Community Education Council 7


Community Education Council 7
2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 7
Janice Andrews
DBN: 07X154
Applicant Volunteer on the school's PTA, all other activities of the school as needed. Presented at the students
Background awards assembly with the help of the principal. assisted with the book fair. Attends all principal
breakfasts. Is a member on this years SLT.
Personal My name is janice Andrews, I currently have custody of both my niece and nephew, one is in a public
Statement school and the other in a special needs school. I also have two children of my own who have graduated
from high school. I am interested in being a part of the school system, and making a difference.
Marienella Echevarria
DBN: 07x369
Applicant in the year of 2007/2008 i was pa vice president in PS 220 I also was in the SLT . when PS 369 came to
Background be i was an active parent member in the PA from 2009 to the present i held title I Representative for
school year of 2012/2013 and currently i hold the position of PA president in P.S. 369 and i sit on the
SLT team.
Personal My goal is to see PS 369 through the scholastic year of 2015. This school has come a very long way im
Statement am proud to say i was a part in it's flourishing to strive for a better community based school, were all
parent members have joined to create a tight bond between students, staff and members. It's members,
staff and parents have worked very hard to create an environment that is safe,educational, welcoming
and nourishing. My principal, Ms. Cooke in the two years that she has had the school under her
administration are doing very well and i am proud to have seen this happen. I want to grow further in
being involved in the bonding process by being able to serve on C.E.C to bring cohesiveness to our
Carmen Mercedes Figueroa
DBN: 07X161
Applicant I have been a school volunteer for the past year. I have a child with an IEP an are learning to navigate
Background the system and how to advocate for him as well as other students.
Personal As a parent I am very gratefull to be given the opportunity not only to advocate for my child but for
Statement others as well. I also appreciate the opportunity to learn advocating skils trhu the District Parent
Workshops, Secretary of the Parent Association and an elected member of the School Leardership
Team which I am in a constant learning mode. I wish to be given the opportunity to be part of and
continue to grow.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 7
Leslie Garcia
DBN: 07X030
Applicant For the past couple of years I volunteered and eventually decided to get more involved in the Parent
Background Association Executive Board. For the past 2 years I was elected Vice President first, and I am still in the
process of learning to navigate th Newe York city Department of Education. At this time, I felt
confident enough and was electied PTA President for the year 2015-16. Part of my responsibility as a
parent leader is to fundraise pictures, candy and provide or bring guest for parent workshops such as:
Domestic Violence, Cook Shop on how to eat healthy foods, how to read lables, count calories and
how to prepare healthier foods. I also attend the District 7 Presidents Council monthly meetings where
the superintendent provides a report where I would be able to go back to the PTA monthly meetings
and turn key to the parent community in the school
Personal I would like to join the commitee, to be able to help parents and myself with our communitee with any
Statement help i can provide that our District can offer to our parents and children engage in workshops. and
attend meetings and see what new programs we can bring to our schools and our communitee.
Veronica Gonzalez
DBN: 07X029
IEP: Yes
Applicant I currently, a parent volunteer at my child's school at P.S/M.S 29 and I'm also in the Parents Leaders. I
Background am committed to the children and families in the Melrose community. I feel that i can bring a different
perspective to the Community Education Council.
Personal I myself was a child in the Special education program , but before I was placed to get the help I needed,
Statement I was lost for a very long time. I was unable to read until the age of 14 years old and lost all interest in
school and dropped out by the time I was 16 years old. Now I have two children and am involved in
their school and enjoy working with the school , teachers and the other parents. I have learned a lot
being a parent. I look forward to giving my time and help other understand special education program.
I advocate for my children and make sure they get the help they need because I don't want them to
suffer what I had suffered growing up.I refused to let another child including my own to be forgotten,
lost and being denied the help that they need and deserve. According to Forest Witcraft.. It doesn't
matter what in our bank account or the type of car we can drive . But the world may be a little better
because I was important in the life of a child.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 7
Geneen Pinckney
DBN: 07X154
Applicant On the school's SLT, volunteer on the PTA. Presented to the parents at the Students awards assembly
Background in February. Assist were needed on the PTA. Helps with a new school initiative in the community, were
school parents read aloud to students in the Mitchell houses community room.
Personal My Name is Geneen Pinckney, I am very interested in making a difference for the children in our
Statement community. With the new Reading initiatives I see the need in the community for parental
involvement. I think that the time is right for me to step up to this call. I am a stay at home mom, my
children now are well on the way and I can give more time to being involved in more school related
Danielle Poole
DBN: 07X031
Applicant I have served as PTA President, Vice President, Co President, Secretary and Treasurer, Current
Background Community Education Council Member
Personal I'd like the opportunity to continue to serve my community, my children and the parents. There are
Statement parents that don't fully understand the importance of parent involvement and parent engagement. We
as parents have a voice and need to exercise the right to use it, and make change happen for our
community. We need more parent leaders to take a stand!
Lisa Rivera
DBN: 07X298
IEP: Yes
I am presently the PTA President at PS 359. Previously PTA President at MS 298 and also 168 for
District 75. I also am currently the community volunteer leader for City Harvest going on 10 years. I
also hold a seat on SLT at PS 359 and I am also a Learning Leader.
I consider myself to be an advocate to my community. I have lived in my community for the past 28
years with my four children's of who are special needs. My fellow member and family value my opinion
and trust my judgment. I have worked with many organizations to better my community. I have been
with city harvest for 10 years and a member of Learning Leader since 2013. While in city harvest I have
helped hundreds of family with food situation. As a learning leader I have serviced my child school with
volunteering in classrooms, lunch duty and office management. I am also the PTA President, member
of the SLT, secretary of Title 1 committee and attendances all school safety meeting. As a parent with
children with special need, am very well aware of issue and situations that I can help parents understand
issue which they are not clarify with situation they have been having with their own children that they
don't understand.. I consider myself worthy of this position, just because I have dealt with many issue
that I do understand the rules and protocol when a child has an IEP (Individual Educational Program).
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 7
Cynthia Robinson
DBN: 07X298
Applicant I have been a parent volunteer for over 28 years. I am a mother of 4, three boys and a girl and a grand
Background mother of 3. All of my children have attended NYC Public Schools and i have been part of the PTA
Executive Board. In my years as a volunteer I have had the pleasure of being a PTA President, a Vice
President, and a treasurer. I have also been part of the School Leadership Team and Title I. i have had
the pleasure and the opportunity to experience all levels of Parental involvement and parental
engagement to a full capacity for the benefits of the parents and the students in our public school. In
addition i have become a parent member for the special education population in our schools.
Personal this year as a CEC member i have learned and experience better ways to help our school community as
Statement a whole. As a parent volunteer and advocat for children i feel comfortable and knowledgeble to
continue being a advocate for our children. I would like to continue to be a advocate for our children in
our public schools. if elected i will make sure that Our students receive the emotional and educational
suport that they need. i am looking forward to continuing my support to the educational community at
Magdalena Rodriguez Minaya
DBN: 07x157
Applicant I was a Learning Leader, I participate in the Parents Teacher Conference and I also participate in the
Background workshops with my three children.
Personal I would like to be part of the NYC Education Council because I want to improve and help the
Statement Education System by working with the School Leadership Teams to accomplish any goals that the
school have and also I want the student to have fun in the Learning System because Our Children are
the future.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 7
Lanell Russell
DBN: 07X223
Applicant Throughout my daughter's educational journey I have always been a classroom mom and support to
Background the schools for all student populations. As the years progressed and she has gotten older, I found the
need for my involvement/participation to increase. I advanced to becoming the Parent-Teacher
Association President in her Elementary School. Hand in hand with this position was a seat for me on
the School's Leadership Team. Along with these responsibilities came my participation in the
President's Council. These teams have guided me in attending Community Education Council
meetings. I can honestly say that I went from being an involved parent, to a parent volunteer who is
certified as a "Learning Leader", to becoming a Parent-Teacher Association President, to sitting on the
School's Leadership Teams, to being a member of the President's Council and now wanting a seat on
this Community Education Council because naturally this is the next level of success!
Personal I would love to serve on District 7's Community Education Council because I want to continue my long
Statement lasting service by taking it to another level in the decisions being made about my daughter's education. I
would also like to be a part of the decisions that effect and help to shape the policies/priorities in my
district/community. I would be an effective member of this Council because I have always been an
involved parent volunteer who has been hands-on in leadership and supporting my community's Public
Schools. Participating on this Council would be an important responsibility that I would take seriously.
I am anxious to join and be a team player. Being a member will allow for me to grow in my learning
experiences and to be more of an active part of my community's growth while evolving in change!
Rosilan S Thompson
DBN: 07X001
Applicant PTA, Peer Education, and Learning Leader
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