UCSF May Submit 6 Applications PLEASE FORWARD THIS
UCSF May Submit 6 Applications PLEASE FORWARD THIS ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL APPROPRIATE FACULTY AND RESEARCH ADMINISTRATORS WHAT: The V Foundation for Cancer Research Special Solicitation: Designated Grant Proposals in the Area of Pediatric Brain Cancer Research (http://www.jimmyv.org/) PLEASE NOTE THE INTERNAL DEADLINE IS NOW 10AM. PURPOSE: To support pediatric brain cancer research projects by UCSF faculty engaged in clinical research, with an emphasis on early stage clinical trials. ELIGIBILITY: • Hold a tenure-track faculty position o Non-promotable, adjunct, affiliated, temporary, part-time or acting faculty positions are not eligible • Special attention will be given to research on DIPG and other high-grade gliomas led by faculty affiliated with the Pediatric Brain Center at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, but researchers in other fields whose work is relevant to tackling children’s brain cancers are encouraged to apply • The following is encouraged: o Multi-center clinical trials, particularly if they include tumor sequencing as part of the protocol (at least one clinical trial will be funded.) o Immunotherapy projects related to pediatric brain cancer (at least one immunotherapy project will be funded) o Other innovative projects from other disciplines/departments that are directly relevant to pediatric brain tumors • Be either a US citizen or have legal status to work in the US BUDGET AND PROJECT PERIOD: • Award amount not limited but must reflect the actual project budget o Indirect costs not allowed • Project period: up to 3 years PLEASE NOTE THE INTERNAL DEADLINE IS NOW 10AM. DUE DATES: • Internal: 10am, Friday, May 29, 2015 • Please note PIs may submit directly to the LSP; RMS does not get involved unless and until you are nominated • Sponsor: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 Submit the following in a single PDF file by 10am, May 29, 2015, to: [email protected] 1. Limited Submission Cover Sheet with signatures (form attached to email) 2. Project Summary (2-pg. max., including references) addressing the following: a. Specific aims 1-3 with methods; and b. Research team and role of each 3. NIH Bio-sketch (5-pg. max., including publications) (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/biosketch.doc) 4. One Letter of Support from Department Chair addressing: a. Availability of time, space and resources b. Applicant’s qualifications 5. Budget addressing the following (1-pg. max., this is NOT detailed): a. Total project budget; and b. Project period 6. List of Current and Pending Support Sent by Sarah Nelson on behalf of the Research Development Office (RDO), Limited Submission Program (LSP)
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