St. Patrick Parish


St. Patrick Parish
Diocese of Peoria
726 West Jefferson Street
Ottawa, Illinois 61350
Prayer at a Child's
First Communion
Mass Intentions For The Week
SUNDAY, May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter
8:00am Jerry and Jurgen Dammann by Florence
10:30am Pro Populo
MONDAY, May 4, 2015
7:00am John J. Murry Jr. by Jim and Dolores Murry
TUESDAY, May 5, 2015
7:00am Val Mills by Sally Wright
WEDNESDAY, May 6, 2015
6:00pm Linda Gray by the Einhaus Family
THURSDAY, May 7, 2015
7:00am Tom Wright (4th Anniversary) by the
FRIDAY, May 8, 2015
7:00am Dee Crowley by Michael and Maureen
SATURDAY, May 9, 2015
4:30pm Shawn Paul Pavy by Mom
SUNDAY, May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter
8:00am Pro Populo
10:30am Ruth Ann Dotts by the Roth Family
Lord Jesus Christ, in the Sacrament of
the Eucharist You left us the outstanding
manifestation of your limitless love for us.
Thank You for giving these children the
opportunity to experience this love
in receiving the Sacrament for the first time.
May your Eucharist presence keep them
ever free from sin, fortified in faith,
pervaded by love for God and neighbor,
and fruitful in virtue, that they may
continue to receive You throughout life and
attain final union with You at death. Amen.
Saint John the Baptist,
Forerunner of the Messiah, prepare the way for Jesus in
the hearts of these children.
Saint Tarcisius,
Keep safe the children who are making their
First Communion.
Sunday Contribution
Loose Money
Adoration Chapel
Marquette Academy
Rice Bowl
4th Sunday Needy Collection
Parish Debt
Loans to the Diocese
Last Month’s interest
Envelopes for Debt Reduction and Capital Campaign Pledge
Payments are in your monthly packet. Donations in these
envelopes are used to pay our monthly loan and interest
payment. Please be generous.
Have you considered remembering
St. Patrick Parish in your will?
Spiritual Insight
From Saint Josemaria Escrivá
If you live the “life of childhood,” you should have the sweettooth of a child, a “spiritual sweet-tooth”! Like those “of your
age”, think of the good things your Mother keeps for you.
And do so, many times a day. It’s a matter of a moment:
love…suffering…the holy souls in purgatory…those who are
fighting: the pope, the priests…the faithful… your soul…the
souls of your people…the guardian angels…the sinners…
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, heal me.
Blood of Christ, drench me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
Good Jesus, hear me.
In Your wounds shelter me.
From turning away keep me.
From the evil one protect me.
At the hour of my death call me.
Into Your presence lead me,
to praise You with all Your saints
for ever and ever. Amen.
(7 years indulgence if prayed after receiving Holy
Communion. 300 days indulgence at any other time.)
3 May 2015
Altar Schedule
Saturday, May 9
4:30pm Servers:
Sunday, May 10
8:00am Servers:
10:30am Servers:
ADA Thanks to all who made a pledge to the
Nicholas Bennett, Slaten Swords,
Aislinn Aussem
Russ Gander
Russ Gander, Robert Schramm
Kaitlyn Magoonaugh, Nathan
Barbara Castelli
Patrick and Mary Jean Weihman
Kilea Kleckner, Austin Passwater
Alicja Ratajczak
Mike and Mary Driscoll
Congratulations to our second graders
who are receiving their First Holy Communion at the
10:30am Mass this weekend.
Congratulations to Samuel Steele Barbour and Mary
McDonnell Breslin who were married at St. Patrick Church
on April 25th.
Monday Night Bible Study
6:30pm in the Early Ed Building
Last Week (Apr. 27) - Romans 13
1. Trust that all authority has been appointed by God
2. Martyrs who gave their life under corrupt government
This week (May 4) - Romans 14
1. To live and die for Christ.
2. Each one will give and account before God.
S.E.E.D. Kickoff Event
(Students Evangelizing Every Day)
Reminder: The new St. Patrick’s youth group, S.E.E.D.
(Students Evangelizing Every Day), is holding a Kickoff
Event this Sunday, May 3rd, from 5:00pm to 6:30pm in
the Early Education Building. All 7th through 12th grade
students are welcome and encouraged to come. There
will be several activities planned and dinner will be
Annual Diocesan Appeal. Currently, we have
pledges of $24,434 toward our goal of $42,642. A
gift to the ADA, no matter how great or small can go
a long way. Each pledge of $10 or $20 a month
adds up. A one-time gift is helpful to the cause as
well. To those who have contributed, we are most
grateful. If you have not yet made a gift to the
ADA, we invite you to do so today. There are pledge
cards in the pews. Every dollar raised to make our
goal supports important diocesan services and every
dollar raised over our goal will be kept in the parish.
Mass of Thanksgiving for
2015 First Communicants
On Saturday, June 6, at 4pm Bishop Jenky will celebrate the
annual Mass for the young people of our diocese
who made their First Communion this spring. Mass will be
at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception,
607 N.E. Madison Avenue, Peoria. First Communicants are
invited to wear their Communion dresses, veils, suits, etc.
Due to some other celebrations in the Cathedral earlier that
day, seating for this event will begin at 3:00 p.m. Please do
not plan to arrive any earlier.
Recent Donations to the Parish
In memory of Wayne Aicher
In memory of Tim Riordan
Please remember our benefactors in your prayers
MAHS Cheerleading Try- Outs
Sunday May 3rd at 5pm at MA Elementary Campus Gym
Learn the cheer routine and jumps required. There will be a
short informational meeting this evening.
Try Out: Monday May 4th at 7pm
Doors will open at 6pm Try Outs start promptly at 7pm
For more info contact Brenda Killelea (815)228-1162
*Parent permission slip required at Try-Out
Area Events
Holy Hour of Adoration at Saint Elizabeth OSF
Every Tuesday 5-6pm at the Saint Elizabeth Medical Center
Chapel. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Novena prayers and
Lasagna Dinner on May 9 from 4:30-7pm
Saintly Summer Camp
Save the Dates!! Saintly Summer Camp 2015 will run
Tuesday June 9- Friday June 12; 9am-11:30. Kick off your
summer with us as we learn about the Holy Trinity. This
Camp is for children 4 yrs old to those entering 4th grade.
Register online at (click on
“about us”) or find registration forms in church vestibules.
If you would like to help in any way or have questions, call
or text Julie Lechtenberg (815)343-8524 or Cynthia
Sanderson (815)587-2183.
All Proceeds To benefit the Ottawa Food Pantry
First Congregational United Church of Christ 910 Columbus Street
Adults $9-Kids $5-Eat In or Carry Out or Alley Drive-through
Pick -up
FAY’S BBQ on Wednesday, May 20th at St. Francis of Assisi.
Drive-Thru Dinner from 4:30to 7:00 p.m. in the Church parking
lot. Dinners include chicken, pork chops or combo of the two with
applesauce, baked beans, coleslaw and a roll for $12.00 per dinner.
There will be someone at St. Francis every Mass this weekend
selling tickets or call the rectory 815-434-0969 or Dan Ostby at