Community Education Council 24
Community Education Council 24
2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 Candidate Lucy L. Accardo Applicant Background Personal Statement DBN: 28Q686 IEP: Yes ELL No 24Q087 No No 24Q087 No No I have been part of the Parents Association, School Leadership Team, Community Education Council, Chair for the Special Education Committee. I am also a very active member of the community. I help raise awareness on the Special Education Process for parents that cannot find their way. I have 4 children that encompass all of the different student populations. As a mother of four children in the NYC Public Schools and an alumni of only NYC public and CUNY schools from age 5 through Graduate School, I am passionate about the fact that children do receive an excellent education through the NYC Public School education. I do know that it can be overwhelming at first for parents who are not familiar with the NYC Dept Of Education and enjoy advocating for parents who want their voice to be heard, but do not know where to begin. Having been through that experience with my first child, I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed and lost and feel that as a parent, I have limited choices. I am here to teach parents that they have more choices than they know and as a parent advocate, that is my role. To pay it forward and encourage parents that their voice COUNTS. To create positive change for our education system, to contribute to community and our children's future through the Community Education Council. Candidate Carl Robert Chiaramonte DBN: 24Q049 IEP: No ELL No Applicant At present time I a currently serving on the PS/IS 49 (24Q049) School Leadership Team (SLT). I have Background been an active member of the team for the last few years. I have been there serving with 2 different Principals and have worked closely with Distrinct Superintendants, Family Advocates and civic leaders to help maintain the high academic standards of PS/IS 49. We have battled through admissions process hardships and are awaiting anxiously a second extension onto the school that I have personally fought for to help alleviate the overcrowding. I am also presently serving as an active member of the Commuity Education Council for District 24. I have worked closely with the PS/IS 49 administration in helping to lobby and push through an extension onto the current shcool. I have attended multiple joint public hearings, as a council representative, that are mandated before changes are made to the City's schools. Personal I am presently employed by the New York City Police Department as an Operations Supervisor. I Statement oversee 10 plus maintenance locations and am co-responsible for the repairs of over 800 plus city vehicles. I have been with the city for 16 plus years. I am married with 3 beautiful daughters, two of whom are presently in the NYC Public School System, a third to enter in 2 more years. I hold a Bachelors of Science from Manhattan College in Education. I thoroughly enjoy serving on my schools SLT team anfd the Districts CEC team. I feel these opportunities afford us as parents a way to help and nurture all children in the school system and not just our own. As a parent who will be enjoined with the DOE for many years to come I look forward to serving this city with great enthusiasm. Candidate Henry Choi Visit Page 1 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 DBN: 24Q119 IEP: No ELL No Applicant I was formerly the Director of Public Affairs for the Union Square Partnership, a non-profit Business Background Improvement District with the mission of making Union Square a safer, cleaner, more enjoyable public space. While there, I was actively involved with our organization's attempts to improve the conditions for our local High School (Washington Irving). We sought partnerships to increase local participation in our students' lives such as linkages with theater companies and real estate concerns. We successfully created and funded a computer center, after-school center and college counseling for the High Schoolers. Personal I am the father of a wonderful daughter who has started her journey through the NYC Public School Statement system. Both my wife and I are immigrants: she from Ireland, I am from S. Korea. I am also the product of a NYC Public education and wish to give back to the schools that gave me a great start and an essential set of skills to navigate our modern city. I have experience in engaging with a wide range of stakeholders having formerly worked at a community organization (Union Sq Partnership) that coordinated with public and private groups. My time there was often spent improving the students' experiences at the local High School (Washington Irving) through our programs geared at increasing local individual and institutional participation at the school. I am thankful for the opportunity in assisting all of our kids' educational experience. Candidate Iris Coreas DBN: 24Q013 IEP: No ELL No Applicant I have been attending PTA Meetings at my daughter's school since school has started.. When I was in Background College I was the President of the Criminal Justice Club as well as Student Government. In high school I was also involved in Clubs and I would actually get more kids involved into clubs, as well as being more involved in school. Personal My name is Iris and I would love to be involved in leadership at NYC schools. I am a single mother Statement and it would be a great opportunity to be part of this leadership program. I can gain access to see how the school sin NYC works as well as help any other kid be very involved in school and not give up. I also work with the kids in church from ages 4-14 Candidate Carol-Ann Kurdziel DBN: 24Q091 IEP: No ELL No Applicant I am currently a member of the School Leadership Team at P.S. 91 Q. Background Personal The education of the next generation is paramount to the continued success of our city and, ultimately, Statement the nation. I am a product of the New York City public school system and was adamant that my son receive the same education I did. It is not a perfect system, however, and I feel that parent involvement is the key to every child's success. It is for this reason I would like to serve on the Community Education Council in District 24. I am interested in creating a system wherein every parent is continually informed and updated on changes to the curriculum and provided with the tools they may Visit Page 2 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 need to aid their child in their academic endeavors. I look forward to helping in any way I can. Thank you for your consideration. Candidate Stephen Layne DBN: 24q091 24q091 IEP: No Yes ELL No No DBN: 24Q239 IEP: No ELL No Applicant Background Personal Statement Candidate Jane L Lima-Negron Applicant I have been involved in advocacy campaigns for school health programs. Background Personal I am interested in joining the Community Education Council because I would like to contribute in the Statement efforts to maintain a nurturing school environment. Candidate Sheila Theresa Smith Gonzalez DBN: 24Q113 IEP: No ELL No Applicant I am currently a principal in the Catholic school system in Queens. I have four children, two who Background attended Catholic schools and two who now attend Public schools. I am concerned about education in my community. I am active in the Glendale area and I am the parent volunteer coordinator of the Moves and Motions dance team. My experience as an administrator gave me the opportunity to work in a low income community The students were almost all ELL's, many new immigrants to the United States. I understand the challenges that face students whose home language is not English. I also understand the concerns and challenges of parents who are new to the country and understanding the school system. Personal I believe that all children deserve an excellent education in New York City. Our young people are the Statement future of our city and nation. It is a just mission to work to ensure that every child has the opportunity to be their personal best and to benefit from a quality educational environment. Our families deserve a welcoming school community, staffed with dedicated educators and personal who understand the students and community they serve. Working together: educators, parents and students we can create Visit Page 3 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 an excellent educational system. Candidate Maryann G Testa DBN: 24q091 IEP: No ELL No Applicant Background Personal As a parent of a child just entering the public education system of NYC, I would appreciate the Statement opportunity to be involved in the review and evaluation of the education process. I have spent 25 years in the work force analyzing and evaluation data, as well as working with the public. Candidate Igna Margarita Ventura DBN: 24Q013 IEP: No ELL No Applicant Vice President of the PTA at IS 61. Member of the SLT at PS 13. Background Personal As a parent in District 24, I am running to represent my district and to provide our opinions and ideas. Statement Candidate Carol Zhumi DBN: 24Q019 IEP: No ELL No Applicant I am Vice-President of the PA at PS19Q. Last year I volunteered as a parent at PS19Q. I am involved Background in the Parent Committee at Make the Road. Personal This is my second school year in the public school system. I have been an active parent in my children's Statement education since preschool. My first year as a parent in the public school environment I quickly became interested in getting involved in the school as a volunteer with the intention of running for a PA position for the following year. I am now the Vice-President of the PA and intend on running for the executive board next year as well. I strongly believe that as parents, we have to set the example for our children. If we want change, we must be willing to enforce it. Candidate Mirian Lucila Landi DBN: 24Q016 IEP: No ELL Yes Applicant Since my daughter enrolled in kindergarten at PS 16, I have dedicated myself to volunteer in order to Visit Page 4 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 Background achieve the educational well-being of children. I have been the Vice President of the PTA for PS 16, where collections have been made to meet certain needs of students. I also had the opportunity to conduct university-level work in this same educational setting. While I completed my university handson work, I also focused on the needs of disadvantages children. Currently, I am part of the SLT and the Vice President of the PTA at PS 16Q24. Personal Being part of the PTA at PS 16 for more than 5 years has made me feel that I need to do more for the Statement education of my daughters and other students in the district. It is for this reason that I have decided to be a candidate for the Community Education Council. I had the opportunity to volunteer for two consecutive years in and out of the classroom. As Vice President of the PTA, I participated in the collection of funds that were very successful and which served to benefit the students. Additionally, my vocation in education led me to partake in classrooms to conduct my university-level work. Two years ago I earned my Bachelors of Arts degree from Queens College, which allowed me to work with students, helping them with their homework. It is from this perspective that I see the need to help the educational community and, for this reason, if I'm elected, I would work for the betterment of our children in the public schools. Candidate Claudia Mercedes Rueda DBN: 24Q016 IEP: No ELL Yes Applicant I have been the Treasurer of the Parent/Teacher Association for Public School 16 for four years. Up Background until now, I have managed the collected funds with integrity for the benefit of the school's students. Additionally, I have looked for ways to instruct students on topics that currently threaten them like, for example, bullying which affects the integrity of all of the students in the school. The instruction was done with the use of clear, short and substantive presentations. Personal I, Claudia Rueda, declare myself a good candidate for membership in a Community Education Council Statement due to my integrity, commitment and discipline. I see that my community needs the collaboration of dedicated individuals, like myself, in order to find solutions for the betterment of the academic performance of our children. My community lacks many necessities, especially when it comes to education. This is why I consider myself an integral candidate for this committee. 99% of the population of this district is Hispanic. For this reason, we need Latinos on these committees; individuals that know the community's needs. Candidate Kedeshia Constantine DBN: 24Q330 IEP: No ELL No Applicant I've accumulated a minimum of 180 hours of observation in a Junior High School and High School Background classrooms as a college course requirement as I gathered notes and reflect on the experience. Personal Statement Visit Page 5 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 Candidate Frankie Velazquez DBN: 24Q073 IEP: No ELL No 24Q058 No No 24Q058 No No 24Q058 No No 24Q058 No No Applicant Volunteered during Mayor DeBlasio campaign at a call center. I also volunteered for the PTA in PS Background 58. Volunteer as a Coach for a Youth Baseball team. Personal I enjoy helping Children the Leaders of the Future. Statement Candidate Bertha Asitimbay DBN: 24Q019 IEP: No ELL No 24Q019 No No Applicant I'm a volunteer in the leadership group of my child school. Also I participate In Make the road New Background York In the Parents Committee and I'm an English Language Learner. Personal Statement Candidate Barbara Syversen DBN: 24Q153 24Q153 24Q153 24Q153 IEP: No Yes No No ELL No No No No Applicant Background Personal I am a parent of 8 year old twins. I have one in the Talented and Gifted program and one with an IEP. Statement Not only can I relate to parents of children in either of these categories, but I can also relate to the needs of the English Language Learners because I grew up in an non-English speaking household. I believe children benefit most when parents, educators and communities work together. Candidate Glendaliz Castro DBN: 24Q071 IEP: No ELL No 24Q093 Yes No Applicant As a member of the SLT I have analyzed our students academic data for reading and math and provide Visit Page 6 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 Background feedback on curriculium materials that should be used to address the acheivement gaps and strategize the needs of the students with the teachers practice. In addition, I have assisted in the development of our schools high academic expecatations. I was success in this process because I have a clear understanding of the alignment of our various accountability tools. ( Quality review, CCLS, Citywide instructional expectations and the Capacity framework for great schools). Personal Due to my core values and unconditional commitment to education I am confident that I am the best Statement candidate to represent the families we serve in District 24. As a single parent that relocated from Puerto Rico, I understand the challenges our community faces on a daily basis. It is my belief that education is the ONLY key to success. A quality education will assure that our students are able to create viable career options that will allow them to have a positive impact for their family. As a single mother, I was a parent that was employed by two different companies and I did not have the opportunity to be involved in my children's education. Our family time was very limited due to my work schedule, however I created a family support structure to asist me with assuring that my children were able to complete their school assignments and participate in their school activities. As a CEC member, I will assure that not only are our parents voices heard, but their concerns are addressed with actionable feedback and authentic follow up. Candidate Victor Torres DBN: 24Q019 24Q019 IEP: No No ELL No Yes DBN: 24Q128 24Q128 IEP: Yes No ELL No No Applicant Background Personal Statement Candidate Anthony Fratto Applicant Background Personal Hello, I have worked for the past 19 years in school districts in Westchester County. I am a very Statement involved parent with a Special Needs child. I always advocate for her .This position will allow me to broaden my horizons so I can advocate for other children in the district as well. Hopefully I am given the chance with CEC. Candidate Abelardo Mike Liendo DBN: 24Q091 Visit IEP: Yes ELL No Page 7 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 Applicant Background Personal I want to serve on a community education council because I feel that as a parent of two children Statement attending a NYC Public school it will give me an opportunity to repay the efforts of the school system. Being fluent in both english and spanish, I am able to reach out to a community that is underserved and help to give them a voice. Quiero servir en un consejo comunitario de educación porque siento que como padre de dos niños que asisten a una escuela pública de Nueva York me dará la oportunidad de pagar los esfuerzos del sistema escolar. Fluente en inglés y español, soy capaz de llegar a una comunidad que está mal atendido y ayuda para darles una voz. Candidate Jacqueline A. Fiesta DBN: 24Q071 IEP: No ELL No DBN: 24Q091 IEP: Yes ELL No Applicant Background Personal Statement Candidate Arlenis D. Morel Applicant I'm currently serving on the CEC for District 24 - I've been serving as a member of the CEC for the Background past year and half, I also work in a Community Organization that provides advocacy and community organizing in Queens, Brooklyn & Staten Island, the organization is called Make the Road NY. Personal As parents, there is nothing more important than our children, and being involved in a CEC formalizes Statement that commitment and also the responsibility we have to our kids and our community at large. As a mother of two who works full time I know the kind of constraints on our time, but I stay actively involved because I believe that parent engagement and leadership is the way to make the change we want to see. Candidate Sol Verónica Concepción DBN: 24Q007 IEP: Yes ELL No Applicant My name is Sol Concepción I am a former elementary school teacher turned stay-at-home mom with Background two daughters currently attending Pre-K and Second Grade in Elmhurst, Queens. I have taught the 4th grade and K-5th grade Spanish here in the city. I am currently very active in our seven-year-old's school, PS 7 in Elmhurst. I have served in the Parent Association Board since 2012 I'm currently the Visit Page 8 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 Recording Secretary of our PA, member of the Title I committee, and parent member of the SLT at our school. Personal I have decided to run for a seat in the CEC because I strongly believe in the public school system. Statement Being active in our children's schools is part of our family’s commitment to being intrinsically involved in our community and its development and betterment. It's our goal as parents to raise our children to understand what it means to be part of a community. This includes finding common ground with our neighbors to work toward creating a safe, positive, and nurturing environment that leads to a high quality of life for all. I want to know that I am contributing in a positive way to the environment where our children are growing up. I am a firm believer in raising my voice for those who might not be heard and I want to not only teach my children but show them what citizenship and humanity look like in action. Candidate Angelica Maria Salgado DBN: 24Q143 IEP: No ELL No Applicant Exam currently the PTA presidentt of PS143. As the PTA president, I coordinate monthly meetings of Background parents,I conduct outreach and serve to inform and voice concerns of parents directly to the school. I also volunteer in various capacities whether serving in the cafeteria or assisting admistrative personal.Icoordinate fundraising and family activities to promote engagement.For example I recently completed a Learning Leader training to be able to further assist children. I am a parent of 3 children in District 24 and proudly volunteer my time for the betterments of PS143. Personal I would like to serve on the CEC to bring my experience and desire to strengthen education Statement opportunities for all children in District 24.I am Spanish bilingual, a PTA president and parent volunteer, I strongly believe that as parents we can make a difference in our children's academic success. My children are English language learners and I understand the struggle and challenges of many families when participating in their child education.I would be an asset to District 24's CEC. Candidate Miriam Luz Gomez DBN: 24Q068 IEP: No ELL No Applicant I voluntered since kindergarten ,1st.,2cnd.,and third grade with school trips,helping in class,and field Background day events. Personal I strongly feel Common Core highly needs to be taught daily. The common core way. The common Statement core vacabulary is indeed expressive with words in which are not used daily in the school,therefore the child suffers from understanding a sentence which throws the whole story off and leaves child confused. Etc. Candidate Salvatore Carollo DBN: 24Q113 Visit IEP: No ELL No Page 9 of 10 2015 NYC Education Council Elections Candidate Profiles for Community Education Council 24 Applicant Been a past CEC member, also help coaching baseball, softball and basketball for the CYO. Background Personal I believe that the voice of the CEC is needed, in order to support the countless parents and community Statement members who come to CEC meetings looking for help in resolving a school related concern. I also encourage all parents to get involved with their childrens education. Candidate Jennifer Milene Ochoa Applicant Background Personal Statement DBN: 24Q089 IEP: Yes ELL No 24Q089 No No During my collegiate career, I was in the Early Education Program at Queens College and was a student teacher volunteering in the Queens public schools. I have also volunteered at Elmhurst Hospital as an interpreter, food vending in the community sports program of St. Bartholomew's School and, presently, I am a parent volunteer at PS 89 Queens. I feel strongly that parents must take an active role in their children's education. The foundation begins at home and with the united effort of the parents, educators, schools and community, we can provide our children with support, knowledge and opportunities. All students should have the same opportunities no matter differing individual needs or lack of funding. It is our duty to advocate for our children and their future. Visit Page 10 of 10