Perry Hall Elementary School


Perry Hall Elementary School
Perry Hall Elementary School
Ap r il 20 15
V ol um e 1 , I ss u e 9
D o n n a B e r g i n , P r i n c i p a l : d b e r g i n @b c p s . o r g
J a m i e B a s i g n a n i , As s i s t a n t P r i n c i p a l : jb a s i g n a n i @b c p s . o r g
Greetings from the Administrative Team
Contact Us
Perry Hall Elementary
9021 Belair Rd.
Nottingham, MD 21236
Office: (410) 887-5105
Fax: (410) 887-5106
Connect with Us
April brings not only thoughts of baseball, lacrosse, and flowers in bloom but
special weeks designated to honor people who make a difference in the
lives of our students! Administrative Professionals Day is April 22nd! We
know that our Perry Hall community joins us in thanking Alice Rugemer,
Debbie Bragg, and Carole Webner for the many hours they put in above
and beyond the call of duty in order to meet the needs of our Great
Gators and their families. Most importantly, they care about each of the
children and make our office a welcoming place to be!!
National Volunteer Appreciation Week is the week of April 27. Volunteer
Week was created in 1974 when President Richard Nixon signed an
executive order to establish the week as an annual celebration of
volunteering. The participation of our volunteers in our school programs is
beneficial to both students and staff!! We appreciate all of our volunteers
and look forward to honoring them at the Volunteer Luncheon on Friday
May 1st.
No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the
burden of another. ~Author Unknown
Visit our website: http://
Follow us on Twitter
Donna Bergin, Principal
Jamie Basignani, Assistant Principal
Follow us on Facebook
Perry Hall Elementary PTA
Important Dates
Our Vision
Perry Hall Elementary
School is committed to creating a safe and structured
learning environment
where students, staff,
parents, and community
members work cooperatively to develop 21st
April 3-April 10
Schools closed for Spring Break
April 13
Schools reopen
April 16
Kindergarten Registration
April 23
Grade 2 Field Trip to Herr’s Factory
April 24
Grade 3 Pastries for Parents, 9:05-10:05
April 30
Book Fair Family Night
Next Month:
May 2 — Spring Fling
century life-long learners
and leaders.
Gator Gazette
Page 2
PTA Fundraiser— Mixed Bags Order
Mixed Bags orders will arrive April 13th. Please be on the lookout for your child to bring home
orders that on that day or early that week. For large orders, you will be able to come to the school
and pick them up. Some items were on back order, and they are sending compensation for the
longer wait in your orders. Thank you again to all that have supported Perry Hall Elementary
through this fundraiser!
Square One Art Fundraiser
Your artist recently brought home a packet of art and an order
catalog from the SQUARE 1 Art Company. This fundraiser will
benefit our school in a variety of ways. If you choose to purchase
a keepsake featuring your child’s artwork, a portion of the profit
will be returned to our school. This will get us closer to our goal of
replacing our broken kiln! Orders placed will contribute to
boosting the self-esteem of your child by allowing them to see
their very own artwork printed on personalized keepsakes.
The deadline for orders is April 17th, and they can be placed
over the phone or online. Your generosity does not go
unnoticed, and the stickers are yours to keep.
Thank you for your educational support and sharing your artist
with us!
-Mrs. Battista and Mrs. Morgan, Visual Art Educators
Kindergarten Registration 2015-2016
Perry Hall Elementary School will hold its Kindergarten Registration for the 2015-16 school year on
April 16, 2015. Pre-K registration will be on April 23. Contact Mrs. Bragg at 410-887-5105 for more
information. Please pass this information on to any neighbors who may be attending Pre-K or kindergarten next school year.
Parent University
The goal of this Parent University is to provide centralized access to resources that support parents
in guiding their children to academic success and enhancing personal growth and family
wellness. Below are upcoming Parent University events.
Page 3
Gator Gazette
Counselor’s Corner with Mrs. Cooney
Our children today are growing up using technology before they even enter elementary school.
There are wonderful apps that parents can use to teach children to read and imagine. As they
become more concerned with their social world, our students begin to experiment with social
media apps, and their social world expands quickly. Some of our
students are using sites that are not recommended for use
among elementary-age children. If not carefully monitored, our
students can get into trouble with their friends, become a target
or participate in cyber bullying, or even put themselves in harm’s
way. It has come to our attention that some of our students are
connecting through texting and social media websites such as
Instagram, Snapchat, Kik, Facebook, etc, which can (and has)
posed problems in school.
Recently, we spoke with PHES 5th graders about the importance
of staying safe and controlling their digital footprint when communicating and posting information
online. I urge you to supervise what your children are doing online and review the information at to ensure that they stay safe and are navigating the social media
world in ways that are appropriate for their age and maturity levels.
Character Corner
April’s Value of the Month is Team Spirit. You can use the poem below to help your child
understand and demonstrate this value. Encourage your child to represent this value at
school and he/she could earn a Golden Gator! Previous values that we have
introduced include Hard Work, Enthusiasm, Friendship, Loyalty, Cooperation, SelfControl, Alertness, Action, Determination, Fitness, and Skill. A student can also earn a
Golden Gator by demonstrating one of our previous values. Thank you for your
continued support!
Team Spirit!
“Your team is part of who you are.
But don’t forget, the team’s the star.
You help, support, and then you cheer it.
To find success, show strong team spirit!”
Testing Updates
>Students in grade 5 will participate in the
Science MSA, online, beginning the week of
April 13.
>Students in grades 3-5 will participate in the
PARCC End-of-Year assessments beginning on
May 4 and ending May 15.
>Students in grades K-2 will participate in the
MAP Spring Testing, beginning on May 5 and
ending by June 12.
Reminder: Although students will be allowed to
make up any tests that they miss, it is a more
comfortable testing situation when they are
able to take the test with their classmates. We
ask that you make every effort to have your
child attend school and be on time during
these days.