Sunday Communique - Providence Presbyterian Church


Sunday Communique - Providence Presbyterian Church
A WARM welcome to our visitors today. We are happy to have you join
us for worship. Please take a moment to sign a visitor card, located on the
back of the pews. Thank you for visiting Providence and please join us again!
For more information check us out at
Congregational Meeting today,
May 31 at 10:00 am
A Congregational meeting is scheduled for 10:00
am today, May 31st, to hear the recommendation
from the Session to form a second Associate
Pastor Nominating Committee. We will meet in
the sanctuary immediately following the first
service at 10:00 am.
Adult Sunday School
Covenant Class - FH: Reading and discussing Amazing
Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith by Kathleen Norris
Discipleship Class - FH: This class concludes the
Animate: Bible series today.
Explorers Class - AMC Room #403
Faith Foundations & Pathfinders -AMC Room #402
Reading and discussing The Confession of St. Augustine
through May.
Providence Class - AMC Room #407
Will resume The Prodigal Son Returns Series in the fall.
No class today.
Thank you very much...
Thanks so much for the “youth leader retirement
recognition time” for Dan and me at the close of Youth
Sunday. We haven’t been so surprised since the doctor
told us we were having triplets eighteen years ago. The
wonderfully kind words from Dale Mace, Heather
Preston, Amy Pighin and our four young adult children
still have us floating on a cloud of shock and disbelief.
And we have it on videotape, too. We are so blessed to
be part of Providence and have been given so much
more than we could ever give. It’s almost like wedding
vows when we say, you’ve been there for us in sickness
and in health, and you’ve loved and cherished us, our
children and our extended families. Finally, thanks that
we would have expressed on Sunday if we hadn’t been
so shocked in the moment, goes to all the fabulous
youth leaders who have nurtured our children in the past
and the present. Providence is blessed to have leaders
like Nell Kilpatrick, Bethany Richards, Jim Scarlett, Lynette
Sisson, and Dale Mace to keep the youth program not
just functioning but vital and growing during a time of
transition between youth directors. Special thanks goes
to Dale and Lynette for working so many extra hours to
make certain everything runs smoothly.
Sincerely, Lisa and Dan Kunkleman
We have been holding a spot on our youth mission and
conference trips for a new youth director. Right now, it
seems that our adult volunteer advisors will be going
on these trips. We will continue to pray for our search
committee to find a director in the months ahead. We
have 35 youth committed to our summer trips and each
trip requires an adequate number of adults. WE NEED
June 20-28: Our high school group will be going to
Louisville, Kentucky. Dale Mace and Nell Kilpatrick are
the youth advisors on this trip. We need two more
adults for this trip who are over 25 years old.
July 12-18: We need a house parent to plan, shop
and cook with our youth during High School Montreat.
Lynette Sisson and Jim Scarlett will be on this trip as
youth advisors. The house parent will have a bracelet to
attend key notes and all evening activities.
July 22-26: Middle School Montreat is in Maryville,
Tennessee. The group will be housed and fed in a
college dormitory. Elizabeth Gill and Heather Preston
are committed to this trip but two more adults are
needed who are over 25 years old.
August 2-7: We need one adult male to stay at
Myers Park Presbyterian Church with our Middle
School mission group. Lynette Sisson and Nell Kilpatrick
are both willing to go on this trip but a male adult is
required by the Cross Missions program in order to
bring our male youth.
All registration fees, housing costs and meals will be
paid for the adults who accompany our youth. The only
expense may be snacks or a meal during the drive to or
from the mission/conference site. These trips are
life-changing experiences for our youth and our adult
chaperones. Please call Dale Mace if you can help.
Sunday, May 31
9:00 am & 11:15 am Worship
10:00 am Congregational Meeting, Sanc.
10:15 am Sunday School for all ages
10:30 am Confirmands Examined, FH
11:15 am Senior Recognition
Receive Confirmands
12:15 am Senior Reception
12:30 pm Worship Committee
5:45 pm Youth Group
7:00 pm Community Choir, Sanctuary
Monday, June 1
11:30 am
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Lunch with John, Office Conf.
Steph. Min. Peer S & S
TGIM, Tom Moore’s
PPC Children, Youth & Family Ministries
Children's Sunday School
3s and 4s
TK/K and 1st grade
2nd & 3rd grade
CLC room #13 (downstairs)
CLC room #7 (downstairs)
CLC room #212 (upstairs)
VBS 2015
We NEED adult and youth
volunteers! Questions? Call
Joanna Purgason at
704-258-8847 or email
[email protected].
Please go to and sign up!
Tuesday, June 2
9:30 am Sisters at LePeep
10:00 am Prayer Group
(AA) Women’s Serenity
5:30 pm AA
Wednesday, June 3
12:30 pm Green Team
5:30 pm AA
7:00 pm 250th Anniversary, Off. Conf.
Outreach, AMC #402
Thursday, June 4
10:00 am (AA) Women’s Serenity
4:30 pm Yoga, CLC HS Room
Friday, June 5
5:30 pm AA
Saturday, June 6
5:30 pm AA, Al-Anon
Sunday, June 7
SS Teacher Recognition
9:00 am & 11:15 am Worship
10:15 am Session Examines Officers
11:15 am Officer Ordination & Install.
7:00 pm Community Choir, Sanctuary
Recycling at Providence
Please consider signing up to remove our recyclables. All the
information you need is included on the sign up genius. Thank you in
advance for helping with this earth friendly, church friendly service. Go
to the following link:
All PPC sign ups are accessible by going to
The Gleaning Garden
We have: tomatoes, peppers, corn, squash & radishes...AND, they
need a good watering & weeding every now and again. We
have a schedule set up for Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday (could
do Saturday instead of Sunday) and we need YOU to sign up to
water, weed, etc. Please go to
to sign up and begin gardening!
A note of gratitude to the congregation of the
Providence Presbyterian Church:
During the past year of challenges from treatments, hospitalizations and the final four months as a resident at
Asbury Care Center I found much for which to be thankful. High on that list is the support of the Providence
Presbyterian family. Over and over my spirits were lifted because of the notes, cards, phone calls and visits from
so many of the members of our church! Elna joins me in thanking each of you. I am now at home and have wheels;
a wheelchair, that is. My therapies continue and my goal is to be able to use a walker and then to be “walker-free!”
I am blessed with a great family, church family and God’s Holy Spirit.
Thank you! Jim
Stephen Ministry is a caring ministry by trained lay people. Stephen ministers are not counselors or
therapists; instead, they are caring Christian friends who can offer a listening ear to help others
through the tough times. Stephen ministers are trained & supervised in their ministry. If you are going
through a tough time and could use a caring friend, contact Jane Bauer at [email protected].
Please keep the following in your prayers: Lynette Sisson, Mike Padgett, Jane Lee, Mary Morris, Lynn & Bob
Heffner, Roy Coker, Dave Preston, AP Nominating Committee, Youth Director Search Committee. We extend our
deepest Christian sympathy to Kathy Roberts upon the death of her father, Juele Owens, on May 26.