we must play
Rip Van Winkle no longer. A great
and busy future is before us And the
people catching the spirit of the proces­
sion as it moves forward with quick
strides should prepare to meet it.
sive and influeniial cities in the South
and DOW is the time to commenvH active
preparations for a great oelrfbration.
Who will taki! the initiative step? The
R o a n o k k NKWH, always alive to the
peoples iiiteri^t, and with an eye siugle
to the advancement and development of
Halifax and adjoining countii.s, and
Weldon iu particular, is ready uud willing
to do her part towards a grand and glor b u s celebration in order that we may
open wide our gates that the news may
be heralded abroad that good has oome
out of Weldoo.
Having qualified as A d m in istrato r qMS
Stephen Hedgpetb, deceased, late of
Halifax county, N. 0 . this is to notU y
all persons having claim s agaiuat th e «•>
ta te o f said deceased to exh ib it th em to th»
undersigoed on or before the 1st day oT
March 1893, o t th is notice will be p lead
in bar o f th eir recovery. All persona in ­
debted to said estate will pleaae m ake
m ediate payment. This 3rd d a y o f F e b ­
ruary, 1891.
Admr. o fStepben H edgpetb, dec’d .
P E R S O N A L .
A S agistsr of Friends and A c q u in tanoeiX nThliSootlon.
A b so lu te ly P u r a .
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Mrs. Melissa Long ii visiting friends
Highest of all in leavening strength.—
in Northampton county.
S. Goveriimeiif Report, Aug. 17,
Judge W. A. Daniel, returned home 1889,
from Richmond last Tuesday.
Col. A. J . Burton’s many friends wsre
glad to see him in town this week.
f his indebtedness w ithout exiiausting his
Mr. J . R. Stainback is now one of the ocrop
in an y year. Appl.v to
manipulators of the wires at the Weldon
BURTON & TUAVIS, A ttorneys,
Halifax, N .C .
block office.
Miss M. J . Jordan, of Northampton,
was in town last week on a visit to Mrs.
W. E. Daniel.
The undersigned having th is day q u alitied before th e Superior co u rt o f H nlifaz
There are doubting Thomases in our
day. The citizens expect the town to
boom them, instead of their booming ^he
town. Towns do not build themselves.
If wo wish to see Weldon what nature
intended her to be, and what by a corre­
lation of circumstances she is destined to
be, a great cummeruial centre, a busy,
thrifty, wide-awake, go ahead city, then
we must each and all put our shoulders
to the wheel and help to push her to the
Our railroad facilities are unsurpassed,
and in this respect we are a highly favored
people. The grand old R lanitke fl iws
majestically at our doors. Her' power is
a never failing one and situated a.« we
are at the bead of navigation we have
shipping facilities either by rail or by
water to all parts of the country and we
can successfully compete with any city
North or South.
\OM«Id PnUDts, OaTWth
Mrs. M. M. Burnham, of South Mills,
N. (3., who has been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bas.s,returned to her
home on Saturday accompanied by her
youngest sister Qettio Bass.
Miss Kate Long left last Monday
for Raleigh
to be a bridesmaid
at the marriage of her particular friend,
Miss Meta Capehart, which happy event
'took place at Christ church last Tuesday.
and ZolUcofTer a t Henderson, N. C., is this
day dissolved by m utu a l consent.
Messrs. Day and Ransom will continue
the practice of law a t Weldon, N. C., and
Mr. A. C. /ollieofTei a t Henderson, N. C.
T h a n k in g th e publicfor th eir kindness to
th e firms we ask a continuance of th e sume
fur th e individual m embers. T his F e b ru ­
ary 10th, 1891.
W. H. DAY,
How to make money in Wall street
is what troubles the average New Yorker.
We were troubled however with catarrh
until Old Saul’s Catarrh Cure cured us.
Sold for 2.5e.
Nothing htupefyiog or dangerous, ' no
laudanum or opium; enters into the
eompositinn of that famed remedy. Dr.
Bull’s Baby Syrup. Price 25c
I have for sale
400 - lots-in-the
town of
These lots are
valuable for resi­
dences - and - for
business stands.
Jan. 24^ 890.
Weldon, N.O.
T he undersigned having qualified before
the olerk o f the Superior court as adm inis­
tra to r of the estate o f .John H. Shaw dec’d.
on th e 15th day o f December 1890, hereby
notifie,s all persons holding claims .ngainst jan 29 3m.
.said e.state to present them to him a t bis
office in Weldon, N. C., on or before twelve
m onths from the date of th is notice or the
B elow you have my prie» list for sam e vfill be pleaded in bur thereof.
thi.< wo k, whii'h 1 hope you will peru e
All persons indebted to said estate a re reeiirefiilly :—
ijnpsted to make im m ediate piiyment. This
('iiliijoe.s the vuiy best prints t'a.«t eolurs the 11th day of Febrnnry, 1891.
.') siiid tie per yard, Houie>puii plaids (i |
7, Tie. per yard, Vard wide sheeting Gl,
Adm ’r. of Jo h n H. Shaw, dec’d.
8, l)c. per yard, Wiir.sleds(:ill wool) 10 to
2.*)c per yard, ginghams best prints (i ) and
8c, Solid col. calicoes, 01c per yard. The
very best I sateen («] 11c per yard, pant
goods from 10 to 27c per yard, Hamburg
edgings from 2c up. Ladies hose solid
and fancy colors from 8 to 25c. (Jents’
.} hose from 5c up; gents’ undershirts from
40c to $1 70 per pair; gents’ Sunday
shiits laundred, linoo bosoms .50(!; gents’
Sunday shirts unlaundred, linen bosom
40c; g.?nts’ suspenders 10, 15, and 2.5c;
gents’ drawers best drills re enforced
per pair: gents’ hats from 25e
up; g m 's benutil'ul domes'ie shirts H5i;
gent's shoes Irom I 00 up; a nice line of
handkerch'efs le up; pins 2e a paper;
needles 3 j a paper; note paper 5c a quin ;
■ nvelopes 5c. packagc; ladies’ shoes from
85c up; child’s shoes.from 50c up; agate
buttons large and small size 5o a cardj
towels from 8c a piece up; pocket knives
5c up; the best cream cheese 15c per
pound; tobacco 5c a plug; ciirars all grades
irom 3 for 5e up; spice 20o per pound;
roc herrings lOo dozen; beautiful flour
for and 4c per pound; Armour's best
lard 8c per pound; three 5u boxes bluing
for 5o.
Respectfully submitted to the retail trade,
TIIOS..F. M.^o u i r e ,
Alston's Gin, Warrenton road.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
Hurfaecs of the system. Sond for tesii' A v fu ln i*
C a m p tm H r tk
We sincerely trust that the business
moiiials, free.
j I O w W — o m * . A t d n i g l l i t s . P rtp * g c ts .
population of this town will not sit su
F. J . CHENEY & CO., Props.
Toledo, 0 .
fraught with so much importance'for our
Sold by D ruggists, 75c.
future greatness to come upon us and we
feb 1 2 Im .
make no effort or arrangement to proper
WiLC. it no t be well fo r us to have
ly celebrate it. Every one should arouse
stones p u t a t th e stre e t cr>«sings? I t
and the day the water oomcs sweeping
is very disagreeable to have to wade
down the canal should be a red letter day
th ro u g n th e m ud. I f t h e town is «iot
in the history of Weldoo. VVe should
able to p u t in these stones, will t h e Cutuhave orators invited from a distance and
missioners give to any citicen a p e rm it to
the town should be gayly decorated with
pu t th em ill a t any ■TO'>8ing he m ay d c
C O U G H S h C O L O S FOR 1' > C
flags and hunting. We should have a
sire to fix, sta tin g how th ey ^hall be p u t
in ?
Cit iz e n .
sh o v ld join. Every man, woman, and
(M«« enfy 26 Milt*, t» U
m lH rm n lltl.}
quiekt/ tth»umatism, JftaTo purify
ch ild should appjur upon our streets on
Your Blond
t h a t d a y with glad hearts, and bouyani
Take H uod's Sarsaparilla.
Sprains, Naadacht, Toothaeha, Cut*,
step s to participate in a grand and loyal Domt, Soatdt, S»r»», Baeiaeha, te .
S o l i d and substaatial— the Weldoo jubilee. Weldjn oao be placed along side
ru tm i-tio fn u aa. n* annrfiiHittTii,
I he most prosperous, progressive, aggres­
O T IC E .
Miss Mattie Pierce, of Rocky Mount,
We are reliably informed that within is visiting Miss Mary Pierce. She is al­ county os executor of th e lost will aud tes­
tam en t o f M artha H. Har.riss, deceased,
the next sixty days the water will be ways a welcome visitor.
hereby notifies all persons holding claim s
flowing down the canal and the busy ma­
Miss Irene Shearin, of Briokleyvillo, agiiinst the estate of his testatrix to present
chinery of the great mills at the biisin
them d u ly authenticated to him by th e
spent several days in town last week on a first day o( April 1892.
will be spinning around and Weldon will
visit to Mrs. P. N. Stainback.
J. ,r. W. HARKI3S,
have taken her first step towards the ris
Kxecutor o f Murtlia H. Harriss.
Mr A. S. Allen, who has been up on
ingsuu. The Roanoke Navigation and
Kaleigh, N. C., Feb. II, 1891.
Water Power Company are now develop­ the Eastern Shore of Maryland, for sev­
ing one of the finest water powers in the eral days past, returned home Tuesday.
Miss Laura Powers who has been vis­
South, and in magnitude, as ascertained
T h e co-partnership hrretofore existing
by distinguished hydraulic engineers, the iting friends in Richmond and Peters­
un der the firm names o f Day, Zollicoffer
second in the United States. The com­ burg for the past few weeks, returned
and'Ransom a t AVeldon, N. C., and Day
pany have unlimited means !it their dis­ home last Saturday.
d o n 't b u il d t h e m s e l v e s .
kApaapMssiK InfMaalloa
\ttm et ot Um laws, ihoirtiia Bow to f
Miss Lizzie Stallings, of Henderson,
On improved Tarm lands in sum s o f $300
made a short visit to friends in this place and upwards. ].,oaiis repa.yable in sm all
annual in8t4ilments tbroU){1i a period of 6
last week.
years, th u s enabling tlie iMrrower to pay
posal, and they will leave no stone un­
turned to bring to the attention of manufacturersall over the country, their mag­
nificent water power, and the great ad­
vantages Weldon ofi'ers as a manufac­
turing city. It behooves our business
men to heartily eo opeiato with them and
render all the assistance in their power to
attract and draw people here from a dis­
tance. ].iook at Durham, Winston, Ox­
ford, Ruanoke, and other cities we could
name, neither one of which is possessed
of the natur.il advantages that Weldon
has. Consider the magic growth of
these places within the pa.st few years.
And why this growth, we ask ? Because
they have met every enterprise half way.
They have celebrated with torchlight
processions, banquets, excursions, and
jubilees generally. Shall we celebrate
when the vanal is open lor the wheels of
cummeree, or shall tve fold our anus in
slumber and like the incredulous Israel­
ites, when the wise uieu'<uw Jiisstar iu
the Eaat, ask, can anyihiug good uuuie
out of Nazareth?
I^ O T IC E .
from diseases peculiar to
their sex.
By v irtu e o fa mortjj'age duly executed
and recorded, I will sell a t public auction
antidote for
a t th e railroad depot in Enfield for cash
on th e 13th day of March next all t h a t tract
oflan d lying on both sides of th e road lead­ -M A LA RIA L t BLOOD t POISOK—
ing from Enfield to Lonisbnrg and known
as “ Sycamore Alley” mortgaged to m e by
D. P . andB. F. Moore as will be seen in And a Sure Remedy for restoring tlw
system after having had
book ATS, pag e,'>89.
Enfield, X. a , Fel>. 7, 1891.
S A .L E
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
co u rt of Halifax county rendered on the
31st day of March, 1890, in th e special pro­
ceeding therein pending wherein M. T.
W ood A dm inistrator of M. S. Neville is
plaintitT an dS , E. H am ill e t als are defen­
dan ts, I will on Monday, the 2nd day of
March, 1891, expose to public sale to th e
highest bidder a t th e court house door in
th e town of H alifax, th e following real es­
tate , to-w it;—T h a t tra c t s itu a te iu the
county of Halifax, and accurately described
as follows, beginnining in th e centreoffive
Pines Butts, corner thence w ith a marked
line N. 1J W. 322 pules to a sta k e thence
w ith blazed line E. 89 poles to th e road
leading from Beaver Dam to Enfield, thence
down th e road to Harpers corner and W.
W illey’s thence S. 87 W. 32 P. to a Maple
ou Doe Branch, thence down th e branch
to P ittm a n ’s corner, thence S. 77 W. 51 P.
to the first station adjoining th e ' lauds of
A. J . H arper and others containing 167
acres more or less.
Also th a t tract o f 50 acres mortgaged to
George B. Curtis by M S. H am ill and desigaated in said tru s t as 50 acres on the
sou th end of the Alex Ham ill plac e or tract
bounded on th e so u th by Francis P ittm an
on th e west by E. Love on th e E ast by P .
N . Po rter and others.
TERM S OF SAI j E —One th ird cash, oneth ird in six months, one-third \o twelve
m onths, in terest a t 8 per cent, ou the de­
ferred paym ents, and title retained u n til
all th e purchase money is p;tid. T b is in d
day o f February 1891.
Adm r. o f M. S. N eville, d ec’d.
C H IL L S ^ F E V E R S
and a God-send to the human family i
an antidote for
D R U N K E N N E S S .
It restores vital energy lost by Indig«»>>
tion, Overwork, Worry, Men­
tal strain or other
It is
Great System
Renovator and Blood
Purifier. M h s.Jo k P brson's Bbmedy is unequaled as
a Tonic, Alterative and Blood Purifier.
It will cure Rheumatism, Cancer in its
Early stages. Heart Disease, Erysip­
elas, Chronic Bilious Colic,
Tetter,ETuptions,Skin and
Blood Diseases. I qfalKble in
Syphilitic Troubles if used in oonneolioik
with the wash. Infallible for scrof­
ula. Gives instant. Relief in
Gases of Violent Colio.
I ^ A d u l t dose, w ine glars
full, a n d m ore i f necessairy.
tw o -th irdk
'.'‘, 7
It will cure ulceration of the womb, i t
used with the wash.
It is an Antidote for Poison Caused b;^ ^ g
Poison Oak.
The use of the wash is Bll-important i »
such cases.
For sale by all druggia's.
^ ■
KmKELLS,N. Q. j .
n o v l5.