May 2015 - First United Methodist Church


May 2015 - First United Methodist Church
117 North Central, P. O. Box 579, Pierre, SD 57501-0579
Phone: (605)224-5939
Facsimile: (605)-224-5883
Pastor Daniel Bader, Senior Pastor
Pastor Peggy Stempson, Associate Pastor
Worship: 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. (Sept.—May)
Office Hours: 8:30-5:00 (M-T-Th-F), 8:30-5:30 (Wed)
Pastor Dan’s Pondering
“From the moment I walked in the doors I felt so welcomed, like I belonged and I believe I have found a home!”
As a church we would hope that everyone who would come through our doors would have that kind of
experience. Truth is many people are hungering for an authentic experience of welcome, of hospitality, of feeling
like they are accepted and that they belong. As a church and as a people the gift of hospitality should be our
priority. Throughout scripture we encounter many scriptures that remind us of the importance of hospitality.
“They should show hospitality, love what is good, and be reasonable, ethical, godly
and self-controlled.”
Titus 1:8
Several of our prescriptions of our Missional Church Consultative Initiative revolves around the very idea of
hospitality and how people come to know who we are and then are welcomed when they do come.
In order to express authentic hospitality to Newcomers, we need to be ready to receive them with grace and
love. A prescription team seeking to address this is called the Door to Core deployment team. This team will
help develop and deploy a process for welcoming, follow-up and engaging people into a discipleship life. For
this kind of radical hospitality to take place it takes the entire church to have a heart for all who we meet and
welcome. Within the Door to Core deployment there are several ministry areas that we are wanting to develop
and would like to invite you to be a part of. If you are already serving in an area such as a greeter or usher it is
so appreciated and we encourage you to continue sharing in this ministry. Some of the possible teams include:
Welcome Team: This is the ministry of first contact with people who are our guests. This includes individuals
who are greeters and ushers. (Thank you to the many who already serve!)
Follow up Team: This is the ministry of following up with those who have visited our congregation. This may
involve things like card or note writing, taking a gift of appreciation such as a coffee mug (Mugging Team) to
thank them for worshipping with us.
One to One Connections: This is the ministry of helping connect newcomers and guests to other people within
the church.
One to Ministry Connections: This is the ministry of helping people know how to get connected to the wide
range of ministry possibilities within the church. This team will help develop information resources that highlights
the ministries that people can be a part of.
During the month of May we want to give you the opportunity to consider which area(s) you may feel God
calling you. In June we will be gathering those who have expressed interest to help us begin to develop these
Door to Core ministries which help us welcome all people in the grace and love of Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s Service, Pastor Dan
Loose Change Offering for May
Going to V.B.S.
On Sunday May 15th the loose change offering collected during worship will be used to support this year’s
Vacation Bible School. The theme this year is G-force, God’s love in action. Also please check in with our
Christian Education Staff to find out other ways you may be able to help out.
2015 Miracle Offering
Imagine No More Malaria
You Can Make a Difference!
Over the last couple of years a Miracle offering has been received at the Dakotas Annual Conference.
Through these offerings God is doing great things, including new outreach ministries in the Bakken Oil Fields.
This year Bishop Ough is asking Dakotas United Methodists and our churches to join in the commitment that
United Methodists throughout the world have made to eliminate the threat of Malaria as an epidemic through
support of the Imagine No More Malaria campaign. Bishop Ough is asking that we set a goal of $100,000.
April 25th was World Malaria Day and the United Methodist church contributed $9.6 million to the Global Fund
in order to end preventable deaths from Malaria on the continent of Africa. The United Methodist Church has
pledged $28 million so that those at risk can live Malaria free lives. To date $18.1 million has been raised.
LET’S DO OUR PART in reaching this goal. We would like to encourage everyone to gather their change
during the month of May and bring it to worship on Sunday May 31st. Our goal is to fill two large containers with
your change and then those attending Annual Conference in Fargo will present our change at the service on
June 5th, as an offering from Pierre First United Methodist Church.
Storm Mountain Work Team
We need your help! We are taking a group of people out to Storm Mountain Center to help them prepare for the
upcoming camping season.
John 14:2-3 In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told
you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and
will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.
You have an opportunity to prepare a place for campers to meet Christ! We are taking a team to Storm Mountain
Center, the weekend of May 2, to help clean, paint and otherwise prepare the camp for this summer’s camping
season. The tentative plans are to leave Friday afternoon, work on Saturday, worship Sunday morning and then
head back to Pierre. We will finalize the specific plans once we know who will be coming and can coordinate our
plans to work best for the participants.
Scott Jensen at Storm Mountain says they have some flower boxes to build, siding and firewood boxes to stain,
and the game room floor and walls to paint as well as a variety of other tasks around the camp. There will be
something to do for any skill and comfort level. This work team is open to anyone interested; male or female,
youth or adult. Anyone under the age of 18 who wants to participate would need to be accompanied by an adult,
We will spend Friday and Saturday night in the cabins at Storm Mountain Camp. You need to take bedding,
towels and toiletries for a couple days. The camp kitchen will provide all our meals on Saturday and breakfast
on Sunday morning. Friday night’s dinner is on our own. Storm Mountain will provide most of the tools, just plan
to wear work clothes and gloves.
Please contact Kevin Hipple if you are interested or have any questions.
Kevin Hipple, Cell: 605-222-7572, Email: [email protected]
Peggy’s Pen
When I was eight years-old, I began taking piano lessons. But unfortunately, sitting at the piano by
myself practicing, in addition to the sports and church activities I was involved in just didn’t make it to
the top of my priority list. My poor piano teacher could tell I hadn’t been practicing and tried to engage
me by finding some songs I really wanted to learn how to play, like the theme song from Beauty and
the Beast. I finally began to practice a little more. But eventually I stopped practicing, and stopped
having lessons.
Occasionally I would sit down and tinker on the keys, playing the three songs I knew and occasionally
attempting to learn more.
Unfortunately, as an adolescent and young adult, this was what my faith life had turned into as well.
Something that sat off to the side until I was willing to tinker with it every once in a while, for camps and
substitute teaching for Sunday School. It wasn’t a priority to me.
Our faith is just like learning an instrument (or sport, or hobby); it takes dedication and hard work. It
can’t be something we do half-heartedly, occasionally, when we have time for it. Our discipleship is an
active choice to be followers of Christ, discerning God’s will for our lives, and allowing ourselves to be
filled with the Holy Spirit. It needs to be a priority and takes work.
It is my hope that as we begin to enter into the summer months, you don’t let your faith be something
you tinker or dabble in occasionally. I hope that you will continue to find ways to engage in your faith,
in addition to worship, diving deeper through Bible Studies, personal and corporate prayer and
devotion. Prioritize and practice your faith and discipleship.
Peace and God Bless,
Pastor Peggy Stempson
Upcoming Sermon Series:
On Sunday, April 26, 2015 – Pastor Dan delivered a powerful message of what it means to live a life
filled with authentic love. A love that was given to us in our Savior – Jesus Christ. For Jesus loved
everyone, that means YOU, ME, and EVERYONE; not the elect, elite, or chose, but EVERYONE! We
too are called to love and be willing to sacrifice for our neighbors, not just the friends and family that we
know. But often this is difficult to do. It’s hard to know where to begin. We don’t want to just give love a
lot of lip service –we want to love with our actions and truth.
You are invited to join us beginning Wednesday, April 29 for a new sermon series on the book of James.
We will be walking through the book of James on Wednesday nights for the next 5 weeks – learning
what it means to live our love through action and truth. All are welcome!
Pray For A Day
For the Dominican Republic Mission Trip
We all know the importance of prayer and how it connects us to God and to each other. And many of
you have been asking if there were other ways to support the upcoming medical mission trip to the
Dominican Republic – the answer is YES!
We are looking for volunteers that would be willing to commit to a day (and/or find a group of friends to
commit to a day) and pray for those who are participating in the mission trip, for those whom they will
be meeting and treating, and as we begin to hopefully establish a long-term relationship with our new
friends in the Dominican Republic.
I’m sure some of you are wondering what it means to pray for a day – and here it is: whenever you
remember, offer up a quick prayer. Perhaps in the morning as you’re getting ready, while you’re eating
breakfast, lunch, dinner and before you go to bed.
The dates are May 15-May 25.
If you’re willing and interested to help with this important ministry, please contact Pastor Peggy at
[email protected] or 605-224-5939 (church). Thank you for your dedication and discipleship.
All young adults (18-35 ish) are invited to join a Young Adult. We will be meeting at church
in the Prayer Room from 6:30-8. Together we will share in the Word, fellowship, and
studies. If childcare would help you attend, please just let Pastor Peggy know. If you have
any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Peggy: [email protected] or (605) 223-1222.
WOW Meals
Wednesday, May 13 will be the last of the WOW Meals until the fall. We are thankful for all the teams
that have helped out this past year in preparing, serving, and cleaning-up from the Meal. This is a very
important ministry and truly a labor of love. If you’d be interested in helping next year, either on a team
or creating a team of your own – please let Pastor Peggy know. Thank you again!
Important Safety and Security Information
Over a year ago the Trustees approved the installation of security cameras near main doors of the
church. This decision came after there were some vandalism and theft within the church, along with a
feeling of being unsafe when staff were here by themselves. The security cameras were installed
about 6 months ago and became fully functional in March. The cameras are motion censored and
record, both audio and visual, in approximately 15 second increments. They help staff know who is in
the building and when. Our facility is large with multiple entrances.
In addition to this, we as a staff have also decided that we will be locking both the exterior doors to
the church up earlier, and selected classrooms that are not in use, especially the lower level when
there are no activities scheduled through the main office.
We have done this in an effort to be good stewards of our facility, and for the safety of those who
enter into our building. We appreciate your understanding for these decisions. If you have any
questions or concerns regarding the safety and security of the church, please contact either Pastor
Dan or Pastor Peggy directly. Thank you.
Christian Education Staff would like to express a warm thank you to all those persons who have
stepped up within the educational ministries of our church. With each of your giving hearts
we have become the hands of God spreading His love to so many. You each are a true blessing!
Thank you to all who have served in Adult ministries. We are never too old to continue to learn
of God wishes for each of us, to keep the faith, and to be able to lean on each other for
Thank you to our Senior High Youth leaders: Tim Kirkpatrick, Lisa Maunu, and Mary
Weischedel. You three have done an amazing job, not only in youth group, but taking the time
to help raise funds for the Orlando Youth Gathering and Mission trip coming this June. You
each have a heart of gold and it shows with the time you dedicate to the high school youth of
our church and community. Way to go youth leaders!!!
Thank you to our Explore Sunday School Teachers: Kim Easland, Terry Pfahler, Jenny Jones,
Dee Doll, Kari Heenan, Ann Schwartz, Bonnie Glover, Jenny Harmon, DiAnn Kleinsasser, and
Penny Galinat. These ladies have each spent time in various areas of preschool-jr. kindergarten,
K-6, and adult classes. Your light shines with God’s love each week as you welcome students
with you warmth.
Thank you to the volunteers with Journey Wednesday after School program.
Bus/transportation: Al Christy, Dave Pfahler, Julia Jones, Penny Galinat, Michael Hernandez,
Al Yocum, DiAnn Kleinsasser, and Tim Kirkpatrick. Check-In: Jerre Willis, Dorothy Collet, &
Jenny Harmon. Snack helpers: Bonnie Glover and Pat Gordon. Station helpers: Monica
Ortbahn, Stacey Manucso, Pat Gordon, Shelley Nielson, Jenny Harmon, Tina Baker, Penny
Galinat, & Jackie Driscoll. Youth Helpers: Nolan Ortbahn, Maddie Smith, Bailey Regynski,
Dayza Nelson, Audrey Manunu, & Nathan Bader. Without each of you, such programs could not
be offered to our church members as well as children of our community. We had a 30%
increase from registration 2013 to 2014. Throughout the 2014/15 school year we continued
to have new children join Journey. With the help of our volunteers, we can continue to grow
and spread the good news of God.
Vacation Bible School is coming! Sunday June 7 through Thursday June 11,
• Time: 5:45-8:45PM each evening.
• Meal: 5-5:45PM Each night we will offer a family meal. Children must be accompanied by a
parent or guardian.
• Registration: you may register online at or pick up a
registration form at the church.
• Ages: 3 years old through 6th grade. (This includes students going into 7th grade.) 3 year
olds must be potty trained and be able to be away from parents. Parents of children ages
2-3 (or not potty trained) may attend with their child.
• All children must register. Children need not be members of this church to attend.
We hope to see all of you at “G-Force Vacation Bible School where we will experience
God’’s Love in Action!
How can you help with this ministry?
• Prayers
• Help make and put up decorations.
• Help prepare and serve meals (one or more nights).
• Help with take down at the end of the event.
• Soon table tents will be in the Narthex of needed items.
If you wish you may take one or more and purchase
item(s) listed. Monetary contributions are also
appreciated and helpful.
If you are interested and available to help bring this
ministry to life, please contact Jennifer Kirkpatrick or
Deb, Amy, or Melissa in the Christian Education
Office. You may also email at [email protected]
Thank You and God Bless
United Methodist Women (UMW) News
Elaine Scott, President
Each local organization of United Methodist Women in the Dakotas Conference has a
shepherdess assigned to it. The purpose of the shepherdess is to assist the local organization(s) she
is assigned in any way that she can. The shepherdess makes at least one visit at a local organization
meeting to provide information, get to know the members in the local organization by sharing fellowship
with them, and to answer any questions the local members might have. The shepherdesses are
members of either the Conference or District Mission Teams of United Methodist Women.
Jane Hazen of Murdo is the shepherdess assigned to Pierre First and Southeast Pierre local
organizations of United Methodist Women. Jane will be joining us for our joint meeting with Southeast
Pierre on Tuesday, May 26, 5:15 p.m., at Southeast Pierre Mission United Methodist Church. It
will be a potluck followed by our information and fellowship time.
All United Methodist Women members are encouraged to attend to learn more about
happenings in United Methodist Women and to meet Jane.
If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact Elaine Scott, President, or any
other officer of our local organization.
We hope to see many of you there!
The United Methodist Women will be serving a brunch for graduating seniors and their families on
Sunday, May 10th, between services. Please RSVP to the office to let them know how many will be
Also, seniors, please turn in your senior pic to the office for the senior recognition board. Thank you
and congratulations!
Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger will be the topic of discussion when the Reading Group meets
on Sunday, May 17, at 3 p.m. in the Intergenerational Room.
"That was it. That was all of it. A grace so ordinary there was no reason at all to remember it. Yet I
have never across the forty years since it was spoken forgotten a single word."
New Bremen, Minnesota, 1961. The Twins were playing their debut season, ice-cold root beers were
selling out at the soda counter of Halderson's Drugstore, and Hot Stuff comic books were a mainstay
on every barbershop magazine rack. It was a time of innocence and hope for a country with a new,
young president. But for thirteen-year-old Frank Drum it was a grim summer in which death visited
frequently and assumed many forms. Accident. Nature. Suicide. Murder.
Frank begins the season preoccupied with the concerns of any teenage boy, but when tragedy
unexpectedly strikes his family—which includes his Methodist minister father; his passionate, artistic
mother; Juilliard-bound older sister; and wise-beyond-his-years kid brother—he finds himself thrust into
an adult world full of secrets, lies, adultery, and betrayal, suddenly called upon to demonstrate a
maturity and gumption beyond his years.
Told from Frank's perspective forty years after that fateful summer, Ordinary Grace is a brilliantly
moving account of a boy standing at the door of his young manhood, trying to understand a world that
seems to be falling apart around him. It is an unforgettable novel about discovering the terrible price
of wisdom and the enduring grace of God.” (from the author’s website:
Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion of this book. Readers are always welcome at any meeting
of the Reading Group. The Reading Group normally meets the fourth Sunday of every month. If you
have any questions, please contact Penny Galinat at 224-9586, or at [email protected], or any
other member of the Reading Group.
Greeters and Ushers for the Month
Communion Stewards: There is a need for 4 Communion Stewards on May 3, 2015.
May 3:
8:30 Greeters: Bonnie Glover
11:00 Greeters: Jo Chandler
Eric and Kathy Stasch
Linda Hausvik
8:30 Ushers: June Larson and Lisa Coppess
11:00 Ushers: Milt Oehlerking and Family
Andrea Meyers & Craig Solberg
Chuck and Bonny Schroyer
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 10:
8:30 Greeters: Keith and Arlyce Anderson
11:00 Greeters: Fran Welch
Jeff and Lisa Mammenga
Tad and Carolyn Perry
Marilyn Teske and Nancy Boe
8:30 Ushers: Dennis and Jeanne Unkenholz
11:00 Ushers: Penny Galinat and Carrie Cushing
Ron and Bev Ingle
Don and Vonnie Shields
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 17:
8:30 Greeters: Corwin and Jennifer Jones
11:00 Greeters: Dave and Barb Nincehelser
Don and Vonnie Shields
Monica Bader (downstairs)
8:30 Ushers: Bill and Pat Gordon
11:00 Ushers: Dorothy and Lori Collett
Wayne and Janet Vander Vorste
Charlene Lund and Jim Ackerman
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 24:
8:30 Greeters: John and Ronda Wollman
Marlin and Ardys Roseland
11:00 Greeters: Harry and Mary Simmons
Wilfred and Carmen Peterson
Linda Bonde (downstairs)
8:30 Ushers: Steve and Vicki Likness
11:00 Ushers: Barry and Kathy Heiss
Rex and Darla Newling
Ryan and Tessa Krueger
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 31: (5th Sunday)
8:30 Greeters: Mark and Luella Pope
11:00 Greeters: Lori Collett
Don and Pam Hoepfer
Tom and Barb Sogaard
8:30 Ushers: Steve and Monica Harding
11:00 Ushers: Randy and Alice Wright
Tom and Becky Dravland
(Greeters and Usher Schedules will be sent out soon along with the names of those willing to be
substitutes. If you are not able to greet or usher at your designated time, please notify the office of the
person(s) that will be greeting or ushering for you. Thank you!)
Acolyte Schedule May 2015
May 3
8:30 Kade Reeves
11:00 Jared Anderson
May 10
8:30 Riley Runge
11:00 Gavin Jacobsen
May 17
8:30 Rachael Runge
11:00 Brecken Krueger
May 24
8:30 Cole Rank
11:00 Lavin Price
May 31
8:30 Wyatt Grannes
11:00 Miles Doyle
If you have questions regarding this schedule, please feel free to contact Terry Pfahler at
[email protected]. Thank you!
Open Wide and Say Aaah!
The Medical Mission Team to the Dominican Republic is still collecting toothbrushes
(can be in multipacks) and financial donations for medical supplies to be used during the
May mission.
We also ask that you pray for God's guidance and care for all involved in this mission
work. We don't always understand why God calls us out of our own region to work
elsewhere, but we know He has a plan and we trust Him. We simply can't thank this
congregation enough for the support and love shown time and again for all of our
brothers and sisters.
Thank you!
Julia Jones, Dr. Tom and Peggy Huber, Dr. Cindi Pochop, Kayla Pochop, Kristin Inman,
Mitchell Likness, Brady Jones, Daniel Jacobson, Karen Gerdes, Kathy Coulter, Julie
Meintsma, and Pastor Dan
Anniversary / Birthday update
We would like to list the birthdays and wedding anniversaries of the congregation in the Messenger. In order to
do that, we need your help to update our records. Please complete the information below and return to the office
or you can Email to [email protected], please list each person in the household individually.
Spouse (if applicable)_______________________
Wedding Anniversary date ___________________________________________
Phone Numbers (land line, Mobile) ____________________________________
Email address _____________________________________________________
Name of Children (living at home and under 18)
Do you want your name in the Messenger for your Birthday___________________
Wedding Anniversary__________________________________________________
(If you have already filled this form out, there is no need to fill out another one.
Thank you for your assistance!)
Give your child a chance to play while you come to church to worship and pray!
GREAT child care is available in the church nursery (next to the office) for the
11:00 service on Sunday mornings!! ☺ A teenager and an adult are there to play with
and entertain your child. Please feel free to drop off your baby or young child in
the nursery prior to the service or anytime during church so that you can enjoy your
time there without distraction.
Adults or teens are invited to help others by helping with this service. Please contact Shelley Nielson at
280-3042 (call or text) or [email protected] if you are interested. We especially need more teens who
are willing to help. For you freshman in health, this will satisfy your volunteer requirements. ☺
In Memory of:
Beverly Lahren
Carol J. Barge
Myron & Lois Docken
Shirley Varilek
Jeff & Diane Rausch
James & Jeanne Goodman
Jay & Bev Mickelson
Bonnie Glover
Roger & Suzanne Pries
Veva Johnson
Chuck & Jenelle Busse
Dwight Johnson
*Kathy Stasch’s Father
James & Jeanne Goodman
Dennis & Jeanne Unkenholz
Lynn Weischedel
*Mary Weischedel’s Brother
Jay & Bev Mickelson
Fern Pollman
*Darla Rogers’ Mother
Jay & Bev Mickelson
Wallace “Wally” Bren
Brent & Linda Dykstra
The Mission of the First United Methodist Quilters is to sew and provide baby quilts for infants baptized
and for pastoral outreach.
The quilters were organized in 1996. Linda Bonde, Pam Hoepfer, Ardys Roseland, Lynda Jensen, Lois
Docken and Veva Johnson are the current participating members.
We provide approximately 40 quilts per year at the cost of $25 to $30 for each quilt. We buy the fabric,
which includes the front and back, plus the batting and thread. We supply our own quilting machines
and time.
We truly believe in this mission for our church. We would like to invite anyone who is interested to join
us on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Intergenerational Room.
Should you like to contribute to this very worthy mission, please indicate Quilters on your giving. Thank
As believers, God calls us to use our talents to serve Him and bring others to Christ.
If you are musically gifted, consider joining the worship team on Wednesday nights.
If contemporary music isn’t your thing or you are more of a Sunday church-goer, think
about volunteering for special music. For more information or to volunteer, contact
Kelsey Pritchard at [email protected] or 605.210.1232.
5-1 Dale Anderson 5-1 John Burrows 5-11 Liam Giovanetti 5-16 Joann Barden 5-19 Casey Hight
5-28 Jacob Page 5-31 Jay Mickelson
5-18 Robert (Ben) and Wendy Smith
The Radio Broadcasts for the year 2015 are now available! So far, only a few spaces are spoken for!
If you would like to sponsor a radio broadcast In Memory of someone or In Honor of someone, please
contact the office. The cost to sponsor a radio broadcast is $100. Thank you!
RUMMAGE SALE ITEMS: Boy Scout Troop 27 has a Rummage Sale on May 9,
Saturday, the day before Mother's Day, at First United Methodist Church (FUMC) from
7 am to 1 pm. Donations will be accepted the day before the Sale at FUMC-Trinity
Community Center, and larger items can be accepted earlier if needed by contacting
Joan Schueller (224-0252), Kim VanDenHemel (223-2058), or Rebecca Pope (2808195). This is a great opportunity to support our local Scouts and Scouting in the
Pierre/Fort Pierre area!
Kathleen Slocum
Marketing Chair Troop 27
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MISSIONS TEAM SERVING THE COMMUNITY BANQUET ON THURSDAY, MAY 7TH
The Missions Team will be serving the Community Banquet on Thursday, May 7th.
They need your help with the following:
_____3) Bringing bars and cookies
I/We can help by: (check as many as you want!)
(Please drop off at Southeast Community
_____1) Serving the meal 5:00pm to 6:30pm
_____4) Making a cash donation
_____2) Cleaning up (6:30pm to 7:30pm
(Please designate your gift to The
Phone number(s):________________________________________________________________
Email address:___________________________________________________________________