PPP meeting minutes â 03.03.15
PPP meeting minutes â 03.03.15
Portlethen Parent Partnership Meeting Minutes VENUE: Staff Room, Portlethen Primary School TIME: 6.30pm ATTENDEES: Ian Bruce (Acting Chair), Debbie Mann (Vice Chair), Terri Taylor (Secretary), Leigh McKenzie, Nicola Garrod, Lisa, Main, Claire Nitarangelo, Elaine Hope, Rhona Jarvie (QIM Enhanced Provision), Marion Youngson (Q10: ASN (Enhanced Provision)) and Councillor Alison Evison DATE: 3 March 2015 Teaching staff: Jennifer Garnes, Sandra McKechnie, Morag Weston, Laura Watson, Hannah Polson, Steph Moir and Kirsty Colligan APOLOGIES: 1 Judy Mathieson and Nicola Brownie DUE BY NB Next Meeting Actions carried forward from 3 February 2015 Nicola Brownie spoke about a scheme to reduce parking problems that was used in a school that her sister who was the HT used. It involved a photo being taken and sent to the local police. In turn they issued a parking ticket/fine. Nicola to find out how this was implemented. 2 ACTION Matters arising: Enhanced Provision The meeting was visted by Rhona Jarvis and Marianne Youngson, from Aberdeenshire Council who were in attendance to discuss Enhanced Provision. The background to identification of Enhanced provision was provided detailing the following: Page 1 of 7 An audit was conducted and it was established that there was a need within PPS for Enhanced Provision to support the pupils currently attending the school. Currently, if you are a parent in Aberdeenshire and require support then Support Services is contacted. People are asked where they are going before they could offer support. This practise was found to be unacceptable. There are currently 17 ‘clusters’ across Aberdeenshire, also Portlethen Parent Partnership Meeting Minutes ACTION Page 2 of 7 incorporating 6 political areas. There has been a new 9 area model developed, of which Portlethen, Stonehaven and Laurencekirk are considered one area. This has been developed to try to ensure parental needs are being met in the local school (presumption of mainstreaming), however, if that proves to be difficult there is the option of an enhanced provision centre within the area for both primary and secondary. This is currently housed at Newtonhill. The neighbouring cluster is Stonehaven and they have never had an enhanced provision. Needs have changed within the communities and there is a high level of need in Portlethen area and in PPS. It is proposed that Enhance Provision is relocated to PPS as there is a higher need in PPS than in Newtonhill and other support at Mill of Forest, but with support to all local schools. The ideal situation is for students to be educated in their own area with their family. Transporting students to other locations is no longer deemed as best practise. One of the aims of Enhance Provision is to try to make all schools dyslexia and autism friendly. To make these changes there needed to be a statutory consultation. There were 9 statutory consultations, one of which was in Portlethen and one in Mill of Forest. Following the public consultation there will be a 30 day consultation period, during which there is preparation carried out before the proposals are presented to the Education and Learning Committee who on approval would confirm a timescale. The current proposed date is 28 May for submission to the committee. The summary proposal will provide details on all the schools, how parents were consulted and where documents will be available. There will also be a public consultation event, normally held in the evening, which will be chaired by either the Chair or Vice Chair of the Education and Learning Committee where engagement and views of young people will be captured. There will also be an online survey so submissions can be done online, at the public evening consultation, in writing to Rhona or by email. DUE BY Portlethen Parent Partnership Meeting Minutes ACTION From start to finish the process can be 6 – 9 months as the Authorities need the support of Education Scotland. There will be an inspector appointed to oversee the whole process to ensure the process is being followed and engagement is taking place. At the public consultation there will be a short presentation followed by Q&A. This will be carefully documented. Everything will be collated and then a high level report will be sent to Education Scotland. Education Scotland then have 3 weeks to respond with a reply report. The reply report will then go to the Area Committee which can be commented on and fed back to Education Scotland. Further discussion points included: Why the process has been so long when there are children who require the assistance require it now? The meeting was advised that the process must be followed, but in the meantime there is awareness of the additional support, and there have been physical improvements made to the environment. A key part that has been worked on is the staffing model. As there is to no longer be a unit or a base, it means enhanced levels of expertise, training and support of skilled staff. There will be appropriate levels of staffing. There is a need for flexibility with staff as the model is slightly different in how staff are issued. PPS will have a protected level of staffing and there will be flexible allocation of staffing to the rest of the cluster. A process needs to be followed to have this approved and a consultation must be carried out. There is a need to ensure allocation of staff is fair, equitable and transparent. Phase 1 of the project has been 2014 – 2015 and Phase 2 will be 2015 – 2016. Consultation will commence from the end of August to September, and this will be dependent on the dates the committee meets. It is anticipated there will be a decision by the end of the year and then commencement of implementation. In the meantime, there is an allocation of Support for Learning teachers. If the need is in PPS then the resourcing is at PPS. The difference in recommendation is that the new staffing model has fixed staffing which can’t touch but there will also be additional cluster allocation. Newtonhill will be assessed to ensure they have the adequate Page 3 of 7 DUE BY Portlethen Parent Partnership Meeting Minutes ACTION physical environment and allocation of staffing, however, there maybe an option for some pupils to move, but this will be a parental choice. There will not be a big influx of students. There is an acute awareness of the growing school roll at PPS and work will be in conjunction with PPS and Mill of Forest. There was a query on school spaces available for children without additional needs and the meeting was advised that Enhanced Provision has a wide remit, there isn’t a ‘definition’ of special needs education as this can be short term and capture needs such as bereavement or separation of family. It is much more inclusive. Does the school have an infrastructure? The school will be worked with closely at every stage. If it has to be phased then it will be and this will be assessed nearer the time. Discussion took place on what is needed now in terms of funding for equipment for the room that’s available. Rhona and Marion were advised that there had been rejection of monetary requests. They offered to meet with Mrs Garnes to try and reassess. Requested that parents are included in consultation when individual children are concerned. Discussed identification and assessment. New guidelines were launched in April 2014 so that there is more consistency – addressing dyslexia toolkit. All schools should be dyslexia friendly. You don’t need a label or diagnosis there is now a strategy in place to address. This was introduced last August to the toolkit. The plan is to work within the current staffing in place and it is hoped that there are existing teachers who could develop and be a support that could work across the cluster. Targeting first and foremost support for learning teachers. There are good staffing levels within the existing levels of staffing but are being more specific and precise. If PPS is enhanced provision there will be a number put against it, this will mean there will be a minimum level of staffing which will be protected. So far there has been £875,000 of funding put towards physical adaptations. Any parents with queries can come via PPP and we will Page 4 of 7 DUE BY Portlethen Parent Partnership Meeting Minutes ACTION pass them on. Vice Chair Role Debbie Mann advised that she was finding it difficult to commit the time to the role of Vice Chair and that she would like to resign from the post but wished to still support the PPP. Ian Bruce asked to discuss this with Debbie and that it would be reconvened for discussion at the next meeting. 3 Treasurers Update An update was provided, further details at the next meeting. 5 Headteacher Update Mrs Garnes distributed the new edition of the school Newsletter and highlighted that Donny Macleod, a H.M. Inspectorate Officer, would be at the school on 10 March from 1.15 – 1.45pm to discuss the rezoning. The proposed rezoning impacts the school significantly and parents were encouraged to come along to and share their views on the zoning. Mrs Garnes distributed the new Anti-bullying policy for review. It was noted that Quality Improvement visit produced a lot of positive outcomes. Mrs Garnes wished to thank you everyone who came along and spoke to the team. Reports can be obtained from the school office. Mrs Garnes advised that a cap of 445 pupils has been placed on the school. There are currently 435 children on the role. This has impact that if you are not in zone you will not get to come to the school and if you are in zone there is a possibility your child might not get into the school due to the capping numbers. This has been approved by Area Committee and needs to be further approved by the Education Committee. Discussion took place on how the capping could be in place without Page 5 of 7 DUE BY Portlethen Parent Partnership Meeting Minutes ACTION any consultation and no identification of criteria for attendance at the school, to which there was no answer. It was noted that siblings would be taken into consideration as it would be impractical to have children at two different schools, but that it was not confirmed that places would be offered. What is currently unknown is the amount of parents who wish to move their children to Hillside or Fishermoss schools. Children who have registered with the school before 10 February should be unaffected by the cap. It was noted that the capping paper only takes into account the school buildings, not the huts and that the cap doesn’t include the nursery children. Mrs Garnes said that there is a lot of positivity in the school and that a lot of people had been extremely generous in offering money to assist in the furnishing of the enhanced room. Easyfundraising has now been established and the funds raised will go to PIP. 6 Pupil Council Mrs McKechnie advised that there is huge involvement with the RGU students for the Playground Improvement Project, currently there are 5 working groups. A second meeting has taken place which was very positive and exciting. The fourth and last meeting will be when the 5 designs are presented to the parents, anticipated date of this is 22 April. We will then select the design we will aspire to which will be subject to costing, fundraising and the ground being checked for stability. The Local Authority are being kept fully informed and Councillor Evison has been very supportive. The school is organising a comic relief day. The day will be kept very simple in consideration of parents donating money. Pupils will be able to purchase red noses at £1 and do something funny with their face or dress as they please for £1. Project Update 9 Playground PIP held a focus meeting which was well attended, was very positive Page 6 of 7 DUE BY Portlethen Parent Partnership Meeting Minutes ACTION and people were keen to help out. It was noted that PIP is a standalone project supported by both the PPP and the PSA. Current events organised to raise funds are: Dons Day Out on 4 April Fundraising dance supported by the 5th Avenue Band at the Aberdeen Altens Thistle Hotel on 18 April £1 for PIP Friday Feast cake sale every Friday morning up to the end of March. At the time of completing the minutes the total raised from cake sales was in excess of £400. It is anticipated that PIP will run a Nearly New Sale, date to yet be determined. A meeting has been arranged for 4 March to discuss with Alec Reid from Fishermoss School on who they approached for grants and the methodology in doing so. It was noted that the P7s had raised money to donate to a charity and have decided to half the money with the charity and PIP. AOB It was noted that we have one parent with a child in a wheelchair who has on several occasions been unable to park in the disabled parking bay. Parents were asked to give due consideration to the use of these spaces. It was noted that the school has received a request for the Lethan 10 Arms that parents do not use their car park when dropping off and collecting children. The car park is a private car park and is for the sole use of patrons using the establishment. Parents are asked to respect this request and refrain from using the car park. The meeting concluded at 8.10pm, the next meeting will take place at 6.30pm in the staff room on 29 April 2015 (now amended to Thursday 30 April) – all are welcome. Page 7 of 7 DUE BY